Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 22, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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tpital Journal Publishing Company
Postofflce Block. Commercial Street.
- Editor.
JJally, by carrier, per month,-- mall, per year,
Weekly, pas", per year,
- 1.60
Last year the Btato Board of Equali
zation did a very little equalizing but a
reatdealof.ralafng. They raised the
aggregate of iheAtate, .assessment $33,
000,000. This year they should do very
little ralBlng,,aud a great deal of equali
zing. Te,peoplewill tand no raises.
TheyjjareJn no,mood to tojerate auto
orattotl8apoBl,tl(,p8 of additional taxes.
Increased valuations are not required
to raise revenue. Tljetate revenues
from taxation will be apportioned to
all the counties according to the valua
tions of their property and not by
specific mills. Heuce any increase in
the total assessment Is uncalled for.
Any increase In the aggregate la not
only untimely, but uncalled for. Tbe
noonln are watchlnir this State Tax
board with critical interest.
With city property it Is different. In
most cities the taxes are levied lu spec
ific mills for city' and school purpose.
High valuations will cut deep. There
should be reductions on city property II
it can bo mado up in any other way
than to add the deduction to farm
property. But no farm property should
be raised. Horses aud cattle should be
lowered. Horses are assessed at (10 to
$10 per bead, aud all the horses In the
state would not sell tomorrow for what
they are assessed at. Tbey are the
most unsalable aud worthless class. of
all furm property. The ouly trouble. Is
where to add and do no injustice. It
"would certainly be an act of justice to
lower the values of town lots and city
property aud horses and cattle. Per
haps If the State Tax Board Would
repent of Its act In raising
the values $33,000,000 last year in ,s
unwarranted a manner aud lower them
this year as inuoh It would be an act of
equalizing over the two years that the
people would appreciate. That would
not begin to represent the shrinkage
that has taken place between the two
assessments. The state was easily a
hundred million dollars richer In 189i
than In 1893. But we expect no such
act of justice from the state board. Uu
the other baud, the people expect no
palpable acts of injustice at the hand
of the state board. Hard limes and
high taxes are bad enough. Imposi
tions mkbt cause the people to arse
and deruaud the abolition of this new
department of government set up over
them. The gentlemen should do a
whole lot of thinking along these lines.
The very existence of their board Is In
the scale,
If any just equalizing Is done at all
Marlon county will be lowered lu the
total assessment at least twenty per
cent. Tho tlgurea show that the assess
ment hero Is hlghor than the average
for 8 counties, The other 27 canuot
be raised to tho standard of Marlon.
The assessors seem all to have beon in
spired with an ambition to approxim
ate the "raise" of $33,000,000 mado by
tbo state board last ynir. We suppose
l( that board had addod $100,000,000 or
$200,000,000 the assessors would have
tried to reach their figures. Tho whole
Bituatlou Is this; Tho rest of the state
must be raised to Marlon, or Marlon
must be lowered to a fair aud and just
equalization with the others. Equal
!ze,but do not raise, On this Issue the
State Board must stand or fall.
This Is Santa Claus week.
Tramps aro ,bewmJH, this
part of Oregon.
Tbo yoar!893 will go Juto history as
Tell .yo.ur ehlltJre.H to .,haro their
Qhrjjtmag .with the babies MuGeo.
JThe Daraporatlo donkey will live
high, off free trade thjatlea IttUu Wilson
bllj jMuwes.
i,jgj .j ..'t...i i. i
tTue Irl,deut isdrivlug every olo-
!jreutof.tljitt1.Dt)raoorttoy to tho support
,e(,bla.Hwadlan polloy.
j '-'-
Col.Northup.ofPortNud.wpuld make
a good, Republloaa candidate, for gov-
ernor-of Oregon.
It now appears Senator Dayld Hill
"jaylBed Juge Maynard not to be a
MptJIdate for tho boaol la New York.
.ftharpyour Christmas with the Mo
3JbAblM'by atteudlUg the amateur
Mt'topixbt at -Keen's opera uouse.
.UmImi flottfttyU, aijavwuitjutiihould
It kwwv44puty,rior ,pepN if there ia
a projaJiffUon ,or au,couuues oi
-&Ht iftHWfPM i)W JjrovoT. T.
atr'tiU(MwWytr. Ifhobe
mmw gewHor Gf iia. n!ougies
l0mlwmlHtelkkoQliux. And
Jir, jhm' Hooking U up,
This Will bo a sad Christmas for the
200,000 unemployed working' men of
Chicago, aud the hundreds of thou
sanda lu other cities.
Col. Emll Frey, a gallant Union
soldier and sufferer at Llbby Prison,
has Just been elejted President of the
French Republic.
Tbo fight of one bank upon another
Bhould not deter the city council from
doing Its duty in placing this city ou a
cash basis right away.
There Is a great need for some good
Bound John Sherman Republican horse
sense financiering to bo Infused in the
Salem city government right now.
Governor Peunoyer's ouly excuse for
taking more than twice ,as much pay
as the constitution allows him is tbai
some one else .has done so before him.
