jrfEJ Tjgf TTfjgppAtrr " f'KyHgflffiT i?rWipiwwtt JDVJOJWO- ?ATAXj TOUBJf A&, 'WfcSraPA'V, PBOEMaH 80, law. ate ii w t-f , r, il' GOING OUT OF 8USINES 10 mm w Dry Goods To be Sold at Cost or Less BEFORE THE 1ST OF JUNE. Our lease of store room expires Jnne 1st, and we want to close our entire stock by that time. Remember our stock is all new and desirable. Dress Goods, Laces, Lace Curtains, Embroideries, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves, Umbrellas, Mus'in, and Wool Underwear, Fans, Corsets, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' Shoes, &c. P. 8. Jackets Regardless of Cost. Everything must go by June 1st. The Palace D, Q. & S. Co., December llth, 1803. A FEW DAYS MORE THEN CHRISTMAS. Delight your friend with a pretty pictuio and frame. KELLER C SOUS are the people for style, good work in tnship and reasonable prices. Local Dates. Dec. 22. The Inventors. Benefit for the McUee Babies by Amateur Ar tlsts. Dee. 22, 23. Prof. Cbnpraau lectures on English literature, Y. M. C. A.hall. Jan. 1. Y. M. C. A. reception. Jan. '20. tiy Perkins comedy. Special bargains for this week In towels, table o'oths, u ndkerohlefs. hosiery, and in fhet everything at THE FAIR, 108 Court stieet. O. P. DABNEY, Prop. Una. Damon'b Foneral. The re mains of Mrs. N. J. Damon, who died in Pasadena Sunday, will arrive nere Friday morning. Tue fun oral services will be held from the residence at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon, aud the body will be interred at City View cemetery. Rev.F.eeland will conduct the services, and a delegation of Knights of Pythias will serve as pall beare s. Pure Food. That is what every body wants, and when you buy cau dles for the children this Is doubly im portant. 8. L. JoneB in the D'Arcy block on State street, make not only the choicest but the purest ojnfection . Always fresh. Religious Bervick. Elder Mc Keeany, of Portland, will preach al the Christian Church, cor. High and Center streets, this evening at 7:30 p. nt., and also tomorrow evening. Everybody cordially invited. Board op Reoenus. Gov. Pen noyer, Bupt. McElroy, Jud e R. P. Boise, and Capt. Apperson, of the board of regents of the ag cultural col lego, left for CorvalllB this morniug to attend their eeml annual meeting. PERSONALS. Sons of Veterans meet tonight at Good Templars ha I. Hupt. R. E. Mulcahy, of the O. P railroad, is at the Willamette. Mrs. J. H. Johnson, who resides at 340 Trade street, is quite ill. Remember Dr. Chapman's lecture Friday night at the Y. M. C. A. Dr. Chapman at Y. M. C. A. Frldaj nUht. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Downing re turned this afternoon from a week' visit at Ro-eburg. Dr. C. H. Chapman's course of lec tures on English Literature begin Fri day night in Hie Y. M. C. A.hall. Course tickets t1.00 for 12 lectures, sin gle admission 25 cts. Dept. W. W. Brannln senior com mander of the G. A. R. and Grauc Foreman of the Grand Lodge of the A. O. U. W. Is In the city and will meel with the Protection Lodge tonight. Mrs. A. G. Coleman, of Portland, the contralto vocallot, will sing at tin M. E. church entertainment thif evening. Fish Fish at D vison's market. New County Judoe.TIjo governor today appointed S. P. Mos , of Lake county, to fill the office of county judgo, vice W. M. Towuseud, recently deceased. Midwinter Fair. 8. A. C arko will canvass the city of Sa'em Friday and Saturday in the interest of the Midwinter fair. Turkeys. For the choicest turkey, elegant ducks, and other fowls, lo ive your orders at Davison's market, 04 Court street. O. I. 0. The Spa makes the finest candy in (ho city. 114 State street, W. Btolz & Co. For Christmas buy nono but Blue field bauanas, Rose brand oranges, Sicily lemons, choice candles aud new crop nuts of all kinds at Weatacott & Irwin's. Christmas fish, Davison's market. Purest cidar vlnecar mado by ur selve. J. A, Van Eaton. Try It aud you will use no other. Christmas fryers, Davison's market Read the One Cont Journal. Bee our turkeys, then buy where ycu please, Yours truly, Davidson's Market. ZMAS - SUGGESTIONS: Red mountains of Alaska by W. D. Allen. Knockabout Cub in the Woods. My Days and Night on tho Battle Field, by Chas. Carleton Collin. Three Vassar Girls in South America Chatterbox tor 1603. Little Oaea' Annual. Days ef Culvtlry. 