'. ff. t T f- I &r ,'i'V- '-" flj.--'- 6 PAPERS A WEEK! SB eta. month by Mail Prepaid in Advance. No Papers Sent When Time in Out. $3.00 a Year. ADVERTISERS Tho Journal Iibi a Larger Olr dilation la Salem and Marlon County thnn any Salem newnpn- par. Bee our lists. UOFfilt X1K08 0t PublUUorn. Kj AJl I X XJlJLj I VOL. 7. DAILY EDITION. BALEM, OREGON v SATURDAY, JA1NTJARY tiO, i4. DAILY EDITION. NO. 15. JOURNAL 115 -:- LAST RESORT -:- $15 Between our expectations and realizations stand 500:faultless and fashionable SUITS AND OVERCOATS Unsold. Bright prospects have turned to disnppoint ing realities. We h.ul hoped to increase our business 1 st year fifty per cent. You know of the stumbling blocks that have been in the way. You have had your reacons for saving your money. Your neigh bor has had his and thus our hopes were blasted. But we'll, untie those purse strings We have made a sacrifice that you must appreciate and offering that you must improve or you will forfeit all claim to be ing prudent and provident, any of our Suits or Overcoats 15.00 Its our duty that has split these prices; it's your duty to GRAB 'EM. $15 -:-A.S.BRASF1ELD.-:- $15 . Ed. C. Cross, CHURCHILL AND BURROUGHS TUG WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed aud ready to wnit on custonu-rs. Horsrs boarded ly day or wee) at reasonable prices. We keep h full line of Truck, Drays and Express U meet all demands. Also keep the linest titalllnns lu this countv. for nervice. Barn and residence 2 block south of poatnfllce. RYAN & CO. . nurMMn-rrifti J. KUblN<IN, FROEBEL SCHOOLS tli Yoar. SALEM KINDERGARTEN. Infant, Connecting and Primary classes evtrv week day from 0 a. m. to 12 in. except Saturday. UISS 0. BALLOU, -'- Principal TRAINING CLASSES forteacbeis' dally practice work from 0 a. m. to 12 m. in Kindergarten. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. Classes meet for study of Froebel system. Mrs. P. 8. Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. ni. with training cUss, conducted by Mrs. Knight and MIsaBallou. For terms or Information apply at Kindergarten rooms, comer Court and Liberty streetB. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel bcilween Portland and Ban Francliico. KJrt-claM lu all IU appointment, lu table are nerved wllh the Choicest Fruits Urown In the Willamette Valley. A, I. WAGNFR Prop OLINGER & RIGDON, Undertakers and Mitoere. Cabinet work and repairing. Court btrret, Oppoilie Opera lloue, RALKM, Q"KOON KUKIO. BKOT1IKU8 Uauntuctnre Standard lreed Ilrlok, Molded Brick lu all rVtlema lor KrrnU and iinpply lUehrjrk lor the Nfwlem Cliv Hall and uearlrjill Uterine build pg erected In the rvpltal City. YanUBr'ealteatUry,8lemlOr. 8Sdw Choice . Meats. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Suit aim Smoke ti Meats of a IKiud 93 Court and , 110 State Streets. AE1V MERCHANT TAILOR Suits Made to Ord er Mexican Revolution. Washington, Jan. 20. Henor Ro mnro, the Mexican minister, has u advices regarding the reported captun ofChlhuahui by rebels, buts.tysit h altogether improbable, as Chihuahua, the capital of its state la strouglx fortiflrtd, and there Is uo force of men In Mexico which could capture it. THE MARKETS. 8an Francisco, Jan. 20. Wheat May $1.03. Chicago, Jan. 20. Cash, GO; May 64. Portlaud, Jan. 50. Wheat valley 5.92J; Walla Walla .8082i. Gambling Games. Victoria. Jan. 20. The police last night, by orders, stopped all the gam bliug games in (be city. Life is Misery Tn manv nfxinlu who have the taint of scrolula in their blood. The ugouler caused liy tue cireaniui running "i and other manifestations of tlilit diseafee are neyond description. There is no other remedy t-quai to Hood's riarsrpa rllla for scrofula, salt rbeuiuaud every form of blood disease. It is reusouabl.N sure to beuetit all who give it a fair trial. cftHEffsfnaElSv If nwl