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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1894)
-r- at. jjojjs j -wtjfc !- . THE OLD Cl!AYVfPET" There's a lot of solid comfort In an old clay pipe,.! And, If jou'ro kind of out of humor Or In troublo In jour mind. When ou're fcelinif awful lonespmo. An don't know Just what tn do. There's a heap of satlsf action If j ou stnoko a pipe or two. The (en thousand plrasnnt memorlos That nro burled In )our soul , Are plajlntf tilde and ueek with yon Around tlint suioklnK bowl. - These nro mighty restful momenta; ou're lit peaco with all the world. And the panorama changes.. , As tho thin blue smoko Is curled. Now )ou cross the bridge of sorrows. Now )ou enter pleaBant lands. And beforo nn open doorway Vuii "HI linger to shako hands With a litho and girlish flguro That Is coming through the door. Ah, j ou recognl.e the features! You have hoen that face before. You aro o.t the dear old homestead Whcio jou spent thoso happy jcars; You aro romping with the children; You aro smiling through jour tears; You lia.o fought and whipped the bullrs You aro eight, and he is ten. Oh, how rapidly wo traell You lire now a boj again. , J You approach tho open doorway; And before the old armchair You will btol) and kiss tho grandma. You will mnooth tho thin white hair: You will read tho open lilblo. For the lamp is lit, J on see. It is now jour hour for bedtime, And j ( i kneel at mother's knee. Still J ou linger at the hearthstene: You aio loath to leae the plate. When an apple cut's In progress; You must wait and dance with Grace. What's the matter with tho music? Only this: The pipe Is broko. And the thousand pleasant fancies Vanish promptly with the smoke. A. U. Van Fleet in New York Sun. racking. Tho subject of Hacking is one which comes homo to everybody. . Conse quently Lord Kelvin's lecture to tho Royal society on the way the uni vcrse ought to bo packed is of uni versal interest. In his paper on 4 Homogeneous Partition of Space," Lord Kelvin, as I read, proved, by skillful divisions of rhomboidal and parallelopipedal bodies, that the bpst way is in tetrakaidekahedronal cells. Fortunately that is just the way in which tho universe is packed. It would be such a nuisance to have a lot of odd pentekaidokahodronal cells littering around, with chunks of the sky tumbling about and bits of limbs protruding into the middle of next week. The traveling public will be grateful to tho polygonal president for his hint, which clearly has a prac tical application, for what is good enough for tho cosmos is good enough for a Gladstone bag. Pall Mall Budget. ritjsiclans' Ungaboos. Most fashionable physicians have a specialty remedy, or bugaboo, which they advocate or inveigle against perpetually. Sir Andrew Clark led a crusade against tea; a New York physician is as fierce against coffee, attributing to it tho aggravation of every ill, from croup to gout. A well known London doctor always ordered hot water with claret, another was fond of prescribing tho hot water without tho claret, and so on. Still another eminent medical authority assorts that getting up early tends to exhaust the physical power and to phorton life, while the so called in vigorating early hours are apt to pro duce lassitude and are positively dangerous to some constitutions. Now York Times. What, Indeed? Mr. Grimme It is just an outrago tho way tho little innocent birds aro being butchered to adorn womeua hats. Mrs. Grimme But, my dear, don't you remember that it was tho bright bird wing I woro on my hat as I was going along tho street that attracted your attontion and led to your mar rying me? Mr. Grimmo What in thunder has that got to do with it? That only makes the caso stronger. Indianapo lis Journal. The TrutlifUl Camera. The Engineer observes that a cam era is supposed to bo a machine that will not lie, but from some points of view, especially the perspective, it ' stretches truth till it cracks some. A view of an engine from tho back cyl inder head makes it look about COO feet loug, while a drawing room car photogiaphed from tho door looks like a railway tunnel. Tho title president occurs in the Bible. "It pleased Darius to set over tho kingdom 120 princes, which should bo over the whole kingdom, and over these three presidents, of whom Daniel was firt, that tho princes might give accounts unto tliem, and tho king should have no ' damage."