Etf&Niifa OAPfvAJL joxmsua,, Monday, December ii, xose. 'fflK CAPITAL JOURNAL. PUBLISHED DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, btthx A rCapital. Journal Publishing Company I'.wtoBco Block. Commercial Street. HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. Imlly, by carrier, per month, Daily, br mall, per year,. Weekly, 8 pages, per year. JOS) 3.00 1.60 TUB CITIZENS TAX RBVUKd MOVE MENT IN OREGON. W,bat Is tahjog.placo In Multnomah county is tile last resort to savegovern mentcby lite pedplo frotri corruption and extravagance when It reaches the point where It destroys property values. The citizens and,taxpaycrJ that Is men who are.both organize a.general com mittee for the whole oounty, with an executive committee, and sub-commit tees to Investigate and report 6u what they And and recommend reforms. The same movement alone will save the other counties of the state from be. Inc swallowed in the whirlpool of fraud and nialadlmlstrutlon following ,an era of speculation aud inflation. Among other duties assigned to the yarlous sub-committees Is the follewing: The committees on luxation and pub lic expenses was instructed to inquire into the practicability of reducing the taxes of this city under the present assessment to G mills on the dollar, in stead of 8, and as to the practicability of changing the law under which, ii mills ou the dollar is now collected uitblu the city for road tuxes, unci to discover whether other cities collect road luxes: also, to inquire into and recommend what expenses can be cut down and what ofllcescan be abolished This Is exactly In line with what thin writer has been recommending. It is carrying out what bus been advocated in these columns, that the taxpayer must organize and protect himself against the raids of the taxeater, be cause those in oflice will not reform the conditions and protect the people, because the legislature cannot, and the courts do not, The remedy is with the taxpayer only. There should be organized in each county a taxpayer's committee of one nunared, or or twenty live or nrty, ac cording to the size of the county, with sub committees to investigate and report on abuses. It will be noticed that among the first acts of the Portland commltteo which Is uneartblngso much fraud was the follewing: It was resolved that the fl nance com mittee bo Instructed to raise the sum of (2500 for the uso of the committee. Mr. Muir was requested to Interview the county Judge and request him to have the statements of the county clerk aud treasurer published, or else to furnish this committee certified copies or sucu statements. That is exactly what has been con tended for in Marion county tho pub lication of the public business as re quired by has not been complied with in half the counties of the state. The monthly proceedings of the county court are also not mado public as re quired by law. The taxpayei'd committees should bo appointed and got to work this mouth, They should report to the people In time to reform the abuses now existing before the next election. A state con ventlon ot tax payers should bo called to consider the condition of our state affairs and roport before county and state conventions are held, and demand specific reforms in our state govern ment. No reform Is possible through any party In the old way. "Reform within the party" Is a chestnut with the thoughtful taxpayer. If taxpayers will consider a moment bow oounty and stato conventions are mado up they will see the impossibility ofgeltlug results. In the first place the delegations In a county convention ,areoleoted by persons seeking proflt ab)o pluce. They aro made up by tlio f i lends of the taxeater who say "the taxpayer be d d." Tlio county eou. vveqtlon Is mostly mado up lathe main by thoso in office In the county, and In terested In keeping tliemeelvea there and keeping their profits at a high mark, Theyara.ou)y huraanand the taxpayer must not expect them to cut dawn their own feea or salaries. Our.stato conventions are made up