Vf yrrzr- PERSONAL GOSSIP. Lord Iiayleigh is tlio only senior wran gler in the house of lords. Susan B. Anthony cnlla Senator Peffer the most sincere champion of woman's jrights in the United States senate. Matilda Davis has been employed in a 'Lawrence (Mass.) mill as a weaver foi 50 years. Sho claims to bo tho oldest weaver in tho United States. Jack Swratman of Allen, Ky., Coughed up an oak splinter the other day. He says he swallowed it 27 years ago, and that it lodged in hi3 throat and had been tllero'over since. Dr. Livingston of Bennettsvillo, N. Y., has built up an extensive practice, not withstanding that ho had been a deaf and dumb mute from the ago of 8 years up to three years ago. In his early youth Sims Reeves' voice was a baritone. It wa3 not until he was 20 years old that the strength and beauty Of his tenor became manifest. When first beforo the public, he used to sing in opera under the namo of Johnson. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge of Eng land has decided that it is best that cler gymen should not take part in criminal investigation. He -declined to swear Rev. Thomas Coney to servo on the grand jury at the Berkshire assizes recently. Whmi Dr. FllrnPRQ thn nnnnrvan,.to Philadelphian, reads Shakespearo, as lie does in a way to charm the most critical audience, his son sits in the auditorium and prompts the venerable speaker by raising and lowering his hand, so that ho may get his voico at the right pitch. It was only about a dozen years ago that Bourke Cockran, tho Tammany or ator, used to wonder where ho would get enough money to pay his car fare up and down town. Now hois the private coun sel for George J. Gould and William Waldorf Astor, and his law business readily yields him $100,000 a year. PADDOCK AND PIGSKIN PHILOSOPHY. It is quito a knack to get them in shape without knocking them out. First class stock sells; other kinds do not. That is the situation in a nutshell. "He lacks road qualities" a common expression which explains many a low sale. In tho race for the dollars satan makes the best time whpn disguised as a re former. There is a Spanish proverb which, be ing put into English, says, "Ho who would travel by a perfect ass must go afoot." Tho leading question among all horse men is how to mako money. There is no use in denying the fact, it's money, mon ey, money everywhere. Thousands of horses all over tho coun try go into winter quarters fat.and sleek and come out in the spring too poor for any use. Aro your3 some of this number? The value of tho horse of tho present day depends either on his being able to afford man a certain amount of physical pleasure or to render him a pecuniary service. It looks better for a stallion to begin at $10 and then raise the scalo to $200 than it does to begin at that price and run the scale the other way until he reaches tho $10 limit. The breeder who stocks his farm with producers of established reputation has seven chances at least of success to three for the man who lets tho tried mares go and fills their places with fillies better bred perhaps, but untried. Turf, Field and Farm. RAILROAD TIES. Steel rails, it is said, average 180 tons per mile; iron, 145. The first line of railroad in Norway was opened in 1855. The Union Pacffio railroad was begun in 1802, and the first train through left Chicago for. San Francisco on May 1, 1800. The fastest time between New York and San Francisco was made by a spe cial theatrical train in 18803 days, 7 hours, 80 minutes and 10 seconds. An electric engine has been tried on the railway between Havre and Paris. It was attached to a train of 13 carriages find attained a speed of 75 miles an hour. J. B. Klinke, Prussian