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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1894)
f jimn Am 'ii ' Evisijiira- 6apitaIi 3ovjfstAj..Tmm3TiAr,.TAirvAnr i8,ui. OErfllREIL JOIDUUL "l-tufcllUfKl) DAILY, KXCK1T HUMOA. Bt TUB Capitaf Journal Publishing- Company IVuloffloe Block. Coraraerclfcl Street. Tha.kt.ruyandth.MenufTod.j, FUJNTSEAL OF A DltU.ljU "A gentleman by the name of ThacK-1 ntf rtrhn rmrjn wrota ("OHIO books." de- I STRANGE DEATH RITES ON A LOFTY HILLTOP IN WALES. HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. Kaily, byca-rlcr, per mouthy. all, br mull, yor nir. Wecklr.S puces, per fnir, .. 3UI . L&J SUUUB3TE0 CUllJlEXT. OfegGU-doernnt I bllevo in debt. Vhatire"the good roidscouinilttees dolfig? -The Journal lias scored another tax rotlu'ctlon vlct'rV. Tbe women oi rfictly ure rebelling ns Well as at Balem. A committee or J00 ytgllanca committee. fa better tliau u Are. O'uricn and klrU looked flue. her high water Tbe man Who'eWlt a puiier well lia a big enough nfll'-o 10 All. The Jouunal. hut always beet against extravagance in the legislature 'Good road cannot im secured b demagogue or politician. 'That was Hot ML Ji llerou in erup t id. Peruana It was Feuuoyer. Tbe next Good tnould be a big qno. ltjads conventlui. Tbe taxpayers rtjuice ut the reduced state levy. Let the cood work go on. Resolution implies brevity and action. Men who write yard-loujj resolution cannot expect editors to priot or peo ple to read them. trav. vfha onco wrote pome uooks. fines a gentleman as "one having high aims." Judged by this standard, my chappy friend, "where are wef Most of no aro absorbed in a desire to wear cood clothes, to own horses or boats, to go v races and let, to drink nil the now combinations of abominable staffs, to go to -omic opera anil get np an affair "with a chorus girl. These are our "high aims." Ileaven save the mark! I know 6f a man who tho other night robed him lelf in a flowing silk and did a serpentine dunce. Fancy it a maul Truly this is the day of vaudeville. We find tho bone less man more interesting than Hamlet, and we prefer "Tara-ra-boom-de-ay" la dies to tho tragedienne. Our pianos arc loaded with concert hall classics of the "Daddy Wouldn't Day Me a Bow Wow" order. To have the honor of the ac quaintance of one of the painted ladies of tho ballet is to occupy a ioition of enviable distinction, "! to be a real "stage door Johnny" li better than to be tho writer of many books. Dear Mr. Thackeray, you really must havo been mistaken about thoso "high aims." Wo aro quite sure we are all gentlemen, and jou know you really couldn't call our aspirations and long ings "high niias. Let mo placo you right. Tho trno gentleman is ho who vcarj tho most swagger clothes, who talks in tlie mo:t exaggerated way, who can drink and bet and swear, who can most recklfsly squander his (or some body clseV) money, and whoso Intimate associates are tho ladies of tho chorus aud tho gentlemen of tho turf. Oh, yes, Mr. Thackeray, you wero quito wrong, orclbo wo ure. Which Harpers 15a zar. fmpreulTe Ceremonies Attendltiffthe final Disposition of ilia Ilodjr of the Late Leader of the Drulili of Wales Uathet HUed Berrlees. Tbe man who howls loudest agaiusi extravagauce and rascality iu the legis lature is generally on baud first to get a