Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 26, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Daily News
papor Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.0 a Ycur.
25 eta. mm Wr-MBI
Prepaid la Atmm.,
No Papers St
Ttsae la Oai?w
-' l: u - . . : mHMMBaaiMMMiBaaMH
Served Exclusively to the
21,477,212 Peopie admitted to
the World's Fair Rroiinrig,
NO. 80ifl
UniVerSallv accented as thp
Leading Fine coffee of the World.
Ed. C. Cross,
Hartley. The platter came up in court
tuls ufitruoou. Failure of the proof of
DUblieatloD of lintlrfl nfonlo In Knur
York papers to arrive here uutll yester-
01 1 day rentiers the Cnnflrmntlnn of anln
iiu possible i for live days should the
$37,000,000 Deficit Stares
Uncle Sam ia the Face.
Wholesale ami Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Bleats ofa lKind
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheira Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLRTO&, Cen'l J gent.
If you want your house pro
perly heated at small expense call on
us at
BURROUGHS) 103 State Street.
Bit Deficit.
WAStnaaTON, D. C, Dee. 6. The
prospects are that during the present
week the available cash balance in the
treasury will reach a lower figure than
wis ever before recorded in its history.
It is generally expected it will fall be-
1 w ninety millions during the week.
The estimated excess of expenditures
over receipt will show a deficiency In
revenues at close of calandar year of
about $37,000 000.
Russians Buying Ships.
New York, Dee. 26. The report
tht the Russian government has
bought from the United States and
Brazill the Mail Steamship Company
live steamships to be used by
I the Amoor Steamship Company
in cognection with the Russian gov
ernment transcontinental railroad in
Siberia, is confirmed by C.P. Hunting
tou. The price received for the fiye
ships is 11,000,000. The fleet will leave,
four for the Pacific and one for the
Btitic, about March 15. W. D. Ricb
mls, the Chicago agent for Russia, is
nowatTacoma selecting porta for the
Calls the Colorado Legislature on a
Legal Holiday.
Denver, ueo. 20. As Governor
Wane's call for an extra session of the
legislature is dated Dec. 25, a legal hol
iday, its validity Is questioned and the
courts will probably be aBked to pass
on it. The Republican calls Uovernor
Waitea "fool" for calling the legisla
ture toeetber. and asks (hat body to
adjourn Immediately after assembling.
Another Harrison Boom.
New York. Dec 20 -It has jut
leaked out that the friends of Ex Preai
dent Hrrison hve perfected an or
ganization and formally gone to work
io make him the Republican standard
bearer In 1898. Mayor E.G. Rathbone,
of Ohio, is iu charge of the movement.
court beso.incllntd.
Now Here
tnd More Coming.
Holiday Goods
Th? Kau)?sl, Most Attractive,
tf-!-ranE5 A.3P3ES &V
. ... u., nannv'g worth, as we can please
Bee our Mammoth Stock neiore y u u, -,..,
yobest of .11, and can surely ave you money SAljTSBURY.
Completed and ready to wait on eurtotn SlSf19
? Burn and residence 2 block south of postofllce.
N these 6m. wh - "llZZZiZt
t,y to epeud your ddtaVJ JU 1 of what you can
nr fiifl mnnev scent, bee beiowa p.w
buy fur very little mo1 ey at
mis vm
u- .onrlkerchiefs in great variety and nothing
makes a more acceptable present.
Ladles Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 15, JJ. h
silk ui i.fio
fit). 1.60
Towels 50o. $1.60 per pair.
Napkins 75o, $2 60 per set.
Bureau Sonrft, 60,00,70.
WindhorTles, 25o.
Gents 9raVtt,B'.a5MnnChina dolls, 2c, 25c.
Dolls of every de-criptlnn-u,
KM lyjd?,BfSr Doll hapfle-.0of3.00.
Drceeed, dolls, SBc- f I 60 Do" B
Iron toys, 25o, $5.00. i""?"
A fine line of same We, W ' f ,
Gent's cull and collar bo" J "J& fl J0.
Purses for Indies ami njln
Bilk umbrellas $1.60, $-.w. 1( m.
Box, paper and envelopes, 10c, w.
C,..a nH anlIfWr. 10l). OUO.
Tea MtH, 10c. $1.60 n nd 15 ct.
And scire of small tn8 ror oc'
Colorado Legislature Called.
Denver, Dec. 26. Governor Walte
tonight Issued bis long talked of call
for a special session of the legislature to
meet on January 10th. The call con
Mats of about 5000 words and mentions
over thirty subjects on which legisla
tive action should be taken in the gov
ernor's opinion.
