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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1894)
EVJENINGr CAPITA!, JOUBNAL TUESDAY, JA2T17ABY 23, 134, i 71 '"I ' EH58Baaa: fi HPlJUrtUKU DJUfcV, EXCEPT HtWDv Capital 'journal Publishing Company I'oitomos Block. Commercial Street. HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. Lfallr. bj carrier, per month, Plly. by mall, per year, Weekly. paz, peryer, MICK -TO AMERICAN' UOCfKISE. -Enthusiastic Democrats ore sound ing .through tbeir mwspjper organ the praises of free trade In wool. Oue of the arguments relied upou by them as having great weight, la the state ment that two or threw woolen milla In California were obliged to go out of busi ness because there wis a duty on An (rattan wool, which mad It so clear that they could not afford to rwix H with other wool as required by the de mand of cowmeree. These organs a' tbo same lime shed tears over tin wblte men and women thus tbrowi) uc of e n,l m 1 14 uilir itu bjlefu rale of protection. As a nutter of fact,' a lare mnjorl'j of persons thrown out of eniploymeiu by the closing of the wooleu mills wen Chinese. Hence, thwe Democratic tears for rich syndicates are shed hi yuln. There are no tears In stock for tbo poor farmers and slieepherders al over the United dtates, whose nieaiic of aubilsteuce will be cot off If Auitni ban aud French wools should beuduill ted free of duty. The closing of all the woolen mills h California would not throw one whin mm out of employment to 100 win would be thrown upon the world under the proposed rule of free wool. The American doctrine of the "great. est eood to the greaU-st uurutter" Ic paving a hard tline of it lu the Demo- operations oy starting a urn class an , ,. , ,, I for passengers and cargo to Sydney ano emtio congress. Sacramento Dee. EASTERN AND WESTERN PAPERS. The New York Trlbtuio and Chicago Inter-Ocean oiler to club their week I j editions with the JouiiNAt. at li-i cts. a year. It is Intlmtted tint lu order to couductra vigorous tariff campaign thin low price Is made to the Oregon iibwh pipers. The New York Tribune con tract has this clause: "The Weekly Trihmie at li'i cts. per year, used asu premium with other pa pers, has proved u splendid success fir all concerned. "If you desiio to try It for six month", kludly execute enclosed commut, with out alteration, offering botli papers for tbo price of your own, or for 25 etc Additional." The contract provides that a two col umn advertisement be given to the Tribune for sit mutii-, oipy to be furnished by them and adverttsment to bd paid for by the pajier we club. Thus they would really supply the p ipeM for nothing. People of Oregon hiive'nu inter ait lu circulating theve big metropolitan papers under such ciruumsiauces. They aro to say the least ou-iplclnus. They are to promulgate eastern lurid and fluauco Ideas, contrary to western in terests. ATTENDING TO 1IUSINE3S. IfOivoruor Peouoyer wero attend ing to bis business mid protecting the people of this state ugalust the boudliug populist offlcals of Multnomah county. who havo got away with nearly a half million of publlo fundi, thero would not be necessary a committee of 100 taxpayers. But his time Is al1 taken up wrltlug letters to Cleveland telling him bow to conduct the oillce ol president, His malu occupation lu the Governor's ofllee Is rending letters he receives from cranks und In nut lea till over the nation who aro captivated by bis advertising methods, but do nut know (be real character of the man, nor his political methods, which