Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, January 24, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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The Lord Hath Made Dura III Holy
Arm" A Wonderful Reserve of Tower.
Achievements Without Effort On the
Winning Side.
Brooklyn, Jan. 21. Singularly np
jirojirl'ito and lmpresslvo wim tho old
gospol hymn as it .was sung this morn
ing by the thousands of Brooklyn Tab
ernacle, led on by cornet and ergan:
Arm of tlio Lord, awake, awnkel
Put on thy strength, tho nations shako.
Rev. Drr Talmago toel: for his sub
ject, "Tho Bare Arm of God," tho text
being Isaiah Hi, 10, "Tlio Lord hath
made baro his holy arm."
It almost takes our breath away to
read Borne of tho Bible imagery. There
is puch boldness of metaphor in my text
that 1 havo been for somo timo getting
my courago up to preach from it. Isa
iah, the evangelistic prophet, is Bound
ing tho jubilate of our planet redeemed
nnd cries out, "Tho Lord hath ruado
baro liis holy arm." What overwhelm
ing suggestivenesa in that figure of
speech, "Tho baro arm of God!" Tho
people of Palestine to this day wear
much hindering apparel, and whon
they want to run a special race, or lift
a special burden, or fight n special bat
tle, they put off tho outsido apparel, as
in our land when n man proposes a
special exertion ho puts off his coat
and rolls up his sleeves. Walk through
our foundries, our machine shops, our
mines, our factories, and you will find
that most of tho toilers havo their coats
off and their sleeves rolled up.
Isaiah saw that thcro must be a tre
mendous amount of work dono beforo
this world becomes what it ought to be,
and ho foresees it all accomplished, and
accomplished by the Almighty, not ns
wo ordinarily think of him, but by tho
Almighty with tho sleevo of his robo
rolled back to his shoulder, "Tho Lord
hath mado baro his holy nrm."
Nothing moro impresses mo in tho
Bible than tho ca30 with which God
does most things. There is such a re
servo of power. Ho has moro thunder
bolts than ho has ever flung, moro light
than he has ever distributed, moro blue
than that with which ho has overarch
ed tho 'sky, more green tljan that with
which ho hasemcralded tbo grass, more
criiuBon than that with which ho has
burnished the sunsets. I say it with
reverence, from all I can see, God has
never half tried.
Yon know as well as I do that many
of the most elaborate and expensive in
dustries of our world have been em
ployed in creating artificial light. Half
of the time tho world is dark. The
moon and the stars havo their glorious
uses, but as instruments of illumination
they are failures. They will not allow
you to read a book or stop the ruffian
ism o your great cities. Had not the
darkness been persistently fought back
by artificial means, tho most of the
world's enterprises -Vou'd havo halted
half tho tirrie,- Whild the crimo of our
great municipalities" would for half tho
time run fumpant and unrebuked;
heneo all the inventions for creating
artificial light,- tronr tho flint struck
against steel in centuries past to tho
dynamo of our electrical manufactories.
What uncounted numbers of people at
work the"1 year Tound' in making chan-
deliors and lamps-' dud fixtures and
wives nnd batteries wnero ugui snuu
bo made, or along which light shall
run, or where light shall poisel How
many baro arms of human toil and
eomo of those baro arms are very tired
in tho creation of light and its ap
paratus, and after all tho work the
greater part of tho continents and hem
ispheres at night havo no light nt all,
except perhaps the fireflies flashing their
small lanterns across tho swamp.
But seo how easy God mado tho light.
He did not make baro his nrm ; he did
not even put forth his robed arm; ho
did not lift so much as a finger. The
flint out of which ho struck tho noon
day sun was tho word, "Light." "Let
there be light!" Adam did not seo tho
sun until the fourth day, for. though the
sun was created on tho first day, it
took its rays from the first to tho fourth
day to work through tho denso mass of
fluids by which this earth was com
passed. Did you ever hear of any
thing so easy as that? So unique? Out
of a word caino the blazing sun, tho
father of flowers and warmth and
lightl Out of a word building a firo
plueo for nil the nations of the earth to
warm themselves by I Yea, seven other
worlds, five of them inconceivably lar
ger than onr own. and 70 asteroids, or
worlds on a amallorBcalel The warmth
and light for this great brothoihood,
great sisterhood, gieat family of
worlds, 87 larger or smaller worlds, all
from that one magnificent fireplace,
made out of tho one word Light.
The sun 880,000 miles in diameter, 1
do not know how much grander n solar
syhtem God could havo created if he
bad put foith his robed arm, to say
nothing of mi arm mado bare I But
this I know, that our noonday sun was
a spark struck from tho anvil of one
word, nnd that word "Light."
