Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 23, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    . 1T:
$1000 f
To be Sold at Cost or Less
Our lease of store room expires Jnne 1st, and we want to
close our entire stock by that time. Remember our stock is
aU new and desirable. ' Dress Goods Laces, Lace Curtains,
Embroideries, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Si k Gloves Umbrellas,
Muslin and Wool Underwear, Fans. Corsets Table Linen,
NapkTns Towels, Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' Shoes, &c.
P Brackets Beardless of Coat Everything must go by June 1st.
The Palace D. Q. & S. Co.,
December 11th, 1803.
Oar reed rockers and fancy work ba
keta have arrived. Come and see them.
The most senalb'e prea nU for Xinas at
Keller & Sons.
Local Dates.
Dec 22, 23. Prof. Chapman lecture
on English literature, Y. M. C. A.hall.
Jan. 1. Y. M. C. A. reception.
Jan. 20. By Perkins comedy.
Special bargains for this week in
tnwnl. table c'otbe, handkerchiefs.
hosiery, and in fuct everything at THE
FAIR. 108 Cour stie-'t.
O. P. DABNEY, Prop.
U. B. Chobcii Case. The supreme
court of the state of Michigan decided
in favor of the Radical O itod BMh
ren, on the 22d day of Dec. 1893. The
United Brethren church divided in
May 1889, In the general conference
held In York, Pennsylvania. The dis
pnte arose over the illegality of charges
made In the constitution, and confes
sion of faith. In the state of Oregon,
nearly all the churches staid with the
Radical side, which opposed the illegal
charges that were made. The supreme
court of Oregon gave a decision
in favor of the Radicals. The Liberals
asked for a rehearing, which was grant
ed them by our Judges. The second
decision has not yet been given in this
Christmas Concert and Bali
The "Elite" orchestra will give a
grand concert and ball at the Reed on
Christmas night. They will be assisted
by our beat local talent. Including Miss
Maud Parr, Mr. Chas. Ford and others.
The orchestra is preparing some excep
tionally fine selections, and no one
ehould mlsa the opportunity of hearing
this, as it will be one of the finest
musical programs ever produced in
Salem. After the concert, there will be
a toclal dance given until 12 o'clock.
The dance will be strictly first-clase,
and the orchestra has secured the ser
vice of a good floor manager and caller.
Admission has been placed at 25 cents
down stairs and ten cents for the gal
lery. Tickets on sale at Dearborn'.
Arbesteo for Larceny. Const
able Chas. Holland of Hubbard arrest
ed Charles Leorson for litrceny of cloth
ing in a houw at Hubbard. He bad a
bearing before Justice J. B. Hu stof
Aurora and Holland was bound ov r to
appear before the next grand Jury. He
Is now in the county jail.
Died. At the home lu Eola, Friday.
D.c. 221, 1803, a five months old
daughter of T. P. McConnell.of whoop
ing cough.
. a
town, 18.00 pertou,
The beat fuel
Balem Improve-
ment Co.
Turkey Dinner. Strong'a restaur
ant will serve a turkey dinner on
Cbrlstm is at tnual,
i m
Bodden Death Miss Lena Brandt,
of the asylum corps of attendants, re
ceived a dispatch announcing the death
t her father, J. C. Braudt, at Newport,
aad left for there today. The funeral
will bi held Sunday.
Bead the One Cf nt Journal
Re l mouBlalaa of Alaska by W. D.
Kaoekabout Cub In the Woods,
My Dys aad Nights on the Battle
&&, by Ckaf. Carletou Colli o.
Three Vaasar Girls in South America
Cfeaiterbex tor 1863. .
LHtto O Annual.
Dya erf Chivalry.
y Seek.
Jfawwahw' New Book
Drv Goods
Geo. W. Riddle, of Glenbrook, Ore ,
was registered at the Willamette to
daj .
Miss Ermine Bushnell returned from
Monmouth yesterday and will spend
the holidays with relatives in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davison and
children of Newport are the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson, and
brother Charles Brown.
Hon. T. T. Geer of the Waido Hillc,
and Hon. H. B. Miller of Grants Paw,
both gentlemen whose names are liable
to figure In tbeCongreselonal directory,
are iu the city.
Beautiful weather coutinues
Church fights will be forgotten tomor
mw No Journal Christmas day
but one will appear on New Years day
The Nkw Years edition Attor
neys R. and E. B. Williams of -Port-iund
havo filed the answer of E. J.
