Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 22, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$:$.)0 a Year.
28 eta. a aamtk by
Prepaid Ib Adhraaee.
I A Xa Papers' Sent
'A'ubo is Uat.
VOL.. 6.
Served Exclusively to the
21,477,212 People admitted to
the World's Fair Grounds,
i urn i ! mi nnrearanrtr. -----
Universally accepted as the
Leading Fine Coffee of the World.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of a IKis ds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
K. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OEEIOE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem. V
W. A. TBMPLRTOy, Gcn'l Agent.
NO. 30 f:
Kansas Kidnappers After Baby
Foy Tells About tho Dr.
Cronin Murder.
If vou want your house pro
perly heated at small expense call on
-us at
BURROUGHS 103 State Street.
Now Here
,nd More Coming.
Holiday Goods
Tb? KeuKst, Most Attractive,
A Kansas Hoax.
Topeka, Die. 22. A special to tho
Capital from Abilene, Kansas, says.:
Letters written b,- one R. F. Book and
dated at Topeka, have been fouud here,
which outlined a scheme for the kid
napping of Ruth Cleveland next mouth
five people were nameJ aa implicated
iu the deal.
Kansai Cranks.
Abilene, Kansas, Dec. 22. Two
letters were picked up on the Blreet
here y a coutrywoniau and hauded tn
the Police. One from Topeka, dat
ed December 10, says: "We h ive con
cluded to mike Jobs of the White
House business. It means thousands
to us to got the child Ruth and we
will get her too In January."
The other was of easier date, from
Minneapolis, it said. "We have every
thing leady !or ihe White Houbo, and
will send Qroyer to Hades when the
buirle sounds. We will also get our
$ JO ,000. Wo havo never failed lu our
j ilw and won't now. There 1b much
more lu the houses of the (join uugs
and Vanderbllt." The police consider
the letters I e work of cranks.
Stnnce Court Scene.
Chicago, Ills., Dec. 22 In the
Coughlln trial this morning, Mrs. An
drew Foy testified, with a policeman
near her, to guard her against harm
that bad been threatened.
Mrs. Foy testified that after the mur
der of Crouin, Coughlln called at her
house and asked for her husband. Hhe
told him she was ufrald her husband
had beeu arrested. Coughlln replied:
'Oh there's no proof against us. He's
ull rgbt." Contiuued Mrs. Fey:
"Coughlln, this is an awrul thing you
have doue. Dr. Cronln will do more
harm, dead than alive." He laughed
and said: "I need not worry, Alexan
der Sullivan Is a good friend of your
husband and of mine and he will take
care of you."
A number of Insanity experts testi
fied In the Prendenrast trial today.
They believed the prisoner sane and
responsible for his acts.
can please
. .. ..,. ,. .n huv a penny's worth, as we
llir.TiJr,nds. Atoo keen toe Anew m . . rYaN & cu.
jPinaudB. aito '"-; .of noatofllce.
Barn and residence . " "- -j
Fst - -c,et trza w
trv to spend your uuuu.o ..-. , , vhatyou
f ir monev snent. bee ueio a Vw
buy for vo 7 Ht tle money at
Rescued From a Burning Mine
Through Ventilating Shafts.
MlNONK, III., Dec. 22 -At 5 o'clock
yesterday a fire, which is still burning,
brok out in a mine operated by t be
Oblc-go& Mlnouk Cotd Mining Co.,
situated one mile from the city. The
flames held 200 miners in deadly peril
of their lives. All escaped, however,
and few were injured. The man most
seriously hurt was George Erblaud,
who caused the disaster. He attempted
to light a torch while standing near a
can of konweue. The oil fUmed up.
In his effort to extinguish the Are Erb
laud upset the can of kerosene, which
at once gave the flames great Impetus.
The dry timber lining of the walls of
the main shaft were ablaze tn an in
stant, and tho fire spread with such ap
palling rapidity that It seemed as
though the men In the shaft must per
ish. About luO of them escaped
through tbe main shaft before the Are
rendered it impassable. Two huudred
meu were still at the bottom of the
shaft, and the fire was spreading furi
ously. Tho wildest kind of a panic
prevailed uround the mouth of the
shaft, where tho families of Imprisoned
miners and other gathered.
