- I .1 r- "'--- - '- '-r 4 " v I 1 ' I" THE I C T DAILY 2(5 Ote n Month by Ntfall Propoid In Advance No Papers sent vrhn Time in Out. $.00 a Year. J J 1 A!33 VBBTISBBS , ' OUR Tlio Journal lias a larger Cir culation In Sulem anil Marlon County than ny Salem newspa , per. Sco our Hits. HOFKlt flit 08 rublUhora. f VOL. 7. DAILY EDITION". SALEM, OKEGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1894. DAILY EDITION. NO. 37. XT A T -- -- 3a M d a R4 7 i; TUADK-MAUK. 1 LADIES' IvtK fine IXSHOES. -:- The New York Racket -:- Carries a full line of the above brand of Shoes at prices that cannot be duplicated on the coast. Our Ladies' fine Dongola Shoe for $2.00, fully warranted, is a special bargain. Try a pur of them. We also carry a good assortment of hats, shirts, Hosiery, underwear and a full line of notions. Call and inspect our goods and prices. We will give you from 15 to 25 percent. E. T. BARNES. IN SEASON! AND OUT, We aim to keep in stock everything in the line of Sportsmen's Goods, Arms and Ammunition. S ou can always make money by consulting our stock and prices. Brooks WE ARE NOT -FOR- Our general Stock of FURNITURE and CARPETS is so well selected that it COMMANDS A GOOD SUM OF It is to YOUft BEST INTEREST TO PAY US A VISIT. A. Buren L Son,, 300 Commercial Si S. W. THOMPSON & Co., Largest line of Solid Silverware in the city. Spectacles and Eye Glasses wore never sold as low as now. 2 21 Commercial Street. Ed. C. llllll CHURCHILL AND BURROUGHS TININNG AND PLUMBING. TUB NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed and ready to wait on customers. Horses 'A!!.6 at reasonable pricea. We keep a full line of Truck-, Drays j n Express to meet all demauds. Also keep the finest Stallions In this county, , for wryloe. Barn and residence 2 block south of postotllce. l niinmo-rriM merchant tailob. J. RUBINSTEIN, Suits Made to Order. THE STAR, 5 STAR brand of Ladies, Gents and Children's Shoes, cut through leather near the top of shoe, insures to the wearer that the shoe is made of the most reli able leather produced. Every boot or shoe bearing this trade mark is fully warranted. THE BEST STRAINS of Black Minorca, Brown Leghorn and Plymouth Bock Egg- for breeding, from select pens of the best fowls. Ptiees moderate quality considered. A few superior Brown Leg horn Hens for sale nt a bargain. Call or address J. J. MILLER, 2oth street, near State k Salisbury. DISGUSTED! PATRONAGE. Wholesale ami Retail Dealer In Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of a lHinds OS Court and 110 State Streets. Cross, Choice Meats. THE 0VERL4ND TRAIN ROBBED. Engine and Two Cars Are Ditched. DONE AT A LONESOME SIDING. Engineer and Fireman Buried in the Wreck. THE 'EXPRESS CAR IS-DYNAMITED. Robbers Havo Their Own but Are Pursued. Way The Overland Robbed. Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 16. The overland Southern Pacific train No 20 was robbed at Roscoe station this morn ing about 1 o'clock. The train waB heavily loaded with passengers and the Wells, Fargo express company's ship ments were unusually heavy. At Bos coe, four miles north of Burbanks, there is no station but a siding. As the train approached this switch, Engineer Thomas saw thut the switch was mis placed and he vainly tried to stop the train, but he could not do it and the engine and two fruit cars of oranges went into the ditch, theengine turning over and burying the engineer and fire man. The two fruit cars were a total wreck. As soon as the wreok foccurred three masked men sprang up from out of the bushes and commenced a fusllade and everyone knew that the mission of the despera dos was robbery. A few seconds later a couple of dynamite bombs were placed under the express car. The messenger refused to open it and the whole side of the car was blown off. Brukeman Foster rose to the emer gency. As soon as be heard shots he made a run for a neighboring ranch house where he saw a light. Here he got a team and drove back to Burbank, four miles and gave the alarm. He cauuot tell how much the robbers got but it is probable they cleaned