Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 28, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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i -i. i.h nflrt
Jr T-
iYfM.j n..
Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$8.00 a Year.
' ' nwtr- newt tThilvjI
unu ,. unmiiii
j Arl X xjlJLj
SScta. a BMMk br
Prepaid I Advaae.
' X Paper $e4 WIhmj
Time Out.
VOL. 6.
ko. aofiffi
Served Exclusively to the
21 ,477,212 People admitted to
the World's Fair Grounds.
Universally accented as the
Leading nne coffee of the World.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Heats of a Winds
95 Court and
110 state streets.
England Crash.
Washington Officials Looking for
Continues to Depress the Fiuan
cial Situation.
K. MBEKEI & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberlxeira Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLET02T, Gen'l J gent.
niinnniii! I i If yu want your house Jro"
Ln U K 0 II 1 L L perly heated at small expense call on
us at
The N. Y. & N, E. R. R.
New Yohk, Dec. 37,-The papers on
which the temporary receivership was
granted for the New York and New
Eugland railroad set forth that the
road is hopelessly Insolvent; that It ha
been operated at an increasing loss
every year; that the actual deficiency
h now more than a million; that In
1891 It paid an unearned dividend; that
the road Is In a poor condition physic
ally; that It is unsafe; that the directors
managed It In entire disregard of the
Interests of the stock holders, and for
further nee of private interests of cer
tain directors Instancing a number of
transactions in the way of leasing lines.
breaking agreements, etc.
a nt nf the stockholders this after
noon on the lease of the New York,
n.w TCnclaud and Northern showed a
Clear majority in favor of the proposl-
It was flually arranged that tno men
should present a written statement.
This la to be presented tomorrow morn
Now Here
and More Coming.
Holiday Goods
Th? HeuXjsf, Most Attractive,
L JM-JM . worth M we can please
,.urKTr.s--s & SAUSBUey.
at reuHuuuuiu ---,,, fi,1PSt Htallious iu m v a v CO.
Legal Blank Publishers.
BnBb'. New Brlck.over the back Com'l.lreet
365 Summer Street.
The bet meats of all : """d
the lowest prices. Reliable goods ana
qulok delivery. ,
Manufacture Standard Pressed BrlcK,
Molded Urlck in all ro' ',,T
In the Capital city.
I arcs Bear tr enlteniiary.
t a With Honors
nr thi fouud'-Ts of lacoma
Sprague, one o f th f""uJ fi, ohlo v,t.
and Colonel of the Sixty u.
eran volunteer Infanto during ii
W88 bUn,.XetraThoUHand
local wMupany or lie
the police and uremeuu.M
mercial bodies were In line.
Ohtnese Registration.
,,.- oa The first appllca-
ternal revenue coiie-j-
Big Bank
Rates, $240 tt 5.00 Per I)aJ"
rranclsQO. Klrrt-daat In all U PP"nw
IU UblM ore wired with t"
Choicest Fruits
lathe Wllllt Valley-
A, , WAGNER, Prop-
Suit or aH
Portland. JJ6 court tod ky
brought in ""f 'county claim
to have the MttoBug W J
off160,000agl" tttaOM
bank made a pr-
jlinew Drowned.
.. oa Tbe four miners,
HAUFAX..- ftnd Tu.tle,
F-u-kner, ,1B"gHi111nd. Ky
gold mine, near her,, iaVltt.
Looking Blue.
Warhtkoton. Dec. 28.-Bpecial.-
Several prominent ofllclals have lufor-
mation leading to me coou.ux.uu ........
there may possibly be another panic.
There has been a remarkable and con
tlnuouB shrinkage of values and money
la again going Into hiding. They say
.......... ,,mpihlnt? can be done to avert
the disaster the second crash will be
something tremendous and heretofore
unknown in the history oi ine couu.r,.
SHU by wise action It may be averted.
The Old Story.
ATLANTIC, Iowa., Dec. 28.-1. u.
Stelnke was this morning appointed re
eelver of the Can County bank. Assets
$260,000; liabilities $200,000. Depositors
wm probably be paid In full.
Electric Receivership.
