I F ti inT""-"iriiTYr" -.truinTf M-tJiMTiiinm GOING OUT To be Sold at $11 for BEFORE THE 1ST OF JUNE. Our lease of store room expires Jnne 1st, and we want to close our entire stock by that timo. Remember our stock is all new and desirable. DVess Goods, Laces, Lace Curtains, Embroideries, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Silk Gldves, Umbrellas, Muslin, and Wool Underwear, Fans, Corsets, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' Shoes, &c. p. p. Jackets Regardless of CosL Everything must go by June 1st. The Palace D, Q. & S. Co., December 11th, 1803, FOR YOUR Christmas -:- Rockers .-..SEE KELZEll cfc SONS. A carload of different styles just re ceived - Local Dates. Dec. 22. The Inventors. Benefl. for the MtUeo Babies by Amateur Ar lists. Dec 22, 23. Prof. Chnpmau leoturec on English Uteruture, Y. M. C. A. ball. Jan. 1. Y. M 0, A. reception. Jan. 20. By Perkins comedy. No Robbeby. The last high water .floated a 20'J foot bridge on South Prai rie about thirty feet out of position and it is all broken up. When the watei was still hjgh a farmer asked the'couuty court to do a little something to help him nut it back, as It could then-have been done at small cost. "It wouldn't do anything for them people anyhow," said Judge Hubbard, and of course Mr. Pugh could do nothing. The road supervisor lived miles away and cou d not get to the bridge. The statement In the Democrat that Mr. Pugh tried to work the county for $50 00 la a lie made of whole cloth. Mr. Pugh rode sevon miles in rain and mud to notify the county court in time to save the county a largo sum of money, and only askeJ for a little rope to draw the bridge Into place. For this ho deserves no abuse in Judge Hubbard's organ. School Money. The county, treas urer $0420.70 as Marion's apportion ment. School clerks receive a warraut for 70 cents per o iplta from the county superintendent of schools which is paid on presentation by the county treas urer. ' A series of Gospel meetings have been oommonced. In the Grange Hall, over Aitkin's store, to continue through December. Services .begin at 7:30 p. m. Everybody welcome These meet ing are internomlnatlonul. Cold Snap. That kind of weather makes a warm hearth fire accompanied by good cld6r, nuts, pop-corn etc , a happy place. Van Eaton can furnish the best in town. Somewhat Mixed. Tho nuts and candles at Clark & EppIoy'. They have simply everything in that line for the holidays, and their stock Is fresh. Clatsop Sends Two. Denny Kelle her, aged 23, and V. E. Hyslop, aged 82, were today committed to the asy lum from Astoria. Water Pipe Binisr. Near the dinger & Rlgdou undertaking rooms a ruptured water-pipe caused tho low lots tobo flooded lastevenlug, None Bkttek. The Gllltnan coal celling Pt $8 per ton at the Salem Im provement Co.'s yards, la the beat fuel in Salem. MoNoaoLiAN. Japanese china waro and hundreds of Jap. uoyeiltles Just In at Damon Bros; Bluo Front. m Do You? If you eat pearl barloy, Hgo, finked or pearl taplocca be auro to got It fresh at Clark & Epp'oy's. Hanging lain ps the largest Importa Hon ever brought td Salem, now at the Blue Front. -- ll.l. . .1 IW I I- I P. 5. DEARBORN'S XMAS SUGGESTIONS. Red mountains of Alaska by W, D. .Alien. Knockabout Club in tho Woods. My uaysaua jxiguts ou ino name IWilo. by Chas. Carletnti Collin. Yiiree Vawar Girls lu South America Cfcatterbox tor 1893. Xttite Oaea' Annual, Day ef Chivalry. TtM'NKry. Famy Reok. a" BmbW New Book at J4$?Z&l&JM3't pOOK STORE. OF BUSINESS. Jrv Goods ho Cost or Less PERSONALS. Dr. W. S. Mott has moved his office Into the Hnlman block. R. H. Rutherford, of Marion, was In the city yesterday, and left in the even ing for California. Secretary Wetherbee of the Salem Y. M. C. A., has resigned to take a position us physical culture director. John Byron and wife who for many years conducted the State Bindery, are both quite ill at their West Salem home. J. H. Ross is expected home from his travels In Florida in a few days, He served as special detective at Jack son park during the world's fair. Joseph Cook has gone to Seattle for a month. Mies Rose Cardwell of Jacksonville Is the guest for a few days at tho home of Warden aud Mrs. I. Berry, Fire Chief Holman of Portland