Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 23, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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fJ. .iHBi, , n
t Associated Press Dally News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coasti
$3.00 a Year.
SBeto. eatk by MmMK
Prepaid la Advae.
Xa Papers Sent Wk
Time la Oat.
k--. JL , " , .
VOL. 6.
The New York Racket
Has jusfc Received a now Stock of
Holiday Goods
Dolls of all sizes, picture books, toys, albums, dressing
cases, toilet sets, shaving sets, work boxes, games, perfumery,
odor sets, travelling sets, mirrors, manicure sets, fancy towels,
tidies, stamped linens, doylies, and a large line of
Silk-Handkerchiefs and Mufflers, .
fancy notions of nil kinds for presents in endless variety.
Our extremely low prices apply to holiday goods as well as to
all other lines. Buy of us and save 50 per cent oh your
presents for Christmas.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com! St.
Ed. C.
JED. Meeker & uo
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
,--.,.- . yp Am TEMPLETON, Gcn'l Agent.
AillinniMI I
' wa at
BURROUGrlSjlOS State Street.
Now Here
and More Coming.
Holiday Goods
The Neuftst, Most flttractiue,
. ....-
See our Mammoth biock iiwo. "----you
best of all, nudcau surely fcaveumm.ey. & SALISBURY.
Completed aud ready to wait on curto'Dew. aomn ftnd B, t0
Z T.fllm rinp. We keep a full line, ' '..T.hU w.nntv. for service.
XSUril HUU ICBIucuvv. - .
N these times when it m so ""- . the most nJ best
by to spoad your j j you. U rf ,
or the money spent, oee ueiuw i
buy for vory little money at
. We have handkerchiefs in great variety and nothing
makes a more acceptable present.
LadltB.Embroldered Handkerchief W. , .
" Bilk ,, 60, 1.60
Towels 50o. $1.50 per pair.
Napklua76o. (2 50peret.
Bureau 8arjTd, 50,60,75.
Wiiidfor Ties, 200.
Gents Cravats. 25e. 50c
Dolls of every de-orlpt Ion-China
body dolls zoo, w ". . ,)UIe. 60o 3.w.
t .' oc s fWI
iron ui.vb, ". " ,. .I c
A flne line of ganiea 15o, $i.w.
Gent'a cuQ and collar boxes $1 w.
Purses or ladles and wntlemeu wo,
Bilk umbrellas $1.60, $-5.00.
Bqxo paoer and envelopes, 10c,
Cupk'and aauoerf, 10(J, 50c
Wholesale and .Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt ami
Smoked Meats of (i I Kinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
If vou want your house pro
If vou want your nouse pro
heated at small expense call on
h,, . nennv's wortb, as we can please
HorSe8 boarded by day or LeeU
n-nnvir Tfi HIT! 1UUII1I'" iv
. 2jc 25c.
aoi. ,
Number of Poygamists Receive
Christmas Pardons.
ir Ho Has Not Already lost His
Christmas Pardons.
Washington, Dec. 23 The presi
dent has grauted a number of pardons,
including one to Joseph P. Barton,
Win. E. Jones, diet Palmontror and
Stephen Barton, of Utah, conyioted of
Secretary Carlisle appointed Jacob T.
Esbelman, shipping commissioner at
Port Townsend, Wash.
Both the stuie and navy departments
are very positive today In discrediting
the reports that Mello has captured
Rio, though it cannot be positively as
certalned. It Is belieyed one or both
departments received advices to that
eflect from Rio. The general impres
sion, however, is that the report la
merely premature, and that President
Peixoto will be eventually overthrown.
Uncle Sam'i Position.
Nkw York, Dec. LS. Iu response
to a telegram from President Alwood
of the Maritime association, the follow
ing has been received from Secretary
Giesham: This government is taking
steps to ascertain the military and com
mercial situatien at Rio and other Bra
zilian points, in order to Instruct the
naval commanders to protect legitimate
American interests.
Wilson's Tariff Bill.
Washington, A table of compari
son by the house committee on Ways
und Meaus, showing Importations for
fiscal year 1892 and estimated duties
under Wilson bill has been printed
and distributed to meniberaol the conui
nitftee. A recapitulation shows total
valu of importations for year were
$455 339,401 and duties received $173,
098,474 Estimated revenues under
Wilson bill $107,690,670 showing es
timated decrease of duty $65,407,900.