liv VIt' about to experience the rulr.tul onleal attendant uon Child-Mrlli.protes an Infallililf eclf. ic tor, aim uu ico "the tortures of con- 'TT's r7,tuitment. itueninR 'AA I the danger thereof ' vytll to both mother and child. . fr4d It ill dwnhti. a c. hw i i. amwr (mAPfi&M? pfqyiATOR co.,atwt,u. HAWAIIAN CORRESPONDENCE. Letters Between Dole and Miuis ter Willis. D3LE DEMAND SPECIFIC INFORMATION. Willis Makes a Diplomatic An swer. Dole's Demand Washington, Jan. 2D. Tho Presl dent today submitted to congress the Litest correspondence relating to Hawaii. It comprises some brief note of MiulUer Willis to Secretary Greshara which are unimportant. Tho mo9t im portant part of the correspondence con dsts of a loug letter, containing en closures of correspondence Uetweeu Dole and Willis. The letter to the .Secretary says, under date January 5, 1894. "On Wed. the 27ultat 12 a. m. the steamship O -eaalc arrived with news papers containing the presidents special message in full, together with instruc tions to Blount and myself. At 4 p. n. same day, I received a four-pagel oln'sely written letter which I enclose from D.de, Minister of Foreign Affairs, ask ng to be informed with the least do ly whether you (I) had any instruc tion i to enforce your policy with use of arms in any event.-'- WILLIS'S REPLY. "The information desired, although fu ly embodied in tho president's mes sage, mignt have been asked for, and except for the remarkable statements contained in tbe letter, would have been promptly and satisfactorily given in a tir word. Cm 11 lent that oharg esso surprisingly and unjustly made ooul i not be sustained, answer was ieut Minister Dole, asking that they be iiMrte mor.e direct aud specific Tbe instructions of tbe president to me have been strictly followed or if de parted from at. all, it has been in favor of the beneficiaries of our wrong doing. E felt, therefore, that the statements contained in tbe letter of Dole of the 27 ai ultimo, were directed not to me personally, hut at the president aud sh uld be qualified or absolutely with d hwii." "January 1, I received a letter from Dole iu which ha states: "It was not my intention to withdraw auy of my letters." This of course left every charge and statement in full force as of that dale. Believing these charges, whether so intended or not, reflected very unjustly upon the pres'deut, whoso agent. I am, at 0 p m of the mme day (Mood ly, Jan. 1,) I replied, aiklng tho desired specifications to be furnished at tbe earliest convenience." "No reply has been received to his ri quest, nor have I any intimation when me may be exptcled. This delay in answering Is a great surprise, and I re gret that I am not fully prepared to show every step taken by the represen tative) of our government to be in tbe direction of peace and good order." Ferninst the Bonds. Washington, Jan. 20. There is strong sentiment expressed among the silver leaders of tbe bouse against tbe "gold clause" in Seoretary Carlisle's notice of the bond sale. Repreaentive Bland, Democrat of Missouri, says: "A itandard silver dollar Is of full legal tender nod It can be offered and re ceived in payment for these bonds. The act under which tbe bonds are is Hued provides they shall be piyable In coin. It does uot sav gol I col . At the time of the act standard s ver doI lars were full legal tender, s It must be Included in the meaning of tbe word 'coin.' " Borne unti-silver men take Issue with Bland on this point. They say bondi issued under the resumption act of 1875 which, provides that bonds should be sold for "coin" but they point out be fore this, in 1873, silver was demone tized so It could not be Included in tbe meaning of the word "coin," Aside from the legality of tbe gold clause sil ver men say It is against publlo policy to make publlo discrimination attains) one of the money metals now in use aud the effect of tbe secretary's action Ih to teud to send gold coin to a prem ium and disturb tbe party belweeu gold and silver coins. Offers For the Bonds. Washington, Jan. 20. CarlUle'n mull brought a number of additional off ere to take the bonds. Tbe price offered are regarded generally as good, It U said, re tolling 120. A BVNntOATB'S OJJFflR. IfKW Ynwf , Jan. 20. It to under stood a syudloateof New York bankers are prtparlng an ofler (or the entirfl proposed l33Uaof$50,0.)