Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, January 31, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    iftilTMiftWiifit tf(t,imHiMM.mMui
OQUENT sermon on Festivity.
Ad Entertainment Where the Lord I the
Banqueter rind Angels' Arrf the Cupbear
er Ah HnTsclNo and Earnest OnHpel
Plea ko the Ulic.infrerted.
Brooklyn, Jan. 28.The tissual large
nudienco assembled in tho Tabernaclo to
day and listened to a sermon of remark
able power and interest by Rev. t)r. Tal
m:ije, the tnbject being "Festivity."
Tho test selected wiis Luke xiv, 17,
"Comfe, for nil things nro now rendy."
It was 0110 of the most exciting timts
in English history When Qneen Elizabeth
visited Lord Leicester nt Kenilworth
castle. The momont of her arrival was
considered so important that all the
clocks of tho castle were stopped, so that
the hands might point to that one mo
ment as being the most significant of all.
She was greeted to the gato with floating
islands and torches, and the thunder of
cannon, and fireworks that set tho night
ablaze, and a great burst of rimsio that
lifted the whole scene into perfect en
chantment. Then she was introduced in
a dining hall tho luxuries of which as
tonished tho world. Four hundred serv
ants waited upon tho guests. Tho enter
tainment cost $3,000 each day. Lord Lei
cester mado that great supper in Kenil
worth castle.
Cardinal Wolsey entortained tho French
embassadors at Hampton court. The
best cooks in all tho land prepared for
tho banquet. Purveyors went out and
traveled all tho kingdom over to find
spoils for the table. Tho time came. Tho
guests wero kept during tho day hunting
in tho king's park so that their appetites
might bo keen, and then in the evening,
to tho sound of tho trumpeters, they
wero introduced into a hall hung with
silk and cloth of gold, and thero wero
tables aglitter with imperial plato and
laden with tho rarest of meats and
ablush with tho costliest winos, and when
tho second courso of tho feast camo it
was found that tho articles of food had
been fashioned into tho shape of men,
birds and beasts, and groups dancing,
and jousting parties riding against each
other with lances. Lords and priuces
and embassadors, out of cups filled to the
brim, drank the health first of the king
of England and next of tho king of
Franco. Cardinal Wolsey prepared that
great supper in Hampton court.
But I have to tell you of a grander en
tertainment. My Lord tho King is the
banqueter. Angels are tho cupbearers.
All tho redeemed aro the guests. Tho
halls of eternal lovo, frescoed with light
and paved with joy and curtained with
unfading beauty, aro tho banqueting
place. The harmonies of eternity are tho
music. Tho chalices of heaven aro tho
plates, and I am one of tho servants com
ing out with both hands filled with invi
tations, scattering them every whoro.and,
oh, that for yourselves you might break
tho seal of tho invitation and read tho
words written in red ink of blood by tho
tremulous hand of a dying Christ, "Como
now, for all things are ready."
There have been grand entertainments
where was a taking off the .wine gavo
out, or tho servants -wero rebellious, or
the light failed. 6nT I havo gone all
around about this- s'ubje.ct and looked at
tho redemption which Christ has provid
ed, and I como Jieje't6 tell you it is com
plete, and I swing open the door of tho
feast, telling ycra 'that "all things are
now ready."
In tho first pfifce, I bavo t6 announce
that the Lord Jesus Christ himself is
ready. Cardinarwolsey.caino into tho
feast after tho first course. He "came in
booted and spurred, and tho guests arose
and cheered him. But Christ comes in at
the very beginning of tho feast aye, ho
has been waiting 1.S31 years for his
guests. He has been standing on his
mangled feet, ho has had hi3 sore hand
on his punctured side, or he has been
pressing his lacerated temples waiting,
waiting. It is wonderful that he has not
been impatient and that ho has not said,
"Shut tho door and let tho laggard stay
out," but ho has been waiting.
No banqueter over waited for his
guests so patiently as Christ has waited
for us. To prove how willing ho is to
receive us, I gather all tho tears that
rolled down his cheeks in sympathy for
your sorrows; I gather all tho drops of
blood that channoled his brow, and his
back, and his hands and feet, in trying
to purchase your redemption; I gather
all tho groans that ho uttered in mid
night chill, and in mountain hunger, nnd
iu desert loneliness, and twist them into
one cry bitter, agonizing, overwhelm
ing. I gather all the pains that shot from
spear and spiko nnd cross, jolting into
one pang remorseless, grinding, excru
ciating. I tako that ono drop of 6weat
on his brow, and under tho gospel glass
that drop enlarges until I seo iu it lakes
of sorrow and an ocean of agony. That
being standing beforo you now, emaci
ated and gashed and gory, coaxes for
your lovo with a pathos in which every
word is a heart break and every sentence
a martyrdom. How can you think ha
Aliasuern3 propared a feast for 180
days, but this foast is for all eternity.
