Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 21, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    1 4 mm i i jmhha
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Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
SCctn. a taetfc Sir; m
Prepaid la Ativanee. ,
Ne Paper Sfcal
Tirao s OutvV .
The New York Racket
Has just Received a new Stock of
Holiday Goods
Lfouaot an sizes, picture books, toys, albums, dressing
cases, toilet sets, shaving sets, work boxes, games, perfumery
odor sets, travelling sets, mirrors, manicure sets, fancy towels!
-v.., vttuiu iiuouo, uuyjios, ana a large line ot
Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers,
fancy notions of all kinds for presents in endless variety.
Our extremely low prices apply to holiday goods as well as to
all other lines. Buy of us and save 50 par cent oh your
presents for Christmas.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
Proposed by the Annexationists.
Great Britain Remaining in the
While Tkere is an America Left
Alivo on the Islasds
Hawaiian Politics.
Ed. C. Cross
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of a lliinds
95 Court and
1X0 State Streets.
K. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, b.ALEM.
W. A. TEMPLETON, Gcn'l A lent.
If you want your house pro
perly heated at small expense call on
us at
Now Herb
and More Coming.
Holiday Goods
Th; N .u)?si, Most Attractive,
. . . , u.. .. wnrth. as we can nlease
See our Mammoth BtncK neiore yuu "" -""j
you best of a.l, and can surely -eg & SALISBURY
Completed and ready to wait on cummers Horses J ,
Barn aDd residence a uiock ""
TN these times when it is so necePsary to economize you musj
r Wl1-
buy for e ynttle money at
We have handkerchiefs in great variety and nothing
makes a more acceptable present.
-' Ladles Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 16, M. . 30,
' " bk .. 50, 1.60 :-
Towels 60o, f 1.50 per pair.
Napkins 76c, $2 50 per t.
.Bureau Scarfs, 60,60, 75.
"Winder Ties, 25c.
flenta Cravats. S5o. 60c. j, , 05c.
Dolls of every de:crlplion-CUlnaaoi., i
Kid y.gfrffw Doll bugles. 60o f3.00,
'oL'8'1' Blocks 20o. 11.25.
A floe Hue of games 15c, Ji.oo.
Gerit'a cutt ami collar boxes $ 1 Ofl . H
Furaes for ladles ana wuu .
r-.L-B miH miueere. 10c, ooc
SdeS. toy. for 5c, lOo.ndlSct,
San Francisco, Dec 21, Following
correspondence of Associated Press
from Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands of
date Dec. 14, was received teday:
Last advices received from Uuited
States came by barketine Q. L. Per
kins. Among these was the Ex-queen's
statement made to Blount. Prominent
royalists say tbis statement Is reliable
and it sets forth In a succinct manner
the claims of the royalists. Political
aflulrs are In a state of. abeyance await
ing news which is expected on the
Alameda due Dec. 21. Tuo Provision
al Government la carrying out a line of
defense and the work of fortifying the
executive building Is still progressing
as a result of the action of the advisory
council, a number more of royalist
sympathizers have been removed from
public o 111 co.
Minister Willis has nothing to say
on tne situation oeyona mat no is
awaiting further instructions from
Washington. All eflorts to And out
tbeposltlontbatr will bo taken by the
British in caso there should trouble
arise has so fur failed.
It Is generally understood that tbeex
queen's policy, should she be restored,
would be one of general amnesty, with
the exception of a tew men, at the bead
of the provisional government. The
annexutlouihts claim that l he ex queen
will never have a cDance to display
either good will or hatred toward these
men so long as there Is an American
alive in Hawaii. The ill health of
President Dole Is causing much anx
iety. Among the annexationists the
Idea of forming a commonwealth in
Hawaii. In case the present government
is left upon its own resources, is taking
deep root. Tbis afternoon, the minis
ter of Finance presented a report
which shows the financial condition of
the government Is lu a most prosperous
condition. The revenue cutter, Cor
win, arrived unexpectedly this morn
lug. It Is understood Capt. Munger
delivered the executive dispatches to
Minister Willis.
Interviews with tbecablnetshow that
the provisional government Interprets
aignmcant Ruling in the Case of
Glen O. Holman.
