r "Trfaunlflfr, THE I C'T DAILY og ota a Month by Mall Prepaid " -Advance No Papers sent wntn Time lo Out. $3.00 a Year. Jou ADVERTISERS Tlio Tonrnal hat a Larger CIr culntlun In Snlem and Marlon County than any Salem newspa ior. See our llttf . UOFJSB DItOB 1'ubllihari. . XxilLj VOL. 7. DAILY EDITION". SALEM, OHEGON,MOIOAY, FEBRUARY 19, 194. DAILY EDITION. NO. 3i. uAF. JK;JLI j.Jj t t KraSwfes -:- The New York Racket -:- Carries a full line of the above brand of Shoes at prices that cannot be duplicated on the coast. Our Ladies' fine Dongola Shoe for $2.00, fully warranted, is a special bargain. Try a pair of them We also carry a good assortment of hats, shirts, hosiery, underwear and a full line of notions. Call and inspect our goods and prices. We will give you from 15 to 25 percent. E. T. BARNES. IN SEASON! AND OUT, We aim to fho li'nn nf Snnrtsmfin'a (noris. can always make money by consulting our stock and prices, Brooks WE ARE NOT -FOR- Our general Stock of FURNITURE and CARPETS is so well selected that it. 1 COMMANDS A GOOD SUM OF It is to YOUR BEST US A A. Buren & Son., S. W. THOMPSON & Co., Largest line of Solid Silverware. in the city. Spectacles and Eye Glasses were never sold as low as now. 221 Commercial Street. Ed. C. CHURCH I Ivlv AND BURROUGHS TININNG AND PLUMBING. THE new WILLAMETTE STAB LBS Completed and ready to wait on customers. Horse. lgf .XS at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Trul D $x meet all demands. Also keep the finest Bullions in this o""&i r"r r(v, Horn and residence 2 block south of postonice. '"A" " I mimMrvrr-iki J. RUBINSTEIN, THE STAR 5 STAB brand of Ladies, Gents and Children's Shoes, cut through leather near the top of shoe, insures to the wearer that the shoe is made of the most reli able leather produced". Every boot or shoe bearing this trade mark is fully warranted. THE BEST STRAINS of Black Minorca, Brown Leghorn and Plymouth Rook Eggs for breeding, from select pens of the best fowls. Prices moderate quality considered. A few superior Brown Leg horn Hens for oale at a bargain. Cull or address J. J.MILLER. Uoth street, near State keep in stock everything in Arms and Ammunition, i ou DISGUSTED! PATRONAGE. INTEREST TO PAY VISIT. r Cross, Choice M Wholesale and itctail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of a IKiiuls OS Court and 110 State Streets. MERCHANT TAILOE. Suits Made to Order. &, Salisbury. eats. TRAIN ROBBERS CAPTURED. Partners of Sontag Bars. Behind the SURRENDER- TO SHERIFF. KAY Not Far From the Sceno Their last Crime. of Evans Surrenders. V.isalia, Cal., 10. Evaus and Mer rill have surrendered to officers. BEHIND THE BARS. Visalia, Cal. Feb. 19. Evans nnd Morrell are now behind the bars In the County Jail, having surrendered to Sheriff Kay. Negotiations between the officers and bandits were carried on by letters delivered by Evan's young boy. Evans came in this morning. He looks very rough and needed a bath. Morrell looked serious as though not appreciating his condition. The man who was with Evans this morning is not Morrell but Is supposed to be a young man named Enlow, who was raised near this city Where i'hey Stayed. Visalia, Cal., Feb. 19. William Waugh, hiswifeand two children, now occupy the residence at Auckland where Chris Evans was married to Mary Jane Byrd by tho Rev. J. P. Jones, November 4, 1874. One year prior Chris Evans was a teacher aud was one of tho principal active mem bers of the second meeting of the Tu lare institute held at Visalia, No vember 2, 1873. In the early days Aucklund was known aa Cottonwood, and the old settlers there are just ob friendly' as ever to Evaus. He and Morel arrived at Auckland February 1 aud left February 4. They were seen there every day. Auckland Is on the stage road 10 miles from Camp Badger, where Scott's posse had its headquart ers. A SOLDIER'S SUICIDE. Private Harry Wilson Shoots Him self With an Army Rifle. Fort Canby, Wash., Feb. 19. Pri vate Harry Wilson, of battery C. Fifth U, B. artillery, made a successful at tempt at hia life yesterday at 12 o'clock by shooting himself with an army rifle. He died two hours later In tho post hospital. He had been melancholy for several days, and said soon after shoot ing bitnself,that his wife was dead and he did not care to live any longer. Both liis wife and sister were thrown from a buggy and Instantly killed a year ago, at which time he attempted suicide. Private Wilson was born at Aokron, Ohio, twenty-five years ago. He was Inlisted at Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 20, '01, by Captain Carpenter, fori the United Btatea Infantry, ana joined battery 0. Fifth artillery, at the Presi dio, Jan. 13. 