Lords and princes wero invited to that.
You and I nnd all onr world are invited
to this. Christ is ready. You know that
the banqueters of olden timo used to
wrap themselves in robes prepared for
the occasion, bo my Lord Jesus hath
wrapped himself in all that is beautiful.
See how fair he ial His eye, his brow,
his cheek, so radiant that the stars have
no gleam and the morning no brilliancy
compared with it, his faco reflecting all
the joys of the redeemed, his hand hav
ing tua omnipotent surgery with which
he opened blind eyes, and straightened
crooked limbs, and hoisted tho pillars of
heaven, aud swung tho 13 gates, which
we 12 pearls.
Thero are not enough cups in heaven
to dip up this ocean of beauty, There
ve not ladders enough to 6calo this
Jttigbt of lore. There are not enough
P mirKfyY t
cymbals to clap, or harpi to thrum, ot
trumpets to peal forth the praises of this
ono altogether fair. Oh. thou flower of
eternity, thy breath i3 tho perfume of
heavuut Oh, blissful daybreak, let all
people clap their hands in thy rmlinncel
Cherus: Come, men aud saints and cher
ubim and seraphim and archangel all
heights, ail depths, all immensities.
Cherus: Roll him through tho heavens
in n chariot of universal ncclnim, over
bridges of hosaunns, under arches of
coronation, nlong by tho great towers
chiming with eternal jubilee. Cherus:
"Unto him who hath loved us and wash
ed us from our sins in his own blood, to
him bo glory, world without end I"
I havo n, word of live letters, but no
sheet white enough on which to writo it
and no pen good enough with which to
inscribe it. Give mo the fairest leaf
from tho heavenly records give mo tho
pencil with which tho angel records his
victory and then, with my hand strung
to supernatural ecstasy and my pen dip
ped in tho light of tho morning, I will
writo it out in tho capitals of love,
"J-E-S-U-S." It is this one, infinitely
fair, to whom you aro invited. Christ is
waiting for you, waiting as a banqueter
waits for tho delayed guest tho meats
smoking, tho beakers brimming, the
minstrels with fingers on tho stiff string,
waiting for the clash of tho hoofs at tho
Waiting for you as a mother waits for
her son who went off 10 years ago, drag
ging her bleeding heart nlong with him.
Waiting! Oh, givo mo u comparison in
tense enough, hot enough, importunate
enough to express my meaning some
thing high us heateu and deep as hell
and long ns eternity! Not hoping that
you can help ino with such a comparison,
I will say, "Ho is waiting as only tho all
sympathetic Christ can wait for tho com
ing back of a lost soul."
Bow tho knep unit kiss tho Son.
Como nnd welcome bltiuor, como.
Again, tho holy spirit is ready. Why
is it that so many sermons drop dead
that Christian songs do not got their
wing under tho people that bo often
prayer goes no higher than a hunter's
"hollo?" It is because thero is a link
wanting the work of tho holy spirit.
Unless that spirit givo grappling hooks
to a sermon and lift tho prayer and waft
tho song, everything is a dead failure.
That &pirit is willing to como at our call
and lead you to eternal life, or ready to
como with tho samo power with which
ho unhorsed Saul on tho Duuiu:cus turn
pike, aud broke down Lydia in her fine
store, and lifted tho Si.OOO fiom midnight
into miduoon at tho Pentecost. With
that power tho spirit of God now beats
at the gato of your soul. Havo you not
noticed what homely and insignificant
instrumentality tho spirit of God em
ploys for man's conversion?
Thero was a man on a Hudson river
boat to whom a tract was offered. With
indignation ho toro it up and threw it
overboard. But ono fragment lodged on
his coat sleevo, and ho saw on it the word
"aternity," and ho found no peace until
ho was prepaied for that great future.
Do you know what passage it was that
caused Martin Luther to bee- tho truth?
"Tho just shall live by faith." Do you
know thero is one just one passage that
brought Augustine from a life of dissi
pation? "Put ye on tho Lord Jesus Christ
aud make no provision for tho flesh to ful
fill tho lusts thereof." It was just ono
passage that con ver tod Hedley Vicars, tho
great soldier, to Christ, "Tho blood of
Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin."
