Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, February 14, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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Stylish Book Cases
Becrgtarics and Sideboards at
Seller & sons
Price reduced On intl Htock. Com and
u. w nave the assortment.
G OUT -::-
I will sell my entire stock at Cobt,
r Wallpaper from 10 to 36c per double
roll. B irdere from 8 to 10 cents per
Glvomo a call.
: -::- W. II. SAHGEAMT
A beautiful spring day a little
bfeey. One newspaper that printed
tfce Burnett libel also prints his apol
gy. Newspaper must be fair with
tefa ntoer If tliey would have a repu
Utksn for fsirnea outside the profession.
Judge Burnett's If tter to tbe Jouh-
NALi editors Is very much like the old
aaaa'ri prayer, who got down on hie
koees under compulsion and prayed:
"Oh, Lord, If theru Is one, have mercy
on joy soul, If I've got oue," etc. .
Books of new renders are receiving the
Onb Cent Daily. It Is the olny Mar
ion county paper that stops coming at
expiration without being ordered to do
bo. John Porter, one of tbo boll-
weathers of the Republican fold at
AumovlIIo is in tbe city. Miss Helen
E3es Is in Portland for a few days.
Miss Carrie Royal Is visiting friends at
Hubbard, Weather forecast for
Thursday Is light rain and slight torn
icraturo changes. Jos. Davis and
Harry Singleton aroon their ranch at
Hubbard today. Sixty-one are en-
jo"'ed at tno teachers' examination to
day, as against twenty-two last quar
ter. ....Illuminating gas was escaping
badly at the stats houso today. It was
not from the executive department.
Attorney KIlndtr of Portland, lain
tbe olty.
Goko Laughead is home- from bis
California trip.
Wra. Bagley, tbe Insurance man, is
at Pi r Hand for a few days.
Itev. A. L. Hutchison was compelled
to return today from his duties of vis
Itfng the Albany Presbyterian college.
Geo, H. Beeler, tho Salem insurance
man, returned from Soda Springs today
very much Improved. Ho returns In a
few days.
County Judgo Hubbard continues
quite ill, and was unablo to attend
coast today. Ho was reported worto
this forenoon.
Dr. A, J, Lemleux has bceu named
general consul for Oregon by tho Re
public of Columbia, South Amorlca,
wbloh makes him a member of diplo
matic corps,
IUeohs. Slm.H. White & Son guar
antee their make of razors to be tbe best
In tho market or refund tho money to
purchasers. Try one, as it costs noth
ing. Board Cheap At No. 18, Center
street, near the "Willamette bridge.
Board ?3.l)0 per week, or IS cent per
meal. No Chlnoie cooking. Joseph
Cooper, proprietor. 2 18 Ot
Bather Steep.
Than take In any other form is what
many poopto
think aud Park's
lui III tnofla fa flint Itna fhm ll
qures constipation and though not a
cathartic moves the bowels every
day. Sold at Capitol Drugstore.
Fountain Pens
Eyary One
Conclnsion of Testimony ia the
Arson Case.
Confessions Extracted by Detect
ives Fail with Juries.
When this report of tbe smellzer
arson case closed yesterday, defendant
Was defining bia mental condition soon
after be was in Hurst's office, when he
becran to lose consciousness. District
Attorney McCain made a great ell or t
to entangle and break down witness in
his peculiar story, but Anally excused
him. Defense introduced deposition of
bis brother in Michigan, alleging prev
ious good conduct, good reputation and
also loss of memory and temporary aber
ration, forgotfuluess aud insanity. The
sate objected to this. Sustained. De
position further showed Insanity in
amily. Objected to. Overruled,
lohn Hicks recalled. Met Smeltzer
'even miles from home on afternoon
after Ore. Frank De Puo, the lawyer
and notary at Bllverlou before whom
confession was made at liifltanco of
Bagley, recalled: Bagley dictated sec
tions relating to policy; Smellzer dic
tated balance; bo was laboring under
considerable excitement.
Q. What Is your opinion as to hid
responsibility for his acts under that
condition of mind?
