- r3rimnw MfTti&jubt oAje'ii-jiau uirita5fAXi, run) at, December 29, ia. '1HE CAPITAL JOMAL. PUBLISIIKD DAILY, KXOKPX 8UNUAY, BY THE Capital Journal Publishing Company t'ottofflce Block. Commercial Btreet. 1I0FER BROTHERS, Editors. Dally, by carrier, per month,- .uV V.V innll. tier -rear. xnfin a.oo Weealy, 8 pages, per year,. 1.6J A BUSINESS U VERN0R. Oregf a Is suffering for wnt of a bu siness governor one who will attend Btrlctly to llio business of tbo Ptiite and as strictly mind Ills own business ac cording to the constitution. Tb is pa per has contained some severe but de served criticisms of Governor Peunoy er. Tho sumo criticism would have followed similar aoU by any governor. Borne people are no doubt sy lug, Wliai would you have a governor do ? Well, how would It do for a irovernor to en force the laws and enforce the obllga tlous duo the state. It is the law ul this stale that county treasurers shall pay out of the first money iu theli hands the taxes due the state. Vh does not the governor euforce that law Instead of allowing the state taxes to bo scattered about In uucertaiu bank to the amount of half a million dollars In order to bo consistent be should do that or udvlse the state bard of equalization to make an extrti levy of taxes HUfllcleut us he may think to Bupply such banks with capital out of the state funds. Nouo of the public works can be completed this year thai were provided by tho legislature be cause tho taxes paid by the people are retained by speculative county officials and to bolster up more or less embar rassed financial institutions. The spirit of Andrew Jackson would turn In its grave at such abuse of pub lic funds. What Oregon needs Is a busi ness governor who would direct the attorney general to euforce the state lawB whenever the state Is liable to suf fer loss by the laws not belug enforced. If the funds due the state wero where they ought to be, If state laws were en forced,then every public work provided by the legislature could be carried for ward and there would be employment for all the idle mechanics of this state. A poor school clerk who uses twenty dollars of sobool taxes and cannot re turn It, Is sent to Btato prison. The rich banker who uses a hundred thou sand Is not Interfered with by tho'state. IsthatjUBtlco? A NATIONAL AlTr"1''" '- ' L The American Protective Tariff LeagUD In special and extruordluary session on December lGlb, responding to tho earnest request of wugo earners, unanimously agreed that It was neces Bary to call upon tho press of tho Unit ed States to urge every patriotic cltlz-u to asalst In defeating tho proposed Wil Bon free trade tariff, which is now be fore congress, If this measuro becomes a law, the demaud for labor iu all pro ductive employment in this country Will be decreased. This will reduce the wages and earnings of every tri'in, woman or child among us, permanent ly lower tho staudard of living In this country; aud reduce the purchasing power of our wago earners who consti tute tho great consuming force in this land. Every person, rich or poor, high or low, old or young, who Is not In favor of lower wages and leas comfort In life, should at ouco ?rlto a postal ami to the congressman ttom his or her dis trict, protesting against the passage of this bill and demanding that tho Mc Kin ey tarllt be loft uuohauged. Write a postal card today, aud urge every friend ofyoura to do tho sama. Per haps your effort wllldefoU free trade aud save protection, MR. 1IADLEY AtJ RE0EIVFR. Judge Fullerton did tho right thing In continuing Mr. Hudley In tho re ceivership of the Oiegon Pacific until lie can present a clearer statement of Its affairs. Mr. Hudley's integrity and Intelligence have never been questioned. That he is a conscientious man and pre pared to make tho application of indus try and sacrifices necessary to bring this properly out of tho chuos of cou fusion speculation, incompetency aud Insolvency Into which it has fallen, we have no doubt. Hut ho cau nover do It by pursuing the old methods of ex travggauce in handling public corpora tions thfit grows out of treating them isi private property, He should make tbe Or$ou Vacifloa publto property, tfottoatAd to the public service aud the jMtblle Md ail the power of tho state, tfc few? and the qourts will back ulnf. Km roelver, he will honestly attempt to 4o UU, he should bo continued. If b km not, (lie court should put in writ oim who will. Corporation ex- '- - - - usIaIaIi lin tl.)nlu niyulnat mrapfiV " " !.