yw-w -. TILE I C'T DAILY 26 Cts a Month by Kf all Prepaid In Advance No Papers sent vhn Time la Out. $3.00 a Year. CAPITAL JOURNAL ADVEItTISEBS Tim Journal has ft larger Ctr cuUlton in Salem and Marlon County thnn any Salem newt pa lrr. See nur llnta. nnrm nnni ft 1'uMUhcrs. JBBpiBpMBpBWBpHKpp I n n r p, tj p 1 1 njr jP iL 1 VOL. 7, DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OBEGON, FKLDAY, ATAKCH 9, l$94. DAILY EDITION. fiMHBh SHOES THE STAR 5 STAR brand of Ladies, Gents and Children's Shoes, cut through leather near the .top of shoe, insures to the wearer that the shoe is made of the most reli able leather produced. Every boot or shoe bearing this trade mark is fully warranted. (WASHINGTON LEGISLATURE. Several Instances of ficials High Of- NO. 55. BEGGING OFFICES FOR THEIR SONS. -:- The New York Racket -:- Games a full line of the above brand of Shoes at prices that cannot be duplicated on the' coast. Our Ladies' fine Dongola Shoe for 2.00, fully warranted, is a special bargain. Try a pair of them. "We also carry a good assortment of hats, shirts, hosiery, underwear and a full line of notions. Call and inspect our goods and prices. We will save you from 15 to 25 percent. E. T. BARNES. ThePollard-Ereckenridjje Scandal in Court. I HE BEST STRAINS of Black Minorca, Browu Leghorn and Plymouth Rock Eggs for breeding, from select pens of the best fowls. Prices moderate quality considered. A few superior Brown Leg horn Hens for sale at a bargain. Cull or address J. J. MILLER, 25th Btreet, near State IN SEASON! AND OUT, We aim to keep in stock everything in the line of Sportsmen's Goods, Arms and Ammunition. Y ou can always make money by consulting our stock and prices. Brooks & Salisbury, WE ARE NOT DISGUSTED! -FOR- Our general Stock of FURNITURE and well selected that it CARPETS is so COMMANDS A GOOD SUM OF PATRONAGE. It is to YOUB BEST INTEREST TO PAY US A VISIT. A. Buren & Son., 300 Commercial St S. W. THOMPSON & Co., - Always Keep on hand a large ?tock of loose and unmounted Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires andimpoited Opals. 221 Commercial Street. Indian Lands. Washington, March 9. The ques tion of ratifying the contract made by the Modoc and Klamath Indian tribes and Yahoos and a band of Snake Iu diaus, of Oregon, and their agents, is pending action by interior department. The contract stipulates for services to be rendered by the latter in prosecuting claims of Indians against the United States arising irom an alleged error in the survey of the out-boundartes of the Klamath reservation in Oregon. It is provided that one agent be given a commi&sion of twelve per cent, of the lands, which are valued at $200,000 to $400,000. Commissioner of Indian Af fairs Browning recently recommended a reduction of the commission to five per cent, iuo out-boundaries were established by a survey made in 1871, and as a result of contention which once threatened to end in a serious con flict between the Indians aud the set tlers, the laud commissiner recom mended a re survey. The case will be decided iu a few days. The Pollard Scandal. Washinton, March 9. Hearing of the Pollard-Breckeuridge suit was re sumed in the district court this morn ing. The attorney for plaintiff, iu his opening statement said .his client did not claim to be devoid of fault or blame, but there was a breach of promise, which was the Issue. PROMISED TO MARRY HER. Mrs. Julia Q. Blackburn, widow of the late Governor Blackburn, of Ken tucky, was the first witness. She testi fied that Colonel Breckenridge brought Mibs Pollard to her, and asked her kind care and protection for the youug lady, and said he iuteuded to marry her. Mrs. Blackburn related how Miss Pol lard once, in her presence, urged Breck euridge to fix the day, but he put her off, saying he would fix it later. second vice president, Miss Hattie Busbnell; recording secretary, Miss A. G. Gould"; corresponding secretary, Les ter W. Hunlin; treasurer, Miss Addie Simpson. The Concert Company Portland, Mar. 9. (Special to The Journal.) Concert company man aged by Coyne, not Portland Concert company, nor Boyer Glee club. V. H. Smith. To Sift Oat the Frauds. ALBANY,March9. Governor