Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, March 28, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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IoCto Month by Mall
&p"lcHn Advance
No Papers Bent -wnn
,.,, la Out.
The Journal Iia n Larger 0r.
dilation In 8nlem and Marlon
County than any Snlcin newspa
per. Boo our list. IIOFKK HUOB
O 1'tiMLMierA.
$3,UV ic.
VOL. 7.
NO. 71.
1 1 w'm2lip:v
" " " ' '"" - .-. . - .... i
i C lie W I Ul lIldtfiUl DELIBERATIONS.
11 AO J UOl'
Received a fine line ,'of Ladies, Misses and Children's Dongola
tt.A nflmr nrrnna nf Knnoa Onv Inlion' rlrnr.1o oli- nt- Co rn
Lo snfinin.1 barn-am. W want. r,n p.nll vrmr nffonfinn fr iv
stock of ladies and misses' Oxford ties. They can't be beat for
Prices or quality. We have also a full line of men's and bova'
shoes made by the
The Brown Shoe Co., of St. Louis,
All better grades fully warranted. You will be surprised at
Lr Vfirv Inw nricpa nn mpn's nnrl rinvs' hn.fs nnnfa rtvovnlla
jumpers, knee pants, gents' laundried and unlaundried white
-.hirts, black sateen and negligee shirts, crash towels, counter
panes, damask, hosiery, underwear, suspenders, ploves, laces,
embroideries, thread and notions of all kinds. While money
3 scarce it will pay you to buy of us and save 15 to 25 nor
:ent on all your purchases
State Insurance Block,
Bound to Defeat the
Sugar Bounties.
Senator Morgan's Reorganiza
tion Scheme.
Senator Dolpli Asks Abrogation
of a Treaty.
Ishing Tackle! :-:
New lino Just received. 20 gross of celebrabted
Tnat. ropoit?f1 ritranf. frnm T7!ni!nrif? fnnn nnlAa An pnrh.
new line of Baby Carriages at very low prices. No trouble
to sbow
Brooks & Salisbury.
Our general Stock of FUKNITUEE and CARPETS is so
wen selected mat it
A, Buren & Son,,
Florists !
Call and see them.
NOW is the time to look after your
Plants. Nearly everything needs
spraying now. We have cheap, ef
fective srjrav Dumps for amateurs.
103 State street
J. RUBINSTEIN, Suits Made to Order.
LADIES and Gents Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired.
225 Acres; 3,000,000
Trees; 1,000,000 Plants
Have the largest and most complete assortment ot
On the North Pacific Coast.
-Wo tave-
145 different varieties of Apples, 1G7 of Roses and other stock
in proportion. Send for Catalogue.
J, H. Settlemier &. Son,
Washington, D. C, March 28. A
plan fur abolishing sugar bounties,
without waiting for repeal in the tarifl
bill, Is being informally discussed.
Should they be contained in the tarifl
bill when it passes tiie senate, either a
special bill be introduced in the house,
or a rider be uttached some other bill
repealing the bounties.
Nicaragua Route.
Washington, March 28.--It ia un
derstood the sub-committee reported
today to the full senate committee on
Foreign Relations; recommended the
adoption of Senator Morgan's Nica
ragua canal bill, with some amend
ments. The bill provides for reorgani
zation of the caual company, with a
capital stock of a million shares, of
1100 each; for issuance of bonds the
payment of which is to be guaranteed
by the Natioual treasury, and for
cancellation nf the stock of the old
company, and prescribes tho method of
procedure under reorganization.
Scaling Matters
Washington. March 28. There is
reason to believe that the British am
bassador here will soon receive author
ity to consummate an agreement, by
which the small differences respecting
the closed zone may be adjusted on a
basis of the forty-second parallel. This
would make it impossible for sealir g
vessels to lawfully take seals anywhere
in the Pacific, north of the boundary
between California and Oregon, after
May 1st.
In the Senate.
Washington, March 28. Senator
Dalph introduced a joint resolution de
claring the treaty between the United
States and Great Britain, regarding
Mm rmiHtruotlou of a caual at Niuar-
auga, commonly known as the Clay ton
Bulwer treaty, no longer In force.
