Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, March 20, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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    irfVl Ii" w FSdEWS
Jftlhi i'IT" m.Hi!
BT TllJt
Capital Journal Publishing Company
Poatolllce Hloclc.;CommerctM Street.
lmlly, by carrier, per month,.
Dally, by mall, pr year,
ekly, 8 page, per year,
0 60
Reply to Country Jako.
Editor Jeuknal: Will you allow
me a spaco to nay a few words to
Brother "Country Jake," partly lu ex
planatlou of some things tho types
made tne say which were not lu the
manuscript. He thinks I should be
slammed Into Jail and fined for such
slauderous statement, ud this might
be tho best plan to stop Investigation ol
this Bunject. Them In the letter wat
made b lu type and this stated billion
where millions was Intended, (actual!
tho conservative estimate is 30 billions.;
Thon J said: " Auy one can see that at
money decreases lu volume or business
Increases lu volume tho died id to
lower value of every thing as compar
ed to money." The typo makes volunit
read value, which changes the senst
entirely. So lu several other place?
that does not make so great a difference,
probably caused by poor writing, bui
there Is plenty of facts left that Coun
try Jake curefully avoids mentioning.
He knows thut wheat will not sell fui
CO cents today uverage In three or 11 vi
principal markets, and I am told thai
it cannot be sold iu Silvertou nor Sa
lorn for cash ut any price, In any large
amount. The prosperity of the United
Btates, moutloned by Ulsniarok, was
the "average" made up of tho dollar
of the many uud the millions of the
few. As well cite tho average rainfall
of this state to proyo that there hat
uover boon u drouth in Eastern Oregon
nor a Hood lu the Willamette.
Then ho says Lincoln signed thote
laws, yes, under protest, and as the
only alternative to the dlsmemberinuui
of the uulou.
Will he favor us with tho remarks
tnudo by Lincoln on the subject. Also
John Sherman when the contraction
policy was inaugurated?
But for the present we will accept C.
J'a statement thut the tuxes, poiiultics
etc. do oxcood the 3 per cout that is
received on tho bonds. Uoos lie moan
to assert thut 3 per cent Is tho uverage
flinco tho bonds wero issued? 1 guess
uot. Again, if the government gives
tho bank $00,000 on n $100,000 bond,
there la ovidently, all but $10,000 of
that bond paid iu money. Now, ut
lUaiuid of ' """ " """ -
$3,000 Interest. Is that 8 or 30 per
cent. Got your poncil out. Tho bal
ance due the bank Is $10,000 until he
returns thoso notes uud tho Interest
drawn is $3000. See?
Now tho "Average Populist" does
not lmmagine, nor assert, thut the
banker goes oil with both bond ami
money ut the end of tho charter limit,
but they do ussert and can prove thut
tho batik lius tho use of botli for the
full term of the life of tho hunk.
Then comes u quibble about the
amount of "legal tender" in ciiculutlon
Which hns not vurled iu fifteen years.
Tho umouut stated agrees very nearly
with tho report of tho comptroller
which Is near 310 millions. They
huve not vurled because it hus been
over fifteen years since the greou
baokers caused congress to call u hull
lu tho "retirement" policy uud tho su
premo court Buhl they were right; but
that 1b outside of tho question. It Is
the national bunk ourrouoy that 1
stated could be expuudod uud contract
ed ut will, uud this statement Is
carefully evaded by C. J. Now uboul
tho contraction about 18(15 to t),
These nro not Hourlcks nor Swunks,
but reports of U. S. comptroller. Jn
1805 the "debt" Aug. 31st. wus $2,815,
007,020.06. Tho bonded debt was
$1,100,580,101. Then the balance lu
uso ab money was $l,7.10,321,i:5.O5,
Page 35 of comptrollers report In 1880
ub to tho bonded debt ut various purlotU,
Bays thut ou June K0, 1800, the bonded
debt wus $2,100,608,020.