clerkship. Now let tho city, couuty and school levies of taxes be made as light as pott j. slble and tbe people cau breathe easier this year. There is stilt an assortment of blood leas rebellious going on In rioutli Amer 'Ica. No bard times there or people would not light. Tho I'eanut Industry. Tho "goober" industry of Norfolk is unique. Hero u a little city in Virginia that has becomo iho greatest distribut ing center of peanuts iu tho world. A peanut b n print 6inall item, but an an nual crop of something li-o 5,0jj,0o0 bushels, worth millions dollars, makes a pretty big item. Tho demand for goobers has doubled within the last live years, uud tbe sup ply does not yet fill tho growing demand. Few Dtoulo mow tho curious nse.q to I which tho goober has been put in trado quite of lute years, ho other singlo plant raised in this country is used in so many different ways. Tho Chiueso Eay tho cocoanut palm has as many useful properties its there aro days in the year. Tho goober is not so universal as that, but it has as many valuablo qualities as there are days iu tho week. Tho eolid part of tho nut is peculiarly uutritivo and supplies fruit aud food lor many a family. The vines inako lino fodder, some say as good as clover hay, while hogs fatten on what is left iu tho fields alter tho crop lias bceu gathered. Now York Independent. Tbe people rejoiced when thesta'e board lowered values In place orralsltig them. Tbe Jouhnal ulouo made a persistent fight for It. few Tub Jooknal Ima 1 within a weeks advocated vigoreusly: 1. duclloD of assessed valuation In state aud Marion county. It was done. ii. Reduction In city expenses. It whs done. 3. Reduction of the stale tix levy. It was dime. 4. Immediate action In location of Hie Eastern Ore gon asylum. - It was done. NEWS NOTES. Tho now city council of 8clo startn In w"'h balauce on hand from 03 uf 5 0 24. Wednesday evening the government IsuoctiHtoppHl carrying the null be- tweeti Yxquiuaatid Nowjwirt. Peck Bros, will try a now niaolilne a Anlila Uaach nilnos. Many Inven tions have Iwen tried aud Invariably '"'proi'ea failures. 4 U. Wuileauerg made number pay. ra&ut of 1310 on the treasury deficit In A idltlon to the fcNOO alnudy payed. - Mfiny orJackMlnvllle's men " wero beut by an entorprlsliig ludl vldm.1 Wlio claimed to be an engineer, ami dilated to have money due him uud got mouey from many. Ho has tv fled to new fields. Oikvlllo Is excited over a Mr. Cum ' logs, at Gito Olty. Wash, wh., u lost Iu tbu woods, ami too slok to make falimelf lieard. Hearohlng parties are ej . '.FooA Commissioner Luce admits he rMwou a ilas'ljureays fiMstu.avo the "tate expense, "rtiefctjvernor gets it for -hlai, Ar'ay-fellow shot au arrow Into the 'eye of little Almblude. of Lm... Uutlrt Wares. Ono of tho interesting results of tho recent experiment. in Lnglundiu photo grapning ilying bullets has been to siiow that tuo disturbance 'in tnouir travels faster tluu tue bullet itself. Tuo photographs exhibit air waves in advauco of tho bullets, oven whon tho latter aro moving faster than tho veloc ity of bound. Iu 0110 cajo where tho bullet was mov ing considerably faster thau sound trav els iu the air it was preceded by an at mospheric disturbance which, at tho momuut tho puoJograph was taken, was half au inch 111 uuvaiico of tho point of tho