6 PAPERS rWttERT 5cU. a taoatli by Wail Prepaid in Advance. No Papers Sent When Time is Out $3,O0 a Year. JOURNAL. 0 A.r 1 1 AJu Tito Journal hna a larger Cir culation in Salem and Mario County than any ttalem newfpr- per. Bee our lints. UOFKK BKOB rubUlert. 9AJQEM, OREGON THUBSDAT, JA2TUAIIY la, lo54. VOL.. 7. DAILY EDITION. DAILY EDITION. NO. 13. !15 -:-LAST RESORT -:- $15 Between our expectations and realizations stand 500 fruitless and fashionable SUITS AND OVERCOATS Unsold. Brightprospects have turned to disappoint ing realities. We h.'id hoped to increase our business 1 st year fifty per cent. You know of the stumbling blocks that have been in the way. You have had your reaons for saving your money. Your neigh bor has had his and thus our hopes were bl.isted. But we'll untie those purse strings We have made a sacrifice that you must appreciate and offering that you must improve or you will forfeit all claim to be ing prudent and provident, any of our : Suits or Overcoats $15 ! Its our duty that has split these prices ; it's your duty to GRAB 'EM. $15 -:-A.S.BRASFIELD.-:- $1-5 JEDp. C. f i ' ( -. ' CHURCHILL AND BURROUGHS TUB NEW . WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed and ready to wnlt on customers. Horses boarded by day or weel at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Truck-, Dravs and Express to meet all demands. Also keep the fiuest Stallions in this count v. for wrvlce. Barn and residence 2 block south of postofflce. RYAN & CO. J. RUBINSTEIN, FROEBEL SCHOOLS 4th Year. n m sn Infant, Connecting and-Prlraary classes every week day from 0 a. m. to 12 m. except Satuiday. MISS 0. BALLOU, -- Principal TRAINING CLA8SE3 forteacbeis' dally pmct Ice work from 0 n. m. to 12 m. In Kindergarten. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. Classes meet for study of Froebel system. Mrs. P. b. Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with training class, conducted by Mrs. KnlKhrand Miss Ballou. For terms oi Information apply at Kiudergarten rooms, corner Court and Liberty streets. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, ORBOON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day TUe best hotel between Portland and Ban KranclKoo. Flnt-cliuui In all Ita appointment. 1U tables are nerved with the Choicest Fruits Urown In the Willamette Valley, A. I. WAGNFR. Prop OLINGER & RIGDON, Undertakers and Embilmers. Cabinet work and repairing. Court street, Ojipoillo Opera llotue, pAt,KM, - - OKEOON BUR ION KKOTllKKS Manufacture Standard PreMed Brlotr, Molded Brick In all Patterna for Krnt and upplrUie brick lortbe Hw Malem City Mall and tintrtr all the Que build ng erected IniheUpltalOly aid nar I'aalWaUair, Salem, Or. 1 3 d w S&LA UWMl OO Cross, Choice Meats. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, .Salt and Smoked Meats of a lUinds 95 Court, and 110 State Streets. MERCHANT TAILOR. Suits Made to Order E. M. WAITE PRINTING CO , BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS , AND Legal BlanJi Publishers. UusU'a Nevr Brlctc.over the bank. Uom'l street Steamer fllfona FOR PORTLAND. Leaven Ilolti'rf dock Mondays, Wdnplajrs and Fridays 7:S0 a m., urrlvlue In Porllfaud at 1 SO p. in. BETURNINO, lenvwi PnrtlHnd Tue day, Tuurdaysandbaturdayot6a. in. Fart t'me ror paa.enger service; no way landlncfretebt bundled. KUUND THIF(unllml'ed) $200. One way, (1.2. MEALS 26 CENTS Tr freight rate and tlckts apply to Mlt h- Ml. V illfllfc VJ. UUtHWU w,t.v- 11-H-lra S. 0. V. MARKET, 365 Summer Street. LEWId &. PRAl'HER, Props. The beet meats of all kinds sold at th lowest prices. Reliable goods and qulok delivery. Bonds Advertised. Washington, Jan. 18 Secretary Carlisle this afternoon issued a circular inviting proposals for $50,000,000 6 per cent bonds redeemable after ten years. Allottmenta of londs will be made to the highest bidder therefor, but no pro ivwal will be considered at a lower price than f 117 223 which Is an equlvaleut of S percent bonds at par. The bonds will be In denominations of (50 and on wards. Women Rebels. nnifR. Jin. 18 Ills asserted thai reel baud In Sicily comprise 3.000 woraeu. The rebels aro well supplied with provisions. HORRIBLE THEATRE FIRE. Periormanco in Honor of the Gods. RESULTS IN WHOLESALE CREMATION. One Jinn and Tito to Three Hun dred Women. San Francisco, Jan. 18. Advices by steamer China, from Hour Kent, give an account of the appalling acci dent at Ningpo, a