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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1894)
EVENING- CAPITAL JOTJBNAIi, MOTDAY, JAJOTAIIY 15, i04. ' " ' I'V i :j THE GREAT MTTEND Closing Offi Sale! WOO Mi At C DRY GOODS and Shoes. Everything in the 'stock goes, and be convinced. All new goods. Come The Palace D. G. & S. Co., 307 COMMERCIAL STREET. HAIR MATRESSES AT KELLER & 8UJW, The best Bed made. Try one. 318 and 320 CommerclM Ht. Local Dates. Jan. CO. By Pi rklns comedy. A 8ad Btoiiy. Word hu been re eeiyid of the death of Mrs. Arrlngton, mother of V. L. Arrlngton, ex-treasurer of Douglaa county, confined In the state penitentiary, charged with mis use of county funds. His poor old mother gave a hynie to Ida pennllew family and tried to do for them the best she could, but grief over the faU of her unfortunate son, was more thuu he ceuld bear, and aba died of a broken heart. Her eon baa not been Informed of' bcr death. Sebious Charoks. It Is published that 6. L. Lovelf, late colonel of the 2d Regt., O. "&. (J., is short some $2100. of military money, and that criminal proceedings will be Instituted. His friends claim that the urnount In con troversy Is less than $1500, and that It baa been lawfully unnroorlated. tor rents, etc. If the gentleman Is guilty of the charges he should be prosecuted, otherwise he has been done a great In justice by premature publicity. Ankle Bprainpd. Saturday even ing about 5 o'clock, Claude Torry met with quite a painful acoident, while playing with a dog In front of J ihnson fc Son'd Clothing store, on Coin morula I street, be fell, twlstlug his foot In such a manner us to cause quite u serious praln. The Last Boat-That passed through the looks brought Brewster & White tons aud tons of feed. Barley ehop and chloken feed were never sold o cheap In Salem before. All good, way down. Wholesale prices cut at 01 Court street. 1 15 at GoiNa Hioiikr Tho Willamette and all tho streams aro going higher till, while, straugo to Bay, one thing is today at the low water mark, tho same M always, tho prices at Clark &Ep-ptey'a. A terrible wicd and Hon. T. T. deer camn to town Saturday night The United Brethren had over 300 peo ple out last night between wind aud water. The Interest in the revival .trows under Elder B irday and Bishop Dillon. The Congregational Sundav lichool has changed its time of meeting from 12 o'clock to ten minutes earlier ...It blew harder Sunday ulght and the elements are going to keep at it un it they raise trouble of some kind The Congregational young people next a-ep open home for the Y M C. A. Olive lodge Is in ado up of awfully go td r awfully bright men, as it seems nearly ail the pist, present and future r-lty, county and state oflluiuls are ituong Its members Judge B. F. lionham has quit fooling with the grip and is again at his luw practice.... Miss Grace Scriber is in Portland for a day Elder Bhulso went to Wood urn ...Col. Bob Thompson returned to Portland today. He Bays It la far more congenial editing the Internal revenue than the Salem Democrat. Dan Sully. His company Is here nd w II play the "Corner Grocery" at Iteed's tonight. Go aud get over the blues. The play Is good and in the bands of artists. Prominent Men Sued. Mart. Chamberlain, John Savage. 