County Treasurer Sentenced.
RosebORO, Or., Dt-c. 23. Special to
Jouknal.-V. L. Arrmgton, ex-treasurer
of D.wglascnuuty, who was found
guilty of larceny of public money Wed
nesday, appeared In Circuit court this
morning fur sentence. Judge Fuller
ton sentenced him to three years in the
penitentiary and fined him $45,981.48
and costs, which will be about $1000.
Deputy Sheriff Dillard will "probably
tikeArrlngtou to the penitentiary to
morrow night.
SENTENCED.-County Treasurer Ar
rlngtou is the first of Oregon's default
ing county treasurers to suffer the pen
altyofthelaw for embezzling pullc funds
He will never be able to serve his time
out for which he Is fined, as he is a
middle-aged man and fines are figured
at $2.00 per day. $46,000 would take
23,000 daj s, or 60 years counting his
Verdict for Douglas oouniy.
RosEnOBB, Or., Dec 23.-In the case
of Douglas county against ex-County
Treasurer Arrlngton and his bondmen
Aaron Rse, Br, and Hyman Wei en
i. ih. tnrv returned a verdict in
...!. rth county In the sum of $22,'
090 and Interest from July 10,
costs. ,
Stage Robbed.
Rosfburo, Dec. 23.-Cpedl.-The
mm Bay stage was held up by one
Tn 2 night, near Myrtle Wnj
?he robber secured all the roistered
mall, and made his escape.
niirnr Store Robbed.
Oregon CITY, Dec -Th" store of
j A Moore waieniereaiMi. ". --
to the value of $150 taen.
clue to the robbery to far.
TTii.-nlMri. IC . ""
5rrT- W?ZL.
KZtu i ww r". .mrtIOo4.
-. h. h4 for r.ur f"r.SkuUUf or
. ,-.i.,4i mi anu W "-' - .. ,k .K
r.KJT'. dred to .
iboaW l-r
well, no
" " I mil -
Bread Famine.
Madrid, Dec. 23. This city Is
threatened with a famine, owing to a
strike of the bakers 2
Storm in Spain.
Bilbaro, Dec. 23 -A terrible storm
Is raging In the Bay of Biscay. A
number of vessels are reported wrecked.
Famine Reported.
St. PETKRSBYKa, Dec 23. There Is
a famine In Central, Asia. Meantime
there Is a plethora of grain ou the Vol
ga river. The famine Is due to a move
ment gotten up by a syndicate of mer
chants who are holding a corner on
Qood For Portland.
Portland, Dec.23.;-A large amount
of provisions, contributed by the lead
ing business firms, Is being distributed
today, among the needy families.
Jury Hang in the Ckiueso Con-
epicacy Cases.
They Will Give it'?Furlher Bulib
Jury Disagree.
Portland, Dee. 23. After having
been out about sixteen hours the jury
in the Chinese conspiracy cases re
ported at two o'clock this afternoon
that they were unable to agree. The
court ordered them to retire for further
It is reported that the Jury stands el
oven for conviction and one for acquit
tal. J
Family an
23. David
L. Howe, president eM
First National bank, killed himself this
morning. Despondency over domestic
and financial troubles, la the cause.
Ban Fbanciboo, Dec. 23. Wheat,
cash $1,071 May 1.10.
Chioaoo, Dec 23. Cash, 61; May
Portland, Dec. 23. Wheat valley
$.92Jj Walla Wulla $.821.
For Christmas Week.
Have finest line of single decorated
pieces and sets of porcelalu, bisque fig
tires, and Imported China ware ever
Hhownluthe city. Am closing out a
large assortment of dolls. Have a full
iiinwirniiiidles. nuts and fruits. Will
meet an v cut ot any cash store I u Ha
lem on" staple groceries.
Wright, Pioueer Grocery.
John U.
Dynamite is simply nitroglycerin
mixed with various ingredients. Ni
troglycerin is mado by mixing sul
phuric and nitric acid with sweet
glycerin, tho same that is used by
the ladies to prevent chapped hands.
Mixing the acids and glycerin is
where tho great danger lies in tho
l making of nitroglycerin. Tho othor
ingredients tor musing uuuuumjiuh
nitrato of Boda, which is found only
in Chili; carbonatoof magnesia and
wood pulp. Exchange.
