Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, January 13, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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WOO ir
At Cost
Everything in the stock
and He convinced.
The Palace D. O. & S. Co.,
Oak Extension Tables can be Been at
Tbe Furniture Rustler-, Cor. Che
meketa and Commercial.
The Road Convention.
Nearly a hundred solid citizens were
at the Marlon county court bouse road
eoaveBtlon this foreni)n, lu spite o
tke bad weather.
Squire Farrar was chosen temporary
chairman, and W. O. Wc tacott, secre
The call was real by the secretary
The chairman stated the object of tbe
Geo. P. Hughes moved a committer
cm permanent organization, and plan
for proceeding. Carried. Geo, P.
Hughei, W. J. Irwin, Warren Crau
too, were appointed.
Committee to report at 1:30 p. m.
Judge Boise explained the law of
1893 for making roadj by districts.
This was the Cro s road law, declared
inoperative by the best Judges.
Judge Hubbard explained this defec
tive feature of the Cr sj road law. Mr
Cranston and Mr. Albert spoke In favor
of trying tbl law. The former said It
was impossible to get g od roads uutll
there was some way to get drainage of
low swales that now flooded the roid.
Mr. Westacott thought no one could
get & petition to build a road under
this law.
Mr. Albert said the Ohio law was
juitjlke this, only the limit was two
miles on each side. Mr. Kimball su .-
Seated tbar the assessment should not
bd extended more than half way to any
ether county ro id. Uudar this system
in Ohio after oue or two roads wore
built, tbe system spread llko wildfire
all over that county uutll there were
46 turnpikes built.
Mr. Hughes favored working under
present laws.
Judge Boise said road work lu the
past ten years bad beon mostly wasted
The work was not finished. The water
was Hot taken o(T. Ills Idea was each,
locality that had a road should got to-
getuer and build what they did build
permanently and aolontlfloally. He
otyad tbe Gen. Nesmlth road that was
gravelled and had stood twenty yoars.
Judge Hubbard said ho was dlsoour
age J. The property and road tax this
yaar amounte I t j $10,000. The actual
own was $17,003. He attributed the
difficulty to local selflthnen. The
niney aud time of the peaplo was
Lawn Ravage said ho had boeu a vio
lin of mud since 1810. He wauted
Judge Henry aakod huw we could
build roads If we had no oontldenoe in
tke way the money would be expended.
Tae people must bo convinced that
good roadi could be built, next that If
they put up the money It. would be ex
pended so as to get good roads.
O. B. Moores said the speaker had
truck the naU on the head. Ho long
m oar laws allowed men to servo thorn
selves Instead of expending money for
the public.
Gt o Weeks tpoke of the character of
oils and the necessity of drainage.
Mr. Albert said wo had not taken ad
vantage of the law that allow tbe
county court to ray how rouds shall be
built and how every dollar shall bo ex
pefided. Them wa no exciwe fur
L tKftxJ U
Mm mmmmJ tWe services of a competent
ftfetw a4 w II do all kluds of 'Priut
23 Comuitrcifil Strcot,
M.TtfftkM of" lu my (
Closing OM Sale I
and Shoes.
AH new goods. Come
bui'd ng roads hup hazard.
Mr. Moore asked what evidence wai
asked of road supervisors that tbey bad
wisely expanded the road money.
Judge Boise said no leglalaMoo would
give good roads unle-ts tho people were
educated and cooperated with the
ouuty officials. To much wai under
taken by tho county. Tho committee
adjourned to 1:30.
Called to order.
The report of the on permanent or
ganization and committees was made
and adopted. Officers elected were:
Squire Farrar, president; Warren
Craniton, vice president; E. Hofer,
Committees selected:
Legislatien: It. P. Boise, Geo. G.
Bingham, J. Ft. Albert, Wrrreu Cran
ston, Lewis Savage.
Educatien: iS. Hofer, C. B Irvine,
R. H. Flagg, C. B. Moores, L. H. Mc-
Imprevements: V. G. Westacott,
Go. E. Allen, Warrou Cranston, H.