Do yon know that tho holy spirit used
ono passage of Scripture to &avo Jonathan
Edwards? "Now, unto tho king, eternal,
immortal, invisible, tho only wise God,
our Saviour, bo glory." Ono year ago on
Thanksgiving day I read for my text,
"Oh, givo thanks unto tho Lord, for he
is good, for his mercy endureth for
ever." And thero is a young man in the
house to whoso heart tho holy spirit took
thot text for his eternal redemption. I
might speak of my own case. I will toll
you I was brought to the peace of the
gospel through tho Syro-Phconician wom
an's cry to Christ, "Even tho dogj eat of
tho crumbs that fall from tho master's
Do you know that tho holy spirit al
most always use3 insignificant means?
Eloquent sermons never savo anybody.
Philosophical sormons novor save any
body. Metaphysical sermons nover savo
anybody. But tho minister comes some
Sabbath to his pulpit worn out with en
gagements and tho jangling of a frenzied
doorbell. Ho has only a text and two or
threo ideas, but ho says: "O Lord, help
mo. Hero aro a good many jieople I may
never meet again. I havo not much to
say. Speak thou through my poor lips."
And beforo tho sorviCJ is done there are
tearful oyes and a 6olomuity liko the
Tho great Fronoh orator, when the
dead king lay beforo him, looked up aud
cried, "God only is groat!" and the tri
umph of his oloquonco has been told by
tho historians. But I have not heard
that one soul was saved by tho oratorical
flourish. Worldly critics may think that
thn early proaching of Thomas Chalmers
was a masterpiece. Lu Thomas Chal
mers says ho never beg" to preach uutil
ho camo out of tho sickroom, white and
emaciated, uud told men the simple story
of Jeaus. Iu the great day of eternity it
will bo found that tho most souls have
been brought to Ciirist not by the Bos
sueta and Massillons and Bourdalouos,
but by humble men, who, in the strentfh
of God and believing in tho eternal spir
it, invited men to Jeaus.
There wero wise salves, thore wero ex
cellent ointments, I suppose, iu the time
of Christ for blind und inflamed eyes.
But Jesus turned his back ujwn them
and put the tip of his finger to his tongue,
and then with the spittle that adhered
to the finger he anoiutod the eye of tlw
blmd man, and day light poured into his
blinded soul. So it is now tuat the spirit
of God take that humble prayer meet
ing talk, which seems to be the very
saliva of CnrUtian influeuoe.and anolnU
the eyed of the blmd and pours tho sun
light of lwnlou and Pkw upou the soL
Oh. my friend, 1 wWi we could fot it
more and more that if any good is done ii
id by the power of God's omnipotent
iflVfcMtfta- OAJPtTAJJ atmltALjWSBiTMifAKtJAftSl,
-"kfWri i iir-
spirit. I do not know what hymn may
bring yon to Jesuit, I do not know what
words of tho Scripture lesson I read may
save your soul. Perhaps tho spirit of
God may hurl tho very text into your
heart, "Como, for all things aio now
Again, tho church is ready. O man,
if I could take tho curtain off these Chris
tian hearts, I could show you. a great
many anxieties for your redemption.
You think that old man i3 nsleop be
cause his head is down nnd his uyos uro
shut. No; ho is praying for your re
demption and hoping that tho words
spoken may strike your heart. Do you
know the air is full of prayer? Do you
know that prayer is going up from Ful
ton streot prayer .meeting and from Fri
day evening prayer meeting, and going
up every hour of the day for tho redemp
tion of tho people? And. if you should
just start toward tho door of tho Chris
tian church, how quickly it would fly
open! Hundreds of people would say:
"Givo that man room at tho sacrament.
Bring tho silver bowl for his baptism.
Givo him tho right hand of Christian fel
lowship. Bring him into nil Christian
Oh, you wanderer on tho cold moun
tains, como into tho warm sheepfold. I
let down tho bars nnd bid you como in.
With tho shepherd's .crook I point you
tho way. Hundreds'of Christian hands
bpekon you into tho church of God. A
great "many people do not liko tho church
and say it i3 a great mass of hypocrites,
but it is a glorious church with all its
imperfections. Christ bought it, and
hoisted the pillars, and swung its gates,
aud lifted its arches, and curtained it
with upholstery crimson with crucifixion
carnage. Como into it.
Wo nro a garden walled around,
Chosen and mado peculiar ground,
A llttlo spot Inclosed by praco
Out of tho -world's wild wilderness.