--,...,,. MawBNHHMi. mi- yw ui, At untnqueat in n certain town should poftttb way of rigid pub- Jn ho mHh of Kngi,ma 0u n mini H;ffJ5r iW ttw btaly solution or ihe.who had been drowned tho police fribtim. nmu giving hi ovidenco was asked " - w l,v tho coronor if menus had been M'fe trSallv - Wrier at ' ?& tal&wi 1. L. BMriwrt'li'iMNt' UErRENCiUIENr IN TUB COUNTY. The taxpayers will be very much gratified at the step taken by tho city council to reduce expenses about $5000. The eamelluo of strict economy should be takeu up in the affairs of Marion county. No more huou bills us $18 and $50 for printing what cau be had done for $12 should be ullowed by the county commissioner's court. The county comuilsslonei's court also incurred expenditures the past year of $1200 for the ornamentation of the cir cuit court room aud the eleguut private apartments of the circuit judge, and a $1000 attorney fee in tho big steal bridge cape, that were not justllied these hard times. While we believe the judge ami couimissiouers are per sonally honest men we believe they have beeu careless aud made serious mistakes iu these matters. The power of granting of such claims should be mine carefully exercised. The time is past when any man can disburse $1000 f public funds without having beeu irdered to do so by the great body of the people. It is better to withhold or 4ruut the uuthorlty first than to hold (jublio ullluiula responsible when it is too late aud close the burn after the lorse Is stolen. DID irs UU1Y. The city council did Its duty last night iu starting the retrenchment or lluauces so well along that it is lu uuuiOent on tho new council to take hem up aud make them luto actual iaw. It is a wholesome fact that while a lew Populist politicians were iu session Tesolutiug" for reform, tho city coun cil brought about in actual legislation a greater reduction of expense than these leformers usked for. It is to be regretted that these reduc tions are necessary. But they are nec essary. It is far better -but a few men oe cut ofl thau that all warrants re main at 15 to 20 per cent discount, We sincerely regret any reductions In our excellent police force and fire depart ment but as one aldermau says it Is not u matter of choice. SUHUKSTKi) COMMENT. Chris. Evaus is the best highway man after all. The Salem citv council starts in with good resolutions for the New Year. Down the Republicans and let us in is the cry of every politician out of a job. Tf Pnnnur liil aiiM two-thirds of . , j- . vV ' "' " V'ibo poll!? & nVJregou 'dre out of a job he would have hit it. The ouly starving Iu Oregon are those fellows who have so far succeeded In not getting a pull at the public crib. Oregon lends. Peniioyer has out- douo "bloody bridle" Waits of (Jolorn doiu giviug his state unwholesome notoriety. The only way to run the Oregon Pa ciflo railroad Is for the government of Oiegon to tako hold of It, with a re ceiver who will tieat It us a public thor oughfare conducted lu the interests of the people. A Man Thermometer. L'an men make the best tbeimoni eiois. Falirentieit never Invented bol ter ones. If the weather is warm and htinny, they are cheerful. If cold ami frosty, they are iu liable and Huapp.. If damp aud cloudy, they are downcast und gloomy. Hut if either lean or fai men are Mifi.-iim; Irom biliousness, hctiduche, coiiHilpaihin, or iiidigesiioii, the weather will always bo damp ami cloudy tu their looalliy, tin It m trie lice Dr. Pivrce's P eufaut Pellets. These Pellet are emuir, Biigar-uoated granules, taleuhited to start tho liver and digestive organs Into healthy ac tivity, aud thuieby raise iow spirits aud dispel gloom. . , mmw. mm m0 - , Economize in Taper. Clean newspapers, lied lu bundles of 100, not cut, for sale at this utllco ut fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw wrapping paper, luruo sheets, two to its a pound. Next door to the postolllco. Tann for Snlo. Eighty acres wlih bottom laud ut Skumokuwu, 1 miles fiom Columbia river. CO acres clear, well adapted for dairying, with dwelling, two barns, wngon, mowlug machine and some farm improvements. E. llofer, agent. Bulem, Or. 12-23 d&w Gt-nttru! Ittuk's 1'ruyer. Moro than a Bcoro of times dnriug his illness General Rut-k ntl;ed to have the Lord's Prayer repeated. Only tho day beforo lie died his eldest daughter, Mrs. Craig, hud at his request knelt ut his