W. Cottle, Dr. Mlnthorn, Geo. Weeks.
For i mined I a to action.
Commsttee to firmulato p lansfor
syHtematlo drainage and road buildim;
J. H. Mlnthorn, E. P. Robertson, R.
Carey, Jus. Thompson. J us per Mlpto.
Committee to act In council with the
couuty appoint some able man
whoso duty It shall be to superintend
the expenditures of couuty road fund
derived from the general road tax in
hulldlmc permanent roads. E, Lufore,
W. J. Irwin, Geo. B. Downing, Win.
(Savage, Geo. Crolsan.
lingular meeting to bo held on second
Saturday of each mouth at 1:30 p. in.
Judge Walton and Geo. Diwnlag
mido addresses and tho program Is
being successfully carried nut as we go
to press. The convention was a great
success and a further report will appear
Nakuow EriOAfu A little son or
B. P, Btiuton this morning had a very
closocall. Whilo crossing thetiouth
Mill Creek foot bridge on High street
ho foil lu, and was rescued by J. McAl
lister after fl mtlug several blocks dowu
the swifi stream. Tho by was tuimir
sulotis for a short time, but has recov
ered boyond any dnnger.
from day todty oh wed down each lly
lug street rumor about tho Salem post
otlloe. Iu most cases statements as to
appointments have originated an inert
personal gossip, or complimentary to
nno of tho many eligible aud worthy
Bmrv Wokk. The newspaper at
tack on Lyonol Stagge, unearthing hU
past record, is a dirty pleco of newspa
per work. It helps no one, drags a
competont young man struggling to
load a good life dowu in the mire, only
to discredit the administration, Flo on
ouoh democracy,
LIVKI.Y Entkktainmknt. That Is
what people want these days, and thev
get It when they use Aunt Jamlma's
Pancake flour. With it they get usut-
tttuntlal meal with little trouble. Clark
and Eppely havo It for sale, uud It goes
like hot cukts.
Bargeant Campbell of the 33th Illin
ois infautry, la lu the city aud will d
Ilver a lecture and give pamoramlo
vceuca of the late war, under the aus
pices of Company B., O. N. U , Hatur
day tilulit, Jumiarv 13' h. nt Ibed'n
4pera houe Me whiivn highly rvroiu
tneuded t.y the G. A. It. Admission
l wills, adults. ChlldifU. under S
years, iu cent. l-ll-St
Typographical Union.
The following offl tern of topograph
loal Uulou No. 210 havo been elected
for the first six mouths of 1801; George
A. Bums, president; F. P MoDovltt,
Vice president; Arthur Brook, secrwtary.
treasurer; T, J, Hoover, sergeautat
arms, Mr. MoDovlU Is foreman at the
Jouknal oflice,
ttECOKD.-The Bbuw Fhont gro.
cery lias made a positive record of be
ing the cheapest place lu Balem, to
trade. This record they say they will
maintain and Improve. People, espe
cially tho) with limited mdn, would
do well to look Into tlil-t nutter, and
leave their dollars wbra thv will d
them the n' at r t. A "n'm'O nl-kel
I. I. ...I.,. !..... .. !..... .11 Ill . .1 ...
i liriiri I1HU m BlUtT UIIUC,"I luwiuuiiu
jnrawxarni T gas ita& iforan aj&, jAgwwiAf , g&areASf ffi
Late Treasnfei el
Douglas Co.,
His Explanation of HIh Defalca
lion First Made Public.
Cell 109 In tbe Oregon state peni
tentiary Is tenanted by Viunie L.
