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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1894)
v-tpKjmt$!ifi$j?i--t b PAPERS "A W&kl SScts. a month by Mail Prepaid in Advance. No Papers Seat When. Time in Ou. $3.00 a Year. V.Vl-. i? ,w; ,-!rr-ir'pw3r'-' AbVJJRTi&EitS Tito Journal hae a Larger Clr. dilution In 8alem and Marie County than any Salem netvep- per. Boo our list. IIOFER BROS A l'uMUhert. j.'.uj VOL. 7. DAILY EDITION.- SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JAIHJARY 8, 18H4. DAILY EDITION. NO. 4. "WHW JOURNAL vyxjL JL 1 x jctlJLj Great Reduction On all kiuds of UNDERWEAR at the m r h Villi -:-Our Stock -:- Consists of all wool, and mixed underwear, for Ladies, Gents and Children, of all styles, and with us a reduction brings the price very low, of those things that are already marked low at full pric6. ' . ,- . K t , ; i :Ve;haye a fine line of all wool, 'scarlet underwear' for rheumatics,. Call and save money while you can. A:ll other kinds of goods in our line at very low prices. E; T. Barnes, State Insurance Blocl-c, tiyD. O. jaMMte- Choice Meats,. WHSBh CHURCHILL AND BURROUGHS THE NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES , Completed and ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded by day or weel at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Trucks, Drays and Express ti meet all demands. Also keep the finest Stallions in this county, for service. Barn and residence 2 block south of postofllce. RYAN & CO. FROEBEL SCHOOLS 4th Year. Iufant, Connecting and Primary classes every week day from 9 a. m. to Vi m. except esaiuraay. MISS 0. BAILOU, Principal. TRAINING CLASSES for teacheiB1 dally practice work from 0 a. m, to 12 m. in Kindergarten. Ou Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p. ni. Classes meet for study of Frocbel system. Mrs. P. S. Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. in. with training class, conducted by Mrs. Knight and Miss Ballou. For terms or information apply at Kindergarten rooms, corner Court and Liberty Mreets. THE WILLAMETTE, HALTM, OliJSGON, lint, $2.50 to $5.00 per Dy The beat botel between Portland amd Bui Francisco. KlrsUclas in all IU appointment, ltd tables are served with the Choicest Fruits Urotru In the Willamette Valley. A. 1. WAGNER. Prop. OLINGER & RIGDON, Undertakers and Erahlmers. Cabinet work and repairing. Court fetreet, Oppodte Opera Uouie,, Oregon BUKTON RKOTIIKKS Manufacture Standard Prexed Brick, Molded Brick In all Pattern for Front and "apply the brick lor tbe New nlem Clly Hall and nearly all the One build nga erected In the CXplUI City. Xarda Mar iwltaUai7,aalea, Or. Mdw im na i 111 V11L Wholesale and Retail Denier in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of u lKiiiih OS Court and 110 State Streets. DR. GUNN'S ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS mb - nnms AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE In ralatnc family of nine ohlldrto. ay only ramedy Tor Caughi. Colds and Croup wm onion yrup. It liJmtMeffottTtc-dyiltvrM forty yr azo. Now my grandchildren take Or. ttunn'a Onion 8ymp. which It alraady prepared and mora plaaaant to the taat. BoM everywhere. Large bottlea 60 oenta. Take no eubelitute for lb Hold by naakett A VanRIype. E. M. WAITE PRINTING CO , BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Legal Blank Publishers. Dash's New Brlck.over the bank. Com'l itreet The Coldest of the Season. St. Paul, 8. The government thermometer this morning marked twenty-three" below, the coldest of thV seasou. Celebrating Jackson Day. New Orleans, Jan. 8. Jackson day Is bf ing. quietly celebrated. Banks en closed and puollo busiuess suspended. Horebouud chewing gum Just the things for colds. Sold only at tbe Spa. The Advertising. Of Hood's Harsaparllla is always with in the bounds of reason because It la true; It always appeals to the sober, common sense of thinking people he tatuseit Is true; and It is always fully substantiated by endorsements wblcb, tu the financial worltl would be accept ed without a moment's hesitation. Hoods Pills cure livtr ills, constipat ion, biliousness, Jaundice, sick bead' ache, IndlfWlloB. Cross, wj&t jji -tfV jn 3JVr r i Y7vVkC& Jn ? SiM r IS SECURED. Consideration of the Wilson Bill. WILL NOW GO FORWARD. Democrats Forced to Measures. Extreme THEY MAY ADOPf REED'S RULE. A Score Under Arrest Attendance for Non- In Congress.' Washington, Jan. 8, Democrats succeeded in mmterlng a quorum in the bouse this morning. Demand for the.prevlous question. on