JjftsSS A HARD WIND. And the Man Who Told It Never Cracked a Smile. Tho rann with the whisk broom goatee crossed his legs and remarked: "I never seed such wind as wo had in jhe state of Kansas last summer." "Blow your barn away?" asked tho landlord sympathetically. -Not much. Barn blowed into tho nest county last April." "House, inebbe?" "Lost tho house long in June. Kited over east about three miles and lit iu Cherry creek. Didn't mind that so much." ho continued. "Got 'em back and anchored 'em again all right, but along about July 1 wo got to havin real breezy weather." Tho landlord said nothing, and tho group around tho hotel stove prudently followed his example. "The Oth day of lust July," continued tho btranger after a reflective pause, "there come up the doggondest wind I ever t.ee in tho state of Kansas. When it began to blow, my bantam rooster was just flappin his wings to crow." "Did it blow the crow out of him?" in quired tho stableman jocosely. "Gentlemen," said the man with tho whisk broom goatee impressively, ret heeding the interruption, "before liiat bird had done crowin every livin feather on his body was blowed clean off." "Leave tho pinfeathcrs?" asked the landlord skeptically. "Yes, sir. Left tho pinfeathers, and in three minutes along caino a streak of Kansas lightnin and singed that roost er ele.ui." There was an awkward pause in the group around tho stove. Tho atablcrnan looked around the stovepipo elbow to get a view of tho stranger. At length the landlord broke the pain ful silence. "Hank Lafiin's brown maro has gone lame," ho said. Detroit Free Press. Uurt Iler. "I just heard of Fanny's engagement, and I camo over to congratulato her," said Miss Hiland to Mrs. Dukane. "Suppose you step up stairs," replied the matron. "Fanny is in her room and will be glad to see you." Miss Hiland entered her friend's room and found her Bobbing bitterly. "Why, Fanny, what are you crying for?" asked the caller. "Boohool" sobbed tho newly betrothed. "What's the matter?" "I I I'm engaged. Boohool" "Yes, I know. Is that why yon are crying? I camo in to congratulate you." The sobs continued. "What's tho trouble? Do you think Frank has quit loving you already?" "N-n-no, but" "But what? Was there any difficulty in getting your parents' consent?" "It's just the other way. They said they were glad and seemed so pleased it looked as though they were glad to get mo off their hands. Boohool They might at least have pretended to object. Boohool I've a great mind to break the engagement. So there!" And the tears commenced to flow again. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. Satisfied Iler. Ho was tenor in the choir, had his hair curled and parted in tho middle and was persistently fondling a downy mustache all during the opening of tho service, when suddenly it dawned upon him he might bo sociable, and whisper ing to a lady next to him he said, "Ee ally, I do believo my voice improves with my looks." She was about to re ply when tho pastor announced tho text, "And the ass opentd his mouth and spake." Then she smiled and was con tent. -Adams (Mass.) Freeman. Working Together. Ho was the local doctor, and every one wondered why the parson appointed him churchwarden, especially those who as pired to tho dignity themselves. Ono of these, howover, soon solved the mystery, and to his rival's discomfiture. "I know why the parson's 'pointed of him," ho said decisively. "Parson gets a feo for every funeral, and tho doctor's guaranteed him n certain number every year." Spare Moments. Modern Realism. Modern Author Which is tho phono graph I took to Mrs. Forundred's recep tion? His Wife This is tho one. Modern Author Very well. Tell my secretary to copy it off and send it to The Bightone Magazine. I promised them a new society novel this week. New York Weekly. NoAVInc". In the midst of a battle a general saw a