Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 15, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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J ' .iV.i -,ii ' ii. inn .mi
Cgeltal Journal Publishing Company
l'.totfloe Block. Commercial Street.
Dally, by cat rlor, per month,..
.Dally, bv mall, per year,
Weekly, X pages, per year,
Review of Cleveland's Revonuo Re
form trio Campaign of
(Krpm our, .ieKUjar correspondent.)
Oil 10 A go, Dec, 8.-.Durltig he last
year ofiCloveland's flm term a8 Prea'l-
'JeiTt,1' le fouecl a great document by
SffeJi'Jlioemiicrfltlc party received
ar now "lnaplfatfon ' That document
was the mesiago to congress which
treated ou .one. Subject only, and this
subject was Revenue reform.
Tills was a chanuing name, a finely
Biuudlng title, under which the Demo
cratic party could commence the so
called "0 unpalgn ' Education."
Tbls second pbrasa w u also a stim
ulating panacea fr all the evils whirl
the ignorant and the indifferent im
agined themselves to be subject to.
Cleveland was renominated but the
time for educational purposes was (
short and he was defeated by Harrison,
baoause the well-sounding sentence
''Rivenue Reform," had uot been
th6Ughtfully comprehended by the
masses of the people.
The Democratic party was not tlit
rmyou. During the four years of Re
publican; administration the campaign
of education waa vigorously kept up.
The moat glorious progress aud develop
ment of our resources was credited to the
wise administration of President Cleve
land, aud every sound doctrine of
statesmanship Was coutorted with a
grimace Into Republican fraud. During
these four years the so-called poor tnan'n
party succeeded In deceiving aud cor
rupting voters enough to re-elect the
Stuffed Prophet, of Revenue Reform
and his principles were again sustained
by a majority of misguided aud mislead
The Campaign of Education had
dono its' Work, and the curiosity of
tjioso who wanted to Mud out what.
Revenue Reform means, lu its practical
demonstration Is now satisfied. The
Voters know they were deceived. The
change they voted for turned out to be
a calamity breeding experiment, in
suoh a degree that even the thinking
of it has created stagnation, reduction
Of wages, discharging of hands, dis
couraged manufacturers, unemployed
laborers, hungry wives, freezing child
ren, tears, tramps, aud souphouees.
On November 7th last, the people of
the North decided that the first chapter
of the Campaign of Education was a
gigantic failure. The great mistake of
a year ago was rectified by an over
whelming dofeatof the Revenue Reform
The Democratic party which came
into power again by open deception,
by antagonizing theall round principles
of statesmanship, will now experience
the remorse of tho sinner who rightfully
Buffers the consequences of a low type
of malignancy aud lying.
Tho Demooratlo press, which so faith
fully performed its duty In the uphill
job of Revenue Reform, has partly
abandoned the Campaign of Education,
and are now assisting the president In
destroying the acknowledged govern
ment of Hawaii, to restoro .the queen.
This will be the second chapter of
the Campaign of Education, and wo are
Ayilllug to nredlot that It will be a short
one, and will end .In a worse failure
th&u the principle or a tariff from rev
enue only,
It will be a pleasant occupation to
prove to the people of the United tjtates,
that It la the duty of ththr president to
,rstoro deposed inontffgbV to their
,tuVooe9, oven If.Biiijiirijwnnroh is a
Jj.''!.:.-.-:.t.'1. ...,, "::iirr7.. .... ... .
pewbh'vhatlirrefuBeMplwoaiiy klud
o? 1o6sTla iakligr dually meals.
Democratic od.ltnrff ttfoiot deny this,
Tlley exbuM thla'aS aTiallonal habit,
afod 'assure fh 'the rqtjgM gashes her
'angers' Oororoery':meal. It takes.
'abtf jfiepfl to ploturo this lu suoh a style
a to make It palletable to tho cleanest
. -.--. tw -m t-i- -
wlnd'of our president. That tho Amor
JgaoVlilf country people who planted
Cfchttjan civilization there, want to
$6naiQi themselves wlti their home
9ftuiri patnoba conslWed by the
AupCat of fij8. WblteSlIuVijie, hecauso
l processor, President Harrison
pfebpltfbU earth. Tiat thelslauds are
Sow Inth'tfljaTidibr.'aOhrlatluu gov
waraent, has'doVeighnB tlio ulgantic
.jra in favor or annexation. All tills
.theDjimocratlo editors have to deteud,
.- njoat of them are dfdng It while
taklljen quliSlt,ja tho brluk of
,ifce Mtev oratejj jJjr)Ingfluo oalVes,
Aiantt fbhil frilitn xltHia ImIh il,n fla..
fey uu I'lfcu uuru iuiu iiiu utvj
ytfi l&atMy the heathen od, the
Lnl who throuu Is lu and over the
WMb,r'v, ' ' ,;
MXX PjJF&Xj-TkV&Mnw coal
1 5- ,,tJH, srrr
MLflM for.aL4ly pipers, at
"Adirondack Idyl.", Pretty .mauve
covers wl(h silver design, rich preamy
pages and clear types "and ftn Increas
ingly romantic love story are the main
features of this pretty gift volume pun
lisheU by Charles T. Dillingham & Co.,
700 Broadway, N. Y.
"For Life and Love," a Btory of rail
road engineering on tho Rio Qrande by
Richard Henry Bavage, F. Tenuyson
Neelv mibllsher. Chlcaco. We noticed
some time ago "The Passing Bbrjw" by
this author and must retain the high
regard for bis abilities then expressed.