-Daniel vi, 1-2. Tho word pharaoh was not, strictly fpeakmg, a name of an individual, but of a class or race. For ages all the Egyptian kings called themselves Pharaohs, just as the Roman emper ors were each styled Augustus. Wo should be betior acquainted with many things if wo '.inspected them from the proper standpoint We should remerolos MvatjaVjecjs, to ke teen well, require to bo viewod at au angle of 45 degrees. Scotch manufacturers of cau-Jxmjll-1 Kull'Uide supply most.of tho French J demand for this article, which is ex- tensively used in the destruction of pajlloxera on grapevines. i Applicants for West Point must be between 17 and 22 years, of ago and fre from any infirmity. The Ship of the Di-sort Uitthir tfl 6ttt jJt was almost n relief to turn from these' fantastic and semijocular' trials ! oi speed and skill to the straightfor i ward and almost appalling simplicity of tho camel race. No one who has I not seen tho "ship of the desert" un- der a press of sail, so to speak, can ' have any idea of tho number of knots an hour which it can make, while as ' to picturing to tho imagination tho appearance of a fully "extended" camel tho feat may bo pronounced Impossible. The finish in this race was magnificent. I Three camels flow along neck and teck and such necks I for full a I hundred yards to within a few 'lengths of tho post, their unirainlv heads erect, their splay, disjointed legs opening and shutting at each stride like a dozen jackknives work ed by machinery and their riders lit erally waving fore and aft with tho violence of the motion as if a ciant was about to hurl them from a sling. How they hold on nobody could see, and Allah, the merciful, tho compas sionate, alone knew Some knelt, graspingfche brute's retorted neck, somo sat or crouched on tho saddle 6eat, somo frankly extended them selves almost at full length on the animal's mountainous dorbal ridge and clung to tho hump as a ship wrecked sailor to a rock. It was a sight to haunt tho waking memory and to rido tho dyspeptic dreams. London Telegraph. The Squirrel Monkey. The red backed teeteo, or squirrel molikoy, is by far tho most beautiful in iorm and color ot all the North American monkeys as well as being an interesting pet in captivity. The length of the head and body is about 12 inches, and tho tail is about tho same length. In color tho whole skull cap is black. Tho ears, face, neck and throat aro white. Tho back is reddish brown. Tho sides of the body, forearms, hands and feet are ocher yellow, and the amis, thighs and upper two-thirds of the tail aro olive and gray. The tail is not pre hensile, and the outer third of it is covered with rather bushy black hair, longest at tho end. I once owned a very near relative to tho species described above a tee tee, but not this identical species which was about the size of a gray squirrel, with tho nervous activity and spnghtliness of three. I bought it of a sleepy Indian in South Ameri ca, and it proved to be the plague of several people's lives. One that we shot and roasted for supper proved to better flavored than any squirrel I over ate. These mon keys are so small they aro not swift climbers in the tree tops, and al though easy enough to shoot are des perately hard to find afterward. William T. Hornadayin St. Nicholas. Seeing Distances. About 200 miles in every direction is tho distance a man can see when standing on a clear day on the peak of the highest mountain say at a height of 2b", 008 feet, or a little over five miles above the level of the sea. An observer must bo at a height of 0,007 feet a"bove sea lovel to see ob jects at a distance of 100 miles. Tho distance in miles at which an object upon the surface of tho earth is visi ble is equal to tho square root of 1J times tho height of tho observer in feet above sea lovel. Somo allow ance has to be made for the effect of atmospheric refraction, but as the re fraction varies at different heights and is affected by the various states of tho weather no precisely accurate figures for general purposes can bo given. Probably from ouo fourteenth to