Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 19, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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Capital Journal Publishing Company
l istoffloe U'oJic. Commercial Street.
Dally, by ca rlor, per month,.
.$0 5.)
Daily, oy man, pur jui,-.
Weekly, 8 page, per year, i
The Masonic order of Gold beach will
build a temple.
The Itldiun war veterans reunion
will-be heldatMcMinville ou February
8eattlo courts have convicted several
"repeaters" nt a school election In that
The ravages of h grippe aro killing
olTBrltlHColutubla coast Indlausutii
lively rate.
Tue state road convention of Wash
lugtoti, meeta tod.iy atthodtato Capitol
There will be a new bridge put In tit
Wlndobuctt, Curry, Co. The lad
etorma destroying the old one.
The Crawford Mining fc Milling
Company has Incorporated at ripeka: e,
CipitutUud al$12o,000.
The Tucoaiu Btreet u us have stopped
taklugmull carriers free, and deliveries
are uacordlugly slower.
Tlio corrected net Increase of the
state's taxable property for the year,
according to the county rolls, ls$3S,-
r 607,897.
Albert Richardson has been awarded
$10,000 damages for Injuries sustained
in an accident at Carbon Hill, Wash.,
coul mines.
The Eugene public schools aro mak
ing a collection of clothing and edibles
for the benefit of those.whoarein need.
Tho Hour mill at Long Creek bus
ground up all the wheat iu Northern
Grant county and has closed down un
til next spring.
The ringing of the fire bell In Athenu,
Wash., by some practical joker, one
nlgbtlost week, made a ravlug maniac
of a lady of that town.
The new rock crusher at The Dallec
is turning out good material for tlieli
streets whloh have heretofore been al
most Impassable.
The German Bhlp Carl Frlederich,
Captain Hauls, from New York foi
Hong Kong, with 74,250 cases of re
fined petroleum, has been abandoned
on Luconia reef, near Borneo.
Councilman Wright, of Tacoma, re
ports that for $1000 spent by tho street
department of that city for manual
labor, $1100 were required to p-iy super
intendents and bosses.
At a mass meeting iu Eugene a com
mittee was appointed to see if tiiu gov
ernment could be Induced to assist in
protecting the city from invasion bj
the new channel of tho river.
The second round up of cattle In Oka
nogan county this season took place
last week, and 400 head of line-conditioned
animals aro now en route to
- Beattlo from that section.
Twelve inches of snow have fallen in
Colvlllo valley, Wash. Mercury fell to
10 bolow, Monday. It Is feared stock
men will have to feed hay earlier than
usual and that hay will bo very dear.
About (1800 In gold has been cleaned
up from the placers at Warm Springs,
on the Buako river, since last June,
wlth'two rookers. Water for tho rock
era is raised from tho river by two 17
foot wheels.
Only about 120,000 bushels of wheat
wero delivered at tho Grant's ferr.
landing this season, as compared to
280,000 last year, sa.s tho Goldendale
Courlor. When it is understood that
there was more grain sown and a heav
ler yield per acre than ever before in
Klickitat county, It will bo seen that
tho loss by damaged grain has'becn
Samuel I. Silverman and Dick Sher
wood each owned a half Interest In a
.valuable gold claim In Okanogan coun
ty, Wash., says the Bpokano Review
They decided Saturday that there
"Wasn't room for two in Its management,
and (tit upou a true western expedient
-foe settling their business dllllcultles,
SUerwood won ud tho mine will In
4the futuro be called tho "Monte Carlo."
John Crook and Jerry Coolllns came
vup the Curry county beach road last
- Sunday on horsobaok. When a few
miles below Gold Beach, near Frank
Daniels' rauch, they noticed two pan-
boreln the brush fighting. lluvlnr
no weapons, they dismounted, and, he
's owing rocus, ouargeu on mo "vnr
''mints." Tho animals quit their (ami-
lyquarrel and charged on the Intruder
iwhnwere compelled to mount their
Jilrpai and Uy, tho panthers pursulue
W RQftw distance.
XcexoaiM in Paper,
CkH newspapers, tied Iu bundles ol
'M0, mit-out, 'for alo at this olHco ui
n Aften.eiiUi h bundlo. A heavy straw
whdjJ iifr paper, lurgu sheotp, twoiviitp
Tub ()HKAi!fl'e.Have tlm
JouknaIi. left at otirollUo cir iest- J
-nice. Oiil.v60c(s a moutli. JJy mall I
etm Bwoth,
Local Correspondence from
in tho Valley.
Isiao Stevens has Improved some
what siuce our last notes.
Mrs. Mollwalu, who has been sick,
It better.
Geo. Wonka and family aro happy
over tho arrival of a young son last
ween. Geo. says it will bo a "Popu
llst." School closed last Friday until after
New Year. Several visitors were in at
tendance, among them W. Jefferson of
the bchool board.
E. B Fletcher will spend a portion of
the holiday season with relatives and
fi lends iu Umatilla county.
Ernest Wiesner Is home on a vacat
ion from teaching.
The literary society Is largely attend
ed and seems to flourishing.
