VJL''"V - IW rv W EVENING- (JAJ?ITAJL JOTJRKAIijSATXJBDATi'DECEMBEB 16, JL0VB. H LWi & GOING OUT WOO W of Dry fads To be Sold at BEFORE THE Our lease of store room expires Jnne 1st, and we want to close our entire stock by that time. Kemember our stock is all new and desirable. Dress Goods, Laces, Lace Curtains, Embroideries, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves, Umbrellas, Muslin, and Wool Underwear, FanB, Corsets, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, Ladies' Miw 03' and Childrens' Shoes, &c. p. p. Jackets Regardless of Coit Everything must go by June 1st. The Palace E. Q. & S. Co., December Uth, 1803, A FEW DAYS MORE THEN CHRISTMAS. Delight yoar friend with a pretlyJ picture and frame. KELJOEli & SOUS are the people for style, good work manship and reasonable price. Local Dates. Dec 18. Husking Bee at FIrat Cou gregatlonal church. Dec 22. The Iuventora. Benefit for the McGee Babies by Amateur Ar tist. Dec. 22, 23. Prof. Chapman lectures on English literature, Y. M. C. A. hall. Jan. 1. Y. M. C. A. reception. Jan. 20. 8y Perkl us comedy. A Good Work. M. Scbeydecker, the landscape gardner, has been en gaged by Secretary of State McBride to same, classify and re-arrange the shrubbery on the state bouse square. Ho Is at present engaged with an as sktant placing the botanical names onto each individual shrub. Later he will place the local name by which the plant Is known on the reverse side of each of the tags. At the proper seasou the planting of the entire grounds will be re-arranged, and wheu all the trees and shrubs ar3 in their permanent po sitions a perfect diagram of the place will be made, giving a number to each plant, whereby its name can be ascer tained. The square contains some rare and valuable plants. They have at tained a good growth, and will prove a greater source of beauty to our city from year to year. Tula classification and naming wl 1 bo a means of educa tioi to our people, young and old, and will do much to encourage the beauti fying of the entire city for years to come. Scksiblr Holiday Stock. Being aware of the bard limes and the careful use people will make of their mouey these holidays. The Spa has put on sale a mammoth stock of fresh made candles for Just about what the sugar costs. They also make box candles fresh to order, and" put them into boxes that will afterward be useful. Mixed iiuU at t ut prices, Christmas tree orna ments and all holiday novelties at the lowest prices. Djn't fail to call at The Spa, and make your money go us fur aa possible. HAVE Both. J. A. Van Eaton, the people's grocer, has the best general stock of groceries ever in the city, and as to prices, his patrons say others are not It with this house for good .values. Appointed Guardian. In probate court upon petition of Mrs. Chester Thomas, Ed. N. Edes was today ap poined guardian of Cheater Thomas, a minor, aged four years. The where abouts of the father are unknown. -t Run Over. If you see a young man eemlDg full speed don't be afraid you will be run over, for it is a Lockwood messenger flylug to his destination Wltu a message. A CoMruMENT. A lady was heard to remark yesterday: "The Palace must really be selling at cost, for I never saw such low price In Salem before." SMOKINQ jACkKTS AND DRESSING Gowns At Brasfleld'a at com. Bee display In our window. 2t Sweet cider Clark & Eppley. P. 5. DEARBORN'S IMAS SUGGESTIONS. Red mountains of Alaska by W. D. Alba. Knockabout Cub In tho Woods. My Days and Nights on tiie Battle WWm, by Cha. Carletou Collin. Tbre Vaar G'r's in South America Chatterbox tor 1803. Uttk Om' Annual. DjgCkIvalry. TM Kiwfwy. Jok. and at .1 Vu. Unnle .7-.t...