(),000 of bjnd-t at Carlisle's flgures. B aton, Chicago ami Philadelphia baukers want a show at them, however, and to prevent them from overbidding it Is likely they will be admitted to the syndicate. COMMENT OP AN EVGLISH JOURNAL London Jan. 20. The Fuauuial News Bays teday: "Foreign oapitai wilt be little attraoted by Secretary Carlisle' bonds. The American banks will be the chief purchasers. Although tbe Increase of tho gold reserve will have u salutary ofleet on tbe national credit, It will not afford grounds for expeotlnu an immediate improvement of the stook market." K- of L. Opposition. Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 20. Qenerul Master Workman'1 Sovereign, was seen by an AssoctatedrPress representative regarding tbe proposed iujuuctlon pro ceedlugs against Secretary Carlisle. "I may be a good deal Ilka the mousi tackling the lion'," ho said, "but we are going to do it." The petition pray iug for au injunction to restrain the cecretary of tue Uuited States treasury from Issuing bonds in the sum of $50, 000.000 or auy other amount. Sovereign said papers were being drawn up here by Judge Cole, and were sworn to by Sovereign and sent to Washington to be filed lu the United States circuit court of the district of Columbia tbe first of uext week. Haavy Snows. Ashland, Jan. 20. Suow storms In the Sisklyous still keep tho Southern Pacific track forces busy clearing the road for traffic. ,The overland train ar riving here from the north tills morn ing was held in tbe yards at Ashland until this evening, when it started south, preceded by a big rotary snow plow which piloted this afiernoonV nortb-boUnd overland oyer tho Siskl yous nearly on schedule time. About four feet of snow Is reported on the summit of the Siskiyou? now, and it Is still storming. Tbe wiud drifts it into outs and keeps .the snow plow steadily at work. ' Canadian Farmers. Montreal, Jan. 20. President Vin Home, of tbe Canadian Pacific railroad, denies the report which emanated from Europe that general distress exist among the farmers of the Canadiuu Northwest. He says there Is no founda tion whatever for the report, and saye the fact that the farmers lu.vo been able to hold an Immense quantity of craln for higher prices Is, In itself, suf ficient contradiction of tho report. A Cashier Sunt to Prison. Cheyenne, Wyo., Jan. 20. Todd M. Pettigrow. cashier of tho Flr3t Na ti mini bank of Su u Diiice, wns today ssntfnced to five years' Imprisonment by Judge Ruiner. Pettigrow run the Sun Dance water wnika and took the money from the bank to do It with hoping to ceil the bonds, but hard tlmt came on and tbe bonds were unsalable. Frugal Mechanics. PiTTsnuito, Jan, SO. Last night at a meeting of the loci! assembly, ny 300 window glass workers of theassociation, tbe application of James A. Chambers for a loan of J50.000 was finally passed upon and approved. This is the fl.st cae, probably in the world, where a labor union has been ctlled upon to loan money to the employer. Minister Thurston's. View. Ai.tqona, Pa., Jan. 20. Minister Thurston, of Hawaii, said lo an Asso ciated Press reporter this morning that he knew nothing of the reported de mands of Minister Willis on President Dole, for the return of all correspond ence on the subjfct of the restoration of tbe queen, as brought by Steamer Manowai to Han Francisco last night. AT THE POINT OF A GUN- Unmasked Men Relieve a Merchant of All His Oash. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 20. Three un masked mcti entered Marshall &Co.'s grocery in the heart of tbe city at 0:30 lust night, and at the point of a gun, made Marshall tell the combination of tbe money-drawer. Thoy obtaiued only a small sum aud succeeded iu makiug their escape. The police have a poor description of tbe men, aud it is doubtful If they are caught. KILLED ITSKI.V WITII CHLOROFORM. A 10-wt-eks-oId infant of Mr. and Mm. W. B. Armstrong dint last night from ahloroform iak-u under tuQ4t peculiar clrcumMtynct-tt. The mother was suf fering from neuralgia and to k a small vfal of chloroform to bed. During the night the child gol hold of it und drnnk tmoiigh to kill itself, The father found the chili) d,ead. i the morning, THE GREAT TARIFF DEBATE IIouso Objects in Putting Steel Rails on the Free List. PREFERS THE M'KINLEY SCHEDULE. Henderson of Iowa Asks for Substitution. Washington, Jau. 20,-It wa9 a day of amiHlng inoideuta and exciting de bates iu the hrtUie. Dilzell coutiuued his nrn irks specifying certain dlscrep- uucles between tbe theory and practice of Johnson of Ohio. Johnson briefly re plied, denying ilia allegations in detail an 1 deprecating the policy of dragging personalities Into a tariff debate. He closed by making another plea to put sto-l on the free list. Chairman Wilson made the principal speech iu opposition and appealed to Democratic members tut to adopt the Johnson amendment. The bill, he said, hud been drawn care fully aud cousuleutinusly nud did not think It a wise tblug to ttiUeeucb an Important article as steel rails from the tariff bill and put it on tbe free list. ft would be unwise to make such a sweeping change without due delibera tion, but If it seemed apparent, in view of the new light whlou had beeu turned on tbe question, that the committee had put too high a rate on steel rails, the committee would reconsider the matter and lay tbe result before the house. Under the present law, tbe larifl on steel rails was $18.41 per ton, while the proposed tariff was 2d per cent ad valorem, which at Hie present price ot steel rails was equivalent to $1 41 per ton, a reduction of more than iVAi-thlrda. If tbe committee had uot goqe far enough in that matter It w-s willing lo take it agalu uuner advise meut. But.lf steel rails weroputon the free list tbero was Just as much reason for putting pig iron and every thing else lu the iron schedule on the free list. Ho wauted to draw the fangs of the steel rail serpeut, but he did not want to injure tho iudustry. The amendment placing steel rails on tbe tree ,11st wus tbuu defeated by a vote of 79 to 100. the agricultural schedule. Henderson of. Iowa offered as tin amendment to the agricultural schedule of the Wilson bill the corresponding oltUio iu tho McKluley law. Tins gave rise to some exulting colloquie, one of the most interesting being between Bryan of Nebraska aud 13 lUtelle of Maine. Loud of C tllforula devoted u few minuter to the proposed fruit schedule, which, he mild, ruined the raisin aud prune industry lu Cali fornia. Walker of M.issiUhusetts in tenupted with what he claimed a priv ileged matter. It proved to be au In quiry uh to why the Ave Ddinocratio members of the ways aud means cou -mittee, who had speeches, refused lo print their speeches iu tbe record. Ile;d: "I'tioso speeches have been bauied up for repair." Wauger of Pennsylvania spoke of the manner In which American ship went iu ballast to Nova Scotia aud came back heavily ladeu wilh Ihe agri cultural products of Cauada. Tho re mainder of the afternoon was con sumed lu a further discussion ot the Henderson uiL'eudmeut, aud, without a yote, the house took a recess uutil 8 o'clock. THE NIOIIT SESSION, At the night