mouth ago, resulting in the deuth of between two and three hundred women and children. The annual theatrical performance, in honor of the Chinese gods, was being given in the temple, and about four hundred people were preseut. A boy threw a lighted cigarette Into a heap of straw. In the rush to escape, a man was trampled to death. Others were killed by Jumping from windows. The whole building was soon ablaze. Those unable to escape were burned alive. - In the Senate. Wamiinqton, Jan. 18. Pefler, of Kansas, Introduced it resolution declar ing the secretary has no authority for issuing bonds us proposed. A MONUMENT. A bill appropriating $50,000 for the monument to Geueral John Stark was passed after some discussion, touching mostly on finances, during which Mor gan paid the country could not attord to borrow mouey at five per ceut to build monuments. IN THE HOUSE. Consideration of the tariff bill waB resumed In the House. Another Oaso. Kansas City, Jan. 18. A crowd of 2,000 men collected outside Turner hall to take vengeance on A. P. A. Lectur er J. V. McNamare, "ex-priest of Rome:" ''-The speaker appeared on the platform with a rifle and a revolver, outing that there was murder in tne air. After the lecture he and his wlf , both armed, entered a carriage. Some one threw a stone at McNumare, who tired into the crowd, and a ruuniug fight of several blockBensued, In which many shota were exchanged. They finally reached the hotel in safety. Salt Lake City Debt. Washington, D. C, January 18. Rawlins of Utah asked unanimous consent for consideration of a bill per mitting 8alt Lake City to become in debted, including the present indebted ness, to the amount of 6 per cent of its taxable valuation, Without objection the bill passed. Bobbers Hold Up a Train St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 18. A gan of five robbers held up the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council BluflV train, a Hoy's Branch, two miles north of this city, early this morning. The ex press messenger aays the robbers got nothing to speak of. Iowa Senatorship. Des MoiNEd, Jan. 18. Both bouses l of the legislature met In joint session and ratified the election of John H. Gear as United Statu senator for the term commencing March 4, 1895. German Budget. Berlin, Jan. 18 The Budget for '04 chows u deficit of seventy million marks which will be covered by loan. A Senator Resigns. Washington, Jan. 18. Senator Walthal , of Mississippi, has resigned, on accoutof his III health.) MADE THE WOMEN BLUSH. Broad Language Ua.ed by Editor Stead in Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 18. Wm. T. Stead made an address at the People's Insti tute, on the West Side, and abused everything Chicago possesses. His ob ject was to show up the seamy side of life in tbls city, Including the rich men wbo rob right and left and the women wbo sell their bodies in or der to get bread. Ha took a fling at the city council, denouncing it as being composed in the main of men wbo came from the lowest elements of the city, and said the fact of such men leg islating for such a great city as Chicago was absurd. He Intimated that many of the members of the city council were little better than thieves, and ha was liberally applauded for the sentiment. The wealthy woman who thinks only of heree f and neglects her hungry and d wntro Iden staters, came. In for a ! share of attention. The speaker drew picture between the woman roiling In wealth, who because of her social posi tion and her' fear of losing It kept her self free from taint, and tho poor wom an, who, harassed by want and pover ty, threw hdrsalf iuto the gutter to get hr.-nd to keen her from starving. Mr. 8tead did nbt think society women were any better than their weaker sis ters, who, however pure In heart they might bo, were compelled by force of circumstances to abandon a moral life. Stead's words In discussing this phase of Jife were so broad that most of the women In Uie audience blushed with hame, and some of them left the hall. Too bad. The Ekitou. TDE POOL OF POLITICS. Free Tradft in Wool to Go Into Effect at Once. CONGRESS ON LABOR-SAVING MACHINES. D.elails of V Carlisle's Bondinj Scheme. thcVakifp bill. Washington, Jan. 18 The speaker announced a ngmber of committee ap pointments and' tho home went iuto committee of tno whole f,r considera tion of the tariff bill, the pending amendments belug those fixing the date