ono-touth of tho distanco given by tho formula would have to be deduct ed, owing to tho refraction of tho at mosphere. Home Magazine. How Uo Escaped. They were 6peakiug of peculiar names. "I had a prisoner once," said a member of tho party, who was for merly sheriff of the county, "who had the most peculiar name I ever heard. He was a dago and was reg istered on the jail docket as 'Xeno phon Emerito Mercatoiia Andrea.'" "No wonder ho got arrested ; s'poso ho dropped his name ou tho btreot one day and was hauled up for dis turbing tho peaco," was the comment from tho party. "How long was ho in?" asked one. "Less than a week. Ho broko out." "How?" "His initials did it." Indianapolis Sentinel. The Itltubarbs. The fashion of naming private res idences calls to mind tho story told by Kirk Munroo of a witty woman who lived in an old fashioued, quiet New England town. Sho wrote a note in re&pouse to an invitation to tea, dated at "Tho Elms," or some such name, newly given by nowcomors to the old homestead they had just acquired, and dated her reply from "Tho Rhu barbs." "For," as she said, "it would never do not to call our placo by somo distinctive uamo, and there's more rhubarb than anything else in our back yard." Independent -- A Cautious Voir. "Look here, Gua, why don't you make up to the little girl? Go in and win, man ! Ton my lifo, she's a regu lar pearl." , . . T Gob (6ulkily)-That may be, but I can't got along with the mother of pearl Texas Sittings. "gave the aiark." The ancient use of a cross instead of a signature was universal alike by thoso who could and by those who could not write. It was a symbol of an oath from its earliest associations. On this account Charles Knight, in his notes on "Tho Pictorial Shako spearo," explains thoexpressiou "God save tho mark" (Henry IV) as a form of ejaculation approaching to tho form of an oath. Kelly, in his "Com incuts on Scotch Proverbs," observes that the Scots, when they used to compare person to person, used tho expression, "Save tho mark." An other explanation of tho expression is that in archery when an archer shot well it was tho custom to cry out, "God save tho mark" that is, pro vent any one coming after to hit tho same mark and thereby displace tho arrow. Ironically, it was said to a novice whoso arrow struck no where. Brooklyn Eagle. " In Cases of Shock. A person m tho state termed "shock" is in a very critical condition. Medical assistance should bo procured as soon as possible. ' The face will be deathly pale, the body covered with cold perspiration, pulso very feeblo and the mind bewildered, or there may bo complete loss of conscious ness. If the patient is dressed, loosen all tho clothing about tho neck and chest, apply heat to the extremities, to the pit of the stomach, under tho arms, and mustard over tho heart Give stimulants freely, and if there is nausea give bits of cracked ice. New York World. Some Ancient Locks. In discoursing of locks and safes be foro the students of Nottingham TJniver lity college Mr. G. H. Chubb had much to say upon an interesting subject. It is curious that In tho wooden Egyptian locks of remote antiquity many germs nro found of the essential features of good modern locks. In China, where few things change, a well defined Roman stylo of padlock is to this day in almost universal ubo, but whether tho Chinese copied the Romans, or tho notion by tome means found its way from China to Rome, is a question it would puzzle u Beckinann to determino. The simple de vice of having the hollow stem or pipe of a key open at each end, so that dirt or other obstructions could be pushed through, is as old as t)ie Roman empire. Nevertheless hardly a year passes with out Rome enthusiastic inventor rediscov ering it and offering to part with his idea for a large money consideration. Generally speaking, it is at tho com mencement of tho mediaeval period that we begin to find keys like our own. The old puzzle padlock in its improved form was, it appears, the work of a French man named Regnier at tho end of the last century. Tho famous Chubb lock, invented and patented in 1818 by the lecturer's grandfather and great-uncle, owed its notoriety chiefly to its contain ing a mechanism called a "detector," by means of which the