-. tjet .. nuts. BOOK STORE. OF BUSINESS. Cost or Less 1ST OF JUNE PERSONALS. Public Prosecutor A. O. Condlt is again able to be about his law practice after a touch of grippe. County Assessor Bears of Portland U in the city. Ex-Gov. nnd Mrs. 8. F. Chad wick and daughter Miss Mary, returned last evening from a visit in Portland. Dr. A. Davis, who has been In Salem for a few months with hi home at the C. B. Moores residence on Stale street Is preparing to move to Southern Cali fornia. Rev. Wtn.R. Stevenson, of Portland, who has been the guest of the Wallace family for several days, returned home this afternoon. Manager Koehler's private car passed south this morning. R-v. Dr. Freeland returned this morning from a week's visit at Seattle. He has not yet fully decided to accept the call given blm by too church here, but Trill make his decision known soon. LITTLE LOCALS. Our perfect winter gress temperature, weather at 60 de- continues. Of course, The Journal will get out a flue New Year's edition. It will be il lustrated with cuts of our best build ings, too. The churchea are prepar ing for Cbiristmas exercises in their Sunday schools -Tue Salem Flour ing Mills are ruuniug. During the past two weeks the big Wi lauiette Valley flouring mills have received 60, 000 bushels of valley wheat. During the same time 140 cars of flour have heeu shipped out of the mill) to East Portland, where It will find market in Liverpool. Does this leak like bard times? If the Irresponsible windbag who is editing tho Populist paper of this city can figure out how a man in the thirties could he a native of Ger many and yet the son of a veteran in the Uulou armies there will be some excuse for bis being permitted to longer remain outsldo of the Oregon asylum. A pale-faced young man with a big black cigar in his blue lips went up to Instruct tho state board how to fix the state taxes this morning. Chas. Daniels was sent up from Port laud to the State Reform school today. Harry 8lngIeton went to Hubbard this ufternoon. Secretary W. A. Munley is in Portland for Sunday. A very pleasing entertainment was given by the inmates of the Institute for tho blind, last evening, at their school. The rooms were crowded with visitors, and an enjoyable program was rendered. Recorder's Court. Two tramps were before his honor, Judge Edes, this morning. A dead druuk was picked up by Policeman Low and Fireman Koas down near the big bridge. When be sobers oil. Hay for Sale. 600 tons of choice hay for sale, most ly timothy. Will be sold in parcels to suit the purchaser by R. M. Robertson, Albany, Oregon. 1216tf Any Suit or Overcoat In Bras- field's store $15.00. Don't think twice about this but come In and avail your self of this opportunity. 2t The New York Racket has a shoe trade to bo proud of. The reason Is that they give their customers full value for every dollar they spend at their store. Buy your toyB where the entire at Wui. Sargeant's, stock la being closed out at coit. 12-lG-3t . The Ladles Bazaar Is having a heavy run at the underwear sale. Ladies uud iuIhscs underwear ut 33 per cent, dis count all through. Dou't miss this opportunity. i MottoaoMAN. Japanese china ware liuudtedsof Jan. novel ties lust In Damon Bros; JHue Front. Hu.' Do YoD?-If you" eat pearl barley, ' saiMi. Ilaked or pearl tanlocca be aura to ..iirf .. . i . . - .. it irtwii at uiara & .epp.-eya. entertained frienda at the residence of fc"or tin best nrlcen aud nualltveoto StrouifH for your Christmas caudles aud Weatacutt & Irwin. fluviluut O 'an e'egant designs new for tbe holidays at the lilwo Frout. SOCIETY HAPPENINGS. Records f tke Week is Circles. Sales A RECEPTION OF TflB.WILLAME'iTES. Benefit to Babies McGee Knights of Pjtklas Entertain meat. Readers of the Journal are re quested to send us reports of social gatherings, and notices of friends from abroad who may be n the city. Send in at any time during the week or re porters will be sent on request. charity benefit. Chas. H. Burggraf, the architect, is the author oi a melodrama which will be presented on Friday evening, Dec. 22d. at Reed's Opera House. The title of the play is "The Inventors" and fol lowing executive stall bs consented to assume the responsibility of the man agement and donate the entire net pro ceeds to the widow and orphans of the late Richard McGee: executive btaff. Business Manager 8 A Bishop.Jr. Stage Director Chas H Burggraf. f P W Rogere.leader. Orchestra -Elite" .WEMcElroymgr. Stage Manager . Major Wallace. Treasurer H B Holland, THE CA8E. Harry Raymond, an inventor S A Biqbop, Jr. Phillip Weaton, inventor of mischief A Lawrence. Tim Higgins, Inventor of the Com pound Presser, Hugger and Fqueezer J Burggraf. Para fVanutta, inventor of "Queer" G Wallace. Yim Yorgeuson, 8wede f McGiuty. inventor of'Af.