Harding to the suit begun a short time
as?o by Mrs. Agnes Harding, widow of
thB defendant's son, asklug for title to
the farm she lives on or the return of
$14,000 claimed to have been paid for
it Mrs. Emma Penton, who live
with her boo, the property man In
Reeds opera house, took an over dose of
laudanum by mistake yesterday after
noon. A physician releived her by an
emetic and she recovered. Our Sa
lem merohaut Mr. Damon anu uis
children have a sad Clirhtraaa before
them, having Just buried the mother of
the f lmlly G. P. Terrell returned to
Mehama this morning Mits Ina
Davidson, of Portland, Is the guest of
her cousin, Miss Jetsle Stump Mrs
W. C. Hawley left lor Southern Oregon
today to spend tho Christmas season
with her parents Postmaster A. N.
Gilbert returned this morning from
San Francisco. Judge Geo. H. Bur
nett has gone to McMinnville to spend
Christmas Dr. Williamson, of the
asylhm, is in Portlaud Miss Ethel
Knight went to Portland this afternoon
to spend Christmas with her brother.
Bta Meat Show. Crocs' annual bij
meat dl-play for the holidays began to
be put in place today. An elevated
meat railroad with au automatic switch
hits been built clear arouud the market
in State street. Mr. Cross w ill) a foice
of men navel been ut the abbatolr work
for several dayB slaughtering the stock
for the holiday display, ahd the teams
have been working day and night to
get it in. There are eighteen head of
Christmas beeves, weighing nearly a
thouaud pounds each dreabed. One
priaa beef will be spread out like two
wings of the cherubim over the
ark at the back of the market.
Forty fat Shropshire wethers have
also been dresied, decorated, powdered
and befrlzzled like ti lady for the hall,
a'td will he scattered around the shop
In rosettes of mutton. Part of this
stoak Is still lu the cold storage roome,
but tho holiday display will bo com
plete Mouday.
A Stampede. The past few days
there has been a regular crush at Silas
J nei' candv establishment on State
street for those superior fresh holiday
sweets. People will havo the best.
Those Creams. At Tho Spa when
put up In their elegant bixea make the
finest Christmas presants to be had.
Hay for Sale.
600 tons of choice hay for sale, most
ly timothy. Will be sold in parcels to
uilt the purchaser by II. M. Robertson,
Albany, Oregon. 12 15tf
The choicest mixed uuta for the holi
days, at Tho Spa, at very low prices.
Purest ddar vlnecar made by our
aelve. J. A. Van Eitou. Try It and
you will ue no other.
Yarmouth bl.aters ami choice salt
mackerel, at Clark & EppVy's
Superior oranges, teutons, figs, datta
and bananas at Claik fc EppleyV.
Most caudy,
best caudy, freshest
candy, and finest candy, at The Spa,
.?. . . o. r m a..;il j, rv. ,
itlDl.i.Ci IV ft ainl Ar. fVl.
HtDHlOOl '" ."" -T -
If vnu waut the freshest, nicest and
t'Mt caudle and uuti for
Prices the ,
call at WtttacoU A Irwin,
'iWXDt 'UJPM?AJU mVMMA&i 8AgTOU?,-3Sfl?PI&l K IW
Lectures, Weddings, Plays, Par1
ties, Etc.
Churches and Lodges Exert
Themselves to Drive Dall
fare Away.
This original melodrama was present
ed last night at Reed's by Its author
and'a company of Salem artists for the
benefit of the McGee family, about $85
being realized. The entire play and
the stage management gave great sat
isfaction. Billy Dugan and Chas; Burggraf
took the comic parts. The latter made
his first appearauce and surprised all
by the finish of bis work, which was
maintained throughout with an even
ness that was surprising. He showed
that he is not only a good dramatist
but an excellent actor. Mr. Dugan is
an old favorite but surprised bis friends
by bis versatility in the double part of
a comic Swede and "McGinty after the
Autb'ir Lawrence had the part of
villlan and did some good acting as
Hall Weston. Mrs. Holland as Harry
Ravmond's true wire played well &f
usual and that is saying it was extra
ordinary amateur work. The minor
parts by Harry Raymond, the invent
or, G. W. Wallace, Major Wallace,
Chas. Hellenbrand, A. l Adams,
Misses Murphy and Holland were all
well carried out. There will be no ob
jection to our saying that this was the
most creditable amateur preformance
seen on the boards in years. The Hall
Bros, minstrel parts were so well liked
that they were recalled five times.
The audience showed intelligent appre
ciation throughout.