has been asked to realgn. Drs. LL. Rowland,.!. A. Richard son aud WilHumson, of the board of asylum physicians, were at Union, Or., and inspected the sanitary conditions of the various sites offered for the loca tion of the branch insane asylum. Henry Sbepard started for Chicago today. He expects to be able to bring baok hs little daughter when ho re turns after the holidays. A. Z istrow, head salesman for the Oregon Hedge Co., starts for Chicago today. He returns January 10th with an increased force. F. P. Brltton and wife are at Port land for a few days. Mr Brltton rep resents Ilorst Bros., hop dealers, 8. F. m LITTLE LOCALS. A beautiful day after a showery night ....Huas jewelry store shows a fine speolmon of "gaatrla macula ta," a species of cactus that will have a rare bloom soon. The electrio lights wer; turned on at the university chapel last night and guve great satisfaction.... J. N. Ferguson, the lnsuranco man, Is 111 wlttrlu grippe R. T. Ray, of Mar lon, was in tho city today. Sumpter Cump Sons of Veterans took In flvo new members last ulght. Tno Kaeley League, No. 2, of Salem, will ocoupy tho rooms lu the Gray block formarly ocouplod by Dr. F. M. Brooks. The "home" will be fitted up with suitable furniture for a reading room and a lib rary containing choice volumes will bo at tho dispell of all mambera and vis- Itors Meeting of Red Men tonight. Wednesday morning Jasper Goodo of North S.ileiu, had his right oye in jured by a piece of steel from a wedge used in splitting blocks for wood. Ho was at a farmer friend's place and was standing uear tho block while In process of belug split. Ills sight will bo de fective for a tlino. Tho Woman's Rllef Corps will bo held at their hail Monday evening, December 18th. A literary programme aud refreshments will be provided and a good time for all Is anticipated. All are invited Friday rain and warmer,v..Wm. Buusohuh, of the prison stove works force, was called to Portland today by a telegram announcing the death of his father. Mrs. J. H. Cavauaugh left this afternoon for n short visit at East Portlaud Mrs. Lizzie R. Smith left for her homa lu Portland today. Mrs. Woodcock, who has been the uueat of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Sav- age, went to Corvallls today., -..A l8t legislature enacteu a law permit photograph of the McGee babies has! ting anyone to kill game, such as duoks neon taken at tho Cronlso gallery Gapt. 8. E Howard and Mrs. llurley are visiting lu Washiugton. Whlte-Montee. Thoro were married at the residence of tho bride's parents, on Asylum aven ue, Weduwday, Dec. 13, 1893, J. W. .rnntM mill MmrirluJ. Willi. - The groom Is a photographer or Mcv ii.,..ni.i,,aformHvlnthathiifl. MluuvllWj he was formerly In that bus- ness lu till city. The bride Is the daughter of Ell h White; she Is a beau, tlful aud accomplished young womau, '""or (ho best priced add quality go to Strongs for your ehruttoat candles aud uut8, Westacult Sc Irwlu. lavllaud Gulua--elegnut designs new for tho holidays at the Blue Front, IQVTOINa OXPlttAL JOtntKAIi, THUBSDAY, DOIDKBUR i4, AMHh 'PV71 STATS TAX EQUALIZERS. Dates Sot For Bearing Dpinlon of Attorney General. The state equalization board has set dates for bearing the various counties ou their respective assessments us fol lews: December 16 Linn, Marion and Polk. December 10 Multnomah, December 18 Railroads. December 10 Jackson, Lake, Klam ath, Josephine, Clatsop, Clackamas, Columbia, and Washington. December 21 Tillamook, Yamhill, Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas and Lane. December 22 Baker, Grant, Harney, Malheur, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Crook, Morrow, Skerman, Wasco and Gilliam. Ou the 5tb the board passed a resolu tion asking Attorney General Geo. E. Chamberlain for his opinion upon this propesition: "If the county board of equalization makes a horizontal reduction from tho I valuation of all property as established by the county assessor is the state board bound to take valuation as thus made by the county board of equalization as the basis for their work in equalizing." Iu answer to this the attorney gen eral refers to Sec. 2,752.of Hill's Anno tated Laws as amended by the last leg. islature: thus be says