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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1894)
- ! MBIIIBIIIIIIIHB WW y- vn jr - . T rB cts ei Month by TV all prepaid In Advance No Papers sent -wU n Time la Out. $S.0 a Year. Tho Journal lint a Larger.Clr- dilation in Salem and Marion County tlinn any Salem nowipn- per. See our Hits. HOFKIt DROS (9 Puulltkers. VOL. 7. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 894. DAILY EDITION. NO. 24. (7 A PI 1 A JL JOURNAL $15 -:- LAST RESORT -:- $15 Between our expectations and realizations stand 500 faultless and fashionable SUITS AND OVERCOATS Unsold. Bright prospects have turned to disappoint ing realities. We had hoped to increase our business l:sfc year fifty per cent. You know of the stumbling blocks that have been in the way. You have had your reasons for saving your money. Your neigh bor has had his and thus our hopes were blasted. But we'll uutie those purse strings We have made a sacrifice that you must appreciate and offering that you must improve or you will forfeit all claim to be ing prudent and provident, any of our Suits or Overcoats o Its our duty that has split these prices; it's your duty to GRAB 'EM. $15 -:- A.S. BRASFIELD. -:- $15 INGLUDI Over the Wilson Tariff! Reform Bill. LEADERS FINISH TOE DEBATE The Galleries of the House Are. Crowded. TO HEAR TOM REED, OF MAINE, Flay the Free Traders In and Out of Congress. E ARE m i DSKGUSTFD1 UBUy Uu ELL i -FOR- Our general Stock of FURNITURE and CARTr.TS is so well selected that it COMMANDS i PATRONAGE. It is to YOUR BEST INTEREST TO PAY US A VISIT. A. Buren & Son., ial St S. W. THOMPSON & Co., Largest line of Solid Silverware in the city. Spectacles and Eye Glasses were never sold as low as now. 2 21 Commercial Street. Ed. C. Cross, Choice Meats. Wholesale ami Retail Denier In Fresh, Suit anil Smoked Meats of n IKimls OS Court and 110 State Streets. CHURCHILL AND BURROUGHS TININNG AND PLUMBING. THE NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES irnmnkf o.i n,i..nnioif nn nuainnwrii. Horses boarded by day or week at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Truck", Drays and Express to meet all rifimii.iria. Also keen the finest Htalllnus in tills county, for service. Barn and residence 2 block pouth of postofllce. RYAX & CO. ! miriain-rr-iftl MERCHANT IAU.OK J. RUBINSTEIN, Suits Made to Order. FROEBEL SCHOOLS ith Year. SALEM IflNMMART niLUJULiunitiun m in Infunt, Connectlngand Primary classes every week day from 9 a. ni. to 12 m. except Saturday. HISS 0. BAILOU, - - Principal TRAINING CLASSES for teachers' dally practice work from 0 a. m. to 12 m. in Kindergarten. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. Classes meet for study of Froebel system. Mrs. P. S. Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with training class, conducted by Mm. Knight and Mlaaliallou. For terms or Information apply at Kindergarten fwma, comer Court and Liberty trtti. Nicaragua's Canal. New Yoiik, Feb. 1. The contest be tween the rivnl committees In the re organization scheme of the Nicaragua canul, headed by Btirlett aud Hatch respectively, was disposed of by Judge Lncombe today in an opinion deuylng .i. ...fin f i? vr. Hutch to examine the books of the canal company. mm wbhii Or Debifftsted Women Should Usa Bradfield's Femalo Regulator Every Ingredient rsee !" TonUs properties anil exerts a wonderful lufluence In toning up and strengthening her ttn by drirlng through the proper okaniwl all impurities. Health and treiigttJSaraBtwd to reealt from lu uie. My wife, who tree bedridden for ejfte9 month., alter ualng J2 J2:VA jUOOtATOB or two jBonthe.UceUlBe well. J.M.JOUMOX, Mahern.ArK. BxxsnctD BsouHto Co., Atlanta, Ga. fold by UrucfU" l-w r boi0 The Ooncluding Debate. Washington, Feb. 1. The house tariff debate on the Wilson bill closed today with u burst of oratory. Crisp, Reed and Wilson catno forward In the doting hours to argue for and against the inauguration of a new economical system. The galleries of the house were crowded long before the session opened. Before the opening of the debate there was continuation of the skirmish