Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 20, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    JjBF? -T
9 FjjaBrL
Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$8.00 a Year.
"28 eta. a ateath ft! In flrjm.a1
No Papera '
Time, la Ok.
4 Vt
i-tf. ,
5J V '
VOL. 6.
--'j " -
Served Exclusively to the
21,477,212 People admitted to
the World's Fair firnnnrte.
NfrgffglFlSJSMSy " Hv
His Annual Report to
Wants Authority to Issuo $200,
00000 Bonds
Universally accepted as the
Leading Fine coffee of the World.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale aatl Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of a IKinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
K. Meeker & Co,,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
tf- a rnfimrvTsETON'. Gcn'l Aaent.
" ' " adWtt2e33ese'
want your house
If you want your house pro
perly heated at. small expense call on
us at
BURROUGHS 103 State Street.
Now Here
nd More Coming.
Holiday Goods
Tb? Neu)?sl, Most Attractive,
... ... u ia wnrth. as we can please
Bee our Mammoth Stock heiore you uuy "j
you&of an.oudc.u.ure.y.aveumo, & ggy.
"J!?eS-..- t,.. nd Exnresa to
for service.
. il n iiiotntncrfl
Pnmnleted aud ready nn "" v" , .. ,.f rrninka.
. -hum nd residence 2 DIOCK soum u, ,..
N these time, when it is so .TCZIZ
buy for very little money at
At all tko Sub-Trcasurios
We have handkerchiefs in
makes a more acceptable present.
great variety and nothing
. .. ,TT.,0rh!pf8. 15.20,25,30,
Lidles Embroiaereu n. 20 ?1 i00
silk ., 50, 1.50
Towels 50o. $1.60 per pair.
Bureau Scarfs, 60,60, 70.
Winder Ties, 25o.
Kid body amis i - Doll bueele. wn.w.
- . , m-m nun iiii ui .uv
Iron toys, 25c, .w.
A One Una or - -.- Wi si.00. .
null ftlld 15UII ..w-- . - - c, ri,
Ulioiut" .-i --
S3., .it's
r. r... and ee
Cups and sauces, 10c, 60&
iKcoufSS toys for5c, 10oandl5cK
Carlisle's Report.
Washington, Dee. 20. The annual
report of the secretary of tho treasury,
Car late, was sent to congress today. It
sh iws, during the first five months of
tho present fiscal year.tbe expenditures
of the government exceed receipts,
$29,018,095. The secretary assumes the
worst effect of the recent financial dis
turbances aud business depression, is
past, that the remainder of the year
will show better results. And be esti
mates the deficiency at the close of fie
year at (28,000,000. To meet this, he
recommends amendment of specie pay
ments resumption act of 1875, to au
thorize him to sell 3 per cent, bonds
not exceeding $200,000,000 in amount,
at not less than par, saying however,
that in his opinion, only great, press
ing financial emergencies would justify
resorting to an Issue of bonds.
He suggests bonds be issued in de
nominations $25 and multiples thereof,
to be sold through sub-treasuries and
postoffices. In case congress should
decline to follow this course he recom
mends the secretary be empowered to
execute obligations of the government
not totta jt?$50,000,000 bearing three
per cent., to be sold or circulated in
payment of government obligations.
He points out the necessity for the ex
tention of power of the secretary to
maintain a large reserve for redemp
tion of United State currency. Tns
secretary adds: "So long as the gov-
eminent continues the uuwlse policy of
keeping Its own notes outstanding to
o rculate a currency and undertake
to provide f r their redemption In coin
on presentation, it will be In my opin
ion essential for the secretary of the
tretsuryto possets the means to meet
suoh emergencies as one which recent
ly occurred in our financial affairs.
He says the repeal of the silver pur
chase act makes such a radical change
In the currency policy of our govern
ment that until Its efleot is more fully
developed he does not consider It ad
visable t recommend further specific
legislation on that subject. He says a
great Increase in the bank reserve in
th mi.nctarv centers of our country
shows conclusively that the amount of
. i- ...,fli(han '
money in me country is jjic "
required for the transaction of business.