Tho bouds Issued from Aug. 81, 1MM
to June 80, 1800, wero exchanged nt par
for legal tender, greenbacks uud or
course the bouds could not be used us
money and the greenbacks wero "re
tired" and burned, there was u con
traction lu less than lour years of over
ouo billion of dollars. There nro some
quibbles about wlmt of the dllleruit
"ovideuces of dobt" were, or not lu tuo
as money, but any fair minded person
must admit thut ull but the "bonded'1
debt wus used a inouey by the people
at thut time. Now tho point 1 uiUke
la that the national banks have the
power to I u crease or diminish tho cur
rency volume to utmost any extent,
Arbitrarily, as will best sorvo their In
terests; that It has been done iu the
past und that such u power Is contrary
to the beat Interest of the people of (be
United Btutes. Can It be denlid ?
Now as to those "failures" stutlat ca
tot 1873 aud 1803, No ouo. has wild
thut the absolute number of fullims
wjrotho same. Ou tho ojutrary it
was stated that iu proportion to bind,
ttesa done, in 1878 (hero toio mure
failures than in 1803. Tuko the bank
clearances fur tho two years iiuiiimL in
Now York, Chicago aud San l-'nuieUtv,
or auy ivprecu(ativo Jlno of buiutn
and then show your figures.
This was stated to prove that the
present paulo win uot caused entirely
by the agitation of the tariff question,
as It wus not agitated In 1873.
Hoplug that country Jake can now
leave his rake uud hoe aud explain
some of these things I still remain
A Fiieb Tuade Democrat.
SifcVEKTON, Or., March 18, 1804.
Prices Current by Telegraph Local
aud -ortland Quotations.
Salbm, ..larch 10, 4 p. ra. Ofllce
Daily Capital Jouknal. Quota
tions for day and up to hour of going to
press wero as follews:
Apples 30c to oOc. a bushel.
Vtnls dre-iied C cts.
Hogs dressed fi.
Live cattle 2 to 3.
Sheep alive $1.50(a)$J.
Salem Milling Co. tiuetes: Flout
in Wholesale lots $2. GO. itetail $3.00.
Iliuri $14 bulk, $15 sacked. Shorts $15
l.i Chop feed $10 and $17.
40 cents per bushel.
Oats now 2o30c.
Hay Baled, new $8 to $10; old $10 to
12. Wild lu bulk, $0 to $8.
Wool Best. 10c.
Hops Small sale, 17 to 18c.
Eirgs Cash, 1213.
Butter lie-ft Hairy, 202-3; fancy
creamery Mi$w),
Cheese 12 to 16 els.
Kami snioKcd meats Bacon 10;
hums, 12; shoulders, 8.
Potatoes 25()3Uo.
Onions - cents.
Carrots, $0 00 per ton.
Beeswax 31c. Cat away seed, 18c.
n'sebeed, 20c. Ulnsong, $1.40.
i ou. try Hens, 7c; roosters, 50c;
hu'o, 7; turkeys, slow sale, ebuiee,
W geeho.
drain, I'cuil, lite.
Flour-8talidard,i$2.75; Walla Walla,
$2 00; grahum, $2.10; superfine, $2.26
per oarrel.
Oats A ow will te.3 lo nor bu. .if rov.32e:
rolled, iu bagH, $6.76(ii0.00; burrels,
Hay Beat, $1()12 ior ton.
Wool valley, 10(llo.
Millstufls-Bran, $10.00; shorts, $10;
ground barley, $18; chop feed, $15
per ton; whole feed, barley, 70 cts. per
cental; middling, $23()28 per ton;
chicken wheat. 051.15 percental.
lions Now 12 to 14.
Hides green, sailed, 00 lbs. 3jc, un
der 00 lbs., 23n; sheep pelts, 1000c.
Butter Oregon fancy creumory,27j
80c: fancy dairy, 22J2T)c; fair to good,
1517jc; common, II to 12c per lb.
Cneeso Oregon, 10I3; Young
Eggs Oregon, 12 per dozen.
Poultry Nominal; olilokeus, mixed
$3.003.50 per dozen; diicks,$3.504.60
geese, $7J(V)t8. turkeys, live, 1J12
dressed Mo
Beef Topseers,2J8cper pound; fnir
.ogood steers, 2(.()2o; No 1 eows, 2o; fair
tows, 1 Jo; dressed beef, $ I 005 60 per
minion--liest sneep, $2:00; clioice
ewes, $2:2.