Arrington, late county treasurer,
of Douglas, and a r-Itberto re-
srected resident of the ambitious
little city of Itoseburg. Mr. Arring
ton is about 42 years of age, a cripple,
well read, agreeable, an iutereating
conversationalist; and has been apoliti
cal power in tbe Democratic ranks in
Douglas county. His conviction, on
tbe charge of misuse of public money,
was a surprise to him and to hundreds
of his friends, for at the very onset of
bis trouble be surrendered every dollar
of bis own, and every foot of property
standing In bis own and bis wife's
name; and lent himself, energetically,
to tbe task of unravelling tbe tangle,
into which his books, accounts and af
fairs had fallen. His claim that he had
not profited a penny by the deficit of
over $20,000 which appeared in tbe
couuty funds, however, availed him
nothing, for nothing could be dlscov
ered as to tbe cause of tbe loss or tbe
destination of tbe funds, and his trial
resulted in a sentence of three years
HIb keen, black oyes shone out be
nealh tbe overhanging eyebrows uuder
hU high, white forehead and bis lip
vore a smile of conscious integrity as
he said to tbe reperter:
"Yes, I am in tbe state prison and I
sp?nt a dreary Christinas, for, you
know, I came In on December 24th;
an i, though I am adapting myself to
t is situation, everything was so new
a id so repulsive, on the day supposed
to be the happiest In tbe year, that I
was terribly downcast."
"Then prison life has taken a modi
fied aspect by tills time?"
"Quite. Tliesurroundlngscan never
be congenial, but tbe prisoners are bel
ter fed and allowed more comfort aud
privileges than I Imagined."
"Can you say anything about the de
ficiency In the funds in your band?"
"It is all a mystery. The money
ouijlit to have been there and I thought
it was. But when the Investigation,
instituted aud insisted on by Judge
Riddle, was begun It was not long be
fore I found out something was wrong
Cancelled county warrants that ought
to havo been lu the pile, representing
over $10,000 lu my safe, were mleslng.
We discovered that money that had
been receipted for could not be account
ed for lu the expenditures, aud so tbe
d -Holt grew. At first I had tho Idea
that tho property I and my wife had,
every dollar's worth, mind you, accum
ulated out of my earnings, and by my
wife's and my own economy and labor,
would nerve to cover the loss, but that
hope was soon dispelled. Tho first
thing I did was to go to my bondsmen,
Aaron Rose and Mr. Wollenberg, tbe
bunker, aud turn over every cent I bad
lu the world to protect them. They
both declared themselves satisfied, and
I certainly thought that would protect
me but It didn't."
"I beard about the time the deficien
cy wus discovered, that Wollenberg
hud profited by your turulug oyer the
county funds to lilm for use, In return
for becoming your boudsmau."
"There Is nothing in that, as no such
stipulation was made; nor did Mr.
Wollenberg ask It. More than that, I
dep slted the funds In both bauks in
discriminately, and ohecked iu both
without choice lu the payment of legal
demands on the county treasury, I
want that known, for I am innocent of
wroug-dolng myself and I don't waut
any oue, moro especially those who
have bt-eu kind to me, to bo Injured by
any such impression being abroad."
"Your property was lusullluleut to
cover the loss."
"Y'8-aml Mr. Rim and Mr. Wot
leuberg lioth went to the oouuty com
missioners aud declared their willing
ii-vs to make everything rlglit at once.
Tney were satufldd tint not a dollar of
county ni'iuoy went dishonestly Into
my packet. I had saved for years, and
l I some profitable trading with mv
own fund'; my wlfd kopt boarders, and
we sold iuIIk and egis aud slowly ac
cumulated every bit of property we
hail, That was sa tlsfactojlly shown In
the trial."
'What oiuld have booitue of the
missing mone?"
"I don't know," was tho reply In a
sad uud hesitating tone of voice; and
for moment, a gloom spread over Mr.
Arrlugtou's face, "r dou't kuow; uor
do I oveu suipeot reasonably, I have
had several deputies and clerks, at va
rloua limes, whom I allowed to haudle
the money Just as I did, They took lu
funds, gave nut receipts and m&de pay
ments, and I trusted them entirely.
Who took the money I cinnot guess,
aud I do uotdlspilrof it being found
out uud ilHuulliyoue minUhed. Mv
gaenfeufcVJOBty Waf MdU, iUppGS6d 10
be lauoelted. show that dishonesty had
tecu practiced by wolebody; and I am
here In consequence."
"A tefrlble consequence, atifaly."