This romance of American life fevealB
inside politics at Washington with, a
master hand. Paper, 60 cents.
A now I$ro,wnio book "The Brownies
at Home,"' by Palmer Cor, this Co
lumbian year will bb equal to the dis
covery of a pew ,world forjtho young
generation of every land. sTho graphic
English rhymes are Illuminated by
pictures thitf fairly laugh, squeak, Jump
aud speak. Every page Is jammed
full, crammed full of quaint goblins,
sprites aud elfs, suoh as only their
creator can produce. This now yolumf
will take his little friends and theli
millions of admirers through a tour of
idventureH hi Homeland, America, Our
Oivu Country. Eich mouth of tbt
year is given up to a chapter of thesi
inimitable performances. They visit
and explore all parts of the new. world
fiom polar snows to New Orleans,
fr.nn rural homes to tho White Cltj.
To uniform style with preceding
Brownie volumes. The Century Co.,
N. Y.
"Topsys aud Turveys" are a com
plete book of lnvertlble pictures with
i avertible rhymes. Tho sketches are
all absurdly comic and priuted apou
tinted grounds. Each figure makc
equally ob (llstiuet an impression
whether stood on its head or feet, and
walk on the former or blink at you
from the latter. These conceits an
carried through a series of subjects and
will afford almost endless amusement
aud puzzlement to young minds. Cen
tury Co., N. Y.
"Poems Here at Home," by James
Whltcomb Riley Is probably toe high
est expression of Hosier folklore poetry
that has yet been reached. If he were
to dlo now this volume would come
nearer to immortalizing him than any
single volume of verse produced, jn vt(tis
country or abroad. Backwoodsman,
patriot, poet, be touches the chorcje
that hold together all the hearts of the
great brotherhood of men. The poems
here, at home, in. hoslerdom, written
down "Jes' as they air, sowed thjok as
clods is 'crost tho iiwivlCuut.' iaues, er
(hese-ere little hop-toads when it rains!"
On the the thread of tender suggestion,
airy tiles, homely conceits, aro strong,
the rough diamonds of his sterling
commou-Beuse. He demands a change
In poetry. The day of romance and
sentiment and jingles Is past. The
apotheosis of common things, which
only a great commoner like Lincoln
or Riley cau appreciate and drag from
their secluded hiding-places and em
halm lu homely speech that Is the
mission of this booklet. Here are
beautiful poems "made out o' truck
'at 's Jes' a-golu' to waste." His argu
ment is that because tho highly edu
cated classes think that klud of poetry
Is "altogether too outrageous commou"
for them, therefore It la obliged to rest
Its hopes on the commou people .Now
York, Tjje Century Co.
"Bnap Shots" or the World's Fair
through camora, contains 180 view,
from photographs by F. Dundas Todd
W. H. Shuey, and It, C. McLean. The
engravings show tho photographic el
fect lu Its minutest processes, thcludli g
views of grounds, exhibition bulldiiiut-.
foreign buildings, state buildings, In
teriors, Midway plaleauce.processlonsof
notables, eto. Woodward & Tiernar,
PriutliigCo., St. Louis, Mo., 50 cent.
"Tho Hanging of tho crane" and
other poems of the homo by Henry
Wadswoith Longfellow, This repiint
ofotirtn'Ht American idyllio poems is
In a delicate dress of creamy fabrics aud
pale gold trimmings, with dainty pho
togravures of sweetest faces that will
always grow richer and dearer the
longer it is possessed. The volume con
eludes with the wonderful song where
in occurs tho Hue
"Homo-keeping hearts aro happiest,
To stay at home la best,"
The volume is prjuted ou alternating
pages only, and to It are added note
telling how the soveral poems came to
bo written. For the principal poem
which would scarcely mako half a
newspaper column Mr, Robert Bonner
gave the author $3000. This quaint
volume Is from the Riverside press of
Houghtnu, Mlillln, & Co., Boston,
"Glimpses of the world's fair" la u
selection of tho gems of the White Clt
os peon through u camora No. 4 kodak.
4x0, aud reproduced in perfect pro
ccB'es oq flue paper, Laird & Lee, pub
Usher?, Chicago, III. There aro SOU ol
the.-ofjno views, comprising jtcompleti
ylew of the great exptUon. Nnlulup
could ho more convenient as ueouvenu
to old the memory of a visitor.
"When I do not Beo clearly, Ian.
silent." This Is the beautiful inscrip
tion oyer a eun-dlal on the Chartres
oalhedral in Fraucc. Auother happ
lupcrlptton Isthls: ('I only mark tin
bright hours." Hero aro dials from all
!anu under the sun, from nil centuries,
all peoples. For each month is an en
graving of a dial and its architectural
home and history, with suitable poeti
cal introduction, in all terming a most
interesting study. The calendar Is tho
practical part to which all this archae
ology Is attached. There are fourtwn
1 .rge cards of enamelled board tied
with thongsof jvhlte bucknKiu. Put
lished by the Cbanulng auxiliary, Flftt
Unitarian' church, San Francisco, or
Mrs. Caroline Dunlap, of the Portland
Free Kindergarten, 6D0 10th street,
Portland. Nellie Stearns Goodloe is
the delineator; Kate W. Beaver, the
author and compiler. Price in box $1.
I oheer, I help.I strengthen, I nld,
i gladden tho heart of man aud maid,
I Bet onntlpatlouH captlvo fiee,
Ar.d all are better Mr taking me.
