ip1. hyu&ijxa OAPiTAii - iovmtJLL, JrttBU. , bfidJikBEM aa, isas. 'I fa Jf 1'. ii i it I I ! GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. 0,000 ft To be Sold at ;EFORE THE Our lease of Btore room expires Jnne 1st, and we want to ulose our entire stock by that time. Remember our stock is ill new and desirable. Dress Goods, Laces, Lace Curtains, Embroideries, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Si k Gloves. Umbrellas, Muslin, and Wool Underwear, Fans. Corsets, Table Linen, Napkins. Towels, Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' Shoes, &c. P. 8, Jackets Regardless oi uosi. The Palace December 11th, 1893? A FEW DAYS MORE THEN CHRISTMAS. Delight your friend wltb a pretty picture and frame. KJSLLE c sours am the neonle for style, good work manship and reasonable prir-ps. Local Dates. Dee. 22. The Inventors. Benefit for the McGee Babies by Amateur Ar tists, Dee. 22, 23. Prof. Chapman lectures on English literature, Y. M. C. A.hall. Jan. 1. Y. M. C. A. recoption. Jan. 20. By Perkins comedy. Special bargains for this week In towels, table c oths. hundkerchiefs, hosiery, and in fict everything at THE FAIR, 108 Court stiea. O. P. DABNEY, Prop. Cobrkot. ''The Joubnai. Is not the governor's organ. When asked for his opinion as to the resolutions of Balom grange yeate day, he declined to flvo any. The opinion in full was giyon the same day to another papor." Thus waileth the Joubnai,. Neither is the Statesman the governor's organ not even his melodl n. But if you don't take the Statesman you don't get the newB." Statesman, You, don't get the opinions of the governor that is truo.ln any other paper than the States man. As for new, the subject was exhausted long ago. The governor only repeats hlms.-lf. There is nothing new about him. Was Not a Candidate. The state ment made In this morning's Democrat that Dr. T. L. Golden has been a candi date for the Balem postmasterhlp is not correct. The Doctor had a petition to the resident, to which he bad about two hundred signers, including s nue of the bo-t business meu in the city. Thl petition was never forwarded lo Washington, ns his other business In , terests preyented him from pushing , his claims to perfection. Thus It can readily bo seen that Dr. Goldou was not a caudidate, which fact he sub stantiates by showing the origluul peti tion eti(l in I''8 possession. Puntiio Schools. All the sohools close tod iv for tho holiday vacation. There wera programs in each sohool of tho city, and miuy of the rooms had beautiful Christmas decorations of ivy, evergreens and mistletoe. Loucolu Bohool made up a purse and eontrlbutlon for tho poor aud needy, not havlag participated in tho Thanks giving day douatlous. School begins again Jin. 2d. Supt. Andersou, Mis R.T.Smith and Lillian H. Gwynuo have numbers on the program of the State Teachers Ass'n hold nexi week at Portland, which will also be attended by other teaohers. Took Letters. At the prayer meeting of the First Congregational church last night about eighty mem bers asked for aud wero granted letters of withdrawal from thochurob. This is the conclusion of the controversy over Mr. Corwin and probably settles the dispute that has so long disturbed the church for all time. The retlrlug members will probably scatter among other evangelical churohes. Read the One Cent Jouhnal. SUGGESTIONS: Red mountains of Alaska by V. D. Allen. Knockabout Club in the Woods. My Days mud Nights on the Battlo FWds, by Chas. Garleton Collin. Three Vasear Girls in South America Chatterbox lor 1893. Little Ones1 Annual. Day ot Chivalry. Tfce Nursery, Paaajr Beok. BfowalM' New Book at BOOKSTORE. Or? Goods 10 Cost or Less 1ST OF JUNE. jsveryuung must go uyJUuo D, G. & S. Co., PERSONALS. Hon. Thos. Shordlan of Roseburg was in tho city yt-sterday. Hon. B.F. Bonham Is quite 111 at his home In Highland. Hon. W. A. Lample of Helix was in the city yesterday. Maj. D. C. IPherman went to Port land this afternoon. Judge Galloway returned to Portland this afternoon. Bert Miller, local editor on the Woodburn Independent, was in town today. O. M. Maxwell of Portland, and H, B. Miller or Grants Pass were among those registered at the Willamette last evening. Prof. Chapman arrived this afternoon from Eugene, to deliver his lecture on English Literature, at