owner could tell if any one had attempted to open it with a false key. Its details are so numerous and varied that it is said to be easier and cheaper to make two of them to differ than to make two alike. London News. Fruit an Medicine. A specialist in skin diseases is author ity for the following statements: "Pim ples, eruptions and similar skin diseases of the faco that are not hereditary may be cured in a very short time by a diet of laxative foods, varied according to the season. I advise ornamenting the tuble at each meal with whatever fruit is sea sonable and allowing the individual to be helped whenever and as often as he or the may please. This serving the fruit course at tho end of tho meal, when the nppetito is appeased to repletion, is fa great mistake. "If I feel like eating an orange or a handful of dates, I do eo, whether the soup has been served or not. When the dessert comes on, tho chances are even that I won't want any, That's my gain, not lobs, for if I hadn't eateu the fruit I should haro taken a dish of ico cream, which little more than cools the mouth, and I would have had no room for the wholesome orange or apple. Chicken salads and patties, cheeso, pastry and a number of other popular and indigesti hlo dishes should have their turn at the end of the meal. Tho nearer the begin ning such things as fresh, rfpo berries, juicy tropical fruits, asparagus, cauli flower, onions, beets, mutton, rare, juicy beef, spinach, lettuce, squash and stewed sed fruits, such as figa. plums, prune and cranberries, are served tho better.'' Detroit Free Press. 1". by All Meant. Let us have "P's. Persons who patron ize papers should pay, for the pecuniar) prospects of the press have peculiar pow er in pushing forward public prosperity. If the printer is paid promptly and hi pocketbook kept plethorio by promptly paying patrons, he puts his pen to paper in peace, he paints his picture of passing events in more pleasing colors, and a perusal of his paper is a pleasure to the people. Paste this pifJco of proverbial philosophy in pumpkin pie order in some place where all persons may eeo it plain J v. Exchance. OuOOOOOoUuO OUOtAMXiOuUU OOOvU Hair Death. instantly remove and forever destroy on Itctlonable hair, whether upon the bauds. I&mw. arms or . "" f" 'Injury to tho most dellottoikln. H r r fifty year tho secret formula ox rssmus Wilson, acknowledged by i hysl .,.. . th hirheoi Authority andth no eminent deriuatolortst and hair spa JOS i nut ,bat ever lived. jJurUhU prtvat tv lice cj a uium inw "";" . A aristocracy of Kurope bo prescribed I(cYedVu .p6idoneeeonndnUal bolej ...." .i. v. rm si tv mn. securely lAgfeUI! tut eirnnKUii boot ham unuwtn v, iivt w MHouth rain Avenuejicw iwi 1Mb "" . ,' w --. Jfc ,-. vvvrwk nWttnVkft iJsjMwClMtetMMfiuHMMMM OLD TIN CANS. I now Every rartlble 'of the Caitbfi ttUn lis Is Now Utilized! I In the suburbs of great cities an industry has sprung up, having for its object tho utilization of old tin cans. In consequence these former ly despised and useless cans have no- ! quired sufficient commercial valuo to rescue them from back lot, dumping I ground and garbage scows. Under the present system of street cleaning, tho refusd of Now York city is loaded on scows from wharves located at convenient intervals along tho river front, and then taken to sea and thrown overboard. These wharves have double decks, the up per projecting sufficiently to allow tho contents of a cart to fall upon tho middle of tho scow and bo dis tributed by tho trimmers, who keep tho vessel on an oven keel. The trimmers select everything of value with the greatest care, rags, fat, bono, metal, paper stock, etc., being stored on tho lower deck of the wharf. Tho silver and jewelry form no small part of the contractor's profit, and the total valuo of a scow load is estimated at an average of $200. The space betweon the wharf plat forms is often closed in with odds and ends, and tho interior converted into a miserable habitation, by the trimmers, men and women, who thus herd together, their supplies be ing drawn from the dump. These dumping wharves aro the principal source of supply for tho old tin can industry, and a wagon load of canp can bo bought at such places for $4 or $5. Tho furnace is