In the House.
Washington. D. C. March 28.
Thn house Democrats mustered a bare
quorum and will try to pass through
me u ixeiii joy nuu ujitcu un
born election contest today.
Representative Wilson Gaining.
Rav ANToNro. Texas. March 27.
RnrPRpntative William L. Wilson was
this afternoon conveyed in a carriage
to the ranch of ex-Representative Cable,
,.(, t miipfi nnnth of the cltv. Dr. Uu-
derwood, of the City of Mexico, who Is
medical attendant to Mr. wiison, ac
companied him to the ranch. The
doctor stated that Mr. Wilson is gain
ing strength very rapidly.
Snowing Furiously in Many Eastern
Fokt Scott, Kan., March 28. A
blizzard from the northwest reached
here this morning. The fruits left by
the last snap will be killed by this.
More Fine Snow.
Chicago, Ills., March 2S.-Early
this morning fine snow began falling
here. It promises to continue mrougu-
out the day. Temperature at freezing
Snow Falling.
Indianapolis, Ind., March 28 -A
small blizzard struck this city last
night. Early this morning a nue snow
began falling.
Snowing Furiously.
Ottumwa, Iowa, Marcn -a. n.
The Industrial Army Marching
Massillon. March 28. The reports
sent out from here about J. S. Coxey
oeing engaged in financial difficulties.
Is not true. Coxey's attorneys say the
statement about the foreclosure of a
mortgage for $24,000 on his horse. Aco
lyte, is groundless, and an iujustico to
him. No record of legal action has
been entered at Canton.
Alliance, Ohio, March 28. Twelve
miles of the longest free lunch route
on record was manned out for thn
Coxey caravan yesterday. January
weather was also on the program, but
the sympathy of the people along the
Hue of march are making it possible
for the men to make progress without
any particular hardship.
Cheered on by sausage, ham, broad
and black coflee, they marched. Soap
is still among the invisible things. The
health of the marchers has been re
markably good considering their ex
perience. The army arrived in Alliauce
last night footsore and weary and at
once got out on a begging expedition.
No dinner, and only cheese, bread,
potatoes and black coQeo on the even
ing bill of fare, has caused much
grumbllug and It may lead to open
General Hamilton, tho Denver lieu
tenant of Coxey's army, gathered fifty
men in the court house equate and
ottered to get some G. A. It. men to act
as his lieutenants. Failing in this, he
usked "Will my men serve?" Receiv
ing no response, he started to walk ofT
In disgust. "Have you got anv sand ?"
inquired a ragstained follower, shaklmr
his fist In his face. "I have." "Then
why don't you call to arms?" "Bo
cause I have been notified that If I get
my crowd inside the city limits it will
be arrested."
The doughty general tripped away
amid the cheers and hoots of the crow d
The prospects for his getting his army
in motion are not very bright.
nnxev's Army.
Alliance, Ohio.Murch 28. Coxey's
army broke camp this morning, with
193 men in line by actual count. The
next camp will be at Salem, thirteen
miles distant.
dives Him a Round With Eis Pen
For tho Prosont.
Cincinnati, March 28. Corbett has
given out the followlug statement of
his positien:
"I eeo that Jaokson recently said J
was afraid to fight him aud that ho
would follow me to England aud either
force me to tight or ruin my engage
ment financially by hounding aud
harrassiug me. This shows the calibre
of the man aud his decidedly cheap
and blufllng manager, Parson Davlcs.
1 have repeatedly stated that I would
not fight outside of this country until
I proved conclusively that it was Im
possible to get the fight on lu America.
He Is now bubbling over with fight
because he kuowa there is no chance of
a fight. As champion, It is my place
to name the battlo-grouud. I have
named America. Jackson has signed
for America and that ought to settle It.
Against the wishes of my friends I
consented to light Jaoksou. I think a
champion to be a champion must fight
all comers. For that reason I have
signed to fight Jackson. I have tho
right to name the battle-ground, and I
am not going out of my own country
to fight. Americans believe in America
first, last aud all the time, and I am an
American. When it is shown bevond
doubt that I cannot fight in my native
laud, then I will agreo to go to some
other o mntry. Until that time Amor
lea must stand as the battle-grouud.