the true cash value as defined therein shall be lr Id and taken to mean the amount Buch property would sell for at a voluntary sale mado in tho ordinary course of business. The official record of the assessor's work is the assessment roll which he returns and upon which the county board is presumed to act. Then he refers to Sec. 2,770 of Hill's Laws, and says, further, the powers of the county board are clearly defined in the section quoted. He doubts whether said board would have powers in any case to make a horizontal reduction of a certain per cent, upon the assessed valuation of all property as fixed by the county assessor. He decides that the action of the county board must be taken by the state board as the basis for jts work in equalizing; but he also says that It Is within the power of the state board to raise the valuation If in its discretion the tax roll demands it. Hebo Jokes. In these days it is seldom a white man gets the start of a hobo, but a S. P. freight train crew at Oregon City this morning rather paralyzed a com pany of this (raveling gentry. A hun dred and fifty of them got into an 'empty 'oox car wnile tno train was waiting, when tho brakemen lndlfler- ontly closed the doors and locked them in. The cars were at once side-tracked and the train pulled out, leaving its palace car passengers in blissful ignor ance of their intentions. Hobos have formed a camp at Gar field. Tbey held an experience meet ing recently. The stories of personal exploits were interspersed with vocal music, the favorite being an old hymn. Instead of the proper ohorus, the fol lowing lines were substituted: "Nobody knows where a hobo goes, And nobody cares but Jesus." Ool. Shiel's Funeral. The funeral of the late Col. George Knox Shlel was held at 2 o'clock today at St. Paul's Eplscepal church. Inter ment was had In the family lot adjoin ing the E. N. Cooke vault iu the Rural cemetery. His mother, brother and two sisters are burled there. NEWS NOTES. A few cases of scarlet feyer have been reported in East Portland. It is perhaps uot realized by all Ore gonlans that we havo wl tbln our state borders somo of tbo foremost scientists of tho nation, yet that is a fact. In Corvallls is Dumont Lotz, U. S., A. 0., a chemist before whom comes the diffi cult analysis of orgaulo speclmlns from Wasblngtou, D. C. In Multuomah county rosldes Jusepu Howell, botanist, who Is perhaps better kuown in Europe than lu bin own couutry, while in Hlllaboro Is Dr. G. O. Rogers, geolo gist. It Is tho opinion of attorney general George E. Chamberllan that thern Is no law lu this state that can prevent people from living upon cold storage game of any kind bo long iu that Is not taken during the closed season, The etc, for a certaiu time aunugtueraii mouths, but forbidding its sale, except betweeen October 15 aud November 15. The flour mill at Elkton was washed off Its foundation last week and drifted down tho river. So atroug was the cur rent lu the river that the building wta carried tweuty milea iu three hoars. Portions of the mill are scattered along ,he "m"a rI,vr ffm "d,,lf ' t0 ?" mouth, The low k estimated to be $14,000. Senator Eokley owned the et- tablishment. The Taylor Mining Co., of Chicago, hts recently Pld oR a large part of its debt, and will fauwe work soon lu the Wo) f creek dkvtriet, A large amount of machinery baa been aUudlug on the cars there for wiuttu owing to the Inability of tlrt 0O(wpuy ii pay the freight, HIVER AND BAIL. OutlooK for River Freights in View of tho O. P. Sale. Steamer El wood came up last nlgtit and returned to Portland this morning with a good load of transfer freight from upper river points. Tho Altona will be up tonight on her run to Independence. Steamer Modoc will bo up tonight. Sho has been ordered toHarrlsburg this trip which will throw her off of her her regular run she la scheduled to leave here for Portland Saturday morning, but will not be able to get baok in timo to do BO. After the sale of the Oregon Pacific which, takes placo Friday next, it 1b rumored that there will be some Im portant chants on tbo river it 1b said the present management of the O P. intend to bid the road in at the sale aud will run their river steamers on a regular schedule, aud