They found there was not sufficient
hose to reach far enough down the
abaft to be of ubo in extinguishing tbe
flames and the Illinois Central at once
dispatched an engine to Eureka for
more hove. It caiue remarkably soon,
tud two gallant fellows raado the at
tempt to descend the shaft. Tbe smoke,
however, was pouring out in such
clouds that tbe men w re dragged back
naif suffocated, and two others seized
tbe hose and Btarted down. They
were also drawn back nearly dead
and a third equally unsuccessful at
tempt was made. Then It seemed that
uuleis tbe men succeeded In escaping
by the ventilating shafts, their hop;
was gone. There were three ventilat
ing shafts, and to thqpe the men in the
mine had rushed, crazed wjth fear,
burned with tbe fallen timbers and
choked and 'blinded by tbe amoke,
which was .rapidly filling tho mine.
Fortunately, every man reached the
foot of one of these shafts and was
quickly drawn to the surface. Inside
of an hour after Erbland bad started
the tire all the man wero safe above
Mauy reached the upper air in a
desperate condition, but medical aid
and freah alrsoon brought them around,
and all will recover, with the exception
of Erbland, whose Injuries were re
ceived from the explosion of a cau of
oil. At midnight the lire was burning
furiously and wbb beyond control. It
Ib Impossible to approximate the dam
age. Harrison Honored.
Philadelphia, Dec. 22.-The re
owntlon of ex-PresIdeut Harrison at the
Union League club was o success of
creat magnitude. Representatives of
every class and of both great parties at
tended. United States senators mm
representatives, the governor and his
executive staff, members of the legisla
ture, and citizens, 1,500 of whom paid
their respects to the ex-presldent.
Fatal Explosion.
u-nnYViLLB. Tenn., vto. zs.-iv
Report of Committee on Foreign
Sororo Dissection of tho Wilson
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Against the Friends of a De
Ashland, Or., Dec. 22.-I the case
of Jackson county vs. tbe bondsmen or
ex-Treasurer Bloomer, the defaulting
county treasurer, the evidence has all
. a.l. ,1nwn In
been submlltea ana ibucu uu-
shorthaud, but as some time will be oo
cupled In transcribing It. the argument
will not be beard for some time yet.
Bloomer defaulted for about $8000, and
.no,i th country. His bondsmen
... mni hla to make good the sbort-
. A il,lr,istrnni? lezal fljtlit , ". . ' n...u Tr..MU l U
age, db ""."-:. 77 :,nlnt, te'.ephane irom ou.u ---
Donas set uoiuo, v.-.-. , ,h , tne pone, or tne doquibu
defaulter at the
is w
from Mas-
that a battle o-
and nothing
We have handkerchiefs in great variety
makes a more acceptable present.
Ladles Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 15. g. .
elite ,, 60, 1.50
Towels 600. J1.60 per pair.
Bureau Bcarfs, 60, 60, 75.
Winder Ties, 25c.
Genu Cravats, 350. 600. do ojc, 25o.
Dolls of every de-cnpn''n
KU1 body dolls 250 WOO. , , 60of3.00.
Drcseed, dolls, i6r. W 1.25.
iron toys, zov, "" ,. , to
A fine line or pruea 15c, f l.w- , M ,,,
nepfa cutt and co lar jjnxwf 1 y
Purses for ladle .and centiem
Bilk umbrellas .'? 10c, 60c.
Roxes paper and envelopes,
Cutm and saucer. 10,5,500.
IoAMltoyBfor5c,10oandcU .j St
EJ.F.Osbukn, D1
to have the
.i. tllrtAnmr WAR
., ..t. n,.inn term as treasurer and
the county court was cognizint of Bucb
abo rtage at tbe time.
Poor Dervishes.
CAino, Dec. 22.-Adv!cea
t. x?.trt ainia Liiab
BOWBU, CHI"!.-,. .,.. .., -ml
purred between tne uanu w.- -DervSheson
December 2, in which one
i,n.,dred Dervishes were killed.
Latest From Brazil.
Wabiiinotox, Dee. 22 -Tbe govern-
log the capture oi '""""-- tT..