1892. The county coroner was notified of the suicide. ThB re mains will bo hurried with full military honors, at the post cemetery. Pruitgrowens Association. MoMinnville, Feb. 19. The fruit growers of Yamhill county met at the courthouse Saturday nnd elected the following officers; C. E. Hosklns, of Newberg, president; William Galloway and O. N. Denny, vice presidents; J. C. Cooper, secretary; and J. H. Rees, com mitteeman. The day was stormy, but the court room was filled. A constitution and bylaws were adopted, and the Yamhill County Hortlcultural;Association starts out with the prospect of doing efficient work for the fruit interest of the county. Tho HiiL'ifeation was made that a com mittee be appointed to cut down ail of the old orchards in the county. The association will meet at Newberg April 3. All tbo fruitgrowers In the county are Invited. Want the Assignee Removed. Albany, Feb. 19. A number of tho depositors of the closed Bauk of Oregon have filed a petition in the circuit court usklng for the removal of W. 8. Thomp son, the as3lgnee, charging him with oonuivluK with the bank officers to datraud the creditor by refusing to In clude lu the Inventory varloua items of the bank's assets, alao with neglectlog to use diligence In collecting amounU due the bank. Judge Burnett basset March 12 to hear tho matter, and has n.wi Thnmiwin to aDDcar and show OKiitt) why he should not be removed. Douglas County Republicans. Rosruubo, Or., Feb. M.-Speclal-ti iunubllcau county central com mittee has held ila first meeting of tho" campaign, and It was most enthusiastic March 24th is set for tho date of the county primaries and tho county con vention will be held April 6th. Snow Storms. Portland, Or,, Feb. 10. Snow here Is about Ave inches deep. The signal service bureau reports snow falling all over Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, and prodlcta a, continuance, with south west gales along the coast. The signal service officer, of Port land., was in Salem yesterday, and it is evident the darkey in charge of his office has sent out the abovo report, for we are enjoying a warm sunny' day at Salem, with no snow. Editor. STORM ON THE SOUND. Snowfall and Severe Winds at Ta coma and Seattle. Tacoma, Feb. ' 19. The severest atorm for years id raging throughout the state. Wind blew sixty miles an hour for 4 hours this morning. Seattle, Feb. 19. The worst bliz zard for years is blowing over the sound. Snow Is about five inohes deep, drifting badly. BAS A LITTLE CASH LEFT. Oyer a Hundred Millions Treasury. iu tho DNCLE SAM'S CREDIT IS GOOD. A Political Boss is Sent to Sing Sing. The Cash Balance. Washington, Feb. 10. The able cash baianoa in the Uuiten treasury today is $138,211,840. avail States Limit Their Debt. Washington, Feb. 19. The house bill, limiting the indebtedness of Bait Lake City, Utah, has passed the senate. Silver Caucus. Washington, D. C, Feb. 19. A call for caucus on the Bland seignior age bill Is in circulation among house Democrats, aud It will probably bo held this afternoon. Democratic op ponents of the bill refuse to attend. Another Appointment. Washington, D. C Feb. 10. Sen atr White, of Louisiana, has been nominated by President Cleveland as dssoclate juBticeorthe supreme court bf the United States. Tho nomination is a surprise to every one. Hill and the Republican mem bers who baye been questioned say Very little about White's possible con firmation. Later: White is confirmed. Brazailian Dynamite. Washington, Feb. 19. The navy department received a telegram from Admiral Benham this afternoon. The Brazilian dynamite ship Nioheroy ar rived oft Rio Janeiro. It ta understood other ships of