out the express car, as they had their own way when he left. A posse has gone in pursuit. There were only two robbers. Both were masked. Besides Arthur Masters, the fireman, one unknown tramp was killed. Followed Her Lover. San Francisco, Feb. 16. May Brooklyn, one of tho leading ladies of the Palmer stock company which is playing at the Baldwin theatre, com mitted suicide by taking carbolio acid. She played the part of Mistress Page In the "Alabama-'' The cause of the suicide was the grief over the death of Miss Brooklyn's lover, Frederick A. Lovecraft. The latter who was man ager of Palmer's New York theatre committed suicide last October by tak ing carbolic acid and shooting himself. Miss Brooklyu,although able to fill her parts, is said to have been mentally un balanced ever since. She imitated her lover to the extent of taking carbolic acid, but omitted BbooMng. Linn County Offlcail. SPKiNaFiELD, III., Feb. 16. Acting Governor.Glll, has honored the requisi tion of Gov. Pennoyer, of Oregon, for the rendition of George F. Russell, wanted In Llun couuly Oregon. Bus hel was short in his accounts, forged tho name of Yoa to cover his shortage it ml Is ikiw under arrest at Bushnell, McDjnougti county, where he has wealthy and prominent relations. Squall at San Francisco. San Francisco, Feb. 16. A heavy squall, accompanied by a downpour of rain, struck the city yesterday. Fly'e small fishing boats were seen to c-ip-slze in the neighborhood of the Golden Gate. The llfeaavlng crew has gone to the rescue. No further details are ob tainable at present. A Young Hero. Whatcom, Feb. 16 Johnuy Adams, 12 yeaw of age, was killed by a falling tree near here. He and hU slater were on their way home from school, when the boy seeing the tree was about to fall on his sister, pulled her out of the way and was himself crushed to death. Danbar Beleaaed. Portland, Fb 18. Wm. Dunbar, sentenced to two yean lo the county fall for smuggling opium, was released fromjallona writ of supersedeas, by Judge Bellinger, peudlng appeal Tollow Jack at Bio. Rio Janeiro, Feb. 16. The yellow fever is increasing. Sixty deaths oc cured yesterday in nddltlon to 15 from other fevers. A capltaiu of an Austrian warship in these waters died today and a number ot other coses are on board. A Portugese warship here is also In fected. The situation is growing serious to foreigners. Admiral Benham con ferred with the commanders of Ameri can vessels and nothing will bo left uu done which can lead to preserving the health of American sailors. McKinlcy's Fate. Pittsburg, Feb. 16. Governor Mc Klnley spoke tonight to an immense Republican mass meeting in the inter est of Galusha A. Grow, candidato for congressman at large. McKinley waa Interrupted every few minutes during his speech, with cheers aud cries of "Our next president," etc., and at tho conclusion a mad rush was made for the platform and ho was literally car ried out of the hall.' TDE POLITICAL PABDLDJl What Is Doing and Savin Washington. in LOUISIANA WANTS SUGAR FROTEGTION Rulo to Do Adopted to Force Republicans to Vote. To Force a Vote. Washington, Feb. 10. Democratic leaders of the bouse have under consid eration the following rule intended to discourage the practice amoug Republi cans of refraining from voting on im portant measures, nnd compelling the Democrats to produce a querum: "Whenever upon a' rollcall a .quorum falls to appear, upon the demand of any memoer tne clerK snail certlly a list of members not voting on such rollcall to the sergeant-at-arms, who shall deduct from the monthly com pensation of each member so failing to vote the amount cf his salary for ouo day; provided, this deduction shall not be made In case the member Is absent by leave of the house." This rule sim ply carries out the provisions of the law which says tho salary of members absent, except on accouut of sickness, shall be deducted during the time of absence. Heretofore, however, the sergeant-at-arms had no way of officially ascertaining the absence of any mem ber. It is thought the loss of pay for failure to vote will