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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1894)
Vl TrrTrrr-!.rt:t.rJ,:i;n jr; n. v'j -r-carKW (a4aBwBMSnLiHi .w...i..wiii.iWMiiinfi i. inmyj .. jir,ti71w.j;u.,rr.t.,....r,tw,.li.-,..-l,in., .in, nr?miu .iWMii.n I u'.wm.iii;!ihiwwjmjw BEE IELLER S SONS CITY OOUN01L MATMR3. About parlor eela. They will show you something II oo. Their assortment of fuucy rockers is the best. Oil OUT OP JJUdlNEdS I will sell my entlro stock nt Cost, PURNlTOItE, WALL PAPER, BABY BUGGIES, WINDOW SHADES, NOTIONS and ALL. Wallpaper from 10 to &a per double loll. Borderal.from 3 to 10 ceuts per yard. Give mo a call. W. M. SRGEANT L. MITCHELL & CO., nsurance. IOLMAN BLOCK, SALEM, Or. dw LOCAL CALENDER. March, 81 Suturday, WUInmetti gVailey horse breeders meet ut Haloni I Annl 4 Wednesdiiv. Prolilbltloi jstate convention at Salem. April 6-Thursday. Prolilbltloi I county convention at Salem. I Annl fi. Thursriuv Polk count v Re publican primaries. 1 April 0, Friday Republican count) convention at Dallus to elect btate anc district delegates. April 0, Monday First district con gressional convention nt Salem. April 11, Wednesday Renubllcai state convention at Portland. May 4. Friday Republican countj ! convention at Dallas. LITTLE LOCALS. NIco Juicy growing spring weather. Mr, Byrou, former stato binder, was about the streets this morning. Laudlord Shaw ami sou Elton, ol Brooks, were in town today, .Quite & number of Salem and fair ground people will go to Hayesylllo tonight to hearC. B. Moorcs speak.....A daugh ter has boeu born to Mr. and Mrs, Gut Hoyden at their farm home south ol the olty Married: At the court house, Balom, March 27, 1891, W. M. Smith and Daisy Woodlugton. County Judgo W. O. Hubbard olllelutlm?. Tho uewly wodded couple are residontt near Sllverton Francis A, Geto'jel and Isabollo Curr will also soon be married, a license to wed having been grunted to them by tho county clerk. Tho MoKlnloy club of South Salem did not hold n meeting last night, but ml jourucd for a week Ed. Crolsun came down this afternoon from Linn county C. P. Bishop returned today from Corvallls It. a. Keeno Is home from Eugene. Thos, Kay, of the wooleu mills, wont to Portland thl afternoon Prof. J. R. Weatherbeo, of Eugene, camo down this nfloruoou. Beautiful Rosks. Balom people Who want tho best roses and shrubs of all kinds, should remomber that J. II. Bettlomlor & Son, of Woodburn, carry the largoat and best stock on tho Pacific coast. Puiie Politics. Pure religion and puro food nro frequently talked of, but oflatothoput;o filtered water used by the Balom stoam laundry Is the most frequent topic for conversation. m - Roses. Tho most popular of all rosea Is tho Early Roho potato. Jf you want some oholeo onos for seed, call on Jos. Clark, successor to Clark AEppIoy. The Balom Improvement Co., at 05 Stato street, Is supplying tho best luol coai anu woouj lor uie money ever oilcred lu Balom. Leghorn hous-a prlmo lot Davison's Court atroot market, at A Nkw Daily. Fresh tally made daily at Strong's restaurant. Hay very cheap at 1205 Uomnu'rola Btret. tf Thk Faik fights fatioy prices. Gold Dust Flour try it. NEW SPfflG T YIES I AM Now ehowlug the latest ties in spring novel 'LADIES' PURSES. Russia, Beal, Grained Calf, Alligator, Sterllug Silver 'Una and ornaments. At an adjourned session of the city council last evening, there were present the mayor and all officers except Alder man Klein. The city engineer reported blocks 68 and 21 ready for the sewerage con struction contemplated, and on motion of Gray, bids wero ordered advertised for lu The Journal, returnable at the next regular meeting. On motion of Albert, Messrs. D'Arcy and Bingham wero Instructed to pro ceed with the