BVfln worse, Tho Portland machine Wj-ecta a, fewiasplrauts already lu office, Tjey fix t,helrowno0uptlesU8ually re BioteoonatltuonQle,s, aUu totherottou hurrough system long since abolished in Eugand and aa Multnomah holds om-tu(rd of tho delegates iu tho state convention only one-sixth of tho state outsWo la needed to be Ulxed'to make -ita aiate forall the etutQttlckct of any party. Tbocouventlou meets and goes imtomxn mo motions or roieoitug a ' The) bosses do thoreit. It Is a fiMfBijdmia'farco. (A01IM the counties, so In the state, 'jttMiteiMfeQoy la for those lu, power to Wt4Htw (liemeclvea, aud tl?u abuses JJMifrT.HPT" tuttt nnve grown llP with jj)p. JtOftDnly natural aud just that JgkgM$j(era wish reforms and re- - jjpttom mtaxes aud expense of go v- nmaii.f Ja .county and state they must V 4HL 5y ust Jjot only eay what 1 Upm yawl lull mint deumud It and lu--BjmUt.HftMhyjKf t It. Tho ex Mtla of JCuKw-Huah oounty slinutd be JMilii it lurriij eeaty of the state, ,MfcMW.wliht) tto UMtttflal reduction f Um priwut ormhlug Jcd of (axatlou pOrfoo. A CITIZEN'S. LETTER. A large Willamette valteyfarmer ex presses himself tbUH to the editor of the Journal in a letter of recent date: "I have been watching your,paper closely for the name of available and good men for the various state offices to be put forward by the Republicans next spring.I believe if the Republicans act wisely and put up only good and honest men, that they will have no troublo In electing them, but if they put up kuown political schemes, ready and willing to help in looting the state treasury, I claim the right as an inde pendent Republican to try and help defeut any or all of them. "You suggested some time ago the name of H. B. Kinca'ld, of Eugene, for secretary of state, and I can say -from a long, personal apquain(ancetwill) him that I do not know of a better man for the place in the state. He has always been an outspoken and inde pendent Republican, thoroughly hon est and compentent, above all cliques or rings, and has the confidence of all the good people of the county Irrespect ive of party and no one would oppose him unless they wanted some one in the placo who tbey could use for per sonal ends. "I do not know whether he would accept the nomination or not if ten dered him, as be bas In the past refused to be a candidate for any office what ever. "I do not think he has a prominent political enemy in the state although be bas denounced public measures and proposed laws which were in his judg ment not for the public good, such as non-taxable bonds, the mortgage tax law repeal, to repeal the usury law, etc. ""Hoping that we may be able to se cure good clean men, and depending largely on your ability to scan closely aud impartially the record and stand ing of all proposed candidates lam, etc." It will bo in order for the Oregonian to say that we are booming Mr. Kin cald for secretary of state. The writer will scan theso pages in vain for any concerted effort to place before the peo ple a ticket or even a set of men to be nominated for office. Such is not the business of a newspaper, as we under stand it. We do not understand that Mr. Kin caid is seeking the placo or we certainly should not mention his name, as we would not wish to assume the responsi bility ot making or marring bis political fortunes. Because we are convinced he i3 not slated, Is not seeking, nor allow ing his friends to seek for him, the free and unprejudiced press of the state lias a perfect right to use bis name. It is altogether llholy that no such man will be nominated for Secretary of State. The matter of reforms in the state government has nothing to do with who shall bo candidate. Tho demand for reform must bo made so strong aud so imperative by the people that any officer elected in tbe future must com ply with It. It is said the devil never takes any chances. The people cannot afford to bo lea wise than tbe father of lies. They must take no chance of get ting reforms In their state government or they will not get them. MA1.ION