Hogs Choice, heavy, $1 001 2T;
nedium, $1 00 i 60; light and feeders,
$3 004 00; dressed, $0 607.
Woel: Oiegon lOustcru choice, 10
lie; dolnfeiior, 7c; do .volley, 12
Hops 15 to 18c.
Potatoes l-Turly Boie. 1050. Bur
bunks, '10fi0o.
Outs Mllliug, $1.101.15.
EviiiiYiioDY Wants a dally paper
until after election. One Cent Daily
for four months at $1.00.
State w Ohio. Ci rv up Toledo. uo
Luoah County. Ha
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho
Is the senior partner of the firm of V,
J. Cheney & Co., doing buslnens In tho
City of Toledo, county und state ufore
said, and that said firm will pay tho
sum of One Hundred Dollars for each
and every mm of Cuturrh that oaiinot
bo cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Uuro. Kuank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before mo aud subscribed
In my presence, this nth day of Decem
ber, A. U, IhStl.
I Notary Public.
Mall's Cutarrh Cure is taken lu
terually and acts dlreetlv on the blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system,
Send for testimonials free.
E. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
ga.Bnld by Dnu-glHiH, 7.l)-ents.
Hood's Cures
Old Tlir Ourea.
In Medimval times Lfachild did not lenrn
to walk with readiness tho wise wizard
would direct it to creep through a black
berry bush which had the canes bent
down to the earth and rooted by their
tips. At tho present it would be ok
pleasant and efficacious for the tartly
toddlor to creep among a few barbed
wlro fences, and it would be more In
keeping with the keen spirit of this ago
of wire.
Ono of tho leading sources of Income
to tho old herbalist was tho compound
ing of love powders for despondent
dwnlns und hnartsick maidens. If a pow
der would not bring tho desired relief,
various juices of roots and herbs wore
mingled in a potion and sold ns tho love
phial. Iloro is on old roclpe: "Mistleto
berries (not exceeding nine in number)
aro steeped in an equal mixturo of wino,
beer, vinegar and honey.
"This token on an empty stomach bo
fore going to bed will cause dreams of
your futnro destiny (provided you retire
before 12 o'clock) either ou Christmas
ovo or ou tho first aud third of a now
moon." Perhaps as a lingering romnant
of this absurdity there is a current no
tion in some parts of tho world today
that a whole inince pie eaten at mid
night will cause tho reappearance oi
long departed friends, not to mention
tho family physician and the moro inter
ested members of the household. Chau
tauquan. netting ou a Street Cur.
Did you ever uotico a man who is go
ing to get on a street car while it is in
motion? Ho com?s down off the side
walk and stands along tho side of tht
track quietly till tho car almost reaches
him. Then ho walks ahead a few foot
and prances about like a string haltered
horse, awkward as a Shanghai roostei
that wants to fight. Just as the car
reaches hiiA lie takes two or three steps
sidoways, and at last, confused as a
schoolboy, grasps the hand rail and clings
on like a man who is drowning. Colo
rado Sun.
A Mnttor of Time.
Wagleigh How did you like thatdin
uor service I sent you today, dear?
Mrs. Wagleigh Oil, it is perfectly
lovely, but there ore only 01 pieces iu it.
and you know tho set mamma hus con
sists of 117 pieces.
Wagleigh Well, dear, don't let that
worry you. After Bridget has handled
It for a week or so it will bo in a good
many moro pieces than that. Exchange.
Tho Fools are not all Dead.
A lazy man, whoso horses aud cart
wero stuck In tho mud, prayed to Jupi
ter for help. Jupiter answered. "Fool!
get up und put your shouldortothe
wheel and do uot call on mo when you
can hoip yourself." Foolish people
buy hap-huzurd, blindly trusting to
promlrtes made without a guarautee.
Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Dlscoverv
is guaranteed to cure colds coughs, ull
luiignllections, and even consumption
In Its early stages. It puts to rout ull
stomachn troubles, purifies the blood
gives healtful action to tho slucplsh ljv-
.i .i-i..oo i.ioiiiiHiies iroin Cue skin.