bedside and joined in tho j rnycr with him, and whon they hud c .v luded the sick man paid, "Charity, let us rcpoat It," and together tho father and daugh ter again eurnontly bout up that petition for guidance and comfort, Milwaukee Wiseonsiu. Kesuscltutlun. trtk' to nwiscitate the body. "Oh. yes. irl Wo soarcbod Ida TH IDIOT. Through his misshapen soul and brala No thought has passed and left Its trace. And all that brines tnfth Joy and pain Finds In his breast no dwelling place. Ilia life Is tho world's Btatn. Tho horrid vacant visage leers And shows Its heritage of woe; Tho scars tho sins of ancient years. Could any love or hato UT Nol Pity may givo her tears. Dr. FrederlcltPelorson. NOCTURNAL ANIMALS. their Deficiency In Color Mnds Up by Pro ficiency In Sound. It is notewbrthy' that iri almost every raco and climate tho colors of nocturnal animals aro dingier and gloomier than those of their diurnal allies and representatives. This dif ference is duo of course to sexual se lection, which cannot exert itself upon colors or spots in the darkness. Tho butterflies, for example, aro beau tifully arrayed. Their night flying cousins, the moths, are dull gray or whitish. Day birds are often decked in bril liant hues, like pheasants, toucans, macaws and sun birds. Tho owls and nightjars, on tho contrary, are dull and inconspicuous. Our Eng lish swift is just an aberrant hum ming bird, who has taken to hawk ing flies in tho northern twilight and grown black accordingly. Most par rots come forth gorgeous in red, blue and yellow, but tho nocturnal New Zealand owl parrot, whose name sufficiently proclaims his skulking nature, has acquired a coat of dingy gray green, exceedingly like that of many owls and goatsuekers, and so on throughout. A creature so brightly colored as tho blue faced mandril, or tho great bird of paradiso, is always sure to display his fine feathers or brilliant decorations to his observant mato in full flood of sunshine, while, conversely, night roamers hke bata and ratels and wombats and bears are always remarkable for their un obtrusive coloration. Ono way exists, however, in which nocturnal animals may mako an of' fectivo display to attract their mates, and that is tho system of phosphor escent flash signals adopted by tho glowworm and firefly. It may also bo noted that an unusually largo pro portion of noctural animals have musical voices or mako loud lovo calls. Tho nightingale and nightjar aro well known instances in point in northern climates. Visitors to south ern Europe will remember to their cost tho tree frog and cicadas that mako sleep impossible, while the howler monkeys, tho laughing hye nas and the screaming lemurs of tho forest are equally familiar pests to tropical travelers, All the loudest an&n ',utjxpersistent voices ore voices of tho night. The whippoorwill and the katydid aro as common in Massachusetts as tho cuckoo in England, while tho strident noises made by tho number less insects, which rub their legs against their sides so as to attract their mates, effectually banish sleep in many parts of tropical America. Cornhill Magazine. Vegetable Diet. Vegetarianism is often called a fad.-but it is a healthy and innocent ono and tho natural reaction against tho present state of things. It im parts lightness and elasticity to the body, brightness and clearness to tho mind. The vegetarians I know aro all unusually strong, active and young looking people for their ago. Ono of them walked without stop piug for 34 and another time 27 hours without rest while on an ex cursion in Norway, feats not easily equaled by the most inveterate beef eater. Traveling, mountain climb ing, all seem easier and less fatiguing on this light and soothing diet, and why should it not givo strength to tho limbs and sinews if one reflects that all tho strongest animals who do tho heaviest work in tho world, liko horses, oxen and elephants, aro entirely herbivorous! Lady Paget in PoDular Science Monthly. 'ilio Itumuii Heart. Tho human lioart is n hollow mus clo of a conical form, placed between tho two lungs and inclosed in the pericardium or heart sac. The ordi nary size of tho heart in tho adult ir about 5 inches in length, 3 inches in breadth at tho broadest part and 2J Inches in thickness. Its weight is from 10 to 12 ounces in men, and from 8 to 10 ouncos in women. Leis ure Moments. lllowlnc It. Mudge I was just thinking of tho resemblauco between my salary and my breath. Ynbsloy How's that all wind "No-o. Not that exactly. But aa Boon as I draw it I have to blow it" VIGOR MEN Ellr.QulcMr. PffiMntlr Rottortd. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DESIUTY, and all th train of evlli from early crrori or laur exoM, Uie rtaulta of oTfrwoik, alokiiaia, worry.cio. rutlairaotln. development asd ton siren w anr orcaa and portion of the IkxIt. Mmplr. nature I method. ibrovemi M-o. FnllurflunpoMlble. tito rvferenrra. IkMfc. xilBa(toQ and proof tailed (taated) free. EKiE KEMCAL Ct, virrALO, N,Y TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Salem, December 20, 4 p. m. Office DaiiiY Capital Jouhnau Quota tions for day aud up to hour of going to press were us follews: 8ALKM PHODUCE MARKET. ritUiT. Apples 30o to 75c. a bushel. BUTCHEH STOCK. Veals dressed 6 cts. Hogs dressed 5. .Live cattle 1 to 2. Bbeep alive l.752.00. MILL 11UC13. Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour In wholesale lets 12.G0. Eetail $3.20. Urau $14 bulk, $15 sacked, dhorts $15J 10. Chop feed $10 aud $17. WHEAT. 43 cents per bushel. HAY AND QKAIN. Oats now 30c. Hay Baled, new $8 to $10; old $10 to 12. W lid in bulk, $0 to $8. FABM l'KODUCTS. Wool Best. 10c. Hops bmail sale, 17 to 18c. Eiigs Cash, 371. Butter Best dairy, 30; fancy creamery, 35. Cheese 12 to 15 ots. Farm smoned meats Bacon 10; hams, 12; shoulders, 8. Potatoes 35o. Ouious 2 cents. Carrots, $0 00 per ton. Beeswax 34o. Caraway seed, 18c. Anise seed, 26c. Ginseng, $1.40. LIVE POULTltY. v Chickens- no market, ducks, 810;tur- keys, slow sale, choice, lUc; gteae b to 7c. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Gralu, Ft eil, etc. Flour Staudard, $2.75; Walla Walla, $3.15; graham, $2.40; superfine, $2.25 per barrel. Oats fciew white,34c per bu., grey ,32c; rolled, iu bags, $0 2o0.50; barrels, $6.767.00; cases. $3 75. Hay Best, $1012 per ton. Wool valley, lullc. Millstufls Bran, $10.00; shorts, $10; ground barley, $18; chop feed, $15 per ton; whole feed, barley, 70 els. pel cental; middling, $2328 per ton; chicken wheat. 05(3)1.16 per cental. HopsNew 10 to 10. Hides green, salted, 00 lbs. 3Jc, uu. der60 1bs.,23 ; sheep pelts, 10C0c. DAIBY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 30 32Jc;fancy dairy, 2527J; fair to uooii, 2022jc; common, 10 Ui 17Jc, per lb ttneese Oregon, 1013; Young American, 1215e per pouud; California 14c: Swiss imp., 3032;D(imi 1G18 Eggs Oregon, 25o per dozen. .Eas tern 2327J. Poultry Nominal; chickens, mixed. $2 503. per dozen; ducks,$3 504.5) geese, $8.00; turkeys, live, 12Jc; dressed, 12114o. Beef Top steers, 2Jo per pound; fair to good steers, 2o; Nol cowh, 2c; fair cows, ljc; dressed beef, $3 505 00 pel 100 pounds Mutton Best sheep, $2; choice mut ton, $1 752 00; lambs, $2 002 25. Hogs Clioiee, heavy, $4 605 00; medium, $4 004 50; liuht aud feeders, 4 004 50: dressed, $0 50. Veal $3 005 00- SAN FKANC1SCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Ensteru choice, 10 l2o; do inferior, 79c; do valley, 12 15c. Hops 10 to 18c. Potato Erly Rose, 6055. Bur banks, .3545o. Oii( M.i.iim'.$.12l 17. "Nervos Shatterocf Generally broken down; at times I would fall over wlllra touch of the vertlgoj was not able to goanydlatancofrom the house. I was a tuiaernble tunn. Tho day I com menced on my second botUo of Hood's Bar saparllla, I beean to feol better and I now Hood's Cures Xeel like a new man. I am working again find do not have any ol my bad spell;. I hare a perfect cure." CnAKLKS L Jjlueh, (ISO Won Market Street, York. Ta. Hood's Pills are the best aiter-dlnner nils, assist dlgesUou, euro headache. 26c, HAVE YOU GOT PILES ITCniNO riLi.o known br inolature liko prplra.lou, oaiuo lateuae Itonlu trhen warm. Tills form and BLIND. mjiEDiNa or I'liorauBiuo Pliita YIILD ATONCRTO DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, whlah aot dlrootly on jvirti alfocted abaorbs tnmors, ol.aysltolilntf.eR'eotlna a permanent ours. Price 60c Dmreltta ormall. Ur, Uoaanko,FlxUadalpUia,Ia. Hold by Hnhl.ftt A Vi8ljpe, Hotel Monterey. Newport, - - Oregon. Lncattd ou the Beach, two mlle noitli of Newport on Cve Cove, a beautifully sheltered npot, wontterftil pcenery, Bea ballilui:, flue drives to Cape Koulweuth er IIkIuIiouso. House new. rooms lurgw anil airy. Finest noort fur families ur luvallda. Open all winter. Term moderate by day or week. Intending visitors cau drop a postal card to New port aud be met by buck. John Fitzi'Atbick, d-2 m Pn'prletor. Ju. CTuis. M. Laucr NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The drug and uiedlclno flrm hereto fore doing buslna'O under the style uf rtiintb & Bteluer, have this day dlf oolvetl partoershlp by luutiml ennent. Dr. J. O. 8uilth retlriUK. The busluew" will Ih continued by Lee Bteluer. Hi beoM red vomer stand, where a!' bills and HccouiitH arn to be Killed, Httleui, Dee. 1st, 1603. J t Rjiith, M. D. hvx blilKK, Bids for Asylum Supplies. THE BOAKD OP TRUSTEES OF THE Oregon state Insane asylum Invite sealed proposals for furnishing at the asylum near Salem. Oregon, the following; sup plies for the six months ending June 30, im, PLUMBINQ. 