Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, January 23, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    JL 1
lMPnRiS -
j. SrHEwiB5afiB
25cts. a. month by Mall
Prepaid In Advance.
Ho Papers Sent Whon
Tlmo Is Out.
$3.00 a Year.
Ttio Journal lms a Larger CIr
culntlou In Salem nnd Marlon
County thnn any Halem nswspa
per. Bee our 1UU. IIOFKIt IinoB
NO. 17.
VOL. 7.
RESORT -i- $15
Between-our expectations and realizations stand
500 faultless and fashionable
Unsold. Bright prospects have turned to disappoint
ing realities. We had hoped to increase our business
1 st year fifty per cent. You know of the stumbling
blocks that have been in the way. You have had
your reasons for saying your money. Your neigh
bor hn3 had his and thus our hopes were blasted. .
But we'll utitie those purse strings We have made
a sacrifice that you must fippreciate and offering that
you must improve or you will forfeit all claim to be
ing prudent and provident, any of our
Suits or Overcoats
Populists After the Millionaires.
Not to Be Allowed to Escape
anlmomly in favor of adjournment,
after the parage of bills for the con
struction of a state canal aud any other
works that will give employment to the the bill making a new
county of Cripple Creek, and appropri
ating money to pay the expenses or me
the mm
Above $100,000, Take All They've
Its our duty that-has split these prices; it's your duty to
$15 -:-A.S.BRASFIELD.-:- $15
'? , FOR
Our general Stock of FURNITURE-and CARPETS is so
well selected that it
,A. Buren & Son., 300 Commercial Si
. Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, bait uud
Smoke il Meats of a Winds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
The Populists in congress will offer
an amendment to the Income tux bill
when It comes up for couslderatlou,
Drovidinz for a graduated income tax
as follews: $2oD0 to $10,000, 1 per cent,
$10,000 to $30,000, 2 per cent; $30,000 t
$60,000, 3 per cent, iOO.OOO to $100,000, 4
per cent; over 100,000 5 per cent. It
iho Ponulists cannot net the Democrats
to adopt their Idea, they will drop it
and help pass the Democratic measure.
In tho House.
Washington, Jan 23. The Iioufc
today resumed consideration of tb
sugar schedule of the tariff bill.
Pending amendment Robertson's im
posing a duty on raw sugar and In
croisluii the duty on refined as ameud-
mentert toy Warner, placing both raw
and refined on the free hat. The con
fusion entailed by these two iucongru
ous amendments had first to be
straightened out. A vote was Anally
taken oa Warner's amendment as a
substitute and it was carried 161 to 38.
The effect of this is to place all raw
and refined sugars on the free list. The
great mass of the Democrats aud prac
tically all the Republicans voted fot
the proposition and only a handful ot
Democrats, including Wilson and sev
eral other Democrats of the ways and
means committee voting against.
The committee on foreign relations
reported ou the following resolutien:
"Rf solved, from facts and papers laid
before the senate, that it U unwise and
inexpedient under existing conditions
to consider at this lime any project of
lunexation of the H twallau hlauds to
the United States; international inter
est rrqulres that the provisional govern
meutsiiaii pursue us nwu nanui ihmiu. -,
f.irelgn Interventions In the political af
fairs of these Islands would be regarded
as an net unfriendly to the government
of the United States."
The resolution weut oyer. It does
nt affect the investigation in progress
at present
Completed aud ready to wait on customers. H boarcM by day or eeek
at r.iHonuble nrlces. We keep a fu ncr of Trucks Dras ami express w
nLTaeLK ' A.,o keepPtbe finest Stallions in this county for jrvte.
Barn and residence 2 block south of postofllce. RYAN &, i.w.
Iowa Miners Strike.
Des Moines, Jan. 23. The miners
In tie ten la'gest mines of this district,
numbering ubout nine hundred men,
are Idle today. The miners at a muss
m'Btlncr decided to accept a reduction,
making the price per ton eighty and
ninety cents, rue proprietors uuoicu
Minm aa the nrlce 75 and 80 cents.-
This the miners declined to take and a
strike was ordered. Three oie-atois
agreed to pay the prioe demanded and
work In their mines Is proceeding.