OOUNTY COURT. Tho Marlon county commissioners court for tbe Regular December term adjourned Saturday evening. The court returned from its trip to Hall's ferry on Friday evening with tho de termination that something must be done immediately toward repairing tbe road at tho landing there. An order was mado that B. F. Hall, proprietor of the ferry be appointed superintend ent of tho repairs. These will consist of lining tho washout with crib work, brush, stono and dirt. The hole is about thirty-fivo feet long aud twenty feet back and twenty feet In depth, Tho recent high water lu tho river cull sod the damage. Tho road la situ- atcd lu district No. ! , 2, of which Geu, Crolsan Is supervisor. A petition signed by fifty-eight was read aud acted upon. It asks for a change of the boundaries In road dis trict No. 68, separating the Butte crvk and Ablqua sections. Tuo new terri tory will constitute a new district viz: commencing at a point ou Butte creek opposite tho center of section 10, 0 s, le, running west ou the sec Hue to the confer of the west side of sea 27, thence north to the s o comer of tho Hurtly farm, theuco w to the s w cor uerof John Helnty farm, north to M. W hillock's south line, thence along south sldo of Whltlock'a land to Silver ton aud Butte creek road, aloug w lino of said road to Butto creek, aud along Butto creek to placo of beginning. Tho same parties are desirous of mak ing five miles of stone road from a point kuown as tha pine tree corner where tho Downs aud Sootta Mills road croasea the road leading from Sllverton to Butto creek thence along that road to Scotta Mills pust the mills along the Crooked Finger road to a point where said road crosses the j sec. lino running through the center of sees. 25 and 20, t Os, r 1 0. They petitioned for an ap. proprlatlou of (300 toward paying for orushlug the rock to the amount of 6000 tous for the ffyo miles. The bal. lance to bo paid by tho citizens of the district. They stipulated that tho county appropriation need not be paid until tbe rock was properly spread. Tho petition waa granted. Tbarequest of Dr. T. L. Golden to be relieved .from runnlpg a ferry known as the bldiDavis ferrytwas laid over to the Januaryterm. -Tbe petltlonTor a liquor license by J. J. Kyan in Butteville precinct was1 al lowed. Tbe resignation of W. Jj. Jones as constable of Jefferson district v(aa ac cepted. The matter of levying the state and county. tax for;I893fWas continued Until ttaq next term. Regarding the division of road dis trict No. 43 aa petitioned for by Isaac Stevens and others, an order was issued that the west half of the district retain the present number and the east half, (that east of Pudding river) be called and known as district No. "48." List of claims allowed will be pub lished tomorrow. TODAY'S MAEKBIB. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Salem, December 11, 4 p. m. Office Daily Capital Journal. Quota tions for day and up to hour of going to press were as follews: SALKM PRODUCE MARKET. FUUIT. Apples 30c to 50c. a bushel. BUTCHKR STOCK. Veals dressed 4 cts. Hogs dressed 6 to 7. Live cattle U to 2. Sheep alive $1.60 to $2.00. Spring Iambs $1.50 to $2.00. MILL PRICES. Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour iu wholesale lots $3.00. Retail $3.40. Bran $15 bulk, $16 sacked. Shorts $17 $18. Chop feed $17 and $18. WHEAT. 45 cents per bushel. HAY AMD GRAIN. Oats old, 88 to 40c, new 25 to 30c. Hay Baled, new $8 to $12; old $10 to $14. Wild in bulk, $6 to $8. Barley Brewing, at Salem, No. 1. 