1 doz. each & .., 1V4 and 2 Inch tees. 1 doz. each , , 1. ltt. and 2 mch ells. 1 doz. each and Inch Keystone unions. . . 1 doz each 1, VA and 2 lnck flange unions. 1 Uoz. each , 1, IU street ells. 1 doz. each nnd 4 Inch sockets. 1 doz. each &, nnd 1 Inch plue. , 2 doz. each and Inch cempresslon bibs, finished. 2 doz. each and Inch compression hose bibs, finished. 100 feet each of ...&, 1, and 1 Inch black pipe. 100 feet each of , and 1 Inch galv. pipe. 2 doz. each U. and H Jenkln's valves removable disks. 1 doz. each and 1 Inch Jenkln's vulves removable disks. 21 Bq. feet 3 ply rubber packing1. 10 lbs. each V, and sq. flax packing. 1 Jackson's flue scraper, 8 Inch. 20 bushels charcoal. 100 lbs. solder. V& and . 2 each extra jaws and nuts for 12, 18 and 24 Inch SMUsons wrenches. 10 lbs. Asbcstes candle wick. 141 sq. feet sheet lead 4 lb. 2 doz. Sampson's battery cells. 2 doz. and glass gage washers, square. DUY GOODS. KO yards oallrn bent. 2,600 yards cotton flannel, NashaU XXX. 1,200 yds. pequot A unbleached 45 Inch. 1,000 yards Mariners stripe. 5U0 yards Lonsdale bleached. 1,500 yards pequot A sheeting, 26 Inch. R00 vds. Continental check flannel. DOO yds, glass crasn loweuing, is men. bleached linen French towell- 200 yds. lng. 300 vds. blue denim. 100 yds. bleachea sheeting pequot 9-i. iuu yas. 6 boxes Marsellls check. York Mfc. wnite stay mnamg ft incn. 12 dozen Inch. Turkey red handkerchiefs, 24 60 dozen Coat's thread, white No. M d z in' iril will N . I 15 dozen Coat's thread, black No. 12 doren Coat's thread, black No. 12 dozen black linen thread. No. 31. 3. IS. 25. 50 yards table oilcloth, white. 12 dozen papers pins. 50 doz. prs. men'jj socks (half hose.) 1 doz. prs. men's gloves, Nos. 9 and 10, extra heavy. 15 dozen pairs suspenders. 100 yards Rllesia, 40 Inch, drab. 1 great gross' men's pants buttons. 1 great gross pants buckles. 6 great gross men's shirt buttons, me dium size. 12 gro-s 8mokd re rl hunni. 2 dozen corsets (assorted sizes, 20 to 30. t dozen thimbles, Nos. 9 and 10 closed ends. CLOTHING. 6 pairs Jean pants, 2929. C pairs Jeans pants, 3030. 12 pairs Jean pants, 3131. 12 pairs Jean pants 3333. 12 pairs Jean pants, 3332. 6 pairs Jean pants, 3331. 6 pairs Jean pants, 3234. 12 pair Jean pants, 3533. 12 pairs Jean pants, 3633. 8 pairs Jean pants, 3733. 6 pairs Jean pants, 37 i. 6 pairs Jean pants, 3832. G pairs Jean pants,- 38 C3. 6 pairs Jean pants, 39 S3. 6 palra JeuiiH pa it, HI) 2. YARNS. ?00 .lbs. heavy white wool yarn. 150 lbs. cheapest grade wool yarn, as sorted colors. 200 lbs. Crown mills carpet warp. GROUrlUEd. IN BARRELS OR 110 ICES. 1" (XX) lb eTBDuiaied sugar, extra fine, dry. i2,oeoibsOCRuenr. 0 tio lb rolled oats. fi 000 lbs crneked w heat. fift'lb forhmenl. 500 lbs hominy, email cracked. l.KOOlbs hominy. 5 00) Dm rlc. Mi ft'. Dining. 3QT gUlons vlnegir. 'J. 0 K-.illonn N. O. mplaRf s. l.fiX) lb. corn sta-ch, Oswego. 10.000 lb. Liverpool halt. 40 Bis Oirb. totla, A nd H. :i Bin. cenm taner Foltrnw, so g-n-R miMy ma Chen (Vulcan). 1 buV bro'im corn, M ooz nnhk browns. Rl ii zen o -teiv, enns 'A. Field's Cove). lfi rlnzon nni en n fKnw Vulie R(X) tb). soda cracker?, XXX, furnished as re quired. 2 000 gallons syrup (Uandtrd) 40 Bu orfndles Rbirl wail. 2 dozen WorctBtertbire sau.ee, In qU., Lee ai n 1-ernnHj 2 0 ft', gcrmea. ICWttn. sago 60 ft china Htatch. fit ft, srtl oda. 2 dozen brooms. am lh perl burley. On lbs. Btnroh.g'os'. 20b')esmnrarnnl 8 bnTPs vermicelli. COO S4. cheese. Cranston's or as good, fur nished as require 1. Bl'lOhS. 75 lb. mustard. 4iO lbs. black pepper. 80 lh. ginger. 25 lbs. allspice. CROCKERY. IRdoz n teacups- 15do7eH tea tcmcers. 15 dnzru quart soup bowls. 2 dur. n 1 gul on p tehers. 8 doz"n souii plnu-R. 1 111 zen bowlR mi a pitchers. 