Portland, Dec. 21. Iu the Chinese
conspiracy trial the taking of testimony
was completed this forenoon and ar
gument begun. Judge Bellinger an
nounced from the bench that In thn
caseofdefeudaut Glen O. Holman he
would set any other verdict than "not
guilty" asldo.
Oongressioaal Proceedings.
Washington, Dec 21. In the sen
ate Procter Introduced a bill to annex
Utah to Nevada.
At 3:45 p., m. the senate adjourned
until January 8rd, 1894.
The New Mexico statehood bill gros
over to holldaylrecess, the DemocrHts
being unable to get a quorum of the
bouse to take u up today.
Boutolle sent to tbe.clerk'a desk and
had read, a resolution, questioning the
authority of Blount to command the
American naval ofllcers at Honolulu.
The vice president deollned to-allow
him to discuss the resolution without
unanimous consent, which be could
not obtain. The resolution referred to
Minister and Senator Speak on
- m
ort. $
Shakcspearo Drawn Upon by tho
Nestor of Hassackusotts.
the committee on naval affairs.
House at 3:10 odjourued until Jan
uary 3d.
Cattle thieves un b-ing prosecuted at
Fob-11. i
The freshet in the Coqutlle river last
week did considerable damage to the
The Pacific mills of Tacoma. are to
resume work this week, giving employ
ment to 100 men.
Snow plows are kept in readiness to
keep open the road in the Siskiyou
A warrant was sworn out for the ar
rest of Charleiou Perkins, ofSpeucer,
Oregon, for the crime of stealing cattle.
There are 11. slgjiera on luo $200,000
bond of George Flizhugh; receiver of
the Walla Walla, Wash., Savings bauk,
Couuty Commissioner Friars, of Soo
homisb, Is filling orders for 1,800,000
feet of lumber for the Great Nortberu
suow sheds.
The superior court judges of Tacoma
have decided to line attorneys 5 to $20
fur tiling frivolous motions or demurrers.
Of the two gun truo ranchers, Birr Is
lu the Whatcom jail without bonds,
for murder, and young I'lxley Is held
in 11000 ball as a witness.
Fred Braunau, the Freewater, Wash.,
boy thot at a charivari, is dead, and
Lem Grahum, the youth who fired the
shot, Is now In custody.
Candidates for county offices may be
reminded that clerk and sheriffs
throughout the state will be on salary
Instead of fees hereafter.
A gunning accident occurred Monday
at the residence of John Krler on Chen
owelb creek, In which his 10 year old
sou was shot lu the right side, the ball
ranging around aud coming out at the
back. ,
Augusta, Me., Dec21.-Ex-MInlstor
Stevens Is out lu reply to President
Cleveland's Bovoro strictures on him In
his Hawailau message. Stevens Bays
the president's criticism Is but a feeble
repetition of Gresham'a .statement pre
viously published. "President (!lv.
land's grossly untrue and shamefully
unjusi allegation against myself and
tne naval commander reatB entirely on
the statements of a notoriously corrupt
minister or the fallon queen, of Wilson,
the queen's favorite, and other thor
ougbly discredited testimony. I repeat
hero what has. been amply verified
again and again, that uelther by force
or by threat of force or by any action of
mine was the fall of the monarohy pre
For months prior to Nov. 1802, there
had been a continual struggle between
the legisature and the queen as to their
respective rights aud only the remark
able self possession of the respectable
and responsible men of tho Islands pre
vented an outbreak at au earlier day.
Believing there was no prospect of aet-
tlelng the difficulty, Stevens left Ho no
lulu on January 4th on a trip to Hllo,
returning January I4tb In company
with Capt. Wlltz, aud found the city
In great excitement and tho tide of
revolution already surging. Slovens
attempted to caln access to tho queen
and try, by friendly advice, to arrest
the revolution but was to late to pre
vent her carrying out her plan or over
turning tbe constitution. WhattooK
place on the afternoon of Jan. 14th,
ended the monarchy forever. - That
the Hawaiian monarohy was overturn
ed by United Stats forces was and Is
put forth for tho so'e purpose of bring
ing discredit on the preceding admin
istration nt Wellington and on the
acting foreign relations committee of
the United States senate, supposed to
favor annexation.