the government fleet will arrive on the 22nd from Bahla. This seems to Indicate that the expected naval engagement is likely soon to take place. New Silver Bill. Washington, Feb. 19. Representa teve Hicks, or Pennsylvania, has In troduced a bill which be believes to be an excellent plan for the settlement of the sliver question. It provides that any person may deposit with the government $-"0,000 worth of silver bullion, and by depositing with it 25 per cent of the value of the bullion iu interest-bearing government bonds, as a guarautee against any depreciation of silver, he may receive $59,000 in legal tender treasury notes, red eemable in coin. More Hawaiian Letters. Washington, Fob. 19. The presi dent sent to congress today another batch of Hawaiian correspondence. The only matter of Interest lull ,not al ready published, la the answer of WIN 11a to President Dole's letter, published a few days ago, iu which Dole set forth hia reasons for saying that the attitude of the United States towards Hawaii was warlike. Willis auswerd, and charges Dole Mriatliu, f bowing that a proper construction of all acts since Willis' arrival on the Island, were in the Interest of peace, and good order, aud could not be construed to Indicate any luteutlou to use force for the resto ration of tho depo-ed queen. Governor McKmley declines to be a candidate fur United StaUa oeuator ti succeed Col. Brie, tho rullroad wrecker, MISHAP TO A CAR IN MIDAIR Thrilling Accident on a Tennes see Aerial Cable. ONE KILLED AND SEVFRAL IIDRT. Imprisoned Passengers Lowered to tho River bj a Tiopo. Knoxville, Tenn., Feb. 19. One killed and. several slightly Injured is the result of a thrilling accident In this city Sunday. The drawing cable of au aerial car snapped in two, leaving the car and passengers 200 feet in mid-air, while the broken end of the cable smashed through tho frail box, filled with humanity, to do its deadly work. At its highest point tho car is nearly 300 feet above tho Tennessee river. A car which would hold perhaps 20 peoplo hung suspended from tho heavy cables, five feet apart and I J Inches In diameter The engine-house was located on tbo north bauk and tho car was hauled to the dizzy height by an endless cable, 1 of an inch thick, which would around two drums. Tho car carried many passengers and made its last trip about A o'clock. Seven people were iu it, besides C. F. Lewis, who Htood at the brake. When within 100 ftet of tho bluif the drawing cable snapped. Near tho center of tho river and fully 2000 feet from It, its progress was suddenly checked as the broken end of tho cable wound itself, like a huge serpent around the car. There the car und passengers hung for nearly two hours. LOWERED BY KOl'KS. The employes seemed dazed aud It was sometime before a long ropo was secured. This wns slipped down the cable to tho car and u steamer an chored Itself uuderneath. Will Klb bley, a boy, was the first to helot down, and the crowd cheered lustily as he was safely landed. Next came Miss Alice Wardoll. who stood tho shock bravely. Doubly loud they cheered her safe arrival. Tho belief gained ground that no one had been hurt, but those familiar knew otherwise, for In the car above Oliver Ledgerwood laid dying, his llfo blood oozing from two ugly wounds in the head. He had gone with Miss Wardell, his flnanceo, on the novel trip which euded so dis astrously. One by one tho passengers were let.down until the car was cleared. When Ledgerwood reached the boat a surgeon pronounced his Injuries fatal, aud In less than ten minutes he was dead. HIb skull was fractured In two places. Fred MoBoo, another passenger, BUilered a severe injury to one leg, while Henry Hooher's right arm was badly hurt. Hugh Kule.a boy, was standing near tho engine house when the cable broke, and was struck by the end aud was seriously hurt. Ledgerwood was a promising young lawyer. He leaves a widowed mother. was tub cable out? Beforo the coroner's jury tonight, J, E. Patton, one of tho lessees ,and part owner of the cable line, made the sen sational statement, under oath, that he believed the cable bad Dcen out. tuo matter will be fully Investigated. A Boss