Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, January 20, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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Capita! Journal Publishing Company
I'ostofflc BIoJlc. CouimercU.1 BtreeU
VtMy, by carrier, per mouthy
Dali, b mull, pei" J91,, ixr year,
A 01)01) jjUUU.ttTIO.V.
An Intelligent subscriber of Lyons,
Liuu county, w tuts b ith gaud roid
and economic!' government, which In
jutt Tub JounsAt. wau'.s. H
Eli. Jeurnal: I wish to H.iy a few
word through jour JuUU.nal, iu ie
ganl to the Improvement ''f the cuuutj
roads. J tbliiK If the salaries ofnur
county and statu olrbtrs was red u ecu
about one third unri tbo proceeds ap
piled to the roads It would be ui'ir
e:ouomlcal lmdeati if raking tliu tax t
pay auotber set of olllei-r a big alar.
to superintend tile work.tnd we wouli
still have to navigate through the uii
This la not a bid suggestion. Le
the good work begin with the governor
who is getting over tw thuiHiud Uoi
Jare a year above hi Hilary. Let tli
$4000 a year tht the stule board ot
equallzatl in costs be put lu the purse
Thereto udd the $!U,O00 that the rail
road commission codtH to nmiutuli
high freight rates be put into. the pot
To re are other sunn of thousands uu
tons of tliomuntU ou the nppropriatioi
bills of this state that could be Well
pent on roidj. For Instance the in
terest on nearly half a million of stud
taxes hold back by various couuiier
con nary to law; the ten thousand i
yoirspant to euuourage horse racing m
the state fair, etc, etc, world uUu,u
en i.
The general government could nls
Wd'l uflird tosneud hulf of its uuudred
ml loo npoiit uuuually on army, uavy,
forts, and warfare generally, to build
in . po it roids, so tUat Its ulleged unity
, wou d not tulro down trying to get
ncrost any county In the United Stulet.
Let her go, Galliiirher.
Jt is proceeding piccly. With good
management under tie new laws there
1b no reason why good rouds cannot be
One oimmlttce thuton county road
m istur--has done good work. L lie
ot er committees all push in Ihus.ime
The county court Is willing to buy a
ftMM-crurihor nud hIiow u willingness k
proceed lu au Intelligent uu I progress
, ivo manner.
We cannot have too good roads, nor
good roads too noon.
Tub Journal olalmi no achieve
meats for the taxpayers which it cau
lk ) ubitantlute. Let others work us
otrnestly for the ssmu ends uud the
taxpayers will not underrato their ef
forts. The gold bond lmid by the present
admlnlstrttlon will help rtntore pro
ptrhV Just about as much us thu lepeul
of tbosl.vor coin io law, It will help
the other. Ileputl of anltiago was let
ting water out of the boiler. Ii-mltm
more gold bonds Is putting moro fuel
undor tho holler. It will hasten the
explosion that will destroy the Demo
uratlo party.
German Affairs.
Bkklin, Jan. 20. Tho Cologne Q i
zetto confirms tliu report that the Ittin
elan government hud applied to the
government of Greece for tliu keys ol
the extensive imvul magazine on the
Island of Puros In the Grecian urchlpel
ago. The Island was formerly uxtd l
tho Russians as a tmvul depot, and tin
proeut application Is inudu on tin
ground that the Hu-lun govereme t It
deslotis of replenishing Its storehouse.
The government has not yet arrived hi
a decision in the mutter, us the iiuestlui
oftboowueralilpofthe laud upon whieh
the buildlriKi stand Is in dlfpute. It W
a bo umlotstood the government ot
Greece Is toui-ultltig w Ith the poweic
us to whut uo Ion to tuku lu the mutter
A meeting of tliu unemployed was It
bo held today at Frledrlilioruli, bin
tho police prevented It by ntrestlug tin
leader. A crowd gathered lu the street
of Knolnsthur, a sh..rt distance fnui.
Frledrlabsurh, luiwovtir, and refused it
dlipersfl. Several ooolllola with tin
polb-o followed, uud u uuiiiberof th
mob W t butt. The luttur are still h.