Boston, Dec. 28.-A report is current
in this city today, that application wll
be made for a receiver for the general
Sectrlc Company. Thomas Jefferson
.,.i.i .cb? "wnue a " " -
Sue r of company. I know there
dtrecvor u. rumor."
la not a paruoio """
a nrank Arrested.
Washisoton, Dec, 28. - JoseP11
uLon"asheld In $2000 ball today
for sending threatening let era to Vice
President Stevenson and others.
a Tool 8oeech.
rmoAOO, Dec. 28.-W. T. Stead of
creuaeu '"- .,, ulk .t a
lJ?lc"tn'..rrh; women', clubs of
J,,Ul..n,.ee"n , ..uncll regarding aid
the course of I Is rema ; ,Utt
the moov """
street.' h oflenM aud
Ihe language g- --- ,
.Sld nem again at-
Samsung at which Stead was
North Pacific Strike.
8t. PAOt, Dec. 28. The committee
of Northern Pacific ei'.ployo called on
Receiver Oakcs shortly after 11 o'clock
to tee If some arrangement could not
be reached, regarding the proposed cut
in wag b, Instead of applylug to the
courts In the, matter, The conference
Is still in session.
The Prize Fighters.
Jacksonville, Fla., Dee. 28
Mitchell was arrested today to preveut
blm from fighting, lie was committed
for trial,-and t once applied for a writ
of habeas corpus. Uorbett is not yet
Jacksonville, Dec. 28.-Some an
novance la manifested bv the otHcers
of the Duval club, at the statement of
Brady. Cornell's manager, that be
had received txtsillve assurance that
the fljht would not be Interfered with.
Bucb a statement Is considered very in
discreet because It is calculated to
strengthen Governor Mitchell's doter-
minauon to orepK. op me urlu muu
ager Bowtlen - of the Duvai cluti, ex
pects a decision by the courts this week
that will fletlletb'!ugs one way or the
other. If the djecislon Is favorable to
the legality of Jbe contest, It is not be
lieved the governor will persist further
in his opposition
Charlev Mltdliell nave an exhibition
in ihe opera haqse to an Immense audi
ence. After th,e conclusion or lingiisu-
mnn'8 bout with FoKirty. loud oall
were matte for A speech and Mitchell
stepped to the footlights and said: "La
dles and gentleiiiAU. A ItuuK you Mr
the kind recepUoa extended to me.
Yon All see I have turned up on time
and nothing outside preventing, I shall
meet James J. CJorbett Iu the ring on
the appoluted date. Although I may
fail to surprise you tonigui. i nope iu
do so on that occasion."
The Kansas -Cyclone
TnpRKA. Deal 28. Mrs. Lease has
been removed as a member of the state
board of charities
Hadloy Remains. Dee. 28. The court this
tnnmlnff daaloStf. DOtltion 'fortljeap-
IMiintmeutofttnew Oregou Pacific re
ceiver and Hadley remains Inthesad-
die uutll February Urat, wnen mere
will beau adjourned term of court at
whl"h the terms of auother sale of the
road, to take place In May, will be fixed
and the receivership determined.
Immense Anarchist Excitement
in Spain.
Subcoiumitteo on Foreign Iteltt-
lions Bight Their Labors.
Washington. Dec. 28. The sub
committee on foreign relations charged
with inquiring into Hawaiian attaint
met at the capltol. Senator Butler was
absent. The resolution upon which
the committee will proceed was read.
Rev. Mr. Emerson, of Hawull, was
the first wituess called. He disap
peared behind the closed and guarded
doors of the committee-room. He told
the committee he Had spent nearly all
of the forty-five years of his llfo in the
Hawaiian islands, was well acquainted
with Ktug Kalakaua, and described
many stirring events that troubled the
reign of that potentate. He was In
Honolulu during the revolution, and
told the committee the events attend
ing it, and was In Honolulu at the time
of the overthrow of the queen. He Is
said to have testified that there
were threats to harm lndvlduals, aud
that the people were fearful of attempt
ed outrage and incendiarism. For this
reason and for protecting Americans
aud their property Emerson said that
the United Btates marine sailors were
brought ashore. Ho was positive they
took no part In the overthrow of the
queen, and lent no aid to the men who
established the provisional government
Emerson paid a high tribute to the
men at the head of the provisional gov
ernment, saying they were men ol
honor aud integrity.