'But." says .some one, "do you not
think that in mnkmg tho machinery of
Urn nuiverso. of which onr solar sys
tem jh comparatively a .Brnall wheel
working iuto mightier wheels, it must
have cost God some exertion? The up
heaval of an arm either robed or an
arm made bareV" No; wo are dis
tinctly told otherwise. The machinery
or a universe God mado simply with hia
fmgew. David, inspired iu n night
soiig, nays so "When I consider tby
.heavens, the work of tby fingers."
A Scottish clergyman told we a few
weeks, ago of dyspeptic Thomas Carlyle
AVHlktug out with a friend ono starry
night, and an the friend looked up and
aid, "What a splendid ekyl" Mr,
Carlyle replied u he glanced upward.
"Sad sight, sad bight!' JSiot to tiioughl
David as he read tho great Scripturo ot
tho night heavens. It was a sweep of
einbroidory, of vast tapestry, God ma
nipulated. That te tho allusion of the
psalmist to tho woven hangings of tap
estry us they wero known long beforo
David's timo. Far back in tho ages
what enchantment of thread and color,
tho Florentino velvets of tilk nnd gold
and Porsian carpets Woven of goats'
hair! If you have been, in the Gobelin
manufactory of tapestry in Paris alas,
now no more! you witnessed wondrous
th' as you saw the wcoden needlo or
broach going back and forth nnd in
nnd out; you wero transfixed with ad
miration nt the patterns wrought. No
wonder that Louis XIV bought it, nnd
it became tho possession of tho thrcne,
nnd for a long while none but thrones
and palacos might have any of its work !
What triumphs of loom! What victory
of skilled fingers! So David Bays of the
heavens that God's fingers wovo into
them tho light; that God's fingers tap
estried them with stars; that God'H fin
gers embroidered them with worlds.
How much of tho immensity of tho
heavens David understood I know not.
Astronomy was boin in China 2,800
years beforo Christ was born. During
tho reign of Hoang-Ti astronomers were
put to death if they mado wrong calcu
lations about tho heavens. Job under
stood the refraction of tho sun's rays
nnd said they were "turned ns tlio clay
to the seal." Tho pyramids were as
tronomical observatories, and thev wero
bo long ago built that Isaiah refers to
one of them in biB nineteenth chapter
and calls it tho "pillar at tho border."
The first of all the sciences born was
astronomy. Whether from knowledgo
already abroad or from direct inspira
tion, it seems to mo David had wide
knowledge of the heavens. Whether he
understood the full forco of what ho
wrote, 1 know not, but tho God who
inspired him knew, and ho would not
let David write any thing but truth, and
therefore all tho worlds that tho tele
scope over reached or Copernicus or
Galilei or Kepler or Newton or La
placo or Horschel or our own Mitchell
ever saw wero bo easily mado thnt they
wero mado with tho fingers. As easily
as with your lingers you mold tho wax,
or tho clay, or the dough to particular
shapes, so ho decided tho shape of
our world, and that it should weigh
six sextillion tons and appointed for
all worlds their orbits and decided their
color tho white to Sirius, the ruddy
to Aldebaran, the yellow to Pollux,
the blue to Altair, marrying somo of
the stars, as the 2,400 double stars that
Herschel observed, administering to the
whims of the variablo stars as their
glance becomes brighter or dim, pre
paring what astronomers called, "the
girdle of Andromeda" and the nebula
iu the sword handle of Orion. Worlds
on worlds! Worlds under worldsl
Worlds above worlds! Worlds beyond
worlds! So many that arithmetics are
of no use in tho calculation! Bat ho
counted them as ho made them, and he
made them with his fingers! Reserva
tion of power! Suppression of omnipo
tence! Resources us yet untouched!
Almightinessyetundemonstratedl Now
I ask, tor the benefit of all disheartened
Christian workers, If God accomplished
po much with his fingers, what can ho
do when ho puts cut all hia strength
and when ho unlirabers all tho batteries
of his omnipotence? Tho Bible speaks
again aud again of God's outstretched
arm, but only once, and that in tho text
of the bare arm of God.