'JkeNanwy. FftMy Book. -BMWBhM' Nw Book at LITTLE LO0AL3. H. G. Colton, of Portland, was in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. P ml Klep- pln, of Aukeny, were in the city today. The gentle rains began to descend about mldnUht. See the pictures ot the big four quartet In K Iter's w dow. They will lug at the l neQt next Fri day evening. You cannot u fiord to miss it Buy a t cket to the enter tainment at Reed's Friday night for the benefit of tho McGee children. The Journal is not the governor's organ. When asked for his opinion a? to the resolutions of Salem trr uge yes terday, he declined to give any. The opinion in full was given the spine daj to another paper. F. K. Lovell went to, Portland this afternoon..- Sberifl John Kulght and Deputy Cooper are at Gervuls this i fternoon. E I. Hutchius returned from Eugene till- afternoon. Rev. A. C. McKeever, of Portland, Is in the city. Transportation Notes and Comments Tho Modoc came down the river yesterday arriving here about 4:30 p. m. She had several hundred sacks of wheat for tho Salem Flour Mill Co., also 3 0 boxes of apples for tho Oregon Fruit & Produco company and a small ship ment of flour from the Sidney Power Co., of Ankney lauding. This is a new company mostly Balem people wh purchased a conirnlllug interest in the property from Paul Kleppln. The property formerly belonged to Capt. Ankney but has chang d bands sever al times since he disposed of It. The mill Is run by water power from the Sautlam. Tho company have a GO foot right of way from the Sautlam to their mill and cau develop 1000 horse power. In a very few years from now, It is safe to predlct,80verul large fuctorles will be In notive operation tliore. Balem will reap great benefit from haviug so val uable a water power uear at hand. Tho Altoua cimo up last ulght with a little freight, aud but few passengers. A rathor light trip for her. She went down this tnnrnlmr. The O. 1 Steamship Willamette Valley Is in Ban Fraucico at prrseui It will be Impossible to get the claims against her settled iu time for her to leave there today as advertised but the freight will bo forwarded by a schoouer to Y qulua Bay and will arrivo hore early uoxt week. Steamer Hong will bo down in a day or two. Sho Is now above Corvallls handling San Frauolco g ulii, MAYOR'S VETO MESSAGE. Scores of Aldermen Who Have dies of City Warrants. Bun- Tho Honorable Council of the City of Balem. Sire: I disapprove of Ordi nance No. 280 returned herewith and ontltled "A bill providing for the issue of bonds of the city of Silom in the sum of $45,000, etc." The bill was mostly shaped to Its present reading by an alderman whom a not too strict construction of Rule20 of Standing Rules of the Council and Sec. 14 of our charter would debar from vot ing upon this question. Others of you also have city warrants bought or taken in the course of busi ness, having these, should you vote tor the passage of the bill ? I hardly think a man or keen sensabilities would al l.w himself lo do so, for the citizen will say, and rightly, "Behold the specta cle of councilman willing to saddle the city with an everlasting debt for the purpose of personally getting a few lit tle warrants cashed, promoting their own interests at the expense of the public." Sec. 23. of our charter reads as fol fel fol eows: "The commoB oiuucil shall not in any manner create any debt or llablty which shall si ugly or in the ag gregate exceed the sum of $20,000 in ad dition to the bonded indebtedness uow existing against the city, and the com mon council is hereby authorized in their dissretlon to issue bonds to the amount of the present indebtedness provided, etc." There has been a deal of humbug about this question of bonding. Febru ary 15th our indebtedness was about t29,000. Warrants drawn upon special funds and for the improvement ot itreets to the amouut of $30,000 more were drawn, but as their payment was provided for and as funds are now be ing paid into the treasury for their re lemptlon could not be called