It is an honest medicine, and au In
valuable health insurance policy which
should novor bo allowed to lapse. All
druggists keep it.
rctun ii'di i-m i ,iji .m Hi f mi ,iBrfTiHii.iiTr ,nrii wi iVi.ti.i i.-crWfwrnw
Tho pope's handwriting Is cleat1, dell
catoand upright aud ii more tho calig
raphy of a poet than that of a church
Emperor William has been presented
by tho Italian government with a superb
album containing photographs of every
ship in the Italian navy.
Ismail Pasha, tho famous ex-khedivo
of Egypt, now aged CJ, lives in regal
splendor in. his palace on tho shores ol
the Bosporus. His wealth amounts to
about $2r.000.000.
Tho Empress Frederick feels particu
larly at homo when at Windsor and
much enjoys going to London for tho
purpose of visiting studios and chari
table institutions incognito.
Venus, tho pet dog of tho lato Duke of
Clarence, sat for his portrait to Miss
Lucy Waller at Marlborough Houso re
cently. Tho Prince and Princess of
Wales watched tho progress of tho pic
ture with great interest and havo ox
pressed much satisfaction with tho result.
Tho celobrated oculist, Dubo Charles
Theodoro of Bavaria, a member of tho
bavarian royal family, performed his
two thousandth operation for cataract
at his privato hospital in Munich not
long ago. His consort and tho Duchesses
Charles arJ Sophia assisted on tho occa
sion, Tho pastor of ii church iu tho state
of Washington when a boy stole a
rido on tho cowcatcher of it locomo
tive on un eastern railroad. His con
science recently pricked him, and ho
sent tho company $3. 13, tho amount
of tho passage, with mterest.
We otter you a remedy which, it used
as directed, insures safety to life
of both mother and child.
Robs confinement of Its Pain, IIokror and
Risk, as innnj testify.
"My wile used only two bottles of Alother'a
Friend. She was easily and quickly relieved;
is now doing splendidly."
J. S. Morton, Harlow, If. C,
Sent bv express, chnrges prepaid, on receipt
of prico, $1.60 per bottle. Jiook "To -Mothers"
mailed free
Bold by nil Drufiubts. ArLAXTA. Oa.
Rathor Stoop.
Than take In any other form is what
many people thiuk aud Park's
Tea Is made for Just those folks, It
cures constipation and though not a
cathartic moves tho bowels every
duy. Bold ut Capitol Drugstore.
Rick Hendache ami rellere all tbe troubles Inci
dent to n bllioua statu of the tritem, tuch as
Diuinois, Natisea. DronMneu, Distress after
eatliiB.l'aUi in tlio Bide, .to. While tUeirmojt
romurkuulo luccess has been shown In curiug
lleadacbe, yet CiRTiR'o I.rrriJs Liven Pills
ore equally valuable in Constipation, curing
ami protentlnjj this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the IWer and regulata the bowels.
Ken If they only cured
che they would be almost priceless to thoea
who sulfur from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately tbslr goodness does not end
hero, and tluvo who once try them will find
these tittle) pills Taluable in so many ways that
they wlU not bo willing to do without them.
Hut otter all slclc head
Is the bane of so many Ures that here Is where
e make our Brest boast. Our pills sure It
while othi-rndii not.
t'lHTmi'a larrut r.irra Tims nmTfi-u mll
and rery easy to take. One or two rills make
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon couucll of the city of Salem, Oro
gon, propose to improve Liberty street,
from the south line of Chemeketa street
tj the center of Trade street, by estab-
llshluga grade and bringing tbe street
to that grade, by gravelling tho road
way eight inches deep, und bv con
structing the necessary crosswalks and
drains: From tho south Hue of Che
meketa street to the south line of Ferry
street the improvement shall extend
35.5 feet on each side of the center line
of the street: and from the south line
of Ferry street to the Center of Trade
street the top of the embankment shall
extend ton feet ou eaoh side of tho cen
ter Hue of tho street, the sides of the
embankment with n natural slope.
Done by order of the common coun
cil of tho city of Salem, this 13th day
of March, 1801.
ED. N. EDE3,
Recorder of tho City of Salem, Oregon.
3 14 10 d
272 Commercial 'street, Salem, Oregon.
Formerly of Morrison Btreet.
Portland, Oregon.
Undertakers anil Enihliners.
Cabinet work and repairing.