Again, tho angels of God aro ready, A
great many Christians think that tho
talk about angels is fanciful. You say
it i3 a very good subject for theological
students who havo just begun to sermon
ize, but for older men it is improper.
Thero is no more proof in that Biblothat
thero is a God than that thero aro angels.
Why, do not they swarm about Jacob's
ladder? Aiowonot told that they con
ducted Lazarus upward; that they stand
beforo tho throne, their faces covered up
with their wisgs, while they cry,"Holy,
holy is the Lord God Almighty?" Did
not David see thousands aud thousands?
Did not ono angel slay 185,000 men in
Sennacherib's army? And shall they not
bo the chief harvesters at tho judgment?
Thero is a line of loving, holy, mighty
angels reaching to heaven. I suppose
thoy reach from hero to tho very gato,
and v hen an audience is assembled for
Christian worship tho air is full of them.
If each ono of you has a guardian an
gel, how many celestials thero are here!
They crowd tho place, they hover, they
flit about, they rejoice. Look, that spirit
is just come from tho thranol A mo
ment ago it stood beforo Christ and
heard tho doxology of the glorified.
Look! Bright immortal, what news
from tho golden city! Speak, spirit blestl
Tho response comes melting on the nir,
"Como, for all things aro now ready!"
Angels ready to bear tho tidings, angels
ready to drop the benediction, angels
ready to kindlo tho joy. Thoy have stood
in glory thoy know all about it. They
havo felt the joy that is felt where thoro
aro no tears ana no graves; immortal
health, but no invalidism; songs, but no
groans; wedding bells, but no funeral
torches; oyes that never weep, hands
that nover blister, heads that nover faint,
hearts that never break, friendships that
aro nover weakened.
Ready, all of them! Ready, thrones,
principalities and powers! Ready, sera
phim and cherubim! Ready, Michael
tho Archangel!
Again, your kindred in glory aro all
ready for your coining. I pronounce
uioderu spiritualism a fraud and a sham.
If John Milfon aud George Whitefield
havo no better business than to crawl
under n table and rattle tho leaves, thoy
had better stay at homo in glory. While
I believe that modern spiritualism is
bad because of its mental aud domestic
ravages, common sense, enlightened by
tho word of God, teaches us that our
friends in glory sympathize with our re
This Biblo says plainly thero is joy in
heaven among tho angbls of God over
ono sinner that repenteth, and if an
gels rejoice nnd know of it shall not
our frionds standing among them know
it? Some of these spirits in glory toiled
for vour redemntion. When they came
to die, their chief grief was that you were
uot a Christian. Thoy said, "Meet me
in heaven ."and put their hands out from
tho cover and said, "Goodby," Now,
suppose you should cross over from a
sinful life to a holy life. Suppose you
should bo born into tho kingdom. Sup
pose you should now say: "Farewell, O
deceitful world! Get thee gone, my sin!
Fio upon ull tho follies! O Christ, help
mo or I perish! I take thy promise. I
believe thy word. I enter thy service."
Suppose- you should say nnd do this?
Why, tho ungol bent to you would shout
upward, "He is coming!" and tho angel
poising higher in the air would shout it
upward, "He is coming!" and it would
run all up the Hue of light from wing to
wing and from trumpet to trumpet until
it reached the gate, and then it would
flash to "tho house of mnny mansions,"
and it would find out your kindred there,
aud before your tears of repentance had
been wiped from the cheek and before
you had finished your first prayer your
kindred in glory would know of it, and
another heaven would be added to their
joy, aud they would cry: "My prayers
are answered; another loved one saved.
Give me a harp with which to strike the
joy. Saved! Saved! Saved!"
If I have shown you that "ull things
are ready." that Ciirist is ready, that the
Holy Spirit U ready, that the church
is ready, that the nngela in glory are
ready, that yonr glorified kindred are
.!v than with ull tne concentrated
emphasis of my soul I ak you If yon J
ore ready? ion seo my suujpq wtvm
tho whole resin'iisibility upon yoursolf.
If you do not get iiito tho King's banquet,
it is becauso you do not accept tho invi
tation. Yoti havo tho most importunato
Invitation. Two arms stretched down
from tho cros3 soaked in blood from el
bow to finger tip, two lips quivering in
mortal anguish, two oyes beaming with
infinite love, saying, "Come, como, for
nil things are now rdady."
I told you that when tho queen camo
to Kenilworth castlo they stopped nil tho
clocks, that tho finger of time might be
pointed to that hnppy moment of her ar
rival. Oh, if the King would como to
tho castlo of your soul, you might well
afford to stop ull tho clocks, that tho
hands might forever point to this mo
ment ns tho ono most bright, most bless
ed, most tremendous. Now, I wish I
could go around from circle to circle and
invito overy ono of you, according to tho
invitation of my text, saying, "Come!"