8r., Leo. Willis, A. Bush, Enoch P. Walk r, T. C. Shaw. Geo. Collins, and tho it P. Earhart estate aro sued ai bonds men of John B. McCIane, deceased, who as Indian agent at Grand Ronde, failed to account propurly for (160.85. Theso geutloman went on a $15,000 bond, and the bilanco sued for was claimed by Mr. McClano to have been properly evpeudod for the Indiaus and that ho did not owe It whluh was prob. ably the fact. Now with interests and costs It amouuts to quite a sum. It will cost tho government ten time what It will recover to oolleot this and Is probably one of tho many schemes of federal marshals aud attorneys to get fees. There Is no doubt however but that tho bond Is perfectly good. THE FLOOD GATES OPH. And Hoods of Neva Items are Caught in "Tho Journal'' Boom. The steamer Elwood came up last night with 60 tons freight for Salem, anuauoui me same amount for upper river points. This morning she left for Corvalhs at 8 o'clock. The Altoua is laid up Just below the Salem Flouring mill, and will not be able to reaob Portland again for several days on ac count of th locks at Oregou City be ing closed by high water. The river has been rising steadily for several diys and at 11 a. m. had reacued the 22 fiot mirk on the gauge at the Union Pacific dock and was still rising at the rate of one-ten tb of a toot an hour. The locks at Oregon City were closed yesterday at 4 p. m. The river here is 6 feet lower than it was a few weeks ago, and 10 feet lower tbau the flood of February, 1890. The heavy rain yesterday and last night will no doubt send the water to the 27-foot martc of December, but as there is only a tow weeks accumulation of snow in the mountaius, It will prob ably not reach a higher stage. The Winter street bridge has sank two feet, and the motor Railways Co's cars can not cross It, passengers are transferred there on the font bridge. That Is a bad place in the creeks, and it Is still rising. The steamer Modoc is below tho looks, and cannot get up un til the nver falls sufficiently for them to open, The overland train failed to oomo through this mornlug, having laid up be-low Buseberg, on account of land slides. The freight train came up this morn ing, from Portland, and reports every thing all right below. The R)seberg local came in on time. The docks along the river front ore ail under water and tlje transportation companies have been compelled to move their olllce up town. Lieutenant Taylor, of the U. S. engineering corps, and Capt. H, D. Hatch, of the snag boat, Corvallls, made a trip In a small boat from Euirene hi Harrisburg on the 13ih inst, for the purpose of examining the river. Lieutenant Taylor states that he expects to have that portion of the river thorougly cleaned. Steamer Altona is lying at Salem on aeount of not being able to go through the looks. People's Party paper. SUarday even ing it announces that another change has taken place. It passes Into the bands of the Independent Co-operative Association, which is composed of a number of Salem young men vitb some newspaper experience. R. E Cannon will be city editor and Henry itundret bustness manager. The Dally Oregon Democrat appears a "The Morning Daraocrat," J. M. Lawrence editor, and A. A. Miller business manager. The Pendleton Tribune is also in the bands of Its former employes. These are trying times for young dallies, and the co operative plan of publication may succeed where the other way fails. Wool Growers' Meeting. The North Paciflo Sheep Breeders' and Wool Growers' Association, meets In this city Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at the state bouse, state board of equallzition rooms. Jas. Wy be, court of Portland, T. T. Geer, of taacleay, John Mint), of Salem and other prominent representa tives of the sheep aud wool interest, will be present. Every manufacturing and industrial Interest chould assist the sbeep growers io protesting against the Wilson bill. Oregon should follow in the steps of California aud Washington and send a representative to appear be fore the senate committee. Colored Rovival. Bsv. Jas. Simmons is conducting a successful reviyal at the St. Paul's A. M. E. church at North Salem. Meet ings all this week, OREGON STATE PBISON. Qaartorly Report of Receipts Expenditures. and IN THE SO DIAL REALM. Tiie report of Geo. S. Downing, su perintendent of the penitentiary, for the quarter ending December 31, 1893, shows tho following statement of ex penditures, etc t EXPEVDrTURES. Officers and guards ..