Out of lUrm' Way.
"What tho douco aro you doing
on the top of that trco, Mikot Don't
you know that it's lcing cut down!"
Mike-Yes, your honor. Tho last
toime yo had n tree cut down it fell
on ton of me, and, bogorra, Oi 11 be
safojliis.toiino.; -London Tit-Bite.
A Sllelit MUUk.
A gentleman desiring to inform a
young lady, who lives in onoof the
suburbs, of bis intention to make a
visit called up her residence by telo
ohon'e the other afternoon. Forborne
En or other ho had difficulty in
hearing and making Iitmseu under
stood He worked for a long time, but
finally tho dawn seemed to break, and
be heard plainly tho voice of o fema o
Jay very irritably. "Well, what do
you want!" The noise in the street
was bo great that ho desired to close
the window before proceeding, bo he
i.i ..t bold the telephone for a
minute or two." But ho didn't havo
time to leave before tho voice taid in
a more irritable manners 'You go to
fbedickeno. I've a pie in the oven."
It was the nook.-PtobuitcDurpatch.
When the"JaiaueBoand tho Coro-
hiU'h"a uorw. iuy -y
n PI
lIiikru--''J'0Uty1DB uj in cither
Wreck on
llio Union
A Syndicate of Merchants Croato a
Food Famine
An Oregon Wreck.
The Dalles, Dec. 23. Railroad
men report a wreck of an oxtra freight
train on Union Pacific railroad this
morning near Mosler. Tho train ran
Into a laud slide, throwing the engine
and a car down a fifty foot ombank.
ment. AH hands saved themselves by
jumping. It la one of the worst wrecks
that ever occurred on the Hue.
Hungarians Buried.
Homestead, Pa., Dee. 23. At 1
o'clock this morning fourteen Hunga
rians were engaged lu tho excavation
of foundations for new buildings for
the Carnegie Bteel Co. when tho walls
caved In. Jobu Knoddio was killed.
John Koi'oskl, John Harknand Charles
Marrglatt are injured. Noroskl may
Elevator Accident.
Chicago, Dee. 23. An elevator in
the Newstock exchange building iu
course of construction felt this after
noon probably fatally injurtug four
Baker County Minos.
Baker City, Or., Doc. 23. Messrs.
Sloan find Haskell have arrived In the
olty from their placer claim, near this
city, with a clean-up of $8000- This s
the second batch of gold for the season,
tho total output being about $20,000.
rilnau aud Haskell formerly owned
and operated valuable placer mines
near Marjsvllle Cal. ,
A fnt 1A9Siwi a nw
SnhSrftW- YoRU,"V.riJect 23,-Itls
officially announced that the grand
Jury has brought Iu a largo batch of
liidlutmentB for election frauds. It la
understood that many are agalust pro
cluct local politicians.
Severo Engagement.
Buenos Ayres, Das, 2.3. A sovere
engagement betweeu Bruzlllan Insur
gents and government troops Is report
ed to have taken pluceat Itajihy, uorth
of Deterro. It Is said four hundred
are killed and u huge number wounded
The government Is said to havo cap
tured the rebel war ship Madero.
Happy New Year.
Topeka, Dec. 23. Superintendent
Player; of the main shops of tho Banta
Fe rallwuy system, Is reinstating all
employes laid oil" durlug tho summer.
He says all will bo at work by January
Headquarters for all dally papers, at,
j. ii. ltunneu's nosi uiucv uiuvik uovro
ktand, I'
Tlie Walla Walla fire department has
cost that city $8523 the present year.
The sheepmen of Antelope will hold
amass meeting, on Saturday, the
A new mining camp In Baker county
has Just been chrUtenod tho "Gold
Bug District."
The lost son of Mr. Bradley, who
lives about two miles south of Corval-
II, has been found.
Prlnavllle "has be3n Infeited by a
gang of thieves. They have bsen held
toappoar at the next term of court.
Tho court for Crook oouniy ha is
med an order ollerlng bounties for the
scilps of various wild aulmali.
The waters of Bquallcum creek
Washington, are hlaher thn ever be
fore known, so say the old settlerj.
The Union railway, of Union, hss
gone Into the hand of a receiver. Nel
son Bchoonover, with boiidi at $10,000.
It cost F. II. Qiwui $01 00 and Plea
and V. Robnelt aud V. Hrp$.W each
at Albany for killing deer out of season.