After some further testimony thosub-
committee on foreign relations ad
journed until next Tuesday.
Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report. "
ij Baking
&&m K WWltvl
Not a Borgia.
Indianapolis, Dec. 28. Anna
Waggener has been acquitted of the
.h..oanr miiinnluBtho Koester family.
Mrs. Koester and several children died,
i.t ti. father recovered. The trial has
been going on for nearly a month.
Charter Forfeited.
r..,.tr..T rti.iiPFfl. Iowa. Dae, 28.
Judge McGee of the superior court this
inorulmr declared tue cnanero. wm..
and Council Blufl bridge and motor
company forfeited.
Tho Spanish Anarchists.
Madrid, D'ec. 28, -A lartft audience
gathered in the Royal opera-honse
While waiting for the periormancu a
rumor hegau to circulate thatHtiurcb
Mb were present aud Intended to com
Uilt a bomboutrage. Iu le time than
ik i.Iim tn tell it the whole audience
hurried In a semi-panic- stricken state
from the house. The hurried and ex
cited manner lu which the people lied
caused a report to circulate that tho ex iiuil occured. As tho news
spread the population of the whole city
was Intensely exolted, and many Hook
ed to the vicinity of the opera-house,
and soon the streets In that locality
were congested. Finally It developed
hat tho report was a cauaru ana iue
people dispersed,
The trial or IJelDocne anu veic.m.
arrested In April, 1892, la now In pro
gress. They were taken In custody at
the door of the house of congress with
bombs In their pockets, aud papers
vaded Nicaragua. I
Manuel Boullla baa laid Beige to Choi
titecA, aud Nicaragua troops are mass
lug at the north to lend assistance.
Murder by a Speech.
Praquk. Dec 28. Dolrzil and Bra-
goun, the two members of the secret so
cialist society Omladiua, arrested on
suspicion of having murdered the glove
maker Mlva, have confessed their guilt.
iney say iney wero incited to commit
the murder bv a snecoh of Dr. Herrod.
one of the young Czych leaders, In tho
course of whioh he denounced Mlva as
an agent of the provooaieur.
Dynamite Outrage.
Paris, Dee. 23. As u measure of pre
caution against aposalble dynamite out
rage, puuuo securities in custody or tue
Bank of France bavo been removed to
the Place Vetadour, where there Is an
Immcnfo strong room. Tho estimated
value of the securities Is upward of 4,-
000,000,000 francs.
English Trade Review.
London, Dee. 28. TlieVall Mall
Gazette publishes a revleif ef the trade
of the year, compiled from ofilolal re
turns. It says: "Trade during 1B9J
whs worse than tn 1802. A general
uloom now baom over the country's
industries, The Imports of 11 months
are declared to be 17,600,000 Khort as
compared with 1892 aud the exports
declined 0,600,000. There has been a
shrinkage In every Important clasa or
lmnoiti and exports. Ou the other
Lhand the Anierleau -trade InsiewUly
udvunclug but what etlect tho ctiauRe
ol tanfl will cause, is a matter of con.
Jecture. Brazil and other Boulh Amer
ican republics except Chill havo been
largo buyers. The merchants tiro get)
erally looking with confidence for an
Improving trade In 1891, provided there
is no serious strike or lockout."
pot UwltfcMt U IM,"p0Cic MILLS.
t "
The Greenham range Is covered with
two feet of snow.
The Washington State Teachers As
sociation U In es'o u -
tin a.
On the first of January the United
States government will hold an auction
sale of city property in Port Angles.
........ iini Bauta Claus, and
........ft. AlillilrniiMUPPy. d,
Qmdeofttle was nearly burned to
A bushel of wheat lu Walla . W-la
bHioalln value lou,.ouu . .
or a dozn eg. "r lw"- "
or bacon,
j J. Chadwlck, one of the leading
farmer, on the famous -Missouri Lot
:!... nP.r Myrtle Creek, has butch-
ered 160 bead of hog-
But few cattlemen whowwoai"
rmoKlDg ou the mountains ol Grant
runtyhveK--red 1 their bands
t They are unable on accouut of the
s'iST to rw-i W ! '
time. . ,. , .