A sullen mood, uu J serious trouble i
feared tonight.1
"Qivo Ua a Lift."
"Do rend down something In belt
JW1" Thoo little Pbitsunt IVIIet-. ,t I.
mAiiL tiAfinrj. W.Ti. ItlHt w lint um u'mui. .11 '
"ftwy lielel right whore we wen
weHkestl'' "Don't send uuythtugelw t
Nature, abused uud iieglecleti, i.
fcrbt tp nveicnmo vxhuuNiioii unit
tlrUH illtetute, but aoiuetlnies milU
r belp. find known Just what hlieV
,mui, l'nmtystein ihkw hiutuv to tii.
wild whohwiiu'tt ipflueuctt of I'lenv''
l'JMt)t I'ujlfts, audufen their iluieh
MUtHtice cm-recto eylls which woui.
iKXHikd tomtrlous rteults, Vllh tht
.,-.. i..r.ii.,ru ti.ilnr wltllbsnk
11191 MII5UI "I io' .o", . w ..
you for remembering her request.
'I'liererore, u mngum, caonjr, ..-.
tatte In the moutli, bowels irregular or
constipated, lve uuture a lift by tnln
Ur. fierce's reueis, xeai. jjivci im
m -
The n w city council of tJuio starts In
with a balance ou bund from '03 of
Broadcloth took its namo from its nn
nsual width.
Tho Matabelcs, it is said, always slay
tboir prisoners.
Formerly tho small lottcr "i" was
written without a dot.
Tho coal cargo of tho Scotch ship
Ada Jredaln. which was abandoned at
soa, burned for a year.
Irolnnd has 150,000 houses of ono
room each, U."7,000of two to four rooms
nnd 804,000 of tlvo or more.
A man of about 80, who has shaved
rcgniarjy during his iuiuimu, ouuiuvw
to the razor ubout B5 feet of huir.
I never Bee an old mun that he docs
not causo mo to shudder; ho seems bo
neglected and helpless and hopeless.
Parson Twine.
Education is making great strides in
Kentucky, one of whoso teachers, James
Bancs, livts in Elizabeth. Ind., and
walks ia miles to und from school daily.
Moro than 50,000,000 pounds of
chewing tobacco uro inado every year in
St. Louis, which claims to bo the great
est manufacturing center of tobacco in
tbo world.
Tbo Btato of Michigan Is said to pro-,
duco moro than oue-hulf of all the oil
of peppermint, spearmint nnd tansy
used in the entire world. St. Joseph
county ij tho center of this industry.
In 1800 Franco had a national debt
of 714,000,000 francs; Napoleon ran
tho sum up to 1.27,000,000. Under
tho third republic in 18B0 tho debt was
21, 251, 000,000 iraiics., mostly contract
ed by wars.
William Pcnn's gravo is in tho
churchyard of tho Httlo meeting houso
at Jordans, in Buckinghamshire, Eng
land, nnd Quakers hold u service there
annually in memory of tho founder of
A button of supposedly great age,
bearing in tho center tho initials "G.
V.." and around them tho motto
"Lo.ig Livo tho President," Jb n recent
find at Matters Station, Md., by J. P.
Wises. Encn cling tho edgo nro tho
names of the lii original states.
A schoolteacher who hud been telling
tho story of David ended with, "And
all this happened over JI.OOO years ago."
A Httlo clieiub, its bluo eyes opening
wido with wonder, said, utter a mo
ment's thought. "Oh, dear, sir, whatn
memory you havo gotl"
tlupuu'H 1.1111(1 Tux.