bullet. Even when tho bullets were traveling four times us f.iat as sound tho atmospaeric diaturb.iueo kept ahead of them. Youth's Companion. Ufeaoh, ye. Wash., Bvny Injuring lilt of A: Happy Combination uie init.1 iMitent and miilv.i A Now Tuluplioiio. Interesting experiments wero mado last week with a new tolophouo over -10 miles of ordiuary telegraph wire be tween S.irato0.i aud Albany. Tho new telephone is Liu iuvouiio.i of William Marsh.ill of Now Yum and is entirely uovuliu co i.iti'notiou and principle. No magnet cml or diaphragm ii used, tho telophono Uiiiig dependent for lis work lug upon the uc'onstlu Imurprotation of electric piiliuuiu,iri of saitets of ordinary tin (oil .111.1 ikiper arranged as a cuu doiisur, by means of tho system con versation can be carried 011 utadistutico of SOU mlltw over a telegraph wire on which a telegraphic message is. being wut at tho same time. boston Tran script, An A.CP111II113 Meteur. Profoesor von Kiwi has been investi gating the. iuth of thu meteor that 11 p jiearwl July 7, IbUJ, aud was seon both iu Austria aud Italy. The rvtadt of this compmatiOu has bhowu that undoubt edly tho path of tho meteor at tho latter cud of Its course was directed upward. Tho length of Its path measured 1.U0 kilometers from its nearest approach to tho earth surface (03 kilometers above tho Burfaco) to tho jwiut where it disap peared, which was at a height of 158 kilometers. This is about tho first time that tho iuth of a rising meteor has boon so accurately investigated. -Nature. Far away eeem tho times and the rites of tho Druids; even under the mistletoe at yuletfdo the time of Yowling. Theirs was ono of tho most ancient and primi tive of religionsand its cult Is greatly shrouded in mystery. Yet it is not alto gether dead. Among tho hills of Wale many strange relics of the past remain. There may bo no "fragments of forgot ten peoples," but thero aro legends nnd customs and songs and social and reli gious rites preserved unchanged from the days of Arthur and Merlin and Taliessin. There aro probably not a few seers who. liko Glendowcr, "can summon spirits from tho vasty deep," though whether 01 pot they -will come is -et a mooted ques tion. And as for tho Druids, their line is yet unbrokenand their wolrd rites are still celebrated as of old, Tho death occurred at Llantrissant of Dr. William Price, who held tho distin guished office of archdruid of Wales Ho was something more than 03 years old and might liave passed for one of the old time bards who perished in King Ed ward's reign, so rugged and nntiquo was his appearance. Six or seven years ago, It may bo remembered, an infant that Jiad been born to him in hi? pld ago died, and its body was pnWjcly cremated, by Mm with Druidical rites, For this he was arrested and brought to trial. But after a hot contest in court ho was ac quitted, and a decree was pronounced from tho bonch establishing tho ontire legality of this form of funeral. Ac cordingly when Dr. Price himself died a similar ceremony was enacted without thought of interference. TJifl ceremony took place on the sum mit of a high Ijill (if Caerlan, the very spot where the body of tho Infant had been burped, Several hundred tickets wero issued to the friends nnd former patients of Dr, Price, entitling them tc eutcr tho inclosuro und witnoss