put a stop to the practice of refusing to respond when called to voto. Woman Suffrage Association. Washington, Feb. 10. The20th an nual convention of the National Wom an Suffrage association assembled here. Only 17 states were represented, but many delegates snowbound will come later. Susan B. Authouy presided. Rev, Anna Shaw opened tho exorcises with prayer, followed by a brief speech by Miss Anthony. Then the executive committee reported, recommending that attention he specially directed to New York and Kansas, where the question of women puflrugo will come before tho people at tho next election. Mrs. Lillle Blake, of New York, aud Mrs. Laura Johns, of Kansas, reported the outlook for em-cess favorable. Will Fight a Tax on Sugar. Washington, Feb. 16. Members of tho sub-committee on finance consider ing the tarlfl, were again notified by both Senators White and Gallery of Louisiana thut if 8U,'ur is taxed they would aid iu defeating tho whole bill. Brief Telegrams. The Democrats wro unable to get a quorum today to discuss the Bland silver bill. An explosion on tho German Iron clad Beaudeuburg at Kiel killed forty six. The senate Is Iu executive session on the Peckham nomination. Mitchell of Oiegon, epokeln favor of confirmation but be was rejected 31 to 40. Judge Bretann, hearing argument for a new trial in the oase of Prender? gast, Carter Harrison's assassin, la un der guard, as bis life Is threatened in case be la not lenient. Y. M. O.A. Social. The regular monthly aoalal of the Y. M. O. A. will oeeur this oveulng, All members and frleudi over 10 years of age are invited to be p'eaent FROM WORLDS AFAR OFF. Tho News from the Continent's Outer Rim. HOUSES OF THE ENGLISH PARLIAMENT Disagree as to tho Parish Coun cils Bill. From Samoa. Samoa, Fob. 10. Samoan affairs have quieted down nnd tranquility reigns at least for the present. The government is considering the question oi unarming tne natives, out mis can not bo accomplished without blood shed. The so-cnlled rebels argue that firearms were Introduced by the whites, who havo become rich by their sale, and that If the government pays for the arms which are confiscated the natives will only be paylug for them twice. Chief Justlco Ide has succeeded iu geltiug the rebels to submit their complaints to him, and they promise to abidp. by his derision. Tho disarming of the natives is the only that they will not submit grievance to, nnd if surely re- force Is used bloodshed will suit. A Boy Tortured. Lkrdo, Mex., Feb. 10. At the haci enda at Ban Istdro, tin old man named Ernesto Zavala took two goats from a herd under tho care of a little boy. upon the boy's threatening to tell, Zav ala overpowered him, and nfter tying him down, cut tho boy's tongue out. The boy was subsequently found and taken to the office of the governor. There a scene was presented which mado tho bystanders turn away Iu horror. With blood llowiug from his mouth, the boy, by inarticulate sounds and mo tions, tried to make himself understood, aud succeeded sufficiently to satisfy the officials of Zavala's guilt. Butlbr the careof-Judge Frendaudo, Zavala wnuM have been killed Wednesday nlgutby the people. Apostle of Assassins. Paris, Feb. 10. Iu the chamber of deputies Dr. Mario Edouard Valllant, a socialist .member, attempted to make an apology for displaying a red flag at Ivry cemetery last Sunday by a num ber of visitors. Ho was ordered to lea vo the trlhuno and his remarks or dered stricken from the official record of the proceedings of tho chamber. The president of tho chamber, as Vail land left tho tribune, denounced him as the apostle of assassins. i Message From the Sea. London, Feb, 10. A bottle has been picked up on tho beach of Glgba, one of the Hebrides islands, containing a piece of papor ou which was written: "September, 1803, sinking in the mld-Atlautlu, lioruhead. Collision with au iceberg. Mate." Tho steamer Hornhead was a British vessel. She silled from Baltimore August 10 for Dublin, sinco which time nothing has been heard of her, Two Houses Disagree. London, Fob. 10. -Tho house of