My text makes it plain that tho rec
tification of this world is a stupendous
undertaking. It takes more power to
make this world over again than it took
to rnako it at first. A word was only
necessary for the first creation, but for
the new creation the unsleeved and un
hindered foro nrm of tne Almighty! The
reason of that I can understand. In tho
shipyards of Liverpool or Glasgow or
New York a great vessel is construct
ed. Tho architect draws out tho plan,
tho length of the beam, tho capacity of
tonnage, tho rotation of wheel or screw,
tho cabin, tho masts and all tho ap
pointments of this great palace of tho
deep. Tho architect finibhes his work
without any perplexity, nnd the car
penters nnd tho artisans toil onthecralt
so many hours a day, each one doing his
part, until with flags flying, and thou
sands of people huzzaing on tho docks,
tho vessel is launched. But out on the
sea that steamer breaks her shaft nnd
is limping slowly along toward harbor,
when Caribbean whiil winds, those
migiity hunters of tho deep. looking out
for prey of ships, surround that wound
ed vessel" and pitch it on n rocky coast,
nnd she lifts and falls in tho breakers
until everj' joint is loose, and every
spar is down, and every wavo sweeps
over tho hurricane deck as sho parts
Wxnild it not requiro more skill and
power to got that splintered vessel off
the rocks nnd reconstruct it than it re
quired originally to build her? Aye!
Our world that God built so beautiful,
and which started out with all the flags
of Edenic foliage and with the chant of
parudisaicai bowers, has been 00 cen
turies pounding in the skerries of sin
nnd sorrow, and to get her out, and to
get her off. and to get her on tho right
way again will requiro more of omnip
otence than it required to build her
nnd launch her. So I am not sur
prised that though in tho drydock of
ono word our world was made it will
take the unsleeved arm of God to lift
her from the rocks and put her on the
right course again. It is evident from
my text nnd its comparison with other
toxts that it would not be so groat an
undertaking to make a whole constella
tion of worlds, and a whole galaxy of
worlds, aud a whole astronomy of
worlds, and swing them in thoir right
orbits as to take this wounded world,
tbU stranded world, this bankrupt
world, this destroyed world, and make
it as good as when it etarted.
Now, just look ot the enthroned dlffl.
cultiesiu the way.tne removal of which,
the overthrow of which, seem to rejuir
javjflJbrtfiwa- OABifcAii jrilritMi,"WEiimsiA, jAKiUs ki, iD4.
ft I li i
the baro right arm of omnipotence.
There stands heathenism, with its 800,
000,000 victims. 1 do not care wheth
er you call them Brahmans or Bud
dhists, Confucians or fetich idolaters.
At tho World's fair in Chicago last
summer thoso monstrosities of religion
tried to mako themselves respectable,
but tho long hair and baggy trousers
und trinketed robes of their representa
tives cannot hido from tho world tho
fact that those religions nro the authors
of funernl pyre, aud juggernaut crush
ing, nnd Ganges infanticide, nnd Chi
nese shoe torture, nnd tho aggregated
massacres of many centuries. They
havo their heels on India, on China, on
Persia, on Borneo, on three-fourths of
tho ncreago of oar poor old world.
I know that tho missionaries, who
aro tho most sacrificing and Christlike
men and women on earth, aro making
steady pud glorious inroads upon theso
built up abominations of tho centuries.
All this stuff that you seo in some of
tho newspapers about tho missionaries
as living in luxury and idleness is pro
mulgated by corrupt American or Eng
lish or Scotch merchants, whoso loose
bobavior in heathen cities has been re
buked by tho missionaries, and theso
corrupt merchants write home or tell
innocent nnd unsuspecting visitors in
India or Chinn or tho darkened islands
of tho sea theso falsehoods about our
consecrated missionaires, who, turning
their backs on home nnd civilization
and emolument and comfort, spend
their lives in trying to introduce tho
mercy of tho gospel among the down
trodden of heathenism. Somo of thoso
merchants leave their families in Amer
ica or England or Scotland and stay for
a fow years in tho porta of heathenism
whilo they nre making their fortunes
in the tea or rico or opium trado, and
whilo they nre thus absent from homo
give themselves to orgies of dissolute
ness such as no pen or tonguo could,
without tho abolition of all decency,
attempt to report. Tho presence of the
missionaries, with their pure and noble
households, in those heathen ports is a
constant rebuke to such dobauchecs and
miscreants. If satan should visit heav
en, from which ho was onco roughly
but justly expatriated, and ho should
writo home to tho realms pundemoniac,
his correspondence published in Diabo
los Gazetto or Apollyonic News, about
what he hud seen, ho would Teport the
templo of God nnd the Lamb as n bro
ken down church, und tho houso of
many mansions as a disreputable place,
and tho cherubim as suspicious of mor
als. Sin never did like holiness, and
you had better not depend upon satanic
report of tho sublime and multipotent
work of our missionaries in foreign
lands. But notwithstanding all that
theso men and women of God havo
achieved, they feel and wo all feel that
if the idolatrous lands aro to be Chris
tianized there needs to be a power
from the heavens that has not yet con
descended, and wo feel like crying out
in tho words of Charles Wesley:
Arm of tho Lord, awake, awake!