the Y. M. C. A. this evening. Post-master Gilbert's commission has expired and following are named tw possible successers: A. I. Wagner. Leo Wills, D. J. Fry, G. Stelner, T. B. Walt, M. Rowley, Barney Simpson. Dr. T. L. Golden and D. F. Wagner. Judge Wm. GalloWay of Yamhill county is quoted as saying that Yam hill, Washington, Polk, Marlon and Linn should be put on the same plane as regards taxable valuation. That Is true it they are not disproportionately raised above all the rest of the state. LITTLE LOCALS. A perfect day in .December. Miss Helen Edes bus recovered from a recent attack of the grippe Friends of the kindergarten will be glad to learn that Mrs. Tre.it of Chicago who lectured here in July 1802 will ugaln como to Sx'em this coming spring. Albany kindergarteners are also arranging to h ivtt her lecture. "Tho Inventors" tonUht by tbo Salem amateurs for the McGee family. Gouer.il admission re duc-d to 25 oent A marriage llceusn is out for MiZ. E. Rjunlugton and F. M. Hrdiwttle One drunk got teu days before Recorder Edes this morning Will our beautiful wluter on I without snow ? It Is doubtful The city stono pile Is ripe Salem R'd men held their semi-annual eleutlou of eflloers in their hall in S ate lustiratice building last evening a id elected the following otlleers; pnphet, W. d. Low; suohem, H. G. K I idret; 8. 8., D. L. Ashbaugh; J. 8., H. D. Pitton; O. of R., Geo. A. Burns; K. ofW., Jos. Biuiugnrtner; truitees, F, C. B kor, II. H Cmvou and S. W I'hompaon.. Weather forecast- Sat urday rain, Bllghtly cooler Albert Jessup came down from Eugene today, to spend the hoi Idaya C. B. Irvlue Is at Portland, closing up tho world's fair business with tho executive com mlttee Bert Miller, of the Wood burn Independent force, was in the city today No appointment Is ex neoted to be made in tho caso of the Salem postofllce, until after the holi days. Our reed rookera and fanoy work bas kets have arrived. Come nud seo them. The most sensible presents for Xmas at Keller & Sous. A Stamped:. Tbe past fow days there has been a regular crush at Silas Jnnos' candy establishment on State street for thoso superior fresh holiday hwcots. Poiple will have the best. Vacation, SaoredJIe irt Acadaroy pupils wero dismissed today for the holiday vaoatlou. Many took tbo trains for their homes. Those Oueamb. At The Spa when put up in their e!oant bixes inako the finest Christmas presants to be had, m Hiy for Sale. 500 tous of choice hay for sale, most ly timothy. Will be sold in parcelH to suit tho purchifer by It. M. Robertson, Albany, Oregon. 12 15tf Straight Goods. We are hero not to be undersold In any line, G. W. Johnon & Son,; 3'oth'ers. Mufti m. iiflkfc. eloves. fusnenders. - - - - , .--fB.-- , t ,. i.- ......i t... fa mn nnii' bo' olol'bluf, omprluB B'astteld'a line of holiday goal', a.l useful aud very aootyUb.e piestnls. 2t Transportation Notes and Comments. The steamer Modoc came up last night, with a small lot of freight for Salem. Sho went on to Uorvsllis, aud will return here tonight. Tomorrow she goes below. She will take from her wharf here about 400 boxes of ap ples, and from Llucolu two carloads of dried fruit. Both shipments are con- singed East. The steamer Altona came up yester day, arriving at 3:90 p. m. Now that the Hoag is tied up, she is easily the fastest boat on the river. She brought up several tons of freight and a number of passengers for Balem and Independence. She returned to Port land today; will be uptomorrow night, und will lay over Sunday at Independ ence, returning to Portland Monday. The steamer Elwood will be up to night, and leaves for Portland in the morning, at 0 o'clock. The Oregon Pacific boats, Hoag and Three Sisters have been tied up at Corvallis. That Com pany having given up the river business for the present. Their river ofilces have alt been closed. The agent here received notice yesterday, to close his accounts and file his final re port with the auditor, at Corvallis. This he Is now doing. As soon as out standing bills are collected, and one or two small matters adjusted, the office here will bo closed. Tne company will still hold their leaso on the U. P. dook, at the foot of Trade street, and it is hoDed by the officials, to soon have their boats back on the river. G. M. Powers, agent in this city, has "several month's back salary due, but the com pany will only pay him one month now. He expresses himself as feeling perfectly sure of getting his money, re gardless of how Judge Fullerton may act, next Tuesday, All river employes have a lieu on the river steamers, and they are worth four or flvo times the amount of claims against them. Mr. Powers and wife will leave town to night, for the country, where they will speud Chrlsimas. They will return Tuesday next, and Wednesday he goes to Corvallis, to turn over his books aud accounts to tbe company. Prof. Chapman's lecture tonight promises to be of unusual interest. Hear him at the Y. M. C. A. rooms to night. Safe, Quiet and Effective. The valuable curative properties of Allcock's Porous Plasters are due to the employment of the highest medio aland chemical skill. I hey are purely vegetable, and in ingredients aud method have neyer been equalled; safr quick aud effective in their action; tney do not burn or blister, but sootbt and relieve while curing, and can be worn without causing pain or iucou venience. Do not bo deceived by misrepresenta tion All other so-called Porous Plasl era are imitations, made to sell ou the reputation of Allcock's. Ask for All cock's and let no solicitation or expla nation induce you toacceptasnbstitute. Turkoy-,Turkeys. Finest in town -cliuii,ut Davison's mar ket, 04 Court street. o Christmas Concert and Ball. The "Elite" orchestra will give u grand concert and lull at the Reed on Christmus night. They willbeas-isted tiv our best loeal talent, including Mist. Maud Purr, Mr. Chas. lortl aud others The orchestra is preparing some excep tionally Uno selections, and no one should miss the opportunity of bearing this, as It will be one or tne lineal musical programs ever produced in Salem. After the concert, there will be a social dance given until 12 o'clock AdmiHslou has been placed at 25 ceutc ttowu stairs ana ten cents ror tne gal lery. The New York Racket has had a full house for a week post, both of goods, and customers. They can't help seeing the low prices of their holiday goods, 50 per cent, saved on almost everything. Work boxes, toilet sets, shaving sets, games, picture books, silk handker chiefs aud mufllers of all kluds and sizes, dolls, toys and almost any kind of useful articles, that might with pro priety be presented to almost any one. Call and see for yourself. Prices awaj down. eod-w To Wed. License was issued today to Miss May Schiedler aud Alois Robl. Insane, Fanule Thomas, a woman of the street, was comtn tted to the asylum today. Hhe lost her reason from too free u-e of d ugs. Blind School, Christmas exercises at the Oregon Bind lustttut wero held this afternoon. The students re ceived presents and eom will spend the holiday vacatl n at their homes. Foothall, The game tliht was to been played between Willamette and Capitol business coll ge was put ofTou account of rain. They will put up a rib breakiug game one of theBe days. No Court, Judge BUobelor has been laid up for several days with la grippe aud no malef.ictors liae receiv ed seuteucos at his I auds. Peuuy Christmas tree ornaments at The Spa, 114 State street. W. T. Stolz &Co. xarraoum owaiers ana cnoioe aa-i mackerel, at Clark & Eppley'a Superior oraugea. lemons, lg, datea and ananas at Claik Jt Eppky'a, PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Local Correspondence from in tho Valley. Towns NOTES FBOM JEFFERSON. Last Friday closed the fall term of school with an enrollment of 142 pu pils. The dauce given at Smith and Jones' ball last Thursday night by tho danc ing club, was well atteuded. Prof. Davis, assisted by the members of his vocal class, will give an enter tainment ou the 29. It Is reported that a social will be given at the M. E. church on New Year night. A social dance was giyen last Friday evening at the resldeuce of Mr. Archie Llbby's, about 3 miles north of Jeffer son. There will be a People's party meet ing at Smith and Jones' 'jail on Friday afternoon and eveuing, Dec. 22ud, Sergeant Campbell, of the 38th Illin ois Infantry, will give a puuararaa of the Civil War on Tuesday night, Dee, 22, at the M. E. church. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson and family of Scio, aud Mrs. J. C. Jobuson, nf Salem, were tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Looney last Saturday and Sunday. FBOM BROOKS. Mrs. T. Fruits three sisters visited with her Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Blanton is ablo to resume her nauslo lessons again. Miss lone McCIard spent Sunday in Salem. Shaffer & Shaw sent a crate of fine hogs and two orates of sheep to Port land for Christmas meats this week. Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Clard drove to Salem Tue3day. Shaffer & Shaw are authorized agents for the Wells, Fargo & Co's express. Mrs. M. L. Jones and little Gertrude, went to Salem Saturday. Mrs. Betty was a passenger to Ger yals Saturday. Mr. Chapman's son and family vis ited with his parents last week. Mrs. 8. Ramp has been sick the past week. Geo. Hower is still confined to his bed. T. J. Clark and wife spent Sunday on Howell Prairie. Ira Arnold was the guest of B. W. Looney Saturday. Mr. Newson moved out west of town last week. He and R ibert expect to teud a crop of hops next season. Crusade Day. The National Superintendent of Evangelistic work calls upon all W. T. U.'s to observe Satuiday Dec, 23rd, at Crusade Day. In loving obedience to t lat call the Salem W. C. T. U. will hold an "all day" prayer-meeting be ginning at 10 o'clock aud lasting until 4 p. m. All Christians arc cordially in vited to meet-with them at their hall on Court street. Subjects ot prayer?-: From 10 to 11, Praise; from 11 to 12, Humilatlon and Prayer; from 12 to 1, Social hour aud lunch; from 1 to 2, Around the Camp fi e; from 2 to 3, Memorial Service; from 3 to 4, A Look Up and On. For Christmas Week. Have finest line of single decorated pieces and pets of porcelain, bisque tig ures, aud imported Chiua wure ever shown in tbe city. Am closing out a large assortment of dolls. Have a full line cf candles, nuts aud fruits. Will meet any cut of any cash store iu Ha lem on staple groceries. Johu G. Wright, Pioueer Grocery. A Life Man. Geo. Caldwell, aged abwut 19 years, was today brought to the peuitentary for life, hiving mur dered a man last Juue. His father, Chris H. Caldwell, was sent up for lire in 1887, for ki.llug a raui In the same couuty. Ducks, Ducks. Fiittlucks,clieup,utDavison's market, t4 Curt street. The choicest mixed nuts for the boll days, at Tho 8pa, at very low prices. Purest cldar vinegar made by our selves J. A. Vau E.tou, Try it aud you will use no other. Oecse, Weoio. loads ot them i-lioain; at Davison's market, 94 Court street. An immense assortment of holiday dry goods, uew and desirable articles, going on likq hot cakes, at the Ladles' Bazaar, Insuranco block. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. PRICE'S Tke enly Pure Cream of Tartar rowder.No Ammonia; No AUm. XhU ia Millions of Homes 40 Yar the Standard County Justice. A Gervals Justice court case req'iired tho presence of Attorney Goo. G. Bing ham and Deputy Prosecuting Attor ney A. O. Condit Thursduy, Geo. B. Miller and Bert Brown bad a disagree ment in regard to paying some money and jBrowu retained pdssesslon of a curt belongiugto Miller. Miller then commenced action accusing Brown ot the larceny of the tart. Tho case was tried before a jury and fhere was a large attendance among the cltlzeus. The jury returned a verdict of Hot guil ty. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with Local Applications, as they can not reach the seat of the dlsea"o. Cat arrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure It you must take luternal remldles. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mocous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the beet physlcausin this country foryeers, aud is a regular prescription. It is compos ed of the best touics known, comblued witli the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on tho mocous surfaces. The perfect comblhation of the two ingredi ents is what produces such wonderful results iu curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, Toledo, O. Sold by druggists. Price 75o. State Tax Board. The board will be in session untilSatur duy noon aud adjourn over till Tuesday next. President Lonsdale went home today. He has not been feeling well for some time aud needB a rest. Repre sentatives of the Clh district were heard today. Clerk Pierce and Senator Blackmau addressed the board. In tbe absence