Among this highest order of masonry
the following offlceru were elected last
night, to serve for the ensuing year,
tewit: R. S. Bean, eminent command
er; P. H. D'Arcy, generalissimo; H. 8.
Jordan, captain general; George B.
Gray, prelate; F. A. Moore, senior war
den; W. M. Cherrington, juulor war
den; J. H. Albert, treasurer; A. S.
Brasfield, recorder, F. C. Perrine, war
dfii; and John Gray, sentinel.
The Womans Relief Corps of Sedg
wick Post closed the season with a so
cial Mouday evening that was a success
in every way. The program included
literary and musical numbers, refresh
ments and dancing.
air. and Mrs. W. W. Contris enter
tertaiued a small card party at their
home on south Commercial street Mou
day evening with razzle dazzle.
The elegant front room to the right
In the new Gray block has been fitted
up with pictures, furniture and is nice
ly carpeted for the headquarters of the-"
Salem Keeley League. It will be
thrown open to the members this even
ing for the first time aud shows great
enterprise on the part of the officials,
it will be one of the most elegant club
rooims in the city.
The musical and literary entertain
ment at the M. E.'Church Wednesday
evening wsb an unexpected success
considering the weather. The singlug
of Mist Carpenter as also the reading of
Mlsa Brown and Miss Vandersol, was
of au expectlonal high grade aud pleas
ed all present. This series of entertain
ments has been a decided success, aud
a great benefit to tho society.
A Tuesday nlgbt at the Pnythla hall
was carried out wltn great success as
usual. Tho exercises consisted of mu9
lu and remarkb by S. C. McFadden
and an appropriate address by Rev.
Copelaud. District Deputy Prelate
Geo. Hoeyo made some very happy re
marks fur the good of the order which
brought down the work repeatedly.
The Garden Road vocalist Lurch was
encored and proved a great entertainer.
Caids were resorted to iu the lodge
room aud danclug was kopt up till 1:30
aud all went oft weil pleased. The
committee consisting of C D. Gabril
son, J, L. Mitchell aud J. A. Dlokey
are entitled to great credit for this
extra aflulr. The anniversary social
will probably be given at Reeda on
Febuary 10th.
Lost evening at the Y. M. C. A
rooms Dr. Chapman of the State Uul-
verslty at .Eugene gave the opening
lecture of his cnu so of twelve to be
given In this city. Ills subject was
Tennyson, aud for his two first lectures
ho has taken "The Princess'1 for con
sideration. About fifty or more inter
ested listeners were present, aud all en-
' Joyed the Doctor's eflurt in no small
degree. Iu his stylo Doctor Chap-
.. P. .. " ry
humor which Is very effective, and
,, ... I, .(..., I.ol.l. ,llu.t J
clear language. He ooutluues his leot-
ohatfikld ault.
Marrted, Doc. S, 18W, Fraak B. Ault
and Miss Jentiie B. Cllatueld, altbe
residence of the bride's grandmother,
two miles uortti of Saleui. The Cere
mony was performed at 8 p. ru., Rv,
Rugg of the First church ofiH
dating. At 10:30 a wedding supper
was served iu elaborate style to a large
Catherine of the mtay friend of the
bride ahd groom. After congratulations
the young couple returned to Salem to
begin housekeeping In the nw Pottoeu"
cottage on Division street. Mr. Ault
is a prosperous young contractor of the
flrniofPJuuinier& Ault. The bride is
an accomplished youug lady, who has
recently returned from an exteuded
visit in the East. Their many friend
wish them the success they so rlchlj
deserved in their married life.
i Moudav eveulnn in the Congrega
tional church a pleasing entertainment
was given, uuder the au-plces of the
Young People's Curistian Endeavor
Society. The pl-ject was to false
money for the charity fund. "Aunt
Dinah's Huskiu' Bee" was produced
with all the romautic realism of a couu
try farm floor, aud the several parts
were well taken before a good audi
How Good Old St. Nicholas -was
Honored at the Capital City.
All Salem educational institutions
closed their doors Friday for the Christ
nias holidays. The business houses
were thronged with shoppers and today
being Saturday the streets are crowded
with people purchasing Christmas sup
plies In anticipation of Suuday to be
followed by another holiday, Christ
mas proper. Celebrations began Fri
day however. At the bliud institute
the program was carried out nicely as
at several other places. At the post-
office and express office it has been
Christmas for a week past and will be
for another week.