commissioner of railroads, who has been studying American railroad methods, is reported as saying that, while Germany surpasses this couutry in the construction of tracks, he finds American car equipment superior. Vestibuled trains have proved such a success in the prevention of serious re sults where accidents have occurred that those trains aro much more popular even with railway men, who did not ot first think Well of toem, and a belief is expressed that the time is not far distant when accommodation as well as through trains of all leading roads will bo vesti buled. r SPRING NOVELTIE6. Platinum is holding its own. Silver soap basket for the bathtub are produced. There aro new designs in toast and muffin racks. Italian and French renaissance forms prevail in table silver. Tubular vases of Bilver aro brougbjout in various forms. The prettiest are like twisted horns. The newest standard for a Farina co logne bottle has spikelike forms resem bling a beard of wheat, which, attached to round cuplike base, hold the bottle. A safety hatpin is accompanied by a plate that U attached to the under side of the hat. The hat has a dent that fixes in a groove in the slot of the plate. Jewelers' Circular. ODDS AND bNDS. Some geologists consider madstones as fossil corals. It sometimes costs more to keep up a big reputation than it is worth. The flail mentioned in the Old Testa ment is still in use in Syria, Arabia and Cigypi. Buckets of plantain leaves are made by the natives of almost every tropical country. So far as quantity is concerned, coal itands for 85 per cent of all the minerals extracted. The hoe Is the universal cultivating tool among all nations of central Africa. Artificial ice was first manufactured by tho use of chemical mixtures in tho year 1783. The spade used by tho Roman peasant during the empire was a wooden instru ment tipped with iron. Tho college young man naturally feels that he should have some latitude after taking a degree. Indianapolis News. ' Columella savs that Romnn npnsnnts leveled their grounds with a roller made of tho trunk of a tree. Tho report of tho Michigan state board of health shows that more people die from consumption in that state than from any other disease. A milkman's mule in Louisville re turned to duty after a vacation of 12 mouths recently and remembered tho door of every customer. The earliest fanning mill or winnow ing machino was invented in China, and in use there for centuries, while Europe ans were cleansing their grain by cast ing it into the air on a windy day. It is said that the value of Peruvian bark was first discovered by tho f.ict that sick animals in Peru were observed to gnaw the bark of a certain tree. Men tried the same remedy with beneficial re sults, and quinine was given to tho world. The argand lamp was discovered by Argand, Jr., while Argand, Sr., was busy studying tho problem of how to produco a good white light. The boy clapped the broken neck of a wino bottle over tho dull red flume of tho lamp and the work was done. Aa early as 1CC0 Dr. Clayton distilled coal in a rotort and produced gas, which he confined in bladders nnd was accus tomed to amuse his friends by burning this gas as it issued from holes in the bladder pi icked with a pin. This was 150 years before gas lamps. UnglUli Sporting 'Words In Holland. It is interesting to note that in Holland sport has so far developed that a new paper, Do Athleet, a well printed sheet, has made its appearance m Amsterdam. Duo attention is paid to cross country athletics, and under tho heading "Voet bal" prominence is given to the doings of English clubs in this country, while the matches of the Felixstowe club, which recently visited