Rome of our Odd Fellows were pres
ent at the organization ofaloJge at
Scott's Mills last week and toll of hav
ing a pleasant trip iu spite of muddy
Milton Jones of Klethsburg, III.,
who haw come to Oregon to locate, paid
i visit to his friends and relatives at
Xurih II well I nt week.
Fall into Line.
Join the piocessl ml It march
u vluloo ! It knows no defeat! Insert! -d
ou Mh I) inner is the inspiring battle
ry, "Or Pierce's U ildeu Medical DU
o'vey." lis line of march extendi
.cross the continent and around tin
vvorld. A happy Illustration of tin
iiopularlty and success of this worlo
anied remedy. It is everywhere re
ieving piiu, inspiring hope, curing
INease. For all blood disorders it if
tckuowledged the safest, the most
uiorouuli, the best. The liver and kid
ieys respond at once to the invigorating
much; through them the whole system
Is cl uut-ed and built up anew.
It you arostck, indisposed, debllitateri
weak, sntleriiig from malarious oi
other poisons, you'll llud the "Guldei
Medical Discovery" the remedy to re
store you
A Potato Sulutlle.
Last week marketers wero rather sur
prised to see displayed at the stands
what pni ported to bo new potatoes sell
ing at 10 cents n small measure, the
measure containing hot over a dozen
small potatoes. The obliging attendants
at the stunils.upon inquiry, relieved them
Bolvcs of tlio information that tho pota
toes caino fiom tho Bermuda islands.
Tho customor accepted these statements
and purchased lavishly of tho delicacy.
"Wliero mo your new potatoes? asked
t leporter of ono of tho stand proprietors
whoso display was conspicuous by the
ibseuco of tho now potatoes.
"Now potatoes I" hoejaculated. "There
is nono iu the market at this time of
"But all tho other stands havo them."
"Oh, I uuilcistnnd what you mean. A
man came to mo tho other day and
wanted to bell mo a supply of new pota
toes. I laughed nt him. Ho thon told
mo tint ho had a process of taking old
potatoes and making them appear as
now, and tho public would never know
tho diffeieuco.
"Ho said that ho picked out tho smaller
and less salable of tho old potatoes and
buiied thorn for a few days. During
this titim. tho ej es began to sprout and
tho com ing became fresh looking, and
when washed rewmblod new potatoes.
When ho had completed his Btory, I told
him that I respected my customers and
would handle nono of his goods." St.
Louis Republic.
A Kon Gunpowder.
Tho first experiments in public with
tho now gunpowder invented by M.
l'Abbo Schuibelm and which has been
patented under tho nanio of "Schnobe
lite," havo just been conducted by tho
uhbo nt too rillo I utts at Nunhoad. Fir
ing with a government lifloand a gov
ernment bullet at u rango of 100 yards,
tho inventor p uotrated 120 inches of
timber, tin u u bessenior steel plate one
eighth inch in thickness, backod by four
inches of wood and lastly a quarter inch
besM'iner plate.
Very httlo Mnoko was produced, and
that little was almost immediately dis
pelled. As a test of uouo.xplosivoness,
bomo of tho gianulated powder was sub
joctid to tho taction of a pulveriziu
mill. For concussion, it was spread upon
an anvil and beaten with a hammer, and
when a lighted match was cast into some
of it tho powder nieiely burned rapidly in
a small bluo flame. By tho aid of a spir
it lamp and small kettlo tho abbo miinu
fact m oil bomo of the powder ou tho field
in a little over five minutes, and after
tho compound was di led it was fired with
every satisfaction. The cost of produc
tion is avened to bo as httlo as four
pouco per pound. Cardiff Western Mail,
This world is too small to show just
iiow big n good man is.
Love is doubted when it leaves tho
cost murk on tho piesent.
When the dovil fishes for meu, ho docs
not lot them boo him bait tho hook.
It will not holp jour own crop any to
tluow stoinfi nt jour neighbor's truck
Wliou j ou pray for God to bless other
people, don't insist that ho shall do it in
your way ,
Ono reason why Borne men do not have
better wios is becauso they aro such
poor husbands.
The man who has n
bi.,.l ....i t '
v uwm w
oven body w ill not need a brass band
to diaw inuurnors to his funeral.
It is about as wise to sit on the limb
of n tree ami saw it off as it is to worry
about things wo oituuot help. Rata's
An Alleged Ileuinrltuble Cimo of Materiali
zation and l)cnmtrrlnll7:itlon.
"Talking about wonderful experi
ences in investigating spirit phenom
ena," said Dr. Bell of Alleghany,
"tho most oxtraordinnry I ovor saw
occurred to mo a short timo ago. It
ia something that is unexplanable..
I've tried to reason it, but without
success. Tho incident I refer to oc
curred at a seanco given for mo by a
celebrated medium. Several forms
had como out of tho cabinet, but
thero was nothing extraordinary
about them. At last tho form of a
girl about 12 years of ago camo out.
She was dressed in white and had ex
tremely short hair.
"I noticed tho hair as soon as she
appeared and suggested to her in a
kindly manner that it would improve
hor appearance if it was longer.
She looked at mo n minute, thon
turning hor back said, 'I'll mako it
grow longer for you, so that you can
see how I look.' I was surprised at
this reply and watched her closely.