Cotirt;street, Opposite Opera House,
Jfc'llOEUEL SCHOOLS Mi Tftlr. I "(1
Infant, Connecting and Primary classes
every week tlay from a. m. to
I!im. except eaturuay
for teachets' dally practice work from
0 a. m. to 12 m. in Kindergarten.
On Mondav, Wednesday and Friday
fiom 2 to 4 p. m. Classes meet for
studvof Froebel system. Mrs. P. S.
Knight, Principal.
Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with
training class, conducted by Mrs.
Kuight and Miss Uallou. For terms or
information apply at Kindergarten
rooms, corner Court aud Liberty streets.
Bteluway, Knabe, Webber, Emer
son and other pianos.
Storey A Clark and EarhefT organs.
All first class makes of sewing ma
chiues. Smaller makes of musical instru
ments and supplies.
Genuine needles, oil and new parts
for all makes of machines.
Sewing machines and organs re
paired aud cleaned.
Two doors north of postofllce, Salem,
Leaves Portland for Salem aud Cor
vallld on
Sundays & Wednesdays
6. A. M.
Leaves Salem for Portland Tuesdays
and Saturdays at 6 A. M. Pa.-tseu-,
ger rate Salem to Portl'd, 50c.
REDTJCED RATES to San Frauclsco
F. J. Smith, Agt., Trade St. Dock.
T1IH oiler Is made to you alone In your community- Will yu a, ?
We present below the mo.t valuable libt of jn-eiiiiuijis for
clubs of the best selling newspaper printod'oir theConst.
The Great due Cent My.
Tie Peoples' Paper of Oregon,
Only $3tOO a year. '$1.5oforsix
months. Sl.OO for four months.
fiffl-No papers sent after time h out for which it Is ordered.-&a
YOU. You are the man. If we caunot get you to act, baud this to
someone who wants one of these grand premiums for (-imply getting up a clab
Almost anyone will take this paper upon merely seeing it. It sells itself. It if
so cheap no one can afford not to have it. It suits readers In city and country,
of all classes and parties.
An Oregon Newspaper California news does not
suit you Eastern papers will not answer This is
distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entirely cover
ing Oregon interests.
W.A. Cvunr
J. 11.
Capital National Ban!
TrnnFftcta a general banking buslnfws.
I'rompl attention paid to collections. Loans
made. Kxcbange bought and sold on the
principal cities of the world.
V. V. MAUTi.v,
J 31. JlAKTIN,
J. 11. AL1IKKT,
Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day
The best hotel between Portland aad Ban
Kra.n?,?- Flmtr-claiw In all Its appointments.
IU tables are served with the
Choicest Fruits
Grown in the Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
Is not complete
without an ideal
iloso. Tiny r strictly wcvtAbt and do
"iKniiur (uirK, mil oy incirRrnil aclloii
iUeaw nil who uso thvni Iu tlals nt 84 cvntst
Ire fur SI Sold nr-whf re, or sU bj uuui
CASTES UISieiKl CO., Hit Tat
UM M to,, M Price,
Rhoumntlsm; ,
Lumbago, SolatiCfV
Kldnoy Complaints,
wmo uaoKj ac.
Jr. O, Jf. Titu
"Evory Doso Holps Mo
When I tako Hood's Bartap&riua, and I
thiuk It the lwt msJUluo for Uio blood.
My ilx-ycar-old boy had loros oa tilt feet,
catmxt by a'OlHOM ivv. They booame
so large and ilulul 1m could net wear his
hoc. A weV a(tr I leuu giving hiui
load's SarsaiwHUa Ut sort be2uu to heat
. and when be lutd taken two hottJM he was
cured." Altw. C. fl. Titus, So. Qtbsou, i'a.
r .vk.-r
m am Fir JTV 7r njBMii mvlW I f! M
With Electro Mnanotlo 8USPKNSORY.
. ll ltUt llMt !arra.l. I
n iu runt iukhi! nuotHn ail Mku ......
c..r.u,l4uuo uu w (m, iiro?iiuS
O.UIIlr. WfplMUMU. Uxcuor.
U4tfr comri4u.i.