tho Dutch, are very fully reported. England being the cradle of le sport, as tho French say, many of the technical terms are untranslatable. Here are some English words in Do Athleet: Cross country, interclub race, champion, partners, captain, toss, goals, backs, half backs, goalkeepers, forwards, record score, return match, half time, short passing, corners,pacemakers, hand icap, cricket (wliich is also used for wicket indiscriminately), runs, lawn ten nis, hockey, country (for county), pneu matic safety's, cycle, etc. Quaint adap tations, such as "bandy artikelen" and "refereesehap," are to be found, and it is noteworthy that Dutch clubs are known by the name!' Excelsior, Quickstep, Spar ta, Go Ahead, Quick, Olympia, etc. Westminster Gazette A Life Saving IIori. The following circumstance occurred at the Cape of Good Hepe: In one of the violent storms that often occur there a vessel was forced on tho rocks and beaten to pieces. Tho greater part of the crew perished miserably, as no boat could ven ture to their assistance. Meanwhile a planter came from his farm to seo the wreck, and knowing tho spirit of his horse and his excellence as a swimmer he determined to inako a desperate effort for their deliverance and pushed into tho thundering breakers. At first both disappeared, but wero soon seen on tho surface. Nearing the wreck, ho caused two of the poor seamen' to cling to his boots, and so brought them safe to the shore. Seven times did he repeat this perilous feat and saved 14 lives; but alas! the eighth time, the horse being much fatigued and meeting with a for midable wave, tho gallaut fellow lobt his balance and was overwhelmed in a mo ment. He was seen no more, but the noble horse reached the land in safety. Boston Herald. Eating. A nnminfm orrnr of tlinsn who ll.lVO to cater to the requirements of ailing pec- pie is tno singular persistence wuii wuicu they insist upon such people eating. Whether hungry or not, one should eat, is the cry. It is perfectly preposterous to advocate such a theory, because tho moment that people tako into their stom achs food that is not demanded by na ture that moment tney are paying ino na tn .ivannnfiin. It is not an enintv stomach that demands food, but the stimulus of the gastric julcea. When the stomach gets out of order, the secre tion of gastric juice is stopped to a larga extent, and to then try to force tho stom ach to work is like asking a man with a broken leg to walk. He can only wake a stagger at it and is more than likely to add to bis discomfort. An excellent rule is to eat only when you are hungry, Washington Star. Fill Lone i'elt Want. An inventor has patwitod a device for illuminating keyholes whteh promises to be a boon to pewoos out late at night. A recess in the door frame holds a tiny in candescent lnp, which is lighted by a pash button. Tn liht ta sufficient not !... ill.ninita tka kvhole. but to permit the late to tlot rdi1 the proper key from hi. baneh. Hard-Traxe. MY LITTLE KINO.' I met king this afternoon) He iitul not on a crown Indeed, A little palm leaf hat uis nil. Anil ne as barefoot, I'm afraid. Hut sure 1 am he ermine woro Beneath Ills faded Jucket's blue, And euro I am tho crest lie bora Within that Jacket's pocket too. For 'twas-too statolj-for an earl A marquis n ould not co so grand- Twas po,Uly a czar petite, A pope, or something of that kind. If 1 must tell yon, of a horo M) freckled monarch held the rein. Doubtless an csttmnblo bcat. Rut not at all disposed tx run. And such a vnconl While 1 live Daro 1 presume to tee Another such a vehicle As thon transported mcl Two other ragged princes Ills royal state partook Doubtless tho first excursion Thco sovereigns over