to say. the least are entirely selfish. A CURRF.oriON. En. JouitKAU List week you plated W J., and J. H. lAwter had brought two bear scalp and got three dollars apiece for them, and that was About all tbo, way the uinuutalneers bad or getting money, Please oorreoi fend Day If wo had to dupeud on Unit for money wo would never see any; the county gives paper. Tbo correction Is proper. Mr. Fos ter must have s-iijh way of getting money, an he rembted a tdlver half dol lar and will receive Tun OnkCkm' Daily at Claten P. ()., for sixty days. .fiCRirniRK mi tiir urmiox pacific. It Is probably ns profitable to quote scripture to a soulless corporation hh in tup: Jsalou to a dead liooe. Hut her. inMiextfom lint book of INalms In tbeDlble (balls worth considering In vImw of bo liundrett nt ioor fuuil t pp. tbc IJne of the read: 'For the nedy oball not nU'asU "forgottenMi.raHrolMllon of (he poor "slmtl notparlub forever. "When be uiakttb Inquisition for "blood, be rvrneuiberctu (bem; bo for- "geteth nut the cy of the bumble. "The wicked shall bo turned Into "hell and a'l that orget Ood." UELftXU MB FEOTuB (?) Murphy's circular at chairman of the Dem.)cratic central committee in 1892, "Help Cleveland by voting for Weaver electori" atu .jht the Oregon 1'opullsls and was a succens. They huve got their pay as weil an Murphy. The lat ter got a fat otllce. The former are llv lug on Halvaiiou Army soup at Port laud. The country got silver coinage repealed lirst, and iC'MXXMKX) gold UiuiIh U-iUrd ec iihI, h a result of the fusion i-etween Iler: ami Orover. Hurrah I R-irk for congress and 1'eunoyer fur th aeuatc, aud the iiuiiitry will be saved What Oured Iflm. I)ltnrbd, aiiurt)j ; wltli pt In oppressed No lep, uo t, tvui (I red ul t,enl f u li i rr r id enmirrtl u in? ')HMnnMn uliftit, a I -My. Iliw-I jr unmet iiuU oneUi'tayi rr ',Kumioa, tu a wait cirU blniT It wat Dr. Pierce's UolcJeu Medical Dinvery. I hut is the great cure foi Heudche. ScTufula, .Dynpejislu, Kidney UineaMH, Liver Compliant aud Ueueral LMilllty. An inactive Liver mean-pilsone-l blood; KMuey disorder meaio uoieoued blend: (Joiis'lliallou meant- iHiiBotied blood. The great uutidoie foi inpure blood U Dr. Pierce's Uoldei Medical Di-covery. A:liug dlreclh upou theutlV-cted organs, restores then o llieir normal conditions. The(l Dl--overy" Inyiiuraiueeil to benelll or cui lu all cases oCiMmmmj for which it ir re (.iimmemled, or money paid for It will ne promptly refumUd. Trarmfortriatlon or Japan. Their railways, of which 1,750 miles are now open, oro well constructed and well regulated, und the first homemade locouiotivo was built in Japan last Jan nary. The post and telegraph system loaves nothing to bo desired. The Nip pon Yusen Kuisha (Japanese Steamship company), which owns 47 ships running to Ciiiue&o und other ports and carries a largo trade, now intends to enlarge it Melbourne As the present service is ex cellent and the accommodation good there is every reason to anticipate suc cess for tliis new development. Coa. mines are being rapidly opened up, nn tho production of iron issteadily increas ing. Tlio nmnufacturo of cotton fabrict is sixfold what it was eight years ago. and cheap labor enables Japan to bo n formidable competitor with England in tho markets of tho east. Countess of Jersoy In United Service Magazine Huston' Hell. Miss Clinrlotto W. Dawes, tho ran sical composer, is making an effort t have the noted bells of Boston put in oi der and rung in tho intmst of the nni bicul eilueat.ou of the people. Tho cuinn of belli in tho tower