Flower nas directed the mayor of Troy to sift the election frauds and riot of Tuesday to the bottom, no matter .who it hits. DETAILS OF .THE TARIFF., The Bill as Submitted Democrats by the TO THE SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Intimated to Prodnce Revenues . of $170,000,000. YELLOW JACK aT RIO. Terrible Mortality in the Brazilian Capital. London, March 9. Christopher Fur nass, a ship builder aud member of parliament, has received a cable from Rio from tho master of a British vessel, declaring that the Ainericau navj was assisting in lauding yellow fever patients, and supplying water.and that British naval commanders refuse such assistance; that mortality is terrible, that only one hospital is avaiiab e, and it is ten miles from anchorage. E)d. C. Cross, c ice Meats. Wholesale aud Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Heats of a IHiuds 95 Court and J 10 State Streets. House News. Washington, Marclr 9. Advices from congressman Wilson are not re assuring. Chairman Gilbertson of the louse Judiciary committee appointed Boatner, Terry aud Watson a com mittee on investigation of Judge Jen kins injunction against the Northern Pacific employes. In the Senate. Washington, March 9. The Presi dent nominated J. L Carlisle, post muster at St. Louis. The senate has agreed to vote on the Bland seigniorage bill at 2 p. m. Thurs day next. More Appointments. Washington, March 9. President apjwiuted a number of assistant pay masters of the navy today, Including Walter L. Wilson, eon of Chairman Wilson of the ways and means com mittee, and Lewis G Stevenson, a son of Vice-President 3tevens. Sugar Speculators. Washington, March 9. Senator Pcfier Introduced a resolution to inves tigate rumors regarding sugar specula tion by members of cougress. It went over until tomorrow. Florists ! NOW is the time to look after your Plants. Nearly everything needs spraying now. We have cheap, ef fective sprav pumps for amateurs. Call and see them. ' CHURCHILL & BQRROUGHS, 103 State street. TUB NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed aud ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded by day -or week at reasonable prices. Wo keep a full line of Truck-, Drays and Express to ueei an demands. Alao keen tne unesi bumikiu u iu wu., . -. Burn and residence 2 block south of postoftlce. I mirMiin-ri-Iltl MERCHANT TAILOR. J. RUBINSTEIN, Suits Made to Order. 803 COMMERCIAL STREET. LADIES and Gents Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. THE EPWORTH LEAGUE. District Convention Held ThU Week at McMinnville. McMinville, Or., March 9. The district convention of the Epwortu League was held here Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday, More than 80 delegates were present. The speaker Tuesday evening was President W. C. Hawley, Wednesday morning the reports of district officers were received, There are 22 chapters in this district, au Increase of six during the year, with a membership of 1095, an Increase of 418. In the afteraaDU pip in were read by F. A. Ford on "The Art of Being agreeable;" Rav.L.F.Belknup, on "Obligations to Church Beuevoleuce;' Jasper Hewitt, on "Weekly Work," an J O. E R.bllu, ou the "Boys' Brigade." In the evening, Isv. G. W. Gran nls apoke to a large audience at the opera home. The election of offl eers was held which resulted as follews: President, Mies E. Margarett; first vice president, Rev. D. F. Bummervllle; THE GOOD ROADS MOVEMENT. Work of the Subscription Committee in Salem. Messrs Geo. P. Hughes, Wm. Brown and W. Westacott are rustlers. Following sums have been signed by substantial Salem business men towards construction of ten or eleven miles of macadamized road into the city of Sa lem. It is proposed to raise $10u0 a mile in tula way aud the canvass has only begun. THE SUBSCRIPTIONS. Jno. Hughes $10 00 Ed. Cross 10 00 Wm. Brown 5 00 J. P.Frlzzell 5 00 W. G. Westacott 5 00 A. Klein 5 00 Geo. H. Burnett 5 00 Gilbert Bros . 5 oo Gilbert & Patterson 5 00 F. P. Talkintrton 5 00 J. H. Albert 5 00 T. Holman fi 00 Krausse Bros 5 00 F.S. Dearborn , w 5 00 Lee Bteiuer 5 00 J. Reynolds 6 00 W.H.Byrd .