Shortly tho hair got longer and long
er until it reached nearly to tho
floor. It seemed impossible that
such a thing could bo, and I stood
gazing at her puzzled. Sho then sail;
"'You look as though you do not
believe what you see. It's all true.
To mako sure, won't you cut off a
piece of my hair?' I hadn't anything
but a small pocketknifo with me, so
I took this out, and taking hold of
the lower part of the hair sawed
away until I had a nice lock cut off.
Thero I had tho hair in my hand.
It was soft, silky and of a beantiful
color. I looked at it awhile and
then thought it would bo a convincing
thing to show to my skeptic friends.
I took a small piece of paper lying on
the table by me and wrapped up tho
lock carefully. I then put it in my
vest pocket.
"The figuro was still there and
asked mo to tako hold of her hand.
I did this, and the form seemed to
dissolve, sinking down into the floor
until nothing but tho head was left.
It remained thero looking up at mo,
smiling, when suddenly it was trans
formed into tho face of an old man,
and tho hand which I still held was
changed from tho soft small hand of
tho girl into tho largo hard hand of
tho man. The figuro then rose out
of tho floor until it stood before me
fully G feet high. I converted with
tho old man until ho disappeared in
tho same manner.
"When I camo home, I was anx
ious to tell my friends of my wonder
ful experience. I still had tho little
package which I thought contained
tho hair in my pocket. On taking it
out to assure some of my doubting
friends I found tho paper empty
no hair or sign of hair being there
at all. Tho hair had dematerialized
as soon as I had gone from tho
seance." Pittsburg Dispatch.
The Astor Millions.
How well the Astor girls have been
drilled in the hard lesson that it doesn't
pay to bo a girl in the Astor family!
And yet Mrs. William Astor has four
of them and only ono boy.
Mrs. Rosio Roosev.elt's will is just like
all others made by members of the fam
ily. The money left her in trust by her
father is left to her son outright, while
tho daughter's money is left to her for
life only, with no power of willing it
The Astors are determined to hold on
to all they've got, and leave no loophole
whatever for any of it to leak out of tlio
family. Cholly Knickerbocker in New
York Recorder.
Ono ef the lost known Imslners men in CUcogo,
represoaUtlva of tho great Bradstreot 0a.
Dr. Sltlrs Medical Co., Elkhart, Jnf.
Gentlemen 1 1 takepleaiuroln lnformlneyou
of tho very bcueflcUl rosulu which bao followed
ubiect to dMressIng pain at the base of the
bralu and upper portion of tho spinal cord. I
n mm m. lost flesh and was crvttlv
UUHtU troubled with sleeplossnesi.
wwiilaw your Nerxin0 wos nuiy
recommended to mo. My case hod been so obsif.
unto tlwt I had no confidence la tho c money of
any medicine. et ei a lit resort I cotucnied lo
grtaltatrlal Much to my surprise, I experienced
marked benefit my sleeplci-ncss disappeared:
my heodacho was removed j my spirits aud general
ii5 r ai tin My wife U taking Hie Ken fnc lux
i&obostoiMulu. Louis 6. Vandkbvsk.
Pold by D. J Fry, druggist. Baleui
UiUC J??W9W"-kwwnboutut
MM W Mm pnpiuou,wtu iquum luni
when warm.
3-i!a fortn and
Bf.BltntMa or VU.Otti.VDWC
O J'liia
whtjh mu dlreotly ca urts anclJ
GOT uiu..a..aj-aiTonilu,anclllia
prmuiantour. I'rlcecia rpmctuij
ti jKv dBEalEISV. A.
rtUCO ormaU. &r.J)OMko,?MlJar;hu?i
Bold by BiuLett A Van Blype.
Hood's Cures
) "P Mi
Ollte Ij. Archer
Saved His Life
"I hao boon suffering from hip discus
for c'3litcari, having three running sores
on ry 1 lp. I began to taKo
.. -.: i! n
ztat sauai ma
and It lias cl von mo a perfect cm o. I fed
confident that it swed try life." Om.ii: I
Ai.cirrii, ISO Pu Hey Street, Dayton, Ohio.
Kcod's PlIj t-ulst dl'03tlon and cuio
he idache. Sold bj all druselsti. 2Ce.
Prices Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salkm, December 19, 4 p. m. Office
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
tious for day and up to hour of going to
press were as follews:
salkm fhoduoe mahket.
Apples 30c to 50c. a bushel.
Veals dressed 45 cts.
Hogs dressed 5J.
Live cattle 1J to 2.
Sheep alive $1.60 to J.2.00.
Salem Milling Co quetes: Flour $1.25
in wholesale lots $2.80. Retail $3.20
Bran $14 bulk, $15 sacked. Shorts $15
16J. Chop feed $1G and $17.
43 C3UU oar bushel.
Oats old, 38 to 40c, uew 25 to 80c.
Hay Baled, new J8 to $12; old $10 lo
$14. Wild in bulls, Wi to W.
Barley Brewing, at Salem, No. 1.
95 to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cts,
Wool Best, 10c.
Hops Small sale, 17J tp 18Jo.
Eitks Cash, 27$ 30 cents.
Butter Beat Uuiry, 35; fancy
creumery, 35.