took. I question If the royal coach Round ulilcli the footmen wait Has tio significance on high Of this barefoot estatel Youth's Companion. Ills I'lalntlvo flea. Ho had loved her very tenderly nnd for a long time, but sho had sporned him. He was no worm either, for hn would hnvo turned when trod upon, but iho recked not thR It was enough foi ler that sho did not caro for him. Thi? is usually enough for any woman; also for any man when tho boot is on the other foot, for of such is tho kingdom of-r Cupid. His condition had nt last become un owirablo to him, and he lesolved to win all or lose all. It was late one evening when the fateful moment came. "Will you marry me?" ho asked he r in pain, untrimmed English, for ho could trust liimself to nothing in tho onus mental line. Sho spurned him scornfully. "No!" 6he replied, with sarcastic, hat ful, cruel emphasis, "No!" The word pierced tho heart in his bos om. His lips quivered, and at first he ionld not speak. "Have yon no more to E.ay?" he aAiA it last plaintively. "No, sir," she replied "What more vould I sayr Again he shrank at tho cruel thrtint "I didn't know," he murmured treniu lously, "but I think you might have san' T$o, I thank you.'" Then he fled away so weary with di asters, trigged with fortune, that h would set his life on any chance to mend it or bo rid of it. Detroit Free Press. A Custom That Is Very Old Indeed. A bride made tho confession to" a gToiif of young Women who gatLer oil around her after the wedding ceremony and the congratulations had been said and owned up to having worn a yollow gar ter for two years, that Bjie had counted the stars and carried out tho various bits of loro that aro prophetic of a speed marriago and happiness over after. She wore something old and something new, " Something burrowod aud something bluo on her wedding night, nnd, moreover, woro a silver coin a Columbian half dollar in her shoo. She was showered with the usual amount of rico when it came time to get into the carriage and drive away for tho honoymoon trip, nud had old shoes -and good wishes enough sent after her to make the after years joyous ones if thoy all hold good, and moreover, when she opens her trunk and traveling bag ard tho bridegroom opens his umbrella enough rico will come to light to make their Urt rice piiddiug, and the shoe strapped on tho outside of the trunk will tell its own tale It is strange how much enjoyment one gets out of such harmless tilings, but the ;ustom lasts, and the older it grows the more rigidly it is adhered to Buffalo News. WIlUt tilie Would Do. Every one has noticed the glowing height Of each successive year s bevy ol debutantes, and the younger generations promise to be quite as tall if not taller than their predecessors "Is it possible rou are only 12.'" said a small woman to a little girl who was more than an incL taller than herself." 'How big you are!' "Oh, do you think so?" answered the child. "Why, my friends consider me quito sbart Thoy aro nearly all of them taller than I am. "'J nod gracious," .x claimed the iittlb woman in distnny "What Brobdingnagians you will ull be. and how will you get partners? If yon were my child, 1 would put brick on rour head!" Chicago Tribute. TIie'Greut Mistake Culumbus Made. bchoolmaster Why was it that his great discovery was not properly appre ciated until long afUr Columbus w. dead? Nineteenth Century Schoolboy J3o causo bo didn't advertise, sir. LonDt Tit-Bits. Natural. Castloton I hoar you aro ongageJ Uj Miss Biggerolle. the girl yon went horre back with so much last summer Ho .in earth did you manage it? Summit I couldn't help it, old man We were thrown together so mucb. Truth The cut of new walking coats ana jackets has altered very decidedly, these being no longer half tight, oiwning over loose bodices, but fitting perfectly to the figure, showing it to the best advantage and likewise revealing the tailor's skill -New York Pent. UOUXOlAJwUUVUOUOvJOwOiTuvWvT Hair Death. Instantly remove and forever destroy i oi iiecttonable hair, whether upon tbe bands fuoe fcrniaor neck, without discoloration 'Injury to lue most atuicaienin. i IW - 4J .