95 to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cts, FARM PRODUCTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hops Small sale, 17$ to 18jc. Kegs Cash, 25 cents. Butter Best dairy, 20; fancy creamery, 25. Cheese 12 to 16 cts. Farm smoked meats Bacon 12; hams, 13; shoulders, 10. Potatoes 30c. to 40c. Onions 1 to 1 cents. Beeswax 34c Caraway seed, 18c Anise seed, 26o. Ginseng, $1.40. LIVE POULTRY. Chickens 6 to 8 cts; ducks, 80; tur keys, slow sale, choice, 10c; geese 6 to 7c PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Feed, etc Flour Standard, $2.90; Walla Walla, $3.15; graham, $2.50; superfine, $2.25 per barrel. Oats fciew whIte,35oper bu.;grey,34o; rolled, in bags, $6.256.50; barrels, $0.767.00; cases, $3.75. Hay Best, $1012 per ton. Wool valley, price nomlual. MUlstuffs Bran, $15.00; shorts, $15; ground barley, $18; cbop feed, $15 per ton; whole feed, barley, 70 cts. per ceutal; middling, $2328 perton; brew ing barley, 0005o per cental: chicken wheat. 80.90 per cental. Hops Old, 10 to 16c, new 10 to 0J. Hides green, salted, 60 lbs. 3jc, un dergo lbs., 23o; sheep pelts, 1060c DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 30 32c; fancy dairy, 2527jc; fair to good, 2022c; common, 16 to 17o per lb. Cneese Oregon, 1012: Young American, 15o per pound; California 14c; Swiss imp., 3032; Dom., 1820. Eggs Oregon, 80o per dozen. Poultry .Nominal; chickens, mixed. $2.O03.60 per dozen; ducks,$3'504.50 eese, $9.00; turkeys, live, 12c; ressed, 15c Beef Top steers, 2Jo per pound; fair to good steers, 2c; No 1 cows, 2c; fair cows, 1 Jo; dressed beef, $3 605 00 per 100 pounds , Mutton Best sneep, W, choice mut ton. $1 752 00; lambs, $2 002 25. Hogs Choice, heavy, $5 005 60; medium, $4 605 00; light and feeders, $4 505 00; dressed, (6 50. Veal $3 (XJ5 00- BAN FRANCISCO MAUKEr. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10 12o; do Inferior, 89o; do valley, 12 15c Hops 10 to 19u. Potatoes Early Rose, 2535. Bur banks, .2540c OatH-Milllng,$I.15l 20. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. Tho drug and medicine firm hereto fore doing business under the style of Smith & Stelner, have this day dis solved partnership by mutual consent Or. J, C. 8mlth retiring. The business will bo continued by Lee Stelner, at the old red corner stand, where all bills and accounts are to bo settled, Sulem, Dec 1st, 1893. J. C, SMtTir, M. D. Lee Steinek. Economize in Paper. Clean newspapers, tied In buudlea of KM), not cut, lor sale at tins wiico at fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw wrapping paper, targe sheets, two cents a pouuu. .next uoor 10 1110 posuuuee. Intelligent Bonders will notice tkat Tutt's Pills aro not 'irii-infJ co euro" all clataea ot iUcnc, but ouly such mi rvault from uillaurdcreU 11 or, vial Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costivenoss, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. Vor tfeo thy arnottTrrantttti fblllbt?, but nru a nearly o na It Itjto Mil. In An uiali m Ik khiiimIv. 1Im. UfVrttfia- SQLDEVERVWHEBE, J Hood's Cures V awTkSfS! Y3bHi v Mrs. Jennie Cunningham. "I Could Eat Nothing but Terr light food, without haYine terrlbla distress In my stomach. Before I had taken ono botUo of Hood's I saw that It was doing me good. I continued to grow better While taking Ave botUes, and Now I Can Eat Anything, and my health Is Tory much better than for years." Mas Jejwik Cuxjoxoium, Souta New Castle, Mo. Be sure to get Hood's SarsapariHa HOOD'S P1LL8 euro Constipation. 2Sa nis Appeal to Mamma. Tho feeling of superiority in the sterner sex is inborn. "Mamma, do you think you'll go to heaven?" said Jack, looking thoughtfully into his mother's face. "Yes, dear, if I'm good," said the little mother cautiously, wondering what was coming next. "Then please be good, for papa and I would be 60 lonesome without you." London Tit-Bits. lint Conversation, She had bought a $25 headgear, and when tho bill came in tho hus band scolded her pretty sharply. "Oh," she exclaimed when she hatl heard enough of it, "you are talking through your hat." "No, my dear," he protested, "1 am not. lam talking through yours." Detroit Free Press. riilloiopliy. "I has noticed," said Uncle Mose, "dat do man wot don't do nuffin 'less'n he's paid fer it will do any thin, no matter how mean it am, pervidin ho do git paid fer it" In dianapolis Journal. VIGOR F MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of evils from early errors or later exceasei, the results ot overwork, sickness, worr.etc. FnUstrengtb, development and tone given to e ery organ and portion of tbe body, Blmplo.saturalmetboda. Immedlatelmprovenient seen. Failure Impossible. 