Tho principal towns of Murlon coun
ty should be connected by well drained
gravelled highways, constructed ou
sciedtiflc principles of road malting
It is said the English actor, Harn
Irving refuses to piny In St Louis be
cause the papers criticized his thin legt
uumercifully ou his visit there nine
years ago.
With a man who hired a substitute
for President and a Southern politician
for pension commissioner tho Union
veterans will get no more than is due
Col. Robert A. Miller as Register of
the Laud Ofllce has no pets in tht
newspaper business. He places his
land notices where the public will lie
the best served.
Dr. Parkburst, the preucher who
started out as slummer, is staying right
with Tammany and is making vicioup
New York tremble. It shows what
one man can do.
It Is dllllctilt for newspapers nowa
days to resist being some one's orgau.
The modern newspaper aims to be n
oue's organ but an independent paper
capable of dealing with all men fairly
and justly.
Mathew Marshall wades through
two columns of the New York Sun to
solve the problem of the "Unemployed
Poor," only to conclude that laborer
must solve it for themselves. Poor em
ployment for a great writer.
The people like a tiewspaper that
deals with them directly and a paper
that, when they read It, tbey know
who they are dealing with. This 1h
true of The Journal aud account
for its growth and success.
J R. Sovereign, who for $5000 a year
succeeds T. V. Powderly as (iraud
Master Workman of the Knights of
Labor Is au Iowa country editor and
Iowa's Labor commissioner at $2500 a
year. Me has tnree princely incomes.
81'idhu and fciluda R:tin, two Hindoo
priests have gone to St.Louis to convert
that wicKcd Christian city to Arya
Somoj. The devices for makiug money
out of men's yearning for a life here
after aro still lucreasinij. -Iowa State
Revenues have fallen stiort of expen
ditures to tub extent of $30,000,000 siucv
the fiscal year began ou July 1 last.
As the president lu his message sain
tho deficit would be ouly about $18,000,-
000 In tho euliro year, he must be
couutlug on a great increase in the gov
ernment's lucome or a great decrease
In Us outgo lu the next six mouths.
St. Louis Globe Democrat,
Jemima's Beau.
Jemima, once she bad a beau,
lie dldu l intuu her numu, you know,
Although It win m) prony,
Bue hud cutiiriu, nuU hud It bo,
That he at la-t was orcedtugo,
The ordur was no posy.
It Bhe bad been wige lu time, she
would bave takeu Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy. An utleuslvo breath is most
dlstresslug, not only to tho perton uf
lllo.ed, If the person has any nriile, but
to those with whom she or he comos In
contact. It is a delicate matter to
Hpeuk of, but It has parted not onl,,
trieuds but lovers. Bid breath mm
catarrh are luseprable. Dr. Sage's Cat
arrh Remedy cures the worst cases, u
thousands cau testify. $500 reward foi
an lucurublo case by World's Dlapeus
ary Medical Assoclllou, Proprietors oi
Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Remedy.
Siamese Gambling.
A Siamoso will 6tako money on
anything. Licensed gambling bouses
exist in tho cities and aro a largo
Bourco of iucomo to tho government,
which farms out tho monopoly. A roy
al lottery is extensively patronized
in Bangkok, Tho gambling houses
and tho pawnshops, which aro thoir
corollary, and which aro stocked
with objects pawned or stolon, aro n
disgrace to tho capital. In some
streets ovory other house- is a pawn
shop, kept by a Chinaman. Fort
nightly Iloviow.
Stanley and UU Wife.
Mr. aud Mrs. H. M. Stanley have
been Btaying at Kilkeo, n wnull sea-
6j(i0 resort in County Claro,
Tbo na-
tives were mucn strucu wiui tuo nr
fection Mrs. Stanley lavished on her
husband, and ono poitsou observed
that "thoy wore inoro like lovors
than husband and wifo." London
To enjoy uts Tutt' nils.
IBM 'llWlgBflBWfgWIjieii
""""" l ih0' Helical ltAf.
Possibly in moments of bnthusl'
asm and wassail tho Bellgal boat
may have been overpraised. Ho baa
not a pleasant temper) bis babita aro
open to unfavorablo criticism; bo
toay fail in his family relations, but
ho has plenty of pluck. He svill
fitrht anvtbincr that comes in bis way,
not oven a tiger, daunts him, and
wbat is more tho tiger sometimes
succumbs to the terrible tusks of, tbo
I have seen a boar bearing away
troni such heroic battle tbo.marks
rleep and frequent marks of a tiger's
Claws, and tbat boar swam tbo
Ganges in flood a sufficient feat for
an unwounded animal, and ono tbat
should set at rest tbo question
whether pigs can swim.
A dangerous brute is that Bengal
boar. Throughout the whole of my
sporting career only two of my .beat
ers were killed, and one of these was
cut to death by a boar. A leopard
killed tbe other. Not one was either
killed or mauled by tigers.
But my first experiences in this
line were, I regret to say, less con
nected with the mighty boar than
witb the sow, which, though it can
not rip up a horse's flanks or belly
as can the boar, can gallop a little,
and instead of ripping can bite.
Blackwood's Magazine.
Another Crank Broke Loose.