Tho land tax U a continual grlovanco
in Japan. In Mitford's "Tales of Old
Japan" is related tho story of Salcura,
who met his death iu tho seventeenth
century by his resolution in bringing be
foro tho shoguu in person tho grievances
of lua fellow agriculturists, oppressed by
their feudal lord. Unablo to obtain re
dress from any suboruinato authority,
ho concealed himself beneath a bridgo
over which the shogun's procession must
inovitably pass, and climbing opt at tho
crucial moment thruht his memorial at
t'ao end of a bamboo stick into tho dic
tator's litter. This wus iv capital offense,
and oven handed justice punished the
oppressors, but executed the complain
out. An Englishman traveling lately in tho
part of tho couutry inhabited by this
.Tupaueso tribune found his tomb and a
temple eroded to his memory, which has
been highly honored of late years. Tho
visitor pointed out that Sakurn, hud been
crucified for comphiiuing of tho rent.
"Yes," said tho malcontent farmtrs,
"but the rtnt was decreased, Thoy don't
crucify us now, but thoy don't lowor tho
tax." "Everything," continues tho ob
strver, "wastlio fault of thogoverumeut
if it rained, if tho dams burst, if thero
was u blight. It was all in consequence
of u lund tax." Nineteenth Century.
Sort nuts' CorUmlv In I'ubIu'hI.
Ono of tho officials of tho College of
Arms estimated that upward of 73por
cent of those using tho cockade ou tho
hats of their horvunts did to without au
atom of rii;ht, and ho branded this as
sumption, like all other assumptions, as
alike uumuuumg, ridiculous and con
temptible iu tho highest dcgieo.
Tho follow lug may lead many to dis
criminate between tliooe who rigidly and
those who wrongly use such distinctien:
Tho cockade it the ymbol of immedi
ate service to the crown, uud iu tho huts
of servants actually means this: "I serve
ont, who now kerves the queen."
All naval and military officers, there
fore, while iu or holding commission, all
holding offices by patout, her majesty's
lieutenants of counties, the county sher
iffs while exercising their olllce, govern
ment milliliters, judges, queen's counsel
nnd others holding distinct offices under
tho sovereign or in tho great public de
partments of tliu state uro untitled to use
it. It has alto been laid down that ofllcers
nud others on their retirement from iin
modiute crown strvieoBhonld cease cock
ade usa London Correspondent.
Un.U iihni J .iUvi mvl u tW vi.
I PI air Death
tltintiintlv ntiiinviNtnml fitivieril Ktmvioh
J"Ollillllf Imlr. uit livr U't lie tiuildk,
rliiw ur iMir iiovk. w.iu ml diwoMral on
. -f injury nt inv iiiihi iv ii.kimukhi i
hMmu W llMin. MCkuou e ur by i Iim.i
i'Uiik it th liUUwi a i it r ty m J lie!
uiivinMiuuwuv n r hioiiui hici imirkin
I'Ullnl tliHt ev IIvihI. During Ui rUHt
nil Rrl-toemry uf hriiiH h i e'rilrr
'iu r'iiH i rnv. i in it urri)
ttfK.n iirreMxiHiiciinnfinitti
Hvil. H, AJoh ti Kl Hi twwu.. .r . 'KJ
f fwtvwt tv I
a vIm.1 I.m ,lh.t.iil ItnVA-
The boy3 in the city proper are finding"
fault because in picking out streets oa
which coasting will be allowed this win
ter tho aldermen did not pick out more
streets that aro tipped up at ono end.
This is on the dead level, like nearly all
the streets named In tho published list.
All men who havo been boys onco like
to see boys coasting. Any bitter old
cynic who complains against this sport
was always a bitter old cynic and was
never a boy himself. At the same time
boys should not coast where they endan
ger their own safety or the safety of
others. uoston uiooe.
Iloraca Oreelej' Title.
Some more letters of Horaco Greeley
have just been published. They are good
examples of his directnessnnd force. This
is one which he wrote to Theodore Tilten:
Your paper lust week says tliat I objected to
tho brief "Hon." while a member of congress.
I did not. 1 submitted to that handle for con
venience sake. Hut when I left congress, my
term having expired, I did aide that I should be
henceforth called by the name my parent
cave mo, I don't want to figure before the
Dubllp. but jnu way w"08 t,n'0 iave B chance
to set this right. Youra,
Tho finest.