over an amendment to the barley schedule. Before n vote could be taken the chair nmn announced that the committee would rise to report the bill to the tiouau so that Lockwood carried his point. The committee ro3e, the tpeak cr resumed his gavel. The bill was re ported from the committee of the whole and chair recognized Reed of Maine, who arose and began his ad dress. WILSON'S OVATION. As Wilson closed Tucker and several others sprang forward, and as wave after wave of applause echoed through the chamber, lifted blm from his feet to their shoulders nnd bore him up the aisle. When let down he received the congratulations of his conferees. It was a demonstration such as is seldom seen in congress and business was at a standstill twenty minutes on account of the disorder. Finally the floors were cleared and preparations were made for votiug. WILSON BILL BALLOTS. Qu first roll call the barley amend ment was defeated 170 to 109. It was significant as the first test vote sustain ing the bill. A separate vote was asked by John sou of Ohio, on wool schedule. THE WOOL SCHEDULES. A standing vote on the amendment, fixing time wheu the wool schedule Hhallgointo effect as August 2, 1894 was carried 205 to 47. A standing vote on the amendment to manufactured wool schedule to go Into efiect Decern ber 2, carried, 186 to 42. Vote on ameudment putting petroleum on free list and striking out reciprocity, car ried, 170 to 44. Without roll call yeas and nays were ordered on internal revenue bill. Bourke Cock ran asked unanimous consent that vote on income tax be taken separate from other internal rev enue schedules. Objection being made speaker ruled internal revenue bill amendment must be voted as one ameudment. THE LATEST. The Rnpublicaus are not voting on Income tax aud internal reveuue amendment. The Infernal revenue bill, including Income tax, was suRtalued as a part of the bill by 182 to 50. THE BILL IM83LS. The Wilson tariff bill, with internal revenue and uicome tax features, p .seed by a vote of 203 to 140. footed if made. A semi-official estimate made by Mr. Wilson and some friends on tho com mittee, gives the bill 34 majority, di vided as follews: Democrats 182, Pop ulists 11, total 103. Against 120 Repub licans, 32 Democrats nnd one populist (Newlands of Nevada), total 150, The Internal Rovonuo Bill. Washington, Feb. 1, The Internal revenue bill was placed as a rider upon the tarifl bill by a vote of 175 to 04. The entire day was spent in consideration of the amendments to the various in ternal revenue features. The principal fight came up on the proposal to increase the tax upon whiskey from 00 ceuta to $1 and to ex tend the bonding' period from three to eight years. These provisions, espec ially the one looking to an increase in the bonded period, were bitterly op posed upon both sides of the house, and despite the opposition, the proposition to extend the bonded period to eight years was stricken out, while the in crease in the tax from 00 cents to $1 was allowed to stand. The Kentucky members say this will bring ruiu aud disaster to the whiskey interests of their state. Kentucky alone lias over 85,000,000 gallons of whisky in bond upon which the tax Is lncreiieed without giving them tl e benefit of tho extension of the bouded period. Only one other fimeudment of im portance to the internal reveuue fea tures of the bill was carried. It was a provision to extend the operation of the income tax to allowauce moneys aud personal property given or be queathed by inheritance. This it is estimated will Increase the revenue about (3,000,000. After the disposal of the internal revenue amendments, a row occurred over an amendment to the barley schedule pending siuce lost Saturday, and by dint of maneuvering, Lookwoad, who is opposing them, managed to prevent the vote until the hour for recess arrived. IN IE FOREIGN CAPITALS. Czar, Emperor and Gladstone. Premier AN ANARCHIST'S DBATIi POSTPONED. Bakin Denial of tho Resignation of tho Priiuo Minister. ADMIRAL BENGASI'S REPORT On (Iio Great Naval Encounter at Rio. HE PROMPTLY DEFENDED OUR SHIPS And Is Sustained by tho Department. Navy