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
Farm smoked meats Bacon 12;
hams, 13; shoulders, 11.
Potatoes 35c. to 40c.
Onions 1 to 2 cents.
Beeswax 34c. Caraway seed, 18c.
Anise' seed, 26c. Ginseng, $1.40.
Chickens- no njarke,duck8,810;tur
keys, slow sale, choice, 10c; geeteS to 7c.
drain, Peed, etc.
Flour Staudard, $2 80; Walla Walla,
$..15; graham, $2.50; superfine, $2.25
uer barrel.
Oats Isew whlte,35cpprbu ,grey,34d;
rolled, in bags, $6 250.50; barrels,
i6 757.00; cases, $3 75.
Hay Best, $1012 per ton.
Wool vallov, price nomlunl.
Millstutrs Bran, $15.00; shorts, $16;
ground barley, $18; chop feed, $15
per tou; whole feed, barley, 70 cts. per
ceutal; middling, $2328 perton; brew
ing baric. , 9095n per ceutal: chicken
wheat, 1.101.15 per cental.
Hops -Old, 10 to 10ov new 10 to 16.
Hides green, salted, 60 lbs. 3p, un
der 60 lbs., 23-; sheep pelts, 1060c.
Butter Oregon fa ncv creamery, 30
32e;faney dairy, 2527e; fair to irood,
2022Jc; common, 15 to I7jn per lb.
1'iieet.e Oregon, 1012; Young
American, 1616fpor pound; California
14c; Swlas Imp , 3032; Dom., 1820.
Eurs Oregon, 30o per dozen.
Pmiltrv .Neminal: chickens, mixed.
$2 60f3 50 per dozen; ducks,$3 50fi.60
Keee, $,9 00; turkeys, live, 12Ju;
dres-ed, 14o.
Beef Top steers, 2o per pound; fair
to good steers, 2o; No 1 rows, 2c; fair
cows, ljejdnseed beef, $3 CP6 00 per
100 pou nits
Mutton Best sheep, $2; choice mut
ton. $1 752 00; lambs, $2 002 25.
Hogs t'holee, heavy, $4 605 00;
medium. ?4 0d5 50; lludit uud feeders,
$4 004 60; .tressed, i8 60.
Veal J3 0()5 00-
Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10
12u; do Inferior, 89o; do valley, 12
Hops 10 to 18o.
Potatoes Eirly Rose, 4555. Bur
banks, 3045c.
Oats MiiliitK.$J 151 20.
Wlllbe fouudan excellent remedy fr Kick
headache, drier's ullt eLlv r Pills Thou.
ami of letters from paple who have uaed
thorn prove this fact. Try them
If ilck he.d iihe W misery, what are Carter's
Little L er IM tftnev will positively cure
If I'eoplH win h iv- used thara npeak trans.
ly of their wor h. Thoy are small and easy to
If 1011 once trv Carter' I.lltl(rl.lvr lll!o inr
sick liudiu h, bin lUHtiena or constipation,
you will uev r be without, them 'J hey are
pu eiy vegetxble Biuull und easy to take
Don't forget this.
HOUSE Painting, Decorating.
11 Hard Wood Finishing,
Van gh e good re'trais. Estimates furnish-
ed, iui1res, l.oo. Ktctistru h, Halem. Itesl-
di'iioeun -iilem Moior lUlhvay, ;North Salem
Lekeorden,utbtoluorx modern, ll-6d
MALUM, ... On
lriVAte work a specialty.
O. . CI.EM KNT, Manager
Leaveorder. at t)IUe-lrkhui.tUowooa
t,bwwu, Oregon, I
Bi for Asylum Supplies.
Oregon state Insane asylum Invite sealed
proposals for furnishing at th asylum
near Salem. Oreecn, tho following sup
plies for the six months ending June
30, 1894.
1 doa. each tf, , . , 1 and 2 Inch
1 doz. each & , IM. 1. and 2 Inch
1 do, each and Inch Keystone
1 doz each 1, 1H and 2 Inch flange
1 doz. each . , 1. ltf street ells.
1 doz. each H and U Inch sockets.
1 doz. each &. and 1 inch pIueb.
2 doz. each and H Inch csmuresslon
bibs, finished.
2 doz. each and H inch compression
hose bibs, finished.
100 feet each of hi, , hi. . 1. and 1U,
inch black pipe.
100 feet each of hi. and 1 Inch galv.
hi doz. each U and hi Jenkln's valves
removable disks.
1 doz. each and 1 Inch Jenkln's vtdves
removable disks.
21 sq. feet 3 ply rubber packing.
10 lbs. each Vi and bi. flax packing.
1 Jackson's Hue scraper, 3 inch.
20 bushels charcoal.
100 lbs. solder, and hi-
2 each extra jaws and nuts for 12, 18
and 24 inch Stillsons wrenches.
10 lbs. Asbestos candle wick.
141 sq. feet sheet lead 4 lb.
2 doz. Sampson's battery cells.
2 doz. and glass gage washers,
lffl vnrdscallpo. best.
2,500 yards cotton flannel, Kashau XXX.
1,200 yds. pequot A unbleached 45 Inch.
1,000 yards Mariners stripe.
