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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1894)
(-wpi iwnnjypr' X C T DAILY ADYERTISEES The Journal ha a tArgor CIr cnlntlon In Balom and Marlon County than any Ralcm newipa per. Bee our lists. HOFER DROS Publishers. L ivfontli by Mall JOURNAL kid in -Advance XxjlJLj , papers . ---, out. R3.00 a Year. )L. 7. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OBEGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1894. DAILY EDITION. NO. 5U. CAP! NEW NOVELTI NEW HATS! NEW : :w - Furnishing - Goods IllUn HP! EASOM! AND OUT. We aim to I line of Sportsmen's Goods, ! S. Brasfield & Co. ggs ! i always muKts uiuutry uy wuuwuguui oivwi auu r Brooks E ARE NOT - FOR lr general Stock of FURNITURE and CARPETS is so well selected that it IMMANDS su It is to YOUR BEST US A i. Buren & Son,, I. W. THOMPSON & Co., I Always Keep on hand a large diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires 221 Commercial Street. i mm ii hsbhsibbbssb mmmmtm Ed. C. CHURCHILL AND BURROUGHS TININNG AND TUB wtt.t.amETTE STABLES Completed and ready to wait on customers. Horse boanled by daj ji week t reasonable price. We keep a full Jim ot Trurtj ."' anu mt .ii .to..,i. a iB bMnihA finest Stallions In this county, ror XlAT , .v.. ., uvuouuo. .i -v-- ..- Barn and residence 2 block soutn ot J, RUBINSTEIN, S08 COMMERCIAL STREET. f LADIES and Genta Clothing ES NECKWEAR! PBIBSWf! THV. T.EST STRAINS of Black Minorca, Brown Leghorn anl Plymouth Rock Eggs for breeding, from select pens of the beet fowls. Prices moderate quality considered. A few superior Brown Leg horn Hcls fji- sale at a bargain. Call or address J. J MILLER, 25th street, near State keen in stock every thine; in Arms and Ammunition. You &, Salisbury. DISGUSTED! - PATRONAGE. INTEREST TO PAY VISIT. 300 Commercial Si stock of loose and unmounted aiul imported upais. Cross Choi Wholesale ami Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Heats of a lKIuds OS Court and 110 State Streets. PLUMBING. NEW ..m KYA (IL, pom- Tvn?TrTTArT TAILOR. Suits Made to Order. Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Meats. OUR DIM Reduction in Postoffice Expenses. FEELING TBE PUBLIC PULSE. Congress Is Catting the Nasby's Salaries. NEW YORK SUGAR MARKET EXCITED. Other News of the House and Senate. Postoffice Bill. Washington, March 6, The report of the committee on postofllces, that was today submitted to the house with the postofllce appropriation bill, shows that the bill curries n total appropria tion of $87,470,599, or about three mil lions leas than the department esti mates, and a like amount more tbau the appropriation for the current year. The estimated postal revenues for the fiscal year 1895, is 181,427,748. The bill cuts the estimates of seventeen and a quarter millions for compensation of postmasteis to sixteen millions; for clerks' salaries, 'the full $9,700,000 asked is appropriated; for compensation of railroads, the amount is cut from $26, 900,000 to $25,600,000. A saving of $907,923 has been made by cutting ofl the followiug ocean contract routes; Galveston to Laguayara, San Francisco to Panma, New York to Antwerp, New York to Buenos Ayres, New York to Rio De Janeiro. In the House. . Washington, March 6. The House adopted a resolution for Investigation of Judge Jenkins's Northern Pacific order restraining his men from strik ing. President Returns. Washington, March 6. The presi dent, Becretary Qresham and the rest of the party have returned from a hunting trip this ufternoon. The pres ident looked remarkably well. It de velops that there Is conoerted action of Republican senators, in the effort to take up tbe B'and seigniorage bill at this time, with the purpose of displac ing the tariff bill. This Is thp result of a conference held by tho advisory com mittee of the Republican senatorial caucus. A Fluster in Sugar. New York, N. Y., Mar. 6. There is great excitement today in the sugar crowd on exchange. Stock advanced one percent at a time until it reached 100, then started back to 91 and re covered to 05$. The only explanation of the rise Is that the aborts were stampeded and determined to recover at any price. Believing themselves cornered while dealing was in progress, all other business was suspended. The entire transaction- did not occupy over teu minutes, then the exchange re sumed Its wouted appearance. Sugar Stock Booms. New Yobk, March 0. Up to noon sales of sugar stocks reached the enor mous total of over a hundred-thousand shares and reported private settlement of foreign shares are 25.000 more at top figures on one contract by a big short. Gladstone's Successor. London, March 0'. Lord Roseberry today formally assumed tbe premier ship. The Seattle Election. Seattle, Wn March 0. Tbe city election Is being held here today. There are six tickets in the. field, Re publican, Democratic, Popoullst, pro hibition, Citizens, and Single Tax. A heavy yote Is being polled. THE MARKET8. San