I would liko to take overy ono of you
by tho hand and say, "Come!" Old man,
who has been wandering 60 or 70 years,
thy sun has almost gono down. Through
tho dust of tho ovoning stretch out your
withered hand to Christ. Ho will not
cast theo off, old man. Oh, that ono tear
of repentance might tricklo down thy
wrinkled check! After Christ has fed
thee all thy life long, do you not think
you can afford to speak ono word in his
Como, thoso of you who nro farthest
away from God. Drunkard, Christ can
put out tho firo of thy thirst. Ho can
break that shackle. Ho can restore thy
blasted home. Go to Jesus, libortine!
Christ saw theo where thou wert last
night. He knows of thy sin. Yet if
thou wilt bring thy polluted soul to him
this moment ho will throw ovor it tho
mantle of his pardon and love. Mercy
for theo, bh, thou chief of sinners! Har
lot, thy feet foul with hell and thy
laughter tho horror of the street! Oh,
Mary Magdaleno, look to Jesus! Mercy
for theo, poor lost waif of tho street!
Self righteous man, thou must bo born
again, or thou canst not seo tho king-
dom or God!
Do you think you can got into tho feast
with those rags? Why, tho King's serv
ant would tear them off and leave you
naked at tho gato. You must bo born
again. Tne day is far spent. Tho cliffs
begin to slide their long shadows across
the plain. Do you know tho feast has
already began tho feast to which you
wero invited and tho King sits with
his guests, and tho servant stands with
his hand on tho door of the banqueting
room, and ho begins to 6wing it shut? It
is half way shut. It is three-fourths
shut. It is only just ajar. Soon it will
bo shut.
"Come, for all things aro now ready."
Havo I missed ono man? Who has not
felt himself called this hour? Thon I call
him now. This is tho hour of thy re
demption. While God invites, how blest tho day;
How sweet tho gospel's clmrmlng sound!
Como, sinner, haste, oh, haste away,
While yet a pardoning God Is found.
Rusk's Recommendation.
General Rusk was a great deal of a
joker and is credited with many good
stories. Ono of these I heard soon
after I first nrrived in Washington.
It may bo old, but it's still good. It
ran something like this:
"He was talking about tho hotels
and oating houses with a young man
who claimed to know all about them,
and in the courso of tho conversation
tho young man spoko of his great
fondness for beefsteaks smothered in
onions. It was a bourco of regrot with
him, however, that ho could uot in
dulge his taste iu that direction and
maintain his standing in society, bo
cause tho dish mado his breath offen
sive. General Rusk seemed to bo
very much impressed with tho young
man's social troubles, but after a
mimtte's thought brightened up and
said: 'I'll toll you what to do. You
go to Chamberlin's. They smother
beefsteak in onions in fino stylo. You
oat ono of thoir steaks, and take my
word for it when you got tho bill it
will tako your breath away, so that
society will havo no fault to find on
tbnt Bcnrft.' "Washington Star.
The Nervous System the Seal
of Life and Mind. Recent
Wonderful Discoveries.
No mystery has ovor compared with that a
human llfo. It has boon tho luudlugsuujoct
of professional research and study In all nttes
But notwithstanding this fact I
ii ii not gunori
ally k ii u w i
that the sou)
of llfu Is loon
ted in tho iii
pur part of the
spinal cord
near tlio Iium
of the brain
and to sensi
tive Is tli It
portion of the
no nous sjs
tem that titer
the prick of a
nnUlu will
cntiso instant
Recant discoveries Imvo demonstrated that
all tho organs of the body aro under thu con
trol or mo nervo center, io'.iicu in or mar
tho biw of the bruin
ami thHi win ii ti ocan)
deranged the orum v Jm-n i j , i
nerve lluld uro alto i. i inged
lunn y
'i it i le-
memberod that a
cord wlllcauui i
of the Uxly l.tlow
iry in
the Injured point, Le ji etlieneno force I
prevented by ths injury from reaching 'lie
paralyzed portion, it wn
the derangement of th
Ktraiyreu portion, n win va uauursioou now
lie derangement of the nerre contiw. nlll
causotlioueraiigerneiit of the varloin.or.aiu
which thaviUDutv with norve forcii,
Two-thirds of chronic diseases H'f il i to
tho Imperfect action of tho nerto ttxrr tt
the base of the bralr, not from ( nt :
went primarily originating in tin- ori t-
elf. The great mistake of
ii in
treating theso diseases in mat (lit y tre . .e
organ rather than the nerve ciMileiv
are tho cause of the trouble.