He finds one of the prlnolpal difficult
ies the treasury to result from indis
position of the public to retain silver
dollars and silver cartlflcates in circula
tloo.andhas sought t remedy It by
Increasing the number of silver cerlifl-
-,.af rfunoui nitons jew iu '
dollars, retiring the larger
antwtltutiuir for them large
other kln.Is of cu rency.
The report thea deals at length with
tarlfllaw. He aruei In favor of ad
valorem dull . He also ure strong
!y tni slrblllty of free raw materials,
recommend, a i Increase of neJ
9r tftlliM on distilled spl'lts and addl-
lonal taxes on c gars aud clgaretts, and
ew meson playing cards, cosmetics,
perfumerlM, legacies, succwslons, In
,mes from stocks and bonds of oorpor
atlons and Joint stock companies.
The secretary then sys much of dlf-
rbera "Mi'JiSSss rtlUvsd much
luj tettuiy tor ruin ol
the brcrt kao". &!&&.&
ones and
notes of
fl ii ty exp-rlenced by offlcers charged
with duty of assisting In enforcement
of Chinese exclusion laws, is by reason
of certain practices resorted to by the
utilneso coolie. UI am of the opinion
that as long as our laws prohibit laud
ing of Chinese laborers, the privilege of
pawing through oar territory cannot bo
safely granted and should at once be
revoked. If this privilege Is continued
it will be impossible to secure efficient
execution of laws passed by congress
for exclusion of Chinese laborers.
On subject of Piclfij railways the
Secretary s.iys they are now outstand
ing $04,623,61! bIx per cent United
8tates bonds issued In aid of Pacific
railways, Congress shimld take action
at this session with respect to payment
at least or $2 392,000 which will mature
within the fhcal year 189-5. Some plan
should be adopted which will secure
ultimate payment of indebtedness to
the gitvernmeut and at the same time
permit companies to conduct business
undur suoh limitations and restrictions
nscessary to protect rights of all parties
Interested In the property. It would
be very unfortuuate if the government
should be forced to operate these lines
of railway.
Macvelgh Confirmed.
Washington, ; Dec. 20. Wayne
Maovelgh has been confirmed minister
to Italy. !
The Conspiracy Trials.
Portland, Or., Dec. 20. In the
conspiracy trial today the examination
of Mulkey was presumed. Testimony
was confined principally to tho specific
denials of Blumfs allegations. Other
witnesses testified that tho handwrit
ing of the letters In the evidence was
not Mulkey'a,
Anything but Hanging.
Chicago, Ills., Dee. 20 In the Pren
dergast trial the counsel for the defense
created a sensation this afternoon by
announcing that any verdict short of
banging would be accepted.
The Soldiers' Home.
RosEBima, Qr,, Doc 20. At tho
meeting of the board of trustees of tho
Soldiers' Home, the- oontraot for con
structlng the Lulldlni? was let to W. R.
8trokes & Co., of Portland, at $7283.
Dugan Bros., of Salem, were awarded
the contract for plumbing and beating
at $3200.
O. P. Retrenchment.
Albany, Dec. 20. Tho management
of the Oreuon P.iclQo has been cutting
off expenses yesterday and today with
a sharp knife. The river service will he
discontinued and all of the section
crews taken off, excepting oob man to
every 10 miles, who will walk the track
the stenographers In the general oftlces
have been dispensed with. The Port
land office will be closed. All better
ments aro stopped. The physical con
dition of the road Is good and will stand
for some time.
The river service will probably be
done by the Elwood. Both Messrs.
Hadlevand Mulcaby say not a dollar
will be spent on betterment while busi
ness Is so dull. The object is to pay of!
tho debt ot the present administration,
which can be douo under a policy of
this kind. Extensive betterment!
were made, supposing the purchasers
of the property would gladly pay for
them. A scheme leaked out here to
day that t'ol. Hogg's friends were do
ing their utmost to lnure the present
management with the view of getting
a Hogg man In for receiver, tuereny
throwing the control of the property
hack Into Hoge's hands. C. C.IIojrue
U the dark hoise. Judge Fullert n
armiM hardlv cont-ldvr any such
Han Francisco, Dec. 20. Wheat,
cash $1.07j May 1.201.
nCiUCAUO, Dec. 20. - Cash, 61; May
Portland, Dec. 20. -Wheat val'ey
f.021; Wal'Wullaf.821.