Ho had strayed into ono of the public
buildings, and was looking wistfully at
a rack on which were a nnmber of hand
grenade fire extinguishers. He was 'a
very mild looking little man, and he
called out, "Say I" to several people be
fore ho could get attention. At last a
watchman saw him and said:
"What aro you doing here?"
"Nothin in particular. But now that
I'm hero I've got an idea. I want to bor
ry one of those fire extinguishers."
"What for?"
"Cos I'm cold and hungry, an tho only
place I can be anywise comfortablo in is
jail. But I don't want to do anything
that'll hurt my conscience ter git in."
"But how will the fire extinguisher
help you?"
"Why, I'll just grab it and muss my
hair up and run through the street.
Then I'll git arrested fur being a crank
an git more square meals than I've had
before in months." Washington Star.
Chemistry, like a thrifty house
wife, economizes every scrap. The
horseshoe nails dropped in tho streets
aro carefully collected and reappear
as swords and guns. The main in
gredient of tho ink with which I now
write was probably once the broken
hoop of an old beer barrel. Tho chip
pings of the traveling tinker are
mixed with the parings of horses'
hoofs and the worst land of woolen
rags, and these are worked up into
an exquisite blue dyo which graces
tho dresses of courtly dames.
The dregs of port wine, carefully
decanted by the topor, are taken in
tho morning as a seidlitz powder to
remove the effect of the debauch.
The offal of the streets and the wait
ings of coal guB reappear carefully
preserved in the ladies' smelling bot
tle, or used by her to flavor blanc
mange for her friends. All thrift is
an imitation of tho economy of na
ture, which allows no waste. North
American Review.
Tho Orlclnal Fruit Canners.
Wo are indebted to Pompeii for the
great industry of canned fruit. Years
ago, when the excavations were just
beginning, a party of Cincinnatians
found in what had been the pantry
of a houso many jars of preserved
figs. Ono was opened, and they were
found to bo fresh and good. Investi
gation showed that tho figs bad been
put into jars in a boated ptate, an
aporturo loft for the etepm to escape
and then sealed with wax. Tho hint
was taken, and the next year fruit
canning was introduced into the
United States, the process being iden
tical with that in yoguo at Pompeii
20 centuries ago. American Drug
gist They Wore Ilarinleas.
In hor book on ,the.poot Whittior,
Mrs. Clafliu relates tho lollowing
anecdete: An old Quaker .friend vis
ited Mr. "Whittior. Ho was a bach
elor, and when tho hour for retiring
camo ho was shown to his room.
Soon aftor ho was heard calling from
the top of tho stairs in au excited
tene: "I think theo hta mado a mis
tako, Friend Whittior. I find fpmalo
garments in my room I" At which
Friend Whittior replied: "Thoe'd
better go to bed. Tho female gar
monts won't hurt theo."
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied li bundles of
100, uot cut, tor sale at this efilco ai
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two centt
t pound. Next door to tho postoftltv.
Easily. Quickly.
Ptrmtaintljr Rittortd.
and all the train of !!
from rcrly trrvu or later
wwiw, im nriuiu o
nor a,
m and toot
clvcn lo t rr onan an
KOiinn or toe Dony,
(MB, Kullur unpoMlbl.
t.iui reference. &k.
xplutiou and proo(
urrAio. n. Y.
Prices Current by Tolegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, December 22, 4 p. m. Office
Daily Capital Jouknal. Quota
Uous and up to hour of going to
press were as follews:
Apples 30c to 60c. a bushel.
Venls dressed 5 cts.
Hogs dressed 6.
Live cattle 1J to 2.
Sheep alive $1.50.
Salem Milling Co.qiietes: Flour $1.25
iu wholesale lots $2.80. Retail $3.20.
Bran $14 bulk, $li siiuke.l. Shorts $15
10 J. Chop feed $16 aud $17.
43 cents per bushel.
Oats new 25 to 30c.
Hay Baled, new $8 to $10; old $10 to
$12. Wild iu bulk, $0 to $8.
Wool Best, 10c.
Hops Small Bale, 17 to 18c.
Eegs Cash, 27.
Butter Best dairy, 30; fancy
creamery, 35.
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
Farm smoKed meats Bacon 12;
hams, 12; shoulders, 10.
Potatoes 350.
OuIoub 2 cents.
Beeswax 34c. Caraway seed, 18c.
Anise seed, 20u. Ginseng, $1.40.
Chickens no market, ducks,810;tur
keys, slow sale, choice, lUc; geese 6 to7u.
Grulu, I'eetl, etc.
Flour Standard, $2.75; Walla Walla,
$3.15; graham, $2.40; uu peril ue, $2.25
per barrel.
Oats Is ow white,35c per bu ,grey,34c;
rolled, in bags, $U.25U.5U; barrels,
J6.757.00; cases, $3.75.
Hay Best, $lu12 per ton.
Wool valley, lullc.
Millstutls Bran, 10 00; shorts, $1G;
ground hurley, $18; chop feed, $16
per ton; whole feeit, hurley, 70 cts. pel
cental; middling, $2328 perton; brew
ing burle.. , 0095c pel cental: chickn
wheat. 7o1.15 percental.