1 dozen oliiiniber pots. 1 d ziii hed pans. 1 dozen pint sviun pitchers. 2di zen liintein glo) es. 3 rioien pint crenm pitchers. .1 dozen 0 lnrb dl ne plutri. 2dnz-n 7 Inch nle platns. S dozen 12 Inch vesetnble dishes. 1 d z u 10 Inoli vegeta lo dlencs. 1 dozen t-utHr bowls 3 iiozt-u 12 inch p utters. 2 dozen 11 lucti platters. FLOUR. G50 btrrels, mo'o or less, best roller process, delivered siequlred. '5 barrels graham, more or less, delivered M rquled. SOAP. 2,fio0 lbs, extra pale ssvon. I.UU1 , ivory 20 lbs. shaving, In cakes J, B. Williams 4 TEA. WOlhs KngU h breakfast, black. 1,000 lbs, uncolored Japan, green, COFFEE. 000 lbs. Costa Itlca. 400 lha. Java '.to lbs. Moca, 800 lbs. chicory. BOTTEU. S2S lbs. a we It, more or less, best creamery, 'IOBACCO. 2,000 lbs. Bledge Hammer. AlEATa. COO Ihg. per day, more or les, of btvtl m nqitredlutquul purs of loreand hlndqnar en. SCO lbs, of mutton per week aa required, FI8U. Fish as required, giving prloe per pound for (urnlsblng the different kinds perfectly fresh nnd sound. LEATHER. TUB BEST DOXE3T10 STOCK. dozen oil grain oair, 40 lbs to the dozen, 1 down mil kklnv, 40 lbs o t be do-n 1 dozen lmlUiloi gruii goat, suitable f r quartern forboes 13 to 21 admen sheen ttlns for llnlng.sha ed. ft bunkssln lor lining, shaved. ti e nnet kip skins, at era 5 lbs. each 1 doa. kip skins, average E rbs. each, -a Ksldea skirting 15 to 18 sech, COO Ids. Santa Cruz sole.lAtlier, extra heavy No. L average weiht 'K lbs. to the side. .' "S. 1 doz. balls English shoe web,. 13 yards English shoe core I 1h. wide. 1 ci- Rsistrian hrlstles. 1 do tUk twist D. 0 spools linen thread, No. 26. 6 spoolB linen thread No. 35. 2 lbs. Barbours shoe thread No. 12. 6 bottles leather cement (Cub brand,) 6 bottles rubber cement (Brazilian.) 3 doz. pletea shoemaker's wax. 6 lbs. 1 oz. shoe tacks. 8 lb,. 4ozsh.j wens t ltM, yt urtis nails Improved. 12 lbs. 6-8 brass nails. 12 lbs. 4-8 brass nails. 12 lbs. brass nails. 12 lbs. 8-8 Iron heel nails. 12 lbs. Iron heel nails. 12 lb,, ti-n iruu Liool auiU. 12 Ib3. H iron heel nails. 2 doz. Bradbury machine needles (wedga point) No 4. 2 sq. feet rubber cloth for patching. 20 yards heavy ticking for lining. vimvAjtn. 6 doz. pressed pans, t lneh. 10 doz. pint cups. 24 doz. table spoons. aitANITil IKON WARE. 1 doz. wash basins. 6 doz. knives and forks. 2 doz. ladles, in two sizes. GALVANIZED IRON WARE. 1 doz. slop palls with covers. MltiCiiLLANEOUS: H dozen wash tubs, small sizes, lu lbs. bees wax, yellow. 2 doz. dust brushes. 8 dozen scrub brushes,' with handles. 3 dozen shoe brushes. 2dozcn hair brushes. 1 dozen whitewash brushes. Vi dozen kalsomlnlng brushes. 2 dozen shaving brushes. U doz II bu.ie- uu. tj o ituicnigT. M. 3 dozen boxes hair pins. 3 dozen combs. 3 dozen papers needles Nos. . 3 dozen papers needles Nos. 3. 3 dozen papers needles Nos. 4. 5 dozen papers needles Nos. S. 6 dozen paptra needles Nos. & 4 gross salety pins. 6 dozen mop handles. 12 dozen mop rags. 50 packs playing cards double headed. 1 gros3 shaker pipes. OILS. 200 gallons kerosene, more or less, deliv ered in tanks as required. .0 gitliouH Aiu uy iJiuU.e, or as good. Ogail ins lunny evnmier, or us good. 100 gallons turpentine. 2ultn Aib i y ii.up u.id No. 8, or as good. 2 dozen bottles sewing machine. 200 lbs. parrattlne in 1 lb cakes, leu oiuiuKimst;, il. nnd .irugnod. BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPBR9, ETC. Mens shoes. 20 pairs No. & 20 pairs No. 7. 20 pairs No. i. 20 pairs. No. 9. Men's boots. 20 pairs No. 7. 1 uoz. pr. rubber boots, sizes from 8 to 10. 20 pairs No. 8. 10 pairs No. 10. 10 Dalrs No. 11. Men's leather suppers. t. 7. 8. 9. 20 pairs No. 30 30 30 30 pairs pairs No. No. No. pairs pairs pairs pairs No. No. 10. 20 10 11. 12. No. Ladles shoes, 20 pairs No. 2. 20 pairs No. 4. , 30 pairs No. t. 30 pairs No. 6. 10 pairs No. 7. Ladles carpet slippers. e 20 pairs No. 6. 20 pairs No. 6. 20 pairs No. 7. IS pairs No. 8. 10 pairs No. 9. 10 gross shoo laces. STATIONERY. 3 gross pens, London Incandescent No. 4 2 gross pens, London Incandescent No. B. 2 gioss pens, London lncandescmt No. i i gross pens, Glllottn No. 404. 1 dozen pen holders. S dozen lead pencils. . 10 reams Wedgwood letter paper, half 8 iegr"oss Indelible Ink In bottles, Payson'a 2 doz. bottles mucilage, Sanfords Uni versal. DRIED FRUIT. In barrels or boxes. 2,600 lbs. apples. 2,000 lbs. peaches. 1.500 lbs. prunes. 100 lbs. raisins. HARDWARE. 1 dozen lenther i1iiihi, iwtrlch. 