Convicted. Brooklyn, N. Y., Fob. 10. great crowds assembled at tho court houso this morning, in anticipation of tho Henteuce of John Y. MoKaue, tho Gravesend political boss, convicted of election frauds. An extra detail of police was necessary, to keep order. The judge sentenced McKano to six year's lmprlsonmout In Sing Sing. Mo Kane was at once taken to Jail, pend ing application for a stay of judgment to the HUpremo court. If it la not ob tained before, McKano will be taken to Slug Slug tomorrow. Tho Deadly Cyclone. Homku, La., Fob. 19. A destructive cyclone struek tho northwest point of this parish, laying wusro everything In Km path. Tlio ouHUaltlea kuowu thua fur are one white child and one negro girl killed aud many wounded. Clove laud &, Taylor's store and steam mill ware destroyed, and Mr, Taylor seri ously Jnurod, The track of the oyolone wa about 200 yards wide. On an Ice Floe. Chicago, Feb, 19. Tho police are patrolling tho lake shore looking for two boys who were reported to be adrift on an Ice . floe. Their numes are not known, but xovoral tersona ululmed to have st-cn them ou tho Ice near the toot of Thirty-ninth street, Just beforo It floated out InUi the lake thU afternoon. Rumor Confirmed. New York, Feb. 19. A special to the World, from New Orleans, says: 'A rumor published a few days ago, to the ellrot that the tug Hillanl was wrecked, off Nicaragua coast, U con- J flrtneO, Blxty-two Uvea were lost. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- & jm lwWd6P ABSOLUTELY PURE FIGHTING THE PEERS. It Is Thought the Queen Will Inter pose a Compromise. London, Feb. 19. Tho liberal plan is to triumph over tho peers by com pelling them to abaudou (heir amend ment to the parish councils bill. They are hopeful cf success, but thoy muy experience a sharp set-back next-week. It Is not Improbable that tho peers will declare their adhesion to certain points which tho government considers Im possible Tho conservatives in the house of commons havo' surrendered much, but not all quostlous concerning the control of charities, Tho allot mnuts, tlio poor law and boards ot guardians, aud tho reform of the London vestries are still bones of con tention between tho government nnd tho opposition. These questions must be settled lu the government's favor befoiu tho liberals can truthfully boat of compelling the assent of tho pet in to tho program of the commons. 11 Lord Salisbury should concede every thing involved in tho dUpute,ho would do so probably iu defereuco to tho per sonal wishes of tho queen, who h known to dread mi opeu conflict be tween the two houses. She is convinced that such a conflict would cuiso a uni versal clamor for tho abolition of the hereditary law-makers, and tho same conviction has ere this caused her to in terfere, uotably lu 1834, whou the two houses quarrelled spriously over the redistribution of seats uudor tho franchise reform. Tho queen then summoned tho Dukeof Richmond and uipdo him au Intermediary for the settlement of the questions ut Isstio bo twoen Lord Salisbury and Mr. Glad stone. Since then popular dislike oi tho hereditary privileges of tho upper houso aud the royal family have be come so Intensified that If an attack upon these privileges bo once fairly or ganized it would soon altecl tho prerog atives of tho crown. For these reasons the queen's Iniluonco has beep exerted already to luduco the tory peers to'act with greater prudence. Troaty Approvod. Bkhlin, Fob. 19. Tho Buudesrath has approved the Russo-Qermau treaty In conference. - PERSONALS. Col. N. B. Knight has returned from Washington, D. C. Choicest mackerel In Sulem at Clark & Eppley's. Bankor A. T. Gilbert arrived this morning, irorn Moscow. F. J. Eldrldge, of Gervals, was In tho city today on business. Jos, Hlrschberg, of Independence, was In tho city this morning. W. T. Wright, tho Republican war horse from Union, Or., Is in tlio city. The Independent organ of Foresters meets tonight at tlio old Odd Fellows hall. County Judge Hubbard was not down today, lie may not bo able to hold court this week, A. W. Ryoeurson of La Grande, a ropresontatlvo of tho Oregon Wholesale Nurseries, Is lu tho city. L. L. Welch has acceptod a portion us traveling salesman! for tlio C, W. Boyutoii hurdwaro firm of Portland. Hun. U. A. Hshlbrode, of Roseburg, arrival in tho city tills morning, nnd will visit Polk oouuty bforo returulng. 