Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, April 02, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    - . ,Ai
J5 Cte a Month by IVJall
prepaid In Advanoa
No Papers sent whn
Time Is Out.
JjW.OO n Year.
The Journal 1ta a Larger Clr
dilation In Salem uud Uarlou
County thnii hiij- Snlein newaim
itir. Bee our Hat. IlOFKIl DUOS
VOL. 7.
NO. 75.
Aiiopv ShftPv JvhnpQl
uBIUvui UlllUOi USiUCu'
::-:: AND ::-::
Fishing Tackle! w
New line just received. 20 gross of celebrabted
Just received direct from England. Cane poles 6o eacb.
new line of Baby Carriages at very low prices. No trouble
:-: DO YOU
The importance of saving a few dollars when you can ? Very
well, Ave can save them for you in the purchase of
A Bedroom SuitrLounge
Or in fact Furniture
A. Buren & Son.,
Call and see them.
Fruits !
. KUblNMLIN, Suits Made to Order.
$16 SP RING SUITS made to order. Also Cleaning, Dye
ing and Repairing.
Have the largest and most complete assortment ot
On the North Pacific Coast.
145 different varieties of Apples, 1G7 of Roses and other stock
in proportion. Send for Catalogue.
o 6
J, H. Settlemier & Son,
woodburn, Oregon.
to show
& Salisbury.
FEEL :-:
of any description.
300 Coneraal St.
is the time to look after your
Nearly everything needs
spraying now. vv e nave cneap, ei
fective spray pumps for nil uses.
103 State street
225 Acres; 3,000,000
Trees; 1,000,000 Plants
have -
How Voorhees Opens
His Tariff Speech.
Reduced Taxes and Increased
Revenues Will Result.
And Also Unties on Manufactured
Washington, D. C, April 2. In
the pending debate on tbo Wilson bill
as amended by tbe senate finance com
mittee Voorhees said the great abuses
are never totally eradicated except by
resolution, or by bloodshed. Practical
reform is of a reasoning and progress
ive spirit. By the provisions of tbe
pending bill the paradox of a reduction
of taxes and increase of public revenues
will be reconciled when it becomes a
law. It reduces tarifl taxes seventy-six
million dollars per annum. The bill
provides for full and ample revenue,
largely in excess of the present supplies
with which to meet all requirements of
public credit. Such n consumation as
this may well attone for imperfections
and shortcomings alleged against the
pending measure. Voorhees defended
the ad valorem system as fairer,
houester and more easily understood
than specific duties. On the subject of
tbe sugar schedule, hesald: "Absolute
free trude in sugar is an attractive
thing, but no such thing bos ever
existed since the oaganjzatlon of tbe
movement. A moderate duty has
always been imposed on sugar, and it
has been a staunch revenue support of
the government."
One of the wisest, safest, most useful
and necessary provisions In the pend
ing bill, is that of increasing the tax on
distilled spirits and granting an exten
sion of bonded time. Voorhees upheld
the income tax feature. Referring
to the wool schedule, be said: "If I be
lieved wool on the free list would hurt
farmers I would not vote for tbe bill.
It Is a matter of actual demonstration,
that free wool, accompanied by such re-
d action of rates as then can be placed
upon manufactures of wool, and which
are placed on them in this bill, is not
the greatest loss that can befall farmers.
If the farmer should get an increased
price for his wool, by reason of a tarifl
for Its protection, he will pay It all out
and much more to the manufacturer,
as the duty on woolen goods, when he
buys a ilannel shirt, an overcoat or a
pair of trousers.
Washington, April 2- On motion
of Senator Harris tbe tarifl bill was
made unfinished business, and Senator
Voorhees opened the debate.
In the house the struggle over the
O'Neill contested election case was
resumed today.
The President Appoints.
Washington, D. C, April 2. Tbo
president appointed James A. Munday
receiver of the Vancouver land ofllce.
Qsneral McOook Thinks 150,000 Will
Reach Washington.
Beaver Famj?, Pa., April 2.
Coxey's army is in good spirits. Fine
weather and better dlclpllne. There Is
a slight increase of numbers.
Denver, Col., April 2. General
McCook thinks Coxey's movement is
dangerous, by May 1st. be believes that
the number of 150,000 half clad men
will be around Washington, and the
country Is approaching a crisis such as
has happened only at the time of the
The Industrial Army.
Little Rock, April 2. Fry's Indus
trial army Is beginning to assume ser
ious proportions In tbe southwest and
awakening serious thought in tbe
minds of tbe people of this state. Two
hundred more of the army arrived
today and joined their comrades, who
were camped at Little Rook; 000 more
are a ban Antonio awaiting transpor
tation. At 8;30 tonight R5 Joined tbe
force and left for Mempbia,vi tbo Bald
Knob branch of the Iron Mountain
rail way, nearly 1100 strong. Their dis
cipline is remarkable. There was no
drinking, and while tbe army was
camped General Fry addressed at least
600 people on tho financial situation.