"Do yon like it?" he asked, after she
had gazed with delight on her new en
gagement ring.
"Like it. Harry?" replied the impulsive
girl. "Why, it's tho finest engagement
ring I ever wore," Boston Qlabo.
Prices Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, January 19. 4 p. m. Office
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
tions for day nnd up to hour of going to
press were as follews:
hal eii preduce: market.
Apples 30c to 50c. a bushel,
Veals dressed' 5 cts.
Hogs dressed 6.
Live can le 2 to 2.
Sheep alive $1.50$2.
Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour
In who'esale lots (J2.60. Retail $3.HI.
Hruu $14 bulk, $15 sucked. Shorts $15
10. Chop feed $10 and $17.
43 cents per bmhel.
Oats new 2530c,
Hay Haled, new $8 to $10; old $10 to
12. Wild In ulk, $G to $8.
Wool Best, lOo.
Hops Small Bile, 17 to 18c.
EiruH-CaHh, 18
Butter Bhki dairy, 2530; fancy
creamery, 2530.
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
Farm mnoKed meats Bacon 10;
I um, 12; Hln)tilclerH,'8.
Potatoes- 2530c.
Ouious 2 (vols.
Carrots, $0 00 per ton.
Beeswax -34c. Caraway seed, 18c.
Anise seed, "On. Ginseng, $1.40.
Poultry Hens, 10c;' roosters, 07c;
ducks, 8I0; turkeys, slow sale, choice,
lOe; geeof 6lo 7c.
Clrain, Keed, etc
Flour Stundard,$2.75j Walla Walla.
13.00; gruhum, $2.40; au peril uo, $2.2-5
per tiuPd,
O.its New wulte.84operbu ,grey,32c;
ro't-,1, In taH, $H25G.50; barrels,
tO 7o7.00; cuseH. $3 75.
Hay Best, $lb12per ton.
Wool valley, lullc.
MillHtud'H Brun, 1GD0; shorts, $10
Hood's Cures
Mr. J. II, Sttlluxan
" I am Truly Thankful
For IIooVs S.trs.tparill&. In the war I rem
rnctoil tnli!d fewr and ferer and sirue,
tCRVlnz rne Willi ninlnrlal au4 iiieicu
rinl polanulug from 1 h.ive suOered
erer since, lu ueuralRli. rheumatism, oer
vn prottrmtien and Kvneral delilhty.
MnJ j I bepin Uklng Hood's BarsanArllU I
havti not lost a dav's work In B months, and
am In hotter health than any time since the
war." J. II. Stillmax, Cheltenham, la.
Hood's Pills euro Uvtr Ills, aso. '
Steamer flltona
Ixavo 1UL- dock Mondays, WVduNK'ay.
spfl Krlitaj 7:8 a m., arrlvlug In Portlaua l
I30i, in,
HKTUHNINO, leaver IVrtUnd TuwHayF,
YliurMlttysamlMxturdiiyatS. m.
Kat l me fi' pMs-enger service; uo wa
liudlnefrfUht Iwinlird.
ROUND Tltll'tuullmHeOJfJOO, Oneway,
MitAua oo oNTa
for freliclit mlra Mint trk UaplytoUt h
11. WrlklU . (., Ilim n b ek U.tni
S. 0. V. MARKET,
3G5 Summer Street
LKWId & PUAl'IIKH, Prop.
in... i. .......u Ar 1. 1... i i.t .
ir vm iiiroio ui nu nuiiia mini a
th lowest prliT. llellablegood'tand
....I.. i. .i.n.......
ijwi'ft .irilri v
E. M. WA1TK PltlNTlNQ CO.,
T.vtial Jthtnk Publisher.
UusU's .New llruk,OYW the bank; tAu'UUol
rftnn( tinrllitr. Ilfi! pflOO feed, $16
bit toe: whole feed, barley, 70 cts. per
cental; middling. $2328 per ton;
chicken wheat. 651.15 percental.
Hops New 10 to 10J. , ,
Hides-green. saltetl, 00 lbs. 3c. un-
der601b3.,23 j sheep pelts, 10C0c.