-j B Dugan ter the Bawl" I Ned, a street Arab Major Wallace. Constable A C Adams. Chief Police Chas. Helleubrand, Jr. May Raymond, Harry's wife Mrs H B Holland. Katie Hlgginsw..Miss Emma Murphy. Bessie Miss Renioh Holland. Tickets are for sale at the book stores and there should be a liberal attendance and appreciation of the work of these amateur players who give their time for so worthy a cause. BOCIAL. NOTES. The Misses King of North Salem, en tertained a company of young friends to the number of about 30 on Tuesday evening and maintained their past rep utation as entertainers m a high de gree. Mrs. C. D. Gabrlelson entertained a circle of friends Tuesday evening at drive whist. Light refreshments, drive wblst for prizes and delightful conver sation comprised the evening program. Wednesday evening showed growing attendance at Prof. Parvin's conserva tory concert for the electric light fund for Willamette cbajjel. Verdi's "An vil Chorus" was rendered with much effect by a fdll chorus with anvil ac companiment, and the entire program showed that a high grade of musical performance is insisted upon at this conservatory. THE WILTAUEITES. On Wednesday evening this fashion able social club assembled at its quar ters In Hotel Willamette parlors. Fol lowing are those taking part: Some of those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Brasfleld, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hirscb, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Boise, Jr., Mr. aud Mrs. C. D. Gabrlelson, Mr. and Mrs. Jot. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lafore, Mr. and Mrs. FInley Perriue, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gatcb, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Belle, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hofer, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thompson, Misses Julie Metsoban, Lilian Itoblln, Anna Younger, Maud Hirscb, Gusle Lous dale, Gertie Savage, Anna Metscban, Georgia Glltuer, Murphy, Amelia Metscban, Ethel Crane, Messrs. Judge J. J. Murphy, Basil Wagner, Frank Meredith, J. M. Keene, E. C. Glltuer, Mendenhall, T. C. Smith, Jr., F. K. Lovell, Philip Metscban, Looney, Ber ry, Iuman, Harvey Jordan, Frank Dearborn, E. Breymau and G, L. Baa ket, Miss Leila Waters, Miss Lena Breyman, Ml&i Mae Carpeuter Dr. W. B, Morse, W. Breyman, Mr. and Mrc. J. G. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brown, Mr. and Mr. C. B. Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Wagner, Mr. aud Mrs R. B. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Briton, Mrs. A. E. Strang, Mrs. Bailie Dwyer. Mrs. J. F. Fink, of Tacoma. Mian Fraukle Richardson, Miss Anna Brey man. MASONIC. Pacific Lodge No. 60, A. F. and A. - us., citroicu uuiuera tutu uigmasioiiews: Lot L. Pierce, mister; J as. It Davis. r ..1 ...... ..iu 1 .. ... ... ., Mnlor waid'nj Wiu, Warner, junior Wardv : H. P. McNarv. treasurer. IT. -ton. aecretary; John Gray, tvler. social party. Mrs.L. D. White and Mra.F.ti. Victor. - - 'X. D. White, ob State street ou Tues day ereotug, Dm. 12lh. Those present were: Rev. am) Mrs. Cipelaud, Dr, and Mrs. Pbllbrook, far. and Mrs. tj, C. AdauM, Mr, aud Mrs. Wai. Eutjland, Mr. aad Mrs. E. M. Walte, Mr. and Mrs. I. Patterson, Mr.and Mrs. Eugene Breyman, Mrs. Dr. Cartwrigbt, Mrs. G. Byrne, Miss Butler, Miss Giltner, Mr. F. K. Lovell, H. W. Hull, C. J. Williams, and Clyde Cook. The even ing was spent in conversation and games of amusement, after which a bountiful lunch was served. The guests retired at 11 o'clock.all voting the even ing a very-enjoyable one. KNIQHTS OF PYTHIAS SOCIAL. Invitations are out for a social attrac tion close at band, the social to be given by Central lodge, No. 18, Knights of Pythias of this city, on next Tuesday evening, Dec. 19th. This lodge has given some very fine socials in the past and the event for Tuesday evening will be a novelty from beginning to enfl. The committee having the matter in charge have invited the friends of tho order and there will be a large and fashionable attendance. No one will be admitted without an invitation but the committee have announced that every member of the lodge and visiting knights are to