commons disagreed with tho house of lords ou the amendment of the parish councils bill, providing that councils be permitted only in parishes of COO in habitants and upward, by a voto of iid to 101. Most of the amendments made by the lords were- rejected and provi sions that hud been altered by the house of lord;), changed back to the orlginul text. American Liner Disabled. QUKHNSTOWtf, Feb. 16. The Ameri can line HtwMiwhlp, City of Purls, which sailed from Southampton on February 10th for Now York is In a dis abled condition oil' Daunt Rook. All are well on board aud the vessel Is lu no danger. A pilot and tti have gono to her asaistaueo. Tlio Paris has 189 first olas4 iHitAungers, 110 second class aud 260 steerage ou board. From Japan. Wahiiinoton, Feb. 10. Lsttera from the flagship Baltimore of the Asiatic tquadroii, now at Yokohama, statu that the cruiser is quarantined on ne,oount of the smallpox on board. Seven cases are under treatment since the middle of January, The disease la of a virulent type, but no d eat be Anarahiat Confessed. 1'Aiua, Feb. 16. Anarchist Henry lias oonfessed he has been in com- munleutlon with Paul Iteoluse, (he youug olvll engineer friend of Valllant. Hero. Rio Jankiuo, Fab. 16. Admiral Da Gama Is worse today and will probably die of the wouuda received lo the battle of Armaoco, Highest of all In Leavening Power. -Latest U. S." Gov't Report 1 mr E ABSOLUfEOf PURE FROM BENTON COUNTY. State, County and College Deposits aro Trust Funds. Corvalms, Fob, 15. Judge Fullortou handed down a de cision yesterday sustaining the demur rer to assignee's answer, In tho caso of Benton county against Assignee Bry sou, which iu effect declares the 511,- vw or Uenton county's money a trust fund. Cases involving Lincoln county, Muds, $1100, nnd State Agricultural college funds, $18,000 are peuding, and will probably be decided tho same. These claims will havo to hu piUl be fore other creditors aro paid, out. of tin Hamilton, Job & Co. estate. Tlie case will go to tho supremo court lu M iroh. E. B. MoElroy, next representative nominee for secretary of state, Is In tho" city today, shaking hands with his fel low Republicans. United States Internal ofttoer, F. C. Geer, registered fifty-six Chinamen here, aud has gone to Albany. Lieutenant L. E. Doulher, U. S. A., detailed by tho secretary of war as commandant and Instructor In military sclenco of the Agolcultural college, has arrived, and nt ouco reported for duty, to President Hloss. Convicted of Murder. San Fkanoisco, Feb. 10. In nhe case of Dr. West, who Is tried for the murder of Addlo Gllmour, upou whom it iu ouargeu ue coiuumii-u cuiiiium practice, Judgo Wallace delivered lengthy instructions to tho Jury, finally closing tho charge by calling attention to tho law which mukos the crime of which Dr. West Is charged murdorln the second degree, nnd Instructed the Jurors that If they believed tho defend ant performed tho operation which caused Addlo Gllmour's death, oven though he had no Intention to kill, the verdict should bo murder In the second dogreo. Tho Jury were then sont to the Jury-room. AtSo'olook tho Juryj brought in a verdict of guilty as charged Republican Club. President E. M. Walto has selected the following goutlemen to solicit and recolvo names for members of tlio Sa lem Republican club, lu accordance with instructions at the last meeting: M. L. Chamberlain, E. E. MoKlnney, H. J. Bigger, EJ. Cross, Jap. Mlulo. Ho hopes to sco a rousing club formed. E. M. Waitk, Pies, Rep. Club. An Error Corrected. Not long sinco a dispatch wont the rounds of tho press that is very unfair to a strong and deserving religious suet. It stated that tho Adventlsts, at their annual mooting in Battle Creek, had extorted contributions from their mem bors to tho extent of (25,000, It now seems that this Is au error, as all con tributions from the mombors of this organization are puroly voluntary. For Good Roads. Supt. Downing has today put on another team to hau'lug gravel on the roads. He will put ou moro If he can get lliHin. Any road supervisor who will furnish a team ohm gt gravel a' ten rents a load. Convicts will d-i the loading and spreading, Not Likki.y. One Murk Icy f Portland, who has become a broker of fourth clais poitofilots, Is uuthority for the Portland Oregou'an'a state ment that some one hits lxcome lukewarm In the Salem postoMeo fight. Mr. Bush declined tosiy anything In tho premises. As lie Is betit known hero at Haleiu, he U not lukewarm lu his pohtlual activities IntiihLkai). Am ii-tuul Rrewfdurfc White nredn the load with lowiwt juice on fd of all kinds. 