of Christ chuich. Salem street, is a lino ono and was pre sented to the church by the citizens ol Loudon in 17-14. These bulls wero for merly rung in the old English fashion, and when General Lafayette visited Bos ton in 1821 tho city had the bells put hi order, and they rang out a royal musical welcome to toe note! Fronclrnan. They were rung by eight old bellriugers for boiuo years after this event: then tlioohl method was abandoned, aud the plan of one man ringing the tuno over wa3 adopted. Miss Hawes has undertaken tho revival of tho old English fashion ol bull ringing, such us prevails in Londou. Mts Hawes is assitded in her patriotic work by many loading residents of Bos ton. Boston Advertiser. Klin Out k 1'an. Mayor Joo RliiuocI; of Covington the other evoning rel aid to his friends an amusing mlvouturo of tlio day before A colored woman, burdened with a lusty, squalling baby, cabod at his oluce. "Am dis do mayor!" she wanted to know. "Itom'resiioiidedthochiofoxecutlvo. "Den jest you sit down and write mo a pass to Pruitts, Ivy," sho ordered, without any palpable wasto of words. His honor explained that this was not ouo of his prerogatives and that her re quest would have to be laid before tho chairman of the council relief commit tee. "It does, eh?" asked madam. "I'zo got to catch dat $ o'clock , m. Qhumodat pass, or I leavo do bub I" She made a motion to drop the pickuuiuny Into Mr. Rhiuock's lap. That settled the argu ment. She got tho pass. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette iar Duiijer In Cnril. The London Globe says that the mi crobe threatens tho eujoyiueut if not the very existence of many old custom aud pastimes, for instance, ourd playing. Dr. Itappiu, a distinguished specialist of Names, is Investigating the bacteriology ol cards. Working on cards played by patients (consumptive and other) at tho hospital of Nautee, lie found iv less than 0,100 bacteria on a square centimeter of tho card, most of which were the potato bacillus. On curds tuod lu public cafes nd in private fuuulius he has found the staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, one of the agents in suppuration. lie recom mends people to be careful of contami nation when ihtyiuK utmls, iwpwiully with consumptive prsous. Loudun Globe. I Ail) lollon. Among the most able lady journalists of the day in Iumlou Is Lidy Cumtuuce Lyttou. Site lulu riU Iter literary quali ties, us hir frttnt-r was tint lute earl of Lyttou, tonuwly viceroy of India, and afterward Uutflkh ymbtowulor in Paris. It mim tho young lady, who is only SA years old, was editor of the amateur uewtpstHT which the earl started In bis family far tbeir iuuuv iiu ut und fur amateur. S1m has rap idly denlouud tuto u prfsienl jour luii t ut libih qualifloutiot.. Liver pool Mercury, Ireland and Irltta Hunks. So far as nlavintr a helpful part in tbo employment of Irish resources and tho development of Irish produc tion, trado and commerce aro con cerned, the banks of Ireland might almost as well be in Mexico. Irinb banks in practice exist for tho pur pose of getting together Irish money and sending it away for investment elsewhere. Of tho Bank of Ireland's 12,000.000 of capital, over 10,000, I'UO aro in the use of tho government outside of Ireland. Thero is always Irish money forth coming for harebrained gambling ventures in tho Argentine or at the capo, or for dubious schemes some what nearer the center of English finance. It is only when a question of utilizing a little of this money in Ireland is raised that a conservative chill