Naal Will Oaia.
After hetrlng all ibi ttlm ny and
argomentsof counsel Judge Hubbard
dismissed the petition and sustains tne
will of the late Calvin Neal. Tber
will be no appeal taken.
ACovf TJUK-OusUv Waukelln,
of Washington county, was May
brought down to serve six months In
tbe pen for the larceny of a cow.
IN8ANB.-L. J. Bale ot Baker City,
was today committed In lba-ylura.
He i 35 ears of ago, aud has bad
previous stuck.
H y for Sale.
600 tons of choice hay f;r sale, roost-
limowiy. . ""- ',"b;.Vn,n.
She Will Resume Hor flovflrn
mentbyThat Title
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Strnsglo Over Hawaii
in Congress.
London, Dec. 20. Tho Globe com
menting on President Cleveland's mes
sace in regard to Hiuv.ill siyn that
Queen Ltlluoknlaul Intends to return
to the thrnnd of Hawaii as a real queen
or not to return at all. The Foid d In
triguers who produced her full had bet
ter make themselves scarce, for the re
turn of the exile of Elba will bo noth
ing to hnr return from exile. Tho peo
plo of Hawaii must bo puzzled by the
gyrations of their mighty protectors.
Perhaps It does not matter to them
whether Lilluokalanl, Cleveland or
Harrison governs, provided thoyaro
allowed to lie in tho auu aud do no
work. Their preference, however, Is
for the native queen. It is feared,
though, that if the queen trusts her
restoration to hor quondam subjeots It
will bealougday before shoagalu rules
oyer that pleasant land.
Washington, D. C, Dee. 20. Im
mediately after reading the journal yes
terday Cookran oflered a resolution
which lie sought to present, to appoint
u special committee of seven to Investi
gate the alleged attempt of the last ad
ministration to annex territory to the
United States without consulting tho
house of representatives, aud iuqulre
into tho rights of tho house in the
promises. The resolution had no soon
er been read than a dozen inou on each
side of the house rushed toward the bar
of tho house crying for recognition,
Boutello, meantime, was wild in at
tempting to offer tho resolution to
tnovo to refer the resolution to the com
mltteo on ruleu nnd upon which ho de
manded the previous question.
The confusion was so great that tho
speaker was appealed to several times
for order. Finally Breckinridge made
a point of order that under the rule the
resolution would go to the committee
on rules without motion. Tho speaker
held In accordance with tho point of or
der and referred the roso utlon.
Breckinridge then tried to movo to
go Into a committee of tne whole for
consideration of the uruunt dtflcl-
eney bill, but Boutello was at tho front
demanding recognition for u prlvlledged
resolution and the speaker was obliged
to recognize him. When his resolution
was read it proved to be the resolution
Boutello sought to Introduce last night,
declaring the prerogatives of congress
had been Invaded by the policy of tho
administration and declaring that the
policy consistent with the spirit of the
constitution and traditions of the party
bow was now fully under way. Mo
Creary, chairman of the foreign nflalrM
committee, made tho point that tho
resolution was not prlvlledged and after
some sharp words from each side, Bou
tells got the floor to discuss the ques
tion as to whether the resolution was
The message the president read hero,
ho said, "Indicates this country may be
luvnlved in war with a frleudly power
for all we know." Hildhelna loud
voice. '"The arms of the United Stated
may be even now pinioning with their
bayonets a friendly nation with whom
the mass of tho x-oplo sympathize."
He heid It with the Imperative duty of
congress, relunclantly recognized by
tbe president, to disavow, discredit In
the eyes of tho civilize I world, (Great
applause on republican side, "i care
not whether this policy emauates"
coutlnuea B-uutelle, "from a republi
can president or a dem crat usurper."