Thus epoko one of Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets. (They are pills that speak
for themselves.) Very small, very nice
to take, produce lib nausea or gr plug,
yet aro most effectual in all cases of
constipation, bilious or Birk headache,
or deranged liver. Only 25 cents a viul
at druggist. A perfect vest-pocket
My friend, look uertl you know bow weak
and nervous, your wile Is, and you know that
Carter' Iron Pills will relievo her, now why
not be fair about It and buy her a box,
A'wofnah' who Is weak, nervous aud sleep,
less, and baa co;d h'ind and leot, cannot reel
and act like a wll person. Carter's Iron rills
equalize the blroulatlou, remove nervousness,
aud give strength aud rest. v
A tnan.s wife should always be the sumo,
especially to her husband, but if sbolswoak
and norvous. aud uses Carter's Iron l'lll oho
cannot be lor they make hr"leel like adlf
rrent per-on," so they all say, and their hus
bands say so too.
ITelnihoHz'a Theory of How Iti Loss by
limitation Is Repaired.
Those who hav paid attention to
this subject nve aware that tho re
markable dpctriue first propounded,
by Holmholtz removed all real doubt
from the matter. It is to this emi
nent philosopher we owe an expla
nation of what at first seemed to be a
paradox. He explained how, not
withstanding that the sun radiates
its heat so profusely, no indications
of tho inevitable decline, of heat can
be as yet discovered.
If the sun had been made of solid
coal from center to surface, and if
that coal had been burned for tlio
purposo of sustaining the radiation,
it can be demonstrated that 'a few
thousand years of solar expenditure
at tho present rate would suffice to
exhaust all the heat which the com
bustion qf that great sphere of fuel
could generate. Wo know, how
over, that the sun has been radiat
ing heat not alone for thousands of
years, but for millions of years.
The existence of fossil plants and an
imals would alone 'suffice to demon
strate this fact.
We! have thus 0 account for the
extremely remarkable circumstance
that our, great luminary has radiated
forth already a thousand times as
much heat as could bo generated by
.the combustion of a sphere of coal as
big as the sun is at present, and yet,
uuiAviuibuuiuiuy una o.punuuuro in
the past, physics declare that for
millions of years to come the sun
may continue to dispense light and
heat to its attendant worlds with, tho
same abundant prodigality. To have
shown how tho apparent paradox
could bo removed is one of the most
notablo achievements of the great
German philosopher.
Wlmtj Holmholtz did was to refer
to tho obvious fact that tho expendi
ture of heat by radiation must neces
sarily lead to shrinkage of the solar
volume. This shrinkage has tho ef
fect of abstracting from a sto-e of
potential energy in the sun and
transforming what it takes into the
active form, of heat. The transfor
mation advances pari passu with tho
radiation, so that the loss of ' heat
arising from the radiation is restored
by tho newly produced heat derived
from tho latent reservoir.
Such is an outline of tho now fa
mous doctrjno universally neeppted
among physicists. It fulfills.tho con
ditions of the problem, and whon
treated by arithmetical calculation it
is not found wanting. Sir Rpbort
Ball in Fortnightly Review.
If iodino bo taken continuously for
a length of timo, what is known as
iodism results. Different individuals
aro affoctod differently bv this drutr.
Thero are three fonns of Jodio in
toxication first, that in which tho
symptoms are those of gastric irrita
tjou; second, that characterized by
nervous troubles, neuralgia, ringing
in -tho ears, convulsive movements,
disturbed intellect; third, that char
acterized by rapid emaciation, com
mencing mostly in tho face, and se
vero norvous palpitations of the
heart, with excessive appetite, which
Bomotimes precedes and sometimes
follows tlio loss of flesh. These symp
toms aro said to bo most eosilv in
duced in goitrous persons, Brooklyn
Knurl a
ImUlUfont Xadra will notjc tkat
w Mt'HtxirriintHltoour" all classes
r dlaenscs. but only such as rtwiUt
Vk tigt, UciidactMi, Dysipsla,
CeJic, FlattilMici, etc.
TK. 3r airnotwrmmdn.
fulttblr, lint art) a!iFnrlyoBNUJnos.
UbltfMiehMYnie4ly, Irire;u3cta.
Prices Ourront by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, December 15, 4 p; m. Office
LuiiV Uaeital Journal. Quo'ta
tlonsTor day aud up to hour of goliijfto,
press werp aa follews:
Apples SOo to 60c. a bushel.
Veals dressed 4J5 cts
Hogs dressed 7 to 7.
Llvo cattle to 2.
Sheep alive $1.50 to $2.00. .
Spring lambs f 1.60 to $2.00.
Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour
In wholesale lots $2.80. Retail $3.20.
Brati $14 bulk $15 sacked. Shorts $15
$10. Chop feed $10 aud $17
45 cents per bushel.
Oats old, 38 to 40c, new 25 to SOo.
Hay Baled, new $8 to$12: old $10 to
$14. Wild lb bulk, $0 to $8.
Barley Brewing, at Salem, No. 1.
95 to $1.00 per owt. No. 2, 70 to 85 ctn,
Wool Best, 10c.
Hops Small sale, 17 to 18 c.
Eirgs Cash, 27 cents.
Butter Best dairy, 25; fancy
creamery, 30. '
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
Farm emoned meats Bacon 12;
hams, la; sboulders, 1U.
Potatoes 80c. to 40o.
Onions 1 to 2 cents.
Beeswax 34c. Caraway seed, 18c.
Anise seed, 20c. Ginseng, $1.40.
Chickens 5 to 8 cts; ducks, 10c; tur
keys, slow. sale, choice, 10c; geese 5-to 7c.
Grain, Peed, eto.