taking up the 'ariff bill carried 189 to none. Tot.o -bowed ten more than a quorum. Thirty minutes debate Is allowed un der the rules. IN TUG SENATE. The Hawaiian question was taken up Chandler introduced a new Hawaiian resolution, and the Hoar resolution about Blount's salary came up in regu lar order. Gordan moved reference to Foreign Relations committee.' Hoar ibjected. A special order, fixing the 29tb instant for a vote on tbe Wilson bill tvas adopted by a vote of 175 to 1. Mr. Turple presented a resolution leclaring the project of the annexation if Hawaii as expedient, and there no further considered, and bat It is of the highest .International interest to the government of Hawaii, o be. allowed to pursue its own line if policy. The resolution went over 111 tomorrow.- 'Senator Razle.attempt- ed to secure a voto on bis resolution, leclaring against American interfer ence at Hawaii but Butler objected and the resolution went over until Wednes day. THE PLAN, Once the tariff debate is under way it will proceed to tbe exhaustion of every thing else. Tarsuey, a. member of the ways and means committee, said last night that if a voting quorum is not se cured by Tuesday he would favor the Adoption of a rule empowering tbe speaker to count members to make a quorum. Ho said: "We must mjet revolution with rev olution. If the Demooratio members are driven to this resort, it is believed the Republicans for feelf-vindication would be compelled to support it." FOBCING A QUORUM. Members uuder arrest by the sergeant-tt-arms, under tbe resolution of Satur day, as follews: Brown, of Ind,; Cad mus, N. J.; Fielder, N. J.; Qelssenbei iut, N. J., Lefreve, N. Y.; Randall, N. Y; Runn, N. C; Childs, Ills.; Cor nish and Fitblan, Ills.; Laurin, S. C; Ttlbert, SVC; Turpln, Ala,, Woodard, N. C; Broderlck, Kansas; Gardner, N. J.; Helner, Neb.; Sherman, N. Y.; Woomer, Pa. TUB TARIFF BILL. Washington, Jan, 8. Tho tarlfl bill will occupy tbe attention of the bouse during tho coming ween. After four days of fruitless effort to secure tbe presence of a voting democratic quorum, tbe bouse adopted, just before adjournment, Saturday tbe extreme expedient of ordering tbe arrest of all members absent without leave. De puties wore sent out in all directions to serve warrants on 40 members absent without leaye 21 democrats and 19 republicans. Tbe democratic leaders expressed themselves as confident 179 democrats would be in their seats when I bad a auUlfsutt Vrea&isg eat eumfUt below tbe knee,aadwu eared eoasdasdweM wlOi two aad a but bottle eT Other blood mtMctmi bd fetted to do oe as feed. Wux C. HtJL-rr. YMktUU,.C m I wm troabted t row eMMhsod wltfc aa -rravitedc of Tetter .imdihr botejoeef PJi cured at txr me n Mr "l WALLACE MIMrf, Oar book on Blond aad Skfa Bteeeeee autted uwirt aracino c, Jtuwa, . How is Your Blood? the e;r.urol dr.pi at noon, From tho republican absentees no aid Is expect ed. They can be brought here under duress, but cannot be made to vote. This applies to some Democrats aa well, and if the opposition within the ranks of the majority can boorgan ganlzed, enough Democratic. members might refrain from voting to prevent consideration of the bill in its present shape. Privately sortie pf the Demo crats admit that the gravity of the sit uation is very great. ' The possibility of defeating consideration of the bill strikes terror into their hearts, and some of them, like OAtes of Alabama, openly advocates rejort to the parlia meutary expedient utilized by the 51st congress of counting a quorum. Speak or Crap asserts positively that be will not be forced to this resort. He thinks? a voting quorum will1 be hero certainly Tuesday at the faitUest. Hawaiian News. WAsniNaTON, Jah. 8.,-The Herald's Washington correspondent telegraphs in reference to tbe Hawaiian matter that the provisional government de clined to abide by Presideut Cleve land's decision and that Presideut Dole expressed the determination to resist by force of arms any attempt by the queen's forced, to oiiht him. No further news is given out in tho mat ter. i- Tariff Debate Opened. WasiiinCi'com, Jan. 8. The prelim inaries having thus far been settled, Chairman Wilson, of tbe ways and means committece, arose, and opened the debate on tbe tariff bill. Nominations. Washington, Jan; 8, The presi dent has sent the followlug nomina tions to tbe senate: Collectors of inter nal revenue, Waverly Stalriy, Fourth District California; Henry Blaokman, District of Oregon. Blood Shed in Honolulu. Washington, Jan. 8. A sensational rumor is current and Hurting credence to tbe effect that our troops landed at Honolulu and that there has been bloodshed, LATER. Washington, 3 p. m.