an old soap boiler, into which a few sticks are thrown Tho bowl is then filled with cans, and a quart of kerosene poured over them and ignited. Tho heat developed by tno ou is not great enough to at tack tho tin, but melts tho soldor, which flows' to tho bottom of tho bowl. The solder recovered from a load of cans averages 40 pounds. After this process tho tin plate scrap is Bold to make what is called "acid." Into a large, open vat containing waste acid, sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, the scrap is thrown and allowed to remain until the tin is stripped from the iron underneath. More 6crapand metallic iron is added until th6 solution is neutral. The tin thus dissolved is used as a basis for tho preparation of stannates or other tin compounds and by dyers The iron plate is lolled into balls for melting, the ferrous sulphate is purified and sold as commercial cop peras, and the remaining acid is used in repetition of tho process. Youth's Companion. Parisian Market Women In Politics. From timo immemorial the market women of Paris, who go by tho namo of the dames de la hallo, havo occupied a very important placo in Parisian lifo and in politics. Loud voiced as they are, they havo always succeeded in making themselves heard by tho government of the day, and have not only invariably succeeded in obtaining the ear of those who control French destinies, but may even be said to have influenced their ad ministration. Especially havo they play ed a conspicuous inrt in all the revolu tionary movements. It was therefore with a certain amount of trepidation that the military sentinels and police officials on luty at the Luxembourg polaco wit nessed the arrival there last week of a number of these dames do la halle, decked out in holiday attire, but with anger and determination plainly written on their countenances. In response to inquiries they informed the ushers on duty that they were a deputation come to pay an official visit to the senate, which holds itsi sessions in tho Luxembourg palace. For a few mo menta something akin to a general scare prevailed, and it was only when it be camo kuown that they had como to pro test against the action of "the so called "regrattiers," or market middlemen, that the equanimity and peace of mind of the denizens of tho Palais dn Luxem bourg were restored. Paris Correspond ent Eiilljr, Quickly. PtrmansRlljr RstUrtd. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and allthotrslnof ll (rou eulj rrorsor laur excesses, u reiults ot overwork, sickness, worry, e to. Tulittrenftb, development u4 tone gttren o every ortsn sod portion of ttift bwlr. blinplr nturlmelboJ. lirunedUielmprovemeut ttra. PnllureinipoulUe. 2JW refrrenci. ltxotr, explanation sod proofs lamied (sealed) free, ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUrrALO. N- E. M. WA1TE rnlNTINa CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Zegal Blank PuhlUihers. Bash' New Brlck,orer'1 street flOfrrteffi - 4a mmsA MfMnMl VmI ImitM fllpnfsiS rU. Addeft, Geo, -chitni.b, HIra. IUmX IsMVO oruw Bwau viwwp -vw FOR SALE OR TRADE. Onek-rooTi aad one room eotUco In Oak r.u LAAttlnn with tiro mod lots. Will be old seoaraulr' or toeeiber. As unusually i bargain Apply W W KBOHBKK.r. &r WU and Cbcuiekot street. f-lt ixjs VIGOg "MEN yWVrtrVVWWrVVVVWsV BALD 1 In tflaADEMAIiK naraii, onnior uocs it spilt at tno ends? lias It a lifeless appearance? Does It fall out when combed or brushed? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp Itch? Is It dry or in a heated condition ? If these aro somo of your symptoms bo warned In time ory ou will become bald. SkookumRoot Hair Grower Is trhst yon need. Its production Is not an accident, but the result of scientific, research. Knowledge of the diseases of tbe hair and Scalp led to the dlscor. try of how to treat them, "8kootrain"contAlnnMthr minerals nor olli. It li not a tyre, but a delUthtfnUy cooling and refreshing; Tonlo, By silmulsUng the follicles, it ttopt atKag hair, vurt Omirvjr and, orov- hair on tali ntads, ' tho use ot sitookum skin and dutron 1A hair. ' prepaid, on receipt ot price ii rour aninui cum THB SKOOKUrl 07 South s. BtaistcrtcL WWVWWWWWWWWJWrtM jH3SI&jSaSalsaV SftlBPBSRBBBSPaHIi Ed. C. THE NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed ttnd ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded by day or wetk at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Truck", Drays and Express to meet all demands. Also keep the finest Stallions in this county, for service. Barn and residence 2 block south of postofllce. RYN,fe CO. S. W. THOMPSON &. Co., Always Keep on hand a largo stock of loosoand unmounted Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires and impoited Opals. 