handle local as well as Sun Frauclsco business. In that case the Union Pacific will retire from the upper river as there would not be business enough for so many boats and the O. P. must have the river business in order to make the rail division pay. The Southern Pacific Railway Co., may bid on the road at the coming sale and if It goes cheap enough, buy it. It is not thought that company would operate boats on the riyer, With tho Southern Pacific in control of the O. P., the Union would be com pelled to keep their boatB running to protect their interests iu the valley. With the O. P. held by the Southern and the Union Pacific controlling the river, the present low rates of freight would be at an end. But the Willam ette valley would not be at the mercy of the Southern Pacific, as long as boats can be operated on the river. There areTwo competing linps of steam ships runping between San Francisco and Portland, and always two or more on the Willamette. The Southern Pa cific can never get the Willamette valley in its clutches as It has the val leys of California. Harritt & Lawrence Still Lead but Never Follow. Cash Counts. And for cash you can buy Hour, gro ceries, crockery etc. oheaper than any other store in tho city, all goods war ranted first class. P. O. Grocery. 12-12d 3t & w. A Queer Find. Chief of Police Minto and Deputy Sheriff VVrlghtman made a strange find in the woods 8 miles north of Salem Wednesday, returning last night at 6 o'clock with tho property. It was a top buggy nearly new, worth 200 when new, a set of double harness with one bridle and the rein-straps gone. Tho property was found just oil tbo road from Salem to Champoeg on the farm of Wm. Massey, whose son saw the buggy stauding there and thought it belonged to a party of hunters. From tbe fact tbat tho draw-check was cut from one bridle and left there while the bridle itself was gone, and the reiu-straps had been cut and car ried away, It 1b thought the party left with the horses. The harness bad evi dently been left hurriedly scattered on the ground in great disorder. A search brought no evidence as to tho owner of tbo outfit and I J it there was nothing but a small tin cup used for drluktng purposes. In the mud and grass near the buggy were pieces of a newspaper which when put to gether proved to bo parts of a copy of an agricultural paper, "The Farm, Stock and Home Journal, published in Minneapolis of date of May 0, 1803. The buggy is a side bar, with top and polo, and tho runnlug gear silver- bronzed. The cushion and baok are brown leather and the top lined with blue cloth, but loug exposure to tbo elements has covered them with mould and the varnish on tbo vehicle has been entirely eaten away. The namo of tho maker cannot be determined but it is of a good substantial pattern and was nearly as good as pet? when left In the brush. There are few vebloles of this kind iu Oregon and the officers have set Investigation on foot to cap ture the thief Iflio is still Jn the state SUPREME COURT. Salem, Dec. 14, '03. A. T. Smith et al, resp,, vs, city of Portland et al, app. Appeal from Multnoman county; argued aud sub mltted, J V .Beach and W. H Adams t'tys. for app.; Johu Catllu atty. for reap. J. M, Brown, of Bllverton, Is in tLe ' ., ' Awarded Highest Honors World's rair; CAPRICE'S rkPowdei The Wly Pure Qrt& ofTartar Ppwkr. Vo Ammonia; flp Aliua. XJmtA in Millions of JZom o Vw tin tUl .J .- -mimu I I T T wm mm ot m-wr ssa ssaesamaemm NATIONAL OREGON OUARD. What tho Salem Battalion Is Doing Grand Ball. Regular meetings for drill: H Co , Monday; B. Co, Tuesdaj ; I. Co, Thurs day. Business meeting first drill night of month. Bchool for officers Friday nights. Improvements at tho Armory are progressing nicely. Three company rooms, a board of officers room, each a large nicely furnished apartment, aro belug added. The stage is belug taken out, and a gallery built in front to seat about two hundred people. Electric lights will be supplied all through and the Second battalion will have the most comfortable quarters in the state. The company rooms will be open every 'night, except Sunday and will make tho army life of the boys while in their home barracks very agreeable. ' A gymnasium outfit will be added at an early day. MILITARY BALL Tho battalion will conduct a New Years night ball on Monday, Jan. 1st. It will be the ball of the season. All the companies join and It is safe to say the Salem Militia boys are capablo of managing a high class Social affair when they set out to do so, as they have in this lu stance Catarrh Oannot be Cured with Local Applications, as they can not reach the seat of the diseuse. Cat irrli Is a blood or constitutional disease, uuu iu iiiiii iu cure ik jruu uiui uiko Internal remidles. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mocous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physlcansln tblscouutry faryeers, and is a regular prescription. It Is compos ed of the best tonics kuown, combiued with the best blood purifiers, acting dl reotly on the mocous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredi ents is what produces such wonderful results iu curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, Toledo, O. Sold by druggists. Price 75o. NEWS NOTES. It has been decided by Justice Cald well that the Wellington game law is defective and tbat it Is not illegal to hu'it game with dogs. Forty-three of the 51 , shingle milh along the line of the Seattle & Lake Shore roul are running; but not up to their full capacity. The dally output is about 20 carloads. Extern Oregon stock men who shipped horses to Montana report the market very dull and prlce3 are very low. A beautiful, summer resort has been laid out at Hug point, near Cannon beach, by Robert Noorls. Mr. Halsey; of Albany, hasa chair In his family which has been in use since 1821. It was made in Indiana and brought to Oregon in '63. The steamer Arago shipped a sea while crossing in over the bar last week which knocked In her cabin and flood ed the steerage passengers out of their berths. Captain F. B. Jones, of Portland, states that he has his light draft boat well uuder way gnd It will be ready for business by Feb. 1.- It is said this boat will be the lightest draft of any on the Willamette. A pack train with a complete saw mill for the Devllblss mine started out from Marsh field, Coon county, one day last week. It was an interesting eight. The largest bop yard in the world will be in Yakima county, Washing ton, next summer. It will have 600 acres of vines. The Sluslaw river is full tu its banks and the"water continually flows out to sea, the tide havlug uo other effect than tbat of raising the water about seven miles Inland. Mr. Eliot, who was arrested in Grant county, last spring on a charge of horse stealing, by the sheriff of Whitman county, Wash., has Btood bis trial aud beeu acquitted. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The drug and medicine firm hereto fore dolug business under the style of Smith & Stelner, have this day dis solved partnership by mutual consent, ur. j j, oiimu reiinui;. rue ousiuess will be coutinued by Lee Stelner, ut tueoia reu corner siana, wnere all bills and accounts are to be settled, Salem, Dee. 1st, 1893. J. (J. Smith, M. D. Let. Steinek. Tho largest stock of brooms and J'0"1"8 for household use ever brought to Sal m at O ark fc Eppley's. I Slatighf er?d at Cost ! The Largest assortment ever brought to Saloni. They Must Go in the next 30 days i AND COST TAKES 'EM. C. D. Gabrielson, ........Resident Agont L0NJ30N" and LANCASHIRE FJRE INSDKANCE CO. Havo 15 years experience; for over elf ht years aMlstant secretary ot State Insurance Com. pany oi Oregon. Temporary office Ktelner's fled Corner Dfu- btore. I'RUMIT. RKLliULE ANI MBESUl. Which la shown bv the fact t at this romnanv ha. ri.ihl il,HL. ..? I ness of any iTorelen Insurance company on REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary M. Temple to Royal P. Bacon, i j , i iaa. l State Land & Trust Co. to J. B. Asbby, lots Salem Garden Fruit farm 12. J. J. Malloy to' H. W. Fries, 120 acres, $1200. L. C. Dayton to S. H. T. Jones, lots Charles Hubbard's add to Hubbard, 1350. T. 8. Dearborn et al, to Mrs. H. A. Dearborn, part of blk 33 Sateui, $1. A. Wj Jotte o Wm, M. Case, of David. Weston d 1 o containing 322 acres, $400. Alice Weaver to Edwin Grimm, 15 acres, $2000. Edgar Grim et al, to Alice Weaver, 34 31-100 acres, $2000. . J. B. Tracy to Geo. Keech and Thoa. Little, 40 acres, $600. Geo. W. HolIIster to J. W. Eddy, lota annex No. 1 to Geo. W. Holllater'e add to Salem. $35. Geo. W. Hollister to Llllle M. Eddy, lots annex No. I to Geo. Holhster's add to Stayton, $175. E. B. McFarland, trustee to 'title Guarantee & Trust Co., 1600 acres, 1 6 s, r 8 w, $25,600. Edward Laflenuvo to T. J. Gervias 10 a., $550. G. C. Guerin to Mrs. R. H. Hopkins lot Woodburn, $875. H. M. Robinson to F. E. Looney, lot Jefferson. Lowest prices on underwear, at the New York Rapket, eyer offered lp Ba lem. Sweet cider Clark fc Epploy. Splendid assortment ot holiday goods cheap at the New York Racket. 