- mw ., w. m..-.....n . a ..m flnv. wim tn mfr4w inrmniB m It f.ar;UJ Wilson, acknowledicea by piiysi m AMln.nl ff.rmitilfwlit tnn hltrilHtl . ..... .hut vjr IIvmI Hurlnrhla nrtva.lS s Ji- --- .. m V..T.B i ra- wceol a me-ume anion iue uouuhj d arlMtocraoy of Korop he prerlltl . . .. La aa ! iitull atfifi t-Yil l Mtcittd.lu poatleneeooQadt3Utifti Holt Aur W ",M - - - u4d kAAwM THt SK60KUM ROOT HAIR CUOWm ru. r t ftuAnth Irtfih AvntiiKiivr riooofKXK.it ifl in""""' . a a a AAiM.A.A. ahaaam AAAAi MRS. LANOErt AND EDWIN BOOTH. An Anecdote nf Their first Appcnrauee Togettn-r mi tho Stngc . Pergonal anecdotes aro always in teresting. One is told by Mrs. Gen eral Lander of Washington, one of the most original nud attractive women of tho capital. Formerly Mrs. Lander was an ac tress known .aK Jean Davenport, anil once when playing "Cainillo" in Cal ifornia she v as sunpoi ted by Edwin Booth in theroloof Annand. Booth had not reached tho ago of 21 at tho time, and Mrs. Lauder was some what annoyed that she was obliged to have so. young a "leading man." Hor annoyance, however disup poared tho first evening thoy played in public. Booth had proved keen and bright, anxious to learn and to pleaso tho star actress. At rehearsal ho said: "Miss Davenport, how shall 1 kneel in tho death sceno?" "Bo sure to kneel beforo mo, so that I can look down upon you, "was tho reply. . " The story of tho porformanco should bo told in Mrs. Lauder's own words. "Tho evening camo. Tho opera house was packed. My boy, to tho astonishment of all, played with tho very soul of genius. IIo fairly trem bled with emotion. Ho forgot all my careful directions and acted liia part with tho self forgetfuluens and abandon of an old actor whoso intui tive knowledge is sufficient to him, I came near forgetting myself in the admiration I felt for my lover iny boy lover. Tho death sceno came, and Arxnand was missing. I looked behind mo, and there, instead of kneeling nt my feet with his head beforo me, he had bowed himself in anguish on tho back of my low couch. Thero was no time to move, to Bpeab or chango a word or a posi tion. I simply turned bo I could look at him. His stricken attitude was pitiful. Never had I seen grief 60 naturally portrayed. I was car ried out of myself. I stretched my arms toward his bowed head, and tho houso roso with apphmso. Ho lifted-his face to mine, and I moaned aloud from real pity and pain." Now York Sun. Only One Week. "Did you know dis is mamma's birf dav?" asked little Bwio of tho caller. "No. Is it?" "Yes, and my birfday is next Monday. Mamma is a waek Older dan me." Har per's Bazar. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, Nnnvous?icss, DEBSLiTY, nml all tliettfaliK f nil. 1 rui 1 1 urlj 1 1 run- in' l u r exot-ftsre, tlu re all-, of UUrOlk, Ml kill K:, woin.ne FulUttn gili, i ic li pmtni ami imic rlri lo every organ., d n ltd n t f I l.i' l clj. Slnipli nntiiriilliinthunr lmiucllumluiiiri'vemiMii fn t n. 1 Ihire InipiutsiblA V.IUI rHfcrtui-in Jl. k, oxiil&tmtfoii and pi 'f liiullcnl (XMtletlJ frou. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFfAtO. N- E. 31. AVAITKI'UIXTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. AND j Lctal ltlauk Publishers. BtHh'g'New HrInk,ovr th&bauk.Uom'l street HOUSE Painting, Decorating, 1 1 Hard Wood Finishing, Can give good references. Ktlnm1w furnlnli ed. AiiilrtwH, i. rxcliHlruUi. HHlein. lUhl denre on Halsin Jtolor lUilwiiy, North finlcin J,ave order at Stelner A Jtloueni, ll-Cd FOR SALE OR TRADE. One 8 room nnd ono Groom cottage In Oak Uwn Addition, uiili two good lot. Will Ui sold nepnmhily or toKeiliw, An nninnuliy Kood buruuln Apply to W K. HOUHKK, cor ner lHtli and CheniekcUk .troetn. 3-11 lm W.A.CUHcr J, 11 AT.MKHT. Cuxlilrr. int. Capital National Bank OK SALEM. TranfaetH a general banking buolnwa, Ffoinpl attention mid to eolleeunnti. 1-oam made. Kxouiiniie uoniclit and aold on the principal oltlta of tlie woild. 1. VanDuyk, J M.Mabt.v, K. M. CitoiHAN, W. A. Oomok, W. W. MAIITIM, J. it. AM1KBT. it. V. Mattjjkwh, Ulrotoni. FI10EBEL SCHOOLSllli Year. SALEM KINDERGARTEN. Infant, C'omiectliiKantl Primary olawen every week day from 0 a, tn. to JUm, except Hauiruuy. SUSS 0. BALLOU, Principal. TRAINING CLASSES for UraelieiB1 dally practice work from 0 a. in. to 1 m. lti Kindergarten. On Monday, Wwlnewlay aud KHUay from 2 to 4 p. m. Olueji mwt for atudyof Krtitil uyntam. Mrn. P, S. Kulyht, l'rineiMl. MOTHER'S CLASS. MtH Friday from 2 to 4 p. ni. with training -lt4, soHiJuttU) by Mm. KuIkIUudiI MWm Halluu, For terms or Information apply at Kindergarten room, corner Court and Liberty ttreeti. fCvN MM Lvw AV.V.V.VV,V.VV.V.VV-VVA,VVViiVV BALD a a"? What Is the condition harsh, brittle? Docs IlfiMrica nnncnr.nnr5 brushed? Is it full Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these aro some of a" your symptoms be Skoolami Root Mr Grower la M.V tt . .... . a. I ..a .u.t. ...Ia. la ma. ( atiw.lit.,.1. .,. .l.a. nun I. n9 Kat.al l.a I 3 llllll.JUU 111 VM. .,a I11IUUV.II'II IB .IW. n.i IH.LIUUUI, wu ,u; mmtvi BVirui I IIVJ -j research. Knowledge ot tho dlsoasoa of the hair and scalp led to tho JIscot. r rv nf linw trktront tlinm. "STrnnkum "contains nnlthpr minor Aa nnrnllM. It . Is not a Dj o, bilt a delightfully the follicle, (( stojit ailing hernia- ttr Keep the t catp clean, healthy, and freo from Irritating eruptions, by "C tho uo of Skookmn ikin Soap. It destroys JKiroslKo ruccts,uhleh fttd on C and dt'troy the hair. If your drus-R 1st cannot supply roa S"" prepaid, on receipt of price Grower, $1.U) perJar:6tor$-S0. THB SKOOKUn 07 Bouth 5? TUMinMAIUC V M l.awiarftf. lvv.vwVaVaVVVavwvAWaVuvvvsVr Ed. C. "& TUB aVBW WILLAMETTE STABLES (Vnploted mid ready to wait on eustoiiUTs. Wo Iteep a full lluo of Trucks, Dru.H -ami Kxprerw to meet all deiiiaiida. Barn and reuidgtico 2 block touth of pi btofllre. RYAN & CO. S. W. THOMPSON & Co., Always Keep on hand a largo stook of loose and unmounted Diamonds, .Rubies, Sapphires and imported Opals. 221 Commercial Street. Vicks' Seeds FAILURE :d Four Grand POPPIES ii'iiiiiiim .m iHinin siilrloy, Lrlltlant, Tulip, Willi nciiM ImrkiirtiuiKl. 6rlent3lo. .).' (! -of N"vltlirlntel 07erlSOOriMiti lMrrl)llon Unit iliMTlbc, nut inlslruil ( Illuhtratlona tliat Instrurt, not cxaum'rulo 1 110 cn rr Jm ( liurm I ng I n ha rtnonloiiH 1 IptiiI InK i,r wuii r clwr )rlnu In urem an.l wlill, m Far. 'tO Cm. ScoM(-k'I'lo-ral O utile. -y & c r'Hitiiilil n( r'nl11lM 1 Joral (. ui.' fill IiiiiiiImhiiii IheoMvnrUtliii 'llipiwIianlllmisMiiiiiiiiiHit nllonl to mil nut rink. Uuy IIONI's'l' (idllD-J ulirru yon Hill mrlvi I I 1,1. PIHXnt'lt I-. lltiiiioliirimiirvtaiiiliir tljcllmt rclfii WKlniiotv, llill I.110W11 ih worliloirr, iiihI nlsulluit tin lnirpC m A Very lltth k int f r iimpprwdl wIIImii uro- ."'I. .( J"ll M." .... p,.. ... .1 r-i... h.k.i nn ir.lt ,1,ll IUI. l.. wlikli in iv ' i J ilmiin fi..tn(iit' rli r Tij" $300 Cull I'rliti for Votito i VIi'Uh Hi'L'tU llll nut Iiiii'iilul. 