GusKraus, while suiienug "
JZ tremens, vM
Tacoma. He tied a u..u- .
clErouud hU throat and to a post,
wh.c. just as he was near.y
choked to death.
About a tou per day of herring and
u .k being caught with hw.k and
smelt are 1' f . Whatcom,
llueatmecj - .
wh The uotwin o -
WmU'. .... ..lrt millions of these
coyereo wi.m v-
little fli'hM- . ,
1 1. , Northern railway l w
. """irina.oew route
ported w " t ,.... ..n.pd
roM. w: Tel ",!,, up the w.-t
:s,u::7ive; .-.
i,..inn. ti.nv'lntunded to destroy it
At the law courts, offices ot council
and state, minister of war, tho royal
palace and the Bank of Spain, extra
care is being exercised to prevent dyna-
mlto outrages during the trial.
A Citizen in Brazil. .nRi.piiiA. Dec. 28. The
a ..ri.. schooner Grace Andrews
commanded by Capt. Andrews has ar-
rived from Brazil. Capt. Auurewa u-na
a rtory of outrageous treatment by In Rio harbor. Capt.
A...lrewahad started from his ship to
the harbor in a small boat when within
halllog dlstanco of the shore he hoIsWd
au American 11 ig, idl tno soimero ...
shore sheuted: "If you don't stop, we
will shoot you," and fired several shots.
nt.. ...ui nut the boat on shore and
was arrested toeetner wuu m.eo ..".
and placed In pilson. They were then
taken to Rio and tne cniei oi ih.... Vu
Ihem in Jail without any food. He
manaaed to communlcale with the
American couusel and obtained Ills re
lease. The captain complained about
the soldier having hauled down the
American fiK oa lita small boat, but
.. .....i nai.l no attention to It. lie
claims the facts of the slluatlou at Rio
Bre suppressed by the nmciaw anu wu
the American press has lucorrcct news,
Tho Duko'a Allowance
London, Dee. 28 -Tho Chroulole's
Berlin correspondent, iu a long article
ou tho Duke of Coburg's English al
lowance, declares that the story that
the late Duke Erueat left Duke Alfred
a debt of 100,000 Is an Impudently con
coded myth.
Chance for Americans,
London, Dee. 28. The postmaster,
general has written to Commuor
Mains that when the Queenstown mall
contract expires the advantages of all
routca outward for American mills, in
cludlug that via Movllle, will bo duly
The Trench Navy.
Paris, Dec. 28. Deputy Loohroy In
an interview announced his Intention
of Interpellating the government re.
gardlng the condition of the Freuob
navy .directly after tho chamber of dep
uties reassembles. During ine iuierviw
Lochroy said ho had rormeu llie oeim
that the Italian navy for lis size was
tho finest in the world.
The nominal ftlf.tiAt.1hn In Ornann U
very grave. Wo are In receipt of Hsaay
letters from leading public men, Rej
publicans and Democrats, dtoetteatoe
tho subject. It la clearly evIdeaUfeat
all regard the conditions now prevail-;
lug, na full of possible surprises and Rati
a little dauger to tho state. It baa be;
the fato of Oregon to have pollWeal;
waves that have cxnended tlt4r feM.
elsewhere strlko here two years tekiy
ivlftl nil llinlr nplalltnl vlnrr.1 1
That is undoubtedly what the Fof-j
lists mu upon, wuu euou aee(0Mi!
men as Goyeruor Ponnoyer and Ilek
us leaders there la nothlnir we mtv b4
expect lu the way of political devHtry
that will lead to success as tue farmei
. . . ... si
wuuis iu go to me senate aau tue sihw-
to congress.
There Is no evidence that eltfeer of.
them would ha nbla to da n Ilakte bet-1
7... :
tcr the ootidltlnu or a stogie iivia(H8
but that makes no dlilereuse, iH ttwyj
can make the voters believe tb4M't
will serve their euds. Tby. MHerj
brood of smaller calsniltv MHUtal
who will labor nluliti aadudwr toswti
them luto power, and t eowtiwl of tbl
government of thU. stale, tlti iQtfB ,
tho wisest action (f, the RpWwEsi
wll) be needed. The. most iavlaeibk;
ticket must be noaslnated.