man running from a very cjoso situa tion. "What are .you running for?" demand ed the disgusted general in a stern voice. "Golly, general," said tho fleeing man, "I'm running becauso I can't fly." St. Louis Republic. A Probability. Bingo What's become of that blot ting paper that was on toy desk? Mrs. Bingo Why, can't yon find it, dear? Bingo (savagely) No, I can't. Mrs. Bingo (sweetly) Then It most be on there yef . Brooklyn Life. Getting at It Diplomatically. Mrs. Smoothe Reginald, dear, I saw a lovely little bit of ribbon down town today, and I want it so much. Don't -ou think 1 might buy it? Mr. Smooth A ribbon? Of course. What a questionl Mrs. Smoothe And there's a beautiful feather in tho samo place just a little one. May I buy that too? Mr. Smoothe Certainly. Mrs. Smoothe And just one thing more, my dear. They've got a frame for a hat at tho samo place. You won't ob ject to my buying that, will you, lovey? Chicago Record. A Literal Interpretation. jfAJvE. THE CARS HERE) "WELL, THESE CITIZENS ARE OENEUOUSl" -Life. Cold Sympathy. Dobbs started out the other morning with tho toothache, and of course ho met everybody ho knew. "Hurts, doesn't it?" asked No. 1 as he tried to look sympathetic. "Well, I should smile." "Try cold steel." "Thanks, awfully, I'm saving my teeth." "See here," said No. 2, "if you'll fill it full of pounded ice mixed with salt and alum, it will stop the pain." "Thanks," said Dobbs, "but I prefer the pain. Ouch I" "Go to the dentist and have tho nerve killed," suggested No. 8. "It's being killed now," howled Dobbs. "Next." "Take creosote," suggested No. 4. "And smell like a burning chimney?" snarled Dobbs. "Excuse me." "Grin and bear it," said No. 5, trying to bo funny, and he nearly got his head broken for his pains. "If it's jumping toothache," began No. C but it evidently was by the way ho jumped for the door, and then Dobbs filled that tooth with whisky and stopped its aching void. Detroit Free Press. Old Men IJarred Out. "Some people have very queer notions about renting furnished rooms," said the proprietor of a very large establishment of the kind to tho writer. Upon being asked why, he explained that he knew of a woman who would never rent one of her rooms to an old mr.n and had her bervant girls instruct ed to ask each applicant his age. "I happened to be on tho steps one day when n rather elderly man applied for a room," said he. " 'How old are you?' inquired tho girl. " 'Sixty-five,' replied the rather as tonished applicant. " 'That settles it. You can't havo a room here. Tho mistress doesn't want any funeral from her house.' "New York Mercury. rroni a "Local" Tolnt of View. City Editor Yes, thero is a vacancy en my staff. Do you think you could condense a column of ideas into two h.c's of space? Applicant (facetiously) I think l would succeed better in spreading two inches of ideas over a column of space. City Editor You won't do for thi3 de partment. Apply at the editorial room. Now York Weekly. Tluck, Foreman of Pressroom Ink's nil out, sir, and I ain't printed but 200 copies. Editor Havo you cleaned all tho soot out of the lamp chimneys and used that? Foreman Yes, sir. Editor Well, then boil down last week's returned copies and squeeze tho ink out of them. This paper is bound to get on. Brooklyn Life. A Sudden Coolnem. ilisa Highflier Oh, Mr. Sappy, how nice it was of you to name your new hunter after mo! What is she like? Vnnm? Rnnnv Well, she's a regular btunner, Miss Highflier. Not much to look at, don't cher know, out very last. And ho cannot make out why sho is so cool to him now. Vogue. Newspapers In New York State. Since tho centennial year, 18TC, the number of newspapers in Now York state has nearly doubled. Thero were 1,088 published then, and thero ar 2J131 now. Printer's Ink. i u m u hThTuoI Hair Death. init&ntlr remove ana lorrvcr -"r" i . . ,..