Flour Standard, $2.90: Walla Walla,
$3.15; graham, $2.60; superfine, $2.25
per barrel.
Oats N ew white,35c per bu. ,grey,34Qj
rouea, in Dags, $o.zo(o)u.6o; narrejs,
$fl.767.00; cases, $3.75.
Hay Best, $1012 per ton.
Wool valley, price nomiual.
Millstuffs Bran, $15.00; shorts, $10;
ground barley, $18; chop feed, $15
per tou; whole feed, barley, 70' els. pel
cental; middling, $2328 per ton; brew
Ing barley, 9095c per cental: chicken
wheat. 1.10 1.15 percental.
Hops-tOld, 10 to J6c, new 10 to 10.
Hides green, salted, 00 lbs. 3e, hu 60 lbs., 23o; sheep pelts, 1060c-
Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 80
32c;fauoy dairy, 2527c; fair to good,
2022c; common, 15 to 7c per lb.
t.'heese Oregon, 10(SU2; Younc
American, 1510cper pound; Callforniujj
11V!mOWI 1IU(J., 0JU)04t JUUUlt, lO-U.
Eggs-iOregon, 30o xjr dozen.
Poultry JNomlual; chickens, mixed,
$3 004 00 per dozen; ducks1$3-5U5..liO
geese, $9.00; turkeys, live, 12e;
dressed, 15o.
Beef Top t-teers, 2o per pound; 'fair
to good steers, 2c; No 1 cows, 2c; fair
cows, lc; dressed beef, $3 6C6 HO per
100 pouuds
Mutton1 Best sheep, $2; choice mut
tou, $1 752 00; lambs, $2 002 25.
Hogs Choice, heavy, $4 505 00;
medium, $4 0(15 60; light and teeders,
$4 004 60; dressed, $0 50.
Veal $3 005 00'
Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10
12o; do Inferior, 89o; do valley, 12
Hops 10, to 18o.
Potatoes E-rly Rose, 5005. Bur
banks, .3040o.
Oats Milling, H.!51 20.
Tie Human Electrical Forces!
How They Control the Organs
of the Body.
Tho eloctrical force of tho human body, as
tho norva fluid may bo termed, Ij an cspo
;lally attractive; department of eclonuo, aslt
jxorts so marked an Influcnco on the health
it the organs of tho body, hervo force Is
jroduced by tho brain and convoyed . by
noans of the nerves to the various organs of
i lie, body, thus supplying tho latter with thcr
ruaiity necessary to in
luro tholr health. Tho
iinuumnastrlc uervo, as
.hown here, may bo said
o bo tho most Important
if tho entire nerve sys
tem as it supplied the
heart lungs, stomach,
bowels, etc., with tha
norvo forca necessary to
keep thorn acttvo and
healthy. As will bo soon
by tho cut tho Ion j nerve
loscendlns from tho
.mo of tho brain and
corminatms in tho bow?
y.3 Is the pneutnogastrlc,
while tho numerous lit
tle brancbos supply the
lioart, lungs and stom
ach with necessary vi
tality, wuen tno Drain
becomes In any way Uls
ordered br lrrltnblllti
oroxhaustlon, tho norvo
force which It supplies
a tusseneu
i, miiu &iio ur-
MS.I . 1. A
K&n receiving tha dl
supply aro con-
ice of this
ino importance of this
fact, but trout tho
to tho study of this subject, and the pr n Ip tl
dlscovorlesconcornlng fl areduetohUbirorts.
iir. Miles' ltostoratlro Nervlno, the unri
valed brain and nerve food. Is prepared on the
J;. vt'!' luu" ." norvous una many other
lllucultlos originate from disorders ofThe
narvecentera. Its wonderful succesilnoirtng
these disorders U tostlfiod to by UiousurftU In
ovorypartof tho land.
Kosiorauvo rioryjne
uorvuus nrosiraiion, c
U froo from opiates or dangerous drug: It
Usoldonaposttlvo guarantee by nirdrug.
P.U,8t.,r,sen''dlr?ctbT h Dr. Miles Modlcal
to.. Llklmrt, lnd., on receipt of nrlceJJl uor
bottle, Elx boUlw foils, express prepaid.
eolt! by D. J. Hy, druggist, Batom
Grape Vines for Sale.
I liavo prnrogatfd several ih usand
Rtwid Btrnng two-year old crune vlnea
rorpttlnBcut, aborted vurltlef, ealt
t2 (HI ier dozen, E, Hoter, Bakru. Or.,
Journal otllre. dw
m .
Legal Blank FuWishova.
Hush's New Bf lck,OTwr the tank, Oom'ltmt, 1
ran to
Bids for Asylum Supplies.
Oregon state Insane asylum invite sealed
proposals for furnishing at the asylum
near Salem. Oregon, the follewing: sup-
Sites for tho six ' months endlntr June
, 1831.
1 dos. each Vi. , H- 1H " 2 Inch
1 doz. each &1& li. and Inch
1 doz. each and Vi Inch Keystone
1 doz each 1, 1 and 2 Inch flan go
1 doz. each U, , 1, M. street ells.
1 doz. each .and Vi Inch sockets.
1 doz. each Vi, and 1 Inch plugs.
2 doz. each and Vi inch compression
bibs, finished. '
2 doz. each and Vi Inch compression
hose bibs, finished. ' '
100 feet each bf hi, . Vi. 1. and IVi
inch black pipe.
100 feet each -of Vi. and 1 inch galv.
Vi doz. each U, and Vi Jonkln's yolrcs
removable disks. '
. 1 doz. each and 1 Inch Jenkln's. valves
removable disks, ' '
21 aq. feet 3 vy rubber packing.