- At the state department the Hawaiian rumors are characterized AS. wild and baseless. REGISTERING THE FIG TAILS. Deputy Collector Geer Taking Ap plications Under tho Goary Law. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue F. C. Geer, with an assistant, Is at the sheriffs office in the court house, at work tasiug applications of Chinese for reglstery under the Geary law. Ouly such Mongols ns were In this country before Aug. 9th, 1892, can be registered, all others being here un lawfully, and subject to deportation. All haying registered under tho law of May 5, 1892, arc required to register again, under the amendment of Nov. 3, 1893. E;icli Chinamau must register either as a merchant or a laborer. A mer chant requires a responsible white wit ness who wlllcert'fy that habas known, him since May 6, 1892, aud that be haH ! been engaged in "buying and selling merchandise at a fixed place of busi ness within the past year." A laborer can bo certified by a China witness, but otherwise he Is subject to the same requlrmeuts as a merchant. A man who performs auy kind of labor, who is a clerk or contractor cunnot reg ister as a merchant. Two photographs must accompany application. No charge is made by the olllclals for filing applications. The latter will be sent to Portland at once, and certificates of registry will be returned hero for de livery to applicants by Deputy Geer. Only four days will he given for mak ing applications, as the fill :ers proceed to Albany to begin work Friday. A week ago Mr, Geer was In tbe city and notified all Chiucne in person and by posting notices when tbe work would begin, hence it Is expected that all oil. glble will present themselves forcertifl catee. Up to 3 p. m. no Chinese had been registered. Indications weie none would come In today. Honduras and Nicaragua. San Salvador, Jan. 8 -r-News from tbe contending Honduras and Nicara Kuan forces now only reaches this city by courier, at by order of Vdtqnn the telegraph line has bden cut. Today a BMsienger arrived with dispatches au sounciog that thw two anuio) were on the point of col'Ulnn. When the mo. aarigera left tbe command nklrm'shlng kid alread beuu. i'hd opening Ilus if iiittlu were within an Ipur'd nrircb of each other and a bloody and decisive battle was imminent. LEGISLATURES IN SESSION Uepnblican Governors Inaiigur . ated in Fonr Statos. McKIMY'S SOX-PARTISAN RECEPTION. ConQnos Himself Entirely to State Affairs. In Iowa. Des Moines, Jau. 8. The legislature met today. The permanent officers of both houses are to be nominated this afternoon and elected tomorrow. All are to be Republicans. McKinley Inaugurated. Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 8. The sec ond Inauguration of Governor William McKinley today was, us usual, in this state, more of a social than a political eveut. Leading Democrats bad promi nent positions in connection with the ceremonies. The governor abstained from any partisau references in his In augural address and oouflned himself entirely to the condition of the state. jjKhio Janerio. New York,' Jan. 8.-Capt. Lancas ter, of the steamer Clement, which ar rived here)ast nlgbt, reports that when he leftParladn D-jo. 24th, there was no excitement or disturbance at the city. Apparently but little inter est was taken in the conflict at Rio Janerio by the people of "Para. Busi ness was being conducted as usual, but the people were very careful about ex pressing any views that might be con strued as treasonable ' by the govern mental forces. No Monetary Conference. London, Jan. 8. A note from Baron Selvyns, tho late Belgian miulster to Englaud, to tho secretary of state for foreign affairs, dated November 23.1 Is at last made public. It says: "Bel gium has received dispatches from tho state department at Washington, say lug the presideut does not feel called upon, uuder tho ciroumstances to ask that a monotary conference be con voked, - Hornblowcr Don't Go. .Washington, D. C, Jan. 8. It Is understood tho senate judiciary com mittee has decided to report the nomi nation of Horublower for Supreme bench unfavorably. OREGON PAOIflO NEWS. What Receiver Clark is Doing Out ting Off Offices. Corvalli8, Jan. 8. 