Hop8St-w 10 tu 16.
Hides grt-eu, salted, OOJbs. 3c, un
lertJO lbs.,23-; fbeep pelts, 1000y.
Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 80
32ii';fnncy dairy, 2527c; fair to kouu,
2l)(a)22c; common, lo to 17e per lb.
i ueeoe Oregon, U(ijI3; Yuuuf;
American, 1416i-per pound; California
14c; Swiss imp., 3032; Doui., 1018.
Eggs Oregon, 3Ug per duzeu. Eas
tern 2327.
Poultry .Nominal; chickens, mixed,
i33 60per dozen; ducks,$4 505.5n
i?eeoe, $9.00; turkeys, live, 12c;
dressed, 1316o.
Beef Top otters, 2c per pound; fair
to good steers, 2c; No 1 i'uwh, 2c; fail
cows, ljojdrested beef, 53 6C5 00 pel
1UU pouuds
Mutton Bpst sheep, $2; choice mut
ton, $1 752 00; lambs, $2 0(l2 25.
Hogs Cnoiw, heavy, $4 605 00;
medium, $4 0U4 50; lightiuud feeders,
$4 004 60; dressed, Id 50.
Veal-$3 005 00-
"Woel: Oregon Eastern cliolce, 10
12c; do Inferior, 89o; do valley, 12
Hops 16 to 18a.
Potatoes Erly Eose, 6055,
auks, .3545c.
Oats Milling, $1.121.17.
The drug aud mediclue firm hereto
fore doing business uuder the style of
Smith & Hteiuer, have this day dis--mlved
partnership by mutual consent,
Dr. J C. Smith retiring. The business
will be continued by Lee Steiuer, at
be old red corner stand, where all
oillsaud accounts are to be settled,
tialem, Dec. 1st, 1893.
J. O. SMiTn, M. D.
IjKH. Stkineh.
Headquarters for all dally papers, at
I. L. Bennett's post ofllco block news
taud, . tf
Mr. Simeon Staples
"I Had a Running Soro
On my ankle five years, the doctors pro
nouncing It salt rheum. It continued to In
trease in size, until I commenced taking
Hood's Sarsapai Ilia, and using Hood's Olive
Hood's Cures
Ointment. In two years I was completely
cured and have had no trouble wlthltslnco."
Bjmeo.v Staples, East Taunton, Mass.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, bilioiuness,
lick budacho, and eouatijutlon. S&a
8ALKM, ... Or.con
lMvate work a spee'ay.
a H. OL.KM KNT, Manaer
Leave orders tCotUe-l'arkUunitblock,rootn
WBOEMIUan 22, 13.
onw ffHjuuiywwwawaffi
Bids for Asylum Supplies.
Oregon state Insane asylum Invite sealed
proposals for furnishing at the asylum
near Salem, Oregon, the following sup
plies for the six months ending June
3D, ISM.
1 doa. each . , . . ltt and 2 Inch
teieSdoz. eacli M, . V&. ltt. and 2 mch
1 dor. each and H Inch Keystone
i doz each 1, 1 and 2 Inch flange
Ul doz. each , . 1. VA. street ells.
1 doz. each 4 and 'A Inch sockets.
1 .in Mi-h v.. V. nnd 1 Inch clues.
2 doz. each 9i and H Inch compression
bibs, finished. . , , ,
2 doz. each and inch compression
hose bibs, llnished.
100 feet each of hi. . V4. . 1. and VA
Inch black pipe. .... ,
100 feet each of , and 1 Inch galv.
P wT'doz. each , and Jenkln'a valves
removable dlslts. . ...
1 doz. each and 1 Inch Jenkin's vulves
removable disks.
21 sq. feet 3 ply rubber packing.
10 lbs. each and sj. Max packing.
1 Jackson's Hue scraper, 3 Inch.
20 bushels charcoal.
100 lbs. solder, and .
2 each extra Jaws and nuts for 12, 18
and 24 Inch Stlllsons wrenches.
10 lbs. Asbestes candle wick.
144 sq. feet sheet lead 4 lb.
2 doz. Sampson's battery cells.
2 doz. and glass gage washers,
Iffl vardH rnllni. beBt.
2,500 yards cotton flannel. Nashau XXX.
1,200 yds. pequot A unbleached 45 Inch.
1,000 yards Mariners stripe.
DUO yards Lonsdale bleached.
1,500 yards pequot A sheeting, 36 Inch.
500 yds. Continental check flannel.
600 yds,
glass crasn loweiung, i men.
bleached linen French towell-
200 yds.
300 yds. blue denim.
100 yds.
100 yds.
G boxes
bleached sheeting pequot 9-4.
Marsellls check, York Mfg.
white stav bindinir Inch.
12 dozen
Turkey red handkerchiefs, m
CO dozen Coat's thread, white No. 36.
lid z ii i! ihN i iril wul
15 dozen Coat's thread, black No. 38.
12 dozen Coat's thread, black No. 16.
12 dozen black linen thread, No. 25.
50 yards table oilcloth, .white.
12 dozen papers pins.
60 doz. prs. men's socks (half hose.)