'I'Iil lirniii the) I'lmirlMli, llwy 1'ioiliiro Aliiimliiiilly. i mn r ., mvA n numM ......i ..i.i.u Roetc, . jAiviFg ()0vaH-9't'O8'90a89J'v3i0OOG(r 'Sparrov TO SALT LAKE : DENVER. OMAHA, KANSASSCITY, CHICAGO, ST, LOUIS f t AND AM. EASTERN CITIES 3 1 DAYS to 2 CHICAGO 110111 e f1u'c'f t to Chicago and lining Quicker to Omaha and Kan mm sas City, Tlifmteh Ptilknan ansi Tnurftf SImiiui. Trw RMg Chatr Can, Dining Can, HSAffiH&Jita hf rsM Mid ttmmul lnfunuauou m on 2M WMhlintou llu. CvrM ruTUkD, OKKW. VI HEADS I o dry, ( It aS of yours? Is your hair it split at tho ends? Has nnne If full nnf ulirn nnirirl nt C of dandruff ? Docs your scalp itch? 5 warned in timo oryou will becomo bald cooling and ref r thing Tonlt. Ily stimulating Ba hair, care dandruff and gnK$ hair on bald " Fend direct to ns, and we will forward i pr uotua o .or f iw. Doap, aw. t ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., Fifth Atchuc, New York, N. Y. Forest drove Poultry lards. Established in 1S77. "" EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM THE VERY BEST VARIETIES. Stock Finer than Ever, but Prices Samo as Usual Get tho Best and thon you will bo Batlsfled. Bend for Catalogue. Addiess J. M. GAltRISON, Lock Box .335, Forest Gruvo, Or. Cross, Wholesale mwl ltd ail Dottier in Fre.sli, Suit nnd Sntokud bleats ol.n lHinds 05 Court and J 10 Slate Streets. WON Contain the Germ of Life. VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Choice Vieats. Vick's Floral Guide, 1894, Ilia rioncor Cctalrgnt or Vtotablci and riowert. fAI.1.1... Ill..n.u Ul. .11.. 111. na,w .. ill,, mill DanverK Yellow fllobo Onion Srnl, $1.00 ler iHiuiid. xorr.ijTivs. llrnmliliiK .Uler, IIIIiIm-uh, Suimct, Ilnlilln, llliclMck, Ilniil.li- Anemone, t'linrnicr I'rn, New I'dtnlois. uilrcuiii c.f Ixnnlv. In 8 illlli r lit cril- Mum tunri ilc i k 'n 1.1 f fltiilnifin fur h...u i. hi. i . .i. - VICK'S SONS ) East and South -vrA- THE SHASTA ROUTE - nt the Southern Pacific Company. UAI.irOHKI.V KXI'iliSHr) Tit A IN 1IUJ IIA1I.Y !!' TWKIOI llilin.AMiANUH. If, Hiilllli. r?T"rlli". Ar.555u. in l.v. I 60 ii, in l.v.l 7.-00 p. in -I ll.v. I.V. 4 Ilk p. HI. IU0 p. in, 10 II n.m J'orliuiiJT Hiiltim Hm Frim. AlxiVO trUlllH ktup 11 llll. HtktlOIIH triitii I'orlUtllil Ui Albany liiult)l;lkOulTuiiKiit ijliwld, JtMlMiy, llurrlHlinrir, Junutlou (Illy, IrrliiK, Kimniio ana ull HUtluiu from Uiwtburit U Aniiiuud Inoliulvu. WHHHVmi HAll. DAILY, K. III. I J.v. , III I l.v. I'lirlhtuU HuIbiii Ikmoburif Ar, I 4M i, in. p. in. I Ar, i.v. i inn p. in, J.V. 7:00 . in DIiiiiiK ai'H on Ogilun lioutc PULLMAN BUFFET SLKKPKHS AD Second Class Sluoplng Cars- At(Mlid to nil llirougb tnilM. Vest Side Division, Between Portland and Comllis; PAii.r- (ezocrr nun day). a.m. LV. niitifciit rKhiUi nirtifciiU" 3e III. m. Ar. 1U Xv. Al AlllMliy MHrt llllfVMtlU UmSnt(irmt I'uMfla luilrr v . -.. i. . " MlUIlfaAL Willi hi i'mim iMiirona, fttWUlMTHAIW IfUILY KXdKKTtl'oKDAr TSfpT. "J.v INirtUud nmv lAr. MrMllinWIlo TIIItOKJIJ I ICIiDIS Tn all point in Ua KHtm nui, Cui1 n4 Hums ih b okHitcd at lvrel ut IMlOFBtiSIONAI. AND UUSlNIiSB OARDB. : 11. D'AKOY. OKO. n.HIKOUAM. D'AUOV & IMNGIIAM, Atcornoyn Rt Law, llooins 1, 2 nntl 8, D'Arcy BnlldtDc. HI ouile street. Special nttentlou given to bust ness in Iho supremo ana cliiuil courts of iho Male. U 11 rnlLMON J-'OKU, Attornoy ut law, Bnlem, JL Oregon, oillco up ntalrs In l'atton block. n J. UlUUKtt, Attorney nt lawalom, Ore gon. uiUco over uusn'o bnufc. JJ.811AW..M.W.UUHT HUAW&UUNT . AttomesH nt law. Ofllre over Capital ..National bnute, Knlcin, Oregon. JOHN A. OAlt -SON, Attorney at law, rooms H aud 4, llnali biuk building, Hnlem.Or. 11. '. UONUAM. W. 11. UOL1ME8. BON HAM & HOLMriS. Attorneys at law. Olllot.' In llusli bloeK, between State and iurt on OmiinerclBl glreet. JOHN KAYNK, ATTOUNEY-AT-tAW. tnik'u ioiii' iniuli iiLd promptly remitted, .ttutpliy block, lor. Htutu and Uommerelal nlretiM wnUnii, Ort'Kiiu. U-B-lf. CjTKl.Li.V HI1KUMAN. Typewriting and 3 cunuuercla Ktenoinpliy, Office, room ll, Gray block. The best of work aone atrea. bouubluinted. 