Fbancisoo, March 0. Wheat May $1.12. Chicago, March 0. Cash, 671; May 00. Portland, March 0. Wheat valley 8385; Wulla Walla 7o 77. Has the Oregon railroad commission uever heard that there is anything wrong with the management of tbe Oregon Pacific? RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. A Circular Letter from Arch-Bishop Gross Church War. St. Louis, March 6. The two great bodies of Methodists met in a joint love feast and communion service. Forty or fifty ministers were present and all united in attesting joy at the burial of strife and dissension. -The meeting was unique, in St. Louis, where feel ings over the civil war ran high. The split in Methodism dates back to 1844 when 'a Southern bisbnpdid not liberate his slaves at tho behest of the general conference. A Circular Letter. Portland, March C Owing to the recent attacks upon tbe Roman Cath olic church, tbe Right Reverend Arch bishop Gross has issued a circular letter of advice to the Catholics of this city. Tbe letter says: Of late there has been begun au assault upon the Catholic church in this country similar In its methods and aim, to that of tbe "Kuow-nothlng" party, which was so qnickly and completely rejected by tbe American people. A uumber of speeches and lectures full of animosity against pur holy religion have already been made antl many more will be de delivered. We hereby make known to you our advice and heartfelt wish that you will remain away from such lectures aud speeches. Misrepresentations and cal umnies which you would hear oh such occasions, might arouse you to say and do things that are lmproper,and which, in cpoler moments you would repent of. It is sad to see men endeavoring to stir up strife between citizens of our com mon republic, who have been living in social harmony, notwithstanding a difference of creed. Let us love our enemies; return good for evil, and pray for those who persecute and revile us. Let us trust to the good sense of the American people to discern slander and falsehoods uttered against us, and imitate tbe splendid civic virtues of a Charles Carroll.of Carrolton; n Commo dore Barry, General Sheridan aud n host of Catholics, who liavo won uni versal esteem by their excellent citizen ship. A Church War. Leuanon, O , MirchC A score or more of suits will be filed in the courts here, growing out of a mr-st disgraceful affair at the Missionary Baptist church, about four miles south of this city. There Is a division oyer the pastor. Last ulght the congregation met to dlscusss his retention. Tho church was filled, and some one called the pastor a liar. A friend of the preacher knocked the beligerent down and that started a general fight. Tho lights were extinguished and in the battle that followed the pulpit furniture was wrecked, the pews ruined, the carpets spoiled and more fifty persons were injured. Many women fainted and the scene was a sad one. FUSIONISTS IN CONTROL. A Committee of Pennoyerites to Make a Ticket. Portland. March C A number of Democrats of the state met hero today to confer regarding proper action to be taken in the coming campaign. Ex Governor Whltaker presided. The conference resulted In appointment of committee of seven to confer with a committee of Populists and aecertaln on what basis a fusion could be arranged. Report to be made to Democratic stuto convention. The committee appointed Is 1 W. Fenton, J. IC. Weatherford, It, F. Gibbon, C. Klckell, J. J. Burnett, J. H. Riley aud C. F. Hyde. Big Sound Failure. Tacoma, March 0. Frank M. Harsh berger wns appointed receiver of tho Mason Mortgage & Loan Co. toduy. Assets and liabilities are unknown. It Is Incorjwrated for a million dol lars and has creditors In nearly every part of the country, It Is tho biggest concern of tbe kind In the Pacific Northwest. Pennoyer a Populist. bEATTLE, March 0. Governor Syl vester Pennoyer, of Oregon, last even ing addressed 1600 people at the armory, tbe occasion being a rally of the Pa nic's party. Today Is tho city election In Seattle and the Populists, though greatly In minority, teek to win. He confined his remarks to the Wilson bill, and said that the Income tax clause was the only rwlstmlng feature of ihe I bill. He was wall revived, aud the Populist deolure he will he thslr next candidate for president of the United States. SENATOR HILL STRIKES A BLOW". Gives the Wilson Its Quietus Bill DEMAND!) IT BE AMENDED. To Make Up the Country's Dou ble Deficits. BY TARIFFING TIIE IMPORTATIONS And Eliminato All Proposed tornal Taxes. In- Washington, Mar. C In the senate this afternoon Senator Hill, of New York, presented a resolution setting forth that as there was announced to be delict of $78,000,000 for the current fiscal year, and an tbe Wilson bill pro posed to discard that much revenue from tli6 tariff, to meet tho double deficiency by internal direct taxation, that the finance committee bo directed to frame amendments to the bill omitting the proposed new internal taxes, and