Objected to. Sustained, Numerous
other questions were asked and objec
tions sustained.
Attorney Cook of Silverten: Did
Bagley ask you to watch Bmeltzer
whllo ho went to watercloset? Ob
jected to. Sustained. Hicks In re
buttal: Day ho met defendant was a
lino one; were heayy fogs in moun
tains; might have been that morning.
Bagley recalled: Never said that any
man would for (200 swear he saw
Smeltzer burn the barn. Three hours
were limit for argument, Mr. McCain
waiving the openiug and allowing de
fense two hours. The caso then pro
ceeded to argument at 8 o'clock.
Wm. Holmes opened tho case for the
defence with a speech of an iiour. Ho
was followed by District Attornoy Mc
Cain, and Judge Bouham closed. The
jury was out a few minutes and re
turned on a verdtot of not guilty. It
was a very tlokllsh cise.'uud Bouham
k Holmes received many compliments
for skilful management of the same.
Tho confession was a foolish thing fur
any man to make, but lie wus un
doubtedly wrought upou when In a
weak stato of mind, by tho detectives,
or tho insurance company. At least
that Is tho theory tho Jury took of It,
and confessions seem to ho not In favor
The grand Jury made Its first report
at half past nine. Foreman C, L. Kel
ler handed the Judgo eight Indictment.
After fixing ball lu each true bill,
Judge Burnott hauded them to the
Tho suit of n Beuedlctluo brother at
Mt. Angel, who wus dismissed from
tho order, for waged, Is up at this term.
Prior Adollielm Odermatt, of tho Bene
dictine Fathers, Is In attendance. The
recusaut brother Is hero also, and sues
for wages while ho was lu tho order.
Tho medical practitioner's act ease of
tho state vs. Wiug Leo, Is set for trial
tomorrow. It will prove of great in
terest to the profession, D'Aroy &
Bingham defend.
Tho suit of C. B. Clement vs. the
Statesman Publishing Co., for libel,
oomes on for trial at tills term. Til
mou Ford defend?.
A not true bill found against Vernon
Odborne, ago 10, bouud over for point
lnga weapon at James Harrington,
Jan. 22,
A not true hill ntptiuat J, G. Wilson,
bound over for unlawfully, feloniously,
maliciously and wantonly killing
dog Nov. 20, belongliig to W. J. Hull
mau, value of $20.
A not true bill against Edwurd llruuo
for stealing a dUuimd pin from the
pers-mof W. W. McGulre. Sept, lh,
durlug the eUte fair at Hotel Willatn.
A true bill agulnsl It ilert Wo!t for
selling liquor without a license,
A true bill against John Dohninu for
A truo bill aglnt William L-uuloy,
for laroeuy of a dwelling.
A true bill ugalust E. O. lletnielt, for
larceny of a dwelling.
A true bill against Robert Wotet for
selling and giving liquor to u minor,
A truo bill unaltist Chus, O, Barvi
for embezzlement,
tjik nouicirr.
Following eutrlea were niadu on the,
docket this St, Valentine's day:
Martha a, vs. W, F, Coulter, dlvnw,
Jm. Nell vs. A. It. IlloVard ot al, de
murrer confess d with lituvo to annul.
Bouham & Holmes vs. Simon, mo
tion to strike out now tnatti r lu nuawr
W, M. 111 v. F, J Ford, continued.
E, M., vs Tjydla rorbor, UlvorcetJ
fault entered.
C. B. Clement vs. Statesman Pub.
Co. demurrer to complaint argued
and sustained as to second count and
taken under advisement as to first.
Mussey vs. Ben Hoy, demurrer argued.
Samuel B. Brown vs. Samuel I.
Dodge et al, default as to all defendants
except Jno. Roof and Marlon Dodge,
and decree on pleadings without oosto.
Bessie, vs. L. S. Thomas, by consent
defendant has leave to die supplement
al answer.
James Bell vs. Order of St. Benedict,
continuance donled.
Geo. W. Swegle vs. Emma Bender et
al, continued.