Highest of all in Leavening rowers Latest U. S. GoVt Rep,
J Baking
This Is your chance: vou shall nnr.
hend all vagrant men, aud you aro to
om any man stand, In the prlnco'a
name." Watchmnn-"How If ho will
not stand?" Dogberry-"Why, then
take no note of him, but let him go."
Tho quotation evoked n wavo of laugh
ter. At tho conoluslon of Hoat's re
marks tho message of the president and
tho information sont In response to Mr.
Hoar'a resolution somo davs airo. wnm
ordered printed and referred to tho com
mittee on foreign relations. Mr. Mor
gan, chairman of the committee on for
eign relations, submitted n resolution
for the purpose of settlement of the
charges mado against this and the
former administration regarding Ha
waiian polloy.
Jameson, who Is under Indictment
Cleveland's messagelo congressto mean:, Bj Wuatcom for shooting a colored man
I will restore tbe ex-queen peaceably.
if possible, and lu case I find this can
not be done, I will refer the matter to
Congress for settlement." The royal
ists are uneasy at the prospect, and the
annexationists declare that If they are
fated to go down, It will lie with colors
fl..i.,nrifi nmid the "pomp and clr-
cumalance" of actual war.
Condemns Stevens.
ivjohikoton. D. C. Dee. 21. Tbe
hwe committee on Foreign Affairs
agreed to report the substitute for the
Hiit Hawaiian resolution. The sub
stitute condemns the actldn of Minister
Great London Fire.
London. D-c. 21.-A fire started
this morning in the Hovey & Sons
draper establishment. It spread to
five other establishments and is still
burning. The loss already amounts to
a million dollars.
has been surrendered by bin bondsmen
at his own request. He has been feel
ing strangely and fears his mind Is fall
ing blm.
The estimated gross earnings of the
Northern Pacific railroad for the mouth
of November, 1893, were $1,731,833, aud
c Jin pare with actual gros earnings for
tbe same period of 1892 of $2,302,012,
showing a decrease of 067,204.
The big pile raft at Coos bay was
towed out over the bar successfully Sat
urday by the tug Liberty and the
steamer National City. The raft con
tains 3315 piles of an average length of
70 feet, the raft was 020 feet long.
John R HurUon, au old soldier
from Tillamook, arrived at a Forest
Grove hotel the other day, bound for a
hospital lu Portlaud. He wa travel
ling afoot, was eight days on the road
and lay out on the mountains without
food two nights.
A. M. DeDranoe, a South Dakota
cowboy, hss been sentenced to prison
for life tot holding up mall carrier,
which netted him one cent, The same
BMW MBBW . .V; l.Vnrut rtMC
!! ll?nStSsc Mr ' court seot Mber, VnMmt of tho Oaj-
f, JWSuP' lu it National bank of Lincoln, Neb.,
unninK " " wt ...; ..bin nit em inuu - ..
!,iiunoii veillK III ft Large bed of
icnno -
ranninr sort
I. . 1 fUtf KIM no
lif. i ouht to
5 ,'our wundtfful rswdr. JJcSy.
tor stealing tf.OOO.OJO
Large bed of oysters have been un
covered in the vicinity of Kllllsuoo,
Alaka, It has always been supposed
th. water, of Al-szn were Uk cold for
,c wonderful oysters, but the natives say this lsu
KEMEDy-w!' iM error, as the Japan current strike and
vt pukikUTrtSH' influences the wster of that i-trlloo of
r . k a . 11 ii rviar iiih iivi wr tan luiiiu
In Congress.
Wabiiinoton, Dec. 21. The Ha
wailau question was disposed of for the
present in tho senate, when, after
Hoar's argument the message and lis
nccompanylug documcuta were referred
to the committee on foreign relations.