2 21 Commercial Street. Ticks' Seedsi Ttt piojir Contmlm 112 nin Four Grand POPPIES dMtrlntloni that deSerlut. not ralileldl Illustrations that Ins.lriict, not txsggerate Tbe corrr li charming In harmonious blf rul ing of water cflot rrliiUi In srcn sndbit, with k (old iMttltsround.t-a arcam nr brmutr. S2 psgrsof Novtltlfs print 1 In A different W' ors. All the trading norrllles and the brst of tlw old varlpUrs. Tutas liarJ tlinM you cannot afford to run anr rlski Buy IIONIMT i:OI where Tpti will rrctlM I'll I.I. II IiAHITR li. It is not nrcraarr to surrr lae that Vick's srtds prow, tills ts Vnuwn the world over, and alio that the barrnt rart. A irrjr ,llttl irx nt for proprr need wl II sav ctih Shlrlev. Brilliant. limp. Orientals 0Trl800fUnU' For 30 Cts. SeeVtck'sFlo. roi Guide. eer'aandnnrtor'aLltlft. y. s im nt for p doctor's Ml o Floral Uulds tlie liandaomett catalogue fur 18M. If yon, lores line garden send address now, with 10 cents, ' wi.irh tnnv ha df dvoied from first order, usr SSIO Oaih rriiat lor retata s. not lllsnppolnt. The? CjroiVi Ibex tr JAMES (yft4c4Ka8egsitayte0i: sTarftaXf' r-il mmvfmm,mm TO SALT LAKE . DENVER. OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS EASTERN CITIES, 3 1 DAYS to 2 CHICAGO flOWS e ftu'cKst Chicago jand "ulk) 18 t3St IlOIirS u,cer t0 Omaha and Kan- Through Pujlmn and Touriit SletperSifm Reclining Chair Cm, Pining cri, 8v&ra&, IReceiven. rorisM &a jteoernJ iafenuAUofi eUl as or sdd ft, W. H If UKLJiOnT, AkI, O. V. A VH WMaMnstoo lit.. CotJM rTs,TXAXD, fJMBOd. .V.V.V.V.V.V'VVWftiVWV HEADS! What Is tho condition of yours? Is your hair dry, oqn7H destroys jxinulMo inuett, whtoh 3 oh supply yon sena aireci to us, ana we wui rorwara Growor,tlOOprbo;U4, XortWXX BoiWa ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., Fifth Avenue, Now York, N. Y. Forest Grove Poultry lards. Established In 1877.1 EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM THE VERY BEST VARIETIES Slock Finer than Ever, but Prices Same as Usual Get tho Beat and then you will bo satisfied. Bend for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, Lock Box $35, Forest Grove, Or. Cross, Choice Wholcsnle and Retail Djcnlcr in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of.a lliiuris 05 Court and 110 State Streets. Cqntain, the ,Germ of Ljfe, llwS. FAILURE VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Vick's Floral Guide. 1894, ptunu or yntbii ma riowtn . SllO 1.2 In., with nanrers Yellow Globe Onion Bt&, $1.00 par, pound. Jtntuthliis; itUr, Hibiscus, Sunief, Dahlls,F.thflVIck, Double Anemone, Charmer Vt, fantfeonralaV Nen .Potatoes. Vlaks Heed dn J'lourlsli, titer l'rodnr;e Abwuilitiill'. VCK'S SONS East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE 01 the - . Southprn Pacific Company. oAurouMiA (xmtm thaiw buj daily uf W 01OTXA!PAJ7I1.. HoutU. 0:16 p. in. i IiY. vjus p. m. i-v. 10: a.m. Ar. ftortn. l'ortlund Hftleim Bau Kran. Ar, I rrirUa. in LrY. I fiiiUa. in t.v.1 m1 Above trains stop at nil station from Portland to Albany Inclusive; lso atTsDnent i-tbedd, lialsey, Uarrlsbuiy. Junction City, Irving, Kusene ana all stations from lloseburg to Asliiand Inclusive. llOHBHUUO MAlf. DAILY, :U a. hi. IliV. 11:17 a.tnl.Lv. ) p. ro. I Ar. TPortEnd Kalem Uoseburg- Ar.l 4.1)0 p. nt, Jjy. I hto p. m, Lv,r 7.-00 a. in Diqlug Car, pn OgUcn fcJputo PDLLMAN BDFFBT SLBBPBflS Ai Seppnd Class Sleeping Cars' Attacbed to all throusb traTas.' iVestSide DiriaioD, Between Forilajitj aid Cerullis: IAlI.T-(WJKtT SfJMPAT). "SRsTISsV-SiC Utlo p. m. rHiu3r IXtrvaUls Ar, PHrp.m. Ar. lia p. in. At Albany and Oorrallls connect train of Oregon Psydflo Ilallroad. wltb KXKHUMTHAIM (DAILY ICtUTHUNDAr aw p,w.Lr. lOli p. m. I Ar. irtlaud' WrMlnnrllle A. pfcSa.u IiY.) fctOa.ui THROUtiU TICKETS To all polnu In tbe Kattsrn tltaUs, Canada nno e-iiropa can t ouiaiuea at lowest tauM (row W. Vf. MK1NNKK, Ant. Ha1ul J&F.BOCiKtUI. AssLt.y.aWflis.A'l puofessionai. And business cards. Kn.n'AHCY. oo. u.niNauAM. TYAROY BINGHAM, Attorneys at Law, XJ Itooins 1. 