understand that no invi tation is seeded for them. Every knight is invited and expected to at tend aud assist in entertaining the "strangers." Below Is given the program for the early part of the evening. At its con clusion the banquet hall will be cleared and dancing will be the order until 11:30 p. m. Those who do not desire to dance will bo entertained in social gamesand other amusements bo that the evening may be pleasantly passed by all. The committee extend a cor dial Invitation to every knight in the city to be present Overture Orchestra Addrexs qf Welcome Steve McFadden, C. C, Piano solo Miss Byrne Auares-- -un tne uraer" Bro. W. E. Copeland. Selection . Orchestra Recitation Selected Miss Mollle Bernardl. Duet, vocal Selected Messrs. iiundret and Wenger. Violin solo Selected Prof. McLyman. "Our Reason for This Disturb ance." C. D. Gabrlelson The program will commence at 8 o'clock sharp and those holding invita tions are asked to be present at 7:30 or as soon thereafter as possible. DEGREE OF HONOR. The ladies of this order of the United Workmau gave a literary program, social and dance at- their ball in tte State Insurance block. There was a Urge attendance and a credi'able pro gram was carried out from 8 p. m. to 1:30 a. m. Shriyers orchestra furnished the music aud It was very acceptable. MASONIC. On 8t. John's day, Dec. 27th, Salem and Pacific lodges, A. F. and A. m., will conduct Joint annual Installation of ofScrs. Tho exercises will be pub lic to Masons and their families. A se lect program will be rendered, aud aftr its rendition there will be a season of social enjoyment, refreshments, etc. The hall is now very convenient and the "open house" this year will be more enjoyable than ever. GRAND ENTERTAINMENT. At the First M. E. church Wednes- d i'y, December 20, 8 o'clock p. m. Ad mission 50 cents, children half price. program. Piano duet Mis&es Hubbard and Newsome. Vocal Solo Miss Scriber. Beading Mies Ethel Hughes. Piano Solo Mrs. GImble. Vocal Solo Miss Thornton. Reading Hal. Hlhbard. Violin Bolo Mr. Kruse. Vocal Solo Miwi Carpenter. Reading Mls Vundersol. Piano Bolo MIhs Hubbard. Reading Miss Brown. Quartet Prof. Parvln, JJr. Epley, Mrs. Holland and Miss Altermatt. A SURPRISE. A delightful juveulle surprise party was giveu to Willie Sayre at bis moth er's home on 14;b and Chemeketa streets, which was attended by about forty young people whose names we should have bceu glad to have appear If the list bad beeu handed in earlier. There were games, a delightful lunch aud the party did not break up early as all were sorry to have to go home at all. Valuations. Before the State. Board of Equallzition today Portland asks 25 per ceut reduction on town lots. Marion should have as much on a levy for t-tate and county, ten mil) for city aud teu mill for school, Salem is en titled to a reduction. This city now juyB one-third of tbe total taxes of this county, and property hero fs altogether too high. Hanulue laimta tbe Unrest Jmoorla. Moti ever Drought to Bale u, now at tbe Blue Front. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DPRICE'S om wJi1 5?. CrM rrrUr Ptowfcr A"U; No Ate. UM4 la MiLUoiu of Hmb-4o Yr tit frtiwlirf OHTJSOH SEBVI0E8 TOMOMWW. FIRST H. E. CHURCH. Services at the regular hours. Sub jects: 1030 a. m. "Pergonal EQort," 730 p. m. "Thomas tbe Doubter." Young men especially invited. INDEPENDENT EVANGELICAL. The usual services conducted by tbe pastor tomorrow at W. C. T. U. ball. 1030 and and 7:15. Sunday school at 12 m. Y. P. 8. C. E. 0:15. J. Bower- sox. EVANGELICAL TABERNACLE. East Salem, corner Chemeketa and 17th. Services, Sunday morning and evening, Rev. J. Stoops of JeOereon will fill tbe pulpit. All are cordially invited. I. B. Fisher, pastor. SOUTH SALEM. Tomorrow morning ubject"Martha and Mary." Evening subject "The Power of the Gospel." The pastor will conduet tbe services at the state peni tentiary, at 2 p. m. J. M. Shulse, pas tor. UNITY CHURCH. Services at 1030 a. m. and 730 p. m. Sunday school at 12. Rev. W. E. Copeland pastor. Subject of morning sermon "Sin against tbe Holy Ghost." Subject of eveniug lecture "Tbe first Bible of Word of God as written In the Veda's." CONGREGATIONAL. Services morning aud evening, at