benumbs the processes of Irish banking. Then you encounter tho most mercilessly vigilant caution, tho most rigid insistence upon a surplus of security. In effect, no man can get money from an Irish bank for Irish industrial or commercial pur poses unless no can prove tuat ne does not need it. To grant a loan on prospective profits, to lend upon mer cantile security, is unheard of. Fort nightly Review. Lore's Winning Way. In order to soften the heart of an offended lover an Austrian maiden bos had herself photographed in r coffin dressed ip grave clothes. Bo far from tho device being successful it has driven her young man out of his mind, and indeed it strikes one that sho might have rendered herself more attractive. This is not, however, al ways the object of a photograph. Thero is n story of a young gentle man who distorted his features so horribly while his portrait was being taken that he frightened tho opera tor. "You are not a criminal," ho re monstrated, "compelled to be photo graphed by the police and anxious to avoid identification, are you?" "No," Baid tho other, "but I want to get off my engagement with Mary Ann. I'vo told her I nm still hers if sho wishes it, but I've had a railway ac cident which has rather blemished mo." "Very good. When she gets this you will bo a free man," said tho photographer. London Illustrated News. A the Far Everything. What is rubbish today is on article of commerce tomorrow. Time was when 40 per cent of a leef steer ran off into tho sewer. Today the steer is driven into tho abattoir and goes out as beof, blood sausage, oleomar garine, bono dust, hides, hair, horn and fertilizer. Corncobs, once thrown into tho muck heap, are now made into pipes. Cottonseed, except what was necessary for replanting, was Bprend on the soil. Today cottonseed brings tho planter nlmost as much as his cotton. Tho lint that surrounds tho berry is pulled and mado into shoddy; tbo oil from tlio seed ismado" up into a hundred shapes, and now a genius who was experimenting with oil to make a varnish for pictures dis covered thnt it can bo converted, with tho addition of 18 per cent of crudo India rubber, into an imitation of rub ber which can in no way bo distin guished from tho product of the trees of tho Amazon valloy. Exchange. A Lawyer' Mlsglvlnc. "A lawyer has some queer expe riences," remarked Judge Kobn as ho leaned back in his chair whilo waiting for tho jury to agree upon a verdict. "Now, bohio years ago I was defending a case whero my client was charged with stealing $7,000 and a pair of diamond cuff buttons. Was ho guilty t" Then Mr Kohn laughed and thero was a twinkle in his oyo. "In any ovent," ho continued, "tho case was tried, and after a desporato legal strugglo I secured my client's acquittal. His inuoconco was clearly established. A fow days after tho trial, howovor, tho man whoso char acter I had proved to bo as white as snow went to tho prosecuting witness and gavo up tho diamoud cuff but tons. How they camo into his pos session 1 am not prepared to say, but it was certainly a strango caso." Louisvillo Courier-Journal. Why No ItecnrU Wai Made. Patrick Yea, sorj somo say it war nn Oy talian thot discovered Amoriky, and boiuo say a Cboinymnn, nndsome 6ny wim nn some Bay another, but Ivorybody in ould Oirland knows it war nu Oirislunau that first discov ered Amoriky. Bystander-Tho Chinese claim to havo a written record of tho voyage of their discoverer. la thoro any rec ord of your Irish discoverer? Patrick No, sor. He knew if ho Niui uo u lounu a country wiu np