That committee was dlreoted to inqulro
and report whether, and If so, what,
irregularities have occurred In the dip
lomatic or other Intercourse already
had between the Uuited States and Ha
wulllu relation to the recent revolution
In toose isiauds. Tho resolution for a
Joint committee of throe senators and
three members of tho houso to exam
ine and report to coughs upon the
Maratlme Canal company of Nicara
gua', with authority to visit Nicaragua,
was agreed to. Tbe senate also con
curred lu tne uouse resolution for a
holiday recess from today until Janu
ary 8, 1804. The resolution oflertd by
Mr, Frye, calling upon the secretary of
state for information as to whether per
mission had been granted to any foreign
cable telegraph company to land a line
on the coast of the United States since
March 1, 1802, and whether su h per
mission had been refused to such com
pany prior to that date, was taken up
aud agreed to.
Mr, Hoar then addressed the senate
on the Hawaiian question, He reviewed
the events iu Hawaii up to the Inaugu
ration of Cleveland aud said: "That
there took place a certain transaction
which ftuggested the American que
tlon, who Is the United States of
America, who reprcseuts, lu great na
tional and International aflalrs, Its pur
poe, Its honor, aud Its i o y a to Its
foreign relations." The question of
the legality of the proceedings had as
to mount's appointment was a ques
tion which It was the duty of tbe sen
ate to deal with, The president, when
ho undertook to decide that question
and to withhold from tbe people of
the Unlled Statin information of what
he was doux until all was settled one
way or other, M-emed to have suppos
ed that he was the Uuited States of
America aud that whatever the phrasw
meant, It was but a synonym for him
There was but oue parallel for Willis'
IntlruutloDs, aud that was Dogberry's
Instructions to Watch.
"Hun, I thought blm to le the most
Bank Closing.
Nkw Yokk, Dee. 21. Before the
time for opening this morning Superin
tendent of Stato Banks Preston posted
the following notice on the door of the
St. Nicholas bank "Tlils bank Is closed
lienuing examination." President
Graves dec' a res tho closing of tho bauK
a high hauded proceeding, us the bank
Is solvent.
An Insanity Case.
New Youk, Dec. 21. -The Jury In
the case of Dr. II. O. F. Meyer, for poi
soning Gustavo Baum, was discharged
on account of hopeless insanity. Tho
Juror Low case will have to bo retried.
Drowned In a Mine.
Pottsvjxlk, Pa., Dee. 21.At the
OakjJIll colliery tljila morning three or
mora minors wcro drowned by the
breaking In of water from an old working.
21. - Wheat,
01; May
cash S1.07J May 1.20'.
Ciiioaqo, Dec. 21. Cash,
PoitTiiAND, Dec. 21. Wheat val'ey
I.02J; Wal a Walia $.82J.
Catarrh Cannot bo Oared
with Local Applications, an they can
uot reach the Hcut of tho dlseuvo. Cat
arrh Is a blood or constitutional (lisoase.
aud In order to cure It you must take
Internal reuililleB. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is in Ken internally, arm acts directly on
the blood and raocous surfaces. IIullV
Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine.
It was prescribed by one of the boot
nhyslcausln this country for veers, and
Is a regular prescription. It Is compos
ed of the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, autlug di
rectly ou tbe iiiocous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingredi
ents Is what produces suoh wonderful
results lu curing Catarrh, Send (or
testimonials, free,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props,
Toledo, O. Sold by druggists. Price 75c.
swbtt sreunc cofi". j thtn
A)li' n
IAIakai that the oyster can thrlvo aenselp and tit muu for constable of
there the n where eh j tbo watch, thtrcfore Uar your huUrn,
There are extreme views for and
against a bonding ordinance The city
should not sutler lu Its 1uhIiipsi Inter
ests on account of personal opinions rr
Interests of any city ofllolal or ny
private Interest. Thoro is a reasonable
and sensible mlddlo course to pursue
that should commend lUelf to the now
council, which to all appearaucos has a
majority of level-headad butloes men,
As no city tax was levied or collected
for 1802, of course no one hm pild any
taxes to defray ttu expense of city
government this year.
But the city governrnont Ind (o be
run. Warrant for all neoestiry ex
penses for a whole year had to be Issued
lu dllllon to warrauts already out
standing at the beginning of the year.
Warrants Issued for 1893 were tflO.OOUi
up to Dee. 20l h aa shown by the Re
corder's books. O this amount 120,.
671.71 is of warrants for city hall fund.