10 .lbs. each Vi and sq. llax packing.
1 Jackson's flue scraper, 3 inch.
20 bushels charcoal.
100 lbs., solder. Vi and 34. -
2 each' extra jaws and nuts for 12, IS
and 24 inch Stlllsons wrenches.
10 lbs. Asbestos candle wick.
144 sq. feet sheet lead 4 n.
2 doz. Sampson's battery ceils.
2 doz. and glass gage washers,
square. ?
JCO yards rallco. best.
2,500 yards cotton flannel. Nashau XXX.
1,200 yds. pequot A unbleached 46 inch.
1,000 yards Mariners stripe. '"'
500 yards Lonsdale bleached.
1,500 yards pequot A sheeting, 36 inch.
500 yds. Continental check llar.ntl. ""
5U0 yds.
200 yds.
SOO yds.
100 yds.
100 yds.
6 boxes
glass crasn towelling, is men.
bleached linen French towfll-
blue denim.
bleached sheetincr Bcauot
Marsellls check. York Mfg."
white stay binding K Inch.
12 dozen
Turkey red handkerchiefs, 24
50 dozen CoaVs thread, white No.
Vidiz u m iii inrrtnl. wiiIi'h N,,. IB.
16 dozen Coat's thread, black No.
12 dozen Coat's thread, black No.
12 dozen black linen thread, No.
50 yards table oilcloth, white.
12 dozen papers pins.
60 doz. prs.1' men's socks (half hose.)
1 doz. prs. men's gloves, Nos. 9 and
10. extra heavy.
15 dozen pairs suspenders.
100 yards nllesla, 40 Inch, drab.
1 great gross men's pants buttons.
1 great gross pants buckles.
6 great gross men's shirt buttons, me
dium size.
lagro-ssmokM no r buttons.. .
2 dozen corsets (assorted sizes, 20 to 30.
t dozen thimbles, Nos. 9 and 10 closed
ends. ' ' ' k
6 pairs Jean pants, 2929.
6 pairs Jeans pants, 30--30.
12 pairs Jean pants, 3131.
12 pairs Jean pants. 3333.
12 pairs Jean pants, 3332.
6 pairs' Jean 'pants, 3331.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3234.
12 pair Jean pants, 3533.
12 pairs jean pants, - 3fU-32.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3731.
6 pairs Jean pants, 37-34.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3832.
6 pairs jean pants, 38 3.
6 pairs Jean pants, 89-33.
6 palrsjeans paut.W "J.
200 lbs. heavy white wool yam.
150 lbs. cheapest grade' wool "yarn, .as
sorted colors. ' '
" 200 tbsl Crown mills carpet warp
15 000 tts eranulated sugar, extra fine.dry,
12,0C0ttsaC8Ugar. ' '
.0 0(1 lb . rolled oats.
5.000 lbs cracked wheat,
.fimu'll). i-om meal.
500 lbs hominy, small cracked.
1,500 lb it, hominy.
5.0O) lbs. rio.
Hi lb, bluing.'
300 gallons vinegnr. .
2 0 gallons N. O. molases.
l.Cffl lb. corn tta'cb, Oswego.
10,000 tb. Liverpool salt.
40tbi.Uarb.Eoaa, A nnd H. .'
.wm lbs. cream tarler Folgern.
SO grosB safety ma'ches (Vulcan).
1 bale broom corn,
3 aozns wliRk brooms.
RS dozen ovMerc, cans (A. Field's Cove).'
IS dozen 'ans co-n (Knw Vulle ).
800 lbs. Boda crackers, XXX, furnished as re
quired. 2 000 gallons syrup (.Standard).
40 ib candles iStarin wax).
2 dozen Worcestershire sauce, In qts., Lee
and Pirrlns) ' " ' -"
,2D lb. germea.
100 ttn. ttniro
60 Bh. I hliia starch,
fimitbi. sal'oda.
25 dozon' brooms.
200 lbs perl barley.
100 lbs. starch, glns,
20 boes macaroni. .
8 boxes vermicelli.
fOU lbi cheese, rranstnn'a nr km rnnd fnr.
nlsbedas required." "' '
751b. roustnrd.
4(i0 It s. blNck popper.
25 lbs. ullsplce.
R dpz-n tea cupi- 4
15 dozen tea Hxucers.
15 dozen quart soup bowls. ' '
2 doz n 1 gallon pitchers.
3Uoz"nouppiat8.' ' -1
1 nnzeu dowis hiiq pitcners.
1 dozen cbaraber pots.
1 d zen
on'bed pans,
1 dozen nlntsvrun nltohn
2 dozen lantern glot'e1
8 dqzeaplnt croam pitchers.
3 dozen 0 Inch dinne plaU's.
2doz-n 7 Inch rIe plates,
8 dozen 12 Inch vegetable dishes.
4 d"Zi"ii 10 inoh vcgetAtle dlf hes.
1 dozen rurar bowls. ,
8 dozen 12 inch p'ntters.
2 dozen. 11 inch platters.
650 barrels, rno'e or les. best roller process,
delivered s required.
5 barrels graham, more or less, delivered as
2,W0 lbs. extra pale sxvon.
1.000 lus. Ivory
20bs.shavlug, tncakes I. B. Williams A
500 lbi Knglt h breakr.ut, black,
1,000 lbs, uncolored Japan, green.
5.000 lbs. CosU Rica.
400 lbs. Java.
VOOIbs. Moc.