an indebt edness, but by hocus-pocus it is now to e bon led. I think we have the risjbt to bond and should bond for $20,000, but uot a dollar more. As an o d resident of the first ward patly put it "more than that be comes a questiou of good morals." The trick of construing the above section, illowing us to bond for more than $29,000 for the payment of an in iebteduess now existing must bring a soil e, and the argument that it is iconomy to bond for twenty years at six per cent to take up warrants now drawing eight per cent that with fru gallty could be cancelled in a few years would form a theme for a fable worthy of Aesop. I find some errors of my own, not In tentional at the time, of the last meet ing that might affect the validity of the bonds; first ruling that blanks could bo filled after the seoond reading of the bill and second, in allowing any chang- l ig of the wording of the bill after third reading withont commitment under special instructions. I would suggest that the city accept Its own warrants for the payment of licenses, fines, taxes or whatever is due It. This is only comtnou justice and is rlut, and would place our warrants at par. It is significant that the ordi nance proposing this was defeated by ouncllmen Interested In tho Issuance of bonds for a large amont. Gentlemen, we should not be in the business of bonding for private benefit Claud Gatcii, Mayor. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Mayor Gatch called tbe council to orderTuesday evening. Present Alder men Albert, Cross, Gray, Hunt, Klein, Laforo, Olmsted, Smith. Thero was a large attendance of citizens, aud read ing of minutes required twenty odd minutes. reports op committees. The mayor called Hunt to tbe chair and committee on accounts reported following bills ordered paid: dills ordered paid. Humphrey Bros. $20 75 Itaskel & Van Hlypo t no H W. Savage a an pool?: STORE, Programme at tho M. E. Church En tertainment Tonight. This evening at 8 o'clock the follow ing entertainment will be iriven at the iirst Aieiuouisi jsptsoopal Piano duet Misses Hubbard Newsomo. Vocal Solo-Mis Scrlber. Heading Ml Ethel Hughes. Piauo Solo Mrs, Giiuble. Vocal Solo Mlsa Thornton. Reading Hal. Hlhlmrd. Violin 8olo-Mr. Kruse. Vocal Bolo Mli Carpenter, Reading Mies Vandereol. PiaunBoht Mla Hubba l. Reading Miss Brown. Quartet Prof. Parvln. Dr. Epley, Mrs, Holland and Miss Alteruialt. Judges and clerKsof election 24 00 Frank Lynch 3 35 uaruuer& uarr 4 50 Street labor oi jo Jas iiatciielor 6 (Ml Capital Lumber Co . 80 02 11 Bole- U 3U Lmlil &, Rush .... 24 OO Ed. N. Eiles l 5 (hi Iniiian & Paulsou . . 28 CO Breyiuau Bros., refused Following bills were ordered paid bv ine ceuncil: Capital Engine Co., supplies $.54 25 W. J. Irwin, for cow sold 14 75 Bills of D'Aroy & Bingham for defending street improve ment suits si mn on A ...I . T r nl t-,"ww w urn ui u. j. oiihw, in same ""its - 500 00 Were referred to committee counts aud current expenses. reports ok city officers. Citv AftnrnAv ninlun ..j ".J, against rebatlug for claims of parties (lor errors In street assessments. Re. port adopted. In claim of Mrs. 8. E, Howard for Injury from defeotlve sidewalk, city at ( torney reported, unfavorably, as Injury was on a walk which belonged tocoun- ty. Adopted. J A remonstrance of prop rty owners on Mill street asalnit Improvement of street, that It aland, report adopted. Two rebate, same having been deducted from contract prico, adopted and laid on table. reports of committees. Committee on license ordinance re ported In favor of striking outeectlon relating to meat peddlers license of $75 per Quarter. Adopted. A notice was read for construction of. Salem, Dec. COUNTY ASSESSORS MEET. Days Brfore the State Board Given to Them. Tax an eight inch sewer in block No. 21, and to assess cost of sume- on property, was read and ordered advertised. disorderly saloons. Marshal reported that he had heard of no disorderly conduct any more than usual In any of the saloons. Saloons were uot open 011 Sunday lo his knowl edge. Mayor Gatcii asked if tho marshal bad heard any rumors of iniscouduut in any saloon with which the name of any alderman noted for his