1 doz. prs. men's gloves, Nos. 9 and
10, extra heavy.
15 dozen pairs suspenders.
100 yards nllesla, 40 Inch, drab.
1 great gross men's pants buttons.
1 great gross pants buckles.
6 great gross men's shirt buttons, me
dium size.
12 Km -.mrokrt ie rl hn''onf.
2 dozen corsets (assorted sizes, 20 to 30.
1 dozen thimbles, Nos. 9 and 10 closed
6 . pairs Jean pants, 29-:29.
C pairs Jeans pants, 3030.
12 pairs Jean pants, 3131.
12 pairs Jean pants 3333.
12 pairs Jean pants, 3332.
6 pairs .lean pants, 3331.
6 pairs jean pants, 3234.
12 pair Jean pants, 3533.
12 pairs Jean pants, 36 32.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3733.
6 .pairs Jean pants, 37 it.
0 pairs Jean pants, 3832.
6 pairs Jean pants, 38 C3.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3933.
0 pulrt. Jeans pant-. X! 2.
?00 lbs. heavy white wool yarn.
150 lbs. cheapest grade wool yarn, as
sorted colors.
200 lb3. Crown mills carpet warp.
IK 000 lbs ernmilated sugar, extra fine, dry.
)2,a0 lbs GC sugar.
0 mi lb relied oats.
fi 000 lbs cracked wheat.
fift'Ib orn menl.
500 lbs hominy, mall cracked.
1,500 lb hominy.
500.iRn. rlo.
Wilbi. bluing.
800'g Ulonn vinegir.
2 0 trillions N. O. molawes.
l.(liX) lb. corn fta'ch, Oswego.
10,000 tt. Liverpool talt.
iOlb-t Curb. Porta, A nnd H.
Xi lbs. oieani tarter FolsrPtfi.
SO gross unf-My ma chec (Vulcan).
1 bale broom corn,
3 nozjun wh k brooms.
85 ilrzcn oj ktern, cans (A. Field's Cove).
16 dozen nn co n (Knw Vulle )
800 lbs. soda crackers, XXX, lurnlshed as re
quired. 2 ono gallons syrup (Standurd).
40&4 cunitlen BUrl'wax).
2 dozen Worcestershire-, sauce, in qU., Lee
and Perrlns)
aoib-i. germea.
1(H) lb . Rngo
50 lbs China starch,
ftmibi, Hiil'oda,
2i dozen brooms.
200 lbs pe-rl barley.
100 lbs. Htnrch.glog..
20 bones macaroni.
8 boxes vermicelli.
rou Rh. cheese. Cranston's or as good, fur-
nisneaas requires,
751b. mustard.
4ii0 lbs. black pepper,
ROIbx. ginger.
23 lbs. alldplce.
Ifidozan fa cups
16 dozen tea sxueers.
1 5 dozen quart soup bowls.
2 doz B 1 gal on pitchers,
3 dozn roup plates.
1 dozen bowls xnd pitchers.
1 dozen chamber pots.
1 d zdn bed pans.
I dozen pint svrun pitchers.
Sdi-zen lnutem glo''ei
.1 dozen pint cream pitchers.
S dozen Olurhdinne plates.
2doz-n 7 Inch pie plate..
8 dozen 12 Inch vegetable dishes.
4 d r.' n 10 Inch vezeta le dishes.
1 dozen husxr bowls
3 doznn 12 inch n Hlters.
3 dozen 11 Ilcu platters.
(BObirrelB, mo'eor les, best roller process
delivered s rcnulred.
"& barrels grauitm, more or less, delivered as
2,W0 lbs. extra pale so von,
lOOOl . Ivory
in lbs. shylnj, in cakes I,
II. Williams &
"-OOlhs KngH h breakfast, blnck.
1,000 lbs. uueo ortd Japun, green.
VOOOlb". Cotaltlra.
4lhn, Java
.fiCbj. loca,
800 Ibi. chicory,
825 lbs. a wmI(, more or less, best creamery,
2,000 lbs, Blpdge llsmmer,
600 lbs. per day. more or les. nf heft an
reqiliedln tqual pur p ofiore and, bnd quai-
8V0 lbs. of mutton per wet x as required.
Fish a required. rIvIdst price per pound for
furnishing-tho different kludiperftctiy freth
undouDd. r
X dozen oil grain caK, 40 las to the Dozen.
i oil grata caK, 40 lbs to t
i calf kins, 4Q lb. io the (
i Unlutioi gntli goat.
I itnreu will ..kins. JQlb. io the dozen;
1 dozen UnlUtloi gra'i goat, kuluble for
quiinrnt. lur riiie li io XI
S dozen sheep vkins for llnlnr.cha ed.
A buckskin for lining, spaced.
B ane1 kin sk ns, verHKi6lbv each
1 doz. kip skins. Average E lbs.. each.
3 sides skirting 15 to IS lbs. each.
COO lbs. Santa Crux sole leather, extra
heavy No. L average weight 25 Iba. to
the .aide.
I dox. balls English shoo web.
II yards English shoa cor S In. wide,
1 os. Russian brtstlM,
1 dos Uc twlt D,
G spoola tinou thread) No. S3,
6 spools linen thread No. 35.