2t Basey's Hearse. Notice Is hereby given, tbat I have bought the hearse of Olinger & Rigdon, known as the Mlnto hearse, and kept at Jap Mlnto's stables, and have moved tho same to Radabaugh's stabbs, corner State and Front streets, and all orders left at the undertakers, Olinger & Rigdon'a or A. M. Clouch's. or at the Rtnhlwt. will rn. ' celve the best of attention, Thanking my many friends for their past favors, I hope by fair dealing a continuance of the same, and will strive to heed the motto, "Live and Let Live." A. J. Basey. It is very difficult t o convince children that a medicine is "nice to take" this trouble is not experi enced in ad ministering Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It is almost as palatable as milk. No preparation so rapidly builds up good flesh, strength and nerve fprce. Mothers the world over rely H?on J,1. .in a11 wasting diseases that children are heir to. "tpMSu Cr Boolt Bowni. M. Y. All dranlris. XMAS LINENS, XMAS FURS. XMAS NF CRWEAR and SUSPENDERS, XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS, XMAS DKESSES and JACKETS, XMAS, OVERCOATS and HATS, XMAS FOOTWEAR AT LOWEST OA8H PRICKS AT. .... , WJXI43 OTHE & CD. OPERA HODBK CORNER, - Go to WU1L. Brw, for R, Cemfc the Pacific coast In 1803. TJIOK BALK. An unabridged enoycloped'a JP Brit-tunica, Kprlh 1H. at ereat redu tlon. V . L. West, electrio light station. 12 14 If MEW MAUKH.T.-Opposlte Hftlcm. Delivered cheap. brick store. U. 12 14-lm WAN i ED. A position at housework bra competent Indy with b st of references. Call at the residence of Mrs. 11. ICarly, on 12-liii uouri street near lew, NOTICK Any one havlnx horses tkey wish stalled and fed hay and oaUthoiRh the winter nny Inquire or Harris A Loose for fur ther particulars. Wlllamlna, Yamhill ooiu. ty, Oregon. 12-8-d8t w WANTED Work of any kind, by a young man who Is a stranger In the city. Wages no object. John Loumenas, at The Cottage. 12 5t CHUIdTlAN PCIENCE-Llteroture kinds on sale at 326 Liberty street. of an 4-6-ly 31HIB PAPER Is kept on file at . E. O. Rake's . Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants zohange. Ban Franclsro, California, where contrao for advertising can be made for H. EAUM FOB BALE. A declrdble farm of 160 acres for sale on long time Town nroperty will be taken in part payment. Apply to Leo Willis, In Opera House Block. 12-2 lm CAMPAIGN OF EDDCATION, A campaign of education is what vr are engaged In. We want to teach the public luav w wive pveryming in tno way or HOLIDAY GIFTS Gold tena. Fountain mum. Ci-riAW&A Novelties, rhotokrupb. Albums, Photo! frames, Collar boxes, Porcelain Placques, 7WUWHUUWKI, uuec dookb. iDEiunni ir" j ii P"00 " wfty down owm Dg tO but '"v uuu time, uon i neuer mis uoie ana see ror your elves. Patton Bros., Agents for -'Old Nick." 96'Btate street MADAM McALPiN, of Denver, has opened Drew-making Parlors in (be Eldrldge block, in the rooms formerly occupied by Mrs. Baker and guarantees A Perfect Fit or No Pay I ll-22-lra FROEBEL S0H00L8-4tk Year. Infant, Connecting and Primary c'sssea every week clay from S a. tn. to 12 m. except Saturday. MISS 0. BALLOU, - - Principal TRAINING CLABSE3 for teacbeis' dally practice work from 0 a. m. to 12 m. In Kindergarten. On Monday, Weduetday and Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. Claefea meet for study of Frrebel system. Mrs. P. 8. Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with training class, conducted by Mrs. Knlghtand MlaaBallod,; For terms or information apply at 'Kindergarten rooms, corner Court and Liberty ttrteta. .' - c - RAIiM, ORKWX IflNMGARTI a4 W -pftt 4