2 aud 8, D'Aioy Bulldiog. lil otato street. Special attention given to tmnl ness In tho supreme and circuit courts of tho state. a n nMLMJJtt toltD, Attorney at law1, Balcrn, JL OrcgoB. ufllce up Btnlrs In latton block. H J. 11 Kl G Kit, Attorney nt law.Balom, Ore eou. Otllco ovor liusU'g bank:. T J.8UAW.M.W.HUNT BUAWAHUNT O , Attorneys at law. OOlro over Capitol Rational banft.Bnlom, Oregon. JOHN A. OAHSON, Attorney nt law, rooms Hnnclt, Uusb bank butlqing, 8nlem,Ur. It. C. UONliAM. W.H. HOLMES. BON HAM & HOLMES, Attorneys at law. Ofllodln UusU blocE, between State and utirt, on Commercial street. luun ilAl.NK, AITOUMUV-AT-LAW. t) cnllec.lons made aud promptly remitted. Muipby block, cor. Htatu antf Commercial slreoU.Balmu, Urfgon. 9-U-tr. QTKLLiA. HUmtMAR. Typewriting and p commercial stcnoginpby. Ollice, room 11, Gray block. Tbe best of work done at rea. sonablo tatcs. 12-20 WO. KNIGUTON-Archltcct and sunerlc tendenu Oll'ie, rooma u nild 3 ilusb llreyman block. 9. u.u 2 a UltOWWK, M. D.. VbysiclanandHup. D. ceon. Ollice, Murpby block; resldcnoe. 5, Commercial street. DR.T.O. SMITH, Wentlst, 82 State street Balem.Oiegon. Finished dental opera, uons or every description, rainless opera tions a specialty. . 1 The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. Travelers "tuakela note on t." MJ This Great Railway iSystem Connects at ST. PAUL and OMAHA A WUU all transcontinental lines, giving direct and swift communica tion to all a ,KAHTKltN ana SOUTUUKN 1 O.NTH. AND IS THH, ! :::0NLY LINE::: 1 .k running J Eloctrla Lighted Jaml ; Btenni Heated Vestlbuled trains ot elegant Blfeplng, 1'arlor, Dining and llullet Cars, with Free Reclining Chairs, Making Its service second to none lu tbe viorld.l Tickebtyre on sale at nil prominent railroad tloktit olllcos. Kor further lnlormatlon ask tho nearest rail road ngont, Or address C.J, EDDY, General Agt. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass Agt. PORTLAND, Oregon. From Terminal or Interior Points the ECT't lnjtbe.llue to take To all Points East and Soutn. T It Is the dtnlng car route. It runs through vewilbulo trains; every day tn tho year tq ST. PAUL AND ;(No obange of pars.) Composed of dlnlngcars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room slocpois Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Dost that can bo constructed and In which accommodation are both tree and tar nished for holders of first and second-class tickets, andt ELEGAMT DAY COACHES. Aoontlnuoca line connecting with nil Hues, udordlng direct and uninterrupted ervioo. ftillman sKeper rvairvatlons can bos. onred In advsxoo tUrougU. any agent of tbe road. Throngh tickets to and from all points In America, Kngland and Karopo can be purchased at any ticket ollloe of this com. pany. Kull Information concerning rates, time of tralns,routes and other details furnished on Application to any agent or A. J). OHAJvLTQN, Assistant General I'assenger Agent. No, m First street, oor. Washington; Port land, Oregon Shaw & Downino, Agenta. THE WILLAMETTE, BALEM, OREGON Bales, $2.50 to $5.00 per Bay The best hotel between i'ortland aad Ban Kranolsoo. Klrst-claaa in all Its aptolutments. 1U tables are served with pie ' ' . ' Choicest JTruit8 Grown In tbe Willamette Val'loy. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. Phoiimatlsm, l-urnbaco, Solatlca, viqnDy MQmpiaintSi .nmo book, etc. IR. SAHDEJI'S ELECTRIC BELT With Eleotrcr Magnetic 8USPKNS0RY Lilut l'lMla r Uaal Iianaaiaat I WIDrurt mtltiiMA malldu all WmImm raaultins' from 10 sairiii te&Aiwa winw wiwwuil OTtr Ji IMUUUrift ftSv ailfjuuwla-naaJlaarailarf. ajrul . itfi Our-rvwf latan.. ttu'iaic sttrftiKr.tlxt (nuta tuua .f tHr. vtak nun. rXtv Utl Wu. ilaaUSaa4tlrnalunH'aaraiUSTSlOlaat NSaTN &.u4fuHllu'J rmLWt,liiliJ.autlad,trVs lUiiiovtd to Cor. i una ana wushiuttoa pi IVrtUnd.Or, ssssssssP -syCFj i7V ssssB 9f ". J.V"m-'i wiuooxajivi at aijOTs dUuM at ho Tktt. saoda b& IjMui au,m! bv U.U biaw.nL. a InfatiUon" vrwm (urittit c ,A mn.Tr.wia A- a