500 yards Lonsdale bleached.
1,500 yards pequot A sheeting, 35 inch.
500 yds. Continental check flannel.
500 yds. glass crash towelling, 18 Inch.
,200 yds. bleached linen French tqwell
lng. .siX) yds. blue denim.
100 yds. bleached sheeting pequot 9-4.
100 yds. Marsellls check, York Mfg.
6 boxes white stay binding Inch.
12 dozen Turkey red handkerchiefs, 24
50 dozen Coat's thread, white No. SS.
lid z a ini's "irMi l will - N . IS.
15 dozen Coat's, thread, black No. S6.
12 d07en Coat's thread, black No. 1C.
12 dozen black linen thread, No. 25.
50 yards table oilcloth, white.
12 dozen papers pins.
50 doz. prs. men's socks (half hose.)
1 doz. prs. men's gloves, Nos. 9 and
10. extra heavy.
15 dozen pairs suspenders.
100 yards nllesla, 40 inch, drab.
1 great gross men's pants buttons.
1 great gross pants buckles.
6 great gross men's Bhlrt buttons,, me
dium size.
12nro-ssmo!cd re rl hn"nn.
2 dozen corsets (assorted sizes, 20 to 30.
1 dozen thimbles, Nos. 9 and 10 closed
6 pairs Jean pants, 2929.
6 pairs Jeans pants, 8030.
12 pairs Jean pants, 31-r31.
12 pairs Jean pants 3333.
12 pairs Jean pants, 3332.
6 pairs jean pants, 3331.
6 pairs Jean pants, 8234,
12 pair Jean bants, 35-3.
12 pairs Jean pants, 36 32.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3733.
6 pairs Jean pants, 37 Js.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3832.
6 pairs Jean pants, 883.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3933.
G pairs Jeans pant", fl) 2.
?00 lbs. heavy white wool
150 lbs. cheapest grade woo
yarn, as-
sorted colors.
200 lbs. Crown mills carpet warp.
H 000 lbs trrnnulated sugar, extra fine, dry.
12, Ib O O sngnr.
6 mrb n died oats.
5 000 lbs cracked v. heat.
6 (Kin lb rorn meal.
500 lbs hominy, small cracked.
l,HX)Ibi homloy.
5CO-J ns rloo.
Wlki, nlulng.
800 gallons vlnegir.
2 0 trillions N. O. molasses.
J.OfX) lb. corn eta'Ch, Oxwego.
in000 8), Liverpool fait.
40 Ib-i. Oirb. soda, A nnd H.
Rinfbs. cream tarter Foltrers.
SO gross snfaty ma'chea (Vulcan).
1 bale broom corn, f
.1 uoz-na wh fk brooms.
85 rirzen oyi-ter, enns (A. Field's Cove).
15 dozen nnRco n (Knw Vutie )
800 Itn. soda cracker?. XXX. lurnlahed as re
j mi gallons syrap i"5ianar),
40 lb cunrtlOK Start'', wax).
2dzen Worcestershire sauce, in ota.. fLee
nd PerrlnsJ
2wro. germea.
IPOBn sngo
50Bi4 r hi pa starch.
(VH'Ib-i. mil oda.
2. dozen UroomB.
a) Ihn peirl hirley.
0n lbs. starch, glnsr,
20b'ies macamni.
8 bnies vermicelli,
fOtl ftw. cheese. Cranston'g or as mod. fur.
nlsbedas require 1,
7ilb. mustnrd.
410 lbs. hliictc pepper.
23 lbs. allspice.
IRdozm tacupi.
15 dii7en tea siucers.
15 dnzen quirt soup bowls.
2 dux n 1 gnl on p fhers.
3 dnzn soup plates.
1 iiitpu bowls hi d pitchers,
1 dozen chamber pots.
1 d zen bed pang,
1 dozen pint svruD pltohers.
2di zen lantern glo'ea
S dozen joint cream pitchers.
8 dozen Oinrh dlnno plat.s.
2 doz n 7 irioh Die plat, '
8 dozen 13 Inch veeelnble dishes.
4 d.'z u 10 Inch vegeta de dlrbes,
1 dozen surxr bowls
8 dozen 12 inch p utters.
3 dozen 11 inch platters.
CM birrels. moe or less, lient rniUr nmn.
Il.-orl ',..r.i .-. r.wv.
lb barrels graham, more or less, delivered as
200 lbs, extra pale savon.
1000l-. Ivory
20 lbs. shavlug, in cakes I. a. Williams A
500 lbs Kngll h breakfast, black.
1,000 lbs. uucolored Japan, green.
5.000 lbs. Costa Rica.
400 1 im, Java
XO lbs. Mnca.
800 lbs. chicory,
825 lbs. a week, more or less, best creamery.
3,000 lbs. Sledge Hammer.
000 Ihj. per day, more or lew, of befi as
nqnlredlu equal puna oricre and hind Quar
tern. ,
310 lbs, of mutton per wetlc as required.
Fish a required. gtynr price per pound for
lurnUhlnKthedirferent kinds perfectly fresh
and sound.
X dozen oil grain ca" 40 lbs to the dozen.
I dozen call skins, 40 lb. o the dozen
1 dozen Imltailo-t ifn'n rut ,,i.hi .