A Great Many Ifs and Buts to Con
sider. Jacksonville, Fla., Jan.23. Tho
argument ou the bill, praying for tiu
iojuctlnn to restrain the sheriff from
Interfering with the Corbett-Mitchell
flht, was called in the circuit court
this morning, Lnfore Judge Call,
the argument on both sides being pre
sented. The Judge was understood to
he inoliued to grant the Injunction. A
letter wa4 receive 1 this mornii.g. to the
eflect that if citizens would make it
pleasant and convivial for tho troops,
whom the governor was Betiding here
on arrival, arid If the Duval club would
give them a complimentary admission
to the fight, they might stack arms and
forget to take them np again till too
late to prevent the contest.
It is uot expected tliul Judge Call
will render a deoUlou tvlay. Is Is
barely p.MJtble it may be delayed, so as
t render the postponement of the
tight till Friday or Saturday If ueees
ry. Judge Call cranled a temporary lu-
juntion restraining the sheriff from In
terfering until the casein court was
Jacksonville, Jan. 23. The Duval
club will today turn over to Referee
Kelly $20,000 in cash, the amount of
the purse. A bill was filed in the
circuit court, praying un It-junction re
straining the Bherlff frolu interfering
with the proposed exhibition and from
preventing auy penon enteriug the
-rounds, etc. Tlie bill shows that the
agreement foe the contest Is In nccord-
lance with the city ordinance passed
bv virtue of the power grunted by
legislature to regulate and license
amusements and exhibitions. The
hearing will be had before Judge Call
T vo baggage cars, a caboone and an
engine pulled out of the yards of the
F ori 'a Central and Peninsula railroad
ut 7 o'clock last night. Inside two cats
were packed with the circus tent and
portable seats of Frauk Gentry's cir
cus. There were thirty-live picked
men, armed each with a brace of Colt's
forty-fours. Every man had been
sworn In us a deputy sheriff, the oath
having been administered by the sher
iff of an adjacent county, friendly to
the promoter of the contest. Just
where the tent was bound for, no one,
luside the iiiuer circle of tho Duval
club, knows.
Adiutant General Houston arrived in
Jacksonville this afternoon and mtde
arrangements for quartering four com
panies of the Second battalion which
will arrive tomorrow. General Huus
tou said as he was sent to Jackson vil e
by the governor to prevent tho fight,
he proposed to do so.
Oregon Pacific Disclos
ures Continued.
And Removal Demanded by the
Receiver Clnrk Jroposps- to Cut
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
day evening's Journal containing the
accounjfof the rotten receivership man-
J. RUBINSTEIN, Suits Made to Order.
i m
nnn n i nmnvi
n n
Infant, Connecting and Primary classes
everv week day from 0 a. in. to
i2 in. except Saturday.
MISS 0. BALLOU, - - Principal,
for teacheiB daily practice work from
0 a. m. to 12 m. in Kindergarten.
r,. Kr. .i., iv,.iinuiiiiv nnd Frlilav
from 2 lo 4 p. m. Classes meet for
study of Froebel system. Mrs. F. a.
Kulght, Principal.
Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with
training class, conducted by Mrs.
Kulghtnnd MlesBallou. For terms or
Information apply at Kindergarten
rooms, corner Court and Liberty -treels.
AlanaUcture Standard Pressed Brick,
Molded Brick In all Pattern tor KronU
and supply tho brick lor the N7.",et?Cfi!5
Wall and uearlr all tha fine buUdln erected
Inihe Ub.piuuo.iy,
Karda&earPenllaotUr7,BAlem,Or, Wd
Manufacturers Reduce Wages. V. Va., Jan. 23
Twelve huudred pottery employes are
ou a htrlke as the result of proposed cut
of wages. The manufacturers demand
ed a reduction or 10 percent and In case
the Wilson law passed, a reduction of
20 per cent.
A free reading room Is promised by
the Salvation Army people of Pendle
mim womi
J Or Debilitated Women Should Use
Bradfield's Female Regulator
Every Ingredient possewe- .uperb Tonic
propertie. and exerts a wonderful Influence
la toning up and itrenthennE ber lystem
br driving through the proper cbanneU all
tprIUe. Health d trengta gu-ranteed
to result from 1U ue.
r who a bedridden for eighteen
. j,ji.jou-ox, Jlaltrern, Arw.
Bold by OruggiiU at Jl.oo per bottle.
The Sugar Peel Breaks.
New York. Jin. 23. The action of
the bouo yesterday in putting sugar
on the free list camed an excltlug time
in the sugar pool on the stock exchange
this morning. The first sale of 8000
shares of cjmmoa at 70, a bretk of 2
ots. Then amid much excltemeot the
price dropped by jumps to 70, then up
to 78$. Fifty-five thousand shares of
common stock Bold in tho first quarter
of au hour.