tho burn ing. Tho hour first set was noon. But public curiosity rose to so high a pitch that, to avoid being overwhelmed by n mou or Bignt8cers. it was at tho last mo ment decided to cliange It to 7 o'clock ii the morning. So in tho gray light of t'-.nt early hour tho strange procession niaao its way to tho hilltop. No raonm tng garb was to bo teen. The closest friends of tho deceased Druid wero at tired in tho ancient costmnes of the Welsh people. Tho body of Dr. Prico was clothed in tho Druidical robes ho had worn in lift and was then placed in a coffin of per forated sheet iron. On the hilltop twi stone walls had been built, four fee apart, each being about 10 feet long and 4 feet high. A number of iron bars ex tending from ono to tho other formed a rudo grating between them, Borne dis tance abovo tho ground, nnd upon these bars tho coffin was placed, tho head be ing toward tho east and tho feet toward tho west. A clergyman of tho Established church was present nnd read tho ordinary serv ico for tho dead in Welsh. Tho vest ments of tho church contrasted as strangely with tho Druidical garb worn by6oino of tho attendants as did tho words of tho prayer book with tho strango rites. Somo slight changes were mado in tho servico, such as tho body be ing "consigned to tho fiames." Then under nnd over and all around tho coffin was piled a great lot of wood, perhaps a wholo cord of it, nnd to this wero added several tons of coal. Many gallons of paraffin oil wero thrown upon it. morongmy saturating tho entiro pilo. I Then, at about 8 o'dlock, two of tho 1 closest friends of tho lato Druid canio forward from tho throng and applied torches to tho wood, ono at each end of tho mass. In a moment it was all a rag ing furnaco, and tho hill literally flared liko a volcano. A brisk breezo was blowinrr. which fanned tho firo and carriod thoflamo and suioko far into tho heavens. For many miles tho strango spectaclo was clearly seen, and thousands of peoplocruno flock ing thither from all parts of Glamor ganshiro. Seven or eight thousaud of them gathorcd in a ring about tho pyre, us closo to it as possible, aud watched it with eager interest all day long. Somo hours after dark that overling tho flames had died down, und there was only a dull glow from tho coals. Then with long hooks they dragged tho coffin from tho furnace, when it was discov ered that it had been literally burned through In many places, and when tho lid was uncovered thorecoptaclo was ab solutely empty without the faintest trace within of tho remains. Tho coffin was subsequently convoyed on a bior, fol lowed by an Immense crowd, and de posited on tho couch in tho deceased's residence, whero a few days previously ho had breathed his last. Now York Tribune. TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Baleu, January 18. 4 p. m. Office Daily Capital Journal. Quota tions for day and up to hour of golug to press were as follew: 8AL.KU PRODUCE MARKET. FKUir. Apples 30c to GOc. a bushel. itirrciifcK STOCK. Veals d rested 5 cts. Hogs dressed 6 Live cut 1 1 2 i2J. Sbeep alive $I.5U(,J2. WILL PK1CES. Salem Milling Co. quntea: Flour iu Wholesale lots $2.60. Itelail $3.H0. Brau $14 bulk, $15 sacked, tihorts $15 10. Chop feed $16 uud 17. WHEAT. 