$3,173 98 Shop guard , 360 00 Night wutch ... 615 00 SUPREME COURT. Salkm, Jan. 16, '01. Tho O. & O. R. ft Co., and the 8. P. Co., respondents, vs. the city of Port land ot al appellants. Appeal from af- MIh Do Forest of Portlaud, will re cite at Heed's opera house next Friday alxhtatthoW.C. T. U. entertainment. Miss Do Forest Is said to havo greatly kaprovtd since her connection with the Uuiverslty hore, having studied with the best teachers of Han Francisco. Her frlouds will be glad of an oppur tunlty lo hoar her agalu. Among the Ssmical numbers will be a plauo boIo by Miss Jessie Breymau aud there will be avveral Hue vocal selections. Tho lmtilon will bo only lots. to all parti of tho house, ftasorved seats 2.5 eta. extra. Beats on sale at Patton's book store. Mackintoshes and gossamers for ladles, misses and children, and uudor wear of all sixes and kind aud rubber ad oiled coats at cost to cloao out while they are still uoeded for uo ut tho New York fticket. Call aud see them, 2dlw. nmmnwim M Special this Week! A J Rfem of flrtt clusa 111 m PiPARJ -FOR- Multnomah county, Judgment 11 r moil. Opinion by Moore J. Ouu Watsou Sloan, et al., respon dents, vs. John H. Woodard, et nl.. ap- peiiants. Appeal from Multnomah Co., Judgment reversed. Opinion by Beuii J. S. Patterson ami R. Glltan, rrspon. dent, vs. Martin Gallagher, etui., up pellunU. Appeal from Multnomae Co- Judgment reversed. Opinion by Bean Je A. W. Hough, respondent, vs. A. Hough, appellant. Appeal from Crook Co., Judgmeut nlllrmed. Oplulou by Lord O. J. Slate of Oregon respondent vs. Ellns Uialnes uppollant. Appeal from Mult nomah county, Judgment, aftirmed opinion per curiam. Roland Ward, respondent vs. S. P. Co. uppollant, appeal from Douglas Co. aigueu nml submit led, Bronaugh A Ftinlnu attorneys for oppellunt J. W. Hamilton attorney for respondent. Mongolian Masons. Tho grand lodge of Chinese Masons mciaiBiioiii UHtiMuy and held ses. sloiis In the store rontn next door to tho Ilurvau saloon In Ud's block. Tho work of the 331 daro was not ami. eluded until Ub. in. Sunday. Of ecu as with their white brothers or the mystic rite no women uro admitted. Ono ooiitlnml hh-hIoii of 22 honra wnuiu ton the Insomnia aud indiges thin of uuy race and that should prop, eriy bo designated tho General Tanner d tgreo. Merchant George Bun 1ms our thanks for disclosure that would al most merit the fate of Morgan. :-25Cts-:- DJpLKBOBN'S BOOKSTORE. i Joir window. IffSJS?; ? Tiik Alii.vny Excursion. Tho steamer Alton will take the exourdon of military boys-uud clrla-to Albauv torn irrow, leaving hero at 2 o'clock n. m. Round trip tickets will bo onlvlday ntubt under the ausuicea of n fin.. . I II a.t t . FAREWELL RECEPTION. Last Saturday evening witnessed a happy event at the home of J. T. Glenn in South Salem. It was the occasion of a farewell reception tendered this family, who depart this week for Pen dleton, where Mr. Glenn takes the position of carpenter on the Umatilla reservation. About thirty neighbors nnd fr:onds collected to bid them good bye. A delightful evening was spent by ail, and after partaking of a de licious luncheon all departed shortly before midnight. SALEM rEKSONALa. Mrs. Mark Skill has returned from a Visit with Portland frionds. Clerk Lydell Baker, of tho railroad commission, g n the city. Mrs. E O. Pattnn Is snendlu? a fW days In Wood burn the guest of rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. Bingham spent Sunday with frlouds In McMinn-ville. Mrs. Geo. P. Holman of 8alt Lake City, Utah, Is a guest at the home of Mr. aud Mrs J H. Albert. Miss Whitman, who has been the guest of Mrs. J. B. Stump, left this morning for her home at