i i 6 PAPERS A WEEK! 25cts. a month by Mail Prepaid in Advance. No Papers Sent Wheo Time In Oil. $3.00 n Year. JOURNAL. The Journal hat a larger Cir culation In Salem and Marie County than any Salem newspa per. Bee our Hats. HOFKR BROS Publishers. SAJLEM, OKEGONs SATUEDAY JAITUARY 6, i8H4. DAILY EDITION. VOL.. 7. DAILY EDITION. NO. 3. jAll x AJu ; - : , , , -- . IMSILD'S ill SALE PMLm Any Siiil op Ov?rcoaf -IN OUR 1S.OO Our neighbors are trying to sell a few chestnuts on a fluke sale. We don't do things in halves, but make a clean sweep. From this date we will give you your choice of any SUIT OR OVERCOAT In our house for $15.00. All go. No reserve. Come and see what $15.00 will buy A. S, BRASFIELD. Ed. C. - " .'. CHURCHILL AND BURROUGHS THE XEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed and ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded by day or weel at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Trucks, Drays and Express tr meet all demands. Also keep the finest Stallions in this county, for rvice. Barn and residence 2 block south of postolllce. RYAN & to. The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. Travelers "make a note on't. This Great Railway System Connects at ST. PAUL and OMAHA With nil transcontinental lines, giving direct anil bwlfl communica tion to all JKASTKRN aim EOUTHEItN POINTS. AND IS THE :::0NLY LINE::: running Electric lighted and Steam Heated Vfstlbuled trains of elegant Sleeping, Tarlor, Dining and Buffet Car, with Free Reclining Chairs, Slaking 1U service second to none In tbe world. Ticket are on sale at all prominent railroad ticket offlcea. KorfU'therlnfo motion ask tho nearest rail road agent, or address C.J. EDDY, General Agt. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass Agf. PORTLAND, Oregon E. M. WAITE PRINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Legal Blank PuVlMiers. Oiiuk'a New Brleltver tbe.bank, Coia'l street 8T0RE- Cross Choice Meats. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of a' Ulind OS Court and 110 State Streets. FR0EBEL SCH00LS-4th Year. N. Infant, Connecting and Primary classes every week day from 9 a. m. to 12 m. except Saturday. MISS 0. BALLOU. -'- Principal. TRAINING CLASSES for teachers' daily practice work from 0 a. m. to lJi m. In Kiudergarten. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p. ru. Classes meet for study of Froebel system. Mrs. P. 8. Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with training class, conducted by Mrs. Knight and Miss Ballou. For terms or Information apply at Kindergarten rooms, corner Court and LlbHrly streets. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The bent hotel between Portlaud and Ban Francisco. Hirst-clans lu all lu appointments. 1U tablet are served with the Choicest Fruits Urown In tbe Willamette Valley. A, I. WAGNER. Prop. OLINGER & RIGDON, Undertakers and Emhlmers, Cabinet work and repairing. Court Street, Opposite Opera House, PAI.KM, Oregon It UK. OX KKOTlifcKS Mannla-ture Standard frewed Urick, Molded Brick In all Patterns for fronts and supply l be brick lor tbe NerH!emCliy Hall and nearly all the One build sgs erected liiltoUpMlUty i ard aaar renlltaXUif, J8ic;, Or, M d State of High Tension at Hawaii. DOLE'S GOVERNMENT TO Retire and Allow Restoration of the Queen. YI10SB WERE TUB CO aWIN'S ORDERS Great Excitement Prevails at Honolulu. News by the Gorwin. Washington, Jan. 6. Captain Muuger's report to treasury department of the arrival of the revenue cutter Cor win at San Franalsco stated the vessel sailed from Honolulu December 24, but gave nothing else of Interest, lhis is two days later than the Associated Press reports from Auckland. In credulity was expressed by state de partment yesterday concerning the ex c'usive Associated Press news from Aucklaud bad been changed by report of cipher dispatch brought by the cut ter Corwin, which fully confirmed the Associated Press news. It seems the the queen reconsidered her objec tions to conditiops exacted by this roverument and . that Minister Willis has proceeded on the line of hla original instruotious, notifying the pro