1 doz. wash boards, best quality. 2 packages each 2, 3 and 4 lb tinned rivets. 1 pair i Ih soldering irons. Uw feet each Vi and round Norway Iron. ., . 100 feet each 7-16 and round Norway lr75'feot each lv. lx, lAx flat Norway Iron. 75 feet each Vkctf, xU. lxV4. ltfxVi flat Norway Iron. 10 feet each , 94, octagon tool steel. 10 feet each round tool steel. H keg each No. 3. 4, 5 front horse shoes (Burden's light. V, keg each No. 3, 4, 5 hind horse shoes (Burden's light. 10 tbs. each No. 7 and 8 Putnam's horse shoe nails. " 5 lbs. each No. 6 Putnam's horse shoe nails. , . 25 lbs. each No. 3 and 4 Sweet's Amer can toe calks. 10 lbs. each No. 2 Sweet's Ameri can toe calks. i. horse rasps, 14 inch, Killer's. 1 Iron saw handle for key-hole saw With 0s8, n III )i in I) )illlli'rt. 2 each Morse twist drills to 7-lf by 1.16th lib incn -iiuiik. 30 lbs. each of , 1, IVi, Vt. 1 2 Inch round head rivets Yt Incn. 2 eachC Inch and 12 Inch monkey wreuou-,., ()' i dozen each , H, and 1 Inch of Nos. 7, 8, 9, copper belt rivets. 2 belt punches. No. 7 and 8. 1 revolving punch with four punches. 100 each 1x3-16, 243-16, lxVi, 2xVi. Ax',i. 2',fex and Gx Inch carriage bolts. luo each Ix5-18 and 4x5-16 machine bolts. 25 lbs. each Vt and Iron washers. 10 lbs. each hi and H blank nuts. 400 feet inch manllla rope. 400 feet inch manllla rope. 200 feet Vt inch manllla rope. 2 gross screws each, 1 inch No. 7 and 11. 2 inch No. 14, Hi Inch No. 9 and No. 11 luoli o 7 mm ,n.a. 2 lbs. brads each, , and T inch. iHiJe. u' br, bl h. Ihl quality. 1 set gimblet brace bits. doz. compass saw blades, from 8 inch iuu in u. i.i n' 1 diamond for cuttng glass, No. 1. 1 set b uth piuuek, Houdeu, elunle's best. 1 claw hauiUiOr Mo. 7 1 set Firmer cockei cbltels, (Barton's best.) DRUGS. , 5 lbs. acid carbolic cryst. pure. 10 lbs. acid muriatic commercial. 1 lb nitric acid C. P. 1 lb acid sallcillc powdered. 1 lb acid tannic. 10 lbs. aqua ammonia concentrated In I lb bottles. 10 lbs. ammonia muriate powdered. 2 lbs. ammonia carbonate. 5 lbs. ammonia bromide. 2 lbs. antlfebrln (Kalle and Co.) 2 Its. blue ointment. Ibi. bliu"!h nun Mi (-qulbb. 2 lbs. chalk prep. 20 lbs. cotton absorbant hospital. 1 lb calomel 2 tbs. chloranodyue. 5 lbs. chloroform (Squtbbs.) 10 lbs. chloral hydrate (Merck.) It lbs. ether in ty lb cans (cJquibbs.) 50 lbs, epsom salts. U lb- f xi l. oiimmlde of calcium comp. (TUden and Co.) 6 lbs. glycyrrhlza comp. powdered. 1 lb golden seal powdered. 6 lb hematic syrup hypophosphatea (P. I). and Co.) H lb Jalap powdered. 5 lbs, mustard ground, 1 lb opium powdered. 3 gallons oil castor (Baker's A. A.) 5 gallons oil roalaga. H lb oil cloves pure, 1 lb oil orange pure. V, lb oil peppermint pure. Si lb oil lavender pure. H lb oil bargamont pure. 2 lbs. pepsin sacch. (Fairchllds.) 1 lb pepsin (Boudaults.) 4 lbs. phenacetln (Bayer.) 25 lbs, potash bromide bulk. 2 b- 2 lbs. i lbs. krodts.) ins. kr4U.) ! Il potash potash chlorate powdered. Iodide gran. (Malllach- potash citrate gran. (MaWaa- fi 'VJ!' .Pyrophosphate ot Iron (Squlbba.) J4 lb tartarate of Iron ana peush. 2 lbs. soda boras, powdered. 3 lbs. soda brorald. , 1 lb soda hjrpophospbats gran. 2 tbs. soda phosphate gran, . 2 lbs. solution ohlorlda of Iron (Malllnp. krodts. MB- U.6, Jbs. syrup hypophosphate compeund 1 lb vanilla bean (Mexican.) 5 lbs. suironal (Bayer.) hi lb antlpyrlne (Dr. Knorrs.) 3o gallons alcohol, H per cent. 5 gallons glycerine pure. 20 lbs. vaseline- XXX ref. 50 oz. quinine sulphate (K. and M 1 2 oz. lunar caustic pure. 1 oz. morphine sulphate (P. and W 1 Vt oz. Btrvchnla sulphate cryst. H os. red Iodide meroury, 1 oz. yellow oxide mercury. 2 oz. menthol. H oz. cocaine muriate. 1 lb sponges surgeons No. 1. 1 lb sponges carnage No. L 1 lb solution subsulphate of trs (Squlbbs.) "' 1 gross phials 1 os. 2 gross phials 4 os. 1 gross phials 6 os. 2 gross phials 8 os. 2 gross corks each No. 4, 6 and Sttaocr I 8 gross pill boxes assorted sizes Ne. 2,500 empty' capsules No 1 (P. D. an Co. 2.60) empty capsures No. 2 (P. D. an Soluble hypodermic tablets. 1,000 hypo, tablets No. 9 In cases 10 bottles each (J. Wyeth Bros.) 2,000 hypo tablets No. 45 in eases II bottles each (J. Wyeth Bros.) 200 hypo, tAblets No. 61 (J. VYyeth Bros 4 doz. cod liver oil Bm. (Phillips) large 1 doz. Davidson's syringe No. L 2 doz. Davidson's syringe No. 3. 5 doz. camels hair pencils assorted. 4 doz. plasters All cock's porus. 4 doz. plasters Wells strengthening. 