A Corrupt Populist.
Topeka, Jan. 23. Mary E Lease
ha written a uumber of letters to fop
iiuts throuebout the state, Informing
them that she is preparing to hold
seven meetings, one In eaon congren
slonal district, for the purpose of de
uounclng Goyernor Lewelllng and his
For Olvlliaiw only.
WASinnaTON, Jan. 23.-Plokler of
South Dakota precipitated a bt on
the House Committee or ludian anaire,
by presenting for cons deration a bill
stipulating that none t.ut civilians be
appoiuwd IndHD agent.
To Employ Labor.
Denvkb, J. 2-t. The Ieg'-UUve
oanfeience oommltUe Lu reported uu-
An Angry Receiver.
New Yohic, Jan. 3. Receiver
Oakes, of the Northern Pai-ifio gve
out the following uuBwer to thecirculur
letter Issued by President Ivts on Sat
urday last: "To tho stockholders ol
the Nortueu Pacific railroad company.
The circular statement Just issued ly
iIih Dresldent of the fsortheru I'ailllo
r .llroad companj , repeating agalu, bis
version of tho affair, should re3eie and
will receive a proper answer. Ther. 1p
bui one place whero u h unjuit Btate-
meuiu cau be met aud that io m cui.rr,
where these charges are about to lw i x-
a nlnud. In view of the luct that these
same matters are to bj hcaid n court
within a few days, I dtslre lo hdylso
you, that at any tiuie.I will make a full
uud complete answer to aud explana
tion of flvery matter complained or.
Blsmark Reconciled.
Bekun, Jan. 23 The greatest Im
portance Is attached throu.hout Ger
many to the reconciliation of the tm
peror und Blbmark.
Severe Blizzard.
Cuioaoo, Jan. 23. A severe bliz
zrd with drifting auow aud low
temperatures prevulls throughout
most of the west und northwest.
Portland U going to put some of her
unemployed laborers to work on a res
ervoir for the chy water works.
PoPULi-T Mbbtinu. I'uwday evtn
lug, in the giue b!. IVomlumt
speakers will lo prcsmit. Mr. Hayes,
state lecturer of the grange, will npeak.
Judxe Hlbe,Ul. llhsoh. 11. IS l'lugg,
. ...I ..!. i.uim iirnmtwl to Iim lirMMllL
und take pari. EvrylMly tMiidlallyi
invited. Bring your lady with you. j
There war great demand for Mon
JF .
aneotcnt of the Oregon Paolflo. Sev
eraniundretl extra copies were called
fpratoncQ aud buudlesof papers were
rut all along the line of the road.
The latest Items of news about th
management of the road are to the ef
fect that ex-Supt. R. E.Mulcahy is get-
ting thoroughly tired of being made
the scapegoat of the Hadley O. P. re
gimp, aud declares that unless it is
sawed shortly off that he will do some
iutercstlng talking about the management.
Receiver Clark has taken a very 1m
portantstep in the direction of cutting
down the expenses of the Oregou Pa
cific railroad by tho reduction of train
ervlce. After February 1st the com.
pany will run a mixed dally train
(freight and passenger combined) from
Yuqulna through to Hatstead, and one
westward from nalstead, passing at
Albany. Train No. 1, o-istbound, will
leave Yiqulna at 5:.6, leaves Albany
fur Halstead, 1:15. Train No. 2, west
bound, leaves II ilstead at 7:00 a. m.,
arrives Albany at 10:40; leaves Albany
12:3-j; arrives at Yaqulna 7:20.
JudgoFullerton wasatSalemMonday
but could uot be oundbyarep rter. He
undoubtedly enjoyed the roasting he re
ceived lust night In The Jouuna Land
will hereafter probably sctu Its colums
with interest for Information about
himself. The Jotjkna is thoroughly
In earnest In demanding, his removal
He la officially respnuMble for the bqU
appropriation of the earnings of the
Oregou Pacific. As Judge ho acts for
the stuto aud must act according to
law, and noj, according to tho wishes
of the men ho puts In charge of the
road. People all along the Hue of the
roal should petition for his removal as
judge, or for removal of the whole case
from his Jurisdiction. Ho bus shown
himself weak and a tool of the men
who have robbed tho property rluht
along. He has allowed the exorbitant
attoruoy bills of Gest aud Fay. He
has not demanded to kuow in detail
what wns done with tho earnings of
the road before they were paid ou'.