2,0U) references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. S. 0. V. MARKET, 365 Summer Street. LEWIS & PRATHER, Props. Tbe best meats of all kinds Bold at the lo wo U prices. Reliable goods and quick delivery. SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS & PLASTERERS. Leave orders 8, Salem, Oregon. Rheumatrsirty Lumbago, Sciatica Kidney Complaint, Lamo BacKy tKO DR. SANOEN'S ELECTRIC IELT With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORYt ic t'aicmai xieat iprTcmeai I Vrill ear without medicine all YTmJlmm rewltloc from orenaiatlon of brain nerve forces i ezeeneaorlndU cretlon. as nervous debility, aleeplenness, languor, rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints, lame tack, lumbago, sciatica, all female eoroplalnu. st eral 111 health, ate. This electrto Belt eontalai Wvaferhl Umwmu OTer all others. Current l IntunUyfeitby wearer or we forfeit SI, 090.00, uj will care all of the above dlwaaes or no pay. Thou, sands have been cured by this marvelous Invention after ail other remedies failed, and we stre hundreds of teetlraoulati In this and every other state. Our rxMrffcl Imfnni aXICTRIO SCsrilrBOST, the Caateet boon evrr offered weak men, nil with all IU. Uulls aa4 Tl(rai Btneeth OllAlUlrrSSD l SO le Maars Bod for llWd 1'amphl.t, mailed, aealedfje 8ANOEN ELKOTRIO CO.. Vo. 17aiUrsSSJtrcet.l-OKTXuaJ( OKX $3,000.00 A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If you want work that Is pleasaut and profitable, send u your addrtti Immediately. We teach ma aud women bow to earn from S8.00 per day to 3,000 iter year without bavins; bad previous ciperieuoa, aud furulab the cmplormeut at which they can make that amount, NolUlnir difficult to learn or that requires much time. The work ta easy, healthy, anil honorable, and can be done da. Ing daytime or evenings, right In your own local. Ity, wherever )ou live. The result of a, fair hours' work often equals week' wacee. We have taught thousands of both texts and all ages, and many have laid foundations that will surely bring them riches. Some of tbe smartest men In this country owe their success In life to the start glrcn them while tn our employ) ear. ago. You, reader, mar do M Weill try It, You eanuotfutl. No capital necessary. We fit you out with something thst Ls new, solid, and sure. A book brimful of advice Is free to alt Help your self by writing for It to-day not to morrow. Delays are oostly E. C. ALLEN CO., Box 420. AUGUSTA. MAINS. ClffltroBiumtaf, lllch Sloubtulua in America. It may surprise the reader who is a lit tle rusty on geography to be informed that there are over 300 mountains on the North American continent that aro over 10,000 feet in height, hut such is the case. In Alaska nloue.thuro are scores of them, and not less than rive in that boreal re gion exceed 15.000 feet. St. Louis Re public. Sola's Description of Zola. George Augustus Salst describes Emile Zola as a "noticeable little man, with a high forehead, rather it Thackerayan nose, abundant black hair, black mus tache and beard just trimmed with sil ver. He is a marvelous conversation ist, alert, often eloquent, always fasci nating, occasionally paradoxical." Bids for Asylum Supplies. THE BOAltD OF TRUSTEES OF THE Oregon state Insane asylum invite sealed proposals for furnishing- at the; asylum near Salem, Oregcn, the following sup plies for the six months ending June 30, 18SI. PLUMBING. 1 doz. each VI. . Vi. . 1M and 2 Inch tees. 1 doz. each . . IU, 1& and 2 Inch ells. X doz. each and Inch Keystone unions. 1 doz each 1, IVi and 2 Inch flange unions. 1 doz. each 3. z. each V. 1, IU street ells, z. each and V4 Inch sockets, z. each U, and 1 inch plugs. 1 doz, 1 doz. 2 doz. each . and inch cemprcsslon bibs, finished. 2 doz. each and Vi Inch compression hose bibs, finished. 