" . . ' l .iQ..i fur some time tnai
,,,,lou.r..r. l '
The urazmau ,
Ilu proren w l;WW
eJJri xtUn In tin U
the ( ' Vrt ""
losrnMl that the boiler
Timber and Lumber company'n plant
exploded today, killing four or live men
. i ..!.-. ...I nitnn'Atn.V
injuring several omcia w..,
demolishing the plant.
Bread for the Needy.
Portland. Or. Dec, 22.-Mayor Ma-
son publlnbes the following; ully
realizing that scarcity of work may manv families to want
for the necessaries of life In the city of
Portland, and, for the purse of mak
lug some home happier at this Christ-
mas time, l win uisinuUlw ..-.-,
a carload of flour, one sack to each fum.
Ily applying "-' " " J ' n
DK ami'dl building,) on Baturday, D
oember23. The door will open at 8 a.
I f'TiU
Excitement in Brazil.
rumors reached here from various
"... uiitnli lend an air of credulity
IHlUli.") .... .,.,..,
to tbem, to the HieciiuaiiMn.u ..-.
-.!:!. ni Janeiro, after two Uajb
ElUry fluting, a determined
mS lu for- ..! capturnl thee Ity.
I," added that iWdentlMxotohw
llgned In f-vor of AdmlralDeM.llo,
nd that PdxolotoM',D.
BAriFBASOiso.., Dec Sl.-wnew,
. .i mi fv 1.201.
TmcAot),!). 21. --'. 'i'
.. - tui.ui b11pv
On Hawaii.
Washington, Dec. 22, The house
committee ou foreign attuirs considered
the resolutions introduced by Hill and
Boutelle relative to the Hawaiian pol
icy of the administration, and decided
to report a substitute, which, when re
ported by Chairman MuCreary, of the
committee, caused a scene In the house.
Only three Republican members of the
committee vere present. The meeting
was not marked by auy lively demon
stration. Following Is the substitute
for the Hill aud Boutelle resolutiens:
Whereas, It appears from the execu
tive communications sent to the house
of representatives that tho Uplted
Btates minister and the United States
naval forces at Honolulu exceeded their
authority iu January, 1603, and Illegal
ly aided lu overthrowing tbe constitutional-government
in Hawaii, and Bet
ting up in its place a provisional gov
ernment, not republican In form, In
opposition to will of the minority of tbe
peoplo of Hawaii; therefore,
Resolved, That It Is tbe son so of this
houso that such Intervention by the
government, Its representatives or
armed forces Ib contrary to tbe policy
aud the traditions of our repnbllu and
the spirit of our constitution, and
should be and Is emphatically con
demned. Representative Storor, of the com
mittee, offered a substitute for the reso
lution adopted by tho majority, vhloh
was rejected and which Btorer wished
to Bubdtitute as a minority report, fol
lowing la the resolution wnlcn em
bodies tho votes of the minerity:
Whereas, Executive communications
to congress dlsolose that the executive
department has furnished to a minister
plenipotentiary of the United States
secret Instructions to consplro with the
representatives uud agonts of a deposed
discarded monarchy for the overthrow
of a friendly republican government,
duly recognized by all civilized nations
to which said minister was accredited,
and to whloh his public Instructions
pledged tbe good faith and Bympathy
of tho presideut, government aud peo
pie of the United Btates. .
Resolved, That It Is the sense of this
house that any such Intervention by
the executive of the United Btates, Its
civil or mlllUry representatives or offi
cers, without the authority of congress,
Is dangorouaand unwarranted, an In
vasion of the rights and dignities of
tbe congress of the United States and a
violation of the law of nations; and
further, that the manner ofauoh at
tempted intervention by the executive
and the methods used were unworthy
of the executive department of the
United Btatea, while the confessed In
tent of such intervention is contrary to
the policy and traditions of tbe republic
and the spirit of the constitution.
Eeod's Beport.