The first "business" for the legisla
ture suggested in the call is to provide
that all silver dollars, domestic and
ft.rotrrn pontalnlnir not hws tnan
.351 1-4 grains tine silver, shall be legal
tender for all debts oollectea in Colorado.
ti.o (mvprnur also suggests tne pat-
sage of an act forbidding the making of
trust deeds, mortgages or onuguuu .
any kind payable In gold; laws provld
Ing for the Issuance of certificates of
small denominations in payiueu., u.
work on the state canals, laid certifl.
cates to be receivable for water carriage
and leaving or purchase of Internal im
provement lauds and to be convertable,
after three years, into $100 certificates;
the repeal ""1 laws authorizing the
. ...,r truncates of small denom-
luatlons Inpayment for work on public
Crowds of Creditors at OorvaUls
Mn nnnflrmation of Sale.
Corvallib, Dec. a.-8pfcUl trains
Paclflo creditors to town to nea liw
of the sueriirs wio . --
divided on the question of .p-
iifyvMUor W ivcvci.
In the Ohiness Conspiracy Oases
Disagree "as to Lotan.
Portland, Dec. 26. "We, the Jury,
find the defendants G. O. Holman,.
Thomas Jordan, J. E. Mirks, Johq
Ross, Chlug Chnn Q lane, Chee How,
Mon Oak, Bust, Moy Ham Lee,
Wine. Leo Moon. Diuir Winir. Wine
John, Twin Wo Charley and Charley,
Young not, guilty as charged In the In
dictment, We further find the defend
ants William Duubar, C. J. Muikey,
and P. J. Ranunn guilty us charged in
lie indictment; and we further find
that we are.uuable to agree ns to the
cullt or innocence of the defendants
James Lotan and Seid Bnclr.
(Signed CUA8.E. Ladd, Foreman."
Such is the result of the great smug
gling case tht far 11 days haa occupied
the United States district court ana at
tracted national atteutiou. The charge
was conspiracy to unlawfully land Chi
nese laborers In the United States, the
Jury was out 20 hours, having retlr,d
at 10:20 p. ro., Friday ana announcta
its readiness to report ut u o'clook Sat
urday evening. Not until two hours
hter was the verdict read, however,
owlug to the delay In getting the de
fendants into coort.
a i -in n. m.. earlier in the day the
jury had filed into the courtroom and
through their rorcinau, uuanes ju.
T,dd. renorted thov could not ugree on
a verdict. Judfc'o Bellinger Inquired if
there was any likelihood of their reach
ing n agreement, to which Mr. Ladd
raniled there was uot. The court said
h trial of this case was a long and ex
pensive one and the jury fhould try to
agree. He then seni mein uacu, ioiuu8
them he would, have them madoaB
nmf,rtahle as possible uutll their de
liberations wereiV'd-
Attorney Joseph Simon tnen asKeu
for 10 davs In which to file a motion for
a new trial in the case of C. J. Mnlkey,
and Attorney Henry E. McGinn mane
a similar r.qJtst In behalf of Duubar
and Biunon. Both were grauieu ny
the court. N t action wa taken in tne
interest of any of the other defend
The Indictment contained the namps
of 27 defendants, but only the 20 named
in the verdict appre I on trial.
TheyntoodO loO as to Lotan and
aA run, and not till 6 o'clock did
they become unanimous as to the other
Strict Observance of tbe Mon
roe Doctrine
Dynamito Ctniser Lying
Wait for Rebol Ships.
The Conspirators.
Portland, Dec. 20.-Nat Blum,
having been released from custody on
$17,000 bonds Imposed by Judge Bellin
ger on Saturday, will after a brief stay
with his family at La Grande, hie hhn
direct to the national capital, with the
avowed purpose of Interceding for
Jackllnp.Garthorne. Sweeny and Berg
(and, Incidentally, for himself) at the
Democratic throne of political and ijudl
clal grace. That be will succeed In In
tervlewlng the president and Secretary
Carlisle Is not doubted here for a mo-
. .nrf thn outcome of his nervy
venture will be watche 1 with profound
Muikey, who was conviowi " -
gnlraoy to smuggle umnce,
allowed to go noine io np--" "
and left for Tacoma lust night. Dun
bar and Bannou, the other two con
victed, are in town, mil nave urn ...
arreted sluce tbe trial, and are on heir
.,..!.. i hAniii. Lotan and Beld Back,
as io the conv ctlon of whom he J iry I
disagree I, are under tbe same bouds n
Trti.n . h i cone to Bea't o to spend
tbeho.diyswthhU frl.d and fun-
The New York.