0"0. N. Townseud, Halem mauuger ofKuupp, Burrell it Company, inn) far ruooyered as to be able to ha buck at hia dusk In h few (lays. 16M) World's Pair Photos for $1, Time beautiful pictures urg now ready for delivery In ten uoruplctf parU 10 pictures comprising euuji purl aud the whole set ouu bo secured by the payment of out dollar, sent to George II. Houflwrd. Ounepil ltsii- uur Aiiit. (,'hluauo. Milwuukke &, Si. i'au' lUllwuy. Clilougn, III,, anil the oori folios of ii(eturM will Im mill, frtu orexiteuuM, uy muu loauusuriuon). Reinlttuiiiwrt should be made by draft money order, or registers! letter. fit. A new depot has Leeu lows, ou (ho U, 1', built ut WIN Latest U. S. Gov't Report 9 Saturday Occurrences. Bill Nye thoT humorist, was stricken with heart failure at Niagara Falls. Rav. J. O. Biggs, of O.tawa, O., was murdered on his way to a revival at Westerman. G. II. Williams and Judge Moreland of Portland are ou the executive com mittee of tho traus-Miailsilppt congress. Gov. Win. M.-Ivlnley committed tho lirst folly of hU "b om" by attending a Ddliuonloo club dinner at Now York. One hundred minors employed by tho Little Pittsburg Coal & Miuing oompiny, nt'L'ingo, Mo., Btruok on ac count of the refusal of the management to suspend an objectionable employe. Tho Australia sailed for Honolulu with u consignment of 50 cases of rifle cartridges, addressed only by a cabalis tic mark. Eioh of tho CO ciaos weighed from 00 to SO pounds. It Is believed this usilgnmont of ammunition will anise considerable oxcltemont In Hon olulu. A petition la bciug circulated and digued extensively at Albany, asking Judge Fullertou to postpono the salo of the Oregon P.iolllo until Juno 1, by which time it Is paid $3,000,000 will bo forthcoming to purohuso the road, pay up its obligations, and plaoo it on a basis tiat will load to extension across the mountains. 'Pirn ttritiib nnaanrl anrl vnf Afr Ttlnnrl has not succeeded iu soourlug the pres ence of a quorum lu the house to sup port his bill to coin tho soigulorage of tho silver bullion In the treasury, Thoro woro 235 members present Batur day,but only 180 (10 shortofa quorum) responded to their names upon the vote to close the debate on the bill In SO minutes, Tlio Gonulno and the Sham. Every good thing has Its host of Imitators; evefy genuine artlolo Its counterfeits. The imitators always chooso tho most valuable and popular article to counterfeit, bo that whon they claim their sham to he equal, or as good, or the same as "So-aud-So's," the public muy depend upon It that "So-and-SoV artlolo is tho boat of the kind. Thoshuiu proves tho geuuluo merit of the thing It oopioa and never has this been better illustrated than by the Imitations of Allcock's Porous Piasters Allcock's Porous Plasters Is tbo stundurd of excelleco tho world over, and Its imitators in their cry that theirs is "as good us Allcock's" are only emphasizing this fact und admitting "Allcock's to be tlio ucme of perfection which it Is their greatest ambition to Imitate Tho diflereuco betweeu tho genuine nnd these Imitations, which copy only gonerul appearance is as wide us that between copper und gold, Tlio only safe way for purchasers Is to always Insist upon having Allcock's Porous Plasters. They aro tho only perfect planters over produced. A now pj3tllloo is established at Glenn, Lincoln county. Ktetr . a- i.i - thoiilla"and novcr excell ed. "Trial mid proven" is tho vordicb of millions. Slmmona Livor Rogu-y-j lator is tlio JLJOifOi ftnd Kidney modicino to which you can pm your faith for a ouro.t A mild laxa livo, ft n d puroly vog otablo, act ing diroctly on tho Livor and Kid- Than Pills nova. Try it. Bold by all Druggtatfl in Liquid, or in Powder tobotakondryormadointaa tea. Tito Kins of IJer Mmliclnei. "1 have iw4 yourHlmiuoniLlviirTtecu- r uu(l wil BOUiwieiiBiouni jr r,' '.'"" sirullllvfrrniiioiiie. illnu hi lo Jllf a AC UOV, Tuooum, WaiulUBtuu. ",,JWKVirjtV l'AOKAOR Vm tbo Htamp la rA oa wntpptn 1