He has continued tho execrable man
agement that has swallowed up every
dollar received without paying a dol
lar of Just debts. If th so are not the
facts the peopte have a right to know
it. I f they are fact", If any of them
are factp, Jude Fullerton should bo
Ini eache 1 und remove I. What Is tho
u-o of 'ho poor luborers having at
torneys If the couitstau'ls In with the
robbors and authorize the robbery of
the property? Thlscorrupt corporation
management has gone far enough.
T he peop a along the Hue of the road
have been patient and fur bearing to u
remarkabl-degree that they have en
dured plundering of the property wllh
lioncil mating ment, there is no good
rjufum why the road should not pay
operating expanses ami more. It Is a
ro uarUuble fdCt tli'tt whllo the Union
is pait whsJ3ti(rcTr, can bi
private properfyv as a goose
plucked by corpora tlouxes and
rascally lawyers with impunfW. A
few first class hanglugp, If th&rlght
men could bo got hold of, wouluslm
prove these properties. That Is what
will bo done unless our state govern
ment cau guarantee au honest mauago-
uiaut. Tho state owes It to the citizens
to protest agaluBt gross frauds and op
presslon of tho poor. The state owe,
the people honest enforcement or the
laws or It is a firce. The ttultwiwet
the people proper protection and regu
latlon aud control ol the public servict
of these corporations. If It does not
furnish that it is a fraud. The people
are taxed fifty thousand dollars a year
to maintain a governor, au attorney
general, a railroad commission and a
state court, aud what do they receive
in return? Nothing whatever. No
protection whatever. It Is time some
of our public officials were awake If
they expect to awaken in this world.
No Bounty on Sugar in tho Wil
son Bill.
Louisiana Democrats Fiend
Sugar Protection.
Washington. Jan. 23.-In tho houpe
tho fight to umend the sugar schedule
of the Wilson bill was made last night.
It opened at once under the agreement
of Frldiy, Bottlnir apart three hours
tho purpose. Some tlmo was spent In
nrrmging the details of tho discussion
by tha various Interests. Tho sugar
men finally asked that au hour each bo
glyen to the advocates of the bounty
provision of the Wilson bill, to tho ad
v.piitpn nf tlin ri'tpullnn nt Mm McICIn.
ley law bounty, and to tho advocates of
a duty on sugar. It was objected to
this that It gave no opportunity to tho
advocttes of freo sugar to bo heard. It
was finally agreed that the Louisiana
member, as the ones most Interested,
should havoau hour and the remain
der of the Iioubo should tako its chances
of recognition thereafter.
The bounty would cost the country,
said McKuo, as It stood, S'iO.OOO.OOl).
The bounty last year cost $10,000,000.
He contended tho bounty was Uncon
stitutional aud should he abolished.
Melkeljohu offered as un amuudmot.t
to thut of Mcltuo the sugar-bounty
provision of tho McKlnloy law, he said,
had been passed to afl'ord an opportu
nity for American capital. Tho pur
PO80 of that act had been fill 11 1 led, It
had resulted In a vast Investment of
capital, (160,000,000, iu Loillflaua; (15,
000,000 In California, und (10,0. 0,000 In
F nrlda. All they wanted was a chutice
In tho race of life.
Cannon, Republican, of Illinois, sup
ported Melkeljohn's amendment. The
free sugar clause of the McKlnloy law
had saved tho people of the country,
rich nnd poor alike, annually from f 10
to (26 nor capita.
Harter of Ohio offered a substitute
to ubollsh the bounty aud impose u
duty of 1 cent a pound.
Gear, the new senator from Iowa,
spoke In favor of the amendment to
make the reduction of the bounty be
gin In 1608, Instead of 1803.
The first vote was token on the Melkl
John amendment to substitute the 2
ceut bo'iiity of the McKluley hill for
tho bounty provision of the Wi'sou hill;
lost, 32 lo 163.