(.twtfinh' ir? ?!r T il l"f mill, swurely Er.? ..7. nT Uim RROWER f0. t THl "-"-' '71' ...r. vn,r puutnp, HStoB His Apt Iterly. Countess , who is nn American by birth and a delegate to tho Co lumbian exposition from a foreign country, applied for u complimen tary card of admission not long ago. Tho officinl to whom sho spake of tho matter explained to her that it would be impossiblo for him to issuo a card, becauso if it wero lost ho had no way of tracing it. "A photographic pass is much bet ter." he said, "as it can bo readily traced. Such passes," ho added, "are used by all members of the board of lady managers." The countess objected to having her jricturo taken for a photographic pas on the groi'Jid that Bhe was a titled personage, and it would not bo in conformity with etiquette. "Well," replied tho official, byway of persuasion, "my mother is a mem ber of tho bourd of lady managers, and when sho comes to Chicago next week sho will havo her picturo taken just like tho other members." "But you see," said tho lady, "1 am a countess." "Yes, I know," retorted tho official, ''and my mother is u queen." The countess stamped her foot and without another word turned and eft tho office. Youth's Companion. j. "- Soup ana urip. The grip and pneumonia nro preva lent do not bo alarmed, this is not an advertisement in thin disgniso. Tho Italians, when they are in their own land at least, believo in soup as a forti fier against such diseasos. But Jet tho soup bo strong, and let tho stock bo well chosen. None of your thin dishwater concoctions. If tho soup is clear, sprin kle in it cheese, and with a liberal hand. Let tho cheese be Parmesan, not bottled, but grated from an honest hunk. Boston Journal. Thoughtless or Unkind. "Here," said the very young man, "is a chameleon." "Oh, Mr. Callow," she exclained, "this is very kind of you! I shall take good care of it." "I hope you will keep it to remind you of mo." "I shall take tho greatest pleasure in doing so." And after a pause she added, "What a pity it doesn't stay green all tho time!" Washington Star. Tllo Doiilitru! One. An old negro being on trial, his lawyer challenged a number of the jury who, his client said, had a prejudice against him. "Are there any more jurymen who havo n prejudice against you?" in quired the lawyer. "No, sab, do jury am all right, but I want to challenge de judge." Green Bag. Her Only Consolation. Friend of the Family Aren't you afraid to let your husband tako that trip into tho mountains at this season of the yeai? Mrs. Billus It drives mo nearly fran tic to think of it! But he's well insured. Chicago Ti'ibuuo. Tull Shotted. Sbo walked along the thoroughfuro. Tho wind tho heeded not. For Its embrace sho was prcpsired. Her diess wtis tilled v. Ith shot. Indluimi'olis Journal. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all Hie train of evils from early errors or later excretes, the results of oernork, sickness, wurry.etc. Full strength, doi clupiiieut and tone given to ei try organ and fmrtlnn of tho body, ilmplo.naturalmethoife. Imniedlatnlrmirovement spon. Failure linpoaMble. 2.1U) references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) freu. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. v I'HOFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS. i'. ii. n'Aucr. oko. a. binoiiam. D'AKCY & BINGHAM, Attorney at Law, Honrns 1, 2 and 3, D'Arcy Bulldlne. 141 suite street. Special attention given to busl Bbna In the supreme and circuit courts of the state. 