Napa, Call. Mies Leona Gtlmore loaves this even ing on tho overlaud for 8n Jose wlnre she will Join the family of Col. Ashby, und make that place her future home. Coko Laughcad, of the 8pa, left this m rniug for California where he will spend two months to Improve his boaltb ami In tho Interest of the firm. Jack Hurklus, of Iudependeuco is In me city visiting with two brothers i.f his Just arrived from New York. They uro brick mauufaoturea, and Jack is unxloui to locale thorn lu this valley. II, B. Belle, business manager of the Palace, Is again contlued to his home wuu an attack of la grippe. His friends hope to so him about business Bjon, most especially the boys lu the store, where he is greatly inlsso.l. Saturday eveulug at 7:30 o'clock Judge Baiohelor was oaliod upon to unite lu the bonds of happy wedlock, Miss Fauule Cauose aud Mr. J. F. Bui Ilvau, both of Silent. The event took place at the Riverside hotel,' In the presence or the bride's family aud a Tew personal fi lends. Bargeaut Campbell' leotureonlbe war or the Rebellion at Reed's Bat ur Total , $4 178 93 Gen. expeme fund 3,820 91 R'UZUphr tilery fund 75 00 R-palring fund 20010 Total $8,280 99 FARNINQ3. Bd. U. 9. prisoners $ 432 57 Rent of cottage . . 42 00 Liiior fur. stove f..u.idry .. 174 88 Labor furnished in manufac turing 3,000,000 brick during the spring and summer at 40o a day, 7,713 3,085 20 Total. $3,734 65 RECEIPTS. Bd. U. S. prisoners quarter end ing j $ 521 71 Rent cottage 42 00 Total $ 563 71 No. of prisoners at close of quarter 364 No. at closo quarter, Sept. 30 338 Increase during quarter 26 Received during quarter 64 Discharged 38 Dally average 355 3 Hard Times? Well, that may be the cae, but you would not kuow It by visiting our stor . People come from far and neur to get tho bviiieflt of our bard times prices. It is an absolute fact that our prices are below all would be compedltors, and that is why we sell groceries when all other dealers complain or Hird Times. Harritt & Lawreuce, O P. Grocery, Salem. 3d-lw lNO)RPORAnoN3. The Capital City Wood-choppers' Bureau today filed its artioles. The Suoml Temper auce 80 clety or Astoria did likewise. The placer mines of catrn Oregou aro happy at the heavy snow fall; they can wash with full steam on the com ing season. "UftUan ojsan, KAAh nm h&4 hta hi. H . , H.. .., MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE. Newspaper Man Missing Believed to Hare Killed Himself. Eugene, Jau. v 15. -Special. -Eugene Campbell, aged 33 years, brother of the proprietor of the Guard, and for years a compositor in this office, has been mlsdng sine-) Wednesday morn loglsst, when he did dot return, in thefaosof his clojaly regular habits, inquiry a) t) his whereabouts began. As be vrii nrt fjuud in his room in the H tel E ugene nor at any of his us uil places of resorts, men were sent out into tne country in every direction to search. He was seen passing Fair mount and bis brother J. R., proceed tog in that direction gained trace again at Goshen. Goingon to Cottage Grove, John returned by wayoftbe railroad track to Creswell where it was then thought he ha I been seen. Again tak ing tbe train John went to Rueburg wbere hecontiuueJ his Inquiries. J. R. Blakely, who lives 10 miles above Lowell, Friday morning started up to the blacksmith shop above bis place and noticed a hat near tbe road but paid little attention to it. On his return it again attraoted his attent'on aud looking toward the river be no ticed a man lying ou tbe ground. Securing another person he went to the body and the man raised himself on his arms and stared at them. Upon being sked if he was sick he only queried, 'What' and laid down agalu, They went to secure more aaslstauce aud when they again returned, the man was dead." Mr. Blakely states that no examina tion was made of