tbe usual hours, by Dr. Freeland. Sunday school at noon. BAPTIST CHURCH. Corner of Marlon and Liberty streets, Rev. M. L. Ruggo, pastor. Usual preaching services conducted by tbe pastor on Sunday at 1030 a. m. and 730 p. m. Sunday sebcol at close of morn ing services. Young people's meeting at 633 p. m. Subject of sermons, morning, "Religion a Business," even ing, "How to Solvo the Temperance Problem." GERMAN EVANGELICAL. Church corner of Center aud Liberty streets. Services for Suuday as follews: Preaching at 11 a.m. and 730p.m., Sunday school at 10 a. m., Y. P. A. at 7 p. m. Every Gennau person in town Is cordially iuyited to our services. A. A. Eugelbart, pastor. Services as follows at tbe Christian church tomorrow Preaching at 1030 a, m., Sunday school at 12: Y. P. 8. C. E , meeting at 630 p. m. Ou next Weduesday and Thursday night, the 20th aud 21st, Elder A. C. McKeever, of Portland, will preach for us. Nooue should fail to come and hear blm as he is a very able speaker. Y. m. o. A. Bong service for men only at tbe Y. M. C. A. rooms tomorrow afternoon at 4 p. m. All men invited. w. c. T. u. Regular services conducted by the W. C. T. U. in their hall, at 4 p. m. These meetings are growing in interest and tbe public are cordially invited to attend. World's Pair Novelty. Capt'. W. W. Martin, the Jeweler has constructed and Bet In operation in tbe window of his establishment next door to tbe Ladd & Bush bank an exact miniature of the Ferris wheel at the World's fair. It.is about four feet high and made of bronzed wood and steel. Sixteen trays take tbe place of tbe re volving suspended cars containing ele gant displays of watches and jewelry. The wheel makes two revolutions a minute, presenting tbe glittering gems, diamonds, and gold and silver articles rrom any angle or view. The power by which this wheel Is driven is a little water motor, but it may be driven by electricity later on. It interests a con stant crowd, before the window aud is a triumph of mechanical skill applied to advertising. The Difference. James Bee here, Charley, I get all of this washing done at tbe Chinaman's for 25 cents a week. Charley Well, I get mine done at tbe Salem Steam Liuudry. It never costs me more than you pay, and I have the satisfaction of patronizing white folks, besides getting better work. Try it and Bee the difference. hiieriff Sale. Deputy Sheriff Wrlghtman Bold some lota iu Yew Park and Oxford addition today, Iu two parcels for $2965 and $1112.34 re spectively. Tbe largest Bt ck of brooms and brushes for household use ever brought to Salem at dark & Enpley'a. Remember the Suuday dinner at Stroug's tomorrow. Always something I good there, and It only costs 25 cents. IU , OVERCOATS Slatig The Largest assortment ever brought to Salein. Thby Must Gc in the next 30 days! AND COST TAKES 'EM. C. D. GXbriklson, Resldrnt Afnt LONDON and LANCASHIRE FJRE INSURANCE C Have 15 years experience lor over eight yearn awUUnt secretary oi State Insurance G pany en Oregon. Tmiorery office HtelDrra Bed Corner Onir btore. MtCMlT rftiat ANl MBEUAI Which la ahown by the fad t at tula companr has done the Iareiih nes of any Korelcn Insurance company on the Paclflotoaat In 1W2. ' WHERE WE STAND. The Populist paper Bays The Jour nal, is standing in with Governor Pennoyer in return for the state adver tising. Nothing could be further from the truth. No newspaper in tbe state has shown up the present Populist gov ernorof Oregon iu a more unsparing manner than The Journal, And everybody, the governor included, knowB that we mean every word we say aud do not criticise any man for tbe sake of being captious or for per sonal reasons. At times in the past we have commended the governor. Bui that was when he was still a Democrat and was elected by Republican votes. It would be bard for a Democrat to not sometimes do something that was com mend nble and we never hesitate to commend an official who does a good act. In that way Pennoyer got com mendation when he deserved it and condemnation when It was deserved. As to "standing iu" it is one of tbe al ways untruthful Populist lies about those they imagine stand in their way. Catarrh Cannot be Cored with Local Applications, as they can uot reach tbe