Washington, Dee. ei tub report
of the minority members or the ways
aud means committee wan submitted
to the house yesterday arternoon. i nai
portion of the report discussing the bill
generally was prepared by Rjed. The
report ys: "The most surprising
thing about this bill is the fcet that It
Is a proposition to raUe revenues for
ibm. which are only $2,000,000 above
nences. This fact and the fact that
hv this bill a large part of the burd n
of taxation Is transferred from foreign.
ersand brought to our own ciui
should always be kept lu mind. Had
the bill been for revenue only, the peo
ple of the country mlghtseeat a glance
whether they desired one polioy or the
other and the question inlht have
been saltled nno for all and the couij.
try attalnei to that repoie and stabil
ity on which our prosperity w much
depends, doing Into the details of the
bill, the mluomy -rJ .mi
ber pun inrougn mo ... i-.
boards, workmen who manage sawa
are Uh unprotected while workmen
who run plane re shielded by pro
tective taritr taxes. The new method
ofeucouralog mnuf-ctureM by glv
iH. w!..L Is called 'free rw nulerUU
so that what go Into the mill pays no
taxes and what goet Into consumption
..,. .ii iIih taxes.
It unfortuuaU-ly happens, also, that
,.Z r- mttrll u another man'a flu-
for revenue tariff and yet does not raise
the revenue; It pretouds to give pro
tection but destroys It In every way.
It says to the manufacturer, for you we
furnish free coal, Iron ore, uud the
markets of the world. Iuntiad, how
ever, It furnishes a crop of uncmles,
men who dig in tho mines aud raise
sheep; for it really creates what Its ene
mies falsely charge agaluBt Republican
protection-privileged class, agulnst
which the mines and field will array
themsolves and with which the priv
ileged class does not care to be priv
ileged. What exact eflecl tho proposed
duties would have on tho general rto
of wages in this country can only be
determined by an actual test, but it Is
not dlllloult to see that It will be de
pressing. An ad valorem duty, if
prices could bo actually determined,
would be fair, but unfortunately prices
are very much a matter of opinion aud
in asuiucu ub the duty depends upon
the price, a cheat on price Is n cheat on
duty, aud not only Is the government
cheated, but tho manufacturer I cheated
out of tho protection promUed him.
How tho great deficit lu our resources,
aa a nation, Is to be filled no one knows,
unlesa the president, anticipating lu
his message to congress tho report of
tho committee on ways and means
shall afford to tho commltleo Itself the
wished for cluo.
The report characterizes tho woolen
schedule as destructive of tho wool
growiug Industry, the seventh tn value
of produotB among all branches of agri
culture. At the prices now prevailing
lu foreign markets our farmers cannot
produce wool without absoluto loss.
During the past year the threat of
free wool has depreciated tho value of
shoo? and wool lu the United Btates
fully f60,000,000. Over 100,000.000 are
Invested, and a quarter of a million
operatives are employedlu the manu
facture of woolens and this Industry Is
oflcred up an' a sacrifice ou tho altar of
(arid reform. Attention Is directed to
the efleot of placing iron ore on tho free
list. Tho result of this will be tho loss
of over half a million In revenue, and
to admit to competition with American
ores, foreign ores produced at from one
fourth to one-tenth the cost of produc
ing American ores. Great slguillcance
is attached to the fact that while hoop
and band Iron and steel bear thirty per
cent, duty iron ore and atoel ties for
baling cotton are on the freo list. The
cotton scale shows the same luuonslst
epcy. The removal of tho duty from
bituminous coal la considered au amaz
ing proposition for the reason that coal
has little value except what It gets from
labor; It is the most universally preva
alent of all the subjects of American
Industry; the plate glsss luduniry la
cited aa a splendid example of tho bene
fits of the protective system. Ameri
can competition and enterprise have
reduced prices one-half In the past
ten years; twelve plants with a capital
of 18,000,000 employ 8000 men and sup
port 40,000 peopl.
a man's term of otllce expire befer It 1
out, and who has the power to rett i
member o ' the o mncl ? The old mm-
ell cau meet next Tuetday evening i
spite of Air. Gatoh'a ubiojree. JX m
meet every night u,itit' Jab. j5J." r
o'd council U uit retired. ,T
farce of running to man but at tt
book aud call of the Mayor and to fwltj
his purposes should be ended, Dmj
auyono doubt if the council wero sub?
servjeut to his wishes that .Maya!
Gatch would oppose having it neet
early and often? It is at DemooratleJ
dictation auJ to wreak h s personal of-
position to a rival banker that leadai
the Mayor to take the unwarranted!
steps that ho tins taken and whkte
should BUbect him to severe orltlQkcs.'