The new wheat dryers at Fairfield,
Washington, are a success, and are do
ing line work and are a great benefit to
the community,
A public ChrUtmaa treo and a ban
quet for poor children are aiming tho
go-Kl things tua Silvallan Army of
Walla Walla is preparing.
At a meeting of the directors of the
v.uifena caunery. he'd reoeot'y. t7
concluded lo ship
the'r canned and
dried fruit t- Ilost-w i-r New York. sand, of nam-, wim wnwitu ' "
M ' K ihU of IU a IV. da" that ' Hou-e u truck-, asking U.h . reatlon of
thi Bou.h ru iicifio I au.horid,.cublnet dep.rteut u.i fuMlo UnU-
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
t I
4 V
trainmen to permit tramps to ride on
freight trains free.
Fifty-six convictions were had ut
Walla Walla last week In two days of
porsons who had sold liquor'to Init'ans
at and near Yakima last fall, during
tho hop picking season.
Antanlo D'Egdle and Antaulo Lu
ciano, two former residents of Portland
are In custody at Moosomln, NorthweH
territory, for tho murder of a man uam
ed Bettalla.
Tho committee appointed by the
chamber of commerce has selected for
Oregon day at tho midwinter fair tho
22d of March. This will be tho 83d
anniversary of tho first American set
tlement on tho Pacific coast.
In tho last thirty days tho "People's
Taboruaolo," a now charitable nrifinl
zatlon at Spokane, has glvon lodging to
1062 applicants, whllo lit fvoiity days,
slnco the food adjunct has been cstnb
llshed, 3158 meals havo been furnished
to hungry men.
An Albany liveryman relates a fun
ny Incident in the eflorts of one of the
array of unemployed to secure work,
He went Into the country on foot, hut
camo back empty banded. He said he
was every where taken for a tramp and
Invariably turned away. Ho then 1 or
rowed a horse of tho liveryman and
rodo out in the same direotion.
Mr. J. F. Stewart, editor of the Lin
coln County Leader, says that the al
leged rape of Miss Cora May proved to
he a mistake, The girl walked nut of
tho house in her sleep, and putting on
her brother's old oil coat tied it about
her with a cord. Bho crossed the river
In a boat, and afior wandering up the
track fell through tho cattle guard
bruising her soverely, Sho saldou first
recovering that she was assaulted by
two men and repeated part dfih r
conversation hut aftorwaria sold that
she had simply been dreamlnir.
Ex State Treasurer George Webb o'
Union county has oomo out for the
PopullstB He asks how can the Dem
ocrats of Oregon square their platform
so as to hurmonize that structure with
the position of the Cleveland admlnls
tratlon on the Chinese, silver and tarlfl
questions? Not having been re-elected
state treasurer and holding no office
uuder Cleveland Mr. Webb lies awake
nights worrying about the Democratic
state platform. Union county Is such
a stronghold of Republicanism that
there Is absolutely no hopo for any
Democrat ever to come to tho stnto cap
Itolirorn there unlcw lu charge of tho
sheriff, No one will besurprisedtosoo
Uncle George take tho only other pos
sible means of getting hero at public
expense as a Populist legislator.
But the reasons he assigns fur becom
ing a Populist are not good. What
evidence Is there that the Populist party
is nearer right lu Its theories about sil
ver, Chlneso and the tarlfl, than Cleve
land? It has never been tried. IU
platform Is vague and nebulou on
all three of these propositions Cleve
land position Is clear and strong.liow
ever mistaken. He Is firm, llit-fnolwl
..n,i rvwiiive. The Poriiillsls lave no
backbone In their platform on any u )
lei!t excent calaiiiity.Tlielr organlKttloii
U full of tho dynamite that, destroys
coofldonco, upsets business, and solves
nothing. Probably all there is iu
Webb' flop Is a desire to get Into the
next legislature aud help Ponnoyer to
becine the Popul st United States sen
ator. The calamity party has a rich
field to operate in soiim of tho more
distressed parts of Ksster i Oregon,
But It will hardly be found to be lu
Union county.
A WMl) C0.NVK.Sri0X.
TUB JouiiMAI. hai leeu living In
ho that som oue wltn olllolal capac
ity would take the steps uectssary to
call a road convention lu this county.