visional government that they are ex pected to retire and al lefty the restora tion of the queen. Nothing can be learned as to the extent of the dlsturb tnce caused by this potion, but that there is a condition of tension and great xcitoment la Honolulu is certain. This news is a surprise as muoh to the Hate department as It was news, in the drat place.tbat Willis bad failed to car ry out hi instruction owing to refusal of the queen to accede to the condi tions. There is no doubt that all concerned feel this latest phase in the Hawaiian imbroglio involves very serious conse quences. It does not appear that there is any disposition on the part of tbe urovlslonal government to yield peace ably and no apprehension that Willis vill res.irt to force. His instructions are explicitly against such a course. The state department feels that he acted 'with bad judgment in attempt 1 is to carry out the policy defined under very different conditions. Every b)'iy is anxious for the publication of the contents of the cipher dispatches which were brought by tbe Cor win, but the state department has so far declined to make the pontents known, representative Hitt, of Illi nois, is evidently giving full credence to the troth of tbe Associated Press Auckland dispatch Introduced as a res olutlon In tbe house. The president will be requested to communicate to the bouso If not Inconsistent with public Interest all the information re ceived since bis message of December IB, or not transmitted therewith, and n w in his possession, touching recent reported events in the Hawaiian Islands. Pension Agents Arrested. Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 6. W. B. Moore, tbe most extensive pension agent in western New York, his son Allen and five clerks were arrested this afternoon by government officers, charged with defaulting tbe govern ment and extorting money from pen .doners. The amount involved Is $150, 000. The evidence is highly sensation al. YOUNG WIVES We otter xou remedy -which, it used A directed, iaruressetetT to lite ot both mother tod child, "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Bobs coanemnt of lu Vim. Home aad Hub:, as man testily. "My wM ased ottty two IwttUs ef Mother Friend. She was eajMyauwl quickly rsUcvcd; i. 8. Mostox, Harlow, N. C. Sent by express, chargesji repaid, on receipt of price (tJpMrbott2. Book "To Mothers" nulled free. mftMDflKLB HtQULATOH CO.. Sold by aU DrBfgkti. Xtuxxrx, Oa. PENNOYE&'S DEFENSE. Ho Meant Two-Thirds of ttio Peoplo Wore Making No Money. PonrLAND, Jan. 6 Governor Pen- noyer replying to criticisms on bis state meut in bis Christmas letter, thitt two thlrdB of the people of Oregon were without employment, said: "In ouu sence of the word all are employed, tbe tramp is employed in huuting from place to place for a job and the tnecb nloout of his work is employed in contemplating the sorrowful condition of his wife and children) What I meant was remunerative employment, and what I said was true. .Huslness is paralyzed and two-thirds of tJur people, if not falling behiud are Miaking no headway, nor will tboy until we have suOlcieut full legal tendercurrency of gold silver and treasury motes with which to efiect a ready and complete interchange of commodities." PORTLAND WAGE-EARNERS. Sixty threo Per Cent Out of Work Few Permanently Em ployed. ;jl Portland, Jan. 0. Figuring on a basis of 80,000 population," and of 68,000 wagearners In this city, 'Captain John O'Brien bas estimated that 17,700 skilled and unskilled lab6rers, or 63 per cent of the wage-earners, are out of em ployment. Of those repqrted employed only 10 per cent of the whole number are permanently so, and tbe remalnlug 27 per cent are working from one-half to three quartern time. Tho American Federation of Labor's report of unem ployed U 110 cities in the United States gives over 3,000,000, as against 800,000 estimated by Bradstree't's commercial agency for the same cltfas. A Vitriol Thrower. San Francisco, Jan. 0. Mrs. Ther esa Sblpman, ofTejuescal, was arrested charged with attempting to maliciously injure Miss IdiVaughan, ofthisolty. According to Miss