uir- islimun in it no wan would boliovo bun, bo bo kept quiet, Now York World. aiij-uuj'iui. Hair Deatri inlly renwvwun'i Prvrd tnyh tl..aile hair vrbr heruivin lit- tiamla. fiinr llffk. wrMliKiit rllarolnrattonl 'liUnry tn tlin rat itHlrtesitin I j fi- tirtr ywr ih w rt ontm,''l rMima lltnn. ackui.wleilCKl br rkital : Uu a 'e huttrat audi ha iivii iivinut araioiitstana halrt Ullat II at ev- llvnt. Imrlcf hit url vuta ' .aciiim a iuum amnni tba iiotiiiuy- tl arutticmcy r Minip rii prrvrlbnt nlar.Ms I'rr, M v m l ax-utrly nlci1 'NrrTiNtleiirmnndentlal Hola ITHAir wfrt Adra TH 8K"0KUH 00T HAH CROWtR 0. iiVrpt H Mou it n Ih vnur.Nvw v..rK ?(V juvvi ivuvi rv kiiwv rw w TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Sales', January 19, 4 p. m. Office Daily Capital Jooksal. Quota tions for day and up to hour of going to press were as follews: MALKM FKODUCE MAtlKET. FKOIT. Apples 30c to 60c. a bushel. BUTCHfcR STOCK. Veals dressed 5 cts. Hogs dressed 5 Live cattle 2 hi 2. Bbeep alive $l.6Uf2. MILL fKICKS. Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flnnr In wholesale lols (12-60. Itetail 3.i. Bran $14 bulk, $15 tucked. Shorts tl5 16. Chop feed $16 aud $17. WHKAT. 43 cents per bushel. HAY AND GRAIN. Oats new 25(a)30a Hay Baled, uew $S to $10; old $10 to 12. Wild In buk, $6 to ?8. FAKM PRO DUCTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hops Hinall Bile, 17 to 18c. Etfgs Cash, 18 Butter Best dairy, 2o30; fancy creamery 2025. Cheese W in 16 cts. Farm sinoKed meats Bacon 10; bams, 12; shoulders, 8. Potatoes 25:i0c. Oulous 2 cents. Carrots, $0.00 per ton. Beeswax -34e. Carawav seed, 18c. Anise seed, 2flc. Giuseng, $1.40. LIVE POULTRY. Poultry Hens, 10e;; roosters, 67c; lucks, 810; turkeys, slow sale, choice, 10c; geeaefi to 7c. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Wel, etc Flour Standard, $J.75; Walla Walla. 3.00; graham, $2.4"; superflue, $2.2-5 tier oarrel. Oate New whlte,34cperbu.,grey,32o; roiled, in bags, W.i5too.5t; barreis, $3.757.00; case. $3 75. Hay Best, $1012 per ton. Wool valley, In lie. MillstuUs Bran, '16 HO; shorts, $10; round barley, $18; chop feed, $15 per ten; whole feed, barlev, 70 els. per ceutal; middling, $23i8 per ton; chicken wheat. 651 15 percental. Hops -New 10 ti 16. Hides fireen, Halted, 60 lbs. 3e. un der 6U lbs., 23 ; sheep pelts, 10C0c. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon funev creamery, 30 32e;mncy dairy, 2527e; fair to uo.u, 2022e; common, 10 t I7c per lb. I'neese Oregon, 10 13: Yming AmerlcHti, 1215eper pouud; California 14c: Swiss imp., 3032: Doin., 1G18. EggH Oregon, 17l8i5 per dzeu. KiiHlern 17 Poultry .Nominal; chickens, mlx"d. ?3 o03 50 er dozen; duckw,$4.oi 0 "0 ueet-e, $9 DO; turkeys, live, 12i ; dreB-ed 14o Beef Toptwn.2J3ppT pound; fair togiNMl uleers, 2-JJr; No 1 powm, ; fair lii's, lc;dres-ed lef. $4 ()05 50 ner Minion Best sheep. $2; choice mut ton. $1 752(K; IhiiiIm. $: (Hl2 25. Hkm I'niiliv, heavy, $4 tHi4 25; medium. $I(M.4 5(I; liuln nd itederr, -3 904 no; ilreebed, i6 5(7. Veal 46o BAN FRANCIBCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Enwteru choice, 10 12c; do Inferior, 79e; do valley, 12 16c. Hops 16 tn 18!. Potato- K-rly Rose, 4o55. Bur '"auks, a54-5c OatH 1211 20. Hood's Cures Mr. J. A, n'heeler " During the War I ws taken III with spinal disease and rhen mattsm. When I camo home my troubla wsi still with me, ami I was confined to my bed. unable to help myseir, tor 22 months. After taking seren bottles or Hood's Sawa parl.u I was well, hare uot been troubled 1th my old complaints. My wife was In