"You are right. I haven't a penny,
and bad it not been that my mother
Insisted on my family going out to the
little log house on the old homestead I
don't know what tbey would have
done. It is hard to be shut up here,
but I am sustained by the conscious
ness that I can lay to myself nothing
more criminal than possible carelesness
and too great a trust in tbe fidelity of
men I thought would serve me honest
ly. As long as I b ive not lost my own
self respect and retaiu, as I know I do,
tbe esteem of others, lean endure u
great deal without further repiuing."
"You anticipate a pardou, I sup
pose?" "I think the prospect very flittering;
there are lota of influential men lu
Douglas county, who, convinced of my
honesty, will move for my release. I
shouldn't be here, and I believe there
are enough people outside who think
with me to get me out."
"You are comfortable here?"
"As much so as a man could be in
prison. The officers have been kind to
me, and I have had several visitors
among them Hon. Phil. Metscban,
slate treasurer, who all sympathize
with me, and agree that I have been
hardly dealt with."
At this point Mr. Arrington showed
symptoms of fatigue, for he is far from
being bodily strong and said, as be
laid down on his bunk: "I am glad
you came to see me. Come again
Morning services at 10 30. Subject
"Christian Biiiefk-enc." Sunday
scnool at 12. Y.P. S. C. E. at 6:15. No
evening services.
Preaching moruing aud evening by
the pstor. M truing subject, "A Birth
day;" evening subject, "Felix and
D.-usilla." All are invited. J. M.
Sbuise, pastor.
Preachiug in this church by the pas
tor, as muil, at l):35 an! 7:10 t im ir
row. Suuliy sjIiojI at 12 o'clock.
Christian E lddivor imetln at 3 aud
at 8:15 p. en. Weekly c inference meet
ing ou Thursday eveuing.
At the W. C. T. U., hall Sunday at
10:30 Rav. P. C. Hetzler will preach.
Communion service following, Sun
day school at 12, Y. P. S. C. E. meet
ing at 0:15. No preaching in the even
ing. J. Bowersox, pastor.
Grange Hill, 123 State street, Sun
day services; morning prayer meeting,
7:30 to 8:1-5. Address to Christians, 3
to 4 p. m; theme, "Anility, Compassion,
Help." Evening, 7:30 to 8:30; thim- .
"Reverence of God." Rjv. W. Kellu
way, preacher. All cordially welcome
Hymn book used Gospel Hymns, No. 5.
Services at 10:30 a. in., mid 7:30 p. m,
Sunday school at 12, Adult clas at
11:45, Rev. W. E. Copetand, pastor,
subject of morning sermon "Mm shall
not live by bread alone." Subject of
eveuing lecture "Who were the Pyra
mid builders, with some remarks about
the lost Atlantius aud Cain's wife."
The sad uewsoomes from Alsea that
Grant Watson, formerly of this city, is
about to die.
General T. J. Black, collector of cus
toms at the port of Portland was in the
city today.
Representative 8. B. Orrrsby, who
lives up lu the Silver Creek bills, rode
In lust eveuing ou horseback, through
vilest mud road lu order to atteud the
road convention, und can testify to Its
necessity. He was the guest ofH. V
Matthews, on Evergreen Heights.
Rev. Wm. Kellaway's family left for
S.leru, the first of the week, he having
given oiianjo of the Christian
uulou Mission there. Riv. KMhiwty
and family are gowl Christ! in people,
with a decree of liitelllg'tnoe and re.
Ilueuieiit that will be sure to win for
them a place lu the heiru of the pi
pie wherever they go. They made
many rrleuds while here, who will be
glad to kuo v that they are going no
farther thau 8 ilem, an I will hope to
meet them av'alu Newberg Graphic.
Vfc.UVU -Nttlr
riiiem, WH.iii-siUy
fr uml Uiu r .i...
Jan. 10 1SJI. to
iiIh Wumi, di'iit'iinr.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
ak trn
The Jii.i.afy Bey Leading in
Balls, Elc.
Other Society Events at the Cap
itol of Oregon.