2 11 aULMON KOKD, Attorney at law, Ealem, Oregon. Ofllce up stairs In I'atton block. H J. B1GC3KU, Attorney at Uwalem, Ore gon. Olllce over Bush's bank. J J. 811 AW. M.W.HUNT HHAWAUUNT . Attorneys at law. Offlce over Capital National bank. Halem. Oregon. rOHN A. CAH-JON, Attorney at law. rooms I H and , Bush bank building. Halem, Or. 11. f . liONHAM. W. H. UOiMtJi. BON HAM & IIOL.MES, Attorneys at law. Offlce In Bush block, between State and i ourt, on Commercial street. TOHN BAYNK. ATTOHNKY-AT-IAW. t) Collection made at.d promptly remitted. Muiphy block, tor. NUtte and Commercial aii-iv-tu rijilem. Oregon. B-tf. STELLA HHKHM AN. Typewriting and commercial stenogiopliy. Offlce, room Q wy block. The best of work done at rea so'iiable aten. 1--B WC.KNIUHTON-Architect and superin tendent. Offlce, rooms 2 and 3 Bush-Hn-vnun block. ! BO. BROWN K, M. U., l'liysicuu auu nur. ceon. Offlce, Murpby blook; residence, ill. i nmnirrcnw ict D tioi R.T C HMlTll, DentUt. 82 State street (7;,, a nf everr description Baicm, ureguu. ri'1 KzJTI 4 1j.ww tlons a specialty. Steamer fllfona FOR PORTLAND, r .vm imiu dock Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 7:15a.m. RETURNING, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at fr.15 a. m. r-ast tme for pa')Ker wH"t D0 WX ending freight handled. HOUND TRIl,(oo"u1)200' newJr ll:2i. JwIBA.1,3 OB CENTS Vor freight rate and lckU i apply to K.A. HLtlOUT, Ageut.ftt the deck, toot of HUto i street. -jWg B fila IwTaiwuntgltf A,AVftVWVA'V,,.WiVA,,iWJV,tV'i V" Ttf i "Si Mm hi t) V" Li What Is tlio cocJUion of yours? Is your Imlr dry, pi Iiarsli, brittle? Docs it split: at the cuds? I Ins it a , lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or jV brushed ? Is It full of dandruff? Docs your scalp Itch ? J Is It dry or In a heat.. I condition ? If these arc sonic of yoiirsympto'nsbuwi'ii'jdintliMOoryoti'wiUbeccniebild. j f JV- . 'J Ii, . .r.-h. kti v, t!vWa.J.'"rTJ "' J cf I aw to I tiowledito of the . vAfl ilifiin treatthom. HflTi istiof aDre.butailellshtfullrcooliuc and rcfrohln2 Tonic. l)y stimulating Dip fclllclcs, ff itopi ailing hair, cures dctndrujr and grout hair on bald In I'taJ . n , tr ITccp ths ecalp clean, healthy, and free from Irritating eruptions, by V tho i'3 ot tlookum 6in Soap. It destroys jiaroJifio insects, uiicv fe.a on anilttcttroij the hatr. i uciimy ittc flnir. If your dniEKlst cannot prep-tu, on rrcrlpt ot price. ptrjsr6forl50. THE SKOOKUn TltADCllAIlK 37 SontU JtegistcrtJ. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE orthe Southern Pacific Company. CALIFORNIA KXPKKS3 TBAIN RUN DAILY BE TWEEN POHTI.AND'ANDS. F. aoutu. i I Murtu. U:1S p. in. H.CU p. m. NWj a.m. L.V. L.V. Ar. I'orLliiud Salem Ban Fran. Ar. l.v. bv. KM u. in 6:39 a. va 7:00 p. in Above trains stop at all stations from Portland to Albany Inclusive; nlso at Tangent Hhedd, Halsey, Harrlsburg, Junction (Jlty, Irvine, Kuuene and all stations from Koselmrg to ABnland Inclusive KO.SK11UKO MAXI. UAILY, S:30 a. m. I LiV. 11:17 a. m Lv. :50 p. m. J Ar. I'ortluud Halem Itoseburg Ar. I 4:.iO p. in. Lv. I 1:40 p. m. iv. 7:00 a. m Dining Cars on Ogdcii IJoiitc PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND Second Class Sleeping Cars- Attached to all through trains. West Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: PAILT (EXCEPT SUNDAY). 7:d0 a. m. 12:16 p. in. IliV. Ar. I'orlluud (JorvalllB Ar. Lv. o:So p. in, 10 p. HI. At Albany and CorvalllH connect wltn trains of Oregon I'aclflo llallroad. BXPKKS3TKA1N (l)LY EXOKPTMUNllA 4:40 p. in. I L.Y. Portland Ar. 7:25 p. m. I Ar. McMlnnvllle Iv. ti:2du. hi 6'SO a. in THitOUUti T1011ET8 To all points In the Kuntcrn States, Canada and liurope can be obtained at lowest rates irom W. W. .'KINNKIt, Acent, Halem. K.r. IIOQEIW, Anst. O. K. and laaa. Af't ft KOKH1.KK. Maiiauwr From Teraioal or Interior Points the I ls)the line to take" JXB ' To all Points East and South, ; It Is thedlnlng car route, ltruns through vestibule trains, every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ;(No change of cars.) Compasod of dlnlngcara unsurpassed, l'ullman drawing room sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars, Host that can be constructed and In which accommodations are both free and fur nished