Elizabeth Eberbard et al vs, Chas.
L. Kestcr, default as to all adult defts.,
Geo. H. Bingham guardian for minor
A. Hush vs.
et al for
In tho circuit court just before noon,
a Jury wim called lu the suit of A.
Bush, banker nf Salem, against Mitch
ell and others for collection of a note
given Tbos. Holman by twelve others
whose names are on a note to the bank
for 122,000, with interest from Aug. 81,
1802. The note is signed by Mitchell,
Paxton, Markle, Knight, Austin aud
others, managers and owners of tho
Capital City Ballway Co. Mr. Bigger
stated the case to the Jury.
Mr. Paxton was willing to try the
cute to nine Jurors. Mr. Ford insisted
on the full number.
"I suppose this will be fought all the
afternoon, "said tho Judgo With a smile,
"and all othvr Jurors are excused until
tomorrow, at 0 a. m."
The note was read, to which defend
ants inalce a general denial. In this
cute a uou-suit was granted by Judge
Burnett, at the Ootober term. De
fendants bought the Holmau Electric
Light plant ut Salem, for f36,000, pay
ing $13,000 cash, giving note for bul
a nee.
Leaks No Moro.
Fire Chief Coss found several bad
leaks in the big cistern at corner Liber
ty aud State streets. He stopped them
and filled tbo cistern half full last night
and it is tight as a drum.
F. S. Dearborn Is at Portland today.
Tho following letters remaining In
the Salem postofllce Feb. 14, 1804, un
called for. Those calling for them
please say "advertised."
Bungle C A Anderson A
Baro J A Beaubout Howard
Uongdon IWII1 Mosher Chas O
Cham & Doumen Malloy J J
Davis Bob Pickens Mrs Lizzie
D.vls Mrs L A Parks Mary
Tiiwslbb Mrs L M Runner M
Qncri Martin J Beichle Jno
Jones Mrs Aunlo Bay W I
fohUHon H E Coppson Mr
Junes Win Bailor W P
Johnson John Sheurliug W M
Joliuson Mrs M Taylor F C
Jewell W B Vauscoy W A
Lewis Ida Wentz Adam
Love P C Welty Stella
Wolluce Geo
Lung Fletcher
P. M.
How of It.
How poor, how rich, how abject,
tiow autfiiHt, how complicated, how
wonderful, is mun: and it might be
Added how "more bo" is womau.
With her peculiarly delicate and Ju
teuBO organization, sho is tho super
lative degree of man. Even In diseases
she excels him, having many that he
has not. Sho has, however, found out a
grand remedial agent, for the cure of
her dlseaso, In Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, a medlclue suited to her
ntaturo, limilo for tho express cure of
those diseases which eliect her. It Is
especially effective in all weukuess
Incidental to motherhood, whllo It Is
u potent rtstorativo tonlo for the
feeble and demlated generally.
PLANTER. -At tho residence on Court
si root, Haleiu, Saturday, February 10,
lHDl.toMr, and Mrs. G, Plaster a sou,
KING-DOW. At the residence of
ttie bride's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. E.
M Dow, at Sautlaiu, Linn county,
Oregon, Sunday, February 11, 1804,
nt 11 u. id., Mr. King and Miss Dow,
BtV. Kinder officiating.
The bride lias many friends In Salem,
having rcMdwl in South Sulem a few
yars ago.
mCNNltrr.-At her home. In Love
laud, Colorado, at 0:15 o'clock Tues
day, February 13, 1804. Mrs, 8. B.
Rmiuett, mother of Mrs. G, W. Smith
of llilrt city.
IJQUUM'JIMt-'lJ-lJIUt'UilUlllllllH II.II1U.IIL ti nil J
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The aly Pure Cream of Tartar rowder. No Auimonia; No Aluou
0er3 in MiHious of Homw ao Years the tanda
A Movement for School Meetings
Sou'h Salem Road.
WIM.ABB, Feb. 12.