suit of the city agulubt the county to recover road tax money. Warrants were ordored placed in the bonds of Marshal! MItito for the col lection of delinquent seweruge assess ment. Tho city attorney was Interrogated in the status of South Commercial itreet Improvement collections mid re ported the injunction still In force as igulust collection; also as to his find tugs lu the matter of abating the city's lontract with the electric light com mny, in which, he reported, that on llligeut examination the city Is ilrmly louud, the only exception being thul .he company has not paiutod the poles is required by terms of contract, aud u notion to enforce till? point was lost AldoniMti Duncan moved that the jnincil outer a formal protect uguhisi the iiou-fulllllment of tho contruct oi the part of the electric company lu cast f this neglect, and same, on an ayt mil nay vote, was carried. On suggestion of Gray I ho use of the ounty lock crusher will be asked hi ho city, uud City Engineer Culver was authorized to uso funds from the i-oud aud bridge fund for this purpof-e. Alderman Albert moved that the jity engineer establish tho grade of Church utreut between north and south limits. Carried. Tho report from tho special commit tee on II ut chins & doutliwlck'u bill on ilty hall wus tabled. Their bill of f2,055,20 wus referred to tho city hull committee. Alderman Duncan railed the atten tion of the council to u most important mutter, that of the river channel changing ut Salem lu such a way us to bo detrimental to our city. A remonstrance was then read, in the following terms: To tho Mayor and Council of tho City of Balem: The undersigned lot holders abutting upon Liberty street, between Stato and Trade streets, heieuy remonstrate against tho proposed alleged improve moutofsald street, for tho following reasens: it would close Ferry and Trade streets to publlo use or involve the cltj In heavy expense to make them oven pussable. While It would sorvo no public pur- it would involve said lot holders 'W pose, 111 very heavy expenses, seriously dam ago their property aud piautlcally con llscuto it. It would he a wanton oxeroiso of power to tho serious mjury of property of for the supposed benefits of that of inembora of your body. (Signed), J. F. Miller, R. M. Wado by Geo, J. Piuiico, agent, Mis. M. A. Phi moudou, Kllngor & Beck, Ludd & Hush, A. N. Gilbert. Referred to city engineer to ascertain If tho remonstrance leprcsented a major ity of tho propel ty ellected. The city attorney was Instructed to draw up an ordinance to rebate .exces sive slrcot assessments to Ladil & Hush, W. Broyinuu, Win. Brown aud others. The ordliianoo referring to cruelty to animals was ougrossed, Tho now llconso ordinance was read llrst nud second times; referred to Cross, Duncan aud Kay. Stato Sunday School Convontion Tho NHnth Annual Convention of tho Oregon Stato Sunday, School Asso ciation will bo held lu the First M. 12. uhurch, lu Salem, opening Wednes day, May 2. 181)1, at 2 p, m, and closing Friday, May 4th, at noon. This Is a mass convention. Every person Inter ested lu Sunday school work Is cordially Invited. Every school lu tho stato Is urged to send as many delegates as possible. Tho preeonco of Mr, Wil liam Reynolds, International Field superintendent, will add much to tho value of the meetings. None can allord to nilw them. Attendance Mill open our oyes, and give us fresh courage for another year's otlorts. Tho names of all persons expecting to be prosout uud desiring entertain maut should bo sent to W. W, Hrooks, Balem, not later than April ililrd, Dslegatos buying full-faro tickets to Btlemwlll receive oortltlouto tit con vention entitling (hum to return trip tlokets at one-third fare over Southern Paolllo lines. Tho