Put on thy strength, tho nations shake!
Aye, it is not only the Lord's arm
that is needed, tho holy arm, the out
stretched arm, but tho bare arm!
There, too, stands Mohammedanism,
with its 170,000,000 victims. ItsBiblo
is tho Koran, a book not quite as large
as our New Testament, which was re
vealed to Mohammed when in epileptio
fits, aud resuscitated from these fits ho
dictated it to scribes. Yot it is read
today by moro peoplo than any other
book ever written, Mohammed, the
founder of that leligion, a polygaraist,
with superfluity of wives, tho first step
of his religion on the body, mind and
soul ot woman, nnd no wonder that tho
heaven of the Koran is an everlasting
Sodom, an infinite seraglio, about which
Mohammed promises that each follower
shall havo in that place 73 wives, in
additioii to nil tho wives be bad on
earth, but that no old woman shall ever
enter heaven. When a bishop of Eng
land recently proposed that the best
way of saving Mohammedans was to
let them keep their religion, but engraft
upon it Bomonew pinciples from Chris
tianity, ho perpetrated an ecclesiastical
joke, at which no man can laugh who
has ever seen tho tyranny and domestic
wretchedness which always uppear
where that roligiou gets foothold. It
has marched across continents nnd
now proposes to set up its filthy and ac
cursed banner in Ameiica, and what it
has done for Turkey it would like to
do for our nation. A religion that bru
tally treats womanhood ought never to
be fostered in our country. But thero
never was u religion to absurd pr wick
ed that it did not got dUciples, and
there nro enough fools In America to
mako n largo dlscipleship of Moham
medanism. This corrupt religion has
been making steady progress for hun
dreds of years, and notwithstanding all
tlio splendid work dono by tho Jessups,
and the Goodells, and the Blisses, and
tho Van Dykes, and tho Posts, and tho
Misses Bowens, and tho Misses Thomp
sons, and Bcures of other men and wom
en of whom tho world was not worthy,
there it stands, the giant of sin, Mo
hammedanism, with one foot on the
heart of woman and the othor on the
heart of Christ, while it mumbles from
Its minarets this stupendous blasphemy:
"God is great, and Mohammed is bis
prophet." Let the Christian printing
presses at Beyroot and Constantinople
keep on with their work and the men
nnd women of God in the mission fields
toil until tho Lord crowns tbem, but
what we nre all hoping for is something
r upernatura! from the heavens, as yet
unseen, something stretched down out
of the skies, something like an arm un
covered, the bare arm of the God of na
There stands also the arch demon of
alcoholism. Its throne fs white and
made of bleached human ekolls. On
one side of that throne of skulls kneels
in obeisaDCO and worship democracy,
end on tho other Bide republicanism,
and the one that kisses the cancerous
nnd gangrened foot of this despot tho
ottenest gets the most benedictions.
iiH.Tiri ! tfS
I ,V ) II
ii iin itn li
There i9 av Hudson river, ,tm Ohio, a
Mississippi of strong drink rolling
through this' nation, but aS the rivers
from which I tako my figuro of speech
empty into tho Atlantic or tho gulf this
mightier flood of sickness and insanity
nnd domestic ruiu and crimo nnd
bankruptcy nnd woe empties into the
hearts, and tho homes, and tho churches,
and the time, and the eternity of a uuil
titudo beyond all statistics to number
or describe. All nations nro mauled
nnd scarified with baleful stimulus, or
killing narcotic. Tliurnlqnoof Mexico,
tho cnihew of Brazil, tho bashecBh of
Persia, the opium of China, tho guavo
of Honduras, tho wedro of Russia, the
soma of India, tho nguardiento of Mo
rocco, the nrak of Arabia, tho mastic
of Syria, tho raid of Turkey, tho beer
ot Germany, tho whisky of Scotlaud,
tho nlo of England, tho nil drinks of
America, arodoing their best to stupefy,
iuflame, dement, impoverish, brutalize
and slay the hnmnn raco. Human pow
er, unless re-enforced from tho heavens,
can never extirpato tho evils I mention.