800 lbs, chicory. '
826 lbs, a week, more or Jess, best creamery,
'JOBA00O, '
2,000 lbs. Sledge I)mtnr.
rtqulrcdlne quafpariB tfim und hind quar-
up lbs. of mutton wr week as required.
J jysii.
. F1.llr'lu,re4i,v'n:prleeprponnd for
on? ioupi "'$Wnl Jb Ptf7 frwh
tik mar PoMKsua btoxt.
J dozen oil grain cir. 49 lp. to the doxoa.
dozen call jklns. 40 Iby. to the dozen.
I dozen Imitation gra- goat, ulUbls fir
quarters, fbrshoes 3U2t - j"" r
J doren sheep fklon for Unlnjj, sb ed.
6 buckskins for llulng, suavia. "
0 g alned kip sk m avernc a lbs. each
1 doz. kin skins, average E lbs. each.
' "'5e8 skirting 1 to 18 . each! '
ids- santu Cruz sol leather. Mtm
f'YX0, L av?ra'. 'woUlht 86! 'lbs.
the side.
d.aL,bay.' En?lUh shoo Keb.
11 yards English ahos core B In.,
1 ox. Russlaa brlstlea.
1 dos silk twlt D,
6 spools linen thread, No. K.
6 spools linen thread No. 35.
2 lbs. Darbours shoe thread No. 12.
6 bottles leather cement (Cub brand.)
6 bottles rubbtr cement (Brazilian.)
3 doz. pieces shoemaker's wax. w
6 lbs. 1 oz. shoe tacks.
3 lb. 4 61 shoo tacks
h lb. J4 brns nail 1, Improved.
12 lbs. 6-8 brass 'halls.'
12 lbs. 4-8 brass nails.
12 lbs. 4 brass nails.
12 lbs. 8-8 Iron heel nails.
12 lbs. iron heel nails.
12 lb-. b- Iron bfeel nuns.
15 lbs. lron'heel nails.
. J i0?' . Bradbury machine ncedlea
(wodg6 'polntrNo" 4. " ' '
a sq. icct rubber cloth for natchlnir.
20 yards heavy Ucklng for
' lining.
5' doz. pressed pans, t inch.
nlnt piitin.
v.r . . r.
sai)ie ,
I, doz, wash .basins.
n F
6 doz. Itniyes- and 'fork.
2 Mex: Cadres, lrf tWoSue8.
1 doz. slop palls Tvlth covsra,1
Ji dozen ya'slf1 tubs, small .slsss.
111. lbs. .bees .wax, yellow.
2 doz. dust brushes.
8 dozen scrub brushes, with hat)
3 dozen nho bruihn. '-r:
2dozcn hair brushes:
1 dozen whttewash'tbrushefi.
Vi dozen kalsomlnlng brushes.
,2 dozen ph&vlng- brushes; "'
ti duzmi boxe aui.o Ii ackiiig T. M.
3 dozen boxes hair pins.
3 dozen combs.
3 dbzeri papers needlee Nos. 2.
3 'dozen papers needles Nos. 3.
3 'dozen, papers' needles Nos. A.
6 dozen papers needles U6. I.
.6 dozen papers needles Nos. 8.
4 gross safety pins. '
5 dozen mop handles.
12' dozen .'mop raks.
60 pnekto playing ' cards double ,haa4d.
J. gross shaker pfperf. " y- -'-1-'-'"
200 gallons kerosene." morejpr.less, dUv
ered in tanks'asyjKlulred.5
.0 gailous Albany Npiudie, or as good.
10gail".ns Albany cylinder, or us good.
100 gallons turpentine.
2 In. y ihmup mud No. 3, nr as good.
2 dozen bottles sewing machine.
lea e axle uroaao, U.aml 1, or as rood.
P- HflUVtft
"SO Jjaltiito
20 pairs No. 7.
20 pairs No. I.
20 pairs. No. , B.
Men's boots.
20 pairs No. 7.
1 doz'. prr rubber 'boots,' sizes from 8
to 10.
20 pair? No. 8.
10 pairs No'. 10. '
10 pairs No. Ul.
Men's leather slippers.
20 pairs No. 8.
30 pairs No. 7. J
30 pairs No. 8. 4
30 pairs No. 9. . .
30 pairs No. 10. . f
20 pairs No. 11. .
10 pairs No. 12.
Ladle's shoes.
20 pains No. 3.
20 pairs No. 4.
30 pairs No. 6.
,30 pairs No. 6. . , . r
10 pairs No. 7. ' !
Ladles .carpet, slippers. ,'
20' pairs No. 5. " ''" '
20 pairs. No. 8.
20 pairs No. 7.
15 pairs No. 8.
10 pairs No! 9.
10 gross shoe laces.
3 gross pens, -London. Incandescent No.
2 gross pens, London Incandescent -No,.?.
2 gross pens, London incandescsnt No. l
1 gross pens, aillott No. 4W.
1 dozen pen holders.
t dozen ltad pencils: . . ...
W reanjfl yedgtyodd letter paper, hjilf
B lgross Indelible Ink In bottles. Payson's
2 doz. bottles mucilage, Sanfords Unl
In barrels ,otr boxes.
2,600 lbs. apples'. ' '
2,000 lbs. peaches.
1,500 lbs. prunes.
100 . It)3. raisins.
' Hardware.
1 dozn fentherdqiftflrs, onjrlch. .,
1 doz. wash boards, best quality.
2 packages each 2, 3 and 4 lb tinned
rivets. ....
-, rial.. R n. nlrirlni- Irons.