Oregon Paeltlo Ry. will also make special rato of ono-aiul-a half faios for round trip. Wo want you thuro. Come! F, It. Cook. Buaretury State Sunday School amouiuiioii. ' To Bo Sold at Auction. Four huuilrwi acres of laud. h&wiiiIII, four barns, two huiutos, tipple, puaoh aud plum urohard In bearing condition, 10 hoad of cattle and 36,000 feet rough lumber will U kIU at auction June t:h nt 1 P. in. Lund situated bovon mlltM southwest of t'hllomuth on Alww road, known as Moore's mill. The auollitii will boon the promises. dw Mkh. Hauuihit B. Mason. New Coltt'OHATio.m Tho North west Savings bank, capital 1125,000, was today Incorporated by Jt A. Chase, R. A. Reed and B. W. Btockyn, of Port land, Tho Northwest company, for making loans, building railroad and telegraph lines, also filed articles of Incorporation, capital (100,000, signed by McLaughlin, Fred Russell and Jas. N. Davis, of Portland. The Piiohjb. A meeting of the club at W. O. T. 17. hall last night was quite well attended. Soraoof tho leaders tbftt If established will appear In April. THE ANNUAL ROSE FAIR. Jalem's Rosa Growers Hold a Moot ing to Arrange For It. At tho Hotel Willamette parlors last 'veiling tho annual meeting of Salem's ilorlcultural society was well attended, ind the following named ofllcers were fleeted for the coming year: President, Mrs. Win. Brown; vice jreildent, Mrs. Geo. H. Burnett; secro ary Mrs. F. J. Bibcock; assist mt sec retary, Mrs. Chas. Parmeutcr; treas irer, MIs Minnie Colwell, Executive committee, Mrs. Bean, Mrs. Raymond, Messrs. E. M. Wulte, si". Sehoydecker, A. F. Hofer. The matter of holding tho ros-e show .vas dlscu'swl, and It wus decided to i old regular send-monthly meetings ititll the date for same can be llxed, vhiob will probably lie some time lu June. The executive committee will took after arrangements for tho same, ind It Is expected that a premium list will soon be presented. A vote of thanks' was extended to Gil. and Mrs. A. I. Wagner, fur cour tesies ex tended aid hospitality shown iy permitting their parlois to be used for regular meetings. The next meeting will bo hold Tuea day evening, April 10th. LETTER LIST. Tho following letters remaining in tho S'llem postolllco March 28, ISiM, un called for. Thoso calling for them please say "advertised." Anderson Mrs A E Kinsoy Mrs E King F A J Aiuason Mrs C Hosier J Hurrows Claud Heguli August Heuch J V Mrs Baker Asa llalley Greta Cross W II Curtwrlght Peter Chittel Lewis Carter J O Crane & Son Crawford Wilson Durkes F M Dlckoy Mrs J C Davis Leo Drake M J Davidson Mrs E Dawson Mis 11 K Darst Fidelia Eyro Mrs M Eborhart Ed Goodknecht Anna Guerln Mrs O Green W J Harris MrsN Hanson Bernard Harrison L L Harrot I) II Johnson Willie lUlhuur Martha MuloloTomo Miiuley E .1 Meaoheu .Mrs M McUee L MuDouough MrsO MoCrea Ruth Ross Carl Russel Jesuit) Robins Eiidy Reaves OT Reed Chas Scott Mrs Emily Stone P F Skelter Martha 2 Kirous J Smith Sydney Smith J G Smith A J Sprague II J Thomas E B Thomas Mrs J Thompson C E Wolf Dau'l Wood Mrs Jos P Wllklns Henry Weaver W E Walker L M Wallace James A. N. Giliikkt, P. M. Uso only Gold Dust Roller Flour. BOOKSELLEE, 203 Cobuuwchu St Fuit.-Mnuy vtirlttik, at Davison's nurkpt, 1 Court trot, .I i ii Gold Dust Roller Flour U (he bent. Roply to Country Jake. 8ali:m, March 20, '1)1. Editok Joukna l: Your correspond out "Vrt'o Trade Democrat," whoso articles conclusively show ho is not a Democrat, but a Populist, makes n lamo ellort lu your columns to explain tho artlolo orltlolzed by mo a few days ago. Ho charges many of the asser tions mude In his former artlolo to the carelessness of your compositors, but tho most vital errors It contained he either does not refer to or falls to apolo gia for, Ho oloses his last artlolo