The uin of 1010120 Included In the
above total Is fjr parm meat street Im
provements, part of which hay bwn
pildandtbe balano will be binded
on a partial piym tit p an,
Up to February 16, when the new
oharter was passed, there were $A0.0
warrants outstanding, Including nil
warrants drawn tor street work. The
mayor claims that only f 20,000 of (hla
amount Is all that should Itetxmdvd,
proposing to leave out $30,000 if sueet
Improvements, a largo proportion ff
vfhloli has been paid. If on l-Vbruary
16tt the Ut warrants vrne city debt
then the city can Isauo ?50,O0O of IxHtft
iocordlug to Its oharter. It will p
ably never bo agreed upon by tba
putants. Taking tho mayor'a via
there are 500,000 of warrantb .it
Handing now, will the issue arm
000 of city bonds float tho clty'a m
itaudlug dobt at proaanf and, brtsaj
warrauts to par? The mayor say)
will If the city will further recoiva wan
rants in pym nt of tnxei aud lieeMss)
How muny can tho city receive for Ms
purpose? Tho taxes aro paid to
shorlfl. Gau tho city by ordinance i
iliatlio shall receive city warrant i
ror licenses next year about 7,a
would be rocolvod. Probably not in
iww would bo reoelvrd in warr
m.,. ....... i . .
iiiu iux. uj ub nam mm nr nor. nr
my in April, will not exceed 2,
m nu we cannot count on over ft2,Mtf
oi warrants that, would be taken up I
me ci iy ror licenses and taxes, If
can bo done. Taklug up $20,OO
"onus and Jjl 2,000 ns stated, on tki
mayors plan, would still leave fd,GI
if warrants outstanding, not couuttai
'he street Improvement warran s i
n$u,uuu unpaid on Fobruary 16th la
wuu wuat warrants will be Issued ftf
)lty expenses by tbe time taxes beeoessl
uue, it is easy to sjo tint warravM
would not ha at par on the tnayarv
a uispassionate Inquiry shows ttai
the city council, to bring warranted
par, Biiouu issue bonds for what '
legally .outstanding nt the b-glunlng ti
the year and for.,, the araou it of Um2
taxes tnat wore uot collected this yaJ
ine warrants outstanding will n
o to UHI0S3 tho city does t
They are drawing 8 per cent. InU
through no fault of the city official i
or tuo taxpayer. They should
iuuucii ui uuo4 m n lower ruto or la
est and tho city ah uilU receive Us owi
warrants for licoiisoi and taxes If I
can bo done. Tho first duty of the i
oity council whoa It assumblej alio
be to put tho two ordluauoa thro
togethur, got on cash basis and ;
IU expenditure to within Its luoon,1J
Mayor Gaichu plan of bringing w
rants t par by receiving them fori
loon llconses und obllgitlons dua I
city would not work. Ttio ailoon
woum get hold or thorn at 7$ to lafl
cts on tho dollar and pay their llcenaaaj
The city treasury would have Its pria
clpalBourcoofcoin cut ofl and yet i
a, quarter of tho warrants bo taken p
i tie rest would Do out to speculate upoaj
tho mayor's plan would help the s
loon keepor. It would not help tbJ
city nutof Itsdlllloulty, Thoouly way I
toget square and then keep square. Th
thing for tho city government to do 1
take up enough uf its warrants at a I.hI
rate of Interest to placa Its paper at j
and then cut down expeuao a Ilttto I
low its revenue. That Is the
btulneHs like way.
"As old
novor excatt
od. "Wrik
and provtn
of milliooa.
r . . lator i
Jhtf0WQTiy LJwl
X-Lvf i jmjj Kiirj
indiciiw ioj
whioh yoi
faith for
mild lajMa-J
tive, audi
ia di
on the IM
aeys. Try!
bow &jr
vmRRUto m Liquid, oris xa
to bo takes dry orwaiUiutoa
tal Wj EJLp
. MIIaviUM4yerlMiaMiMit4viirl
mmmt ima can coaiM(MUty s
k orallllviirKtMlelaM, I u
wrjlelneeliwtln Itwlf Oiki.
VuHh tttiasi hMh'
And score, of small toys ror , .- ----- , ,
B. F. Osburn, 261 CUm