4(W feet each V4 and H round Norway
inri ' " '
100' feet each 7-16. and Vi round vNotjvay
'feot each IjcH- 1XH. lifccX
Norway Iron. ' " " ' ' '
75 feet each VixVi. xV4. UV4. 1xV4 flat
Norway Iron. ....
10 feet each . octagon toel steel.
W teet each rpynd ,tool Steel; '
Vi keg each y No. r 3, i4,T S froht hrsj
shoes (Burden's light. '
v. Vetr each No. 3. 4. 5 hind horse
shoes (Burden's light.
' in'rhBriilh'No. 7. una 8 .Putnam's horse
shoe nails, " . .' f
6" lbs. each No. 6 Putnam's horseshoe
nails. . . ...
25 lbs. each No. 8, and. 4 Sweet'B Amer
can toe. cftlks. '
10 lbs. eah No. 2 .Sweet's Ameri
can' .toe calks. ' ' I f
i horse rasps, 14 Inch, Hitler's.
1 Iron saw handle for key-ndle saw
With Uhhuh.K to I'll" h Dlnton'd.
' 2 each Morse twist drills H tc .7-16 by
M6th wtlhtuohchank
30 lbs. each of 1, IVi. IVi. IH 2 Inch
round head rivets VI lntn. '
2 each ( inch and 12 Inch dinkey
wrt'lictii-K. C..q
Vi dozen each , Vi. and 1. Inch, of
Nos. 7, 8, 9, copper belt rivets.
belt punches, No. 7 and 8.
100 each lVix5-16 and 4x6-16 machine
bolts. ' ... r- i-y
25 lbs. each Vi and Iron washers,
10 lbs. each Vi and blank nuts.
400 feet inch manlila rpp,
400 feet inch manllla rope.
200 feet Vi inch manllla rope.
2 gross screws each. 1 inch No. 1 And
11; 2 Inch No. 14, IVi inch No. 9 and Jo.
11 K Inch No 7 anil No. 9.
2 lbs. brads each, , K and Ti Inch.
1 Bel Jeunn g'brHrr bits, first quality,
1 set glmblet brace, bits.
Vi doz. compass saw '- blades, from I
Inch to 12 in h. nUu n'
1 diamond for cujtng glass, No. 1.
1 set biivh planes, woodpu, Stanley's best.
1 claw hammer No. 7
1 set Firmer bocke' obll, (Barton's, best)
E lbs. add carbolic' cryst. pure.
10 lbs. acid muriatic commercial.
1 lb nitric add C. P.
1 lb add sallclllo powdered.
1 Ih acid tannic. '
10 lbs. aqua ammonia concentrated In
4 lb bottles.
10 lbs. ammonia muriate powdered.
2 lbs, ammonia carbonate.
5 lbs. ammonia bromide.
J ths, antlfebrln (Kalle and Co.)
2 ITs. blue ointment. T
81b. bUumtb nub Ml (iqulbb.l
2 lbs. chalk prep.
20 lbs. cptton absorbant hospital.
1 lb calemel: ,T
2 lbs, chloranpdyue.
5 lbs. chloroform' (Squibbs.)
10 lbs. chloral hydrate (Merck.)
It lbs, ether in lb cons itiouibbs.
Vi lb,
60 lb
epsom sal
12 lbs. mixlr iifio-bromtdP
comp. (TUdcn and Co.)
qf atolum
5 Its. glycyrrhlsa comp. powdered.
1 tb golden seal powderpd.
a id nemanc syrup nypopnoSDhatea (P.
D. and Co.)
Vi lb Jalap powdered.
5 lbs. mustard ground,
I lb opium powdered.
J gallons oil castor' (Baker's A.
ft sra unns ' fm in - T
1 Ib'dllforarfge pure.'
V lb oil luvender plire, T
H n oil "baraamont pure.
1. lbs, pepsin sacch. (jralrchUds.)
1 lb pepsin (Boudaulu.)
4 lbs. plienaeettn (Bayer.)
25 lbs. potash bromide bulfc
X bi Vijif Ii Mrb. .yr ,
t lbs. potash chlorate powdered.
(lbs. poUab foaiae graa. (Ullnch
i ..
potasa cltrata aTaa. (MaJllac-
IbS. soda bramlrla
koms" P1Ut'P ch,or".,of ron (Maliiac
lh5K.5yrVP hPMP'-f comMun4
V4 lb nntlpyrlne (Dr. Knorrs.)
30 gallons alcohol, 9i per eeni
5 gallons glycerine pure.
W.lbs, .vaseline XXX ref.
mi os. quinine sulphate (IC
and M.)
1 oe. morphine sulphate (P. and W
Vi pz. Btrychrila sulphate cryst. W,)
Vi oa. red Iodide mercury.
i 'oz. yellow oxide mercury.
2 oz. jnenthol,
f JJPoiU .suffiiims No. L
1 n sponges carriage No. 1.
m w iuiihi wuoui; uuro
1 lb solution
tWW of ixoa
1 gcoss poiais. 1
.a-xrpas jini&ia ji.jw.
.1 gross, pniAls 8 on.
,2 .grosd, phials 8 vob.
3 gross cps eachTIo. 4, 6 and Jn.i
.'M! "ted"8.,
2,600 empty capsules No 1 (p, d aaj
Co. '
z,6do empty capsules No. 2 (P.
Soluble hypodermic tablets.
D. ant
1.000 hypo, tablets No. 9 In
bottles each. (J. Wyeth Bios.)