The confusion that followed ihauw of
tbe wo.d "usurper" completely drowu
ed the rel ol the sentence. He contin
ued to talk amid loud cries for order,
and the speaker at last with the aid of
his gavel brought the house to a stand
atlll, before the geutleman from Maine
had fairly launched his next phllllpkl
Speaker CrWp suddeuly swept the
ground from uuder him by deciding
thepolutof order In accordance with
the contention of McC'reary and referr
ed the resolution dlrtclly to the com
ujlttee on fore gu !! Irs,
Routeileu;:i! Dingley theiiatt inpted
to argue the question re -ting to the
decision of Hi- chair, but the taker
wu obdurate, aud amid ret excite-
meut ordered all the gentlemen to take
HHkm. aim H W ji
mm lOWdter
his decision nnd referred tho resolu
tlon to tho commlttod on forel.n af
fairs. Boutello immo lintcly appealed
from the decision of th cha r and Mo
Creary moved to lay tho appeal on the
table, which motion proyal cd, 180 to
During tho dabato on tho deficiency
bill Chairman Wllsou, of tho w iya and
means commlttej r ai with tno long
looked for tarlft bill In baud and the
comudtteo rose Informally to receive
tho bill and roport. There wub no
demonstration of aay klud, Wilson
simply roportod from tho ways aud
means committee, "a bi I to reduce
taxation, provide rovenuo aud for other
purposes." Whon tho dobato on the
urgent deficiency b 1 w s renewed
Woll8, of Wlscon, called lor yeai aud
uaya on tho rullcao amondinent but
tho members woro not anxious to goon
Bland Immediately inaugurated n fil
ibustering movement, and explained
that all ho want, d wua a record making
vote. "That Is Just what jou wont
get" cried a dozen voices. Holman and
Bland insisted that thoy wore entitled
to an aye and nay vote and Balloy testi
fied to the justice of tho demand, but tho
houso would not agrco to it and wont
on making filibustering motions, to
adjourn and to take a recess, adjourn
to a day certain, etc. Meantime the
speaker had retired from tho chair and
tho committee on rules had hold a
meeting. A special order was prepared.
The gag was Invoked. Catohlngs ap
pearance with tho rule In hand and was
greeted with loud cheers. Successively
umlAyhy.ttdopted motions to ad
journ wero defeated, nnd the mileage
amendment, for ono month's extra pay
to house and senate employes was
agreed to. Shortly thereafter tbe house
A Democrat Eloctod, Thoujh Fraud
is Ohargod.
Chicago, Dec. 20 In tho special
eleotlou for mayor to flit the unexpired
term of Carter II. Harrison, ussaslnated
October 28, by Prondergast, John P.
Hopkins, tho Democratic candidate,
was elected over Geo B. Swift, tho Re
publican, by a majority of 380, tho total
vote was as follews:
Honklns, Democrat 112,701
Hwlft, Republican....- 111,410
Brltzatis, Socialist-labor. 1,517
Waliely, People's silver 807
The vito, which was ono of Iho
heaviest over polled In the city, shows
n decided Republican gain, In ssveral
down-town wards, whore n heavy
lodging-house vote resides, tho contest
was very hitter, and scraps were of
frequent occurrence when tho police
were not at hand. In other portions
of tbe city the voting progressed with
out Incident. The Jury In the Cough-
tin trial did not vote, hut seven of the
Pretidergast jurors voted. Irtte last
night the Republican city central com
iiilttce decided to contest Hopkln's flec
tion, claiming that tin returns shew
000 more votes for Hopkins than were
actually cast. It Is elalm-d by the
committee that the oftlolal count will
give the election to Hwlft,
John P. Hopkins Is o young man,
and Ins only been 13 year a resilient
of G' tragi. He was b ril In Bulfain,
N. Y., October 29, 18W, auJ educa'o.l
there, lie removed to Chicago In 1879.
Here he began his career shoving lum
ber In tbe yard at Pullman. lie ad
vanced in the Pullman company's ser
vice to store timekeeper, general time
keeper aud paymaster. The latter pos
ition he held from 1881 to 188?, wh n
he becamo fecretary and treasurer of tho
Arcade Trading Com puny, of Pullman.