for holders of first and soooud-claHu ticket, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Aoontlnuota line connecting with all lines, afiordlaz direct and uninterrupted service. Pullman slcera" f'rVAt Ions can be se cured In advtu u '. ro gU any agent of the road. Through ticket to and from all points In America, Kngland and Europe can be parohased at any ticket oBloe of this com pany. Kull Information concerning; rates, time of tralnii.routes andother details furnished on application to any acent or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General 1'assenter Agent. No. 121 Klrst street, cor. Washington; Port land, Oregon Shaw A Downino, Agents. Thoroughbred Poultry for Bale. 1 have the following flrstclass tlinroughbred poultry for sale at prices stated; crated ready for shipment, puichaser in pay exprosa charges. Address, care of JOUIlNAL office, l'cMtofflc b'l ck. Ha'em Or. Heveral White Whom cockrels, very fine, (no pullets for sale,) U 00. Illack Hpanlsh cockrels, 4 to 6 months old, 11.25. llrown U-ghorn III. Hpanlsh, Ind. Games, UUrahma egg, i00ier setting, Bend fcr eaUlog K Hnft-r WANTED AGENTS -to eell- BROWN'S NEW FOUNTAIN WASHER. v i4 .. U?atif Wnnwn RsnmlA IK-V dkhiii . HunH ,.,r.- W tuber with fall Inntructlooi tenttoAK'nt. Addre J, IU lirowa, Kox 2u Balem, Or, l-oou' HOUSE Painting, Decorating, 1 1 Hard Wood Finishing, Can give good references. KstlmaU furnish ed. Addres, Uo. i5htrulh. Halem. lUal dene on rlalem Motor lUllway, North Bolein Ltty ordsrs at Bt4plntr A llltr, 11-61 S-vww,.v. wv.WaV.fwwvvwuwwwvy VVWfrVVfVVV h i. . M RAH j? S& f r .-? & o ii JSL g. v A &. J&m jUu&iuu&wul1(U1 uiurru i-i u, iia iiiimuktiuu as nut. sn s. tiutu uim iui iusvus lii ui iu Its production Is not an ncclilent, but tho result of rcleutlno v )irn nf tlm rtiarnsranf tht! halrntld scnln led to thodlscor. B disrates of the lialrandacaln led to thodiscor. " "Skookum "contains nfllthernilnerrilanorcns. It .Cl.rtnl - ii... jifnt. n. n.ltlin. itilnArnl. nn. ntli If "5"? H- sudpIttou eond direct to us. and we will fonrrrd tr Grower, 1.00 per bottlot 6 forf3.0a. fcoai.,Wo. J J ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., " Fifth Avcnne, Not York, N. Y. Forest Grove Poultry Yards. Established in 1877. EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM THE VERY BEST VARIETIES. Slock Finer than Ever, but Prices Same as Usual Get tho Best and then you will bo satisfied. Bend for Catulogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, Look Box 335, Forest Grove, Or. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES (Northern Pacific R. R, Co,, Lessee.) LATEST TIME CARD. Daily Through Trains. 12:45pm 6:2opm 7:15pm 4 05pm 7 15pm 10 0-a ' 1 Minn u 8:40am 8.00am 11.10am 8.15am 6.00pm 4;20pm 3:10pm i:iipni 1 HU'nul a 1 .. Uuluth.. n I . Ashland, a a..ChlcnKOl 7.15nm 10.40pm the WWcotiHlu Contrnl llue run two fasi tnilnsdallv between 8t. Paul, Mlnneipolls and Chlcngd Milwaukee aud nil point In Wlscon Bin; malclug connection In Chicago with all lines running east and south. Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all points In the United .Stales and Canada CIohu connection made In Chicago with all trains going East and riouth. Kor lull Information apply to your nearest ticket agent or JAS. V. POND. in i-ns. ann i ki. Agi..;oiiiwiiuKee, vis. pIcto TO SALT LAKE.: DENVER. OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS 1 AND AI.I EASTERN CITIES, 3 1 DAYS to. 2- CHICAGO HOIIP e nu'cKst Chicago land HflllFS Qu'cker t On13 and Kan Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Dining Cars, II. H. UUBIf. "iflnni'ifftiir. If or rales and eener. . formatloa call on or address, w. u. naitmunT, Aist, o. p. a 254 Washington Hl Ur.d I'OBTLANn. Ouiuiom. The CICAG0, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. JTravelero "mnko a pote orijt." This LGreat Railway System Connects at ST. PAUL X and OMAHA With all transcontinental lines, giving direct and, swift communica tion to all KAHTKItN;ancl EOIJIIIKUN l'OINTH. 