In view of what has passed iu pugal
ism, Peter Jackson on account of his
color ought to feel highly fl Uterod that
I ever recognized him as a lighter."
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
i l- I
m mir mM if
jxm rowdar
years of ago and quite wealthy. De
spondeuoy over tha loss ol a small Bum
of money Is supposed to have prompted
tho act.
As a Result of tho Blizzards and
Frosts in the East.
Chicago, Mar. 28. Wheat Jumped
3 cents today on the prospect of the
cold wave. The scare started a wild
rush to cover among the shorts and
with heavy trading in the pit thero was
a ecane of wild confusion. Mav started
at 58, and went till it touched 01J. At
that point offerings soon caused the
price to nag o to 005 tho market be
coming quiet steady at about those
Oregon Pacific Claims.
Albany, Maroh 2S.-Spcclal Col.
Hogg.s representatives In tho cltv have
submitted a proposition to the creditors
of the O. P. Itallroad which gives him
au option ou their claims to be paid for
when consummated, at 30 per cent of
their fuco in cash and tho balance in
llrst mortgage bonds of tho reorganized
company. It is understood that nearly
all tho creditors hereabouts have n
"slgued ofl" on his proposition.
A McEinloy Boom.
MiNNEAroLis.Minu., Mar. 28. Groat
Republican enthusiasm is manifested
here. Governor MoKluely arrived this
morning. Ho spoko to a big crowd at
the West hotel, aud afUrwards de
livered ix longer talk to the state league
of Republican clubs at the exposition
He was received by two thousand
delegates with tumultuous applause.
It Is everywhere taken that this Is tho
opening of McKluloy's campaign for
president. There will be a big rally at
iho exposition building tonight.
Ten Men Killed.
Hancock, Mich., March 28. -It is
rumored that ten raon were killed at
tho central mine, Keweenaw county,
by u premature blast last nlcht. Wires
aro down on account of the storm. It
is impossible to obtain particulars.
, txen Inches
snowing iu,...;! ...-
fallen. It la Retting colder and small
fruits are killed
The snow storm oi maw u,w
About Coxey's Army.
Coxey's army is recruiting in Chica
go aud is 700 strong in Texas.
The industrial army marching upon
Washington is of a higher order of
men than tramps.
A mob of unemployed men paraded
the streets of Madrid, Spiin, yesterday,
plundered shops, smathed windows
and destroyed constdenblo property.
The military flaally dispersed the
orowd and restored ordir. A number
of the rioters were hurt.
Governor Hogg's ensure of the
Southern Pacific for Irlnging 700 pr
800 penniless men fnm California,
known as Fry's army, ind detaining
them on a wild prairh lu Texas, Is
greatly applauded by evrybody. It is
spoken of us a hearties iroceediug,aud
the threat of the governir to make It
hot for the superintendent aud other
ofllclals of tho Southern Pacific in tho
event the Invaders breat the peaco of
the state, Is backed by th people.
Senator Stewart says tie does not
propose making any response to
Coxey's reply to his lettefKiying ho la
coming uotwithstaudlig the re
monstrance. Ho said;
"I regret that such Is he fact. The
dangor is that Coxey's ffray, while it
may not be large uerre It roaches
Washlncton. may beoom the nucleus
of a gathering of hard enactors from
the large cities near Wulngtop, who
will be a j much in the asjority as to
give character to tho wole organiza
tion. I fear the inovemnt will result
In much hardship and aflerlug and I
think Mr. Coxey is on th wrong road
to accomplish his purpo?.''
The Coxey propositi!! to create
money, made In the mute through
the agency of Senator tflir, Is con
spicuous chiefly throug! the colloml
Impudence and the dniity of the
tlnaueial stupidity thalht behind it.