About forty pupils at Miss B.dlou's
kindergarten yesterday morning en
joyed their annual Christmas tree and
Its accompanying pleasures. Aside
from the usual foreuoon exercises the
were treated to Christmas stories b
the teachers. After this the lit
tle ones were entertained in a side room
while the tree was arranged in the ceu
ter of their circle. The room was dark
ened, the gas aud wax caudles lighted,
when the bCbool marched in. About
one huudred visitors were present, aud
although somewhat embarrassed b,j
the preseuce of so many "old folks"
the children proceeded with their plaj
and songs most creditably. After oiler
Ing a silent prayer, all were considered
Santa Clauses, aud the gifts mude b
their own hands were generously dis
tributed. It was a most happy occa
sion for the little ones, and all the re
sult of their own labors. The kiuder
garten world was a vei liable fairy laud
to tbe little oues and a new world war
revealed to many older people.
At tbe First Congregational church
there will be a program, a tiuiiU Claiir
and Christmas cablu Monday evening
wiihcand!e8, nuts, presents aud tnagh
lantern exhibition.
Unity cburcb will be beautifully dec;
orated for the regular Suuday servicer.
At the First Presbyterian church
there will be an etitertuiumeut Moudu
evening for the children, with a Sautb
Claus chimney built of real brick, a reai
Sauta Claus, fairies, transformations,
The First Baptist church will hvae a
program with two trees, aud a surprl
besides fur the children on Mouduv
evening. Tbe pretuta will be given
by the school, aud no miscellaneous
tEitts will be allowed.
At the Evangelical Tabernacle a
Christmas tieut will be given the chil
dren ot the Sunday school ut 3 p. m,
Suuday. All the children atteudldg
this Sunday school aro invited to Le
prea ut. A. A. Englebart, Supt.
The Episcopal! .us not having a rec
tor will probably take Christmas at
The First Methodist church will have
a gift social Saturday eyuning for the
benefit oi the Sa'eui Home Missionary
society. There will be a program aud
u Christmas tree with presents for the
Tho Frleuda at Hlghlaud will enjoy
a cotumuulty dinner at the Polytech
nic iustitute oil Mouday at 4 p.m., to
be followed by a sociable iu the even-
lug, at which there will be a program
for the children aud good thiugs for
Th Independent Evangelical society
will have a uice program, a cantata,
Awarded Highest
Ttte oaly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Atamoaiai No Alusa.
XM in Million of HoptM ao Yers the Staadui
ahd exercises for the children
"evenluir at the Wi U. T. U.
Court street. '
The German Methodist society of
which Rev. Yantz is pastor wUi have
a Christmas tree aud exere'ees on Sun
day evening.
At the state Insane asylum there have
been busy days of decorating thecbapel
with evergreens and the erection of an
immense tree, with a short program on
Christmas eve.
The deaf mute school is closed for the
holiday vacation aud itiauy pupils are
at-their homes.
Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching
at 11 a. m. Youug peoples meeting at
6 p.m. and preaching at 7:30 by the
pastor. L. B. .Baldwin, .every oooy
Morning subject, "The Everlasting
Gospel;" evening sulject, "Christmas."
To these services you are invited, I.
M. Shulse, pastor.
Reading morning aud evening by
Elder Hays Mulkey of Colorado. Sun
day school at uoou.
Services at the regular hour. Sub-
j-cts: 10:30 a. m. "Christ Callea from
Egypt," 7:30 p. m. "Grace the Power
of God unto Salvation." The unbe
lieving are especially Invited.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.,
Sunday school at 12, Rev. W. E. Cope
laud, pastor. Subject of morning ser
mon "Bin Against me .raoiy uuwi,
subject of evening lecture "Tbe Christ
mas Mosaic or a Christmas eve study."
Services tomorrow as usual and all
relatiug to the Christmas tide. Special
music. Mr. Freelaud will preach at
10:30 aud 7:30.
Preaching at 10:30 tomorrow, at the
W. C. T. U. hall. Sunday school at
12. Iu the evening, a Suuday school
Christinas exercise. You aro welcomed.
J. Boweisox, pastor.
German church, corner of Center &
Liberty streets. Preaching at 11 a. m.
aud 7:30 p. in. Suuday schol at 10 a.
m. Y. P. S. C. A. at 7 p. m. Christ
mas program aud tree, on Monday, at
8 p. m. All Germans are cordially in
vited. A. A. Eugelbart, pastor.
Corner of Liberty aud Marion streets.