5 lbs. Harbours shoo thread No. 12.
6 bottles leather cement (Cub brand.)
6 bottles rubber cement (Urailllun.)
3 doz. pieces shoemaker's wax.
6 lbs. 1 oz. shoe tack.
3 lb,. 4ozshott uckh
t It). brum unlit, improved.
12 lbs. 6-8 brass nails.
12 lbs. 4-8 brass nails.
M lbs. t brass nails.
12 lbs. 8-8 Iron heel nails.
12 lbs. iron heel nails.,
J2 lb . U-.i mm heel nitllu.
12 lbs. H Iron heel nalla.
2 dox. Ilradbury machine .needles
(wedge point) No 4. r
2 sq. feet rubber cloth for patching.
20 yards heavy ticking for lining.
5 doz. pressed pans, 8 inch.
16 doz. pint cups.
24 doz. tuble upoons.
1 doz. wash basins.
6 doz. knives and forks.
2 doz. ladles, in two sizes.
1 doz. slop palls with covers.
Vt dozen wash tubs, small sties.
10 lbs. bees wax, yellow.
2 doz. dust brushes.
8 dozen scrub brushes, with handles.
3 dozen shoe brushes.
2dozen hair brushes.
1 dozen whitewash brushes.
V: dozen kalsomlnlng brushes.
2 dozen shaving blushes.
u Uoz .u boxe au. u b auk ig 1'. M.
3 dozen boxes hair pins.
3 dozen combs.
3 dozen papers needles Nos. 2.
3 dozen papers needles Nos. 8.
3 dozen papurs needles Nos. 4.
6 dozen papers needles Nos. 6.
6 dozen papers needles Nos. 6.
4 gross safety pins.
6 dozen mop handles.
12 dozen mop rags.
50 packs playing cards double headed.
1 gross shaker pipe.
200 gallons kerosene, more. or less.delly
ered In tanks as required.
0 guhoub Alu.iuy -piuu.o, or as good.
Ogall us rtliimiy c. unaer, or us good.
100 gallons turpentine.
2o Ibn. Alb t y ooiup hi id No. 3, r as good.
2 dozen bottles sewing machine.
200 lbs. parralllnt In 1 rbcakes.
1 en e hxiu Kit-ist, i , hi HKgood.
Mens shoes.
20 pairs No. 6.
20 pairs No. 7.
20 pairs No.- 8.
20 pairs. No. 9.
Men's boots.
20 pairs No. 7.
1 doz.rpr. rubber boots1VJsizes,,from 8
to 10.
20 pairs No. 8.
10 pairs No. 10.
10 pairs No. 11.
Men's leather slippers.
20 pairs No. 6.
30 pairs No. 7.
30 pairs No. 8.
30 pairs No. 9.
30 pairs No. 10.
20 pairs No. 11.
10 pairs No. 12.
Ladles shoes. r
20 pairs No. S.
20 pairs No. 4.
30 pairs No. i.
30 pairs No. 6.
10 pairs No. 7.
Ladies carpet slippers.
20 pairs No. 5.
20 pairs No. 6.
20 pairs No. 7.
15 pairs No. 8.
10 pairs No. 9.
10 gross shoe laces.
3 gross pens, London Incandescent No. 4
2 gross pens, London Incandescent No. 6.
2 gtoss pens, London lncandescsnt No. i
1 gross pens, Gltlottd No. 401.
1 dozen pen holdars.
5 dozen lead pencils.
10 reams Wedgwood letter , paper, hair
sheet. n .
1 gross Indelible inn in Domes,
2 doz. bottles mucilage, Banforda Uni
versal. ... '
In barrels or boxes.
2,500 lbs. apples.
2.000 lbs. peaches.
1,500 lbs. prunes.
100 lbs. raisins,
1 dozen leather ilu-mrn, oKlrlcb.
1 doz. wash boards, best quality.
2 packages each 2, 3 and 4 lb tinned
rivets. .. .
1 pair 6 lb soiuering irons.
40J feet each Vt. and round Norway
iron. . ... . ., ...
100 feet eacn 7-io ana rounu nurvjr
Iron. .. ... ., ... ., .
75 rent eacn ix. lvix, mi
Norway iron.
t 74 reet eacn wy. -y. i7. j-t?
Norway iron. , . ....
10 feet each , , octagon tool steel.
10 feet each round tool steel.
keg each No. 3, 4. 5 front horse
shoes (Burden's light.
V, keg each No. 3, 4, 5 hind horse
shoes (Burden's light.
10 lbs. each No. 7 and 8 Putnam's horse
shoe nails. . .
5 lbs. each No. 6 Putnam's horse shoe
nails. . ...
26 lbs. each No. 3 and 4 Sweet's Amer
can toe calks.
10 lbs. each No. 2 Sweet'a .Ameri
can toe calks.
2 horse rasps, 14 inch, Hlller's.
1 iron saw handle for key-hole saw
with 6 s i h. 8 to mn bDixtnn'H.
2 each Morse twist drills to 7-lf by
l.'Otli will) inch hhank
30 lbs. each of , 1, IVi. 1. 1 Inch
round head rivets hi Inch.