The Tariff Program. Washington. Feb. 1, At 12 o'clock to day, according to the special order, the tarlil' bill will be reported to the house. Three hours will be allowed for the closing debate, one and b half hour on each olde. Mr. Rjed will make the closing speech for his side and Speaker Crisp and Chalrmau Wijaon will clow the Ddtnocratlo side. At 3 o'clock the vote will be taken upon the bill nd the pending amendments under the rule, the only motion which can Inter vene before a final vote ! taken up upon the passage of the bill, after all .imondrneuts uro disposed or, id the motion to recommit, with or without Instructions. A the Repub licans have decided to refua to loin In an eflort to rewntnll, Ufa a foregone ooncluilon that It will be do- Washington, Feb. 1. Secretary Herbert has given out the follewing: Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 20. To the secretary of the navy, Washington, D. O. Two American merchant vessels, Saturday, were prevented from going alongside the wharf. Today at 6 a. m. I sent the Detroit to take a position that would protect the vessels going alongside the wharf, and if fired upon, to return fire. My vessels were under way and cleared for action. After the Detroit took a position a boat from one vessel running the lino preparatory to haul it in, was fired upon with muskets from an insurgent ship. The Detroit returned tho fire with a one pounder shot, the same striking under her bow. Tho insurgents fired a broad side gun leeward aud later the ' In surgents fired a broadside gun over an American merchant vessel. The Dfr trolt returned the fire with muskets, striking the insurgents stornpos', While passing by the Insurgents he was hailed saying, "If you fire again I will return your fire and if necessary sink you." The Detroit is anchored to command both vessel. of the merchant ves sels having bee.i otrrled to a new posi tion near the wharf and the tugs hav ing offered t-ervlue gratuitously to dis charge the caro. The Innocent leader wat notified that these vessels would discharge from their present position but that my determination is not changed to give American merchant vessels full protection to the wharf If they decided to go." (Signed,) Benham, William, tho Emperor. Beulin, Feb. 1. Tho Reicbanrelgor publishes a letter from the emperor to Chancellor Von Caprlvi, written on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of his majesty's birthday. In this his maj esty says: "Sorlous thoughts have occupied mo on entering a new year of life and my memory reverts to the solemn day when I entered the army 25 years ago. I have received manifold proofs of the faithful love of the German people, but the slncerest satisfaction Is afforded me by the special, Increased, Joyful sympa thy displayed by all patlotio hearts through the visit to Berlin of the states man who is bo highly deserving of the emperor and the empire. I thank all, trusting in tiie peaceful and prosperous development of tho fatherland." Beulin, Feb. 1. The emperor has issued a rescript of the occasion of bib birthday thanking the people for loyalty and expressing pleasure at the congrat ulations lu connection with his recon ciliation with Blsmark. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov',t Report IS Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE ivOFii Credit in England. London, Feb. 1. The Finanolal News says the aatiou of the Now York bankers toward Carlisle Is explicably shabby. It deolares Cleveland loyally persevered and overcame the obstacles to the repeal of the Sherman act on condition that the Eastern bankers should not desert the cabinet if their help was necessary to reinforce the trfisury, but the bankers now reaort to tftohnii'il o'i .)MonsrIt says Carlisle, if robufijd, musC p'ersevore lu the issue of bonds and nesd fear no failure. Gladstone's Wish. London, Feb. 1. A letter received f-om Biarritz, sent by Herbert Glad stone, says his father is In splendid health and full of fight for the coming session. Gladstone's secretary Informs the Associated Press ho has do. Infor mation which would load hlro, to the belief that