His language was temperate and mild,
fin avows tho movement is just start
ing; that iu less than thirty days 400,
000 men will be In Washington for a
common purpose. They mean to be
peaceable in their actions, and demand
government employment, the stoppage
of imm'gratlon for ten yeaw and tbe
prevention of allem owning land in
tbe United States. It is their Berioua
id orderly demeanor that appeals to
the people.
Breckenridge Case.
Washington, April 2. In tho
Breckenridge-Pollard case today Breck
enridge resumed the stand.
At noon Attorney Butterworth an
nounced the direct examination fin
ished. Jere M. Wilson took Brecken
ridge in hand for cross examination
after a recess. The first question was
directed towards eliciting from defend
ant admissions that in bis early law
practice friends were obliged to make
sums good for money by him Improp
erly appropriated from clients. Col
onel Breckenridge was compelled to
explain bis connection with tbe Pre -
b terian church whio l has been
passive rather than active. He
h d lived at Lexington wi u-
iu four squares of the house oc
cupied by Sarah Coss. He had know n
the character of tho place for twen y
years and also admitted that he hud
visited the bouse before he went theie
with Miss Pollard.
The American-Union Party Is Strong
er Than Ever in Hawaii.
San Fkancisco, April 2. A corre
spondent at Honolulu, under date of
March 13tb, per barken 1 1 no 8. N. Castle
After much hard and faithful labor
on both sides, the dissenting wings of
the government party have come to a
mutual agreement and formal union.
This favorable result naturally followed
the concession made by the conserva
tives in the councils on the 8th inst. in
the election to a vacancy in tho revis
ory council by a largo majority of D. B.
Smith, the candidate of the American
League, whioh represents the mora
radical e'ement. As matters stood last
week, the conservatives led a strong
and well-developed organizttion the
union parly. With them there were a
considerable proportion of the members
of the American League. A majority
of the league, however, led by radical
members, were dissatisfied and much
Inclined to set up opposition tickets to
those which the union party would
make. Such actions, however, would
defeat tbe league's aims and play into
the hands of the common enemy. The
league was strongly organized and
much irritated by the success of the
conservatives in gaining a somewhat
controlling position.
Meetings were arranged by commit
tee of tbe two bodies. Tbe union
committee, as tbe stronger, waited for
tbe league men to approach them with
propositions. They met them, how
ever, In a spirit of conciliation and
concession. Much good and earnest
work was done by both sides. A
satisfactory result was reached on tbe
11th, as follews:
The amalgamated party takes the
name of tbe Amerlcau union party.
Tbe existing national committee of the
union party Is Increased to twenty-one
by the addition of eight new members
chosen by the American League. This
committee has only a temporary exist
ence. It is to be succeeded by one
choseu by the district committee. The
present organization of the union party
Is to continue under the new name,
with all Its ofllcers and membership
andita district clubs as already organ
ized. A few changes were made In tbe
platform adopted by the union party.
Tbe plank referring to Chinese and
other Asiatic labor was changed to a
more positive and distinct declaration
against the further admission of such
labor. A new plank was Inserted, urg
ing the extenilon of government edu
cation, so tht ultimately a university
education would be available for the
youth of these islands. Other planka
of the platform were unchanged.
Don't Delay.
It Is your duty to yourself to get rid
of the foul accumulation Iu your blood
this spring. Hood's Barsaparllla Is lust
tbe medicine you need to purify, vital
ize and enrich your blood. That tired
feeling which affects nearly every one
In the spring is driven off by Hood's
Harxaparilla, tbe xreat spring medicine
and blood purifier.
become the favorite
everyone bo trios
Riois,nMilitia or Anything but
In Favor of
n Militia
Ready to
Charleston, April 2. Nine spies
who escaped out of u swamp arrived
here yesterday,
Darlington, April 2. Genoral
Buckberg has ordered tho Western
Union telegraph ofllce hero placed
under military control. Inspectors are
appointed to examine all messages.
Darlington, April 1. Governor
Tillman's military train bringing 230
men, arrived at 0:30. Governor Till
man has wired citizen!) that tbo
presence of troops Is required to arreBt
those who participated iu tho riot three
days ago. If tho governor desires to
make the arrest he will have to send
ut least five times the number of troops.
Ii is believed, if the military is called
ou to arrest cltlzeuB, that at least half,
if not all, the soldiers will lay down
their arms and assist the citizens,
should trouble occur.
Seven Still Missing.
Columbia, 8. C, April 2.Govornor
Tillman received a dispatch tonight
that nine fugitive constables boarded
the train at Lake City on the North
eastern railway, and within u few
hours will have arrived safely at Char
leston. There are seven constables un
accounted for. Governor Tillman
thinks tho escape of these nine men
will greatly relieve tbe tension.
two found dead.