Butter Oregon fmiev creamery, 30
321.-;faicy dairy, 2i27je; fair to uootl,
222jc; common, 10 M 17jf per lb.
Vtte&m Orngon, 10I3; Young
Amerlcin, 1215-ier ix.uud; California
14c: Swiss imp., 30 VI; D.jiii., 1G18
Egs Oregon, 17(;dl8j per dun.
Eastern 17
Poultry Wnmtnal; chlckeiiM, mixed,
$3 503 60 i er doz-n; duuks.i45ii0 00
gete, $9 00; turkeys, live, l-'Je;
dnsi-ed 14c , , ,
Beef Top-tppr-.23 -per pound; fair
togood steers, 2:je; ' 1 ''o"" 2e; fair
cows, ljc;dres-e.l bt-ef. 1-4 0('5 5U per
Mutton Bst sheep. $2; i-hoire mut
ton. $1 75200; IstnlM. $2 IHI2 25.
Hogs Uholiv, heavy, $4 0D4 Si;
medium, $4 0U4 50j liifht nud leede.-,
f3 904 (Ni; ilrewied, $Q5('7.
Veul 4Qc
Woel: Oregon Eaiteru choice, 10
12e: do Inferior, 79c; do valley, 12
Hops 18 to 18j.
Potatoes E,rly Rose, 4555. Bur
banks, 3o45c.
Oat Milling, $1 12J1 20.
THE GREArtST OFFER ever nade by i NEWS
P PtR.
Standard Literature at N mnal Pric s Offered On,
to (traders of Tils P.per. A Spl.ndld List from
Which to Cho se.
We lakn pleasnr. i o ! the a'tentlm of
onr rrt.d-r to the exception1 onp r unit,
offered to them lo ecure a seleitluu ni,ib
most li gu eiasi llleriiurB over pa l h-i a'
noraliiiti prices. I'heb'iotts m ur "Premium
btBAKY"ure Teg lur 2 1 cent eduiont, 'Hit n
areennbled, lbmii(n u teciil rr.tugemeiil
with the pinit b'frs, loofler itiern to mrreid
er t mnuti le-H th 11 wh ie ip irlca
Th f Rowing i 'onpnii mint b- ueI to8
cure the b' k a) llie spec! ' nr a
H'K t:iI,Vt. i. I...V kci K
Book Coupon No. 1.
Cut out this Coupon un 1 sen 1 t ut with
three2cen Htarap "1 th bonk ordi'rn i
b'jou wll be -nt fies "f xpene You
uin brlmlln'oup n u d 9 mill and an
bnok v- n deslro will bo hiuded to jou li
up office.
A'ame of Booh Wanted
Address "JOURNAL,"
letii Orejro
'PHE Honks n e I hmry slr wltb. very gvd
I Ueityp nnd piper. Tim b')H r no
ew dnrwlrri, bin lira b n I by fl xlbi"
idhnl eh cat wh'ci p"riiilt them in open
ilmot fl t Th. b Htks o the mi kft
would c l tho pn'Cbx-nr f nin S3 'o 00 c lit
eirh, nn 1 wda m lit g ve th m twuy to uur
e derx under tbe tarina of h i remaxa !.-
ffdr. It Is an estrior ilniirv chance lo i-e
cu Ma Buprb colleciloii ol Ii.hi g. Tuoi-u-
hors are thu bejt wiiter-t In til . world.
1. The (I'lMrieq of it Bmholnr, or a
Bonk of tin Hurt. by l. Mirwl.
2. Lys of A'lclHiit Riui, bv' Lirl
Muojulny. Buiuifullv lllu-urnte I.
3. ATlllvliwsScatultl, J. M.Btrrie
4. Tiio II iiiof tho S-iVtMi Qjljled,
b.1 Nutlimilol lliwilioriio.
5. Criinfonl, bv Mrs. Q isknll.
6 TlieCitn'iu Rc-, Lunl Lyttou.
7. Ore un Ik. Mtrvel.
8. Fr.tnKemteln; or, I'lie Modern
Promuhi'ti, tiy ,Mr. Hhclley.