of tbe president some fuu was indulged in. An advertise ment on the back of a letter addressed to tbe member from Clatsop, setting forth the Increasing wealth and great resources of that couuty caused much merriment. A CORBECTION. Members of the board spent some time today discussing The Jouknal editorial of Thursday. There wub an error, in that article, in saying that the board raised all town property thirtj per cent. Only six counties were raised 30 per cent on town lots, but tbey in elude Marion, Multnomah and all tbe counties having largo interests in town lot, property, except Lane and Clatsop They could not well raise Clatsop Jots when they are under water. In six counties town' lots were raised twentv percent, in seven they were ten per cent, and in nine counties no raise on town lots whatever. Tbe correction not. important because tbe great huH of town lot values was in the counties raised thirty per cent. Fresh Crabs, Oysters AH kinds of nli at Davison's mar ki't, !4 Uourl street. Shoes were never so cheap as now at Krnusse Bros. Strained honey, clear as crystal, the lines! in the wot Id at Van Eaton's. Try it aud be satisfied. ENLISTED FOR PEIXOTO, The United States Will Take Ac tion in tho Matter. Washington, Dec. 22. It is not un likely that some action will be taken by this government to prevent Captain Julius Rhodes from involving the Uni-, ted States, through his enlistments of men for tbe Brazilian army. Captain RUodes is a pension attorney in Wash ington, and is now In Elmira, N. Y , engaged in securing soldiers for Pelxoto some time ago he began enlistments In Washington, and now claims that be has secured 155 recruits here. In an lutervlew published this morning, Cap tain Rhodes is quoted as saying that Adjutant-General Ruggles, of the Uul- ted States army, told him "there was nothing contrary to neutrality laws In my scheme." General Ruggles said to da: "What I did Bay was that he must conduct his enlistment at his own risk and that the United Spates could not guarautee'bim protection. Aud also advised him against carrying out the idea." The persistence with which Captain Rhodes is pursulug his recruiting has attracted the atteution of tho govern ment, and while his action is no viola tion of neutrality luwe, as it would lie if he were securing enlistments tor the Insurgents, the present critlca aspeU of atiairs iu Brazil makes it necessary for tbe United States to be exceedingly careful in its po Icy of noninterference, aud Captain Rhodes, accordlug to in formation obtaine J today, may be re quired to desist 0YERC0ATS,0VERC0ATS,0YERC0ATS Slaiigbf er?d at Cost ! The Largest assortment ever brought to Salem. They Must Go in the next 30 days! AND COST TAKES 'EM. 0iS$ 10 C. D, Gabrielson, .Resident Acent LONDON id LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE CO. Have 15 years cxperloncf ; lor over eight yers a-RlHtunt secretary ol State Insurance Tom pany oi Oregon. Temiorary office Htetrnr's Xied Comer Urutr Store. 'HUtT, KKL1AB1..R AND lilHEftIi Wulcu Is shown by the fiua t 'at this corn pa nv has done the largest bunl ness of any Foreign lniurnnco company on tbo I'aclflo coast In 1892. All Mixed. Ab usual tho reporters were muddled in their reports of the assessors' con vention. The York resolution was as follews: Resolved, That we, tbe assessors of the state of Oregon, believing it to be the best interest of the masses of tbe people of the state, do most heartily recommend that the next legislature as s -mbly of the state enact a law, provid ing for the deduction of indebtedness, where a corresponding credit is assessed and providing for tho assessing of mort gages, and for collecting tfxes on the Bime. This was rejected. It was not offered by Assessor Colli n as twice published. Mr. Coffin oiler ed no resolutions what ever. Ask YourPriends Who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilln what tbey think of it, aud the replies will be postlvo in Its favor. Simmy what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells he story ot its merit. One has been i-ured of indigestion or dispepsia, .mother finds it indispensable for sick headache or tiilioustiess, while others report remarkable cures of scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism'saltrbeum etc. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. Cash, Prices for Christmas Week. Dry granulated RUgar$5.25 a sack. Extra C sugar 4.75 a sack. MuHCulel raibius, uew crop 5 ots. a lb. Candy we are almost giving away. Fine line of decorated china at half price. At the Postofllce grocery. Thm Children Grow Fsf on Scott's Emulsion, because fat fo o d s make fat children. They are thin, and remain thin just in proportion to their inability to assimilate food rich in fat. cott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is especially adaptable to those of weak diges tion it is partly digested already. Astonishing how quickly a thin person gains solid flesh by its use! Almost as palatable as milk. Prepared bj Scott A Bowp. N. Y. All drowliH. Steamer flliona FOR PORTLAND. Leaves Bolse'H dock Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 7:80 a. m., arriving In Portland at 1:30 p. in. KETURN1NG, leaves Portland Tuedays, ThutHdaysatKlhaturdayat6a. m. Fast t'me ror pasenger service; no way landing frelKbt bandied. HOUND IMP (unlimited) 12.00. One way. 11:2a. rvIBAlrS C6 CENTS For freight ratet and llck'U apply to Mitch 11. WrlKtil Co., Hotman bloen. g-im MADAM McALPN, of Denver, has opened Dress-making Parlors in theEldrldge block, In the rooms formerly occunied bv M. TtnUor and guarantees Uforfect Fit or No Pay I Great - Christmas - Sale or holiday goods. HANDKERCHIEFS, MUFFLERS,' NECKWEAR, oTJ10' UKS, L1JNENS, UMBRELLAS, SI IPPKRS, JEWELRY, GLOVES, MITTENS HA'IS AND CAPS, NOTIONS of all kind. -Bargains in Every Department- Come where you can buy tbe best good for the leatt money. WILLIS BROTHERS & CO. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, - Look at our window dtepkyt and kii STORE, niBIC most perfect flttlne truss made. Will I bold a rupture where nil others havo failed, For sale by J. U. Parrlsli, 4H Capital street. 12-lb-tr AKPKNTili AND CONTKAirTOB. "sn j fimilsh bids, orclve bo ds on anvjib. Two or more bands furnished, J. Bchiewe Jr, Turner, Or. 12-W Ituf WANTED. situation by German slrlagrd 19 years, knows sumo English, lias some xperleuoii at houseworlc. Jacob Hchlewo, Turner. Oregon. 13-10-31 I OK HALE. An unabridged encyclopedia Brltaunlca. worth IM. at ereal redu tlon. . L. West, tlectrln light station. 12 14 U PAHEltH.- Portland, Sacramento, Seattle, Tucoina andean Francisco papers ou sal at Bt'suctt's, Postofllce Mock. M EAT MAHKKT. Opposite brick store. 8. Haicm., Ufiiverea cneap. m-n-im c UHIsriA-N sciENCE-Llterature of aU kluds ou sale at 826 liberty street. 4-6-ly 3 THIS PAPER Is kepton file at E. O. Cake's . Advertising a ftoncy , Gl und 65 M erchants xebange. Ban Francisco, California, whero contracts for advertising can hn made for It. FARM FOB HALE. A desirable farm ofl60 acres for sale on long time Town oropnrty will be taken In part payment. Apply to Leo Willis, In Opera Hoose Blook. 12-2 Hn YOU WILL BE LOADED. "Vlfilfrtro VffliAlhtti Intanrllnn iifltiniMll "n TT m--mv, lUtUUUlUE IJUIUUUIIURI nF tint a l-A .troiia wnlHnma 11 a a lnHl h'obuow everyinwir, ana tnen let your mnj Judemeiit decide whether or not you irntl w uwvt w Mnj q TfOllAfUJC O UIO (IHUI m hllV. Wm haVA litnlat n nolnla 11 ofl wen sincuy on tne menu or tbeKOOd.' Hi VOn Viftlt nnr lfnr vnn tvltl lolthnnt fll w vm.ji v uuivi iiiniair i;i vJ"JU. t m laouut . - - . WH .. T..VMWMV H "WILL BE LOADED, lown with Christmas goods, a our prloetl irerhe in. A.tr vmip frtAnrtB If innhla nnf ... .--" -"- - 1 IUO uuc, Patton Bros., Christmas goods, btatlonery, Etc. Agents for "Ol Nick." 08 State street S. 0. V. MARKET, 365 Summer Streot. LEWIri & PRATHER, Props. Tbe best meats of all kinds sold a t the lowest prices. Reliable goods and quick delivery. PROEBEL SCH00LS-4th Tear. IDE Infant, Connecting and Primary classes every week day from 9 a. m. to 12 m, except Saturday. MISS 0. BALLOU, - - Principal. TRAINING CLASSES for tenchets' dally practice work from 0 a. m. to 12 m. in Kindergarten. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 n. m. Classes meet for Btudyof Froebel Bystom. Mrs. P. S. ivntgni, rrinoipal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with training class, conducted by Mrs. Knight and Miss Ballou. For terms or information apply at Kindergarten rooms, corner Court and Liberty ttreets. BALKM OJOCGOB- Uua mm lni(Ar, 31