- 5 00 J. N. Smith 5 00 Ed. Hirsch 5 00 W. R. Anderson 5 00 The road convention meets at the court house Saturday, March lOtli, nt 1:30 o'clock, and this subscription should be swelled as much as possible. The physicians, lawyers, backers, busi ness men of any class and description should get their muu upon time list and make it a success as the first piece of fine highway built will solve the road problem in this county. According to petition the road is to be built to some other principal town in the county, not exceeding eleven miles. MARIOfl COUNTY COURT. In Hegeuanerroad viewers appointed to report March 20. Expenses of commitment of Mrs. Lewis was ordered assessed to her hus "baud. David Eirly appointed supervisor in district No. 31. South Salem Republicans. The members of the South Salem Republican club, are requested to meet at the old school houe, on Monday, March 12th, at 7.30 p. m ,ftir perma nent organization. W. H. Armstrong, Chairman Precinct Com. Is a Candidate. Adam Omart his consented to be a candidate for sohoal director t) succeed Hon. Fabrltus Smith. Casiimeri: Remnants, 80 percent wool, good spring shades, In one to 8 yard length, for 2-5 cents per yard, at the New York Racket. Second Regiment Band. Salem's favorite military band was today en gaged to play at the next state fair, which insures good muslo for that occasion. At 25 cts. a mouth prepaid by mall The One Cent Daily Is cheap enough even for a Populist, Afinellne of ladies and mlwes Oxford ties, just In, received at the New York Racket, Also a splendid assortment of all kinds of shoes, very cheap. Borne things are too cheap to indulge in. For Instance reading somebody else's copy of The One Cent Dailv. Washington, March 3. The pro ceedings of the senate committee on fiuauce were In the malu, informal. Copies of the bill were handed all the members aud some discussion as to time for consideration of the bill by the full committee was had, republican members saying they would desire a reasonable period, aud the democratic members expressed themselves as will ing to graut that without cavil. Sat urday next at 10 a. m. is set for the next meeting, whon the republicans will probably be able to say what they will require. It is considered probable they will ask for the entire week after the next meeting day, and possibly more. Democratic members say what ever delay may occur hereafter will be chargeable to the republicans aud they must assume the responsibility. Seua tor Jones of Arkansas, chairman of the tarill sub-committee, Is of the opluluu the bill as reported, would produce a revenue of about $470,000,000 or $4S0, OQO.000, without taking into account the increased amount which would be a result of the reductiou In tarltl rates. Senator Hill decliued to say anythlug on the bill; he made no speech. The Pacific coast seuators, generally, ex pressed themselves against that feature of the bill which abrogates the treaty with nawuii, because so many people of the coast have large Investments In Hawaiian sugar plantations, and the commerce of the coast has been greatly aided by tho sugar industry. MORE DETAILS. The senate bill makes collectors of in ternal revenue the otllcera iu charge of the collection of income taxes, instead of deputy collectors, as provfded In the Wilson bill. The right of appeal agtiiust the Imposition of unjust taxes is retained, but the final decision rests with tho commissioner of taxes ETAOI with tho commissioner ' of internal revenue, aud not with tho secretary of the treasury, as provided In the house bill. ' The following exceptions to tho tas are inserted: "Provided, dovldendsor Interests accuriug to states, counties or municipalities, and dividends, Interest or annuities accrulug to corporations or associations organized soley for charit able, religious or oducational purposes, or to any trustees or .other Judiciary, on stocks, shares, fundi or securities, held soley for charitable, religious or educational purposes, or salaries duo state, county or municipal officers, shall not bo subject to such tax or de duction." In taxing the salaries of employes of corporations, tho houso bill makes it the duty of corporation to pay the tax of each