on which the free-wool schedules should go Into ollVet. The Payne amendment to make free-wool go Into c fleet October 1, U98, wai lot, and onf by Johnsou, .ihuklug the free-wool clause eft-ctlve Immediately on the passpge of the bill, was carried, 112 to 102. This is tho first defeat for the committee. . , Only one other amendment was acted on today, namely, to allow free ejtry In bond of machinery as well as matter used in the construction of ships built on foreign account, The rest of tlie day was spent la discussing tho amend ment of Mr. llnrrnwH. to HIbaJjujg )ie presentrwool scfieduIefor that proposed by the Wilson bill. At 6:30 tho boute took a recess. until 8 o'clock. LABOR. The bouse committee on labor or dered a favorable report on McCanu'a resolution authorizing Ihn commissioner of labor to investigate and report upon the efiect of the use of machinery upon labor and cost of production, the relative productive power of hand and machine labor, the eot of manufacturing, with machine power aud its 'li'eet on wages, use of machinery operated by women and children. Ten thousand dollais was appropriated fo enable the com missioner to curry out the provisions of of the resolution. HAWAII. The state department hai received a dispatch dated at Sin Francisco, from Samuul Parker, ex-prime minister aud minister of foreign uflalrs iq-ex-queen Lilluokalani's cabinet, refuting the statement that the ex-queen has auy intention of claiming dumagos from the throne of Hawaii. THK BOND ISSUK. Secretary CarlNe has Issued tho fol lowing circular inviting proposals for five per cent bends: liv virtue of the authority contain ed In an act entitled 'An act to provide for the resumption of specie payment.' approved January 14, 1875, tho secre tary of the treasury hereby ofjera for public subscription, an Idiue of tlje bonds of the United States to the amount of 160,000.000, lu either regis tered or coupon form, and in denomi nations of $50 and upwards, redeemable iu oiu at the pleasure of the govern ment after teu yeard from the date ol issue, aud bearing Interest payable quarterly In coin, at tne rate or live per cent. Proposals for the wliole or any part of these bonds, will be received ut the treasury department until 12 o'clock, noon, on the first day of Feb ruary. 1891. 'Allotments of bonds will bo miulo to the highest bidders thereforo, but no proposal wilt be received at a lower price than 117.223 which la cqulvulout to a 3 per cent, bond at par, aud the right to reject auy aud all proposals is hereby exprefsly reserved. The bopds will be dated February 1, 180J " Mr. Allison, a memlnrr of the sonata finance committee, said that couurrsg, ought to have been called upon by (he secretary of the treasury to take up the bond queatioti before the land hill, us the former was the more pressing. Farmers Alliance. CutOACio, Jan. 18 Til preliminary meeting f th t turteenth uuuu tl cm- veutlooof the nttlonnl firmrs alliance met here today. The m tly, wll Iut tM days aud tha limn will be prlncl llly taken up In lieiirlnj annual re ports and e'estlng effljip, A very larfe nutting t x.Ptq:3J, IMPORTANT FOREIGN NEWS. South American Wars an.l Re bellions Going On. BIG EARTHQUAKES IN ASIA. Throo Thousand Womtui Rebels in Sicily. LoNPON.Jau 18. A dispatch from Buenos Ayres says advices from Rio have reached there showing that rum ors are current In the Brazilian capital that many members of the national guard are deserting aud going over to the Insurgents. Several persons, in cluding a number of Itallaus, have beeu killed by shells fired by the Insur gents into the middlo of the city. Friends of the Itallaus have demanded Indemnity. The government has In formed the foreign residents that it will not accept any liability. The govern ment forces are bombarding the insur gents' storehouses on tho Eu Chados Islands. Tho Brazilian War. Buenos Aykes, Jan. 18. Tho fol lowing advices havo beeu received at Rio; Volunteers are being enrolled to support Peixoto. The Insurgent war ship, Aquidaban, Is preparing to return doutl) for the purpose of procuring re inforcements. The British sloop of war, Bougie, is constantly cruising to and fro outside of the harbor, the ob ject of ber movements here Is not known. The report that Mello was aboard of the Jepubllca, oft Sautos Is confirmed. Iitn Janeiro, Jan. 18,-Llttle ohange In the situation. The usual BklrmUhes continue. Salvador Will Eomam