In order to start the good work, I
would suggest, thut the school districts
located along the lino of the mail route
leading from Argenty to Sulem, meet
early enough lu the duy appointed for
their school meeting (Mirch 5th) to al
low time for the discussion of making
a good road.
A proposition will be sent to each
district, asking them to contribute
money or work to a company or person
that will enter into a contract to make
one mile of good gravelled road begin
ning at a point iu the above named
road, know as the Garden Road, where
tbe electric cars cross on their way to
the fair grounds, thence east half a
mile, the other half mile to be made to
cover the worst places where the road
crosses the swales terminating at R. L.
If a mile of good road bo made os
suggested It will be a great benefit to a
large community.
Waiiken Cranston.
Mr. Cranston is vice president of tbe
county road convention and his sug
gestion should be acted upon.
As tbo people of South Salem have
determined that they will not incorpor
ate by themselves, und will not unite
with tbo, city, (In fact that is the last
thing they would do), and us the main
road to the cemetery is nothing short
of a dangerous quagmire, there should
be some movement made to get It Im
proved. For a mile aud a half thh
main county thoroughfare runs be
tween residences iiud there Is probablj
not such a street iu Oregon that runs
through such a thickly settled and
widely Improved part of u city for
such a distance und is in uuch a condi
tion. The condition of illyli street ana
Liberty street thut parallel south Com
mercial is nearly us bad. It is so bad
that all kinds of vehicle are now run
on tbo grass bermeon each side aud cut
ting that all up. Teams with wood are
also cutting ucross the school house
square and spoiling it, us well us other
squares. As tho abutting property can
not be taxed unless it Is incorporated,
tho abutting property should not be
called upou to build this street or
streets. The Journal hopes some
way can be found to Improve that road.
There should bo some action, we do not
know Just what. Wo are heart and
soul for a change in that road. It is a
disgrace to the community and should
be one of the first county rouds to bv
repaired und made a creditable boule
vard. Who will come forward with u
Great Shoe Bale. Tho Palace It
still continuing its closing out salo at
cost. Ladles, uilsses aud children, all
sizes and styles still lu stock. Save
money by buying thoro.
Local Correspondence from
in the Valley.
William Fresh lias sold 4 acres of
his land to J. S. Wyant for 580 per
H. A. Btuith has sold his Interest in
the crop lie put in on B, Tracy's farm
to G. W. Epler, aud has moved to Sa
lem, aud located at Yew Part.
The school board has decided to not
have the spring term begin until after
tho annual school meeting iu March.
No teachers employed yet.
Frank Lambert uccldeutly cut his
foot lost Suuduy evening while split
ting some wooJ, which causes him to
limp ou oue foot for a few days.
C, M. Skeels loaded his household
goods on a cur hut Tuesday aud billed
It to Sulem. He has tented a email
farm Just east of tho asylum.
L. A. Walker brought with him
from California 2 dcz. White Leghorn
chickens and u new Incubator and lie
expects to embark into the poultry
bust ut sa.
Mr. Miles ot Hi-utt Mills was here
last week looking for n loootioti we un
derstand h a very Nryeutly im
pressed and iuy looate hvio lu the
near future.
The friends of Marlon oouuty will
hold their first quarterly muetlug for
this year. Mullen ou th 18, IT uud IS
of this mouth. Rev. L M. Ilwy worth
of NoVbery, Or., U xpwNud to be pros
eut aud hold a erie of mtoilnga im-
mediately following tho quarterly
Mr. Simon Boedlghlemer is home
from Gervals.
Mr. La Croix went to Salem on busi
ness Monday.
Mr. Feistlnger from Salem, is in
town selling "genuine jewelry."
Homer Smith, of Aumsvllle, gave us
a pleasant call Sunday.
Otto Scliellburg, of Mehimn, is In
Sublimity for a few days.
Miss Minnie Ireton will attend tho
teachers' examination in Salem.
Dick Morris is here buying beef cat
tle for Mr. Cross.
Deputy Sherlft Ab. West passed
through town Monday.
Snow fell here to the depth of three
Inches Saturday night.