'ANI1 1H TUB :::ONIilILINE::: running Klectrio Lighted ami Hteuui Heated Vestlbuled trains of elegant Weeping, l'arlor, Dialog and liuffct Cars, with Free JtecUnhuj Chairs, Making Its service second to none In tho world.' Tickets are on sale at all prominent railroad ticket offices. For further Information ask the nearest rail road acent, or address C.J. EDDY, General Agt. i, W. CASEY, Trav, Pan Agt. PORTLAND, Or. on. .ISEiffi ESTABL1SQED 1SC3. JKtfgWfflK' c THE WOODBURN NURSERIES! Have tho largest and most complete assortment oi FRUIT and SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, ROSES, SHRUBS, CLIMBING PLANTS, Etc., On the North Pacific Coast. Wo have 145 different varieties of Apples, 107 of Roses and other stock in proportion, Send for Catalogue.- Q D O0 J. H, Settlemier & Son, woodburn, Oregon, TO FlfoD A CUKK FOR i RHEUMATISM. LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY. LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK. &c. ggjPik WMjk. sanden's elegtrig kuSmm Ou ar200 pnno book "TnilEE QLASSESOF MEN,' Itldle.aired snd old man, sent sealed, free. Dr. Bauilen' wo hare restored trjous&nds to robust health and vigor, after m shown by hundreds of casosthrouBhout this sndothorStatos.who would aladly loetlfr, and from many as OI wnom we navo strong letters Doaring leatimony ZG nruresi. riPBii itv niRFn. Han Fr .nolaoo,Cal..Auou.t 11,1832. Dr. A. T. Randan, Dear lilr t lialoral uaad your bait I waa troublnd with loat vluor, vital woaknaaa, and almost oomplata loaa of powar, I would gat up with m vary tlrad faallug, bona aohlng, eto.alnoo nilng fouroaltlhivahaaanawlaaaa of Hf . Inowanjoy Ifo battarthan I bavo for tea yrara post. 1 hate tha Iitmo.t ouuHdanca in your treatment. You can I'Ub Uh thla itatament. alio havaothara write or call on ma. Truly youra. 11.A.UOWKM, IBondSaTuikSt. RHEUMATISM LNESS. DUf Dr. A T. fianden, DaarHlrr-Iiotonai tvourbelu two waaka ago forrheumatiam, from whlrh 1 su(rred foraavaral yaara. For the pait alx montha f had not bean abU tow rk. Your belt ha placed main olmo.t porf oct haalth In the two waaka Xhavouivdlt. 1 can ualk oamforutilr, and fael Ilka a new man tenerallr, M. K. lHJailEH, Fruprtator InUrnatlonal ltoul. NERVOUS DIUTY-LOS Ooof, Dr. A.T Randan, Door Ulri I hava b.en uilng your Eleotrla belt for general narvoua dablUty, and to-Ua. feel batter than I hare for fiva yaara. I haro gained in vigor dally, snd am atrong In evarr part. . , Youra gratefully, OIIAB. LUKTKA. WE HAVE CURED THE8E-WE CAN CURE YOU! THE DR. SANDENELECTRIC BELT ti a eompletair&lTanlo battery, made Into a bolt ao aa iva annlhlnir. nrotomrad Anrritnta whlnh lira InitAritlr tnlt thrnuihnufc ull wonk iihtIh. nr wn f S5.00U. Itbaaati ImproTfd Klectrio Hiupcnsory, thoKreatoat boon ever tffrenwoakutrn.and we warrant it to cure any of tbe a bo to weaknesiiea, ItefaindGil Thar ara srraded In atrenolh tomeetAllaLnffna of Toalmnia In touii . ml Mla-acadurold men, and will euro the wont ease In two or three montha. Addross tor ull uforiuAllun. SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 FlrstSt., POMTLAaQ, OREGOK, llutuoTed to corner Third mid Washington stroote. THE INDEPENDENT BTEAMER ELWOOD, Leaven Portland for Halem and Cor- vallla on Sundays & Wednesdays 6. A. M. Leavea Balem for Portland Tut'Bdays and Saturdays at 0 A. M. Puhbcu- ger rate Balem to Portl'd, 50c. REDUCED RATES to Ban Francisco F. J. Smith, Agt., Trade St. Dock. W. A. OUHICK, President. J. 11. AI.BItKT. Cashier. ilal National Bank, OK SALEM. Tranmicti a genernl banking bustnrss. 