I). A B 10k of QolJen D.tfils, by C.
M, Y hi n'.
IU. M'it4 from an Oltl Mati9e. by
Nithitulel Hiwtlinrti.
11. I'liurtotrlut LiJttor.-by Nathan
Ul Htwtluirn,
12. Ejayi on Elb,-by Charles
13. Hie Vicitr of Wakelleld.-bv
O Ivornildiinlin. J
14. Twice-Told Tales.-by Nmban.
lei llHWtliiiru.
15. Paul and Virginia, by Bernnr
dl i Ds Saint l'iurro.
10. Slorv of un Afrlrviii P.r, u.
( t'pli Imiii Olive SttliMiier. '
17. LivunfiheHfiittlhti C'lvullere.
oy m. r itnnuBionne Aioiin.
la. Luiilf, tiy Owen Merwlitli,
li berl Li.-il Lvtton.)
10. Drvui4,-by Olive Sclirelner.
20. Black Beauty, by Anna &?
21. One of tho Proreuiuti, a charui
Iuu novfl.
22. Sartor Urtulu,-By Thomas
Car ylf, i
, Pv T,l,rilI',vlnhoKlng.-Bythe
UtwLord'lVnnison, '
24. Th Plmmurea of Life. ny pr
Jolm Lulilxvk. m, r
EC'1 HMaSlinlaJKiK'rlyHHi
wit BIBwifarrii WPMrrrnPwIiHlliW
W ' ' IfllMnl ill if 1 1 Jjfnf
ibiKikr TtT'iMUm1- iV ffwrll
fivfe11"11 1UUI
rYyMfflBfin 1
Sick Headncheanrl relieve nil the troubles Incl
dent to a bilious state of the slem. such as
Dizziness Nau-sea. DronjIneCT. D stress i after
eatlnz. l'atn In the Side. &c While thelrmost
reuiarkable success lias been shown In curing
ITeadache, ret Cutter's Little Litm PnM
"Squallvaluable in Const.pat on curing
and preventinK thl annojlnc coniplali't. wlillo
they ate T correct all disortlen of ti.e swmach,
Stimulate the liver and resulate tho bowels.
Even li tney oniy cureu
-che they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this dMrewInc cemplaint:
but fortunately their l?? "ffi mnJ
here, and those who once tr them will find
these little pills valuable In so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
nut alter au sick now
ts the bane of so many lives that here Is where
we mike our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not. ..
Carter's Littlk Liter Pills are very small
and very easy to take. One or tw o pills mate
a dose. Tbey are strictly vecetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 24 cents;
five for $1 Sold evervw here, or sent by man.
CASTES UZSlcmS CO., lfw Tctl,
HI buMtti U Pries,
The House Mover.
451 Marion Street.
Has the best faclllt'e lor moving and rais
ing houses. Leave orders at -iray Bros , or
i,itdrP44 ,Ipoi tlrAon
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, ac.
Vrth Electro Magnetic SUSPENSORY
Lateit I'atenlBl l(ct ImproTcment I
Will cure without mfllclne all WtaLneii resnitlnff from
orer-tazation of brain nerve forces i eicefFcaorlndU.
cretlon, as nervous debility, sleepleesness, languor,
rhfumitlsm, kidney, liver and bladder compiilntj,
lame Lack, lumbago, eciatfca, all female compialntt,
er iral 111 health, etc. This electric Belt contalni
n.tdrrfnl ItnprofeaciU over all other. Current la
Instantly feltby wearer or we forfeit H,000.oo, and.
will cure all of the at ore dilates or no par. Thou
sands hare been cured, br this maelou3 invention
after all other remedies failed, and e (five imntliedj
of tectlmotilals in this and erry other tnte.