Allflrt.N rn..ku. I.iai , if
6 buckskins or lining, sha ed.
U g aloed kip sk ns, avenue 8 lbs. each
1 dpt. kip skins, average S rb. each.
? Mes skirting 15 to Is lbs. each.
COO Jbf. Santa Cms sole leather, extra
heavy No, I, average weight X lbs. to
the side.
do, balls English shoe web.
IS yards English sho core I in. wtde.
1 oz. Russian bristles.
1 do silk, twitt D.
6 spools linen thread, No. 25.
0 spools linen thread No. 35.
a lbs, Darbours shoe thread No. 12.
6 bottles leather cement (Cub brand.)
6 bottles rubber cement (Brazilian,)
3 doz. pieces shoemaker's wax.
6 lbs. 1 oz. shoe tacks.
3 lb,. 4 oz thou tucKB
tilm. yt Oriisi uain, improved,
12 lbs. 6-8 brass nails.
12 lbs. 4-8 brass nails.
12 lbs. brass nails.
12 Itia. 8-8 Iron heel nails.
12 lbs. Iron heel nails.
12 lb., tl-n 1 roil lite! miIIh.
12 lbs. Iron heel nails.
2 doz. llradbury machine needles
(wedge point) No 4.
2 sq. feet rubber cloth for patching.
20 yards heavy ticking for lining.
6 doz. pressed pans, 8 inch.
16 doz. pint cups.
24 doz. table spoons.
t doz. wash basins.
6 doz. knives and forks.
2 doz. ladles, in two sizes.
1 doz. slop pails with covers.
hi dozen wash tubs, small sizes.
10 lbs. bees wax, yellow.
2 doz. dust brushes.
8 dozen scrub brushes, with handles.
8 dozen shoe brushes.
2dozen hair brushes.
1 dozen whitewash brushes.
dozen kalsomlnlng brushes.
2 dozen shaving brushes.
0 dozt 11 Ijnno- Hiii 1 b itikiiigT. &1.
5 dozen boxes hair pins.
3 dozen combs.
3 dozen papers needles Nos. 2.
3 dozen papers needles Nos. 8.
3 dozen papers needles Nos. 4.
6 dozen papers needles Nos. 5.
6 dozen papers needles Nos. 6.
4 gross satety pins.
6 dozen mop handles.
12 dozen mop rags.
50 packs playing cards double headed.
1 gross sliaker pipes.
200 gallons kerosene, more or less, deliv
ered in tanks ns required.
OgiilloiiH i-iiuU.e, or as good.
10 gall 'mh Utiuiiy 0 I Inner, 01 an good.
100 gallons turpentine.
2ulb Albi v it-iinp mud No. 3, ran good.
2 dozen bottles sewing machine.
200 lbs. parralline In 1 lb cakes.
1 ca e uxie tire ise, II. and . 111 good
Mens shoes.
20 pairs No. 6.
20 pairs No. 7.
20 pairs No. 8.
20 pairs. No. 9.
Men's boots.
20 palrs No. 7.
1 uoz. pr. rubber boots, sizes from 8
to 10.
20 pairs No. 8.
10 pairs No. 10.
10 pairs No. 11.
Men's leather slippers.
20 pairs No. 6.
30 pairs No. 7.
30 pairs No. 8.
30 pairs No. 9
30 pairs No. 10.
20 pairs No. 11.
10 pairs No. 12.
Ladles shoes.
20 pairs No, 3.
20 pairs No. 4.
30 pairs No. 6.
SO pairs No. 6.
10 pairs No. 7.
Ladles carpet slippers.
20 pairs No. 5.
20 pairs No. 6.
20 pairs No. 7.
15 pairs No. 8.
10 pairs No. 9.
10 gross shoe laces.
3 gross pens, London Incandescent No. 4
2 gross pens, London Incandescent No. 6.
2 gioss pens, London lncandescmt No. '1
1 gross pens, Gillotts No. 401.
1 dozen pen holdars.
t dozen lead pencils
10 reams Wedgwood letter paper, half
1 gross Indelible Ink In bottles. Payson's
2 doz. bottles mucilage, Sanfords Uni
versal, DRIED FRUIT.
In barrels or boxes.
2.500 lbs. apples.
2,000 lbs. peaches.
1,500 lbs. prunes.
100 lbs. raisins.
1 dnzen leather itn-inm, iwtrlch.
1 doz. wash boards, best quality.
2 packages each 2, 3 and 4 lb tinned
1 pair 5 lb soldering Irons.
40J feet each hi and round Norway
100 feet each 7-16 and hi round Norway
r75n'feot each lx, lix, lx flat
Norway Iron.
75 feet each hW. x, lxVi, 1VUH flat
Norway iron.
10 feet each , , octagon tool steel,
10 feet each round tool steel.
keg each No. 3, 4, 6 front horse
shoes (Burden's light.
V, keg each No. 3, 4, 5 hind horse
shoes (Burden's light.
10 lbs. each No. 7 and 8 Putnam's horse
shoe nails.
5 IbB. each No. 6 Putnam's horse shoe
25 lbs. each No. 3 and 4 Sweet's Amer
can toe calks.