Chas. Benson went to Salem Mon
day. Ho had some gopher scalps to
collect 0 cents bounty on.
Miss Krebs made a trip to Salem
Miss Maggie Hoffman was In town
There is to be a hard times' ball at
the opera house, Feb. 221.
Minnie Irtou left for Silern Tuesday
morning, to take the teachers' examin
ation. Mr. aud Mrs. David Wyatt, of
Lyons, was in (own foru few days last
Miss Eitlior R bertson, of Silem,
spent a week with her mother aud sis-
er, returning Wednesday.
The ladles of the Christian church
will give a New England supper and
valentine postiifilce.
Rev. Waldrop, of Portland, occupl d
Mie pulpit at the Baptist church Bun
lay morning and evenlug.
Misses Minute Macern, Martha Wil
on, Ollie and Luoy Robertson went to
Albany Monday to take the touchers'
examination. Success to you girls."
Last Moday night a few nf the
"Goody goody" crowd gathered ut
Mrs. Bobertson, to give a surprise to
her daughter, Mis3 Eitlier.from Salem.
The crowd was "very" select and
"picked," composed mostly of old
"maid" school marms and batchelorn.
AflnouncementHOt entertainments, sporiiil
iutUorlngs, lodges, and fcocletltes under :hls
Mending innertcd for 25 cecu, nutlce not to ex
ceed fUellues, or more than three Insertions.
Midwinter Fair Rates.
Midwinter Fair excursion tickets,
Salem to San Francisco and return, via
Southern Pacific Co's. Shasta route.
Rate, $27.60, including five ad
missions to the fair. Tickets good for
thirty days from date of sale.
Low Steamer Rates.
Parties intondlug visiting the Mid
winter Fair should patronize tho Union
Pacific Steamers, as this Company has
placed iu eflect from Portland the low
rate of $22.00 to San Francisco and re
turn, which includes meals aud berth.
Full particulars can be obtained by ad
dressing W. H. Hurlburt, A. G. P. A..
Union Pacific System, Portland. 1-20-tf
Call for Mooting.
By authority of the Executive board
a meeting of the Oregon state poultry
association will bo held Feb. 24, 1894, in
iue pariors oi ine noiton House, 1'ort
laud. Or., for the nurnoseof cnmnlfitlntr
unfinished business and to admit new
members. By order of the board.
E. J. Ladd, President.
H. S. Hudson, Secretary.
The Journal favors tho candidate
for governor who will do something for
tue people besides draw his salary and
write letters.
Last summer a cyclone struck Pom
eroy, Iowa. Now the committee that
handled the relief fuud corruptly has
been struck by oue.
There is room aud necessity for hon
est people In all parties. Mrs. Lease
demonstrates this. She not only
charged Populist Lewelllug with cor
ruption but proved It.
htalthy flesh nature never
burdens the body with too
much sound flesh. Loss of
flesh usually indicates poor as
similation, which causes the
loss of the best that's in food,
the fat-forming element.
Scott's Emulsion
of pure cod liver oil with hypo
phosphites contains the very
essence of all foods. In no oili
er form can so much nutrition
be taken and assimilated. Its
rimge of usefulness has no limita
tion where weakntss exists.
Pickles !
Kwali this weok. Try the froh
horradUh at
vm ttouse corner. J
Our aim is not to
handle chap goods,
but to give the best
value possible forthe
Experience I.h (might
us thut by buying !n lurgc
quantities better prices
can bo obtained, conse
quently you have the
largest stock to choose
from in Salem
Comforts for
:-: J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO.,
THIS is what we tire giving by selling' our
stock of winter Hosiery and Underwear at
the prices we have put on it to close out
before our new spring goods will arrive.
Give us a call and let us
Befoie invoicing our Stoc1?, March 1st, we are now giving big
Reductions in all lines of
Boots, Shoes, Siicrs, Rubber Goods, Etc.
Beatinc hard times too Beat Ine'
them by making prices po low tl at!
nine money coes as tar as a ucod
deal used to. Here are eome"Notca"
that will sound harmonious to the
ear. We will sell you a
600-paue Day-Book for oue dullar,
Call before they are all sold.