interest in temperance, was connected. Mar&hul bad heard no suoh reports. Alderman Albert asked who was re sponsible for tbe death of Mi Gee. AIho' some one was responsible for the death of Geo. K. Shiel, wnoever it was that sold blm liquor-when he was already intoxicated. Had the marshal made investigation of that? It was the duty of the marshal to know whether there were such violations. The investiga tion of the marshal should be so thor ough that he could report the facts. Albert stated that be had suggested that the saloon keepeis meet with tbe committee on health and police and come to some agreement to obey the city laws. petitions, etc. Of P. H. D'Arcy for rebate of $40.05 for overcharge on street improvements. Ordered paid. Mayor Gatch's veto of the $45,000 funding ordinance was then read. A'bert suggested that as the question was on sustaining the ordinance over the veto, and Chairman Hunt put tbe question. Gatch raised the point of order that there could be no debate. Hunt sustained the point, and so ruled. Albert appealed with following result: Ayes Lafore, Klein, Gray, 3. Noes Smith, Cross, Oimsiead, Al bert, 4. Chair sustained. Albert addressed the chair. Heshow ed that the charter allowed $20,000, ana for all "present indebtedness" at time of passage of charter, or in all of $79,000 If taken advantage of. There was out standing over $46,000 today that was outstanding at the time of passage of that act. He showed that the present charter allowed bonds to be issued for $100,000. It was the duty of the city to protect its disbursed paper, Ttie credit of tbe city required that this be passed over the mayor's veto. Mayor Gatch aald If the city would bond for $29,000 aud receive its war rants for licenses, warrants would go to par. Albert Bald if licenses were paid in warrants it would be a good thing fur tbe saloons as they would save $00 on a year's license by paying iu discounted warrants. Mayor Galch said tbe city would soon get taxes, $24,000; licenses, $8000; bonds $29,003; total $01,000. This would more thuu place warrants at par and let the city take its paper for licenses aud taxes This remark was received with ap plause and then the vote was taken. On question of passage ever veto, ayes, Albert, Smith, Cross, Olmsted; 4. Noes, Hunt, Lafore, Gray, Klein; 4. Lost. Veto sustained. Ou adjournment to; next Tuesday night, carried. Oa questiou of adjournment lost. The regular order was proceeded with. The fltate assessors' convention, which ( met last spring, adjourned to moet at 20lh aud 21st. The pur- OVERCOATS, OYERCOATS, OVERa poe is to get at a general understand ing to make our methods of assessment all oyer the state more uniform. The assessors of the state come In closer contact with the people aud property of their respective counties than auy other public ofllclal and are a Very In telllgeut class of men. One of the Eisleru Oregou assessors said today. "Wheat aud wool are our principal productions. On wheat our loss this year was nearly two millions. Wool and sheep bring nothing. The 1893 clip is nearly all ou hand. If taxes were laid upon the earning capa city of property our county would come ofT easy this year. ' But such Is not the case and the tax problem Is a Berlous one." Following assessors are in attendance: P. J. McPhersou. Lane; Chas. Pye, Tillamook; W. F. Deaklns, Linn, W. W. Brauulu, Umatilla; C. E. Deicb man, Washington; I. M. York, Yam hill; B. B. Worsley, Clatsop; Jas. A. Sterling, Douglas; J. C. Bradley, Clack amas; John S. Clark, Union; D. D. Coffey, Marion. More are expeoted to arrive on this afternoon's train. REDUCING CITY EXPENSES. Following report on reducing ex penses of city government was filed, pending consideration of which the council adjourned until next Tuesday evening: Salem, Or, Dec. 15, 1893. To the Hon. Mayer: We, the under signed members of the city council of the city of Salem, would most respect fully recommend the following changes in city affairs: iirst, that we dispense wltli one driver, say the driver of the hose wag' ou, move the engine driver to tbe hose wagon, then let the chief engineer act as chief aud driver, and during the day time he