The city council should meet audi
carry out Its work of reform in reduc
ing city expenses aud plaelng the city?
ou a cash basis. It should not allow J
Itself to be disorganized and driven,
from Its purpose of reform by the quar
rel between Mayor Gatoh and Banker;
Albert, which his honor Is carrying onJ
to the detrlmeut of publla biwluesa'; '
riiosoheino is plainly an .expensive'
ono to the city. It fa to prevent redue
tious In city expenses until after the '
present city officers and police force n'M
reelected. Then the cry wlllbe, ytw!
csunot reduce a man's salary while he :v;
Is in ofilce. Tho reduction of $4800
should bo made. Another (1000 ahould ,
tie cut oft Marshal Mlnt'a fee and
salary. Hois receiving ?1C00 a year,
feca Ju justice court aud othe r per qui. '
Ues amounting In all to about $90QQ a
Tho reduction of 51005 in that offloe
would pay three men ou tho streots foe
a your, and support three families, and
Marshal Mluto cannot say that It la tiot
a fulr proposition. That laboring men
should bo discharged and his high sal
ary continual is an unjust proposition
on the face ot It. The mayor's plan If
carried out Is to contlnuo the present
salaries; to continue warrants at a dis
count and high rate of Interest; to con- ,
tlnue to gain for our city tho reputation
for repudiation aud prevent going oats
a cash basis, This Is not a credltabk
program for a Republican mayor, R
publicans should not bo deceived Into
supporting It mi the ground that duty
to party requires it. No such revolu
tionary methods should ho counten
anced In our city government. The
members of the city council committed
to reform should uot be drives from
their purposo by any such methods.
The plan la to force tho city to repu
diation; to retain tho presout force oa
high salaries; to continue tho present
state of bankruptcy and to stop all pub
llo Improvements and build up a politi
cal ring. Dies any lutolllgont bulBa
man or friend of this city favor soh a
program? Wo do uot hpllevo there !
"Aa old m
novor oxcoll
od. "Tried
and proven"
is tbo verdict
of millions.
Liver ItogUf
lator u tho
-W-. . lOV
5zionlv Livor
JLJGft'Gf and Kidney
The old city council U not t unet
again. Gentlemen, you have your or-
ders. Although adj turned to nexi
Tuesday evening, and although thero
I urgeut publlu bunlHeiH, the council Is
expected to obey orders.
The mayor and His menus are pur
suing revolutionary methods. He has
caught the Grover Cleveland spirit of
nlavlnir the nrt of being ft bigger man
than the covernmeut. He has left lh
city and given his orders to hi frlimU
that there hall bono meetlugof the
city council until his return. Aud IhU
lu spite of the fact tint llw oounoll
standi adjourned to next Tuesday even
ing; and that there U pending a rna-
ureof publloeoanoinv involving u -v-InBtothe
city ft H00 aigued by live
numbers of the city council; aud that
city warrants are at a. dltciunt of from
ten to twenty perceut uuu irawmg
elght pr ont wheu th y cn Im fund
ed at much lower rato of loterejt, Iu
spite of the-e crltloU condition"", tu
myr Is announced to U abwnt from
.. ... n.4 ......... il a ulnnllllirtll Hht
mo onj, ' -"- - - utort
aonouoord to u annul. kin
Ono of the Myor'aprgBoVclurM Ig, Tacowa. Wwaaati "n.
i'H U probable the rllrlng aldermtu i wsvitHY rA&Ummrm.
W already ietlre4, Blntjf wUen dot w Mm s im
laodiciner to
vfbicb yo
can pin your
faith for
cure. A.
mild laxa
tivo, ft R d
purely veg;
ctabl, ot
ing directly
on the, Livwr
a a d Kid-
noya. Try it.
Bold by U
DruggUU in Liquid, or in Powfcr
tobutaksadryormaKkiBlo .
-1 bate u! your JMwmops Uvr
.InarhMl D IUir"W8. W.
khed product, ThU Mil pretend q he
Wall Wl' f l'
yjltyW "f60 " tn
. Iliili" ifc'
r ' M