A o lavas otevdry eoUoel hail w mH;
he mud. It will be aa walk or.;
fllitlntf tin mid ilnwn nn tuk. ihiM am(i
ending out a few Portland lwyltjM
twtw speeaHMiR ine larije-wiiiiie iiur
not do. The whole sublee mtHt be
thoroughly and ably dUousted with the
people from thestandpolntof geii! v
ernmout and economy la state amlBa-
lion 'Phn nr.Mnntnltnn of ttia IbvIimI.
V"' .7 """ .?.:. .1 .:"..":
Diu priucipiei oi ujpuuiicauisoi hioiw
can save the statu from nn avalaaobe, V
eiigliieorod by as slippery, aoimuians'
treaohnroiu asetofrovenue polltlotasa
as over was mot ana overcome , ay;;
where or at anytime In the past thirty
yt,are' . .
t s
Mining Claim.
Hoth R. Hammer. W. W. Martin. B. '
' i
v, warn, J. u, joroau, auhmo','b.v!
W. M. Bmlth aud Geo. Aipard tedy i
nioii iu-ii nlHlttiH nn tho Silver Dollar
....l... n..l nlnlm imftnt S" :,
II. UO III VJ.U.U U.GVU .UlUiUt '""1v
.Marlon county. :
Yellow Fever.
nUKNOSAYHRfl,Do. 28-cw reo!eV;
ed from Rio Janeiro that yellow fev
I....I i.cnn ndiL.d in Mm horrors of war. '
that five deaths have already occurred. 4
The authorities are taking every previa
caution to provotit tho spread of the eH
oau in.t urn irptitlv liamnored by tlMjd
condition of the city, In consequent 'ofJ
the war. The revcr is oi tue iuu y;ni-
hint form and accompanied hy blaelef-vomet.
Treaty Violate.
Managua, Nicaragua, Dc.28.-rhe
goveriimeut of Nicaragua haa len co
lecllng force.1 war loans from Arnerl.
... . i I.. ul..lullnn nitllH
can cllifns mm " --
treaty. Waited Pttes Minuter ir
maile vlaorous protests against suoh
prooeediug.. .,.,,,
Pollcarpo iioniu", ." - -
. rw.i.i.r 17. has gone to
to frontier, nrar BomolHK to head oir
the Hondura Insurgeuta wu .
Religions Trouble! In Egypt
I1KKI.IN, Difc. 24,-News U received
from Uganda that the Mahometan
have been expelled by the Christians,
rievere MuhlliiK Is now Inevitable be iLn Christians and the Mahom
etans, and the encounter will probably
take place at My.rom. u is oeiiereu
there will he renewed conillcts between
Protestant aud Catholic, owing 10 iue
r,..tii.t the former have broken llielr
agreement with the Catholic and de
... .. . f tfl...l Mil I
populated tno province i
Blenkula and the large Bese Islands,
.hu nnnulatlons were Catholic. Th
Protestauta are also said to have de
clared vengeance upon the native n
verts to Catholicism, and It l believed
i. ... nniv Iw secured by tho tn-rma
Deot expul.lon of the Mohometan
bagas and a separation of the Culhollo
and ProtMtant spnerea vj wc n...
"Aa old
thoWlls,,an ,
ed. "Trioob
and proven''
of miillomr
Livof Rogtt-
lator la tua
. lator w ma
- - a I I tn A T
To liiberate Oaptlvet
Lindo!, Dec. 23. Tueoiptilo of the
Honred regiment will shortly Ult for
Cairo to command an expedition tj lib-
....... H.. Amir an Meuieiaera iuu
HUtln By, who have long la-en Ihe
mahdl'e captives. The captain will
pievlously coufer with Ohrwalderla
Cairo, y
... . .'!-
modicina im.-
t t t u ).
vruica 7k
can pin your, '
ma. wr
cure, a .
rniia iax'
tivo, a a d
paroly YV
i&a (lie4r.
and I4-
to bo takwadry oreaaaViw
4s KAftc it MC jssswpsS"1-.
1 tAVun4 yowWly1jB,JC
j,ifl or ail tvLiirSratfc
rt a mf.-(Mio. w. Je
m W slsPaiTv
AAV. TnmmM. 1