Much good has been accomplished by
the heroism and fidelity of Christian re
formers, but the fact remains that thcro
aro moro splendid men and magnificent
women this moment going over the Ni
agara" abysm of inebriety than at any
timo Binco tho hist grapo was turned
into wine nnd the first bend of ryo be
gan to soak in a brewery. When peo
plo touch this subject, they are apt to
give statistics ns to how many millions
nre in drunkards' graves, or with quick
tread marching on toward them. Tho
land is full of talk of high tariff and
low tariff, but what about tho highest
of all tariffs in this country, the tariff
of $900,000,000 which rum put upon
the United States in 1801, for that is
what it cost us? You do not tremble
or turn pale when I say that. The fact
is wo havo becorao hardened by statis
tics, and they make little impression.
But if some ono could gather into ono
mighty lakonll tho tears that have been
wrung out of orphanago nnd widow
hood, or into ono organ diapason ail the
groans that havo been Uttered by tho
suffering victims of this holocaust, or
into one whirlwind all tho sighs of cen
turies of dissipation, or from tho wicket
of one immenso priBon havo look upon
us tho glaring eyes of all thoso whom
strong drinK bus endungeoned, wo
might perhaps realizo the appalling
desolation. But, no, no, tho sight
would forever blast our vision; tho
sound would forever stun onr souls. Go
on with your temperance literature; go
on with your tempeiance platforms;
go on with your temperanco laws. But
wo nro nil hoping for something from
above, and whilo the baro nrm of suf
fering, nnd tho baro arm of invalidism,
nnd the baro arm Of poverty, and tho
bare arm of domestic desolation, from
which rum hath torn tho sleeve, aro
lifted up in beggary and supplication
and despair, let tho buio arm of God
striko the breweries, and tho liquor
Stores, and tho corrupt politics, and tho
license laws, and tho whole inferno of
grogshops all around tho world. Down,
thou accursed bottle, from tho throuo!
Into the dust, thou king of tho demi
john! Parched bo thy lips, thou wino
cup, with fires that shall novcr bo
But I have no timo to specify tho
manifold evils that challenge Christian
ity. And I think I havo seen in boiiio
Christian!, nnd read in some newspa
pers, and heard from pome pulpits a
disheartenment, ns though Christianity
were bo worsted that it Jb hardly worth
whilo to attempt to wiiLthis world for
God, nnd thatalf Christian work would
collapse, and that it is nouso for you to
teach a Sabbath class, or distributo
tracts, or exhort in prayer meetings, or
preach In a pulpit, as satan is gaining
ground. To rebuke that pessimism, tho
gospel of pniashup. I prench this Eer
mon, showing that yon aro on tho win
ing Bide, Go ahead! Fight on! What
I want to mako out today is that our
ammunition is not exhausted ; that all
which has been accomplished has been
only tho skirmishing beforo tlio great
Armageddon; that not moro than ono
of tho thousand fountains of beauty
in tho King's park has begun to
play; that not more than one brigade
of the innumerable hosts to bo mar
shaled by tho rider on the white horso
has yet taken the field; that what God
has dono yet has been with arm folded
in flowing robe, but that tho timo is
coming when ho will rise from his
throne, and throw off that robe, and
come out of the palaces of eternity, and
como down tho stairs of heaven with
all conquering stop, nnd halt in the
presence of expectant nations, and flash
ing his omniscient eyes across tho work
to bo done will put back tho sleevo of
his right nrm to tho shoulder, and roll
it up thero, and for tho world's final
and complete rescue mako baro his arm.
Who can duubt tho result when accord
ing to my text Jehovah does his best;
when tho last reserve forco of omnipo
tence takes the field; when tho lust
sword of eternal might leaps from its
scabbard? Do you know what decided
(ho battlo of Sedan? Tho hills n thousand
feet high. Eleven hundred cannons on
tho hills. Artillery on tho heights of
Givonne, and 13 German batteries on
the heights of La Moncello. Tho crown
prince of Saxony watched tho sceno
from tho heights of Muiry. Between a
quarter to 0 o'clock in tho morning and
l o'clock in the afternoon of Sept. 2,
1870, the bills dropped the shells that
shattered the French host iu tho valley.