A new whist club is being organized,
to be called "The Old"-Young Folks
Club." It is to meet once a week, ou
Friday eveuiugs and will probably
charter the Willanntte Hitel parties.
Arrangments are not yet complete but
it promises to be a popular club.
A stream of little folks were fljwiu?
towards the home of Miss Dalla Porter
last evening, iu the Rowland mansion,
corner Court aud Liberty streets.
Numerous games were indulged in till
a late hour when a dainty lunch was
served. Mistletoe beautifully decorated
tbe rooms. Tho guests present were
tbe follewing: Misses Anna Golden,
Alma and Daisy Wagner, Bertha Kay,
Lilly Metacbau, Maggie Folsom, Olive
Gwynne, Lila Stanford, Grace Savage,
Mattie Soutbwick, Cora Blosser, Mag
gie Hodgkin, Lena Hutton, Ida Basey,
Ada Johnson, Delia Porter, Carrie Wil
lis, Connie Holland, Molly Coleman,
and Ella Rineman, and Rocky Hodg
kin, Fred Palmer, Eddie Metscban,
Cole McElroy, Jerry Kimr.Muir Hirscb,
Gains Ford, Everett Auderson, Herbert
Junk, Johunie Porter, Willie Booth,
Willie Sayre, Chaunoy Bishop, Jake
Uernardi, Fred Stump.Chester Wilson.
Claude Kuight and many others.
List evening, Miss Etta Williamson
entertained a large number of her
friends la a most charming manner at
the residence of her parents on South
Mill street. Tbe occasion was a fare
well party to her frieuds in South Sa
lem, as Miss Williamson expects to live
in the city hereafter. The parlors were
very prettily decorated with ivy and
myrtle, and mistletoe was scattered
about lu profusion. Cards, con versa
tion and danciug were tbe features o.
the evening and were indulged in to a
late hour, when a choice luncheon was
dUcussed aud the guests departed after
wishing thair young hostess many
tiappy days in her new home. Mis
Eita was assisted In receiving by Miss
Lillie Hunter aud Miss Ella Maoy. A
very pleasing feature of the evening
wis a recitation by Miss Grace Divls,
who possesses talent remarkable in one
so young. Among those present were
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Holcomb, Mr. and
iirs. B, Po3t, Mrs. Oils, Misses Delia
Otis, Etta Williamson, Lillie Hunter,
Gertruds, Mabel and Grace Davis.
EMitu Penland, Edith and Hattie
S'iriver, Ida Bailey, Lizzie and Sarah
O'Ntfll. Htttie Baker aud Ella Mac :
Messrs. Benson, Kightlinger, Brewer,
Smith, Giodon, Aberriethy, Dane,
dhriver, Macy, Hausoo, Reed, Evans,
Davis, Willianisou, Wm. Holcomb, jr.,
aud Baker.
The military companies of this city
hive accepted an luvitation from tbe
military compauies of Albauy to at
tend a mask ball to be given in thai
city on Tuesday evening next. About
00 couples talk of attending. Through
the assistance of J. L. Mitchell, the Sa
lem agent of the A It int., this steamer
has been chartered. She will leave her
dock at 4 o'clock in the evening and
will return after the ball Is over. Tick
ets for the round trip will be put down
to the low price of (1. The Elite orches
tra of this city Is engaged to furnish
given at Hubbard Wednesday evening
was a highly successful affair. It was
conducted by Co. E, O. N. G., second
regiment and has done a great deal to
popularize this military orgaulzuiou.
Geu. Rusk, post G. A. It., were tbe
special guests of the occasion. A num
ber of veterans from other posts were
In attendance. Tables were spread for
three hundred aud there was noap
pearauce of lurd times, as the tables
were loauea unwu with the very best
the market aft irds or farms produce.
The eutertuinment consisted of patrio-
no sougs,aaaresses, and au enthusiastic
respouse on behalf of the Grand Army
was made by Capt. J. B. Dlmlok. Ma-
J ir Slierman aud Adjutant Ribilnof
the 8ecoud battalion made speeches
that were also loudly applauded. The
ball that was given by E Co., was par
tlclpated in by a huudred or more un
t' davllgbt.
yfJlUAL fJLUil.
tho Salem Ftoricultural cldb held Us
first meeting after tbe holidays at the
Willamette parlors last Tuesday eveu
ing. The next meeting will be held
Tuesday, the 22J, when a good program
is promised. All members and their
frieuds are urged to be present.