I lit. Franklin JIilm. the celebrated
clalUMias profoundly studied this subject fur
over su years, ana naa muue many iinportant
diaoorerles In connection wlih li.t h!f truoiig
them being the facu conu'iw ! in il.e a -oni
statement, and that the o.n ; u.t-t,ou of
treatment are wrong. Ait i.i i Iu he. dizzi
ness, dullness, confusion. prr.tur, b lies,
mania, melancholy, insanity, epl.epsy tfi.
Vitus dance, etc-, are pervous illu.iw no
matter ho caused. The wonderful suceao of
Dr. Mile' Restorative Nerluu U duo to the
far t that It Is based on the foregoing principle.
I)h. Milks' ItwroiuTi ve Nkuvikc Is sold by
all druggists on a patltlve guarau'ev. or OHt
dlraet by 1M. !ilui MsuiUAL Co., BJkbart,
lud.. on reotdpt of priee, II ier bul. U
bottW for J5. egpnwi prepaid. It cdnudai
either opiates nor dangerous druj.
Bold by D. J. Fry, Salem, Oregon,
'renting Cold Ore.
A hv'thotl of applying tho cyanide
of potapsium process in extracting
gold from oro has for some timo been
practiced successfully iu tho African
gold fields, nnd is notnblo aliko for
its simplicity and results. A solu
tion of cyanide Of potassium is run
into a vat containing tho oro and is
allowed 30 hours to porcolato through
tho mass into a rough filter below,
wlienco it is run through tho boxes,
which nro filled with zinc shavings,
Fo cut as to present tho maximum
amount of surfneo. Entering nt tho
bottom of the boxes, tho solution is
forced up through tho shavings and
enters at tho bottom of tho next box.
through tho whole series of which it
Tho gold after it leaves the vat in
tho form of a cyanido, is precipitated
on tho zinc, which it gradually re
places and then is easily recoverable
by fusion in tho form of fino motallio
gold, tho solution being available foi
further U30 by a slight addition of
cyanogen. By allowing the oro to re
main m tho solution for 30 hours it is
claimed that SO per cent of tho assay
value is recoverable, nnd that by in
creasing tho lime and agitating the
oro about OS per cent can bo extract
ed. In regard to tho expense, it is as
sorted that tho whole cost is less than
that involved in tho preliminary ope
ration of roasting in any of tho chlori
nation processes. Now York Sun.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
and all tho train of evils
fromcniiy errors or later
cxcusseii, the results of
overwork, tlolcness,
worn .ete. Full strength,
development ana timo
Sli en lo e ory organ and
portion of tho body,
seen. Kill I uro Impossible.
3,UU references Doolt,
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed) free.
. movement of the bowels eaoh day, Is neoesisry
r health. Thene pills supply wbtl the system
laaks to make It regular. Cure Headaohs. brighten
the Eyes and dear the Complexion better than
ipsmetlos. Thoy aot mildly, neither gripe nor
token as other pills do. To oonvlnoo you of their
aorlts we melt samples Tree, or full box SSo. Held
ivcry whore. Bosanko Med.Co., Philadelphia, Pa,
Sold by Buflkett & Van Slype.
ITOHINQ riLid known by moisture)
liko perspiration, cause tuteuse Itohlng
whrn warm. This form and BLIND,
which sou dlroctly on parts affected
absorbs tumors, allays lulling, effecting
a permanent ours. PrioeCOo. Druggists
or malt. Br. Bosuoko, Philadelphia, Pa,
Sold by Biiikott & Van Blype.
1 1 Hard Wood Finishing,
Can givo good rorerenceH. Estimates furnish
ed. Addres-K, Geo. KKclmtruth, Kalern. Hcsl.
donco on Hnlom Motor Hallway, North Balem
Leavo ortlorn nt stulner Sc Ulosscni. ll-Ud.
1'. If. D'AHGY. OKO. 0. 1IINOIIAM.
D'AUOV & HINQIIAM. Attorneys nt Law,
Honing 1,2 and Ii, D'Arcy iluildlug, 141
uiute street. Special attention given to busi
ness in tho supreme and circuit courts of the
suite. 2 U
ri II I'M UN KOHL), Attorney nt law, Balem,
JL Oregon. Ofllce up stairs In rattan block.