make instead provision for a sufficient revenue by tariffing other foreign imports and otherwlso re vising the tariff without creating a deficiency. Elections Murder. Troy, N1. Y., March 0. At the muni cipal election being held here today, this afternoon, Herbert Ross, a Repub lican polls watcher, was shot dead and his Brother William mortally wounded. It is understood "Rat" Shea did the shooting and was in turn shot and killed by one of the Ross's brothers. Shea Is a notorious character. There are six candidates for mayor. Allega tions of fraudulent registry are freely made. MR. TAYLOR, THE ENJOINEfi. His Arguments for Testing Constitution. the Mr. A. G. Taylor, of Perrydale, was In the city today. He is the rolator in the injunction suit to stop constructing tho Eastern Oregon asylum. In re spouse to an Interview be said: "I have uo personal interest in the suit other thau as auy other tax payer. If the constitution limits the legislature in Its extravagance In making appro priations wo want to know it. The constitution says there shall be no debt incurred beyond $60,000, but tho last legislature appropriated over two mil lions. Tbe people, the taxpayers must have protection. This applies equally to tho jute mill, the deaf mute land re cently bought aud to the normal schools. Tho sentiment of tho people of Polk county is almost a unit in favor of the Injunction. There was a test of this at Dallas recently and tho ques tion was put to a gathering of taxpay ers from all parts of the county. Tbe expression was unanimously In favor of the Injunction. 1 do notstand alone In this matter. The purchase of the slto In Eastern Oregon for the asylum at $25,000 when other towiiB were will intr to donate sites is generally con demned. I am Just as much opposed to tho recent purchase of tho Moody farm near Salem for $10,100, but there is no way to stop that. Tho appropria tion for land for that purpose was only $5000 and $10,000 for additional land for the reform school. They overrun all this and there will bo a deficit of $1100 to bo made up by tbe next legis lature. The tale of tbe old site and total ap propriation for the mute school site, malntalnence and all will reach over fifty thousand and tbe state board of education are each allowed $600 extra for expending the money. They have uow good new buildings And for two years the expense will bo nearly two thousand dollars per capita for each child. "This kind of extravaganco Is dan gerous and must be stopped. Governor Chadwlck says tho attendance was nearly as large under bla administra tion aud the expense was $10,000 for two years and they rented their own buildings." "I have no einulty towurda Salem, a city near which I have lived for nineteen years, I have no prejudice against auy purt of tbe state. I am cot related to Mr. Frlzzell as wu pub- Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report 5l m& itfrw ABSOLUTELY PURE Hshed, but wo agree as to theso matters entirely." law of Hon. E. B. McElroy, state supt. of schools. PERSONALS. Byron Grim, of Auroa, ws in tbe city today. J. L. Mitchell went to Eugene this morning an a short business visit. Meda Cline, aged 10 years was today committed to tho asylum from this county. Don't forgot -that the best 25 cent meal served on tbe Paoifio coast Is to be bad at Strong's restaurant. Capt. J. Q. Barnos, of the New York Racket store, returned today from a short visit at Independence. Mrs. J. J. Dairy mplo returned Suu day evening from an extended visit in the East. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Annie T. Andrews, of Salem, Mass., who will spend tho sum mer hero. Burson Chatwln , of tbe firm of Chat win Brothers, contractors, left on the overland labt night to join bis brother In Los Angeles, where tbey have a large contract. They will return to Salem when tbey have finished. Capt. S. B. Ormsby, who was a num ber of the last legislature, Is in tbe city. He is rathor.lndifferent about boing a candidate again. Ho is an ardent Re publican and expects to take part in tho canvass as be gonerally does whether a candidate or not, and if his friends want him to make tho raco be is not afraid ts stand by his record made at tbo last session. The Eugene Guard contains the fol lowing two items showing the cer tainties and uncertainties of life: Mrs. Nellie Sladdon has returned to her home at Los Angeles, Cul. She will soon be married to a gentleman of that city. Mrs. S. C. Bladdeu, second wlfo of Capt. S. C. Sladdon, formerly of this city, we aro Informed, died suddenly last week at Hotel Florence, San Diego, California. HARRISON ON SILVER. At Trinidad, Colorado, ou bis trip through, ex-Presldont Harrison was mot at the depot on bis arrival by a Committee beaded by tbe Mayor aud fully 2000 people. After being sere naded by a band, General Harrison was introduced to tbe crod and delivered a apeecb. Tbe ex-Presldont expressed gratifica tion at tbe reception be received "as a prlvato citizen, wheso