Darlinoton, April 2. A courier
bos Just arrived from the country near
Tlmmonsville, announcing two spies
were found dead in tbe woods near
thero this evouing.
It is a mere farce for South Carollnu.
or any other etato government, to keep
up military organizations that arc hos
tile to the enforcement of the state
laws, and their refusal to uphold Gov
ernor Tillman in his effort to maintain
the supremaoy of tho law Is a disgrace
to South Carolina, and the soouer Gov
ernor Tillman calls the state legislature
together and reorganizes the militia by
the enrollment of loyal farmers the
better It will be for the maintenance of
law aud order. Brass buttons and gray
clothes and parade are all very pretty
to look at, and for the women to bestow
flowers upon, but the kind of militia
wo need at this time is one like that of
Pennsylvania, with slouch bas, and
who are ready to kill if necessary to
force the law.
Ooko Operatives Striking and De
stroying Much Property.
FlTTSHURa, April 2. Dispatches re
ceived at Unloutown, Pennsylvania,
this afternoon report rioting and des
truction of property In the coke region,
being among foreigners who struck to
day. The mon started to work, but
were driven off by armed bands of
strikers. At Morell's work, Dunbar, a
large quantity of dynamite was used
and considerable property destroyed.
Calls have been made on the sheriff
and deputies sworn In. A dispatch re
ports two-thirds of the works cloned.
A number of persons are reported In
lured, while rioting at tbe Farm mines,
A Sheepman Murdered by Owners of
' PqoATELLO, Idaho, April 1. News
has reached here of the assassination
of Hugh Fleming, at American Falls.
He was one of tho firm of Fleming
Bros., largo sheep owners. He was
shot four times from ambush. There
is no clue to tbe perpetrator, Fleming
was herding his sheep when he was
killed. It is reported that the killing
was done by some one connected with
the stock ranches, as there has been
trouble existing between Fleming
Bros., aud some cattlemen, on account
of cattlemen not being .satisfied with
Fleming herding sheep In that vicinity.
Mra. Jennie Florence Toonue Is seek
ing a divorce, which will be the
third of that name and family, who
have passed through tbe mill Iu Brook
lyn since 1891, if the obUIni it.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
jH k jjBy po III jjiferftfc jt awl Iff jittj ftflti vQvCVfe
The Union Pacific Forces tho Inde
pendent Boat to Seek a Now
The Union Pacific has begun a retal
iatory warfare on tho independent
steamer Elwood. In tho past the
Uulon Paulflo has favored the Elwood.
Until recently a favorablo rate arrange
ment was ulso extended to tho Elwood.
But a few mouths ugo the U. P. Co.
put the Modoo on and since then have
tried to crowd the Elwood ofl. Yester
day tho Uulou Pacific notified their
agent at Salem by telegram to not
allow the Elwood to discharge freights
at the Union Paclllo dook at Salem,
thus seoklug to further disorodit tho
home boat that has served Salem loy.
ally. The Elwood people secured an
other wharf at once aud are now doing
business at the Oregou Paolflo floating
wharf. G. E. Aberuuthy, the.manuger
or the J&lwood, has in the past dono a
great deal to glvo Salem low competing
rates to Portland, and Salem business
men fully realize what it would mean
to them to huvo tho old Union Pacific
rates restored. Tho Elwood people say
they huve really been benollted by tho
tight that has been made upon them
uud are in better condition to serve the
shippers at this point than they were
Salem Rivor News.
The river marks 10.7 above low water
and Is slowly falling.
The Elwood arrived up 8unday with
a oargo of dry goods, grojerloi, lime,
lath aud 200 feet of lumber.
The Altoua went down on time this
Tho Modoo arrives up tonight from
The steamer Eugeuo left hore Sun
day morning for Portland, lnvlug
nudou successful trip from Eugene.
Tnls boat has been rated as u slow
boat, but is developing surprising speed.
Capt. Jones aud Pilot Wand are proud
of their craft.
Tho Elwood goes down Tuesday
at 0 a. in. F. X. Ho fur leaves on her
to return to his farm In Dakota. Ho
has spent his second wlntor In Oregon
with his brothers of The Journal.
Campaign Notos.
Wm. H. Savage Is organizing a big
Republican club in Ejglowood.
Tho McKlnley Republican club of
South Salem meets Tuesday oyuulng
for a Joint debate.
General OJell Is homo from holding
political meetings ut Mehama and re
ports the Saulluin allvo with onthusl
There will bo u political meeting
Tuesday evetilng at Bunnyslde school
house, seven miles south of Salem,
Prof. Jory, W. H. Holmes and E.
Hofer will speak for the throe parties.
Atttcotts Mills.