3peolal.Chas. Clark, receiver of tho O. P. Co., has gone to San Francisco. He hopes to secure the release of tho steamship Willamette Valley and will place her on tho Yaqulna route again as soon as possible. The appointment of Mr. Clark gives complete satisfaction to nil parties concerned. If ho cau securo the release of tho ship or some other con nection with Sau Francisco it Is hoped by. careful management to make the road pay. The office of G. F. and P. A. was dis continued this morning by order of the receiver. Daring Robbery in Broad Daylight. Chicago, Jan. 8. Three robbers to day entered Samual Greenburg's pawn shop, bound and gagged the olerk, who was the ouly person In the shop, und did likewise to a little girl who came In whllo the robbary was golug on, They rill 3d the safe of ton thousand dollars worth of diamonds, money ami watches and made go d their escape. Sensation- at Tacoma. Tacoma, Jan. 8. Something of sen satiou was created by publlo charges being made against the management of tho suspended Merchants' National bank ill which President N.L. Beuiielt ex President W. J. Thompson, Cashier Samuel Collyer, who Is secretary of the chamber of commerce; Ildury Drum, chairman of the Democratic state com mittee, aud Editor C. A. Suowden of tbe Ledger, are made to appear In an unpleasant light. The Morning Union declares that tho suspension of the batik was a fraud ou its face, and de clares thut tho graud Jury must inves tigate it. It is charged that Bennett, who is, the principal owner of the Ledger, used that paper to Induce tbe people to become depositors when the bunk wus iusnlvent. The last state mentor tho bank was inudo May 4, 1693, which was only published In ooplea of the Ledger that were fceul out side tbe city, said to bj faUe aud misleading. Highest of all in Leavening Powcr.Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE A NEW CHARITY WORK. Combining Religion and Relief for tho Distressed of Soul and Body. Tho floor over Altkon & Palmer's grocery store on State street Is undergo ing quite a change In preparation'for a religious and philanthropic mission conduoted by Bev W. Kellaway und wife. Grange ball has been enlarged by setting back tho partition and made capable of seating fifty more persons. ineomco behind tho ball has been divided into a of six rooms whore the missionary will live and prepare the charltablo work connected with the institution. The carpouterlujffnud pa pering Is principally the wpTk' of Budd Chapman and Mr. Jackson, who have given their labor and time toward fit ting up the premises. The missionary in charge has himself worked early and late from morning to night cleaning and preparing for the work. A circular printed sets forth the obj9ots of the In stitution as follews: "Visitation of the poor to cheer them and give them re lief as a generous publlo may enable, holding gospel and other services night ly to be addressed by the pastora of tbe city, Cbristain philanthropists human! arlans and the missionary himself; giving shelter 10 thii homeless and food to the hungry; receiving and making over, or mending, If necessary, cloth ing for the needy; tomperanco work and meetings for Christians, to stir them up to Christian living and work. We understand that this enterprise is to be conducted in full harmony with the existing churitable agencies of the city, and ulso with the churobes of Salem, tho mission belug closed Sun day morning, to give converta tbe op portunity of attending tho eorvlces of their preference, also ou Thursday evening, the usual prayer meeting night of the churchos. We see by the circular Issued, tho pastors of near ly all the churchos have approvod tho "as u promising benefit to the cumtnu' nlty." It Is entirely of an iudonomi national oharacter, In tho interest of no particular body of Christians, but of humanity in goneral. The work will bo sustained wholly by contributions, weekly and occasional helpers aro call ed for to visit, sew and contribute food, bed-clothing; sooond-hand garments are among the urgent needs of the mission, and about a hundred dollars cash to meet tbe first expenses of adap tation utid necessary furnishing of the premises. It Is a work that all philan thropists oausupport,and the publlo are asked by the missionary to please call and Inspect tho place and acquaint themselves with what Is proposed to be doue. Tbe mission will begin at once on as largo a scale as contributions shall enable, and lnoreaselts opurutlons as the Income Bhall warrant. There will be a prayer meeting eyery Sunday morning at 7:30 to 8:15 to beseacb the Divine blessing on tbe services of the day in all the churohds of Christ in dalom, an afternoon address tochrlst tilus from 8 to 4 n'clt ok, aud un evening Gospel service 7:30 to 8:30, a twenty minutes mld-diy prayer meeting will be established from 12:3) to 12:50, to enable working men after tiny have had their dinner to spend a season ot prayer aud praise and yet let out In time to get to their work by 1 o'clock. The Christian workers Mission, for Huoh Is the name It has taken, will no doubt receive tbe approbation and sup. port of a oxnmuulty who Is alwtys ready to sustain enterprises tint aro really desnrvlug. Colorado Populists, Dbnveii, Colo., Jan. 8.