Hood's Pills r tufir tuums, s&4
it 601 yar. Jln 91 giif. Try kgxUUd,
- " wsjii.i; '
nihil, as irrxms o.Ulltjr. WdImmms
ilwunuiuiu. kkiuy. lu.r ui UZi.u
UuaUtk. luiui2U. aclAlktt. alt f.i i.TZ'-r.T'
-- -". .-- .. 9mmmw .. m,vr Mlh
Thoroughbred Poultry for Sale.
I have the following nrst class thoroughbred
IHiultry for sale at prloow Hinted; orated read)
lor shipment, pmebuser to pay uxpres.
ohargBa. Addnm, ouro of JOUnAti olllco,
I'QitoRlro bi ok, su'Biii Or.
Seral White leghorn cookroU, very Une.
(uo pudeU for bale,) n IW.
Itluclt Hmuuu i-oodrolii, I to 5 mouths old,
itrown Ueghoru 111. Spanish, Iud. Uamps,
U llruhiiia oggi, uuu por etUug, Heud fci
catalog, K Iloir
V. 11. U'AHCV. URO. fl. 1U.NUKAM.
DAHOY A UINUHAM, Atlorueys at Law,
Itooiiu I, i." and a. l'Aroy Hulldiug. Iti
suite ktrtwt. MiKlal attention glveu to bust
nemt lu the suprvme aud circuit couru of the
state. -j ii
combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health-
lui, ana harmless, and when
iigmiy useu is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to tne lace in this climate.
Insist upon having the genuine.
Cliina Set Free.
For a club of twentylive yearly subscribers, a 'set ofidecorated Havlland
china, 129 pieces, sold usually at 75 to $100. from Damon Bros,, Salem,
collection of tine cbluaware, marked down to $67.
Silver Cutlery Free.
For a club of three yearly sub&cribers, a set of Roger Bros, best
silver plated knives und forks, G of each, from Damon Bros., worth $6.00.
$25 Suit Free.
. F1or,tt, l of eit'bt subscribers the best $2-5.00 suit of clothes iu the stored
A. b. Brasfield fc Co., bulem, your own seleotiou.
Steel Plow Free.
For a club of eight subscribers a steel beam, teel Gale steel walk
,lnS I'low, tho best ot its kind, from Gray Bros., Balem, worth $25.00.
Silver Spoons Free.
or a club of two yearly subscribers, a dozen Roger Bros, best
silver plated tea spoons, fiom Damon Bros., worth $4.00.
Organette Free.
ur a club of eight yearly subscribers a first class .German Rose
wood organttte Iroin J . G. Wright, worth 35.
Sewing Machine Free,
nJ-vL ell"i) 0I ilftefn Ifccribers, a Climax high arm, 4-drawer, oak
$55 00. 8 umcUlue wurrauted, from Geo. C. Will, Balem, worth,
Sillv Hat Prep.
Menln.CiiMr .wm0 y?lll ""Jj8"' one of our best Bilk Hats from C. IT,
Jueusuoilter, Portland. Retails for $0.00
C HMM.ffhr,;ni''i'lrly,8Ub8crib,ira ne finest imported silk hat from
U H. aieusdoifler, Portland, retail t. .m no
ANI1 .
Lv(al Blank Publislievs.
Bash's New HrHH.over tho bank. Oom'l street
rly subscribers one Eight Duy Woloh Clock, beauti-
rplLMUN rt.mii, Attoiuoy t law, &ilem,
L OrvfitiH, Dttleo up kUtlrslu IStttou block,
HJ. HUH! Kit, Attorney at Uw.Snleiii. Ort
. Ktm. umrauN-vrUusU'sbunk:.
if . Atlof ue s at Uw. OUU-o over UiplUl
National bauk, Kalem, Ornron.
TUltN A, lUON, Attorney ut tawTrooms
tJ a and I, llu.h bank buUdluic, Salom.Ur.
kr.uoNHAM. w, h. iioLxtta.
BUN 11 AM Jt HOLMKt), Attorneys al law
umclu Hush block. btwwu State huU
I ourt. uu Uuuuitwvlrtl sirwt.
tl Ulleoi.uus iuuJs auU prouiiniy remltlej
Mutphy block, .)r. Statu and Oommerciai
slrt-tu.rioliii, Unyon. tf-nr.