1'rompt atteutlnn peirt to collcctioiiK. Iians made. KzcliauKe bought and sold on the principal cities of the world. I. Vam Uuym, J. M. MAHTItf, K. M. CllOIHAN, W. A.UUblfK. W, W. MAIITIN, J, 11, ALI1KRT, H. V. MATTHKVTH. Dlreoton. OLINGBR & RIG1DON, Undertakers and Bmbalmers. Cabinet work and repairing. Courtjjtreet, Oppualte Upers House, SA1.KM, OltEfJON THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, QllEGON. Itfttas, i?20 to i5.00 por Day The beat boui between r-ortlsnd aad Han Francisco. Klrat-claas in all Its appolutmsnts, IU tables are served with the Choicest Jfrulta Orown la the WUiamttU Vollr. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. Can IIIMni J Dtt. handen's Ei.EOTmo nETr with Kloctro nincnotloSuspon. linrr will uuro 'vt.iiiouk niou.u.no all of tliosboTO troubles. Thosowlio sutler from Nervou. Itebllltjr, losscs, Drains, Lost lilaiihooil, N orviiunnoNK. HIccplriiaiiesB, i'anr .llomnrv. nil 1'nmn.lnf Iniii. filnlntH, and eeuornl 111 hcnltli, be eirocts of nbuaes, execoses, worry or exposure, will and relief aud prompt euro in our marvelous lnTentlnn, which requires but a trial to conrlnca the moat akoptlonl. lnlanomncoof of. fects Tou mar haro umtulr drained yonr sratem of norve force and Tltnlllj which 1h olnctrlcliy aud thus nausod yourweukncsaorlaokot forro. If you replaco Into your system tha elomenta thus drained, which are re qulrod for vigorous strenuth, you will remove tha cuuto and health, strensta and vigor will follow at onoe. This Is our plan and treatment, and we Ruatantee a euro or reruna money, OF niEN," should bo read by every youmr. i'B avirctr.o jje.t in u uApvnuiBub ail oilier iroatmonia janoci. oa can ne to tuoir recovory aitcr usuig our icu. A. LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. Portland Oregon, Baptambar M. 198ft Dr. A.T. Sandan. Daar Sir i-yeara of eipo.ura and hard wore, eorablnud with the atraln oomlng from tb iar ot an encloe. sava ma a serars caae ot lama back, from which I auuurad for atvan yaara. 1 was .o bad mat i couiu not uoaa my uack. aa all aotmiaa up rrlth It. I bought onn of yonr belle. It helped ma n Ida of tw i daya, nud I continued to wt-ar it for four mouth., being perfectly cured, That wna two years ao, and lama, wel to-day aa I aver was In my life. I now your belt well, uud I know lota of proplewho our ueit wen, iuq i inbv loieot nt leen oured by It. Many othaia need nave ueen ourea oy it. ainnr otnaia naeu it,anq it they would try It they would llnd It the name aa I did the best remedy In tha world, 1 nm located hero permanently, and will be glad to talkwtth an. on who nuaieio iniiu'rumiow .'. jluni.Hi' iiuuiwij,i;ngin Ineerllotal Fortlsnd. LOST VITALlTV.AND btrenoth. tm, Kvpratt. liuih. .Tuna lA. lf&9. Dr. A. T, Randan, Hear Olri-Htoce wnarlnv your d it J baTo twen great tyonentod. 1 rtwi mr old en- t-tar fa.t rntarnrniri nud atttr n month' tima tit t belt I find myself twice ai Tigorom us btfora. Mr fat tetarnlnpi nud aluro montu' meot the I find myself twice ai Tigorom us bt fore. Mr memory U now Jienrlr per foot, and eacb dar anowa for tho better I t el much atmnser tbnt bfnr Dslntf tho belt. Youra truly, UENUV bOUULTZ, to bo easily worn during vrnrk or atrcat.and It r iuil inrouKuuub uit nuui, iinrui.or woioroi and to onlaruo alirunken Umbfi. or PArto. or Moner "FaiFSwas5 GEO. C. WILIv DEALKIt IN Htclnway, Knabo, Webber, Emor hoii and other pianos. Storey A, Clark and EarhofT organs. All (lrst clans makes of sowing inn chines. Smaller makes of musical instru ments and supplies. Uonulne needles, oil and new parta for all makes of machines. Sewing machines and organs re paired aud cleaned. Two doots north of poatolllco, Balem, Oregon. A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal P0MPLEX10U U POWDER If POZZONiS Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. Intlit upon having ths jrenuls. 2 IT IS FOfl SALE EVERYWHERE. K. K. WA1TKFIUNTIN0 CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AM Zeyul Blank l'ubllalievs. Hush's Nhw Urik,orr the. bank, Uora'l stre - T-1 ? I r