employe and then deduct It from their salaries. Tho senate bill re lieves the corporations from becoming taxpayers for their employes aud com pels the lattor to make direct payments to the collector. The time when returns ou the lu cerne taxei Is made, Is changed from the first day of March to the first Mon day iu M iroh, Tho Heotlon m iklug It peijury to falsify any proceedings under the Income tax is striken out. The duty on hops Is now 20 per cent, ud valorum, Iu the Wilson bill It Is 8 cents per pound. Fish, smoked, dried, silted, pickled, 15 percent., Wilson 3-4 cunt per pound. Precious stones of all kind, cut, not set, 15 percent., Wilson SO, If set, 15 percent. Wilson 30, If set 30, Wilson 35. The free list Is not so much changed as wan supposed It would be, and the attractions from it are far more nu merous than tho additions. Apples of all Kinds are stricken from the free list and placed on the dutiable list, as are aUo bef, mutton and pork. Bitum inous coal, shale, coal slack and coke are transferred to the dutiable list, leav ing anthracite on the free list. Dia monds and other precious atonw, rough or uncut, are added to the free list, aud irou ore and sugar are moved to the dutiable list. There Is u touch of reciprocity In the provision attached to the paragraph admitting agricultural Implements free, the proviso Mug to the i-flect thai all artlolea mentioned In the paragraph "when Imported from any other coun try which Jays an import duty on like articles coming from the United States, Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report aking bwder ABSOLUTELY PURE RintMvi a x &&& r shall be subjoct to the duties existlug prior to the passage of this act." Tho administrative features of the bill are substantially identical with those of tho house bill. The exception in the Wilson bill as to persoual eilects not subject-to duty is enlarged to rend -ami personal aud household effects speciflcially enumerated in the uew list of this act." Tho sections coverihg the tax on spirits are new throughout. PERSONALS. thread,, at tho New J. & P. Coat's York Racket. D. H. Looney returned to Jetlersou this morning. Supt. Ansou.of the electric company, is at Portland. S. W. Osburu, of Eugoue, was today appoiuted notary public. Wallace, of the Portlaud ou bus'- President J. M. water works, Is lu neas. Mrs. E. E. Waters went up to Browns ville this morning, to spend a fow daa among friends. The Altona on her trip to Portland this raarniug carried 2 passengers from balem. Rev. V. Marshall Luv, of Wal'a Walla occupies the Episcopal church next Sunday morning and evening. President Chapmau who lectures en English literature at tho Salem Y. M. C. A. rooms tonight is a guest of Dr. and Mrs. 8. R. Jessup at Hotel Will amette. Tho friends of ex-Senator J. B. Dimick, of Hubbard, who was a mi tu ber of the upper house of tho Oregon legislature in 1SS7 and 1SS9, are again demanding that ho allow the use of his name. Ho Is an active grand army man aud declares himself strongly lu favtr or retrenchment all along the lino. He has the endorsement of Senators Looney and Cross, tho latter of whom ho hopes to suoceed. When In llm senato before ho was tho author and champion of a bill to raise the county liquor license from $100 to $100, which Is tho present law. Senator Dimick has been before the people of this comi ty Iu many capacities, and Is ono of tho best known men lu tho county. THE LEGISLATIVE TICKET. The success of tho Republican party In Marlon county is not called in quea tlou seriously at tho coming election, unless there should bo a strong Pen uoyer fusion. It now looks as though there would bo but three tickets In the field, Repullcan, Fusion and Prohl. The latter will not be as strong as here tofore ns many havo uulted with tho Populists'. But Republican success has ono greater enemy to copo with aud that la Republicans themselves. Tho taxpay ers are aroused as never before, and a ticket hastily thrown together by the extravagant iutluoncea that prevailed hi thoorgauliitlonof tho last leglsla ture, will uot meet with popular favor, if Indeed It Is not repudiated altogether. Tho Republican taxpayers are going to