Preaching by the pastor, M, L. Rugir,
it 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Youug
people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Subject
if sermons, morning, "The Results of
he Birth of Christ," a Christmas ser
mon. Evening, "No Room in tbe Inn."
Morning service at IO;30. Subject:
"The First Christmas carol." Evening
service at 7:30. bubject: "The Pro
phecy of Simon at the Presentation of
Christ." Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m
Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:15. A cordial wel
ome to all, to these Christmas services.
Services at the Evangelical tabernacle
ti Ea--t Salem at 4 p. m. Preaching
uyRev. J. B. Early.
Catarrh Cannot be Cored
with Local Applications, as they can
not reach the seal of the dtseufee. Cal
trrli is a blood or constitutional disease,
aud lu order to cure it you must take
internal remidles. Uatl'sCalurrb Cure
is taken internally, aud acts directly on
iue blood aud uiocous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not a quack inedlctue.
U was prescribed by one of the best
ihsicausiu thlscouutry for jeers, aud
is a regular prescription. It Is compos
ed ot ttie best louics known, combined
with the best blood our I tiers, acting di
rectly ou tbe mocuus surfaces. The
perftct comblhatlou of the two ingredi
ents is what produces such wonderful
results iu curing Catarrh. Send lor
testimonials, free.
1?. J. CHENEY & CO., Props,
Toledo, O. Sold by druggists. Price 75o.
Our Christmas Wish.
Here's Christ ma Joys,
To all tho girl aud bos,
The farmer aud the primer;
May all grow Wise
Aud lu houor rise,
1 he merchant auU the tinker.
Let iho wicked fornake his ways,
Aud the poor hope for oetter days.
May lh fat grow thiuuer
And the thin grow fatter,
Aud both enjoy their dinuer
Nor lick au empty platter.
If ufterbuylug gifts,
Aud giving poor devils luts,
You have any money left,
l'o spend ou your salvation,
And save you from damnation
Aud ward oil the,
Dont spend It all for booze.
But walk Iu aud payjyour dues
To Thk JouKNAL.for another year.
Honors World's Fair.
ErtJ'nvfiDw.iiTC iWiroriUT? mrnm
u i JMiMi J o, v i miuuii i k), u i imvim 1 o
bfered at Cost !
The Largest assortment ever brought to Salein.
They Must Go
in the next 30 days!
Uyl fllWiU STOWE,
C. D, Gabrielson,
Resldftat Aeen!
nttCn ic vpAni exDerleuc-: lor over eight years axiUUnt secretary ot 8tate Imaraoce Corn
rnf oMS. Temioiaiy'offlMhte'nfr'BfdCo.nerDrue btore. HHC1IPT. RELIABLE
ANiLIBEtOL Which !a shown by the fact t attnla rompanv has done tbe larjest boil
ness or any Korclca Insurance coaipany on the Pacific coaMt In 1892.
A Good Reason.
Whv are we tbe people's clothers
Because the People find the largest as
sortment, find just what they waut
and at low prioes. G. W. Johnson &
Farm for Sale.
Eighty acres with bottom land at
8kamokawa, 1J miles .from Columbia
river. 60 acres clear, well adapted for
dairying, with dwelling, two barns,
wagon, mowing machine and some
farm improvements. E. Hofer, agent.
Salem, Or. 12-23-d&w
- ...-
Shoes were never so cheap
as now at JXraitese Bros.
Strained honey, clear as crystal, the
finest lu the woild at Van Eaton's.
Try it aud be satisfied.
Will be found an excellent remedy for sick
headache, t arler'a ultt.e Llvr PilU Thous
ands of letters fiom people who have used
thorn piove mis iaci. xry mom
iflck headache In misery, what are Carter'u
Little Liver I'llli" tr they will oslllvely cure
It- reopit- wlin hdVd used them apeak (rank
ly ot their wor.h. They ure small and easy to
If yon once t'y Carter's LHtle Liver Pills lor
Mck headache, biliousness or constipation,
you will nev r b without them. They ure
pu ely vegetable small and easy to take
lhiu'i forget this.
To Marry.
Marriage licenses were issued at tbe
office of the county clerk today to Miss
Mary Maud Eller, of Independence.
and J. A. Carter, by consent of W. L.
Eller, father of the bride; Margra John
son aud Frank Barager, of South Sa
lem, J. N. Bell, witness.
Marguerite Ponti and J. C. Johnson,
of Woodburn, also obtained a license.
A Sheriff's Sale.