Vaughau when Mrs. Sbipman threw tbe dangerous tluld it struck the floor and splashed back upon herself, burning her-seriously. Mis? Vaughan was unlujured. Mrs. Snip man, however, declares that It was Miss Vaughau who did the throwing. The matter will be investigated. Bid blood has been brewing between the women for some time past. Taxing Immorality. T.ACOSIA, Jan. 0. A crusade was be gun by the police against disreputable women here for the purpose of driving them into one section of tho city and forcing fll to pay a tax to the munici pality. Street Oar Held Up. Portland, Jan.. 6. An E9t An keney street car was held up by two masked men last night. The conduc tor was relieved of twenty-five dollars. The car contained no passengers. A Light Sentence. Portland, Jan. 0 Thomas Patrer sou who pleaded guilty to the charge of smuggling opium was sentenced to six months Imprisonment today. THE MARKETS. Ban Francisco, Jan. 0. Wheat May $1,208. Chicago, Jan. 0. Cash, 01J; May 07. Portland, Jan, 0. Wheat valley I.82J; Walla Walla ,8982J. Not a Counterfeiter. Portland, Jan. 6.-In the United States district court today Ed. Marshal was acquitted on charge of counter, felting. Mitchell Angry. Jacksonville, Jan. 0. Mitchell is yery angry over the fact that sover! Southern newspapers have accused him of showing the "white feather" in not signing the amended articles when first presented to him. The pugilist asserts be is widely anxious to meet Corbett, but as he has a family he does not propose to violate tbe laws of the state and get himself in trouble. lie ays be Is sorry now he did sign, and if lie bad a ohanoe would take his nume from tbe agreement. He stated posi tively be would sign nothing mure. Hood's and Only Hood's. Hood's Sarsaparilla is carefully pre pared from Harsspurlllu, Dandelion, Mandrtke, Dock PIlHcewa, Junlrwr berrlen and other well known remedies, by a peculiar combination, proportion, and iirocww, giving to Hood's Ha run pari I la curative powers not pomserswl by nthr medicine. It riled reuiHrk able cures when other preparations fall. Hood's Pills cure bllluuinew. Till! DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS. Held Friday Night on tho Tariff Bill. FIGllTINi) TREE COAL AND IRON. Forcing llt'inbers to Attend tho Sessions. Washington, D. C, Jan. 0. Thero was a good uttendauce at the Demo cratic caucus, Holman president. It was estimated 147 out of a total of 210 house Ddmocntts were present wlieu the proceedings bei;au. It was decided to limit speeches to five mlnutec. Wheeler made u vigorous speech against puttlu coal and iron ore on tho free list. Speaker Crisp followed. He offered a resolution declaring it the duty of every Ddtuoorat to vote for the ojnaideratloo of the tarift billund also tbe duty of all Democruts to attend the sessions of the house and maintain a quorum until the tarift bill was dis posed of. In a riugiug speech, Crinp sharply reprimanded the Democrats re sponsible for the inaction of the bouse during the past three days. He said the proper way to act for those dlssatis fled would be to take the bill up and have It considered. They would be given opportunity to offer amendments and those umeudmeuts under the terniB of the resolution of the ommlttee on rules could be voted upon. The ma jority could decide that no member would lose any of tils rights and it would be to the honor and credit of the party to go forward and legislate. The party had been giveu a commission from tbe peope and it was but duty to carry it out. The spectacle of the past three days has been a disgrace to tie large Democratic majority in the homo and he sincerely hopes It would not I e repeated. The words of tho speaktr were loudly cheered, Following resolutions wera udoptoi : Resolved, That it Is the.sense of thin caucus that it is the duty of every Democratic member of the house to vote for tho peudiug resolution provid ing for the consideration of the tariff Dill, lu order that the bous" may have the opportunity to redt-em the pledges of the parly respecting turifl reform. It-iolved, thut it is the duty of every Democratic member of the house to at