10 lbs. each 'No. 2 Sweet's Ameri
can toe calks.
L horBe rasps, 14 Inch, Hlller's.
1 Iron saw handle for key-hole saw
with (Jxiwh.h to t u . piitmi'M
2 each Morse twist drills hi to 7-16 by
1.16th with Inch hunk
3U ids. eacn or , 1, 1, 1, i z men
round head rivets hi Inch.
2 each 6 inch and 12 Inch monkey
wreticiit-H, 1 o '
V, dozen each . hi, Yi and 1 inch of
Nos. 7, 8, 9, copper belt rivets.
2 belt punches, No. 7 and 8.
1 revolving punch with four panches.
100 each Ix3-16, 23-16, lxVi, 2xt4,
ix'4, 2S4x and 6x Inch carriage bolts.
100 each 1V&X5-16 and 4x5-16 machine
25 lbs. each and Iron washers.
10 lbs. each Vi nnd blank nuts.
400 feet inch manllla rope.
00 feet Inch manllla rope.
200 feet Vi inch manllla rope.
2 gross Bcrews each, 1 inch No, 7 and
11, 2 inch No. 14, IVi inch No. 9 and No.
11 JilllCIl ISO 7HM(I .No. u.
t lbs. brads each, , and Inch.
1h-( .l-rii bn hi 8. Hint quality,
1 set glmblet brace bits.
hi doz. compass saw blades, from 8
Inch toUIn li. ,i n'
1 diamond for 'cuttng glass, No. 1.
1 set b uih pluutH, uoodeu, Btaulej'g best,
1 claw hammer Mo. 7
1 bet Firmer rocke' chisels, (Barton's best )
6 lbs. acid carbolic cryst. pure.
10 lbs. acid muriatic commercial.
1 lb nitric acid C. P.
1 lb acid sallclltc powdered.
1 lb acid tannic. t
10 lbs. aqua ammonia, concentrated In
4 lb bottles.
10 lbs. ammonia muriate powdered.
2 lbs. ammonia carbonate.
& lbs. ammonia biomide
2 lbs. antifebrln (Kalle and Co.)
2 Its. blue ointment.
8b. bUui'illi miii Mi (qulbb.l
2 lbs. chalk prep. J
20 lbs. cotton absorbant hospital.
1 iu vaiouiei
2 lbs. chloranodyue.
6 lbs. chloroform (Squlbbs.)
10 lbs. chloral hydrate (Merck.)
Vi lbs. ether In ty lb cans (Squlbbs.)
50 lbs. epsom salts.
U lbs h ixtr I,, ipiimmlde of calcium
com p. tiiiacn and Co.)
5 lbs. glycyrrhlza como. pondered.
1 lb golden seal powdered.
6 lb hematic syrup hypophosphates (P.
D. and Co.)
H lb Jalap powdered.
& lbs. mustard ground.
1 lb opium powdered.
2 gallons oft cat-tor (Baker's A. A.)
5 gallons nil malaga.
hi lb oil cloves pure,
1 iu mi orange pure.
14 lb oil peppermint pure.
hi lb oil lavender pure.
H lb oil bargamont pure.
2 lbs. pepsin sacch. (Falrchllds.)
1 lb pepsin (Boudaults.)
4 lbs, phenacetln (Bayer.)
25 lbs, potash bromide bulk.
2 bi 11, h
2 lbs. potash chlorate powdered.
6 lbs. potash Iodide gran. Malllnch
k rod is.)
krod'ts)' pot,uh cltrato St&a (MaMuc-
5 lbs. pyrophosphate of Iron (Sai
W lb tartarate of Iron and pota
2 lbs. soda boras, powdered
3 lbs. soda bromide.
1 lb soda hypophosphate gran
2 lbs. soda phosphate gran,
2 lbs. solution chloride of Iron (Mi
krodts. ' '
fi Jtin. syrup hypophosphate com
1 111 vanilla bean (Mexican.)
5 lbs. sulfonnl (Bayer.)
M lb antlpyrlno (Dr. Knorrs )
30 gallons alcohol, 95 per cent
5 Milieus glyceiinc puie.
20 lbs. vaseline XXX ref.
bo oz. quinine sulphate (K. and
2 oz. lunar caustic puro.
1 oz. morphine sulphate (P. and
hi oz. strychnia sulphate cryst
hi oz. red Iodide mercury.
1 oz. yellow oxide mercury.
2 oz. menthol.
',(, oz. socatne muriate.
1 lb sponges surgeons No. 1.
1 lb sponges carriage No. 1.
1 lb solution subsulphate of
(Squlbbs) ot
1 gross phials' 1 oz.
2 gioss phials 4 oz.
1 gtoss phials 6 oz.
2 gross phials 8 oz.
2 gioes corks each No. 4, 6 and 8(t
8 gioss pill boxes assorted size
29, 30 and 31.
2,500 empty capsules No 1 (P r
2,500 empty capsules No, 2 (P. r
Soluble hypodermic tablets.
1,000 hypo, tablets No. 9 in ca
bottles each (J. Wyeth Bios.)