43 cents perbu-diel. HAY AND OKAIN. Oata new U53lic Hay Baled, new iS to $10; old $10 In 12. Wild iu bulk, t Li S. PA KM PKODUCTB. Wool Best, 10c. Hops riinull sule, 17 to 18c. Euns CubIi, 18 Buiter Bern dairy, 30&3; fane; creamery, 30(a,35. CbeetKj 12 to 16 cts. Farm smoked meats Bacon 10; hams, 12; shoulders, 8. Potatoes 35c. Onions 2 chills. Carrots, $8.00 per ton. Beeswax 34c Caraway seed, 18c AulbO seed, 2Qi!. (jinseiig, $1.40. LIVE POULTRY, Chickens 57. duekx, 810; tui keys, alow Hale, cliniit-, Uh ; grereS to 7c. PORTLAMl CjUoTAllO.NB. Oraiu, Kt-tcl, e(o. Flour 8taudunl,i$J.7&; Walla Walla $3.00; graham, $2.40; auuerfiue, $:!.2n ier mrrel. Oats fttwwhlte,34o per bu ,grey,32e; niiit-u, 111 uuj4, to barrels, $6.7o7.O0; cai-es, $3 75. Hay Beot, $lu!2 per ton. Wool valley, Julle. Millstuils Brau. jiq 00; shorts, $1G, ;rouud barley, $8; ulmp feed, $i,i ler Umj whole feed, tmrlev, 70 cts. per ceutul; middling, J238 per Ion; ehlcKeu wheat. U.j1.16 percental. Hops New 10 to 10. Hides jjreen.Malteii. 60 lbs. 31c. 111,. der60lbs.,23 ; sheep pelts, 1000c. DAIRY PK'iDUOK. Butter Oreuou fanevoreumerv. 30fS 32Ji;fancy dairy, 2527e; fair to uood, 2ii22Jc; common, 10 Li I7c per lb. Cneeae Oreitou, 10 13: Yoiint American, 1215cper pound; California 14c: rivvisa imp , 3032; Dom., 10I8. Engs Oregon, 1820c per duzeu. Eastern J 8 Poultry Nominal; chickens, mixed. $4 004 50 per dozen; duck8,$4.5ti0 00 gttte, $0 00; turkeys, live, 13i ; dresed 5o Beef Top steers, 2o per pound; fuir to good steers, 2c; Nol cows, 2c; fuii iiiws, lc; dressed beef, $3 50o 00 pel 100 pounds Mutton Best sheep, $2; choice mut ton. $1 752 00; Is nibs, $2 (Kl2 25. Hogs (Jiioiee, heavy, $4 655 00; medium. $4 0tl4 50; llirht and leedere, 4 004 6tl; itienM-d, t6 50. Veal $3 00o (XV BAN FRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10 12c; do Inferior, 79c; do valley, 12 16c. Hops 10 to 18o. Potatoes E.rly Ro?e, 4555. Bur oauks, 3o45c. Quia Milling, $1.12J1.20. 1 mmmn-a r imi . i rt-TTa H pills. BI CURE Sick IIeAdchf nd re Hero all the troubles Incl dnt to a bilious Ute of the jf tem. such as Dizziness, Naaws. Dronxlness. Dltrrs after eating. Pain In the Side. Ac While their most remarkable success has been shown in curiae ITeadache. ret CiRTR's Littlb Lrvtn Pius are equally yalttable In Constipation, curing and prerenting Uils annoj ing complaint. lillo titer also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even U they only cured HEAD che they would be almoit priceless to thoso who suffer from this distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their goclnesr does not end here, and those who once lr them will find these HtUe pills yalnable In so many ways that they will not be willing to do without than. But after all sick head ACHE Is the bane of so many lives that here Is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTun's Lirn.R LtrER Tnxa are rery small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purgo, but by their gentle action S lease all who use them. In vials at 23 cents; re for SI Sold evenrw here, or sent by mail. cisTss umsurz CO., K TrL HFul. Ufa. Small Pries, HOWARD, House Mover. 451 Marion Street. am the nest ficilit es lor movlru an' ra'i. Ing nouss. L-ave otders at uray Bros,r annross Jnlem. '"-nOi The Rheumatism Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, &c ivSSSS&ii5 Keeper Scott of the Life-Saving sU tlou at Baudou, reports the uuinlier ol team and Balling vei-sete oliaerved p-ifslng the stiitiou during the year 1893 at 407 und tho uutube.