In 1689 the company reorgan .aX m
the Second Hopkins Cxupauy, mid
moving from Pul man to ICi Imk on,
established a large general store. He
has long t eeu Influential lu Democratic
council of the Cook county Demo ray
and n member of the I- quIsCub.
ADmocratlc Mayor.
Chicago, D . 0. UuoftUil re.
turns of yrsterdiy'a niayoal ty election
glye Hopkins, Douoortt, a plurality of
I N2W.1 TCni"!!.
Heppner w.ll flue m'nors
Tin Elkas to i pea fie
uidltnrltim Tim sdny night.
Tho .'rouiful inceit tcanda' as)
Jlty proved to bo grouu Jl-g. '
TliuMidwIntir fair at Myrttal
'attweek, was i completeueosvl
Hpoktuio h figuring It pop a
14,50'J on tho school nf.cndanej
J. A. Wright, rocolver fjrttw Of
iold Mluliu Company t O.iras
nas arrived at Biker Olty aadlsj
footing his $10,090 band.
231 tiro enrolled In tho Ma sail
State Normal Schoo i
Tho flag polos for the Mld-Wl
F.ilrar. bjla furnithed by a
let ' man.
Judgo Fullorton will Anally
tho Oregon Paclflo sale at (Ji
December 20. fonu lnterm!;
w'jua are expeuiau 10 coma up tor
tnentaid deeislon. ,
mine i(oo.t is to nave a qhmi
stone to commemorate the BoeHJ
Incidents of Iho first settles!
Port Orford. ;
Ruf Thompson Informs the All
Domoorit that from planting twel
sized potatoes, ho scurudJ
of duo tubers.
Boven of Seattle's architect -J
furnished plans for the new b
ital building. 173 plins have
mlttcd in nil.
Alblnalauot aloualn bpt
poeeesslon of a wlfemsuler. East
laud, it now appears, r has ,Midl
mwj-u nasouo wimuvrt" wtmme
Another lmKirtanl quest
arisen before thostatolind comBai
says tho Olympian Tribune, tM
sion of whloh reprtpgnU nianj!
siinds of dollars to tho people, vm
bound to win or lose. Under Uai
teat whloh has been fllod tho coal
slon must dotermlne whelhw si
va uab'o tracts at Oyster bay
laud or natural oyster beds,
formor, thoy oiri ba sold;lfth
in fit ttun.
1000 poumlsof dynamite wlttl
,...,... I 1., . . . 1. . nrv.
pioiieu in oiu i a? "xio
in front of the harbor, at Man
Catarrh Cannot be OnrsttH
with Local Appllontlons, as thsl
noi rcacn uie seat ui ino uispass.
arrh Is a blood or constitutional
and u order to euro It you n
Internal remldles. Hall's Cat
Is taken Internally, and acts
tho blood nnd mooous surfaces.
Outarrh (Juro is not a nuack
It was prescribed by oue of
phyBlcatiHlu this country for)
is u regular prescription. It I
the beat toulca known, i
il.ltl. flt.r. I.u. l.l.ii.l n.llflx
"111 IIIU UI.. tIIJIIU ll,,IIIWin,
rectly on tho iiiooous surn
ed of
perfect couihlhatlon of tho
ents Is what produces suoh
result In curing Catarrh.
itfliiinoiiiuis, free.
Toledo, O. Hold by druggts.
seats, declaring ho would lar no gen- m. Republic ins are looking Into II
I email until he had foimslly dUcarged charges of frau I, but in decUlyd stefs
i.itntv bv ii drol on up)u the point have been tafcan as yet to ojotest me
bit the P"rr b R'M rMHiw' loi Usue. 'VU si-eaker then dv lvrl I iault,
tho !i
nnti pr
can pfJ
DrufMtUU in Ii!qu!ft or ia )
to bu takon dry or cJe iut
T l.ttTo uU rorlMMaoul
I 1tor and t&n OMktahHMMiaiW a
r klnaufaU liver iiiil taM,lwM
loejlrllio CUMl IK !.,
aojr, Tmoohm, WnihlNliW.
261 COm 1 bt
w -.
K. F. Osburn,