It embodies the maklngW.OOO.OOO In
absolute flat money an' tie Issuance
nf treasury notes on st(e. municipal.
county aud town non-ltefcat bearing
bonds the "money" i u expended
at the rate of H,000,00 a month by
the secretary of war in oaf construc
tion at a fixed wage rfejf 11.60 for
eight hour'u work, tollpbo apply,
Demands of Denver Populist.
Denvjek, March 28. The Populist
city committee held a meeting In the
ofllce of the stato coal mine iuspaotor.
Th&re were present 60 men and per
haps a dozen women. The doors were
locked, but It was learned that the
gathering was opposed to Police Com
miosloner Rogers, because of his evident
desire to ruu tho wholo party. Later
the delegation filed out of tho room
and into the governor's ofllce, whore
they demanded that H. M. Behymer
be appointed chief of police. Tho gov
ernor says he will recommend to the
new fire and police board to appoint
Behymer chief rather than John F.
Farley, to whom the place was offered
yesterday, by the new board. Mr.
Farley has not signified that he wouhl
accept the appointment, but has naked
for a few days lu which to consider the
Sorlous Runaway.
Ouo of Cross's market delivery carts
was sent spinning down Stato street
this forenoon behind a gamy, llery and
unmauagebleroadetor. Walter Lennon,
me unyer;waa thrown headlong on tho
pavement and cut severely on the
right temple. Tho horse turned down
Commercial street and landed flat on
his side, smashing tho thills, bursting
tho harness, but not irnlmr uit i,
tho Caufleld cigar stand. A douse
crowd ou tho walk there parted Just In
time to liavo no one hurt. Tho horse
md driver Had u narrow escapo from a
fatal accident.
A Fake
Dhtboit, Marh 9I.-A jpetfal from
Mabshalltown, Iowa, Mareh 28.- Hancook rii.ntatoitaM W of be
'be mow btorm of last night baa fatal explwlon In a mU ki purely
Investigation Asked For.
Denvkb, March 28. A grand Army
committee has demanded of the gov
ernor an investigation Into affairs of
tho Soldiers and Sailors' Home at
Monto Vista, on the ground of misap
propriation of funds. The stato board
of charities and corrections will prob.
ably take the mattor up. The charge
Is made that more than HO.OOO has
passed through the hands of tho true
tees without any rellablo record of
disbursement prior to April of last
Woman on a Grand Jury.
Dknvkb, March 28. Mrs. L. A. Per.
nn, iiaving registered as a voter, was
today drawn on the graud Jury.
Educated Indian Dead.
Penoleton, Or., March 28. Moses
Mlnthorn, a celebrated Indian, died
hero yesterday aged 30. He w
educated at the Forest Groye Indian
school. He embraced Christianity
early In life and Joined the Presbyterian
chuch. He was a delegate la thn
national oonferenco at New York city
one year ago and had many friends
among the whites. He was considered
wealthy. Mlnthorn had been sick two
years with consumption. The remains
will be hurled In the Indian burying
ground ou Ihe reservation at 10 o'ninnb
Thursday, the funeral aeryleea being
conducts by his great frleud, Rev. W.
E. Potwlne, of the Episcopal church.
Showed Obit. Walter Lennon,
who was thrown from a meat cart
today, was conveyed to Lunu & Brooks'
drug store, and his Injuries proved
more sevens than had been supposed.
His right arm, which was once Injured
In the saw mill, is uoarly fructured,
and his head severe) v out ir. ....
conveyed home in a hack this afternoon
and it will bo soma time ImfnrA )
recovers. Waltsr Is a leading spirit
among tho Good Tomplars, and showed
true grit in refusing a glass of liquor
vvheu he was nearly fainting.
PORTLAM). March 28. II. L. Darr.
committed tulclde today at his home
near Bunnyilde, He w ilxty.two
The time for receiving bids for tho
remodeling of the First Preshvlerlun
church of Hulem, Oregon, has been ex
tended to tho 5th. day of April 1804 at
ao'eiock p. in. PJans and sneclilca.
tlons can be seen at tho ofllco of V. C.
Knighton, architect. Bids solicited.