session Bell of Colorado, spoke lu favor of the bill, although! it did not go far enough to suit him. Shaw of Wisconsin, opposed it, espec ially the proposed reduction iu the du ties gn barley. Morgan of MUsnuil, while he oudorued tbe provisions of tho bill generally, coudemued lu strong terms, the proposition to place lead ore on the free list. The lead schedule, he charged as u fact within his own knowledge, was dictated by tho lead trust. In conclusion, he uppealed to the house lo lemove from this bill auy sU4piclouofJ tboery. Cbilds of Illinois, cli sed the debate in opposition to the bid. Granger Tariff Qoes. Wa6hi.su roN, Jan. 20. In the house the debate on the tarlll bill war resumed, the pending amendment be. log that of Henderson of Iowa, to sub stitute the exUtlo rates on ugrlcultur al schedule ot the, Wilson bill. The amendment was lost 110 to 03, The schedule iu the McKlnley bill Ihqs set aside wa prepared by the represent Ilvt-H if the Orange, Farmer's Alliance aud other Hgriuultura.t orgauUitiou. Midal of Honor. Wahiiimh-oN, Ja . 2d. A medal oftyouor uas teen awarded, to Gen. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE Eugene A. Carr for distiugult-hed ser vices at the battle of Pea Kldo New York Bank Reserve. New York, Jau. 20. Tbe banks now hold nearly one hundred and three millions in excess of legal requirements. Quiet at Honolulu. Honolulu, H. I., Jan. 20. Since the sailing of tho last steamor affairs political hayo been a drug in Honolulu. The goverumeut has been pursulug n waiting policy on the ground that no tietl ni to action can be taken here uutil some delluito policy regarding Hawaii bus bten announced by the Uuited States. In an Interview with tho marshal this morning several Important facts were learned. Among those wus the stutement that tho royalist woro ready to assume the offensive upon news from the Paclflo coast. Said tho mar shal, "the royalyists have sent several lobbyists to tho coast lately and I un derstand that Hon. O. W. Ashfurd goes by Monowal today, to appear before the committees of congress at' its pres ent session. Ash ford wa precoeded by Hon. E. C. McFarlaun and Arthui Peterson, accompanied by H-ni. Sun. Parker, for the avowed purpose of en listing Claus Spreckies in a lobby cam paign hi favor of the restoration." The government has determined to cele brate the 17th of January the first an niversary of tho revolution, as a nation al holiday. Almost Buriod Alive. London, Jan. 10. Tin u jauds of peo ple gathered lu tbe remotary at Burton Pieut today to attend tho funeral of Tiwu Councillor Chas. Wllemau. When members of the family wt re to take a last look at Wllemau's face be fore tbe colli u lid should be screwed down, two persons said they saw slgue of life. Physicians who wero summon ed pronounced Wiiemaii ulive. The fuuerul services were suspended' and tho crowd was dismissed. Wiloman was taken from tho coffin and Is now under treatment. Not In the Sour. We wish to cor rect tho statement in these columuh that Win. Ktiser was attorney fir Cat terlin & Co. In that real estate law suit beforo Judge Eles. Our report left thai attorney iu the soup, whereas bo won the suit, and his client ami tho by. s'anders say he won It so well und so ftlrly that tho correction should be mado fur bis sake. FuitNiTUKB Company. Tho C. F. WtbsrCu., of Portland, today tiled ar ticles of Inoorpi r.tl mi. Cipiial, $100, 000, with J. Vogt, J. W. Fricke, and O F. Pax ton us incorporator:'. Mission Bottoms. Tho waters have receded so that all stock Is bulug moved back. Tho long bridge that had floated oil has been moved lu place, m PROM AUMSVILLB. Mrs. Mary L. Burd, wllo of 8. W. Bard, died January 17, at 4 p. m. The Subscriber dosires to oxtond ills heartfelt thanks to all tho kind friends who helped him by kind attention and friendly action in