- of sailing vessels at 337. DR. SANDEN'S ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY Latest 1'atcnUI Hot Impro, ementa I Will cure without medlclna all Kntuu resulting from overtAxAtion of brsin nerre forces t excesses or Indis cretion, u nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor, rlieamatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints. i"nfLc.fl lumtMBO, sciatica, all female complaints p wal III health, etc. This electrlo Belt contain. ,J. .,!. over ail omen, mrrenl 11 ....tan., iribUJ a 4iu3 riecino neu c er all othern. r-ni ' wpnn-r rr u-a fnrfelr , mm nn . Hiiicunuior in, iim.. m..u nm n nv n-i.A Rnd f1,!0. been cu.rwl.bJ th' maiTelouainvemlon !it.erJillotl!r,Tm'llefi1-nd e give hundreds of testimonials in this and every other stste. """""" Onr rowfrr.l Iapro,nl ELECTRIC SCSrF.VSORT. tbs KTr;'.', bK?a Vir ca,i weak men, HUB wltb al MaVs. fiend for IllusM Pamphlet, mailed, sealed, irea 8ANDEN ELEOTRIO CO., Vo. 17 first Street. I'QltTIAJiO OiXB. . SMITH BROS., CONTRACTOBti & PLAbTEREItb Leaveorders atCollle-Harkhiirst blnck.roiin 5 -h im I irpon W. A. .UMICK, l'resldeut. J. H ALHKHT CauUler. (l nil ! h THIS ofTer is made to you alone lu your community Will you Act? We present below the most valuable list of 'premiums for lbs of the best selling newspaper printed on the Coast. clubs m lie Great One Cent Daily. Tie Daily CAPITAL JODRNAL, Tie Peoples' Paper of Oregon. EVERYBODY WANTS IT. EVERYBODY WILL TAKE IT. Only $3.00 a year. $1.50 for six months, Sl.OO for fourmontha, jfS5No papers fent aller time la out for which if la ordered." YOU. You aie the- man. If we cannot get you to act, nmjd this to nmnone w h wants one of thte grand 'prHiiltinis for1 i-lmply getting up & club. Allium) anyone will lake this paper upon merely peeinir It. It Bella itsrlf. ltd' -ii cheap no one chii ttirmd uot to haveit. It fculls readers in city sud countr? if all classes aud parties. ' ' An Oregon New .paper California news does not suit you Eastern papers will not answer This is distinctively the Oregon Newspaper- entirely cover regon interests. List of Grand ire mium a set of decorated Havllund from Damon Bro) Salim. Hood's Cures WmSdjMl V. M. Rose Ittl 1UI OR SALEM. Transa-tH a general banklnir tiulness. I ompluttrii I upairttocollectioni. loanv !,? ; ,h..c.h'u,5e 'x"1s''t una sma on tin- (irlncliml rules oftho wo la. I ,nuY-s. J M. Maktin. )$'""' J. H.AiiiMir. It. V. MarrilBw'. i,.,:rtrr. China Set Free, lor a clut) of twentjt live yearly ht)lpcribetp, Chlnii, 19 tiieccs. sold usually at 475 to $100 collection of Hue chinaware, marked dowu to $67. Silver Ctitlery Free. For a, club of three yearly subscribers, a set of Roger Bros. b silver plated knives aud forks, 6 of each, frrm Damon Bros.; worth $600. $25 Suit Free. F..r a club of eight subscriber the best $25.00 suit of clothes in the store of A. b. iira-illelil & Co., &aleiu, your owu Selection. Steel Plow Free. For a club of eight subscribers a ateel beam, -feel GaleTifeel wlk lug plow, the best of its kind, fiom Gray Bros., 8alm, worth $25.00. Silver Spoons Free. .ii . . i m lvvo ieuny t-uwcrlhera, a dozen Rocer Bros, bnl silver plated tea epoous, from Datuiu Bros., worth $4 00. Organette Free. F..r a clut) of eight yearly 6uberiler8 a wood organelle from J. G. Wright, worth 25. first class German Itat- iiri, Ji In IhUt which inuliea Dr. Vm'I vonip rmuripiiou bo inv'eiuliifiill HllUVU UVbrV lil,ur- i.....Il . I .' M.ii..ti...vr.. r; .", "."""