seat of the disease. Cat arrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure it you must take internal remfdies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood nnd mocous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best pbyslcansin this country feryeers, and Is a regular pie3cript!on. It is compos ed of tbe best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on tbe mocous surfaces. The perfect combination of tbe two incredi- ents is wnat produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, Toledo, O. 8old by druggists. Price 75o. Basey's Hearse. Notice is hereby given, that I have bought the hearse of dinger & Bigdon, known as the Mlnto hearse, and kept at Jap Minto's stables, and have moved- the samo to Badabau gh 'a stables, corner State and Front streets, and all orders left at the undertakers, dinger & Rigdon's or A. M. Clough's, or at the stables, will re ceive the best of attention. Thanking ray many friends for their past favors, I hope by fair dealing a continuance of i he same, and will strive to heed the motto, "Live and Let Live." A. J. uasey. Letters from Mothers speak In warm terms of what Scott's Emulsion has done for their del icate, sickly children. It's use has brought thousands back to rosy health. Scott's Emulsion . of cod-liver oil with Hypophos phftes is employed with great success in all ailments that re duce flesh and strength. Little ones take it with relish. Prapwd by Scott A Bowns. . Y. Alt droMfet. XMAS LINENS, OPERA. HOTJ8JC CQRNXR, - - . UXHUi, OBKJO. Oo to WW. 9m'. fr ,. &M a4 ,0WM bfer?d al Cost DOjJ BALK. As unabridged encyclor Urto'eth''rrea'rtdot' Vt.U. Weat, electric light nation. 12 u MUST PAY UC-Pemma owing Harrli Mclntyrs mnat pav up before Dec. y orooata will bo added. U-jj; PAPERS.- Fortland. hacramento, 8u Tacoma and San Franclicopapenom at Beanett'e, Poatoffloe block ME IT MARKtrtV-Oppoelt brick Hrt a!em. IMlrered cheap. U-iMi WAN) ED. Apoaltlonat homework t competent lady with b at of nfereii Call at tbe residence of JUri. Ear), uourt fctreet near isth NOTICK. Any one havlnir honei tkey ita led and fed bay and natath onto wlnier inivlnQulre of HarrUA Lootefor tuer particulars. Wlllamlna. Yamhill a ty, Oregon U-M)Jt ANTED Work ot any kind, by a 70 man who la a atranger In the Wage no object. J.. ha Loumenai, at Cottage. 13 1! CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Literature of klndaobsaleataaSLJberyitreet. U mHIB TAPER U kept oa file at E.C.D I . Advertising A gency, M and 65 Merehi Exchange, San Krancto-o. California, wl contraou for advertising can be made foi ARM FOR BALE. A dwliabfe farmc acrea for sale on lone time Town croc Trill be taken In part payment. Apply to Willi. In Opera Honse Blook. 11-2 1 Yflfl WILL BE LOADED. Vliitora whether Intending onrchasli br not, are atwaya welcome, we are git to show everything-, and then let yoorov Judgment decide whether or not you w to bur. We never Imlitnr ruloln V, meU strictly on tbe merits of the goods. juu visit our store, you wiu wunoni Joubt "WILL BE LOADED, lown with Christmas e-oods. a our orle kre che p. Ak your friends If such la s 'iub case, .Patton Bros., Christmas goods, Btatloaery, Etc igenta for -'Old Nick." 96 State street MADAM McALPiN, of Denver, has opened Dress-mak Parlora in theEldridge block, In rooms formerly occupied by Mrs. Ba and guarantees A Perfect Fit or No Pay ll-23-lm J FROEliEL SClI00LS-4tli Tc Infant, Connectingand Primary clas every week day from 9 a. m. to 12 m. except Saturday. MISSO. BALLOU, - - - Prindj TRAILING CLASSES for teachers' daily practice work fr 0 a. m. to 12 m. In Kindergarten. On Monday, Wednesday and Frit! from 2 to 4 p. hi. CI awes meet study of Froebel system. Mrs. P. Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday froaa 2 to 4 p. m. w training class, court ucted by a Knlgbtaiid Mtaa Ballon. For lermt information apply at Kiudergan roosts, corner Court and Liberty Mm X&TAS PCJRS, XMAS -NFCKWEATlAtid SUSPENDERS, XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS, XMAS DRESSES and JACKETS, XMAS OVERCOATS 1 ifnil HATS, XMAS FOOTWEA& ..... .AT LOWEST CASH FRKJ1S AT , WILLIS" BROTHERS' A rV . .'AiaaAg..., ,.tA,mliMmmtaami -Vi!tiaA..ii. -rtiNfc istemaiu