The French cinperor and tho 80,000 of
his army captured by tho hills. Bo In
this, conflict now inging hot ween holi
ness and sin "our eyes are nnto tbo
Down here in the valleys of earth
we must be valiant soldiers of the
cross, but the Commander of our bout
walks tho heights and views the sceno
fur better tbun wo can in tho valleys,
and at the right day and the right boar
all heaven will open its batteries ou our
fcide. and the commander of the hosts of
unrighteousness with all his followers
will surrender, and it will take eternity
hi it, mi i ii rft,i
to fully colobrnte tho universal victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ. "Our
eyes arc unto tho hills." It is so cer
tain to be accomplished that Isaiah in
my text looks down through tho field
glass of prophecy and spciiks of it as
already accomplished, and I tako my
stand wbero tho prophet took his stand
nnd look at it as all done. "Halleluiah,
'tis dono." Seo! Thoso cities without
a tearl Look! Thoso continents with
out n pang. Boholdl Thoso hemi
spheres without a sin! Why, thoso
deserts, Arabian desert, American des
ert, nnd Great Sahara . desert, nro all
irrigated intognidons whero God walks
in tho cool of tho day. Tho atmosphere
that encircles our globo floating not ono
groan. All tho rivers and lakes and
oceans dimpled with not ono falling
tear. The climates cf tho earth havo
dropped out ot them tho rigors of tho
cold and tho blasts of the heat, aud it
is universal spring! Let us chnngo tho
old world's name. Let it no moro bo
called tho earth, as when it was reeking
with everything pestiferous nnd malev
olent, scarleted with battlefields and
gashed with graves, but now so
changed, so aromatic with gardens, nnd
bo resonant with song, nnd so ruboscent
with benuty, let uj call it Immanucl's
Land or Bculah or millennial gardens
or paradise regained or heaven! And
to God, tho only wise, tho only gopd,
tho only great, bo glory forover. Amen.
Fronclitncn Tako to llowlng.
Tho unexpected defeat of n London
rowing club eight on tho Seino last au
tumu by n French crew has put fresh
spirits into Gallio oarsmen, nnd as n con
Btquenco wo shnll in all probability 6eo
somo French crews nt Henley regatta
this year. Tho Bas Seino Rowing club
of Paris will enter crows for tho grand
phajlenge cup (eights), Stowards' dial
lengo cup (fours), and the silver goblets
(pairs). M. Boudin of tho same club
Will probably start in tho diamond
sculls. A Canadian sculler has also sent
in an entry for tho last named event, bo
that the regatta, wlnoh. is fixed for tho
first Wednesday, Thursday aud Friday
In July, promises this year to be par
ticularly interesting. No doubt the Eng
lish clubs will do their best to ntono for
tho disaster on tho Seino last October.
London News.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
ami all (liu train of fill
uxcibte. tlio results o
overwoik, tlokuus
worn, flu FullttKiigi
dec lopnieiil anil tun
glim iu ei ery organ im.
jxntliin of tho b.iilv
hlmpli .nntiiralmetr.oli
srrn. V lltiiilmii-0lr
2,u rvrereiit-t s IV. (il
explcniitfon mid prcul
Biullt'd (realcd) tree.
pgrrAto. n. y
In raising a family of nlna children, my only
romedv for Cough. Colds and Croup wu onion
arnip Itlsjuilaa efleotlve lc-dnym It was forty
vsara aeo. Now mv arandohlldren take Dr.
finnn'fl Onion ftymp. vrbleh la already prepared
ar.d mora pleasant to th ta.te. BoH everywhere.
Lame bottles 60 cents. Take no aubitltule for IU
Knttl by ItiitkHtt fe VrwiHIype.
ITCHHTO riLld Known by raolatura
11 u poripiru.loa,caiua luuiiav ttumua
when warm. THU form and BX.INI)
tujBDiwa or 1'BOTaumwo wun
whlah aota directly on parte aflectnd
ebaorb'J tumors, aliayaltohlna.en'ectlna
aporraanentoure. rrieeCOc. DnifTRlate
or mail. Dr. Bounko, Philadelphia, fa.
Hold liv UtHkot te Vanrilyrw
'. II li'AhCV Quo 0. 111N01I..M.
D'AHOV & ItlNOU VM. Attorney nt Law.
Ito iiiih 1, '1 ii ml b, D'Arcy Kinldiuir. Hi
sutte rtperliil uiIhiiUoii given to busi
ness I u the supremo aud clicult court of the
Buite, '! II
mlLMON KoltU, Attorney at litw, t-ulern,
I. Oregon. Olllco up Mill m in 1'utton block
J H.C1UKU Attorney ui In w.Hijlem, Ore
gon tjtlloe over HUHli'H bunk.
' . AttornejH Ht luw, Oflloe over Capital
N ui tonal bank, Halom. Oregon,
JOHN A. OAltiON, Attorney at law, rooiim
it und 1, Iluab bank building, Halnra.Or,
BONHAMi HOMlfSS, Attornftyn at law.
Oflluflu IJuhIi IiIock, between State und
otirt. on Ontnmerolul direct
t) Colleo loin tnudHi.U promptly remitted.