The new church of tho Friends society
at SeotUt Mills w ii dedicated Sunday,
the services being uonductoJ by Hiv.
Elwood Hoott of Newberg, usUted by
Iliv. J, II. I).$uglu8, superintendent of
Ciurch extension wont for the north Pa
clflo coast. It was tin llrst nnul voisarj
of the organization of the Friends ho
c.oty at rtcotts Mills and the exurcUit
wcre of an anniversary nutureus well
The new church Is a Hue one uud the so
ciety Is in u fl )urishlng condition. II. J
. . . -
The Journal Endorsed.
The publishers of this paper are grot
ified more thau thoy can express with.
In the bounds of modesty at the ex
presilons of confidence which are earn
ing to them from men and women re
gardlesijof party. For going on sli
years this paper has advocated what It
believes wan right for the best Interests
of the people of Oregon, uud It will
continue to udvocute such policies.
Supreme Court.
Saleii, AprllS, '01.
E. J. Harding, app. vs. B. J. Grimm,
admlulstMtor of the eitato of J. W.
Grimm, deceased, reap,; appeal from
Marlon county; argued and submitted.
Edgar Grimm uud Tllmou Ford atty'a
lor reap.; lljnhain Sc Holmes att'y for
John D.nby, of Shaw s'ation, was
iu Salem over Sunday.
Mluthorn aud family, of galem, havo
moved to Scotts Mills.
Gen. Odell returned this ofternoon
from his trip toStoy'oa aud MebnnnV
Railroad Commissioners Maeruin and
Kldy.aud Clerk Lydell 111 er are lu
tho city.
Mw. J. E. E'di'dge, or Chumpoe?,
is In tho city anil toturns tomorrow on
the Elwood.
Ovldo Musln, the vio lolst, has been
engaged with his company, to appear
April 10, at Y. M. C.A. null.
Kov. Geo. Whittukir, late pnsldei t
of Willamette university, passed
through tho city south tills morning.
Rev. Hugh Wallace, of To-tland, ar
rived lu the city HiIh morning, to visit
his brother and nt the Willows farm.
J. M. Pierce, who has beou visiting
at tho homo or his father-in law, M. A.
Betitly, left today for hU Nebraska
homo la San Francisco.
C. 12. Itumiiivllti, of Portland and
Capt. U. L. Well-i, of Portland, state
seoietury or Republican clubs are iu tbe
city, looUiug after thoao organizations.
lUihoad Commissioners Macrum and
Eddy and Clerk Baker wore iu thoc'ty
today. Gun. Compson wi 1 arrive this
evening, and a session will bo held to
morrow. C. L. Glenn, special agent of the
Mutual Uulou Life Insuranco Co. of
Portland, Maine, baareturneu looaiuui
with his family after spending tho
winter in Klamath county.
The new minister of St. Paul'o
Episcopal church of Salem, Rev. Law
rence Sinclair, of 12 vunsvillo, Wis., ar
rived Saturday, and doilvorod his llrst
sermon, Sunday. Mr. Sinclair Is ft
muu of utility, und doubtless will re
main in Salem.
Too Late.
Porhapi Tennyson has written noth
ing thatuppeals to tho hearts of all who
read his poems more thau tho lyric of
"Too Late," Tho burden of the sad
refrain comes homo with telling force
to tho hearts of those who huve lost
frlondH by that dread disease con
sumption. Thoy realize "to late," tho
reHtiltof neglect. Thoy feel that tho
dear one might have been saved If thoy
had heeded the warning of tho hack
ing cough, tlm pallid cheek, uud weak
ening syHtoin. Thoy fuel this all tbo
moie keenly because they seo others
being rescued from tho grasp of the
destroyer, uud they think what is
Having others might havo saved their
iovid one, When the llrst signal of
danger Ihhccu take steps to uvort tho
catastrophe Bu wise In tlmo. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Midlcul Discovery will
drive away consumption, Do uot wait
until to lute before putting Its wonder
ful elllcnuy to tho test. It succeeds
where other remedies fall.
fera ... ,i
-as out na
never excell
ed. "Triod"
nntl proven "
ia tho vordict
of millions.
8 itnmons
Liver Regu
lator is tho
'only Ltvor
and Kidnoy
inolicino to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
euro. A
mild laxa
tivo, and
purely vog
otablo, act
ing directly
on tho Liver
and Kid-
naya. Try it.
Sold fy nil
Druggists in Liquid, or in !'vJer
to bo taken dry or madtr. a tea.
Tho King of Dm Bledlvbitfi.
" I have uHl yourHlmmiwi Liver H acu
ta tor and on ii oonwlaneloiuly mylt I i
kIr.irurullllvuriiiMtliiliitx, I coijflilerH o.
iiitxlloine.)ijt in itMir um, w. .
uom, Tucoma, WMiilusUiu.
Ku tU Z SUinp la red ou wrpp
' t