Neutral,. Li Liukrtad, Jan: 18. Tho latest dispatches' receivpd'here'from-the seat of war in Honduras onvey tho infor mation that President Vasquz defeated a hody of invaders who were under the command of General Manuel Boullla, at Apucilagua, Monday. General Ortez, who Is chief iii-comiulnd of the Invad log forces, has requested General An tonio Ezeta's assistance in the light. General Fz"ta, who is fuliy authorised to answer for Balvador, refuses to lend aid to the iuvaders of Honduras aud declares Salvador will maintain a strict neutrality, but would lie willing to act the part of a peacemaker, if invited. Wrecked By an Explosion. Bokdhaux, Jan. 18. An explosion between the decks ol thesteamer Equa tor from La Plata badly wrecked a por tion of the deck, killed two sailors aud fatally wounded a number of othern. It is believed un Infernal machine caused the damage. Peizoto's Fleot. London, Jan. 13. IMxoto's fleet Is reported to have left Pernambuco for Rio. The Insurgents have received fresh provisions and now havo large supplies. Tho insurgent vessels are blocking Santos. Tha clergy generally are said to be in favor of the insurg ents. Nicaragua. New York, Jan. 19. A caolo from Tegucigalpa Bays President Vasquez has declared that before the end of the month he would Invade Nicaragua with 1b army aud teach Nicaraguaus a severe lesson fur aiding tho Insurgent Boullla. Earthquakes in Asia. London, Jan. 18 A dispatch to the Standard from Shuughal says: There hita been a series of destructive earth quakes In tho province of Urgu, Mon golia. Hundreds of the native noma dic population with fbcki, were swal lowed up or otherwise destroyed, A Bank in Trouble. Rome, Jan. 18. Continuous with drawals have compelled tho Bunca General to apply for moratorium. It hat a capital of 60,000,000. The assets exceed the liabilities 25,000,000 lire. It has branches in Milan and Genoa. National Dairy Union. ! CiuoAao, Ills., Jan. 18. The dairy men, who havo beeu In muslou here for three days, adj urued this afternoon, after having perfected tho organization of the National Dairy Union, In bis closing add re is, President Horr said; ' The Union would never stop 111 it had compelled, if It O'uld not persuade, Congreay and the next loUlaturei to put a stop to the sale of oleuHrriue and other counterfeits, nude iu imita tion of butter." Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 m. V. ABSOLUTELY PURE Tho Senate Oiucm. Denver, Col., Jan. 18. Tho senate has a mujority in the cnticm consider ing the proposition providing for tho dlsmlsal of every officer and employee In the senate and followed by un adjournment for one day, every mem ber then to go home and not return. Should the resolution pass It will leave the governor without nu official to call the senate to order, or arrest members on a writ of attachment nnd will be the means of compelling the house to adjourn. WILL TULY BK LBBAIi? Having determined upon nu Issue of bonds, the question arises, will they bo legal? It is probaly a question of con struing a law of congress that cou'd only bo settled by the supremo court of the United States. The question of tho propriety of lssuelng bonds, or the value of such a measure In restoring prosperity Is not comideiyd. Secretary Carlisle's decision to is-tue biud-t by virtue of the general authority granted to the secretary of tho treasury uudor tho act of 1875, hai uromed interest in the question as to the legility of such action. It Is well understood that Mr. Carllslo would not resort to this get erut uctexcopt for the purpose of meet ing the pressing deminds for cash. Judue Culbersou of Texas, chairman of the judiciary committee of the house, and most, if not all, of his colleagues on that committee, say that while the secretary has the geueral right to Issue bonds, ho cannot uso tho proceeds de rived from their sale, except for tho single purpose of redeomiug outstand ing treasury notes. ThU, of course, would preclude the possibility of uglui: tho proceeds of a bond ixsue for meet ing current expenses and would render a resort to bonds almost nugatory. Judge Culberson has made an e haustive study of tho bond HUbJct and In giving his views recently ho referred to a report ho had raide in cougress on July 0, 1892. It was in response to a resolution of Inquiry presonted by Rip reseutatlvo Dockery, asking whether under the act of 1875 tho secretary of the treasury had the right