!. "..iHUH-n '"'"'"V u,u "'rei. won't flop 'rtiort of the Ut.ll Djii'i fxiwrluwui Wlttj worth U iu iiuliulloiiH, when the World ckuowledgea no HiiMrlor to the waidy for ho happy restoration o MeiKaml ctt-bllltlel woman. Cwt.. ni.Vl;?" ". mo,-mii just as n linn HWIIHTa, KCV Kuarniio on bottlt- rN Vtoea for Halo. I iHlWwiMMliratfd HpVi-ru I t!m.... 'f4wk ivuftt'ur old uraK.vlm KT,"UI !y"l VnrlUw, mil mAZM I r . Aiii K. nvr, buleiu. r u w ss.txm : UitMAs?-G6;uiJ:ririi fuel n Utwm,m.m HT ,ou, Mh uliKJiui.rove. A Slick Niuimi-IUii. A landlord in Orchard atrvtit wan iieot. j lug a fonialo totiant for nonpaymout ol runt when u pjuuorhy iutjuinhl tlio cmno ' of tho troublo, and boiug told bid thut ho would not beo u woman turned out of her homo and that ho would kv tho rout. Ho Imu.lod $100 to tho landlord, who took four months' runt out of it and gave tho balance (fl;!) back (o tho tfood Samaritan aud a reculpt to tho woman, i Tho man thou went away, and tho l.nul. lonl u fow mltiutivi Inter discovered that ho had bevu swludlvil, as tlio ?1U0 bill waa a counterfeit. New York Letter Fl'imurci, k'rc.uunv anil l'n.uii-s IIow otitfht it to U pronounced? All Iho extH'rta on tho subject, liko Vornv heed, Allison, Sherman and niatul.cuil it ,,lla!lco.,, with the accent on tho Htt lyllublo. ifost of tho southerner tniiko It ,'fenalltte,,, wllh u lingering druwL Nolxxly yet ha caught tho cla.'nical iuuvb, "lln-uneo ' ojtuept Paco nn-1 Pcf fer. Rut thoy ar ilabt.A)r New I Mk Recorder. . viiler l'litturt Gone. "Mrs. Gugglna is feelin mighty miserable," " ou dou't 6ay sol I thought bIio woa looklu iu illegaut health. "Yea, that's jest it. She's foelinsowell that she cati't thiuk of nothiu ter take patent medicines for, an sho jest nits an reads tho advertisements au pines." WtuhliiKton Star. ir-mrn L- l a l v Ui TCoT3 "O"1' U ''0UllKAk)UlVij n Hair Deatli. blllktAlltlV tVJf AViMlftnit fiirMVAr.l Jwtlmulile 1 , wti herup.Mi tb lianJ. lui xriiKti ..rck. xMhuit OUcolornt-oi ornlur- to lli mrat drllntlaaklu. I wio any . tuo e ret orinuUn .-..-...... li-.i.. t.. . . . - .. i, i, .. ,i.,ut ariuur im oy nnvm iftiia tb bUhMl autmritjr uilh' UlUttUaitY. lived. Durlox hla prlrii irnri,7-na .irllma aimuif ih uobllii uU arMixr-ry f luroiw lio n ravrlb. Ilia recti . frtevs tl hy mlf urrl wa i OTWivmtfnrr,nndvutll Ho)r -,ia,.. niiTrii Aiiurwi TH SKO0KUM ROOT MAIS QS0WER '0. 1I It oTOUb lb tVtuua.NW Vutl "I was troubled with terrlbls pala la lay taclc and alio bad kidney difficulty. For 27 Yonra I Suffered. I took Flood'i Sarsaparllls, and began to get better. I have not had an attack dace I be ra to ujo It. I was alio cared ot catarrb la the head and am now In cood health," D. M. Rqsb, DcnboD. Iowa. Hood'o Pills act easily, yet promptly and cfflclenuy, oa Uie llrer aad bowoU. 35, A MDY'S TOILET Is not complete without au ideal nOMPLEXIOI 3 PowuEa POZZONI'S v-omDtnes every element o( ucauiy anu purity. It is beauti Jyjng, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when Tie Oregon Lant in'ii, ?.!ie,.n,..lf",?s"Bed ln pe"ln rrmt 'nnds In 111- vl.