there is any truth In tho story that Gladstone intended to re sign. The story Is otherwise generally dttoredltfd, A Mexican Project. Mexico Cm-, Feb. 1. -- Chandos Stanhope, contractor of the trans-con tiuental government railway across the Isthmus of Tebuantepeo, la in this city reporting progress. He has 1200 men at work on the completion of the road and will give placo for 000 more within a fortnight. Work is being pushed from fourteen largo oampi. It la ex peotod the new road will be In opera tion by September, Jail Break in Montana. Helena, Montana, Feb. 1. Threo highwaymen In all at Billings made a desperate attempt at escape Oue of them is dying and the other two aro still safe behind the bars. This result Is due to the courage and nerve of Chas Stoll, tho Jailer. The highwaymen are Bob Vestal, Ed Moore and Martin Wilson. Moore had got possession of n slungshot made out of (he head of a "vrenoh wrapped lu an old stncUlug,and while the jailer was unlocking the door struck him on top of the head a blow that would doubtless have been fatal but for the fact that he wnro a heavy cap with a large button ou top. Moore aud his pals ut once got tho keys and went Into the yard to get horses. Stoll got hla Winchester and went .for the fugitives, though ho knew thoy were armed uud desperate. As soon as ho appeared Moore fired at him with a Hlx-suooter threo times, but without effect. Stoll replied with three sIioIh from his rifle, and all took effect. Tho firing brought tho sheriff aud otheis to the sceuo, and Vestal and Wilson wero soon recaptured. OREGON II ji More Disclosures About Judge McFadden. IS HE CONVICTED OF LYING? About His Connection with lladloy Receivership. the GLAMOROUS CONGRESSMEN. Almost Frantic Oror Delays in Getting Appropriations. WA8iii.aT0.v, D. 0., Feb. 1. Con greismen are beomlng very solicitous in passing claims of their districts upon the bouse committee on rivers and harbord, as the last week of the hearings draws to a close. Tuere Is a delegation before the committee, repre senting the waterways of Washington state. They were Informed by the committee that it does not latoud to branch out in rcomnmendiu:; impropri ations for new workx. The condition of the treasury forbid:. They have little iiopo of grttlug whit theyiuked for, A Sensation. Paris, Feb. 1. An Interview with Dr. Herz, who fled to England to es cape the consequences ot his connec tion with the Panama canal frauds, Is published, In which he says that unless his extradition can be arranged by to morrow he will publish all tho docu ments In bis possession. Startling rev elations are expected In case this Is done. Tha Anarchist's Fate. Pakib, Feb. 1. The execution of Vullliint, which was to have occurred yesterday, lias been postponed pend ing a final appeal lo President Cirnot. The execution will probably occur this morning. The Czar. St. Pktkksiiuhu, Feb. 1. A bulletin Issued stated that the czar's pulse a firm und regular. Tho inilamution of the right lung, which was the one af fected, has already disappeared. Ills maeBty has had a good sleep aud his appetite has Improved. The Republican Conventions. Poktland, Feb. 1. -At tho mooting of tho State Contral committee tho date of the state convention was set for tho 11th of April at Portland. Tho congressional committee or tho second district met lu tho parlora of tho Porklus and deoldod to ca'l tho congressional convention to meot in Portland April 11th. Thopppolntment of delegates from thj dlffertmt counties was made on the same basis as that for the state convention. The congressional committee of the first dUtriot decided to hold the district convention at Salem on April 0th at 2 p. m. Tho second congressional con vention will be held at Portland on the same date as the state convention. Tho apportionment ut tho district convention will bo the fcamo as for the state convention. It was decided that the district conventions should only nominate congressmen, leaving Joint legislative and Judicial nominations to thestato conventions. Each couuty can elect separate dele gates for atato and congressional conventions. SOME MORE PRESS COMMIT, i