to use the proceeds of any moneys lu the treasury irlrilug from the sale of bonds for any purposes other than ttiojo meutlnued. Judge Culberson's report was signed by Congressmen Oates of Alabama, Bynum of Indiana, Stookdalo of Mississippi, Goodnight of Keutuaky, Hoatner of Louisiana, Layton of Ohio, Wolverton of Pennsylvania, Fellows of Now York, and Buchanan, of Virginia. All of theso gentlemen, with tho ex ception of Messrs. Fellows, and Bu ohanan, aro members of tho preseut House of Representative1 and aro ro gardod,as authorities on legal questions In the report thoy say: "There Is no limitation upon the authority of tho Secretarv of the Treus ury to sell bonds for tho purpoia of re demption under tho act, but the pro ceeds derived from such sales cannot bo used forotuor than redemption pur poses." A minority report wa"j aim prso itcd at the time Judje UulbermiiM repirt was put In. Mr. Ry of Niw York, still a member of the Uoubc, and four other Republican members, joined in the report. JuiIro Culbersou says, however, that Secretary Foster prepar ed tho report, Tno minority Insisted that the Secretary of the Treasury had the right, not ouly to ifsue bonds with out any further authority from Con gress, hut also had tho right to use the prnceedi from the sale, for current ex penses. W. 0. T. U. Program. Program nt the W. C. T, U. enter tainment at Reed's opra house,Frlday, Jan. 10th, at 8 p. in. 1'AUT I. "Echo and the Ferry"-.MI Di orcst Vocul Holo MIhs Mattlu Bonthwlok Helected Reading....... MIm I)u Forest Piano Holo ...... Miss Jct-sle Mrevmaii "A Royal Princess Miss Da Forest I'AKT II. "A Ghost Story" Mum D Forest Vocal Duett ...MUarJcrihnr, Mr Whan The two Bella" Ml s Df Forest VoalHolo Mr. H. ll-llrtiid Selected Reading.. ...... Mm De Forest Admission, 25 cents; reserved seats at Prttlou'n 25 oeuti extra, Baking rowuer TDE MYSTERIOUS i P. i Lecturers Mobbed Places. at Several INTERFERENCE WITH ONE SPEECH. Speakers" Compelled to Go. Armed on tho Platform. j Aiu'leton, Wis., Jan. 18. Major 81m", A. P. A. lecturer was mobbed at Kaukauna, last night and the meeting brokenmp. The sheriff bad partly dis persed th'e'mnb and wltbr the help of the local dfficers escorted Sims to a boarding place. Tho mob followed them up throwing stones and Sims was knocked eeusdeeibya stone. Sims was escorted to tho tra'n thh tnirnlng by men armed w-tu WlneheeterB and he lolt for Ashland. n a i Tho County Tax h.ry. The County C(fii m1 loners' court of Marion county it day- made tbe fol lowing tax levy In'mlllt :' State levy, as'tnade-L .-k.,.l 4i3 School ....... ...Lt. 4.0 County- vsw-iaftsvist. . 0.7 ' -p , Total r.t,.. 16.0 ,Thls is a reduction of Ave mills frrm I tst year. County expenditures Xor-1898 amounted $05,781. Taxable property as equalized for 1804, $10,704,287. Tho county kvy on this valuo will raise $78,821.72 Tor coun ty purposes. Tho levy will net $12,610 mnro than last year. Warrants outstanding Jan. 1, 1801, were $57,000. Jau. 1, 1893, thero were $03,015 out. The state tax will be about $20,000 less than last year. Thoy Will Wed. A marriage iicenso was today itsued to M. J. Hullt and M. A. DIokcrson,F. T. Cook witness. Movinci Sale. As wo intend io movo Feb. 1st, all goods will be t acrl fleet! at aud below cost for 5 days. La dles' Buznar, Biato Ineuranoa b'oolr. 2t. J. B. Woodford of tho Perry Stova works, Is qulto ill at h's Eas Salem homo from a sevoro fall recolved s short tlmoslnco. Lift) is Misery To many peoplo who havo the taint of scrofula iu their blood. Tho agonies caused by tho dreadful running sores aud other manifestations of this disease aro beyotid description. There is no other remedy equal to Hood's Sarsrpa rilla for scrofula, salt rheum and every form of blood disease It Is reasonably sure to benefit all who give ita fair trial. i i ssaeame eaet "Afl old as thohilla"and never excell ed. "Tried nnd proven" isthoyordict of millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is tno conly Liver JLJCifOf and Kidnoy modicino to which you can pin your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on tho'Livor and Kid- Than Pills noya. Try it. Bold by all DruggiflU in Liquid, or in Powdr to bo takon dry or raado intoa tea, TheKlncorLtvarttedjclM. I have uol yonrBlmmons Uyerfp Utor and can cooclBnelouly eajr It wm kliiit of ul liver medicine. I oo"J ineJIrlno cheat In IUeir,-UKO. W. JAOSV. om, Tacoina, WMblocton. t TKVKKY rXCKAQW