-lnlty.ifsu o.ii.Or.s.ii, wuere """e fit U now trowing ih,, ftllny n"rl I .f iiue-i,, C"vK Ml.TIIOK.N. 11 Mnn -tprx. Hotel .Monterey. Newport, - . 0regoni L.oattd on the Heneh.two miles n.,,,1, LS.VV:"1 " Cuve C,ve. leaiitifull. i ,i i ' ' '. w"""eriiu MtMierv, PeH ba .Ing, line driven to(W Ki. , valldH Open all wfiilfT. Term,. .-"..i-iuiv nv uy r wek. IiilendniL' visitors can drop a postal card to New port aud be met by hHck. JOHN MtZIMTKIOIC, m n '- . K.iiiir'fir, Sewing Mactiine Free. no,, i . f', fcllu-ri"era, a uilmax hlch arm, ociviui! ujaiiiine. u'lirmntu fv... n.. -, v.,,.. 4 "drawer. k 55ia a ' ...., ..wh ucu, v, yin,-oaiem, wortu, Silk Hat Free. mSmi. sns ctx i"e of our ie3t mk ,Hai from c- Steam Washer Free. u. ., u" '" u" A early btibtcnbers oirnm vasners, wurtli d.00. one of J. B. Brown'a Founttlo Welch Clocl-c Free. rn u Cllll fill taw, t5, cholarship Free. ciuu i,i u n.rl MihwHho.,, . - . v -- - -.-v......,rtl .!: GEO. C.WILL Emer UKAI.KK IN Slelnway, Knube, U'ebber UMII ,l,,.l . I ' ,UW'1 "... .nun iiiiiriiiu chlneJ?rbt Cl1"8 '"UkeS or ,WW,MR ' Hmaller makes of musical Insirn Oeiluln6 need e., oil and new parts for all makes of marliliiMi. ,"B Wewlng machines and orcans ro Italml sn.l cleaned. B ,8 re- Tivodoois north of nnmoffln.. Snie,,. i weifoii, rr u cillli ut li.e i.rl, .nM.rii o.. -ni ... - ., us uuc 'Koi uuy wbiia uiocsywame Ji til 11 l.ll Worth Tm ' ( r c,,m'),eUJ bualuw. courhe) j-ood-for twoyein. Silver Watch Free k U rnuure St- 1,- iir aeltit, t (f,wll HUownm-ra a tenVtir,,Ud",Bn,l'fn,,nA-B-au .lH n...t. I. TV.lil.o m T!rl rfalem, the best made item winder and aetter j B 3 k'if ift CAVbAlu.KAUFMJlRkTr u . . jjmijr ucu is invisiuie. a most 1 1 delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. I 1 1 IctUt npsa haTlag th gtnalne. J liJ ,s rua swi ivumirxc b I Ii uflHHHHHHHHHiBHHLWMHLHLwiEkii I H COPYRIGHTS .-. -- . . . 9 SWJtWffMon.TJL. C?r wKisvissyttSc. solid oak, carved bed roorp jet, bed' reu & Sou, furniture dealers, Salem. Coolv Stove Free. beitmlldeC,rih,8.;emcCur!",hrPrfl ,ar.e -lx. No. 8 croking Move, Salem, worth l"v. L Usl' fr,,m Perri' & L'o.'o stove and plow worki, Ladies' Gold Vti-v t retail ,"rk'e,3u6oMtt,tiU l rfalCUJ' the bt8t Shot Gun Free. JtauRH IC iuuMWHlt TnJu '!?hT HRic,,,Brd9' EnBll8h double barrel II Miitl iiioumlMK- nli ut Htwk-n e!i !Vd fr p, aM ft'eud. engraved .fki liK I..CI.H, l"w ar u r 1 '! : ' h, ' "tension rlt. relKiui; gun, from Uro,,s tiS$W 08d elt!Vr,7rom WrwMaUn';1 m T "Ue "!lvne watch, Hem wlnderind ruade, reiullsat ?0.00. ttn,n or "'eni, glvis as good seivloeaa the Lt Fruit Trees' free, ah " . . u" '" " fM-ribers we i,lv Kio r.n , ih nU.v,.r,,.M r ruil, . ..".-;."' -iiii ii'unoirew "" "- -"' iduu. -nriit-y-. Alliany CA. rirKnmi.juin p..-i.. . AS?r,l..N' . ' ""'tlw. 'r so tor tl.,1 ',2 ,,f.S.Y? f,,r !le 'r, th 'i't of the mm. i .."' '" preiniuiiti are "" uej-, oeuu tuueawMkl larxftai nn.1 "14;.??J5SK Tfr kla ?fl4 SffltS? J .SSTMiuie" H5BffirJ&? usm&u as many y nan'Mud' 10 for tit readv fnr Hi.pnln.our DOStdtlliVi nrrf.p . I.T.I. .1 r. n-i , u, uuua uiaiik. roiiii r:,i:r"m ; . . m . uinua, ,, ,; r r """' in.i?f e wl a. " i - mvc, umi agents may satisfy tliem- b Bt'lves. HOFER BROS., Publishers, BALEM, OREOON. ,"'t ! vyjlWaayifyiyi sawstaaaB-fflag-rjPiiwvwtMt. . .