J., Attorney nt law.Halem, Ore
gon, Oillco over Hush's bank.
O . Attorneys at law. Ofllce over Capital
.Nutlonal buuk.Ha'em, Oregon.
JOHN A. OAHSON, Attorney nt law, room
a und 4, Hush bank building, Halem.Or.
BUN II AM & IIOI.MKH, Attorneys at law.
Otllco in Hush block, between Btatoand
t-uurt, on Commercial street.
fj Collections mude uud promptly remitted,
iluipliy block, cor. Htutu unit Commercial
streets, Hulem, Oregon. U-IMf.
QTKU,A HII1.HMAN, Typewriting und
IO oominerclut stenog'uphy, Otllco, room
11, Qray block. The best of work aouu ut rea
sonable .utes. 12-VO
WO. KNIUUTON-Archltect uud super In.
teudent. Olllce, rooms 'i and 3 iluiu.
llreyinan block. U- llHt
Dll A. DAVIS, IjU 1'ost Graduate of New
York, gives special atteutlou to the dis
eases of women uud children, nose, throat,
lungs, kidneys, skin diseases uud surgery,
Olilce ut renldence, lot State street. Consulta
tion from VUtiu. in. und 'i to 5 p, in, 7-1 -0m
O. I1HOWNK, M. I)., l'hystolanandHur-
goon, umce, fliurpuy moult; residence,
O'niiitroliil street.
DK.T O. HMIT11, Dentist, VI Htate street
tulem, Oregon. Finished dental opera,
tions of every description, rainless) opera
tions aspealalty.
SONH OK VKTKHANH.-Humpter Camp No.
H, Horn ol Veterans, U. H, A. inee s Wed
iitrtiay evenings nt 8 o'clock at thu I.O, U.T
hall. Visiting brothers ore cordially Invited
to attend. Du. d. C. Huowmic, CapU
Metts lu their hall in Htate Insurance
building, tyery Wednesday evening
A. W. DENNItt, M. W.
J. A. BKIiWOOD, Ilecorder
Hates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day
'ft! e best hotel between l'ortland and Han
KranatssM. KlrsUetass in all IU appointment!.
U titWM are served with the
Choicest Fruits
Uruwu in the Willamette Valley.
A I WAGrMtt? Prnn.
ft, .., . .wp.
Aif eS&Z?)9
&r aLt tvL
Sim Vu
1 -I f VT
tw:u ngffgK-
CJ'aWsVMW.WA'l Ye', '
narsu, oritur r uoes ic spue nt tno cnusr" nas it a
lifeless appearance? Docs It fall out when combed or '
Drusncti f is It fun
Is it dry or In a heated condition ? If tlicso aro some of i
your symptoms bo warned in timo oryou will become balds
Skookum Root Hair Grower
U whnt you need. Its production Is not an nccldont, bat the resultof sctentlfto.
.'.univu. jiuinviuuiiu ui
cry of liow to treat them.
iBuu.ui,H'iuu,uuDiiKnuuiiriiDKDau rctresmiiR; joaic. isj stimulating i
tLe folUUcs, it ttopt ailing hair, cure dandruff and groxes hair on bald
ED- Keep the scalp clean, healthy, and free from Irritating rraptlons. by
tnoute t Stnokum Skin Soap. It destroys xxmuiito inscct$, uMch fttd en
lr your drucKtst cannot supply yon send direct to ns, and we will forward i
rrepMil, im receipt ot prleo. Grower, U per bottla t 8 for M)0. Bosp.BOc
07 South
From Terminal or Interior Points (he.
1 1 thollno to take
To all Points East and South.
It Is thedlulng car route. It runs through
vestibule trains, every day In the year to
(No ohange of oars.)
Composed of dlnlugcam unsurpassed,
I'ullmau Srawinc room sleepers
Of lntest equipment
Sleeping Cars.
Beat that can be constructed and In which
accommodations aro both tree and lur
nlshod for holders of first and Heoond-clasa
tickets, and
A. oontlnuor. lino oounojtlnt' with all
linos, altordlnf direct nod uninterrupted
Pullman sit -ft re.V'n Uons can bo se
cured in ad vi doc tltrosfcu any agent of
the road.
Through tickets to and from all points
In America, England aud Kttropo can be
purchased at any tlokot otllco ot this com
pany. Full Information concerning rates, time
of tralns,routes and other details furnished
on ttrtpllcatlon to any nent or
Assistant General 1'asseucer Aont. .No,
121 First street, oor. Wurtilngtonj Port
land, Oregon
Shaw & Downing, Agents.