12-20 WO. KNIUHTON-Archlttct nnd superln. temlunt. Olllpe, rooms 'i aud 8 llush Uruyniau block. tt. l-tt Cl O. 11HOWNK, M. 1.. I'liyinclan and Bur Q. ceon. Office, iturpby block; rcsldonce, 15, Commercial mreel. DI1.T.U, BM1T11, DentlKl. 02 State street Salem, Otonoti. Finished dental opera, nous of every description. Painless opera tions a specialty. The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST, PAUL RAILWAY. Truveleia "uinko a note on t." This Great Railway System Connects ST. PAUL and OMAHA With all transcontinental Hues, Riving dlii'ct and Mvift communica tion to all KASTKllN rntl fOUTHl.UN I O NTP, AND 19 T11K :;:0NliY LINE::: runulng ' IMeetrlo I.lulitoil nnd fcto.un Heated Vestibuled trains of olegnnt Bleopln;, l'nrlor, Dlnlutf r,nj llulTjt Cars, wltU Jfree Iieeliniuff Chairs, Making Its scrvlco second to tono In tba rorld. Tickets nre on snlo at nil prominent railroad, ticket offices.. For further lntounntlon ask tho nearest rail, road ucout, or adttrcts C.J. EDDY, General Agt. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass Agt. PORTLAND, Oregon. From Terminal or Interior Points the , la tho line to take To all Points East and South. It Is thedluliiK car route, ltruns through veuibulo trains every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No chango of curs.) Composed of dining cars unsurpassed, 1'ullman drawing room sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. liest that can bo oonstrnoted ami In which iiecoiiimodutUris are both treo and tur. nlslied for lioldere or first and second-class tickets, und ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Acontlnuocs line conne sting with all Hubs, aitordlng direct and uninterrupted service. 1'ullman sl tpr rnrvn. ions can be so cured In advance tjrojgu any agent of tho road. Through tickets to and from all point In America, Kugland aud Kurone can be purchased at any tloket office of this com. pauy. Kull information concerning rates, time of tralns.routusandother details furnished on application to any agent or A. D, OHAHLTON, Assistant General Passenwer Agont. Mo, VH Kirst street, cor. Washington; 1'ort- land,Oregnu Hiiaw & Downino, Agenta. the : Willamette; SALEM, OIIEGON. RiiU, ?2.5() to $5.00 per Day The bout hotel botweeu Portland and Bau KruntiUoo. Klmt-olims In all Its aiiJx5lntmtnU, Its tables are served with the Choicest Fruits Grown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. Rhoumotfsm, Lumbago, Solatloa, Klclnoy Complalntdy uamo book, o. DR. SAHDEH'S TniO IELT Vlth electro Magnetic 8U8PBNSOHy. f.'r8 Ulllrur. with xii iu,u.li li WnlnM malting tnra A.r4aitiuii tti lln mrv trt seitfsorliMlu rfttluo. aa irvoiu ilrUJiiy, aWfMHMiiCttjr Uiiffuur. uu back, luiutuo, tcutlra, all C.diaJ euuipuiflU. bi rftxi fil Hiili. !., TUU flxtiio iKit coitUiu nU..fl lMknlfBU OTttT Sit oil I'nrrrat U luuwljrfeitVirkMorcr w rWi 1.001.1 ma mMillyr Ui ir dlMM or I' iJ ttoa. MMto kuu Un wrwi br til ihh - Iniwtlun lt.r il oWwf rBJw fA4. wxl vn butoliW Ol hMWBohUW l IM 4 er 4tlr Mt. Our r..ri i.um4 lurtBie kursssosv, tfc PTMlwc buwo rt4Tr) wli tun, rsia aubtll tvs(v trtjcur iilii.'ai'iijiJiii,iiiiti.uilJ,rrvi 8AN0EN BLCOTRIO CO.. kio. 1 7 jrir Mtrcel. i'OJt'XXAJXB OKIE. lumoved io.i.r. intra aud v iutnutoa am, 1'ortland, Or, l S ?KjJjMrylfaaissiiii 11 ELEC I HbUsdUlssaiiUSIsMluili