by askltig mo to leave my rake and hoc to auswor it. Ills artlolo really answers Itsjlf with any reader who will take tho tluio to unalyzo It, but It may de ceive many who only have the time to give It superficial attention. In his oilglual article ho said "It takes eight times as much wheat now to buy a gold dollar as It did lu 1805." In my reply I showed that lu January IBM gold stood at 283 and that the average price ot wheat in tho United States then was $1.M psr bushel lu cur rency or 81 contain gold, and that to day It was worth lu Now York about 00 cents per bushel, aud closed by ask ing him to explalu how he figured that It took eight times a much wheat now as thou to buy a gold dollar, Here is his answer and the whole o( It: "He knows that wheat will not sell for GO cents today average in three or tlvo prluolpal markets, and I am told that It cannot be Bold In Slvortou nor Salem for cash at nuy price, In any large amount." Just so. That proves his former statement, does It, "that it now takes eight times us inuou wheat to buy ti gold dollar as It did lu 18ft5?" After penning this answer It would be entlioly In order for "Free Trade Doin oorut" to write another assay ou the "dishonest" wilt or of the Courier Jour nal with his "gold standard goggle." Again lu reply to my statement that ntamarek attributed ths prosperity of the United HUitu to the protective tartlf, lie answer, "Tho prosperity of the United States mentioned by Bis warok waa the 'average' made up of the dollars of the many aud the mil lions or the few." It was eh 1 When and where did he learn that? Possibly Blimarck knows the meaning of the word "prosperlty"as well as does "Free Trado Democrat," even If he Is noth ing but a Dutchman. Prosperity means the same in Germony that it does everywhere else, and Bismarck, like every other well Informed man, knows that the American masses enjoy greater prosperity than any other peo ple, and Bismarck like Hamllton,CIay, Webster, Greely, Blaluo aud other great statesmen, with what "Free Trade Democrat" calls "shallow minds," believes that nothing has done or will do more to make us a prosper ous nation than the protective furlir. Next "F. T. D.'' was taken to task for saying "tho national banks got money and do yet at 1 per cent their and can loan It at their own llgures, any thing from 0 per cent to 30 per cent." In reply to this I showed that the average dividend of the uatloual banKs lu tho United States In 1891 was 7.70 per cent on their capital aud had not reached as high as 10 per cent in any year iu the lust 20 y ears. Last year it is stated their dividends did not average 5 per cent. Eveu In the palmiest days of the national banks, other lines of business largely exceeded them in divi dends including their bonds and all. Listen to his answer to all of this: "The government gives the bank $90, 000 ou a $100,000 bond, there is evident ly all but $10,000 of that bond paid In money. Now at tho end of the year the bank draws $3,000 Interest. Is that 3 or 30 per cent?" Pardon us for taking your space to reply to such a question as that. You must have the patience of Job when dealing with these Popu lists uud bear with all of their ludicrous antics. He says ho accepts my state ment (a statement which cannot be controverted) that the taxes, penalties etc. Imposed on tho national banks do exceed the Jl per cent interest they re ceive ou their bonds, and after that he states the foregoing proposition and asks, "Is that 3 or 30 per ceut?" Why in the name of till that is holy don't he tlx his per cent at 300, nud give us a regular paralyz-i? He says the Pop uiiL does assert aud can prove that the bank has the use of both tho bonds and lis bsuaneo of notes for the full term of the life