Onr Pewirfal Inprot4 ELEITR1C SISFENOIIT, th
P7vatet boon ever ofiVred weak men. HtFF. with all
B It. Keslla li4 Innm Mrcatth Gl ilUMttD In 20 1
th) das tiend for Illus'a I'araphtct, mailed, sealeU, frea
Ko. 1 73 Tlrsl street, l'OUTXAM OUE
COJN'l'KA"IOKtS &. PLAb'lEHEllr-
Leaveorders ntCotlle-l'arkhurst blook.rrwiTi
5 h 'in i "reon
i iteident.
Capital National Bank,
Tmnsa'-tsagtcenl banklne huslness.
P omntutltMl 1 n nulrl In pnllrtmna fAtnc
made. i. ch.iuee uuugnt and bum on the
npinnl iml h(IIa. nr V.A .. . . I ,
riiiiu"i uicnui mc wu iu
K M. mild vn, W A I U-ICK.
,y A'. UKTIV J. H AlIlhKr.
If. V. Mattih-'w. -nirpetnr
The Oregon Land ft.
At Salem, Isensagedln selllnir fruit 'ands
In ihn vicinity of -a e-n. (Irt-B.u. wuere innrt
rr nils uuur b'rowlug thin In any iwrt of the
"J'", l'i'K Ml.NTHUK.N,
ln'i'" MHnnKPrs
Hotel Monterey.
Newport, - - Oregon.
Lwatttl on the Keaeh.two miles iiniih
of iSewport on Cuve Cove, n tit-aulifullv
Hlielttred pptit, wiimlfrhil t-peiitrv, t-t
liuihiiiL', line drives tuCiie Kiiulweatlt
er liuluiioure House new. riMinm lariru
ami airy. Finest report fur families ..r
Iiivalliln. Opeti u winter. Term.,
moderate liy day or wk. Intendim
vHlinra can drop a pa-tal card to New
Mirt and be nift tiy hack.
, Joii.n FnZPTRICK,
''2 "' l'r.iirieior.
Slelnwav, Knulie, Wtbber, Emer
win and other pianos
'S?.';rnv 'Urk Ml"' Enrliefr orrana.
rnmrer makes of musical instru.
meinsaini t-upnlles
Oeiiuliie newl-e, oil and new iiarl..
for all makes of machine.
pniretl and cleaned. b
O-eon ',rtlM,fp,8,,flWa,em
(tab. tirtctlr enBd?ctul 4 ii!f: .Ypunxxi.
i put Mt t iK mTMii Slf u PWie E
mux eo, Mr?,3Si BjgATt
THIS ofler is made to you alone In
We present below the mot t
clubs of the best selling liowtpayjer prum.u uii me voast.
Tie Great One Cent Daily.
Tie Bail
Tie Peoples' Paper of Orep
Only $3.00 a year.
months. $1.00
8rNTo riapprs pent n'ller time ia
YOU. You are Hie man. If
nmunrn. uiu wniiis one of these crnnci
Almost anyone will lake this paper upon
n cheap uo one can allord uot to Uuveit.
if all classes ana pnrues.
An Oregon Newspaper California news does not
suit you Eastern papers will not answer This is
distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entirely cover
). Oregon interests.
Otiina Set Free,
I'orn dull of twentyfive yearly
ehin-1, l'iO pieces, snld usually at
coiiei'llnii ol line uliiuaware, marKed
Silver Cu.tlery
Fur a club of three ear'y
silver putieii Knives anu mrKs, u 01, in m JUamon Uroa., worm fli.w.
$25 Suit Free.
F.ini clubof eigtit subscriber!) the
A. . tir.iiiei 1 & 1 '., aalem, your own teleulioii.
Steel Plov Free.
For a club of eiht subscribers
inn iuw, iiic uwi 111 iih Kinii, iroui
Silver Spoons
Ft.r 11 club of iuu early
t-ii.v. ('imh-u ica Djiwuur ii.iid unuu
Organette Free.
1. P .. ..I..1. .." ....I.. l l
i-..i a i-iuu hi i ifjui ymny suoMTiuers a iiifct class uerman iiowi
wood oru'anette from J. Q. Wriuht. worth fM I
OAAn'mnr A.T i "h
For a club ot tifiten frubscritier, a Climax uich nrm, 4 drawer, ok
enrved sewing machine, warranted, from Geo. C. Will, Balem, worth,
von 00.