Many of Dau'l Sully's friends will go
to see him la "The Corner Grocery" ut
the opera house next Mouday night
who cannot resist the temptation to see
the coni median, in spite of the fact that
be will appear again iu a comedy
which they have seen before. There is
a surprise in store for these friends.
The Corner Grocery will be there to bo
sure, but the play has been rewritten
and changed to such an extent that it
will be scarcely recognized.
Miss Stella Cannon has returned
from Portlaud Oh, my, but didn't
It rain last ulght! Miss Ada Brey-
man Is home from Oregon City Y.
M. C. A. Rav. Freelaud will address
the association at 4 o'clock Sunday.
Mr. aud M. G. M. Powers, of Corval
lis, came down yesterday on the El
wood, for a visit in Salem. Rsv. J.
L. Parrish is having some improve
ments made to his residence on North
Capital street, in the shape of a seoond
story to tbe rear portion of the build
ing. D". Chapman, who is Riving
the course of lectures on English liter
ature at the Y. M. C. A. hull, w'll de
liver the next two ou the evenings of
January 29 and 30 Miss Hittie
Friendly.of a guest of Mrs.
L. Hirscb Mrs. W. P. Williams
returned th'is morning, from a short
visit at Portlaud. It is about time
for the waather department to forecast
rain Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cornell
and children, of Portland, are in this
city for a few days, guests at the home
of Mr. aud Mrs. C. M Parmenter, of
North Commercial street.
Dist. Deputy Phil. Fretz and T. O.
Baker went to Turner this morniug,
where they will install the newly
electtd officers of FidelUy Lodge No.
36. 1. O. O. F. to-night.
Announcements ol entertainments, special
CUIierlDtfK, lodge, und societies under ihU
ht-adln inserted for 2 cect-, n tlce not to ex
ceed Ave lines, or more than three Insertions
Notice Sargoaut Camptell of the
3Slh Illinois infantry is in the city and
will deliver a lecture and give panor
amic scenes of the late war, under the
auspices of Company B. O. N. G ,
Saturday night. Jauuary 13, at lUeri's
optra house. He comes highly recom
mended by the G. A. R. Admission
25 cents, adults. Children uuder 15
years, 10 cen.s.
9 tT Z-- " -. i. v.w li
iirnwrnT a r2.iiinii-:u t ..aji ' ,
A box of
f&mllj medi
cine chft.
Slrk llrnil-i
aelir. Weak!
Jjosof An-'
petltr, irjndj
! ! FWtncM.SirelHnfi aflermeaU.llzzlnt,"
t'Drowslnm, Cold Clillls. Flushings of
, I'm, aiorrnAM of vrtain, l.(iTiirm,(
Z Blotches on th Skin. Disturbed Slern.i
i 'ana au nervous ana irrmoHng senna-;
tloM are relieved by using these rills !
i wrerea witn a laiteieit and soluble coating
V nfalMm..!,!. IM.. 9C Mnl. . lu.
! New York Depot. 3 S Canal St.
Monday Eyening, Jan. 15th.
The Inimitable, Lgitlmate Irish Com
edlan, Mr. DflN'L SULLY,
In thafunntcat comedy ever written.
SmriJnH n'j..Z" .T.UI". ,a PV
-, u.ui,uu uJTeujiijclaltles
JSr8eata on sale at Patton
)u y
C. D. Gabrielson,
rtefldent Acent
V'.!on" "m.o"?',0,;
LtHERK u'M.h li-.L.'" . 1?."' r ed
ne,of.ayKorelgn mHurauce'copYny0 & The Vrcia0'to?iuT2.ha8 dne th" lart!e81 bU"'
Soft Warm OndepuUeap
Flannels and Blankeis,
. dl , a Jackets & Overcoats.