of the bank. Well what of it if in returu the bank pays to tho gov ernment and to the people in the way of stuble cunency and In tho way of taxes, penalties etc. the fu'l amount of the interest ou tho bonds-? If there is 30 per cent to be made in national banks u by don't "F. T. D." and his Populist friends sell their (arms and start oik'.' lluvo Mr. HlihIi turn his big private batik into a national bank and let all business men iu other lines follow suit. The Held is open. Tho most absurd and outrageous statement mado by "F. T. D." is that "from 1806 to 1809 there was a contrac tion of over one billion dollars." How desperately hard times must have been about Dec. 1809. This stateuiont has not a shadow of foundation and yet thousands of honest men have been so constantly stulled with it that they imagine it is true. On Jan. 1, 1860, there wero alloat $330,000,000 of govern erument notes bearing 7 3-10 per cent. How many of theso did "F. T. D." or any body elco over see In olrculatiou ? Why should an interest bearing note circulate any more than an Interest beaiiug boud, and how many more of these notes than of the bonds did cir culate, aud how much would the fuud lug of theso notes Into government bonds bearhig lower rates of Interest contract the actual circulation? Not ono dollar. Tho actual circulating medium of tho United States Iu 1805 was $711,702,095 or $20.57 per oaplta. In lS701twas $055,212,791 or $17.60 per capita. In 1873 it was $761,8S1,809 or $18.01 per capita. Yet, though tho cir culation was nioro In 1873 than lu 1870, times were harder in 1S73. Tho circulation in 1893 was $1,600, 701,245 or $23.S5 per capita, n greater per capita circulation than we ever had before with tho exceptlou of a slugle year, when It was slightly more and yet times were nover harder. Now as to F. 1. D's comparison of 1873 with 1803. l'ho failures of 1873 wero nothing like as great even In pro portion to business doue lu 1S93 as In 1873, and yet there tiro many reasons why they should have been much greator. There wero 2,050,063 men em ployed iu the Union armies duilug the war, In the Southern armies there wero 1,100,000 men, making an onouiotis total of nearly 4,000,000 drawn out of a population Including meu women and chlldrou of only 32,000,003, aud yet within three years after the close of the war these Immense armies had shrunk to a barely 30,000. Hundreds of thousands of HVes bad been lost and billions of dollars worth of property had been destroyed and a national debt of nearly three billion dollars had.been contracted. It is simply wouderful that the culmination of all this mighty upheaval of affairs In our nation did not sooner come and that when It did come It did not bring In its train greater and more wide spread disasters than befell us in 1873. Having replied as far as space and time will permit to the last effusion of "Frte Trade Democrat" I shall return to my rake and hoe from which I was so rudely summoned. "Country Jake." Ed. Cemment: At the risk of losing the votes of the geutlemen who have conducted the controversy, the editor of The Journal hereby declares It off PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Local Correspondence from Towns in the Valley. from aumsville. Mr. Frank Pound is on the sick list. Frank Sawyer has graduated and does not attend school any more. The Populists have a strong club in this place-under the leadership of L R. Swank. Willie Gilbert Is trying to raise a set of whiskers and he begins to look more like a man. All have taken advantage of the fine weather in pushing work, which Is very backwurd. Great satisfaction is expressed by Re publicans, at the work doue by the Re publican convention. On election day there will be a larger Republican vote