I'rubtws reserve the right to reject any
ind all bids. Trustees of First Pres
oyteriau church, Salem Or. a-28 4l
Two Pa boons The governor today
Issued the following pardens: Hugh
Qlbbous, sentenced from Malheur for
larceny, Dec. 1, 1893, 1 year, on recom-
rneudatlon of district uttornoy. J. J.
lUtctafle, Union county, Nov. 27, 1802,
two years for alterlug a check, restored
Small Bla.b. This afternoon u
lire occured at the Riverside boarding
hou-te at tho foot of Htate street. A
cloth waaaccldently dropped onto the
stove, from which the IUuim spread to
the wood box. It was soon put out
aud little damage done.
Will Be Thikd. A man arrested
by the Balem police as a tramp last
night, was arraigned before Justice
Eden tndav. am! In iIih onui .n.n.1.,. ..
all bystanders plead not guilty und will
stand trial at 4 p. m, today.
Gov. Ponuoyer wout down to Port
land today, as Is his custom.
Dr. aud Mrs. W, A. Cuslok returned
this morning from their extended trip
to California.
AIox. Potter, of Turner, Democratic
naudidato for county treasurer, was in
town today.
Judge Strahnn camo down from Al
bany this afternoon, ou business be
fore tho supremo court.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Flint relume,! in
Roseburg today, after spending a few
days witu Airs. H. A. Dearborn.
Dr. F. M. Brocks, of Silyerton, is in
the city today, attending a session of
tho ponslon Bxamlners. Tune wero
examined. '
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Chadwick leave
this evening for Roseburg whero they
will spend a few days among old time
friends nud neighbors.
Houry L. Barclay, of Woodburn,
ouo of the Republican, nominees for
representative, Is Improving uud Is
thought to bo out of dangor.
Mrs. S. J. Chadwick and children
left yesterday for thoir homo at Colfax,
Wash., after spending somo weekn
under the paternal roof of Gov. and
Mrs. B. F. Chadwick. and with her
sister, Mrs. Mayor Gutoh.
South Salem.
South Salem people aro preparing fi,r
a great treat when Dr. Looko lectures.
Tho South Salem Republican nhih
are taking up n MoKinloy meeting in
nouor oi tue man their club is named
Subscriptions are being taken iu
mouoy nnd labor to convert South
Commercial street Into a moro passable
Tho following Is handed In for publi publi
cateon: "There is u family In South
Salem that makes a business of keen.
lng up a continual row, day and night,
aim mo neignuors aro getting tired of
It. Thoy aro church inombers, and If
It Is not stopped.I will glyo uames next
time." TheJoubnal has not os a
rule, printed the names of pooplo who
had family troubles unless thov en infn
court with them.
Gband Recital. At university
chapel tonight thoro will bo an excel
lent musical recital under Dr. Parvin.
Tho eleotrlo cars will run nfter tho
entortalument to accomoduto tho
San Fbanoibco, March 28. Wheat
Chicago, March 28. Cash.MJ.'ivrAv
Pout-land, March 28. Wheat valley
83ja5; Walla Walla 76 77j.
djkxjflj WrwL
A Citizen. Hermau Koenlp. wJmm
auyono might know was heretofore a
subject of the emperor of Germany,
today took out his citizenship papers.
Pkohatk, Inventory wm fllei in
the Henry Croft e.tute loday, showing
aueeti of 12839,
"As old as
novor oxcou
cl. "Trial
nnd provon"
is tho vordicfc
of millions.
8 i m in o n h
Livor Regu
lator ia tho
only Livor
ami Kidnoy
modicino to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
our o. i A
mild laxa
tivo, and
purely vog
otfiblo, act
ing diroctly
on tho Livor
and Kid-
noya. Try it.
, , Bold by nil
Druggiatain Liquid, or in Powder
tobotakondryormadoi.ij.vt tea.
TboKlnffufUrerMetll ...
"1 iavQura!rourHiinroMMilJrUi(U
Jator hihI uii wnlBneloiwJy My It j flio
klriu onll llrur iHMtleinM, I wHSjderK u
iiivdlMliieahHtln lUelrOMu. W. JACtt
ON, TlMSOWU, W-Ulo.luu.
Km U 2 KUrop la t d va vtxf$