Patton Bros.,
Kxtra ohnloe oow tor 'al.Jusl fresh James
3. lirldk'furd, NortU wilem j 7 iw
Columbia Shoe S
D. Gabrielson,
HeMdrut Agen'
Uay IS years expeiiei c
Miiy 01
1 ij I.. ..I...... .. .I
,,i I'M-wia. 1 1 mi o 1
... 1. .... an, - 11 ttUkil )n,.i u
uww in Hiy MrriK.niuu:u m tMm
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
",, I Goods and Lowwt Prices.
N.W. Cor. State nj fberty Sfr. SALEM. OREGON.
ttVt.V fit. Mitt
toea. 1 curry a laiy- Hue of Optical Goods
W. W. MARTIN, Optician
orthwestern Nurserv,
J7.f" T " Vaft vrtatk of
UUE3 lUUCJfid, below all competition,
R'T'S! - :: -
Prices wore never
lower, nor profits
smaller than this
$1, $1.25, $1.60 &o. &c
75 and 85 cts
the -
State Street, Salem, Oregon
New Advertisements.
WANTED. Pushing Canvasser of good ad
dress. Liberal salary find expenses paid
weekly; permanent position. BItOWN Bros.
Co., Nurrery men, 1'ortland, Or. d eod l-IO low
T AND FOR SALE -Inquire of 8. G. Pugh,
li halfa mile norih of liunlison Institute.
Cbemuwn, Urfgon. a lS-lm
OT On the bill nwd bo'ween Turner and
j Alnrlon, a boiler lull ol clothes and a sack
01 potatui-c, Hu.iler leae woid at Jooknax.
I'Hlce, and b re onably ruwnidcd. 2-12-3d lw
I'o-ltlonsat Comestio or hotel
lu MroUL' capable vountr
VV work by no
American women, unuiairlcd. Address A
Potter. Turnfi.Or. Good reference 2-!0-8t
FOUND Bunch of keys 1
mokeln Ktret. fiilliitt
on chain on enn
uis office.
Frl)M) A palrof gentleman's sllvereye
g'asees. nwuer can have same by proving
properly nod pnylna for this ad. 2-6.3t
POSITION WANTED-By a competent girl
1 ut neutral housework. Good references.
Apply to M E. D.,care Jooknai.. 2-7tf
IM)tl HA1.E-A few
P China pigsforsale.
thoroughbred Poland
Inquire at this orflce.Ot
WAN rt'.r.-t350 for six months, with best of
fcecu tty. Apply to F csroof Jodbnax.
otllce. Ml 3
rilUK mostperfpet fitting truss made,
.L hold n rupture where ull other
others have
luuea, for sale by J,
L. Parrish, 401 Capital
PAPERS.-Portland, Sacramento, Seattle,
Taconmnnd nn Francisco papers on sals
lieunctt's, Postofllce block.
rillRISTIAN HC1ENCE Literature
i itl-non talnntlKMl.lborly street.
of all
TUI3 PA PER is kept on file at E. O. Dake'
Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 Merchants
Exchange. an Franelsro, California, whero
contract for advertising can bo made fur ll
c ; tor or right yers assistant secretary ot State Insurance Com
r i.iUv-tt- ir'ixedl'oinerDriig Mure. I'Rt'MIT, RELIABLE
' maiuiiv a' mis runiiianv lias aone llie inreeat uui
i.ny ontheP.rltloioastiu 189A
1 mo .f Specialty of fiitlni; the Eye with Glasses.
1 i.iv had thirty 11 vo ears' experience, which,
wrh uiy French Trial Case, enables me to cor-
Tf va Tl.,.ra a dr. nliarira TT1U RPr.
and can fit your Esesatone sitting.
fruit trwe, free from vermin. Thla la a
2-7 lm dw T. D, JONES,
I?Hb "?W'" t?flsHMRBH
1 . J " P7"'!W''W"'1'
ftditummt i i