V k Most of tho Newspapers Simply Tools of tho Lawyers. FEENOH IMPORV DUTY On Whoat Raised to Almost a Pro bihitiva point Pakis, Fob. 1. The Customs Com mlt'ee of the Freuch Parliament has raised the duty ou wbeit to eight fraud per quarter with a proviso that when the price reaches 25 fronos the duty b reduced by progressive diminutions lo fifty cent tlmex, and removed altogether when the prloe tvaobas 83 franc. VICTIMS OF AN AOOIDENT. Sleighing Party Struck By a Loco motive and Three Klllod. Fall Rivku, Mass., Fob. 1. A sleigh containing 28 mom born of the Durfeu high school, was struck by a train ut a crossing on the New York & New Hampshire and Hartford railroad. Ah the train approaohed, the occupants of tho sleigh beaamo panic-stricken, B. Borden, aged 10, und Itay Thorn ton, aged 17, Jumped over the tull board, only to bo strloken by the lo comotive. Orson Swift aged 17, was preparing to jump, wheu he, too, was struck. Burden was hurled -10 feet, his skull and body being crushed In, and he was killed instuutly. Thornton wuh dragged along In the wheels for 100 yards, his head and right hand being soyered from his body. Kwlft wus hurled SO feet aud was breathing, but unconscious, when picked up. Ho died shortly ufterwards. Mr, Durfuo Jumped with Clark Chute, Jr., when Uiey Haw tne train, aud thoy escaped with Hllght bruises, tho train passing between them and the sleigh. Two Ferryboats Collide. Nkw Yohic, Feb. l.Tlie ferryboats Baltimore and Hudson City, of the Pennsylvania company, collided UiU morning In North river, owing to a strong tide. The collMoii aauwd am. slderablu excltemsut on both hmu. No one was seriously hurt. Some damage to the Joiner work of both boats wuh done. The lUltlinoro la laid up for re pairs, Benham Sustained, Washington, IVh. 1. SwsntUry Herbert sent the following to Admiral Benham at Rio "Further information received from your minister' We are satisfied entirely with prudence and judgment with which you curried out lustruotloun and protected American commerce. Rely upan you for contin ued exercise wtw discretion," Judge McFadden has never answered the questions submitted lo him, touch' lng his statements to tho press and his relations to tho road. But thoy are an swered in a clipping from an exchange whloh we print below. Of course, ho is duo of tho smaller members of tho gang whoso humblo efforts have pror moted tho downfall of that property, ThlB gaug, If thoy are undisturbed, will keep It stripped and will finally wreck It and doprlve tho Willamette valley of Us only outlet to the Pacific ocean and the only means of freight competition. Of course, It is not to bo expected that our stato government should interfere. A prominent Portland law firm aro well known to bo making 550,000 n yesr out of tho railroads of Oregon, as tho railroads can earn nothing but what I bey collect for freights and fares, this comes directly out of tho people. Other Portlund lawyers undoubtedly earn as much more. Wheu it is uudjrstood thnt these gentlemen ovortowar our stato government, controlled our last legislature, elected tho railroad com mission, it will bo soon how helpless tho peop'e aro, aud how thoy are bound hand aud foot in theso lawyorn' olutohes. Mil, UADLEV'S HUrOKT as printed yestorduy shows that he do mauds $12,U00 for ten months salary. Opinions dlflbr us to whether he left tho property In any better flhapo than (Concluded ou fourth page.) ULJJtU LUj -11 I w -1 2 tf B IBWI a! jV Better "An old as thohilla-und novor oxcoll cd. "Triod and provon" is tho vordicfc of millions. Simmons Livor Regu lator is tho only Livor nnd Kidnoy modicino to which you can pin your faith for a euro, i A mild laxa tivo, and puroly vog otnblo, act ing directly on tho Livor and Kid- nova. Try it. . Sold by all Druggiata in Liquid, or in Powder , to bo taken dry ormadointoa too Tlio King- of Ur Medicine, 'l have mod yourHlinmoniI,lverIt- lalor nnd run coiiKjIeuclouilf ear it A"' roraii liver tneaiei Ulnoaheit la lUel 72s an Pills kl'iofull liver medlelnee, IconJdeFlt luuaialnoolieatla lUeir-UKa. w, vw mm, Tacoua, WeJhlngtoa. "-EVRV rAOKAOK-fcS. ii I ." s I? I I m m m