cast In this precinct than ever before. Arrangements will be mado for a joint discussion on the political questions of the day. From today the fight is on. The Republican club, known as the McKinley club, was organized last Fri day evening with seventy-four mem bers. Mr. Raynard and Sawyer work ou the railroad days aud at night iu the Populist meeting, work against tie railroads and the railroad's interest. Great objection was mado because the Republicans raised tho nation's flag on the day of the primary election. Some talked of taking it down claim ing that It was au Insult to the Pop ulists. A great mistake, the fi not an insult to the Populist, but the Pop ulist Is an insult to the flag. It is rather bad if we have two parties in the field who believe in hauliug down the American flag. FROM MARION. A. B. Johnson, of Turner, has moved into tho house just vacated by G. Bowling. Rev. Whltemau, of Turner, will commenced a series of meetings In the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening. Rutherford Bros, shipped a car load of beef cattle from here to Portland last Saturday. T. W. Rutherford weut to Portland with them, Q. W. Wilson, Is preparing to move to town the first of April. H expects to occupy the house belonging to Mr. Albert, of Salem, Dr. Golden was In town Monday. He has the material on tho cround for the new ferry boat at the Davis ferry, which he will have put up at once. Use only Gold Dust Roller Flour. m Park's Cough Syrup. Has beou so highly reoommeudedto us that we took tho agency for It aud now ask our frleuds who are sulleriug wiiu u com 10 give it a trial and ir It does not give satisfaction your money will be refunded. Every bottle is sold on a positive guarantee. Price 60 ceuts auusi.uo. ttoiu at uapltoi Drugstore. Low Steamer Rates. Parties Intending visiting the Mid winter Fair should patrouize the Tjuiou Paeltlo Steamers, as this Company has placed In etlect from Portlaud the low rato oi u'-j.uo to Ban lraucIsco and re turn, which includes meals aud berth. Full particulars can be obtaiued by ad dressiug W. H. Hurlburt, A. G. P. A.. Union Paeltlo System, Portlaud. 1-20-tl Midwinter Pair Bates. Midwinter Fair excurslou tickets, Salem to San Francisco aud return, via Southern Paeltlo Co's. Bhasta route. Rato, $27.60, lucludlug five ad missions to tho fair. Tlokets good for imriy iinyn iroui uaie oi sale. Rural Feast. Uetter thau Gcrmca. Have you tried UT lUobMt, heapeal brvukftuit cereutl. Sola by all sclera ltoc A.k for It. WlUon A Hajta, SUvertonWhoft naleitwleni. 2 151m . Use only Gold Dust Roller Flour, GENTLE SPRING TIE! It is here. So is our Stock of Cotton Hosiery and Underwear, -The Best Two-bit Hose, Boys' Ribbed Bicycle Hose, BREADSPREADS IN GREAT VARIETY. Ladies', Cbildrens' and Misses' Shoes Everything in our store sold far below competition. OSBURN'S RACKET STORE . LOWER THAN f I , -" f PRICES ! -ARE THE- Sales now beino- made on Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods, -at the- Columbia Shoe Store In order to reduce the stock. 118 State Street, Salem, Or. Bl i Bl Hood's and Only Hood's. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is carefully pre pared from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Pipsissewa, Juniper berrlefeaud otiier well known remedies, by a peculiar combination, proportion aud progress giving to Hood's garsa pnrilla curative powers not possessed by other medicines. It effects remark able cures when other prepaiatlons fall. Hood's Pills cure biliousness. Kossuth's Funeral Tukin, March 28. Funeral services over the remalus of Louis Kossuth were held iu the Evaugelical church this morning, Tbe remains were then placed ou the train, which will reach Ruda Pesth tomorrow. JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils, Window lass, Vanishes and the most complete stock ol Brushes of all Kinds in the State. Artists' Matcrials,Limc, Hair, Cement and Shingles aud finest quality of GRASS SKEDS New Advertisements. Two Stepping Stones to consumption are ailments we often deem trivial a sold and a cough. Consumption thus ac quired is rightly termed " Con sumption from neglect." WANTED SALE3MEN-S75.00 per week, selllne electric lleht ontflrj, fnr Hnn.V Rfnrpflnnri ohnna ,. j .