East and South
of tho-
Southern Pacific CompanVv
ti:15 p. m.
U.ltt p. m.
10.43 a.m.
1jV. Portland
Lv. Halem
Ar. Han Fran.
H-) a. in
6:M) a. in
7:00 p. in
Above trutnB stop at ull stations Iron
Portland to Albany Inclusive; also ut Tangent
Hlicrtd, Jlulsey, liarrlsburx. Junction tllty,
Irvine, Eugene and all stutlons from ItoHebiirg
to Ashland Inclusive
ItOHKIIUlttlMAll, UAfl.Y,
8:30 a. in.
Ar. I !:. p, iu
I.v. j 1:10 p. in,
IjV. 7:00 n. n
11:17 a. m
p. m.
Ulning nrs on Ogdcn ltoutc
Second Class Sleeping Cars
Attached to all through truTtis.
West Side Division, Between Porilati
and Corvallis :
7: JO u. in. I l.v.
11!: 16 p. in. I Ar.
Ar. I a& p. tit.
I-iV. li)p.m.
At Albany and Corvulll connect
trains nfOregon I'onlflo IlallroHd.
4:40 p. in.
7:25 p. m.
tt:Vft a. ti
FM a. ii'
To all points in the Kastern States, Canada
and Europe can be obtained ut lowest rutes
from W. W., Agent, Halem
K.P. HOUKltA, Asst. i. K. uud Puss. Ag'l
It, KOKULEK, Mummer
CIIAB. OLA UK, Ilccolver.
Leaves Han Francisco, Jan. 6th.
leaves Yaqulna, Jan, 7th,
For freight and paisenger rates apply to an;
agent or purser of this company.
J, h. MITOHKM,, & da, Agftnui.
Office New Uolman iliixik .Haletn.
(Norths Pacific R. R, Co,, Uiit.)
Dally Through Trains.
l Minn a
I Htl'aul a
I ,. l)uluth u
l.AshUud. a
.. Chicago.. I
Wlseonslu "Central line run two fast
trains dull v between Bt
l'niil. lllnnsitxilliund
Ltncugj ii iwauaeoanaau pcwis in wimuu
sin; making connection In Chicago with all
lines running east aud south.
Tickets sold and baggaiie cheeked thrnuifb
to all points in the United HUtt and Cuuud.
Close connection made lu Chicago with all
trains going Kat and Month.
Kor lull Information apply to your nearest
ticket agent or J... 0. 1'ONIl.
Ue,l'tv.linTkl,Agt, Milwaukee, Wis,
What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry,
of dandruff? Docs your scalo Itch ?
tua uucsinui uio usir bhu koid tea IO laeaiscoT- I
'Skookum'coiitnlns neither mlnorftlanoroil. It i
Fifth Avenue, New York, N. T.
AND All,
1 DAYS to
RftlllN tle Quickest to Qliicago and
UUIU& the East
Ifniirnj Quicker to Omaha and Karf
uuu,& sas City
Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free
Reclining Chair Cars, Dining Cars.
OLIVKItW.MlNk. rllfiMlVCrS.
for rates and general Information fcall on
or address,
W. 11. HDIIL.BURT, AfJt, O. V. A
IM Washington Ht., OorJId
Travelera "make a note on t."
This Groat Railway
ST. PAUL and
System Connects
With nil transcontinental lines, giving
direct and swift communica
tion to all
AND IB Till:
Klectrlo Lighted nnd Hteain Uouted
Vttlbtiledlruln ol elegant Bleeping,
Purlor, Dining and Jluflet
Cars, with
Free Iteeltnhiff Chairs,-
Mulling its service s won of to none In the
Tickets aro outalo at all prominent railroad
ticket ofllces.
Tor futther Information ask the nearest rail,
road agent, or address
C.J. EDDY, General Agt.
J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass Ag.
Electric Lights
On Meter System.
TheHult-tn Light aud Power Company at
gruit tiens huve equipped their Klsctno
Light plant with tho must modern apparala
aiidarauowahle to ofler the public a bctur
light thau any system and at a rata lower
lliuu any city on the ooast.
Arc aud Incandescent llglit
In,'. Electric Motor lor nil
purpose ivliero power la re
Itesldeures can he wired for as many light
as desired and
the consumers nay for only
such II
ighu as are used. This
lits as are used. This being regis teied
by an Mtectno Meter, Office
179 Commercial St,
Goo. Fondrich, Proprietor,
litst WMlaui Uea delivery.
136 SUte Street.
A Through
Wmm Tickets