2,000 hypo tablets No. 45 In ca
bottles each (J. Wyeth Bros)
200 hypo, tablets No. 61 (J, Wyeth
4 doz, cod liver oil Em. (Phillips)
1 doz. Davidson's syringe No. 1
2 doz, Davidson's syringe No. 2
6 doz. camels hair pencils assort
4 doz. plasters Allcock's poms.
4 doz. plasters Wells strengther
2 boxes plasters Meads adhesh
and J.)
2 boxes Plasters silk Isinglass
goon's pink (S. and J.)
2 boxes Plasters silk Isinglass
gcon's black (S. and J.)
2 boxes Plasters capsicum S. am
3 lbs. pills o. c. Imp. gelatin coat
D and Co.)
200 pills aloln 1-5 grain (P. D. an
300 pills alotne grain (P. D. an
500 pills aloln comp. (P. D. and
200 pills C. C. gran, pink A gr
D. and Co.)
200 pills assafoetlda 1 gr.
(P. r
200 pills assafoetlda 2 gr. (P. D
M)i pit s emmeneagogue gelatine
(McK. nnd R.)
300 pllli aloes et Ferrl.
1 lb fluid extract aconlto root (
and Co.)
2 lbs. lluld ext. buchu (P. D. and
2 lbs. lluld extract belladonna
and Co.)
5 lbs. fid. ext. enrcara sagrada 1
and Co.)
1 lb fluid ext. capsicum (I
and Co.)
1 lb lluld ext. conlum seed ()
and Co.)
2 lbs. Hull ext. cinchona comp. 1
and Co)
1 lb lid. ext. dlgltaills (P. D. an
9 iM d. ext. drcer (P. D. and
1 lb fid. ext gentian (P. D. and
2 lbs. lid. ext. henbane (P. D. an
0 ion na. oa.1. lpemCuuannea (P.
5 lbs. fid. ext. Jalap (P. D. and (
B lbs Ud. ext. licorice (P. D. an
1 lb fid. ext. nux vomica (P. D. an
1 lb fid. ext orange peel (P. D. an
2 lbs. fid. ext. rhubarb (P. D. an
1 lb fid. ext. seneka (P. D. and
5 lbs. fid. ext. senna (P. D, and
1 lb fid. ext. squills (P. D. and
1 lb fid. ext. Squills comp. P. I
5 lbs. fid. ext. sarsaparllla com
syrup (P. D. ana Co.
6 lbs. lid. ext. wild cherry (P. 1
200 filter papers, round gray,
Dla. 13 Inches! --
2 lbs. soda et potas, tart
Samples may be seen at the of
the board. Goods must be In acco
therewith, and be in original pa
when possible. The right to rejei
or all bids Is reserved. Delivery c
plies will be required within ten
notice of acceptance of bid. A c
the adveitlsement must accompan
hid., and the name of the class c
piles must be on the envelope,
hid must Include all tha items a
tals In full of the respective clnFi
exceptions of flour, meat and fish
dttlng ol)lcer3 are prohibited fron
firming accounts of purchases whi
advertisement does not contain
and complete description of the a
to be purchased. Bids will be ope
2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, January
at the oftlje of the board, Salem, O
Board of Tn
Wm. A. MUNLY, Clerk of Board.
Ktelnway, Kraler, Webber, Ei
snn nnd other pianos, Btor
(Murk nml EartiefT orirans. also a!
clacs different makes.
rievvlug machines, smaller ma
musical instruments and su
Needles, oil und new Darts for all 1
of much 1 ups.
Sewing machines and organ
paired and cleaned.
Two doots north of postofllce, t
Hotel Monterey.
Newport, - Oi
Locaud on the Beach, two roller
of Newport on Cave Cove, a beau
sbeltertd spot, wonderful teener
bathintf, fine drives to Cape Foulv
er light house, Hru&e new, roonu
and airy. Finest resort for fa mil
Invalid.-. Open nil winter. '
moderate by day or week. Intei
visitors can drop a postal card to
port and bo met by buck.
d-2 m ' Proprit
Legal Blank Publisher
llmh'i New Brlck.over'l
Person wUblng to engage mnilo I
holld lys or any other ocaslon will dp
see u. Can furnish ono or "'ire v lli
mamy plcc3 as teslred. First bouse
of LlncolivMflhool housn, or B ilein I os'
Geo smtiVKB, manager- '
Rheumatism; -
Lumbago. Sciatica
Kidney Complain
Lame bock, c
ni afH!fbH bbbWlHiv v.
WKh Elotro-Macntlo SUPCNyi
Win cur. without roMldn. ail W..I.M. rMUlUsi
OTcr-Ui.tlon of atin ntrr forces I
cretion. u smwi d.bUltr, tltctileMMtf, l
rheumOUm. klduer. llrcr ud UwUtf comp
Umblr, lumUffo, scUMo. all ttmtif coat
iWJ.m,il, ortr nil &! C?"
butuUy feitV.euu' or w forfeit ,oea.oi
via cur allot the abon dUeaaes or no par.
otttttuMuUUlaUikJKierTOlberUta. ,
Oar r.-rf. iiiwiiiiitwK Mrsor
grmteat boon Tr tJKrraA mMie hub. W
wtM- wrr iyry m m
PK-4 boon ver orr4 we