occupation was just now that of a school teacher." After discussing tbe tarlfTlssue, Har rison said: You baye another Interest out hero which you have asserted with a good deal of vehemonco and determination, and that is tbo silver question. Now, I pay to you today what I said wbou I was President, and what I always be lieved, that the larger uso of silver for money and for coinage of silver upon a basis to be agreed upon that would maintain Its parity with gold, tbe more good fur the wholo world. I do not be lieve we could run free coinage ourselves while tbe European goyernmonts are pursuing tho policy they have been pursuing with sliver; but my fellow citizens, tbero are clear indications now in England and in Germany that tbey are feeling the effects of tho scarcity of gold and its prostrating effects upon Industries. I bellove these two great countries are nearer right today than they havo been for tbe last twenty years. Tbey are all considering favor ably tbe question of a larger and freer use of silver as a money metal, and blmetalUuji has gained strength in England, I think these countries will come to tbe next silver conference with greater readiness than in any recent years, aud will agree with us upon a basis for a larger ue of silver as money. I would have beeu glad if this could have been accomplished while I was at Washington. I would rather baye sig nalized my administration by that uct than by any other I know of. (Cheers) I thank you for listening to this speech, I did not Intend to make It. Possibly I may be sorry for haying made It. (Cries of "Never I") I have spoken with frankness auu that Interest In public affairs I take now as a private citizen, Baking IWmlvl UNDESIRABLE LEADERSHIP. Mr. Gulllxson, a Portland carpet dealer who has since suspended, was In Salem yesterday. Bofore making an assignment ho was a leader of the Port land delegation In tho last legislature. Ho, with Speaker Keady, was mainly instrumental in securing tbe passage of bad legislation, and tbo immonse appropriation bills. Uudor their management tho legislature ran riot wltn the poople's money. Such leader ship of tho Republican party is resent ed by tho best elements of tho Republi can party and by tbe taxpayers of tbo state at largo. If thoy over get an op portunity they will sit down upon theso managers of tbo lower bouse. It was not any speciflo act that makes this sort of leadership obnoxious to Republicans, but tho sum total of tho influence that extended over tho wholo session, was bad. Thoy wero able to reconstruct tbe entire railroad commission so as to meet exactly tho views of tho great corporations aud ontlrely Ioso tho con fidence of tbo shippers aud producers of this state. Tho legislature would not bavo been eo unusually extravagant bad thp bill for tho Eastern Oregon asylum not carried tbo sum of $176,000. JJut SpeakerKeady, before the legislature met traveled all over Eastern Oregon to look up tho Eastern Oregon asylum soheme. Ho wont to Washington and California to look up tho jute mill soheme. Tho committees were all made up to carry theso ImmonBo ap propriations. Tho $100,000 for tho jutn mill carried with it tbo necessity for $00,000 for tho state stovo works and $20,000 for enlarging tho ditch for the water power or $270,000 In all. Undoubtedly these big bills wero tho result of deals mado nt Portland by Gulllxson aud Keady. The recon struction and emasculation of the rail road commission, together with tbe other record of that sort of irrespons ible leadership has cost the Republican party doarly and may cost it still tnoro dearly unless It renounces such leader ship and sets Itself right before the people of this state. Tho Republican state tlokot cannot bo mado up by Gulllxson and Keady and win in tbe present bard times and dlsturbod state of publlo feeling. While no other Re publican paper In tho stato speaks thus plainly, wo fool it a duty to warn the patry against suou a contingency In tbo common Interest of tbo masses of tbo peeplo. Tho Masons will probably not expell Mrs. Lease from tho order. Times will not Improyo until tho country knows Its fate. Its fate de ponds very much on the Wilson bill being killed. "As old aa tho hilla" and novor excell ed. "Tried and provon" is tho vordict of millions. Simmons Livor Itogu- -r t t laior is tho S-0TT0'VmQny Liver JLJOfOi nnd Kidnoy incdicino to I -which you uuu iin yum. faith for a euro, t A Th an s in i 1 d laxa tivo, and puroly veg etable, act ing directly on tho Livor and Kid- Pills nova. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder tobutakondryormadointoa tea. Tb King or Li rr Medicine. " I bvo uied your Bluitnone Liver Rmc Utor nd can ooneolenclouily ay It la tbo king of all livor medicines, leoiulder It inedlclneclieitjn iuelf. iito. W. JACK mox, Tiiooms, WMblnstoa. "eyxvxKr i-ACKAaie- Ku tbe Z Stamp fa r4 on vrra?f 1 "' -- 4 m "T r ' i-XJfttfer. IT loLt. Jtfttmm ' " "' -'- J IgiHHgHaBMS)HWgBBBBBeHBBBBMHMMBe