2 each 6 Inch and 12 inch monkey
wrenchiH, iVo N
hi dozen each , hi. and 1 Inch of
Nos. 7, 8, 8, copper belt rivets.
2 belt punches, No. 7 and 8.
1 revolving punch with four punches.
100 each 1V4x3-16. 23-16, lxli, 2x14.
SxK. 2',&x and 6x inch carriage bolts.
100 each 1MixB-16 and 4x5-16 machine
25 ibs. each and iron washers.
10 lbs. each U end S blank nuts.
400 feet inch manllla, rope.
400 feet Inch manllla rope.
200 feet hi Inch manllla rope.
2 gross screws each, 1 Inch No. 7 and
11, 2 Inch No. 14, IU Inch No. 9 and No.
11 i iucr .No 7 Hint ..
I Ibs. brads each, , and inch.
1 s-l.lei i m b"n- bl s tl bl quality.
1 set glmblet brace bits.
V4 doz. compass saw blades, from I
Im-h ton In li. 'li n'
1 diamond for cuttng glass, No. 1.
1 set ptune, wouueu, btunlej's best.
1 claw hamuier Mo. 7
1 bet Firmer eocket elilseU, (Harton's.beat.)
5 lbs. acid carbolic cryst. pure.
10 lbs. add muriatic commercial.
1 lb nitric acid C. P.
1 lb acid sallclllc powdered.
1 lb acid tannic.
10 Ibs. aqua ammonia concentrated lri
4 lb bottles.
10 lbs, ammonia muriate powdered.
2 lbs. ammonia carbonate.
5 lbs, ammouiu bromide
2 lbs. antlfebrln (Kalle and Co.)
2 Its. blue ointment.
Sib. DImh Mil Kiut Mi (-quibbs.1
2 lbs. chalk prep.
20 Ibs. cotton absorbant hospital.
1 lb calomel
2 Ibs. chloranodyne.
E lbs. chloroform (Squlbbs.)
10 lbs. chloral hydrate (Merck.)
Yt lbs. ether In hi lb cans (bquibbs.)
60 lbs. epsom sal
i lb t-ixl- In .-iKonilde of calcium
comp. (Tllden and Co.)
6 lbs. glycyrrhlza comp. powdered.
1 lb golden seal powdered.
5 lb hematic syrup hypophosphates (p.
I), and Co.)
H lb jalap powdered.
6 lbs. mustard ground.
1 lb opium powdered.
2 gallons oil carter (Baker's A. A)
S gallons oil malaga.
hi lb ell cloves pure.
1 tb oil orange pure.
hi tb oil peppermint pure.
U lb oil lavender pure.
H lb oil bargamont pure.
2 tbs. pepsin sacch. (Falrchllds.)
1 lb pepsin (Boudaults.)
4 lbs. phenacettn (Bayer.)
2S lbs. potash bromide bulk.
2 b It It r M ,
5 lbs. potash chlorate powdered.
B tbs. Dotash Iodide trran. iMilllneh.
I Its. notash citrate ms. fUilllne.
)Wt4U. -,.,
JWsJsflsWMJpll ! ill IJW WifWBSMNMaatafl
6 tbri, pyroptiOflpliRte of iron (Bqulbbi.)
H lb tartarate of Iron and potash.
2 Ibs. soda boras, powdered.
3 lbs. soda bromide.
1 lb soda hypophosphato gran.
i lbs, soda pnosphate gran.
2 lbs. solution chloride of Iron (Malllnc
krodts. 5 IbH. syrup hypophoephate compound
1 lb vanilla bean (Mexican.)
5 lbs. sulfonal (Bayer.)
A lb antlpyilne (Dr. Knorrs.)
30 gallons alcohol, 9E per cent.
5 gullons glycerine pure.
20 Ibs. vaseline XXX ref.
50 oz. quinine uiflphate (IC and M.)
2 oz. lunar caustic pure.
1 or. morphine sulphate (P. and T.)
Vi oz. Htryclmla sulphate cryst.
hi oz. Ted Iodide mercury.
1 oz. yellow oxide mercury,
2 oz, menthol.
M oz. cocaine, muriate.
1 lb sponges .surgions No. 1.
1 lb sponges carriage No. 1.
1 lb solution . subsurphate ,ef Iron
(Squlbbs.) " r
1 gross phials 1 oz.
2 gross phlalB 4 oz.
1 cross phials ( oz.
2 gross phials I oz.
2 gross cuika each No. 4, 6 and 8(tapor.)
3 gross pill boxes , .assorted sIzm N.
29, 30 nnd 41.
2,500 empty capsules No 1 (P. D. and
2,500 empty capsules No. 2 (P. D. and
Boluble hypodermic tablets.
1,000 hypo, tablets No. 9 in coses 10
bottles each (J. Wyeth Bios.)
2.0U0 hypo tablets No. 4S In cases 10
bottles each (J. Wyeth Bros.)
200 hypo, tablets No. 61 (J: Wyeth Bros.)
4 doz. cod liver oil Hm. (Phillips) large.
1 doz. Davidson's syringe No. 1.