tbe body but it was noted that his shirt was lying on the ground aud although be wore a coat, vests and pants they were all dripping wet. A peu knife with a blade broken aud blood stains upjn it lay near the body on tbe ground. His description of the man makes it almist ceitaiu that it is the missing brother, although tiopo is still entertained that it is nbt. Campbell had been in poor health for some weeks past and although his ac tions were at times somewhat erratic, on tbe morning ho left there was no tppearance of any sudden illness. Ii vas hoped tbe rest he was soon to take would restore his former health. The distauce to the body from Eu gene was tbirty-flve miles, aud it could not be returned uutil today. Eugene, Or., Jan. 15. (Special t .Ioimnal ) 1'ue higb wuier bus pre veuted me return of the party, aud m advance courier bos arrived, at 3 p. m lie TVm Fond or Celery. If celery is the nerve bracer that somo are disposed to consider it, thero is one man in Philadelphia who is in no danger of nervous prostration. A gray bearded, brown wigged, mild eyed, middle aged, imperturbable little old man walked se dately into a well known Chestnut street cafe the other night, doffed his hat and coat, sat down to a table, tncked a nap kin under his chin, drank the wholo of a glass of ice water placed before him by the waiter and said, "Bring me an order of celery, all white and clean." "Right, sir," said tho waiter hesitating ly. "That's nil," murmured the little old man as he pushed out his glass for a fresh supply of water. The celery came, the little man quick ly devoured that; called for another or der, devoured that; called for another order and made that disappear, and bo on 1111 ail tne waiters, all the oyster open eners, all the attendants, the cashier and customers were beholding him in aston ishment. As the last bit of the succu lent vegetable disappeared the waiter turned, over the little man's check, amounting to 00 cents. All unconscious of the furore he had created, the cham pion celery eater pulled on his overcoat, carefully adjusted his hat, gave the waiter a dime, pulled on bis gloves, paid his chock at the desk, lighted a cigar, said "Celery's not much good yet" and walked out. Philadelphia Record. THE FIRST ROAD CONVENTION. Salem and Marlon county citizens have led In holding the first road con vention in Oregon. They deserve cred it for fairly starting the great work of reform In the construction of public highways that is spreading all over tho Unlou. It was a large and earnest convention of determined and Intelli gent tax payers. They had very iittlo phtlence with theories, windwork or political demagogery. They were all anxious for practical results. The results of this convention aro go ing to be felt all over the state. There Is going to be a continuous demaud for better roads, for stoppage of the old How's This I We offer one hundred dollars rewsrrt for auy cne of cotnrrb that cannot S cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. tb F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O We the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and bel lieve him perfectly honorable In all bti-iiiese transactions and financially nhle to carry out auy obligation mad by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale drupeUt. Toledo, O. "Sguur, Waldlug, Klnnou, & Mnrvlu, whol. sale druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and" mucous surfaces of the system. Prigp 75c. ptr bottle. Sold by all drueiilata' Testimonials free. Kl,lsw Oilman town, 18.00 Coal. The best fuel ln per ton. Salem Iniprove- wasteful patchwork that results iu im pawible highways and squandering of ; ment Co, road taxes and loss of road work, j Newspapers all over the state are copy- i Grape Vines for Sale. ing the reports of this