O. P. Glover, administrator of the es
tate of Wm. Glover, vs. Lucy Saunders
et al, tbe sheriff sold the farm of the
latter which is situated near tbe Abl
qua There were quite a number of
The turni was sold to D. Barth for
Cash Prices for Christmas Week.
Dry granulated sugar (5.25 a sack.
Extra C sugar (4.75 a sack.
Muscatel raisins, new crop 5 cts. a lb.
Caudy we are almost giving away.
Fine Hue of decorated china ut hall
At the Pnstnfflce grocery.
i '
Indtnntlon. Want of Annttltr. Fullntu
; , after STraU. 1'omltlitijs, Steknrtt o
rrHc.i. r"uiiiin(, iiirinirH vj
! Stomach, IllUous or Xtm Com-
i ' lie
i ' nlnlnts. Sich Headarht.tJnlil ChlllM.
nlalnf. Stele llccularlie.Vnld CWlli.
JFltulitngt of Heat, Loirnes of 8ptr
. - . - ---------, --- ,
its, and Alt Nervous Affection.
,. To care tbais complaints w mnit remote
i tha ctait. Tb principal cans la nerill
ilob found In th atoinucli nnd ltvcri l"(
'McmIim ornnnt riqH and all Wli veil. From
1 ; two to four IMIla twlca a dar for a abort tlma
! , wlllremoTa tha aril, and raatoro tha aufierar
, ,toaonndand laating beallb.
; Ot oil druggists. Moo SB cents a box.
New York Denot. 363 Cnna.1 rtt.
WacywsJV' a
of Denver, has opened Dresa-maUIn
Parlors lu IbeElurldge block, in ttu
rooms formerly occupied by Mrs. Baktr
and guarantees
A Perfect Fit or No Pay!
1 1-22-1 m
Great - Christmas - Sale
of holiday goods.
handkerc ' iefs, mufflers, neckwear,
suspenders, furs, linens, umbrellas,
slipprrs, jewelry. gloves, mittens
. HATS AND CAP-, NOTIONS of all kind.
-Bargains in Every Department.-
Cotue where you can buy tbe best goods for the least money.
Look at our window dtpky aftd ta mm iatUe,
rpHK most perfect nttlnctruns male, will
I hold a rupture where all other naive
fulled. For-sale by J. L. ParrUh, 401 Capital
urott. .lZ-h-tr
furnish bids, orglvo bo di on. an.vj'b.
Two or more bands furnished. J.Bch'ewe Jr.
Turner, Or. 190 liiif
WANTED. Situation by German etrlagert
IS yean, knowa some English. Has koiiio
zperleucs at housevrortc Jacob Hchlcwe,
Turner. Oreton. I-lt3l
lOH LK. An nnabrldced encyclopedia
UrlUnnlca, worth s4. at great reau uon.
west, t'lecmo ugai Bunion. miu
PAPERS.-Portland. Sacramento, wallie,
Tacoma and Han Francisco papers on sale
and Han
at Beanett's, Poetofflce t lock.
MBAT MAKKkT. Opposite
Balem. Delivered cheap.
brick stnre.H.
of all
kinds on sale at 32S Liberty vireei.
THIS PAPER la kept on file at E. O. Date's
Advertising Agency. SI and 65 Merchants
Exchango, San Francisco, California, where
contrao'jiforadvertlflntcan be made for It.
A desirable farm of 160
1' acres for sale on long time
wlllbelaken In rmrt imvrnenl
Town nropeny
will betaken in part payment. ApplTtoLeo
Willis, In Opera Honse iilock.
Honse liiocK. n- im
Patton Bros., too busy to write their
"Brownie" advs.
Ctme in and see dispy.
98 State Street.
S. 0. V. MARKET,
365 Summer Street.
. LEWIS &, PBATHER, Props.
The best meats of all kiuda sold at
the lowest prices. Reliable goods and
quick delivery.
FROEBEL SCH00LS-4tli Year.
cm TminnnintTi?
Iufant, Conneotlogand Primary classes
every week day from 9 a, n. to
12 m. except Saturday. ,
forteacbeis dally practice work from
0 a. m. to 12 m. in Kludergarten.
On Monday, Wednesday aud Friday
from 2 to 4 p. ni. Classes meet for
ttudy of Proebel system. Mrs. P. 8.
Knight, Principal.
Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with
training class, conducted by Mrs.
Knlsrhtabd MlssBallou. For terms or
information apply at Kindergarten
rooms, corner Court and Liberty btreelB.
i br 'j-