01 Court st. St. Hood's and Only Hood's- IIond'H Harsaparllla Is carefully pro pared from Karapsrllla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, l'lpslKfowu, Junlpr berrlebauil other well known rindfK, by a peculiar combluHtlnii, proportion aud progress giving to Hood'd U!rw" Carina curative powers not ottf y other medicines. It filed a toiiiark not i-newed t uyo aide I lOOIiUK- cures wiieu outer prepaiguouv fall. Hood's Pills cure bjlloutnesa. a e m bwder "- "w -mil iiaaua Jackson County News. K. . .Abhua.hu, Fob. 15. Wlllson Pqtter of tills city, aged 70 years died this morning of lung trouble. Heavy north wlud this morning ac companied with snow. Wagon roads In bad condition, Business very quiet. Politics aro boing freely discussed lna quiet way, evorybody Is for tho man or party that will restore good times. Evans and Moroll. Fiusno, Oal., Feb. 10. Deputies Tlnimlunntid Boyd havo returned from huntlug EvaiH and Morel!. They havo no tuffo of tho bandits since tho evening df the 7th Int. fturriw utiic to Fiitsr wtixcirw. Hiding between Portland aud Salem, jOnecanseo through the car windows .fields' of idle land; fields that once yielded the wealth trausmuted by chemistry' of commerce Into tho brick building, the paved streets and the electric lights of tho valley towns. Tho' wedth v-o seo nbput us ou eyery band has,. coiue In Its ultimate origin from, tho soli or tho waters of Oregon. It has been drawn from the streams or dug out In some form or other. Bome of It was fished out; some sluiced and panned; somo chopped and sawed; some planted nnd plowod out; some sowed and harvested. Borrowing money nnd speculating lu town lots had no part in the making of Oregon. In much favor these latter years, their ....ii.iii(it"-J'-.,r,.i... ..ii tk. present, nt least, to havo been about exhausted. Wo havo beon borrowing monoyofeach other and trading Jaok kmves with eaoli other about as long at tlloso occupations can be made to yield any revonuo. Now wo must get back to first principles. Oregonlan Feb. 15th. The Orcgoulan then proceeds to tell how more money must bo mado out of tho soil, aud how much soil there Is left to mako moro monoy out of, eta, otc, "ad luflhltlmV It admits that wealth has its only "ultimate" origin In tho soil. The word "ultimate" is hot very clearly used there, for it means "final," "ele mental." We take It tho Oregonian menus that all wealth has Its origin In productive labor drawing aud convert ing out of tho resources of tho 'earth the products which, when converted Into monoy, build cities, railroads, hanks, factories aud all tho long chains of enterprise by which socio ty exists aud civilization subsists. Now If productive labor exists at all the others can oxlst and do oxlit. If those who produce out of the soil, the initio, the forest, tho rivers nnd seas can live by tholr labor, all tho Indus- (Uoucludeu oil .fourth page.) "Afl old 03 thohilla"and novcr oxcoll cd. "Triod and proven" isthovordlcb of millions. Simmons Livor Regu lator is tliov only Livoc and t Kidaoy inodicino to vrliioh you can pin your, faith for a, otiro.i At mild laxa tive, and puroly veg etable, act ing directly on tho Liver and Kid- Th 'an. Pills noy8. Try it Bold by all DruggUto in Liquid, or in Powder to bo talton dry or mado into a tea. Tlio King- of Urr Modiolus. "1 taY0UKlyourHnuraonr.irerltani lsUr ulul wit coHfcileualomly my It la (iia Wuk of all liver iimmI1Iu, rcoiiflde It m inudtMlioelieaMli IUir.OlU. V. JAOV aoMl-aeumu, wathlngtou. f -KVKKVVACKAaB- Va u 2 BUiap in rd sa map? Better r