SHI5 Hat Free.
For a club ot two j earl v subscribers one of our best Silk Hata from C.H.
MeiisdnrUer, Portland. Rt-iails for 0.00
I-jor a club of three ye.irly subscribers one finest ImDorted silk hat from
U H. Meusdmller, Porilaud, retails at $10 00.
oieam vvasner Free.
t;.J' 'r tcIuI' "r Uu .xeiiry fcubtcribtrs one of 'J. B. Brown'i FounUlt
hleam Wahiiers, wnrih $5.00.
weiuu iock j ree.
fufcai-e 'IW Ut iUti ytl'rly bUbsurller8 oue E1Kbt Day Wt-kh Clock, bttotl-
Scholarship Free.
n?,i?l ? ?,y l-ul'"rl,. "ne Fcholarehlp'ln Cailfal Be
" 3 V,,,Hl?e, balem. (f,,r cumn t IhhIupcq nnu. t rnr itrnrrtfl.
Worth t60. r
i-rT- "X7 1-. t-a
Mar'iiiMewil,.'"1 hU,;i'-r- "
Gianni, jeweler, halem, won h $2j.0i).
FLirni n i-r Qt rr
.tiV.i1" ,'"'' '!L.flffe,,,i utiim
- - - v-j - l ' 1 r
Wnrih 45 lib. ' A' B
C'.ns- :-v,,. TTV
v vis rree.
Iw i,a"ie ,',i. ii.h vVVa "l,,"erih,Pra
Salem, worth & '' fr"m
Ladies' rii-i x7 - .,i
ca'K' w'vnii5 ulrcrit.w one ladles' gold watch, WalthamE'i
reiaii pri'e3u.wj tluoftialm' " t made atem winder and 11IW
Shot Gun Rree.
Silverine Watch Free.
iuud..1,rri"i8 1 Vo 00. f ta,e,u' '5lm as Ka eeiYlceaslhe U
Fruit Trees free.
A.lmnt.T,,:J.,!.!Lv!.,,.,,,:':", e,,e6.W liarl v Crauflnl . ,orr,. Wo &
Airenis wm 1 ,1 V v " n' I'ehes.
iiHith..rN'ni...7i",?V ,hl,,,,"r v frone veir. thra mn inii 10 for
'tipt of the names ami I v ' rIHh
- -".
rot !n,t;Vo,FrHUlUmS a,'e ,lH
bht bu,i,sa ,;.::" !",.iuo.u"aiora wno aro "r,
80V0Jt "u"'luo Jivou,
your community Will you Act?
valuable list of premiums for
for four months,
out for which it la ordered.-!
we can not et yon to act, baud thlj Ij
nrennums lornrupiy neiiiDe UDacjh 1
merely Beeinp It. It Bella itnelf. Ith
U suits reanera iu cuy ana country.
smbepriberp, a set of decorated HavllaDdi
t"5 to 1 1 00. from Damon Bros,, Salem,
down tu$u7.
subscribers, aet of Roger Broa. kit
best ?25.00 suit of clothes in the stored!
a steel beam, steel Gale steel walk
uray uros., Duiam, woriu ?zo,w.
putocrlhera. a dozen Roger Bros, best 2
U XJIUH,, WOriU $-i UU.
.. T . I
i m -, Tj-.,-
..., fc- . .---
high class silver watch, fromW.Vf
- 1
a solid oak, carved bed roorr
Bure" & d0D' furturo dealers, Baltn.
a large siz, No. 8 croking etoT,
P"Ty & Co''8 8love nnd pIoW "'
- --v
lve 6UQ Italian prune trees fromlW
Vre,.,,,,!i,, u!e rdy fr apeuts, ou
I'iuuico uruer or uratu
h,,na fide, quoted at regular
umt agents may satisfy tDew
BROS., Publishers,