Washinqton, Dec. 26. The crulsrr
New York has been ordered to Rio
Ju tier lo to re-lnforce our fleet in the
Brazilian waters.
No Battle.
PEnNAMiltino. Dtfri. "fl' Thu Hr nil.
l-in dynamite cruiser, Ntohteroy, which
put to sen yesterday for tbe purpose, it
was sud, of engaglug in battle with the
rebel warsblDS Renubllca and Anuld-
aban, returned here this morning, re-
pirtlugtnat sue uaa been unablo to
find tho rebel shins. It la now said the
Nichteroy will await tbe nomlng of the
rebel ships hero aud will fight them Iu
these waters.
News from Rio Janorlo brings little
that is fresh. Both sides olalm the r
oppoueuts are driven to the last extrem
lty, aud must soon glvo In. Tbe gov
ernment party declares that foreign
governments are support ng Mello'a
cause, but that as soon as tho United
States gets a strong naval force here,
that will be.stnpped, because she muM
compel a strjet observauco ef the Mon
roe doctrine,, that f this is dono a col
lapse of the rebellion is only a question
of n short time.
San Francisco, Dec. 26. Wheat,
December $1.04.
Ciiioaqo, Dee. 20. Cash, 60 ; May
Pobtlaud, Dec. 20. Wheat valley
$.02i; Walla Wl-
Joun JaouU .1 ... ...FU-i- n"
John Jacob Astor appears to have in
herited tho quality of thrift from bis'an
cestors. The stories told about him in
tho vicinity of his office at Twenty-sixth
street nnd Broadway are scarcely credi
ble, in view of tho enormous wealth of
the present head of the Astor family in
America. The general idea of a hundred
millionaire is that when he gets shaved
nt n nnblio barber shon he trlves the
barber a tip. Mr. Astor, however, is not
misled by nny false idea of pride
TTnncn. when ho eoes into one of the bar
tm. timvt In tho hotels near his offlcf
tho boy is slow to assist him off with hit
coat, and tho barbers gianco ai una in
differently. On one occasion when hh
hat had blown off in tho street and be
mmn iitaliicd with tnud. Mr. Astor al
lowed the boy to clean it up thoroughly
with alcohol and soap and thon thanked
tho boy for his trouble. Ho was poorei
only in thanks.
Ho seldom cats in restaurants, though
his cousin. William Waldorf Astor,
nearly always nto his lunch at Delnionl
co's when ho was an American. John
Jacob Astor'a tip, when he gives one,
usually startles a Dolmonico waiter
something that a large tip has never yet
onnnm.,iuii.l Mr. Astor is tall, thin
and rather amiable in manner. He
reads tbe Italian, German and lsngnsn
papers, apparently with equal facility,
and ho is nearly always alone. It seoms
incrediblo of tho man that he should be
charry of his tips bocauso he wishes to
.. mnnAv. for it is known that he en
tertains liberally pn his yacht and in the
country, and he has donated large sums
to charity. It may be that he objects
4 in on nrlncinlo. It is certain that
ho does uot practice tipping in any form
whatever. Hew lorucun.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
A Baking
.sss lUmlCl
Queer Records of a Great San Fran
cisco Flra Who Kept tho
Contract ?
The chlpf beauty of n coutract. no
matter what Its atruntnm. or wlmihur
It la verbal or written, Is Us fulfillment;
nor Is thero anything Iu tho broad field
of business detail bo gratlryinir to all
parties concerned as the literal and aot
ual observauco of every term and feat
ure of a contract by all parties unon
whom any part of the coutruot de
Perbans there la no linn nt niurniop.
ciclal business that depeuds so entirely
on contract methods and obligations as
inni 01 fire lusuranuo, hence, this
firm of busiuesa relatiou has necullar
rttgnlfloanco between Insurer nud In.
iurwJ, thu good faith observed on either
lde making for future bulness In al
Some time ago a flro occurred Iu Ban
Francisco wherein an immonse stock of
goods belonging to tho firm of Buyer
tud Reich was wholly sacrificed und
on which thirty-three "standard" fire
insurance companies carried risks In
imountB varying from $1200 to 5000
acu, an I aggregating the Import
ant sum of $187,000.