2' boxes plasters Meads adhesive (S. and J.) 2 boxes Plasters silk Isinglass sur geon's pink (S. and J.) 2 boxes Plasters silk Isinglass Bur geon's black (8. and J.) 2 boxes Plasters capsicum 8. and J.) 3 lbs. pills o. c Imp. gelatin coated (P D. and Co.) 200 pills aloln 1-5 grain (P. D. and Co.) S00 pills ololne Vi grain (P. D. and Co.) 500 pills alotn comp. (P. D. and Co.) 200 pills C. C. gran, pink 'A gr. (P. D. and Co.) 200 pills assafoetlda 1 gr. (P. D. and Co.) 200 pills assafoetlda 2 gr. (P. D. and Co.) 60) pil s emmeneagngue gelatine coated (McK. and R.) 300 pills aloes et Ferri. 1 tb Huld extract aconite root (P. D. and Co.) 2 IbB. fluid ext. buchu (P. D. and Co.) 2 lbs. fluid extract belladonna (P. D. and Co.) 5 lbs. fid. ext. cascara sagroda (P. D. and Co.) 1 lb fluid ext. eopBlcum (P. D. and Co.) 1 I1 fluid ext. conlura need (P. T. and Co.) 2 lps. fluid ext. cinchona comp. (P. D. and Co.) 1 lb lid. ext. dlgitallla (P. D. and Co.) 2 )bi. fid. ext. glrger (P. D. and Ce.) 1 Iti fid. ext. gentian (P. D. and Co.) 2 lbs.-fid. ext. henbane (P. D. and Ce.) 5'4ba fid. ext. lpecacauanhea (P. D ana eo.) 5 lbs. fid. ext Jalap (P. D. and Co.) 5 lbs. fid. ext. licorice (P. D. and Co.) 1 lb fid. ext. nux vomica (P. D. and Co.) 1 tb fid. ext orange peel (P. D. and Co.) 2 lbs. fid. ext. rhubarb (P. D. and Co.) 1 lb fid. ext. seheka (P. D. and Co.) 5 lbs. fid. ext. senna (P. D. and Co.) 1 lb fid. ext. squills (P. D. and Co.) 1 lb fld. ext. Squills comp. P. D. and Co.) 5 tbs. fid. ext. sarsaparllla comp, for syrup (P. D. ana Co.) i lbs. fid. ext. wild cherry (P. D. and Co.) W0 filter papers, round gray, Ne. 33 Dla. 13 inches. 2 lbs. soda et potas. tart. Samples may be scea at tho office of the board. Goods must be la accordance therewith, and be In original packages when possible. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. Delivery of sup plies will be required wlthla ten days' notice of acceptance of bid. A copy ef the advertisement must accompany each bid., and the1 name of tha class of sup- Elles must be on the envelope. Bach Id must Include all the Items and to tals In full of the respective cla.ru, with exceptions of flour, meat and fish. Au diting officers are prohibited from con firming accounts of purchases whea the advertisement does not contain a full and complete description of the articles to be purchased. Bids will ba opened at 2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, January 2, 1894, at the ofilia of the board, Salem, Oregon. SYLVESTER PENNOYHR, GEO. W. McBRIDE. PHIL. METSCHAN, Board of Trustees. Wm. A. MUNLY, Clerk of Board. GEO. C. WILL, DEALER IN Hteloway, Kuubo, Webber, Emer bou nnd other pianos. Htnrey & Clark und EarhefF organs. All Qrwt cIqfs makes of sewing ma ehiiifs. Smaller makes of muaical instru ments and supplies. Genuine needles, oil and new parts for all makes of machines. Hewing machines and organs re paired and cleaued. Two doors north of postofilce, Salem, Oregon. SHRIVER'B ORCHESTRA. Persons wishing to engage muslo for the holidays or any other occasion will do well 10 see us. Can furnish one or more violins or as muuy piece- as desired. First house touta ol Lincoln School house, or Salem Post office. Geo siiiuvKK, manager. 1261m. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE of the Southern Pacific Company. OALirOUNIA EXPRESS TBAIN KUN DAILY BE TWKRK PORT1.AND AMD 8. T, HOUttl. North. 0.15 p. Ul. :t n. m. i.v, Lv. Portland Salem Ar. b:3Ju. m 6:B9 a. m 7:00 p. m liV. 10.15 u. m Ar. Ban Fran. L.V. Above trains stop at ull stations rrom Portland to Albany lnoluulve; also at Tangent Hbedd, Halsey, ifarrisburg. Junotlon City, Irving, Eusene and all stations from ltoseburg to Ashland inclusive H'MKHimO MA It. DAILY. S.J0 a.m. 11:17 a, m V60 p. m. l.v. PonUtwt Ar. I v jaiu p. m. Lv Balem Lv. 1:40 p. a. 19 AWVVUUI& 4. ,."" " Dining (Jars oh OgUen Kouto TOLLMAN BUFFET SLEBPBILS AND Second Class Sleeping Cars- Attached to all through trains. iti Chillis: DAILY (EXCEPT 8UMDAY). 7:3U a, iu, I LV. rXirUauU nnrvallls Ar. I d-Jl5p.U. Ltlftp.m.1 Ar. nnrvallls Lv.l Map."- At Albany and (Xirvallla connect wltn trains of Oregon I"aMloBallroUL ExeiucnH chain i ii i i.v b;kitwihia 4:op.m.i,T. I'urJaad Ar.l 5m y. r. I MrMinnvlll Lv.l ba.n lt.iaJjUis liOHiCT To all polnula Us KeWr HaAas. rasada and Huron ran ba obUIra at lowset raws troaa W. W. MMNNKK. A fa". ;"', K.P. KCWKMH. AkH.0. r.aaHi'sae.Ag't nockota'-Loudou Tit-Bits. k. M,ummitwm,