JTU.W HiIbllMN,-TycwriWUK aud
ALk4 . fr
mmirwk mm wAbh. . -
Wo. I1Hnrtlrct.UitTIUL.lS OUT.
Hmod toUor.lbird aud WjuUluiou ou,
'rUJj(l, Or,
uuiiiiiinvui, wutwany. urae. room
The beat r work aou at rea
(irav block,
souabUi iats.
M-.HMutU).N-ArchHdi aud uixu-
trndouu Uttle. rooms a and S ilush
llreyuisu look. tk hmu
U, t.'omiu.raUl street,
1 mrlnmhip heretofore VS.iin" tjin
Dr. J.un . CartwiU-lit Is this day dirwivpd
Salem, Or., JUrohl.lSSI.
h3 '1 mri JmHwi
1).. tkvslusau ami Kn.
urilw, Murphy Qejk: rtMaeoc.
aftj.1 Minted .
II T C. aMITll, lKMIft. Ml Stat Htvi
SoSMSy.UeMrtI,U9a- - "W?!
(NN .DsVirI PATIKTf For a
Sirfv i.2wf "? ? " opinion, will. , 5
tni art tout& !& rL,JiSirJLitSu' "
in th
a roar. SisrU
oootAinj txau.
'VBT. BUlbl Ann...
. issr-yysa.ti?'.
una pistes, in cocr. B.,TK;w"t,,u ou-
-.-fl TO, w Twut, jl ftwSV,
Steam Washer Prpn
8ti wiueiVorthiTo? BUbeerib"s' olie of J' B" Brown's Fountain
VVelcl-i Cleck: Free. ' I
rur a c,uo 0I nvo yeuriy 8UD8l.rib,
iui case, i(J5.
nwsUlCollHlrl!.b Kf"U ye!Vrly subscribers, one Scholarship in Capital Buf.
Worth mt ' lelu' (for complete business courfe) good for two yews.
Silver Watch
xr..,J ,club. of elgut subscribers a hlrrh niBaa tnr wninh. from W. W
.uu.uo.juweier.alem, worth $25.00.
Furniture Set' Free
8teHdr'4eUr,iLleeUI fu,nuer8 a solid oak, carved bed room set, bed
WonhtK aud'slttutJ. A. B. Bureu & Son, furniture dealers, Balem.
Coolv Stove Free.
besUmdeCcmh?S?8"bsC.ib,er lBe !, !No. 8 cooking stove,
Salem, worth J2o! Coast' from Perr' &Co!'b 8,tove and plow vork,
Ladies Gold Watch Free
caso"rfromUWVMHrMly """'"-s one ladles' gold watch, Waltham B.
retail prlro?30,oo . f Baloiu' tho be8t ma(1" stem, winder and tetter;
Shot Gun Free.
gauSshotBul'S.",00,0 J'' English double barrel IS
and mouutiliKs .) tl a Recked grip and fore-end. engraved lock
lug locks, ow clrcu -it nnk aUd h,alf ,l8to1 Kr'P. extension ribs, reborn
gun, from bIXSS """" &
ibilverine Watch Free ' '
wtter,afro"n WtWwHMMUbs!;ibter? one ilveriuo watch, stem-winder tnd
made, retails at J6 00 lartlu of fcalem, gives us good service as tbe twt
Fruit Trees' free
Albany 'nufiei'nf8""!? Y 600 Italian prune trees from the
ceint i
r- ... uoiues auu money,
retail wrico Iff""18 ar a11 bonft We, quoted nt regular
be t T nell0 lmmes. 0f the dealers ili are among ot.r
solves mei-' are lven' that agents may satisfy them-
mTSr E VvVord jZST"' WrtU '
' IU It 1 I 1 VI' ill .-. J )
', fur luauuw !,,., "'T ' e ;?r,y subsrlptlons
us, or ao for ibree mouths ' . r year' Ule'
itfil.u., '" "uutns. riie iinni imn . ..T..
among as manyss
cau seutl lv i c"
l.r tnr ni.ftlltS. Oh If
Send posto'llce order or buuk dra?t.
HOFER BROS., Publishers,
imMmi , mmmmMmv g3