Allegations of fraud aud luoendlar
Ism were at once anrunir and neraUt-
intly urged to the verge of prowoutlon,
uiu wcio jiuuijvi uiujijiuu wueu
was dlscovred that no possible ground
exuted for them.-nost the entl
array of Insur nee companies wcro in
volved In ibis Injuitlcoand such com
pmlfsas did not join Iu the charge
wero deterred from Mtllng owing to
thoir uflioclat'on with the n)tgrfKBlvo
o-impanio.'. When It becamo apparent
hut the Integrity of the loss wus uot to
k questioned, the Guardian Assurance
Co., the un Fire Co. and thu Prussian
National, Instuntly closed their con
tracts, paying their r spoctivo shares
if th great loss In full, In open dell
inco o tho protests o tho concerns
that were still huntln for pretexts for
eyaslon. It U a pertinent aud valuablo
fact for tb merchants of Salem, that
George M. Beoler represents th two
companies first named above, nd that
ibis eort of Insurance cau bo had here.
I'beir bo d and honest utand h s wou
ibeui frieuds without number nd no
eud or new business, - nd when this
tory Is known aud understood hero It
must redound to their interests and to
tbe interest of ever mau tbee who
chooses to place his risks WIIKMK THEY
' m
polntmeut of a
Is a scientifically prep""."0 d
iiv who are amoni; the mot promtnent moye nl&y. Don't try to 1
andwedthy people of Wrblnitop. the crowd mt h, a fa
N York Crowd.
The hnrry and the hustle of a New
York crowd I Everybody talks about it.
Everybody feels rushed. H isairaui
tion that tho whole population of the is
land of Manhattan is on the dead run
f nlly 20 hours ont of tho 24. But some
time just take tho time to uotico the
crowd and your progress on the street
and at the same time actnany iry w
o wove ag aiusi
mmm i. i .. ...i nn. .ii-r n inir ifML. ue
aDd,WeJ,U;f. SriS your own side of the walk and go
He 1 on his own ikok" ' . th jjavofive ininntes in
gtber, not having bee" ! whhcet rom Wall .treet to the
give bonds on any of tbe Indictments JJj oa wa, dolt, you say.
agulost him. 1 Try it. , ,m. u
0 o. i. n.nv mra von will stumble
. . ... nn .craimt in vour haste. Notice the
A Savage upmraa- -r- ftr; $taadJ like tree, in
. . . n-i 2fl. A horrible "UUiA..,. , ,.,. ,ii, adm rinir the
.,,rv of wild lw nd ImU"1 'r' - pictures Jn tbe windows opposite. Watch
Itlon of tbe M.-Jave InduM, coiiiw action of the whole ' W
t'!i vJdhs. A yuiK wife gave when they come to a workman Pacing
""" ."".. A.,r ir to M-.ave toneln a new un mwb
v.i fi n in . am -
It will be
recoCTuca v--;- -r ,t shotX.
-"- -: -i-r. -f 110 hr zdu ww
taining valuable intormauo" (i WM UicM
u",3.9:. 5ZffVf'',
"tR-- 'cUDgthoaqiuir.
tar-tz :7 ft "J : :. . sir . .'h- - - -
- tVK lullil HIII1 UV
been deatu lor m
the custom i.iu.v- - -
W tl . v
while the r.ja.w u '" ' ' "
.....nk .' whlsh was in uru,. -
-' !
-,'ti ... 1,X,. Anurn nnon theCrOWd.
lUeem. husy. It ui really a 1 uggUh
stream. Try to BO "r "" '"" VT,
rent and you will find bow slow It really
U Some people may nwro tut to the
street. Buttb hurrying aowdt Thert
j U no wU tUa.Nw JTorJc Tribuaa.
Every man has a right to liberty of
Th a anntinl ulanohter of cattle includes
over 000,000 for hoof extracts. These get
In the soup.
The value of the yeast powders manu
factured last year reached $20,000,000,
and it is still a riling business
A Denmark old maids' insurance com
pany pays regnlar weekly "banefilit" to
splusters of 40 years nnd upward.
1 1....1, ,m,.lnl crlin sneak'S liV the
I card" says that tho uiott costly inotal U
dldynlum, wortni,ww irr ih.
rrl. 1.111 laomiof tltOSO thing
that does not want to bo put off until to
morrow. Bingharaton uepuiuiciu.
Pope John II, 033, had a "first water
diamond of five pennyweights, upon
which was carved an exact likentwof
The faith of Islam ia based primarily
noon the ICoran, which U bellevod to
have been dellverod to tho prophet by the
Anin-I Gabriel.