tend the daily seailoiiH and we hereby express our opinion thut those mem hers who are almoin, owe it to the part, and to those of us who are here, to Im mediately return ill order that pressing public business may be attended to, Another resolution was adopted, ''that It is tho sense of this caucus that If the proposition .or an Income tax wuh re ported from committee within two days, additional time be given for debate." After the reiolutlou had been adopted, Harter, of Ohio, anil Dr. Robertson, uf Lotiisiiiiu, intro duced amendments, providing for it duty on sugar, but before the vote was had on either of the amendments. Chairman Flolmiu recognized Black, of Georgia, to move an adjournment. The motion was carried with u rush and at 10 o'clock the Democratic caucus ad journed. After adjournment Chairman Wilson said the caucus was entirely satisfac tory to him. It had shown the greut Democratic heart Is beating for tho peo ple. Hesuid: "The resolutions passed express tho sense of theparty In the fullest." Will Mairo a Fight. Washington, Jan. 0. Thero will be another contest In tho fcouato over the confirmation of Thomas, appointed from an Eastern state us an Indian agent at Umatilla. During the speclul session of congress there wuh a pro tracted flht in the senate against the confirmation of this clues of appoint ments, not because thero was any ob jection to tho men personally, but be cause the principle was opposed. The tight this time will open with the Ore gon appointment, and both Dolph and Mitchell have said they Intend to ob ject to sending appointees from the Eist and South into their state. It Is believed ull tho Western men will sup. port them. It Is claimed by those who support the administration in the mat. Ur that Indian agents are not stale ap pointments; that Indian agencies aro purely under federal control, and that appointees can be sent from any section of the country to govern agencies. No Quorum. Washington, D. O., Jan. 0, The Democrats are again without a quorum In house today, eleven votes required. The prospt-cts are tint the duid look will continue all the ufturinxin. A resolution will be off .red by Catching to arrest all the members, aUwnt with out leave and hrlti-? them, U tti j bar of th,e Imtuie, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Money of tho World. Washington, Jan.4. Tho treasury department presents a table showing monetary systems and approximates stocks of money In the aggregate and per capita in tbe principal countries of tbe world. Frnuce is the highest with u per capita circulation of (30.81. Tbe others are: Belgium, $20.70; Australia, $20.05; United States, $20.02; Nether lands, $24.34; Chins, $1.80 all in silver; Roumanla, $4 CO; Servia, $4.27; 8weden, $2.71; Turkey, $2.30; Central American states, $3.78; Japan, $4; India, $3.44; Hayti, $4.00; United Kingdom, $20.44; Germany, $18 50; Portugal, $21.00; Eiypt, $10.85, South American states $19.07; Canada, $10: Cuba $12.31; Italy, $9.59; Switzerland, $14.48; Spalu, 17.14; Greece, $12.22; Auatro-Huugary, 9.59; Norway, $0.60, Denmark, $11.72;' Russia, $8.17; Mexico, $5. Since the statement was tabulatea tbe United States has decreased to $25,55. The table puts tho stock of gold money at $3,901,900,000; silver, $3,931,100,000; unoovered.papor money, $2,700,000,000. Lewelling Loses the Labor Vote. ToPkka, Kan., Jan. 0. Resolutions passed by the state federation of lubor at the reoent Leavenworth meeting were today sent to the governor. The resolutions demand the Immediate removal of State Labor Com missioner Todd. They say he Is not only unfit and incompetent, but was not a wage-worker identified with tho labor interests or eligible when ap printed. Tho resolutions urge every labor organization to strive for tho do ettofthe rdoomlnatlon of Lnvilllnir for bis defeat ut the polls if nominated, bicuuso of the governor's action in naming and retaining Todd. The Colorado farmers' alliance and Industrial uulon has transmitted to President Cleveland a communication condemning Secretary Morton for his ungeutlemunly and uufarmrllke at tack on tho tillers of the soil and