demnud that tho Republican represen tatives aud senutors from thla county engage In no repetition of last session's log-rolling, extravagauco and disregard of the people who pay tho bills. Tho delegation should not only be publicly pledged to economy, but it should bo made up of that kind of mou. Tho wisdom of General Odell's remarks to tho Salem Republican club is apparent to all, Ho cautioned aloug theso very lines, aud while The Journal believes tho party should be open to all worthy aspirants, still the times and the condi tions demand that safe, intelligent and economical men be nominated. Tacoma News, Dem: Senator David B. Hill, the ono man who claims pre eminence lu public life as a slmou pure Democrat, proved his Demooraoy yce terday by Introducing a resolution de claring that it was tho sonso of tho sen ato that tho Wilson bill should bo amended by strlklug out the Inoomo tax aud raising all our revenue by tho tarlfl. A Noted Divine. Rev. F. W. Gun aulus, D. D., of Chicago, ouo of tho ablest mid most eloquent ministers In tho Congregational denomination iu the United States, will preach for tho Flr6t Congregational church, of Port land, next Suuday morulng at 10:30 o'oclock. Dr. Gunsaulus us a pulpit orator he Is without doubt the peer of any man lu our couutry. Ho Is tho pastor of Plymout Congregational ohureu lu Chicago, one of the largest in that great city, and it is utterly In adequate to accommodate tho multi tudes of poople who desire to hear him. It was ohlolly to accommodate tho great crowds who inado up tils audi ence, espojI'Uly on Sunday ovouliiirs. that tho great AuJItorlum of Chicago wai constructed a few years ngo. Iu this It Is not uncommon for an audience of 10,000 to glvo the most earnest atten tion for an hour and u half while he discourses up jii tho gro it themes per- talnlug to Christian living with tre mandoua power and eloquence. Ore- goulau, March 8th, O, thU dull, (lepromin?, headache, ThM on'l wc.ir ofT, Tills luwklDic HUd ihUnpltllnic, An4 tliu Imoklnic cuutli. I've liMt my unu of meiliui;, And tanto'n gomir, loo, I know caUrcli'k whut hIU inc. Ilut-wliutuhall I rtoT My lmclfliiKand my hawking Keep up it Ntrady dlu; I'm baunUd by the lour Unit CVinuiuilloo may ti In, I fceliupreinely wrelcbrd; No wundvr 1 iu blue, I know my linltirn frllliiff, "" Hut wltulcaa I doT Do? I'll tell you what to do, my friend, If you will loud mo your earn minute, Go down to the drug store and buy Dr. Bago's Catarrh remedy, aud takoitaccoralugtodlreotlonsglvi'ii and you'll soon find that thlsmUvruble headache Is a thhig of tno past; The hacking, hawking aud spitting, so disagreeable toothers as well as your tielf, will conio loan end, and In u shurt time you will fri-l like a new man A new man think of that mid nil f(Jr fifty cents, which is the price of Dr. Hage'a Catarrh Remedy, the unfailing euro for thlo terrlable disease. Mrs. E. R. Cox, 00 years of age, died Tuesday at Athoua. Mrs. Cox crossed tho plains In tho '50s, aud has been a resident of this part of tho section for tho past 15 years. Sho was prominent In W. C. T. U. work, andt leaves a husband and sou and a largo' circle of friends, Strong's restaurant feeds the hungry every hour of tho day or night, Hon. Geo. V. Davis laud tliis afternoon. wont to Port- Gold Dust Roller Flour tho best. THE MARKETB. San Francisco, March 0. Whoat May $1,001. Chicago, March 0. Caih, 67J; May 091. Portland, March 0. Wheat valley 83K'i,85; Walla Walla 75 77J. BnQ9 ?J4lIIW.Wil-I na 'iur l "Aa old as thohihV'nnd novor oxcoll od. "Triod and proven" is tho verdict of millions. Bimmona Livor Rogu- ttj t t lator is tlio ?TTP'yQ'Ky Livor JLJGft0 ftrul Kidnoy modicino to which you can pin your fuith for a euro, t A mild laxa tivo, and puroly vog otablo, act ing directly on tho Liver and Kid- noys. Try it. Sold by all Druggiala in Liquid, or in Powdor tobotakondryormadomtoa tea. TboKInfofZJrar Medicine, " 1 ltavo uel your Hlmmom LlTr Kent lator and can conteleiiclouily my 11 U th kin of nil liver medloliiM, 1 confident ft medlolne chest la IU4IL-OKO. W, JAOft box, Tacoma, tyMblutftoa. I -KVKKV fACKAOK-e Ui Z SUiup la r4 rrftft. Th an Pills P r Ul iCk t fu It 1 r