convention and t I have propoguted several thousand the farts and pratical suggestions made by the speakers are going to be picked up by those in authority. Education will follow agitation. Actual reform will result, and better roads will be built. Tbe work of the convention has been put in the hands of several com mittees. These committees should not let the matter rest. They should meet and act. The convention expects this, and when it meets a month hence there ought to be laid before that body in practical working form the best thought that has resulted from the la bors of these committees. As was dem onstrated by speakers, road-making is a well-developed branch of engineering science. The scientific principles that apply to ouc country, ought to be ap plied as far as our own peop'e are able and have tbe meaus to carry them out. We are not over sanguine of the re sults. The old system will not be easi ly displaced. The distributing of $10, 000 iu money and work among mauy iudividuals,is a source of power.prestige and profit that will not be eisily abandoned. The best thought is not going to prevail all ut once In the high est degree. But the intelligence and common sense of the taxpayer 1 al ready convinced that a change cf sys tem must be had. How to get the change and get it right and got it us far is possible and as permanently as pos sible Is the problem. The work is well begun. Let it go ahead. The Salvation army is holding a re vival at Pendleton and are meeting with success. Fresh Air and Exercise. Get all that's possible of both, if in need of flesh s t r e-n g t h and nerve force. There's need,too, of plenty of fat-food. cott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds up flesh and strength quicker than any uwicr preparation known to ence. Scott's Emulsion is constantly ef. feeling Cure of Consumption. Bronchitis and kindred diseases where other methods fail. Prpred br Scott h Down., N. Y. goon strong iwo-year 01a grape vines iiirseiiingoui, ussorieo. vantles, gah. able for culture ln Oregon. 25 cts each $2 00 per dozen. E. Hofer, Sulem, Or ' Journal office. d w ' New Advertisements WANTED. Pushing Canvasser or eood aa diess Liberal salary mdU expenses Mid HeoSly; permanent, pjaltlou. IIIUWN Brot Co., Nurserymen, Portland, Or. d cod MO iq LOAN WANTED.-About $700, for one to tlirce years on good personal security or u s.uiurtK-igeou luslde clly property. V Ores.-, wiiti jut delay, A. U careJooajtAU LOOK I LOOK I I hive 7 acres of land; four-room homo.nnr good turn; bulldlucs all new; one acre of wheat oa the pUcu. IM gtrawberrli win btarnixt spilng. This place Is watered ut Mill C'reefe; runuln 1 water the year round on the place. trl e. 500 cash. Will a 1 10 oral acres Jolnla?. ull in nu-nmcr fallow. Wbeat at gjuptfrncrc; buyer gets one third 0! tho crop This U tbe fluest little place ln Folk countr lor a chicken rmicti. M0 lm O. O. BUHQE3, Sherldta. rtiAKKN UP A Blacfc Swine, six moathi 1 old. Curan luto my premises last week, owner call for tame and pay chorees. JOHN. UAllT.aunuysldeNo.2. 1-8 Iw al UK most, perfect nttlnc truss marts, wfll . hold a. rupture where ull others havi I -tiled. sirurt. For saie by J, K farrlvh, 401 Capital ii-rs-ir pAUHKiNTfcK AND CONTKAUTUK. Can. y uuuiau uius, or give oo as on any Job, Two or more hands furnished. xurner, ur J. BchleweJr 1120 lmf FOR HALE. An unabridged ennrnlnnMlte lirlttnnlca. worth 3t4 At trrpnt rprin tlnn L. West, tlectrlit llgut station. U 11 if PAPH.K8-Portland. Sacramento, tltH Tucomanndsan Kranclsco papers. oawH t BeMuetl's, l'ostolllce i,lock. MEVT MAHKKT.-Opposlte brtcc t .re, Ik Salem. Drllvercd cheap. Hi 11-lm pIIItlMTlAN NCIENCE-Llterature of atk J kinds ou sale at !U8 Liberty street. 1-5-lp 311113 PAPER is kepton flle at E. C. Dakeli . Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 Merchant! xchange.San Krauclso, California, trherj contract for advertising can be tunde for It S. 0. V. MARKET, 365 Summer Street. LEWItS & PltATHER, Props. The best meats of all hinds sold at tho lowest prices. Reliable goods and quicn delivery. sci- All drajft lst. Monday Evening, Jan. 15th. DOIH WEEP. Graylty and Impetus. A proposition which provoked a great deal of argument nnd upon which much paper vo3 wasted and the laws of grav ity and impetus sadly mangled was tht one nooui tne result or dropping a leader stone from the top of the mast of a rap Idly moving vessel. The theorists got hold of tho subject and straiehtwnv arw R'inm havn u Ivirtr Mutv tvnnl,1 ,!. 1 1.. I plied their bcbt known t-nln. -,! . ... K-r.i.r. :" -.".;'" ":. ""- &. -... ., --- " """'" ij im .11 nneasetesi, presiMieiu, deter-' l" "'oyruuiem. &oiue demonstrated that mined atuxh! present by day, not ab-l the weight would fall straight down n,i sent oy uignt. if you tajie ttie wings of tho iniirnlnir, uud flv to the uttuo-t part of the earth, It will go with youl There is Just one thing to de: begin a thorough treatment with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DUooverv. and th problem is solved. You will soon won der vheri It is none, and when It went. The picture is not overdrawn colds, lingering and obstinate couehs. orist.but whocotildellinn,..r.u.Tl f 1.00, aud thois otpwtlnat to attend. should make arraiiitoinHnts at J, L. Mitchell & Oo's oltloe, before uoon. Tho rainfall the night or tho 12th was .81; the 13:h, 1.83; last night, l.7 Inches, Djn't forget (bat th New YorU ws listened to by a largo audience and gave general aatUfiotlon, Mr. Camp, bell give everal goad sougi and U a good Ulker. He has a grand collection of steroptUun war views and portraits of tho old heroes, tne appearand of whlou elicited rounds of applauw. OooporatlTa Newspapara. A few week ago (ha Bilew Dilly ludepeudent was converted Into a while it was falling the ship would 'pass from under it and it would fall some- """"" r pernaps hit the man at the wheel Others held that it would fall a few feet from the mast, and yet o hers that it would plump down right at the foot. This problem was solved in the usual way by one who r. ,. - .i. aud even eonsumptlon, In Ua early he did forthwith ami a-' H" Biases, yield to this ootent vetrer.1,1. )v, " "3 .i" nU. droPP"iff the oompouud. Large h)tte. one dollar, thevessl 7n,i mi i. . hempernof at drutralst and u vanteed to benefit TJt Lt?5 I r,8ht,a.t the foot ol & or cure. In .very rase, or money re- ?"!' xflU M U wouUl done had turned by Its mat era. J j M3fl a landing perfectly still . " -u mooe-iJemocrat. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. PRICE'S The Inimitable, Legitimate Irlsb.Com edian, Mr. Dflif L SOLLY, In Ihs funniest comedy evr written. "TBE NEW CORNER GROCERY!" SSeats on sale at Patton's. 1" . JJon t cr if vou did not lavail yourself of the oppor uun,y 01 purcnasmg your BLANK BOOKS Etc. at reduced prices from ratton Bros., STATIONERS, 88 STATE BTltiEf HOUSE Painting, Decorating, 11 Hard Wood5'Finishing, 2,an,.,5Hgooarerfcr8nc'B- Ertlmates fnrnlih ed. AddretB, deo. tichstruih, Haletrt. Htti- in.(Tn-'2lm Mo,or tHway. North Bslm. Leave orders at Btelner&Blossers. ll-M LONDON n'v TIlfJf.xPrle'-! tnr C. D. Gabrielson, . ..Hefldent An and Umm IE INSDHANCE CO. ny r,i iiriHrnn VIlll,lHEftI ;.nI- Tnjioiary Which i?y omcS m.iSSS?,1 secre'ry ol State Imuranr in,.,: "'"? '1.1 aiiuis rotnnanv has dnnih i.rji rom- HAIILE ortisaci Tb .uly Pur. Creua ofT.cUr Powd,. M . vrmt in huiww of HoBiM-40 Vtan tkt Sttadud .., --Aavvfffva.-asaa Basras Soft Warm UDdenjJear Flannels and Blankets. JaCkes 5 Ouercoals, ?LSBROTHERS & CO. Agento for B. and n ivZ! 7.. BALEM, OREGON, ..JL vm -.zsasstas -JTTJTV1- gjiipwuiiiWMiir" "tm ""