urg ing tbe president to repluce him with a competent man and one in sympathy with agriculturists. POWDER MILL EXPLOSION. Several Killed and Wounded Shock Heard Twelvo Miles. PouaincKhi'siE, N. Y., Jan. 0. The Lifllue and Rand powder mill at Rlf ton twelve miles owuy, hint? up this morning. Four men were killed and several wounded, Tho explosion took place in the glazing department where the powder was dried after It had gone through tho other processes of man u fucture. The shook was distinctly felt in this city. Had Two Wives. New York, Jan. 0. George Walker 34 years old, employed on tho elovated railway, quarreled a month ago with the woman to whom ho was married last winter, she having learned that he had a wife living la Washington, The pair separated and he disappeared. While under the iuflueuco of liquor, he returned to his second wife's home and threatened to kill her tinlms she prom ised to live with him ng.iln. She re jected his proposals. He then shot himself In the mouth, dying Instantly. Revolution Rising. St. Vincent, Jan. 0. A dispatch from the Associated Press correspond ent at Pernambuco, dated December 27, says that ufter most careful non partisan Investigation, be has been forced to tho conclusion thut the feel ing In favor of tho revolution Is con stantly spreading lu tho north, and that tho prcsenoo of the government soldiers would not bo eaough to res train It but for the presence of the cruisers Nlchteroy and Amerloa. Two Asphyxiated. New York, Jan. 0 Ohus. Curry and Henry Pezron wero asphyxiated In a small fire In Paul Weasel and Son's bakery today, Chris Evans Agaa. Fresno, Cul., Jan. 0. It la roported that E;vnus la twenty miles from the city. A posae has gone out. Headquarters for all dally pi. pern, at J. L. Beunett's post oMce block news Baking Powder CALAMITY'S i Pennoyer Wants to be Senator. TUE METHOD OF BIS MADNK Will Start a Percoual Orgai te That End. A DESSECTION OF PBNNOYBRISM. Gambling for the Sonalorship and Presidency. There Is little wonder tho. people of Oregon resont Pennoyer's posing, as the apostle of calamity. The country has had quite enough of calamity poli mm m tics, to set ud its hlch Driest In Ore- il gou as a presidential possibility and make grand old wobfpot, whord In the payt every man has enjoyed tho fruits or prosperty under his ownvlnerand flgtree, tho seat of a propaganda of mls ery, this is too much. Two years ago Oregon was rapidly taking on population. Her cattle ranches wero being cut up into fruit' orchards. Old donation land claims by the hundred wero being converted into suburban proporty. Portland was X" pandiug into a city of a hundred thou sand; Salem was nearlng twenty thou sand; Oregon ae verging onto half a million. Thon calamity set in. A Democratic congreps was elected. Qrover took of fice. Immigration that bad flooded Oregon and Washington begau to fall off. Eastern factories begau to run on short time. Railroad strikes succeeded and empty running oars wero wrecked by Idle threatening men. Tho home less tramp appeared on tho highways and took tho placo of tho homo-seeker on the overland trains. Tbe passen gers grow scarcer as the tramp multi plied. Calamity was here. Weaver and Mrs, Lease and other Populist leaders stormed tho state for Pierce, who received a majority as presidential elector on the calamity ticket. Oregon declared officially for Pierce and Pennoyer. The people who voted that tloket to holp the Cleveland (Concludod on ifeoona Jfage. "As old M thohills"and novor oxcoll- ed. "Tried nnd proven" ' is tho verdict of millions. Simmons Livor Eegu lator is tho only Livor and Kidney modicino to which you can pin your Cj9! faith for a l707 euro.. A JL tJUri mild laxa- tivo, and puroly vog- oLablo, act y-v ing directly -V P on tha Liver JL fit to and Kid- noys. Try it. Bold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powdw tobotakendryormadointoa tea. The Kto otLlr MeMekM. "1 havatuedyourBlmmonsUrRM Jtor and can conscientiously y H mm kloc of all liver mmIIcIbcs. leotMifiim Ktedlclna chest la lUmlf.-Glo. W. JAOsV BOX, TCOK, WlttsUBCtOB. I Ser-XVKRY ITLCflUMMhfa 4Ke?9I 0Tr0nr -