. Ladles' and MiKses' Ion,. Mn.t. , ......
rootwear at lowtt cash prii-ea. pnce' 1eable,
How's Thisl
We offer ono hundred ddliars reward
for any case of catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O
We the undersigned, have known F
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, aud be
lieve him perfectly honorable In all
hiisinexs transactions and financially
Kiilo to carry out any obligation made
by their firm.
'West & Truax, wholesale druggists
Toledo, O. '
Walillng, Klnnau, & Marvlu, whole
sat druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken iuternal
ly, noting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
7oc. per bottle. Hold by all druggists'
Testimonials free.
Oilman Coal. The best fuel In
town, JS.00 per ton. Salem Improve
ment Co.
New Advertisements.
lTTANTIiD. Pushing Canvwser or good ad.
H rtreis Lttieinl salary uml expends ptlfl
weestly: perrameat pisttiou. BUJVN Broi
Co., Nursery men, Fortmud.O-. dooj i-10 lOtr
LUAN WaNTBD. About $700, for one to
turee years on goud ponouul security or
11 si, morlKune on lusldo city properly. Ad
drew, without delay, A. O,, care JounNAL.
1 10 81
I hove 7 acres of land; four-room house, new
go -id tiru; butldlnitg all new; one acre ol
wheat ou the place. 2JOJ strawberrle, will
b-nrnt-xt spilng. This place Is watered ny
Mill Creek; ruuuinit w-tter tbe year round on
tlie place fri e. 8500 cash. Will no 1 10 or ai
acre-Jomlou, all iu Mil 'inner fallow. Wheat
ut Sjup-jrncre; buyer gets one third ol the
crop. i'liUlj the tlueat little place In Polk,
couuty lur n chicken nucn
1 10 im O. U. BUROEs.tjherldtn.
rilAKbN Ui' A Black Swine, six motilhi
1 old. Ciun iuto my premises last week.
ownr chII lor lame and pay charges. JOHN
HAIIT, riunnymde No. 2. 1-8 lw
THE most perfect lltllng truss made. Will
bold a rupture where all others have
i. men. rorsmeDyj.
!j. Parrish, -101 Capital
j turnisii Dins, or give no an on any job,
Two or more hands iurnished
Turner, Or
12-20 luif
EriOK aLK. An unabridged encjcloped'a
' Briunnlca, worth SM, at great redu tion.
v . I,. Wi st. t lecirli! Ilgbt station.
12 11 tt
PAPKIW-Portland, sacramento, otaUIe,
T.ieoinaand .tau Francisco papers on sals
l lK-uettV , I'outofllco i. lock
MKV.T MAKK-.T. Opposite brick st"re,H.
.-nlf m. Ddlvered cheap. 12 14-lm
of all
Ri.daon sale ut 828 Liberty street.
H1HI3 l'APEll Is bepton Hie at E. O. Dake't
J Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 Merchant!
hxchunge.San Kniucls o, California, where
conirao'ri for advertising can be made for It
MADE to order,
Also CUjinlnir Dyeing and Repairing of La
dles und UeutV clothing. 3J1 Court t.
S. 0. V. MARKET,
365 Summer Street.
The be.t meats of all kinds sold at
th" loweit prices. Reliable goods and
qu'o delivery.
Don't cry if you did not
Havaii yourself oi the oppor
uuity oi purcnasinp; your
I Etc. at reduced prices from
ratton Bros..
HOUSE Painting, Decorating,
11 Hard Wood Finishing,
Cnnglvo good references. Estimates furnish
ed, addre-s, )eo. hchstru'h. Halem. Meal
denee on -alf m Motor Hhilwny, Noith Salem.
Leive orders at Bteiner&Blossew. Il-W
ot Stale Insurance Com-
to ner Uruir More. t-Hiuifr un iaiii.K
! nnM.r u,rrn
- . I, n
1 'oj ZJL
i V i Jt,
! if
I 1 ' T
2 3 ( li
H jJ J
' 9Mb UUt)ojwaa all right, but the ab-