-"jo, .S?rji,an'1,0!her popular patented article), outfits complete when Bhlpped. Ilest people buy: permanent situatien: no experience. Yh.V "arrl8n Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus otuo- 32fl6t DUCK EQGS-Pure whltfl Ptkln Duck K gs for sale. A. V. HOKER, Journal olllce. Scoffs Emulsion not only stops a cold but it is re. markably successful where tln cough has become deep seated. Scott's Emulsion is the richest of fat-foods yet the easiest fat food to take, It arrests waste and builds lib healthv flcsh. I Prpird by Scott ABowne,W.Y. All dratgiits. GOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE On account or the tevere Injuries 1 received X5.U,ecn cuttlnroir on o ny m ilnrfS otter lor sale my Truck. nniVVn'.1 "ov? business on my irucK, uray and Einrcss very liberal terras. Wl iPtir r-. .u ijr or conniry property. Apply to ". HYAS. 3-21 lw Salem, Oregon. Closing Out! 1.000 wKP;, .Mm., This paper mut be a.l clc V H,T'" "C lime, uail earlv and i.-t ti.. 7 "."" "Hu" Pper cben, er tlian eVr will beld ZStu I W?i!liK WANTED-Uy two eood German Blrls who are capableand willing to woik v-UM. u""B?: pPiy - ... uioijuwumcny 0l- to Kov John 3-28 6t 17-ANT,D Employment by a competent VV woman who wants work to support her ramlly at house-tleanh g washing or any housework. App'yat 4&) High stieet. SffiJ BKOWN titauOKNS-E'jGS For seiULg , mrom pure bred locfc, t the low price ol l.00per setting. PA UiKLIWGELE.cMrner ir.,;i, i Mluu Heeis tjaieui. visltois S 9 lm QALE8MEN WANTEU-Kree prepaid outfit. ,T of ou.r. aaents has earned over $20,000 In live yearn. P. u. Uox 1371, New York. '3-5 if A RhKLH.I.G.ab. 8TORE. Fruits and can XX dy. 150 fatate street. Fine tobacco and cigars. 3-1-tf rPH' ost perfect fitting truss made, i lupiure For sale by J Will I hnM H . .fcs - "" .0. ff ,1, rtiV ""V '"I'lure wuere all othera hne laiicu. street. U Farrlsh, 40U'apIial l-lb-tf PAI Elta.- Portland. Sacramento, otattle, lacomaandBan FrancUco pa person sale Mt Bennett's. Postofflce hlncir. v v CHRISTIAN BOIENOE-Literature kinds on sale at .126 liberty street. or all I-S-iy TUI hPA!!k.r ls kepton nie at E. O. Dake's i.-!A,d,virtJ8ln,Aeeiloy w Rnd 65 Merchant m,.7.8e8aUHLucU'" California, where contrao' for advertising can be made for it. South Salem Market. Freah Meats Bold at lowest rates, ami free delivery. Opposite brick store. Hay by the ton. VM. ItlNEHART, Prop. and I-GROCERIES STAPLE and FANCY. Wcodenware, Willow ware, CItOCKERY. A choice new line of Syrups arrived this week Osborn & Harritt's 116 Court street. -ll X. -f Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, aM tin Pewder: 3-:E5,.Ar5r IE3E60SS., alNDar!'o?agons' Carts' Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS - ,v -,,u 'iuciiy 013. See? vices. T carry a lame 11, " A T -T TV jr a rlfa n At your Eyea W. W. MARTIN. Opt SALEM, OREGON. with my Fre5chyfc S ". eh, r.n r .i 5?5U M al Case, enab ea me to ,r- I carry a large line of OpuWoodT and n"? L" V" j" ujrnntuuo Hilling, ician The ouly Pure Croaxa of Tartar rowJcr -No Ammouh; No Alam. Ua la Millions of HomM-40 Yca th SUadaxd Northwestern Nursery, BAM STATE STlll.- D.... .1 ' lllilhS PRICE3, below all ooosmuq. ?&?! Prt of the cltyr HAhD ' 4 , -.,r 4, u, JONES, PJROr, -"-ilfcilii !