Kuil conventions by slate. dUtiicts,
and counties are btlng held a vir
the Unlou. The other day the Jargeit
nelltlon evr presented In cougrtim,
...i.inini iniiiv huudrMls of thou
sands ofnaiu, wa wheeled lu'o
NO. aoa.
ways. A-1
A mmi m.t.nllAt. la Dnlnlu mniAtA lk fl
. n,iiauil in nuivijr JmiMUUIJU IB
this old, rich and compuMtlve'y well
sottled couuty. Every mile of publte
highway is at this season a staHdlsg
object lesson on tho Ignoraroe, lncapt-J
ity, wastefulness aud nesr'itrsnca with"
tvlllntl nMlhlrn tiLlttiNiwa i, MAHBin- ' i
od. Sotentino road'-bulliilnKi Mnd it kt1
a well defined sclenco, dees not seem to
be within thograp ofth9 legls'ator,
county official, curvoyor, or even tax
pajcr, For If It were in the conapw-
neusion or any or thesa poraooa wa
would not havo the shameful parody
on clvillzatlou now cilloil roada'
But It Is nuo thing to put forth a aew ,
hhu and then lot It die; It Is an itlwr to
keep hammering away until It becoa
mi uxRurtttl atiuOt'SH. Art adm- nnu busjr
Hulil, tliera li iiuthln llko"disin I jt
eratlon" to force peop'o t pay atten
tion to anything, to Indueo them to put
tholr shoulders to tho Wheel toereatBv
or accomplish fact out of a sug estlou.
To merely meutlon In a Btdewh taper Jto
the commissioners o this county that
better roads aro wanted as well bay "
tho moon. Not only they, but the
people must be told what It wauled,
but how it must be done. They aud
the peoplo must bo lotd a hundred times
i thousand times If nraetaary, uutll it
Is done. The Jouknal Is prepared to
do Its sbaro of "djimnlng" and "itera-'.
tlon" and reiteration. Before a road
convention ia called Its work must be
mapped out. After a great deal of study
and thought and conversations with
many practical raon and taxpiyars we
havo duolded to push tin folluwlng
plan of campaign;
Build a road on an approved plan
from Salt m to Wood burn, or SI vertea.
We prefer Woodburu drat for reasons
that will appear. The roadbed should ,
bo graded of a proper width and tll
drained wi'orover necessary, Thdl
taucoto Woodburn, via fa, r ground;
Brooks aud Gorvals, Is seventeen ml!e,
almost a straight lino, and but one
bridge already built, It Is along the
Southern Paolflo railroad which eiB
be got to haul tho gravel at BtatloBB
along the lino from Its pits at Canby
or Turner. Money ouu bo subscribed
at both cuds of tho line aud along the
road. Fitrmers who havo lundsadja
ceut to the road cau astUt wl'h momy
or labor, Farmers can be employed to
haul the gravel. Let us have oc
first-class pleco of road In tho county."
Let tho work begin at Salem. Ifthia
plau Is followed nnd the county com
mlcelonor's court takes proper interest
in tho matter this pleco of firat-clMs
highway Osgood as the best street is
Salem can be had constructed lu 189 1.
To this end a road convention should
be held at Halvui ut ouce. Another
road convention should thou be h!4
at Woodburn. Lot a proper call be la-
sued at oucd.
"As old M
novor oxcell
od. "Trial,
and provoa" '
iathovordict ,
of milliona. '
Livor Ecgu-
XJGt't'Of and Kidny
medlcino to
watch yon
can pm your j
faith for a
ouro. A
raild laxa- t
tivo, fts'd
purely vg
otablo, swH
inff dirocily
on tlia Iiwr $
.1 leu. i
r n . .-
noy. Try it.
Bold by li
DruggiflU in Liquid, or ia Powdor
tobotakondryormsulsiHtoa jk.
I tiava ued youriHiB)B wjr
lulur mil can eoilsOin4ou!y Mur.H
klBS ufall liver Wl!f Uf?5.L,J"
VMlhiCfUmf 4
A-ndBW.reaoffmalltnyBioru,, 1 -Om
E.F.Osbukn, 261 Com
1 St.i rff&SwSSX"0 J """
v iSwWfc bs-'t'wVi
jUftilwAAji' i
Teu HJtS, iwt ni-uy f fi 0o 0D(1 10 .