this bis hour of grief. Also be extends his thuuks for ull the kind words aud exp' slous used In reference to him and his. B. W. Baud, More rain or snow for tomorrow, saj s Undo Sam. Of Interest to Athletes. James Robinson, the athletic trainer at Prlucotou College, Prluceiou, N. J., save: "I have found it Imperative to have sure und simple remedies on band lu case of cuts, bruises, strains, sprains, colds, rheumatism, etc. Shortly ufter entering upon my profession, I dis covered such a remedy in Allcouk's Porous Plasters. I tried other plasters, but found them too haixh und Irritat ing. Allcock'a Porous Plasters give al most Instantaneous relief, and their strengthening power Is remarkable. Incasoofweak Imok put two illusion on tbosmull of the back and In u short time you will be capable of milio wn'cre fx-tnf. In iiriiii." and "dltdunee" races and Jumping, tho muscles or ten- oifiiH In mo ie and erl huiiietlllies weaken. This call invarlubly be re lieved by cutting the jiluster lu narrow turlr. so us to give free motion, und aj-plylug-on tho muacels affected," -J-rlWrMiaiBaui1 .' JLU ,WV'a' JHTtWEaCTC T WW'lgWWgJBtiWUMIII, ''Tor akingr Powder ANOTHER SA1I0AN REVOLT. Italy Denies Any Intent te Fight Sicily. AUSTRIAN ARMY OFFICEKS TRIED For Murdering: a Comrade in Cold Blood. Bamoan Revolution, Aiia, Samoa,JJan.8. via San Fran olsco, Jan. 20 Natives in tho district of Aaua hnve rebelled aud proclaimed Tamasese king. This Tumaseso is the sou of u former German puppet king aud lie has a large fallowing. Tbe peo plo of Suvull have declared allegiance to King Muleatoa and nro gathering to his support. Tho chief justice, presi dent, and consuls, will meet tomorrow to consider tho situation. The consuls havo sent u requost by Monowal for war ships so grave is the situation. Trial of Murdering Officers. Vienna, Jau. 20. Tbe trial Is pro ceeding at Belgrade, Bervla, of several army oillqers, belonging to tho best families, on the charge of murdering Lieutenant Toditoh, whose body was found lu tbo road between RakovltBea aud'Belgrado with bis skull battered in. Toditoh bad been successful in ventures at a ruco and. .entertained bis oomradps at a supper in tbo oveniug. Ho then started homo alone on horseback. It is charged that tho officers on trial fol lowed him, Killed aud rbbed blm. Tho Omladina Trial, Pkaoue, Jan. 20. At tbo resumption of the Omladina trial the presiding iudgo read an anonymous letter, threat eulng himself and tbe counsel for the prosecution with death if the prisoners wero convicted. Tho judge uunouueed that be hud decided this threatening communication would bo used in evi dence agulust tho prisoners. Italian Qovornment'o Denial. Rome, Jan. 20. The government has Issued a denial of tho alarming rumors iu regard to mobilization of tho army itid the alleged instructions to the Red Cross society to hold itself in rcstdlneis to take tbe field In RloUy. In Honduras. La Lihektad, Jan, 20. President Vasquez, of Honduras, has made an ittaok ou Choluteoa, which is hold by garrison of tho Nlcaraguan Invaders. General Ortez's troops have loft Na foamoand aro endeavoring to surround Vapquez. "As old as tho hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is tho verdict of millions. Simmons Liver Eegu jr lator is tno jr'Jr0',only Livor JLJOPOi and Kjdnoy modicino to which you can pin your Cyj faith for a hTM euro. A JL tJUfl' mild laxa tivo, itnd puroly veg etable, act-y-v ing directly i-fl fC on tho Livor JL fit tO and Kid neys. Try it. Bold by all Druggiflta in Liquid, or in Pftwdor to bo token dry or mado into a tea. Tbo Klog or ZJver Medicines. " 1 liava uied yourHlmtnon Liver Bert, lator and can oontoleocloudy ear'! I, V klny of ull liver medicine. I coiiylder At j lueJlrlna cheat In lUolf-CJro, W. JACK aotf, Tacoiua, Wutalngton. I TEVXKV PACKAGE-W M tb Z 0taP " vrrft -.