Tho inhabitants of London each eat
every year 63 pounds of apples, 8 of cher
ries, 40 of pears, 17 of plums, 1 of rasjw
rrfwi and 4 of strawberries.
Tlsn't true that tho pcrfutoo of flow
era Is bad for folks lungs. At leait, In
.... ........ n T.i firnfjui. Franco, whert
vast qnantitles of perf unwry aro made,
consumption U almost unknown.
"It always pays a man In ray business
to take plenty of time," murmured the
burglar softly to himself, WW dump
Ing tho third tray of gold watches into
hi. Minacious ba. BofMo Coutlir.
The rushlight or ruu canuie, wwm
has been the "poor man's llcht for many
.... 1. ua r.retardd br StHlIing 8
dried rush of ita bark except one suiall
trip, widen htld the pith together, and
dippW repeaUdlj in no tallow,
Governor Penuover in hU on Ui
Tf lPflQlflUllf fl An &
vf a. IV14UCUV UlCVOIWUU'Dttjrni j
. Today lt the llret OJirlttBft Ir
i.iAt... nr fn.. ..... (. ... ... .. .!... J -7
..,-,,,. hi virijuu nucu muio iiHtn lr-i
thlrdi of Irs peoplo anj without etDphiavi
Without BUtTicieut mean or support,
TO mako political capital fr IiIsm
and Rive tho present admlulstratioaai
black oyo Governor Pcnnover is wlllli
to slander his own atata-fa tbeaWvi
shameful mariner.
The statement that two-lhirdx ivf th
people of this state who habitually i&
Bona unon mn nvmnnt nr. uhjm:
nloved lliav bo fmn nf Mr. Punnntraj-'a
own city of Portland Mlt (a not irn
mat, ono-uuru or tne jppie nave bc
Bumulont means of support, that hi ni
wuuout tho necessaries of life. ,
Xf rennover'a statement wero trna jwj
to tho number of unemployed, wiiefe ltj
Is not, there would be no r'eflwtloH.1
upon Oreaou In the fact. At thla i
son of tbe year nu one expects to bl
constantly employed. As for the greAtl
maMor our population, the farmers;
they employ themselves and work!
when they please. They please not te
work in the w nter Beaton,
Gnvarnnr Pumav'Br(a. uaia IflDiaurl
tbe world lvow a; wlwt btiwwaM
if be wer,!urieiatUMmMMM' j
He kt wrltWw anotlwr iMtJaWtfl
r1 . t . a
aneffl navo ooa&ca to Ritraoi jumdiig
r -t - . i vuif r i'S
j as. v, uusuce, 01 i-euoymmi, -S
oiiiiju grauu ituvurcr, wuu mw wtiu en
gaged in official duties It) the Willan-
etto valley for several months past,
while returning homo Monday mora
ine on the east bound Uulon .Pitelfle-
traiu to spend Chrlstiuaa. with hlsf fam-
lly, was thrown from tbe stepj or the
chair car. strlklue on bla head, and -
killlnir him Instantly, while tbe train
was Just entering tho city limits.
Hon. W. A. Bishop, of Portland, '
was iu the city this Cbrietraa a etteat
of his eon, manager of tb HalemWool- -,
en Mills store.
Hon. Robert Clow, o' Junotlo4,Wla., ,
was lu thecltv vesterdav. He la Bh4
as a pnaslblo successor of R-celvw Had
ley of tbe Oregon Pacific, who hi re
signed, ,
Hon, Whitney L. Boise U la 6I
spending the holidays with U'a pa'enk
at the old homo mi Nortk Liberty
L. S. Mayer, of Seattle, la In the city
over the holiday weok,
Chief of Police MInt"l couflsedat
home w h an attack or the trip.
Fank Crawford, of Umatl a Into
It 'nervation, le in th j city,
"As old M
nover excell
ed. "Tried
nnd provea"
of milliofla.
Liver Roeu-
lator IB the
Acf'pfonly LWor
and KUhwy
rotxijcina iiw
which yon
can pin your
faith for a
euro. A,
mild laxa
tlvo, A
puroly veg
etable, ing dirc4jr
ob tha Iir
and XU-
Bya, xrjrw.
go-Id by a
DruggUts ia Liid, or ia Tomimc
tobutakeadryoriMdaiatoA -
aeM.TMwaM. w if"
AndBWwofBmalltnyBforoc.i nOm 1 St.
F.Osbukn, 261 Com
-. 4J&yftv.JiWftj,"1 i wwyw