Mmpliy bloak, t or Htatu ana Commercial
alreeta "hIuii, llreg'in. tt-y-lf.
ttl'r.l... Miihltu . lyriMu: unit
C) o .inmcrela teno apuy. Oflloe, room
If. a-iy bluck. Tne beat of work aouaxtrca
miuuUIm aUw. 12-iO
r UKNIuHTUN A.elilttcl ftuil (.merlti-
V leinlxiil umee, roomi J
uud 3
llrnyNiau tiiook.
t rlt A. UVVH. Utte I'wtUrurtuateof New
U York.Klvm npoLl at'eutluu to the dl
I um of woriixii nd children, poao, flirout,
1 l'i k. kidney, akin dlnwiea nnd urgry
ontiwnl rltftwioe, lot SUtte Ktet, Conu la. luimvnytn in -ui'i a n a p n. .i-oio
I.IIOWNK, M. I)., I'liyaielun and Hur.
O. a"
iS. O l
UMiii, "01' e, Murpliy uio ik; reaiueuon.
m rmtm inni.
it.T C KUlTIi, iHtittt, 4 HUle street
8lexri.ruoH. rinwowi oeniai opera,
on of every description. I'ululeaa openf
S4H OK V "TaUl-VNH -Mam wr 04mp No.
tLrtniMnl VMrnn, U. . A meo wed.
i.tet 'r Mian t 8 f i4e t ue I O. O T
liili Vldtloif brdttrr are onllly Invited
t'wfend I'U . ii. fi i.wv. laint
iytor" iom LiIhjw wo. t A.II. U, W
,Uw4 l tlclr bll Iu wui lummnoe
imlldlMciwr, "TWiilM,UY.
J, A. ejiUWOOU. tteewfcir.
an ROBr
fcrfS&e? DR
Jra lfci-,7T J7
-. rv-
.WeftlVeVVJVaVuVW:VW. V A.V.
a F
- RA
What Is the condition of vours? Is vcur lintr drv.
Iiarsli, brittle? Djm it split at tho ends? Has it a v
lifeless nppcarapec? Does It fall out when combed or
brushed ? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp Itch ? S
Ja It dry or ht a heated condition? If these aro somo of 5"
yoursymplonisbe wrued In timo oryou will become bald. ,
Is wliitycu need. Ite production la not .in accident, but the reult of edentldo
resoareli. Ktinwledire ot the dlaeaneiot tho linlr and scalp led to thedlacoT
cry iCLiv.v tn treat them. "iikookum"contnlut neither mlneralanor oils. It
l not a l)io, but a delightfully cooling nnd refreshing Tonic By stimulating
tl. roli.i m, it ttops falling hair, ourea dumtrujr and grows hair on bald
.. Uf" irocn tbo acalp clean, healthy, and frca from Irritating eruptions, by
thou'O ot . po-iit stm Soap. It destroys jiarasttto inicd; which J"a on
and let,-oy the hair.
i j our aruKEi't cannot
i i lirupriu, en rrciriiiboi price
' " ' 1 ' TUB SKOOKUn
Vi TIvi;&2!; l ,w OT Bomb.
c ,ui a
r. -.vv,V .iWWVVW.WWWrtWVfW
From Terminal or Interior Points the
la the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It Is tho dlulne oar route. It runs through
vestibule truing, every dny In the year to
(No ohange of oars.)
Composed of dining cars unsurpassed,
Pullman drawing room sleepers
Of latest equipment
Sleeping Cars.
Best that can bo constructed aud In whloh
accommodations are both tree nnd tur
nlHhed for holders of first and second-class
tickets, and
A. contlnuor s line concealing with' all
Units, atlordlug dlreot and uninterrupted
Pullman sl eper rentimtlonR can bo sc
oured in advtnco Uiroogh any agent of
the road.
Through tickets to and fronvall points
In America, Englaud and Europe can be
purchased at any ticket office of this com
Full Information onnoernluir rates, time
of trtilnB, routes and other dotullB furnished
on amplication to any agent or
Assistant General I'tisaentcr Agent. Ho,
121 first stroot, our. Washington; Port
land, Oreuont
Shaw & Down-no, ARenis.
East and South
f th
Southern Pacific Company.
PI ,
a 15 1. in.
it tl p. in.
10:4 ii. m.
Ban I'rnn.
I b:l
I 6::
h:i! I ii. li
;! 0a. in
;l p. m
Above trulnH stop nt nil Millions Iron
'ortland to Albany Inclusive; also iitTuugeut
ihedd, llulsoy, llnrrisburg. Junction city,
Irving, KtiKfiio and all Ntutlons from Uostbur;,'
o tshliitid Iiic)uhvo
K iMKIII'llll MAll. DAILY,
.(O a. iu.