--Tho stato central committee of the peoples party has Issued a lenghty address, reviewing the disasters that ptrvall throughout tbe country, calling upon the peoplo to organize und rally for tho purpose of securing needed reforms. The address coudemu tho proposed bond Iskuo by the national government, und says the publlo treasury has been plundered openly and continually. The inlvenal distress Is the logical outcome of the well-laid plans of tbe tuouey owners of this and other nations. bitiS D romier A Oastiier Short. Spokane, Jan. 8. Tbe news comes by telephone from President Burrell, of tho First National bank of Colfax, to tbe effect that Charles F; Russell, oashler, Is $1000 short In his accounts and has fled. .Thero is a reward of 200 for his arrest. Russell has lived in Col fax fqr nlno years, always occupying a blgb position. Ho Is a short, heavy-set man, weighs 10 pounds, has light hair, dark oyes and a small mustache, and wore a gray suit of clothes when last aeon. The Investigation of the bank examiner led to tho discovery of the shortage, and Russell promised to ex- plalu to tho bank officials, but did not appear at tho appointed time, and a search was immediately begun, LATEST Colfax, Wn., Jan. 8. O. F. Russell, otshlerof the First National bank, was found today in tho auteroom of the Masonic ball In a seml-unconsclous condition. Doctors were summoned and worked with him, und ho is now reported In a fair way to re cover. Russell says- be took poison last night, nud bega that he be allowed to die, Tho bank examluer discovered some Irregularities, but Rus sell said he- coula exblaln. 'He dlssap. peared Sunday afternoon and in vestigation showed that ho bad takon one thousand dollors. with him. It was at first thought be bud left the country, but a drug olerk remembered having sold him an ounce of laudanum uud a search was insti tuted with tho above result. Thn amount of Russell's defalcation is not given. This morning the bank began suit to recover ten' thousand dollars, Moxican Nawa. City of Mexico, Jan. 8. The lega tion of San Salvador In Mexico has not been withdrawn as reported. The post has simply been vacated temporarily pending the selection of a successor of Dr. Nicolas Angula, who was recalled by Prosldont Ozola to accept a position la tho Ban Salvadorlan cabinet as min ister of finance Tho citizens of Stafford have taken it I unto themselves to repair and fall the roaus, malting culverts, grading, ditch ing etc., and putting them in gocd condition, SelfPralao, Self praise Is no recommendation, but there are times when one must permit i person to tell tbe truth about himself. When what he says Is sun ported by the testimony of others no reasonable man will doubt bis word. Now, to say that Alloook'h Porous PLABTEitsaro tho only genuine and reliable porous plasters made is not self praise in tho slightest degree., They have stood the test for over thirty years and in proof of their merits it is only necessary to call attention to tbe cures they lmvoef looted and to tbo voluntary testimonials of those wbo have used them. Bowaro of Imitations, and do not bo deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for AlloOcic's, and let no, solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a subsltuto. , . "As old m tho hills" and novor excell ed. "Tried and provon" is tho vordict of millions. Simmons Liver Bogu- Trx lator ia tho r0TTWW'y Livor JLJtOl, and Kidney modicino to which you can pin your faith for a euro. 1 A mild laxa tive, and puroly vog otablo, act ing diroctly on tho Liver and Kid- Th an Pills noys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in PowuV to bo taken dry ormadointoa tea. Tba Kla JJe XedMaee. "I have wed jroarHlramona Liter Utor and can conecleactouetjr ear li fe klos oroll liver medicine, I eotildf Kf HieJIHnuctieitlu lUelf.-Oaa, W. JAWS ex, Taooata, wMfcbvftoa. 1 jsrxvHKr rxetcjMm-m sfBP&S Wft tfc X0e9 ta4 a v2tt . ,. . 'tiutlzB!l&;.,,itik$mm .toane- - i.-t.UtWI'iiit'xW-.v la ."''