2 doz. Davidson's syringe No. 2.
5 doz. camels hair pencils assorted.
4 doz. plasters Allcock'a porus.
4 doz. piasters Wells .strengthening.
2 boxes plasters .Meads adhesive (S.
and J.)
2 boxes Plasters silk tlslnglass sur
geon's pink (S. an'd J,)
2 boxes Plasters silk Isinglass Bur
gcon'u black (B. and J.)
2 boxes Plasters capsicum 8. and J.)
3 lbs. pills e. e. Imp. gelatin poated (3
D. and ,Co.)
200 pills alotn 1-5 grain (P. X. and Ce.)
00 pills aloine hi grain (P. D. and Co.)
600 pills aloln comp. (P. D. and Co.)
200 pills C. C. gran, pink 'A gr. (P.
V. and Co.)
200 pills assafoetlda 1 gr. (P. D. and
Co.)" " ..,.-
200 Jills jissafpetlda.24rr. (P. D. and
MM pi) s emmeneagngue .gelatine coated
(McK. and R.) r
3U0 pills' aloes et Ferrl.
1 lb fluid extract aconite root (P. D.
and Co.)
2 lbs. tluid ext. buchu (P. D. and Co.)
2 Ibs. fluid extract belladonna (P. D.
and Co.)
5 lbs. tld. ext. eascara sagrada (P. D.
and Co.)
1 lb fluid ext. capsicum (P. D.
and Co.)
1 Mi fluid ext. conlum ated (P. D.
and Co.)
2 ltd. dull ext cinchona comp. (P. D.
end Co.)
1 lb lid. ext. dlgltallls (P. D. and Co.)
2 itn. fid. ext. Kirger (P. D. and Co.)
1 lb fld. ext. gentian (P. D. and Co.)
2 lbs. lid. ext. henbane (P. D. and Co.)
u lua uu. Mac. lyeukcuuannea (P. D and
6 lbs. fid. ext Jalap (P. D. and Co.)
6 tbs. tld. ext. licorice (P. D. and Co.)
1 lb fid. ext. nux vomica (P. D. and Co.)
1 lb fid. axt orange peel (P.1 D. and Co.)
2 tbs. fid. ext. rhubarb (P. D. and Co.)
1 lb fld. ext. seneka (P. D. and Co.)
5 tbs. tld. ext. senna (P. D. and Co.)
1 lb fld. ext. squills (V. D. and Co.)
1 lb lid. axt. Squills comp. P. D. and
i lbs. fld. ext. sarsaparllla comp, for
syrup (P. D. ana Co.)
i Ids. fld. ext. wild cherry (P. D. and
200 Alter papers, round gray. No. 33
Dla. 13 Inches.
2 lbs. soda et potas, tart
Samples may be seen at the office of
the board. Goods must be in accordance
therewith, and be in original packages
when possible. Tne right to reject any
or all bids Is reserved. Delivery of sup
plies will be required within ten days'
notice of acceptance of bid. A copy of
the advettlsement must accompany each
bid., and the name of tbe class of sup-
Elles must be on the envelope. Each
Id must include all the items and to
tals in full of the respective class, with
exceptions of flour, meat and fish. Au
diting officers are prohibited from con
firming accounts of purchases when the
advertisement does not contain a full
and complete .description .of the articles
to be purchased. Bids will be opened at
2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, January 2, 1K94,
at the ofll.-e of the board, Salem, Oregon.
Board of Trustees.
Wm. A. MUNLY, Clerk of Board.
Htelnwoy, Ktmbe, Webber, Emer
hou and other pianos, Htorey t
Clark und EarhelT orguus, also all first
clues diflereut umkes.
He.wlng machines, smaller makes of
musical Instruments aud supplies..
Needles.otl and new parts for all makes'
of tuacljiues.
tiowlug , machines and organs re
lmired.und cleuned.
Two doors north of postofllce, Saletn,
llotcl Monterey.
Newport, - - Oregon.
Located on tbe Beacb,two miles noitb
of Newport on Cave Cove, a beautifully
sheltered spot, wonderful -scenery, ee
bathing, fine drives to Cape Foul weath
er lighthouse. House new, rooms large
and airy. Finest resort for families or
invalids. Open all winter. Terms
moderate by day or week. Intending
visitors can drop a postal card to New
port aqd bo met by hack.
John Fitzpatrick,
fJ-2-m Proprietor.
Legal Blank Publishers.
Bush's NewJrIck,over 1he;bapk,Com'i:treet-
Persons wishing to engage muslo for the
holdays or any other oocas.lon will do well to
see us. Can furnish one or more violins or s
mamy piece as desired. Kirstbouiie touts
of Lincoln School bouse, or Salem Post ofllce.
Geo mirivkk, manager. W lau
Rheumatism ,
Lumbago, Sejatlof
Kldny Complalntf
Lams BacKj
ww Kiotro-Maanetlo SUSPCNCuki
nil etin wltbou necllclna all WiImi rMaltlnr,"
erwtauMan of bnln i
I wm ton mimi
W mrmt
"'J'""'"'1 1 Ikle umI itrr otkr MM.