1:17 a. in
50 p. in.
Ar. I 4: 4) p. in
l.v. 1:10 p. in,
Lv. I 7:0(1 ii. n
aHuiiig ars on Ogdcu Itoutc
Second Class Sleeping Cars-
Attached to all through trains.
A'est Side Division, Between Portland
and Gervailis:
;:!JU a. in. I Liv. Portland Ar. ouA u. n..
115 p. in. 1 Ar. OorvalllB Lv. 1:00 p.m.
At Albany uud ikirvullls connect wltl.
trains nf Oregon Piwlflo Itallroad..
l:4u p. iu. l.v. PorllulTd Ar, I H:6 a. hi
Ififtn. in. I Ar. MoMlnnvllle Lv. 'S;fna. m
lUKOUdiU TlUlltii'S
To all points In the Iattrn Mates, Canada
und Europe ran ue onvatnru ni iimrai rau
Irom W. W. BKlNNKIl, Agent, Hulom
iCP. IIOOKHB, Asst. .. K. find Pubu. Ag'
It. KDI'HI.KIt, Mnnouor
CHAB. CLAUK, Rccolver.
8. B. VKU NOllTK.
Leaves Han Francisco, Jan.Cth,
Leaves Yaqulna, Jon.v.ii.
For freight and na'senger rates apply to any
agent or purser of this company.
j. L MIltJItKl.l., dc OO,, Agents.
om-e New Holman lliook. Halem.
(Northern Pacific R. Ft, Co., lue.)
a. '
Dally Through Train.
iurui h
4 (rtpm
7 l"pm
I Duiutb.. B
I . Ashland, a
'II V H"
W. (Villain
i lliif run
uii fast
trolnadaliv b-twreiiHt
miMt Paul, tllnnx rolls and
'hlcagn U wmiknandll point iu Wlaoon.
in- nbiriir miinfctlnn In I'llllBKO With fell
lines ruul iff wist ana 'oin.
TlrkeH sold and imiiKane chrked Ihrnnjrn
t all polrt's In lh Unliw! MImImi aud CMriud
ClosVcrmntlon made In Clileago with all
trains going r""l and Mouth.
Vot lull Information apply In jrnr nreaii
Uckrtagrnt'T JA. O. PON.
Uofl"pii.tJ4Tkt.Aj1., Mllwaukw, Wis.
- in "l
a ."oVaVYftiVaVttViftra-r
Root Hair Grower $
supply you sena aircci 10 to, ana wo win rorwara
irower, $1.00 per bottle for J.0O. Soap, sou.
Fifth ATenne, New YorU, N. Y.
,1 DAYS to
HoilFS e Qu'cks- - Chicago and
Hfllir Qu'c'er - Omaha and Kan
Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers. Free
Reclining Chair Cars, Dining Cars,
R II. H. CLARK. "1 T)n-.;A
H or rates and general Information coll on
or address,
W H. HUIUiBUBT. Asst, O. V, A
354 Washington St., Cor.Sd
Travelers "make a note on t."
This Great Railway System Connects
With all transcontinental lines, giving
dlicct and swift communica
tion to all
:::0NLY LINE:::
Klectrlo Lighted and Efeam Haated
Vcstlbuled trains ot elegant Bleeping,
Parlor, Dining nnd UulTot
Cars, w'th
Free Heel living Chairs,
Making its service iccond to cone In tho
Tickets aro on rale at all promlmnt railroad
ticket ofllces.
For further Information ask the nearest rail
road agent, or address
C.J. EDDY, General Agt.
J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass Agf.
Electric Lights
On Voter System.
The Hulmn Light and Power Company 'at
urtuit eipeusu have equipped their Electno
Light plant with the most modern apparatus
ind nio now able lo oiler the public abetter
light thun anr sylom and at a rate lower
than any city on the coast.
ire and Incandescent Light'
lug. Electric Motors ior all
purposes where power Is ro
Resiliences can be wired for as many lights
as desired and the cousrniers pay wr only
such lights as are used.
'1 his belug regUUied
by an iecino Meter,
ore co
179 Commercial St,
Geo. Fondrich, Proprietor,
UcstmeAtanl tree delivery.
136 State Street
I Tickets
t Ii
1"3s- 7tT-B sk; artSEir : jr "'
-?--viitciu'f0,mi, b.
iiiAt v3.jfej"jna. a , v