can act as day policeman. Second, that we lay off two police men, one day and one night man. Third, that the street force be cut d-iwn to three men, one for each cart and one man to clean cross-walks. Fourth , that Instead ofkeeplug our hobos, or prisoners at the county jail, we reut a room aud confine them therein, feeding them on bread and potatoes. Fifth, that all supplies purchased for the city, shall beou u requisition from the. oillcer of that department, O K'd by the chairman of the committee over ttiat department. We have made a careful estimate and figure that we cau save al least four thousand and eight hundred dollars by makiug the changes above referred to. Yours most respectfully, A. Klein, E C. Cross, Geo. B. Gray, G. F. Smith, J. H. Albert, flur holiday Slippers arc Hue, ami arc being sold cheap Krau-se Bros. on ao- Safe, Quicfc and Effective. The valuable curative properties of Allcock's Porous Plasters are due lo the employment of the hiuhest medio aland chemical skill. I hey are purely vegetable, and iu ingredients aud method have never been equalled; satr quick and effective In their action; tuey do not bum or blister, but sooth and relieve while curiug, and can be worn without causing pain or iucou venleuce Do not be deceived by misrepresenta tion. All other so called Porous Plast ers are Imitations, made tu sell ou the reputation of AHcocU'h. Ask for All cock's and let no solicitation or expla nation iuduce you to accept a subs itute. To enjoy life use Tutt's Pills. Cash Prices for Christmas Week. Dry granulated sugar $5.25 a sack. Extra C sugar $4 75 a sauk. Muscatel raisins, uew crop 5 cts. a lb. Caudy we are almost giving away. Fine Hue of decorated china at half prlcu. At the Poatofllce grocery, Strained. honey, clear as crystal, the finest lu tho world at Van Eaton's, fry It and be satisfied. Christmas ducks, Davison's market. Hey? Bald the stableman. Yes, I get my hay of Brewster & White, for they always have the beat; plenty of It, and sell ut the lowest prices. 2t NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. The drug and medicine firm hereto fore doing buslueis under tbe style of Smith & Bteiuer. have this dav dit- nnlved panuershlp by mutual consent, ur. j v. ttumn retiring. The business will be continued by Lee Bteiuer, at die old red corner stand, where all bills and accounts are to be settled, balem, Dec. 1st, 1893. J. C. Smith, M. D. LEh bTUIltUR. For Christmas Week. Have finest lino of -single decorated j pieces ami sets of- porcelain, bitjque fig ures, uuu imporieu uuiua ware ever suuwu lu the city. Am closing out a large assortment nf dolls. Haveafu'i due of caudles, uut8 aud fruits. Will meet any cut ot any cash store in ha lem ou staple groceries. John G. Wright, Pioueer Grocery. m . A Oood Suggestion. Useful articles for holiday pre Bants at G. Y. Johusou & Sous, ihe People's clothiers. IaJj0bter?d at Ce: Tho Largest assortment ever brought to Salem Thby Must C IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS I AND COST TAKES 'EM. WOOMEA WMi STO C. D, Gabrielson, RCKldPDt Agont LONDON and LANCASHIRE FIRE MIAN! Have IS years experience; for over eight years maintain secretary ol Stale Into pany ui Oregon. Temi orary office Hte'ner'ii hed Corner Drug Btore. I'RCMIT 1 ANHLIHEIHL Which Is shown by the fm-l t at this compunv has done the) ne88 of any Foreign Insurance company on tho Pacific coast In 1892. Take your washing to the 8alem steam laundry, where you get the best work, prompt service and your money goes to support deserving white labor. Wild ducks, Davison's mnrket. Ask Your Friends Who have taken Hood's Barsaparllla what they tliiuk of it, and the replies will be postlve In its favor. Situply what Hood's Barsaparllla does that tells the story of its merit. Ono has been cured of indigestion or disnepsla, another finds it indispensable for sick headciche or biliousness, while others report remarkuble cures of scrofula, catarrh, rheumatlsm'saltrheum eto. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. Christmas turkey, DavIsou's market. Economize in Paper. Clean newspapers, tied iu buudles of 100, uot cut, for sale at this otneo at fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents a pouud. Next door to tbe poatofllce. Grape Vines for Sale. I have propogated several thousand good strong two-year old grape vines for setting i'Ut, assorted varilies, suit able for culture in Oregon. 25 cts each. 2 00 per d'-zen. JE. Hofer, Balem. Or., JouKNALotllce. dv Increased Appifiie is one of the first good effects ieit Dy users ot Scott's hmulsion of cod liver oil with Hypophos phites. Good appetite becets gooa neami. Soots Emulsion is a tat tood that provides its own tonic. Instead of a tax up on appetite and digestion it is a wonaertul help to both. Scott's Emulsion ar rests tlu progress o Consumption, Bron critis, Scrofula, and other wasting; diseases by raising- a barrier of hcaltiiy flesh, strength and nerve. mHK most, perfect fitting trumn I hold a rupture where nil c fulled. For sate by J. U, Parrlih street. , CAKl'KNTEIt AND CONTRAL famish bids, or give bo-di Two or more nnnds furnished. J. Turner, Or. ITIOU HENT.-Two JU sired. H L rnomi. fuml Miller. 1 Winter WAN IKD.-wttuatlon by Germ 19 years, knows some Enellib -xperlenc4 at housework. Turner. Oregon. J ace TTKJK HALE. An unabridged ei r Hrltannlca, worth J1, stgreai W. L. West, electrlo light station. MUHT PAY UH.-Persons owid Mclntyre must pa up befoi 169 1, or corns will be added. P-VHRlW.-1'ortland, tncromerj Tucomaand Han Kranrlicop nt lleHuett'o, I'ostofflco block. MEAT MAHKnT.-Opposlto br Salem. Delivered cheap. WAN TED Pany without chile a fiirnlnhed houneandbourdi qu re at Journal office. CHRIHT1AN HCIENCE-Lltera kinds on sale at 828 liberty it mHIBPAPEH. is kepton Bleat ) kJL Advertising Agency, tH and 6 Kxchunge. San Francis' o, Califoi contracts for advertising cau ben FAHM FOR HALE. A deslrsbl acres for sale on long time To will be taken In part payment. Willis, in Opera House Ulock. Prepared by bcott & Bowne. N V. All druggists. Sfearnep flltona FOR PORTLAND, Leaves BolReM dock Mondays, Wednesdays ?.Sn Klay8 7:3 m' arrlving'in Portlind at ItETURNlNQ, leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday at 8 a. m. ' , F5?1 tJn? .ror Pasenger terviee; no way Undlng frelnht handled: ' 7 ROUND TRIP (unlimited) JZ00. One way. MBAtS 26 OENTS iiFMrrteL8ht rateg HnA 'lek'ta apply to Mitch Wl. Wrlvht Co.. Molmnn h'nV r ' iT I .Z. YOU WILL BE LOi ll-8-im Christmas chickens Davison's uiark't. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Q PRICE'S m On olalpa of Go, P. Lltohfcld ferNj The .Hly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Au,moula; No Alum. Xma in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard S. 0. V. MARKET, 365 Summer Street. LEWIS & PRATHKR, Props. The best meats of all kinds fold at th lowest prices. Rallahle coods and quick delivery. Visitors whether intending pi ir not, are aiwayi welcome, w a snow nverytning, ana tnen lei uderoent decide whether or not 10 buy. We never Insist or cJ ell gtrlcUy on the merits of the t rou visit our store, you will ipubt "WILL BE LOADE1 lown with nuristmas goods, a c troche ip, Ak your friends if si the case, Patton Bro Christmas goods, Ulatlonery. A ;enU for "Old Hick." 88 SUt FROEBEL SCH00LS-4t SALEM IONDERGA Infant, Conneotlngand Prima eytry week day from 9 a. 12 m. except Bat urda: MADAM McALP.N, of Denver, has oppnpd Dress-making Parlors in IbeEldrldire block, In the aTBaS CCUp,ed h Mt' Bakcr iZfec Fit or No Pay I MISS 0. BALLOU, - - I TRAINING CLABSJ for teachers' dally practice wc 0 a. m. to 12 m. lo Kinder; On Monday, Wednesday am from 2 to 4 p. m. CJasces study of Frnebel system. Mn Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLA. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. training class, conducted ' Knight and Miss Ballou. For information apply at Klnr rooms, corner Court and Libert Great - Christmas - S, OK HOLIDAY GOODS. HJ?c5SS52?IEPS MUFFLERS, NECK bX??SJEr?P8' FURS' WNENS, UMBREU Sy?E ? JEWELKY. GLOVES, JVIITTEls HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS of all kinds. -Bargains in Every Departmer Come where you can buy tbe best good for the least money. WILLIS BROTHERS & CO OPERA HOUSE CORNER, - - . . MALUM, Ol Leok at our window dtoptayi b4 tba t. imt,-.