3,000 .Hypo-tAblets No. 45 fn
bettlwTeach CJ. Wyeth Bros.1
20a hypo, tablets .N6. ,(J. Wyeth Brad
sir iKrir;". 5'yJ", .- .
a uuh vaTiu
ariason-s syrinee
dor- camel,
camels Mr ini
s assorted.
. aoz. piasters uncock
mv .. : . 1 -r: -"-rr
iicus 1
It'" iAi
qob. piasiers vveiis strenrt
boxes Pjaafers -Meads s.dh
and J.)
raive ig.
'2 boxes .Plasters silk islnila.
geonis'-pmie (B.",nr J'.l
8 b2-?J? Tl.?iirs?,JH.',,nIftB" nr
geon's black &rjm&Jji) -r
I boxs Piasters capsicum 8. and J.)
D? andpf) ' &&B-tln eMti "
aeO'Dllls.aloIn 1-6 raiin fP. n n n
JjO,ptiH jilolnt i"'(P. D. and Co:(
(P. D. and Co.)
ZW-W1IS"V. v.. l
pink V4 gr. (P.
gljljasailoejlda 1 gr. (P. D. aca
pills assafoetlda 2 gr. (P. D. and
.atMMr-W lf'ut,ne eoat,
300 pills "aloes et Ferrl.
1 n fluid extract aconite root (P. D.
and Co.)
3 Ibp. fluid ext. buehu (P. D. and Co.)
3 lbs. fluid extract belladonna (P. I).
and Co.)
6 lbs. fid. ext. cascara sagrada (P. D.
and .Co.)
1 lb fluid ext. .capsicum (P. D.
and Coo
l'th fluid ext. contum seed (P. D.
and Co.)
2 lbs. fluid ext cinchona comp. (P. D.
end. Co.)
-1 lb fid. oxt. digltallls (P. D. and Co.)
' nd.'xt. clpsrer (P. D. and Co.)
1 lb fid. sxt .gentian .(P. D. aad Ci.)
2 lbs. fld.'xt. henbane (P. D. and Co.)
b ion uu. eit. lpecacauanne (P. D and
0 tua. jiu. jl jmap tr. u. ana wo.)
.6 lbs. fld. ext. licorice (P.- D. and Co.'
1 Ib'fld. '.ext."nux vomica (P. D. and Co.
1 n na. ext.orani
ranee seel (P. D.
e peel (P.
and Co.)
a lbs. ' fld. ext. .rhubarb (P. D.
and Co.)
.1 lb," fld; ,ext." sen6ka (P. D. and Co.)
5 lbs. '.fld. ext. senna (P. D. and Co.)
1 is .na. .ext. aqums (P. u. ana co.)
. 1 tb 4fld. ext. Squills comp. P. D. ml
-lbs. fld. -ext. sarsaparilla comp, fir
syrup ti-. u. ana co.)
k IDS.
Ce: '
fld. "ext." wild cherry (P. D. ant
20Q Alter papers, round gray. No. 8
J31a. U Inches.
2 lbs. soda et potas, tart.
Samples may be seta at the offle of
the board. Goods must be In aeeorduce
therewith, and be la original package
when possible. The right to reject any
or all bids ls cesetyed.' Delivery of suit
piles' 'will be required within tsn itjt
notice of acceptance of bid. A copy of
the advertisement must accompany ea
b!d.,"and. the 'name1 or the class of iup
piles must be on the envelope. Kaea
bid must Include all the items and to
tals In full of the respective claffl, with
exceptions of flour, .meat and flsh. Aa
dltlng officers are prohibited from con
farming Ccointaof'pur;chaftea whn tie
advcrUwrrlent dofl riot ionUIn a full
and 'complete description, ot the .artldM
to be purchased: JBfa6 VHlbi opened at
at the of the board, Salem. Oreftn.
" ' " Board' df TruttMfc.
Wm. A. J4UNT. Cler :o$ Board.
Leave orders atCqttle-Parkkurstbloekoou
P.rsqns 'wi8l(lng Iq'fngage mnsle fbrli
hojldiyc ox'aiiy. nt ryerlQCcailon will do well to
ico u. Canfurniibf oneor more vlollniorn
mumy plrees as rslrod. First home tonli
of Lincoln Pobool bouse, or Salem Poitofflee.
Qko Knnt,vj, roanager, ilm.
HOUSE Painting, Decorating,
11 Hard Wood Finishing,
Can give good references. Estimates furolib
ed. Address, Geo. Kvehstruth. Halem. i.til-
dencs on rialsm Motor Railway, North SaJtBU
Leive orders at stelner A Blossers. H-w
llotcl Monterey.
Kewpart, - - Oregon
Located on tbe Baacb.two miles noith
ofNtjwpprt on Cave Cove, a beautlfw
fibeltorrd annt. wnnrlerful scenery.
balbiui,', due drives to Cape Foulweatb
er llRhttioiise. Honse new, rooms larg
and' airy, Finest resort for families or
Invalids. Open all winter. Tern
moderate by day or week. Intending
visitors, cap Urop.R postal card to New
port and, be rret by hack.
John Fitzpatbick.
d-2 m Proprietor.
A.I-M, - - - Oreo
Private work a specialty.
0,B. OLKUKNT.Manuer'
KfrUrTMKMHni , .
Lurnhmmo, tektioi
Lm sMOKf o
"l'ljsaHlBBij JPHB4lssABa MkVfttisW stU ssaAssl QW'
RsHWJ tasLflRsas&Mllar jmbsisp ' M jLmfsb OWTMH 1
- - - T -'-
la. xvsi JBa.AsuaSNaMBirXsS