III heAlth, suffering with headache, dullness and dyspepila. Sho too's two botUca ot Hood's Sarsaoarilla and fi'il like new wauian.' J. A. AVnuELrn, 1000 DlvHIon St.. Baltimore. Hood's an id eaicicnt PIIIQ act e.wily, el promuUr fy, oa ths liver aud bowels. Steamer fllfona FOR PORTLAND. IfnvM n,iM , rtoo Mnnday. W1nfiu1aT f" rldaj s 7.S0 u. tu., arrl vlug In ItortUnd it 10 IV in, ItCTUHNINO, lenvM IVirtUnd Tuesday-. i Kll7t ','"? "r. rw-engr ervlce; no way Umllnj;rn-I!ht U.ndie.1 ' ' lli2U,ND 'nu,'(unllni",1)00- "noway, MBALS SB OENTS vor iMut .ate nd ti t. Pl,iy io M-t. h wrutu .t .. iimnn wx iimki .HOUSE Painting, Decorating, ,il Hard Wood Finishing, ICan gl-ee.xHlnrv Ktlmati lurnlsh M. Mldrroii. i.mi, rahlru h, wilem iri den tn Moiw it I.h-hv, Ninth Saen La c order t tuvr a ItkKMr.. Hotel .Monterey. Newport, . . Oregon. bHtti1niillie!lauli,twntnlltiiiiith or tM-Klrt un I'uvfuvc, n tieautifully Mieltervtl xpi.l, wi.iuleitul nvt.rrv, mi Iwllitni;, Hue driven lotVpe Koulweaih er IIkIiiIioum. hu n? w, nmuiM Uruw nl airy. FmMi rimt for famlll r IiivhIIiU. 0u all wintt-r. T-rni iiMMlemtr hy ilv itr li.ieMlutK Vliion ou .lni a mMh oard to NVw , xirt aud Uj iihI l.y liik. ' d-2m rrourtior. CARTER'S PAD V riiss5 t!U7 &,JB S tfc E-! 1 Sick Headache and reliere all the troubles Incl dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dirziness. Nauiea. DnjwslneCT. Distress after eatlnir. Pain in the Side. &e While their most remarkable success has been shown ia curing Headache, yet Carter's Littlb Liter Pius ire equally ralnable in Constipat on. curing and prerenting thi annoj ingcnmnlalpt. while ther also correct all dlsortlers of the stomach, tlmutot the liter and regulata the bowels. Area u wey oni tuiw che they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their goodne does not end here, and thro who once tr them will rind these little pill raliialite In k many ways that ther will not be willing to do without them. nut alter au sick neau Is the bane or so many lives that here is where we mske our great boast. Our pills cure rt while other do not. CiRTZR's Lrrrut Mtir Pius are very small and rery easy to take. One or t o pills make a dose. They are strictly Tegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action S lease all who use them. In rials at 24 cents; re for $1 Sold eyerrwhere, or sent by mau. curia lmicnrc co., vn let UH Ufa M Price, Rheumatrsm, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, &c DR. SAHDEH'S ELECTRIC BELT Vlth Elcctro-Masnetio SUSPENSORYt Latct I'attnUI Iltt IpipraTmet I VTTtl curt without mMldne all WeUuw multlne from errr-uiation of brain irr forctii eieefci or tadls. rrrtlon, aa crrrouf drbllity. cleeplraneu, lancnor, rbramatlfm. kktnvr. llrer and bladder eomplalnrj, lame baric, lnmbago, sciatica, all female compialnta, sp 3ral 111 bealih, etc. This electric Belt contain! VtrtlrfBl lapnfementt OTer all others, rnrrent li IntUnUr felt by wearer or wo forfeit J, 0OO.O0, and wlllcnreallof the aiore dlwatea or no par. Ihou. sands hare been cured bT this mawelons (nTention after au other remedies fallel. and we srire hundredi of teaUmonlals In Ibis and vftrj other tflte. Onr Pewerfat latproted EUCTRIC BrsrK!0RT. the greatest boon erer otTrred wt-alc men, IKEK witkall H'lli. Unit awl Strtaeth Gl'lRiHTKEOIa 30 ta Hlaars Send for lllas'd Pamphlet, inalled.salei, free SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., RTo. nSJFlrs.Streccl'OltTXLNU OJXZ. W. . i-Uslik, l-tteident. J. ll .1.1. T Cashier. Capi'al NalicDal Bank OK SALEM. Transa"ls a general bnnklne huinPfs. I nriiplHlirii'l li paid In colli clion-. loin iiiiirtp. r. rnuiKP ixiugiit und sold nn tii prini-l ul cities of the o til 1 V VNllUVS, J M. MARTIN, K. M. Itiil-JiN, W A U lt'K. W. V. MAItTIV J. ri A'HUir. H. V. rTUKv. -"IrHotnrn The Oregon Land Uo., At alem. Is ennged In celllne fruit ands In Ih-vloluity if a e'ii,(ire(cn, wiicie more ruit la uuwj;ro-lug ihm Inuny iwrt of the tnte Ot'i'K Ml.NTHillt.V, HLi-t.Ti MHn-EPrn. HOWARD, The House Mover. 