The uext vote was Prion's proposi
tion to fubstltute the duty ooiilulued hi
. . .. . .1. I. I tl.n Aftlf lilll .f I O .t.,i, .i.i .. ....II. ..1
raQIIioauu JMoruierii imciiio ure iwim - - " ..-v,..- ,.,,.. r,
runt aud In the bind of receivers, the b,,w, ' Dutch ,t(.Mdar..hove
Canadian P-fiflJ uj.d the Jl "' , o Dutch stHiitlurti; lo.t, 10 to HO.
system are p.iylng dividends became T0 lMt$ vot WM Hartei'
substitute a 1 cent duty; lost without
McRue's umeDdment. abolishing the
bounty entirely, carried, 135 to 09.
This actlou abolishes the bounty on
sugar, If the Wilson bill became a law.
The vote was thon taken on tho
amendments to section 181, providing
for a duty on refined sugars. Robert
son's amendment, nrovldincr for a dutv
from 1-10 of a cent per pound upward
on sugars, testing uy potarisoope not
above o degrees, was offered as the
llrpt amendment. To this Warner of
fered nu amendment to plaoo refined
sugar on tho free list, mid, after quite a
lengthy pirliiuiieiitury (llfoucslon ns to
the stutus uf the ponding amendments,
It being claimed by tho Louisiana
members, that it misunderstanding ox
isted owlmr to tho rullue of the chair.
by uuaulmous cousoutRreokenrldgeof
Kentucky was allowed to offer a sub
stitute for tho two amendments placing
a uniform duty of ouo cent upon all
HUgars below 10 Dutoh standard.
The vote was first takon upon
Warner's nmondment to abolish tho
duty on refined sugar and again tho
radical Democrats scored another
signal victory tho Republicans declin
ing to vote. By a vote of 187 to 02 the
duty on refined sugar was abolished.
Ttio Louisiana delegation, tho members
of the ways and moans committee gen
erally, Piatt, Wise and Cummlncs, all
voted analyst It. The substitute of
Breokenrldge was defeated 144 to 07.
Amid great confusion tho tlmo camo
to take fiual voto unon Robertson's
amendment aa amended by Warner's
amendment. A great deal ormlsun
derstaudlug existed upon tho floor aa to
what effect tho adoption of tho amend
ed proposition Would mean, Tho Re
publicans wero hilariously Joyful at tho
tauglo Into which they had gotten the
Democrats. Bo much misunderstand
loir existed at 11 o'clock amomrsome
of tho moBt skillful parliamentarians
on both sides, that Wilson finally de
cided amid irreat confiislou to movo
' that the committee rise, In order to
glvo everj body an opportunity to ex
amine over night into the parliament
ary situation, and uecordlugly the com
mittee rout! und the luuso took a recess
until 8 o'clock.
Health In old ago.
Edward Collluson, Queous, N. Y, says;
"I commenced using BhanL-iikth'S
Pir.i. ivur (lflv.flun vmiru nan. I first
bought them 111 London, and have con
tinued umiig tiiem since i camo to una
nimiiru In lRfifl T ii m nnw aver
Beveuty five years old, halo and hear y
aud attribute my wonderful health to
the persistent use .ukanukhtu-b
Pn.LS. Occasionally I have had a bad
cold or severe altaok of rheumatism,
indigestion or biliousness, but four or
flvodoios of BitANDltHTH'd FILLS al
ways cure me, Whenever my child
ren have been sick with scarlet fever,
measles, uold stomach, dlsorded diges
tion or costlveness, a few doses of
UiiANnHirrii'8 Pills restored their
health at once,"
VftJ-p l-gpg"i ug
they are honestly managed. The duy
proposition to abolish the bounty and
Bfternr ii i
tva uiu ua
never oxcoll
od. "Triod
and provon"
is tho vordict
of millions.
Livor Eogu-
T t t ator 'a
g-pffP'Viny Livor
JDOrt'C'f nnd Kidnoy
inodicino to
which you
can pin your
r-vj faith for a
HTH euro. A
JL iJUfl' mild laxa
tivo, and
puroly vog
otablo, oct-
Y inS dircc
-'Z C 9u tho Livor
Jttfifd and Kid
nova. Try it.
Bold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powdor
to bo takon dry or made into a tea.
Tho King of I4-r MHc!ne.
" I have ued yourHIm mop Liver Item
lntor anil can Knoleacloaly say J I
klnif of ll liver inwllelnei. I conIUer H
niBjUlneclieMtln lUolf.-Clito. V, JAC
tott, Tocoma, WaiUlogtoo.
EM tb 2 SUnp la w4 rrpp
l iBiUrf- ,V. -1W
I .ra 4 -.Sq!ki6.'ijrJV-"r"