451 Marlon Street. Ha the best facilities tor moving and ra's Ing houses. Iave oiders at ..ray Bros., i r ftflflrWM -4ilfm,ilrwi S. 0. V. MARKET, 365 Summer Street. LEWIS & PltATHEK, Prop?. The tie-t meats of all KIiuIb sold t th lowest prices. Reliable Koods and qtilfK (lellvf3. E. M. WAITE PKIXTIXG CO , BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Legal Blank Publishers. Bash.'. NVw- Hok.ovr 'hahtnlt (Vim'l "tree! SMITH BROS" CONTRACTORS & PLA8TEKERB 8IC,oUlJarkht GEO. C. WILL DKAI.KR IN Hlplnway, Knabe, WVbber, Emer win aud ntlitr plHtion. Ht..rjjv A Clark and EnrlieiT nrpans. chhi. ' erw,us ma' Buialter makes of musical in-tru-meniHHiul hiipulle-i. CttUllill lll-llluo r.11 .. .l .. - . frl,,,.krn;chlD,,rWrW rvwint: ami o-irtna re liulrul u,l ..I. i " h"" ie 0.I;,',"O,8 ""r,h,)f P08'' m . Ba'eni, COPYRIRMtq rV nn . ' W ---. o PUOllfi jsjreswjwitr. V!mSi t.'in.?'"! . rtfS3 UtMt JMinJIu .rZS1? wallt 10 bn thi NEAP tfiSst. l MB. THIS ofler Is made to you alone In "We present below the most valuable list of premiums for j ubs of the best selling newspaper printed on the-Coast. I Tie Great One Cent Daily. Tie Daily CAPITAL JOURNAL, The Peoples' Paper of Oregon. EVERYBODY WANTS IT. EVERYBODY WILL TAKE IT. Only $3 OO a year. $1.5o for six months. $1.00 for four.m.ontris, -No papera pent alter time In out fur which It Is ordered.- YOU. You are the man. If we cannot get you io act, bund thin to oomnone who wants one of tbcrP grand premluma for f-imply getting np a club. Almost anyone will take this paper upon merely peeinc It. It dells Itwlf. It oo cheap no on" can ufFord uot to have it. It suits readers in .oity and couitry, of all daises and parties'. An Oregon Newspaper California news does not suit you Eastern papers will not answer This ia distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entirely cover ing Oregon interests. Cliina Set Free, I'ora dull of twent.s five yearly enhpcrlbers, a set of decorated Havlland chirm, IliO pieres, pdii usually at 73 to $100. from Damon Br 8alem, rollectinii of tine chinaware, marked down to $67. Silver Cutlery Free. For a club of three yearly snhpcrihorp, a pet of Roger Broi. test silver plated knives aud forko, 0 of each, frrm Damon Bros., worth $6.00. $25 Suit Free. Fr a flub of djrht etih-icriberfl the best $3-5.00 suit of clothea In the store of A. ri. BrmtieM & tut., rialem, your owu s-elecllou. Steel Plow Free. For a club of eiiht subscribers a steel beam, uteel Gale nteel walk ine .low, the bet of its kind, from Gray Bros., BaUru, vortb $25.00. Silver Spoons a cluh of two early cubpcrl Mlver plated tea spoons, from'Danu n B Organette Free. rnr a Clull of tWO Prlv Ulllienrlhora o Ar.,an Tnn., Tn. K.l ti tiu.or r,iu..i . .: . tx . ....v. ,,.,t ,r niiiiuc, ii Km uHiin a cluh of eiuht yenrlv subipribers n first c'nss German Rose wood orcanette from J. G. Wright, worth $25. Sewing Machine Free. nr!lrHa ClU'.) nf flf,tT? "Utwcrlhem, a Climax hich nrm, 4-drawer, oak $55 00 g maehlne' wa"anted, from Geo. C. Will, Balem, wortb. Silk Hat Free. 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