100 feet each of hi, , , , 1, and 1V4 inch black pipe. 100 feet each of Vi. and 1 inch galv. Pipe. V4 doz. each V4. and Jenkln's valves removaDie aisits. i uut eacu -a una j. iucu jen&in a vuives removable disks. 21 sq. feet 3 ply rubber packing. 10 lbs. each Vi and sq. flax packing. 1 Jackson's due scraper, 3 inch. 20 bushels charcoal. 100 lbs. solder, Vx and V4. 2 each extra jaws and nuts for 12, 18 and 24 Inch StUlsons wrenches. 10 Ids. Asbestes candle wick. 144 sq. feet sheet lead 4 R. 2 doz. Sampson's battery cells. 2 doz. and glass gage washers, square. DRY GOODS. 100 yards calico, best. 2,500 yards cotton flannel. Nashau XXX. 1,200 yds. pequot A unbleached 45 Inch. 1,000 yards Mariners stripe. 500 yards Lonsdale bleached. 1,500 yards pequot A sheeting, 36 Inchv avu )U3. t,uniireiuai cnecK nannei. 500 yds. glass crash towelling, 18 inch. 200 yds. bleached linen French towell ing. MO yds. blue denim. 100 yds. bleached sheeting pequot 9-4. 100 yds. Marsellls check, York Mfg. 6 boxes white stay binding Inch. 12 dozen Turkey red handkerchiefs, 24 inch. 50 dozen Coat's thread, white No. 36. 12 doz in Uoit's tnraid, wnltn No. IS. 15 dozen Coat's thread, black No. 36. 12 dozen Coat's thread, black No. 16. 12 dozen black linen thread, No. 25. 50 yards table oilcloth, white. 12 dozen papers pins. 50 doz. prs. men's socks (half hose.) 1 doz. prs. men's gloves, Nos. 9 and 10, extra heavy. 15 dozen pairs suspenders. 100 yards sllesia, 40 inch, drab. 1 great gross men's pants buttons. 1 great gross pants buckles. 6 great gross men's shirt buttons, me dium size. 12ktohs smoked peirl buttons. 2 dozen corsets (assorted sizes, 20 to SO. I dozen thimbles, Nos. 9 and 10 closed ends. CLOTHING. 6 pairs Jean pants, 2929. 6 pairs Jeans pants, 3040. 12 pairs Jean pants, 3131. 12 patrs Jean pants. 3333. 12 pairs Jean pants, 3332. 6 pairs Jean pants, 3331. 6 pairs jean pants, 3234. 12 pair Jean pants, 3533. 12 pairs jean pants, 36 32. 6 pairs Jean pants, 2733. 6 pairs Jean pants, 37 3. 6 pairs Jean pants, 3832. 6 pairs jean pants, 3833. 6 pairs jean pants, 3933. 6 pairs Jeans pants, S9 tl. YARNS. 200 lbs. heavy white wool yarn. 150 lbs. cheapest grade wool yarn, as sorted colors. 200 lbs. Crown mills warp. GROCEIUE8. IN SABBEL3 OR BOXES. 15.000 lbs granulated sugar, extra fine, dry. 12,000 lbs G C sugar. 6 "Oortu rolled oqts. 6,000 lbs cracked wheat. 5 or lb 4 corn meal. 600 lbs hominy, small cracked. 1,600 Ss, hominy. 5,000 lbs. rice. 8ii E. bluing." 300 gallons vinegar. 2. 0 KAllons N. O. molasses. lb. corn starch, Oswego. 10.000 Bs. Liverpool salt. 40 Bw. Garb, soda, A nnrlH. SX) Ox,, cream tarter. Foleers. SO gross safety matches (Vulcan). 1 bale broom corn, 3 dozns whisk brooms. W dozen oycters, cans (A. Field's Cove). 15 dozen cans con (Knw Vulle I. 800 B. soda crackers, XXX, furnished as re- qmrru. , 3 000 gallons syrup (Btandtrd). 40 D candles IBturln wax). 2 dozen Worcestershire sauce, In qts,, Lee TO tbi. germea. 100 lb i. sago Mtb China starch. 000 tt. sal 'Oda. 2 dozn brooms 200 lbs peirl barley, 00 lbs. starch, gins., SOboies macaroni 8 boxes vermicelli. 600 lbs. cheese, Cranston's 6r avgood, fur ntsbedas required, 8PI0E8. 75 lbs mustard. 4io lbs. black pepper. SO ln. ginger. 33 lbs. allspice CUOCKKUY. is ilonn ta cup 15 dozen tea saucers. IS doxen quart soup bowls. 2 dox-a 1 gallon plt-heru. 3 dosn soup plates. 1 dozen bowls bd pitchers. 1 dozen chamber pots. 1 dozen bed pans. 1 dozen pint srrun pitchers. a dozen lantern glo' S dozen pint cream pitchers. 8 dozen 9 luoh dlnne- plates. 3 dozen 7 1 neb nle platts. 8 dozen 11 Inch vegetable dishes. 4 dozen 10 Inch vegetaMo dishes. 1 dozen surar bowls, 8dozenl21ooh p'altera. 3 dozen 11 Inch platters. FtOUU. 650 barrels, more or leas, best roller process, delivered aa required. 5 barrels graham, more ot leu, delivered as required. ., BOAP. 300 lbs. extra pale aavon. 1.000 tba, ivory. 3) lbs. shaving, In cakes (J. fl.WUl!ams a Oo. TEA. 500 lbs. Rngllih breakfast, blcck. 1,000 lbs. uucolored Japan, green. COFFEE, VOOO lbs. Cos la Rica, 400 1 ha. Java 100 lbs. Moca. GOO lbs. chicory. BUTTER. 825 lbs. a week, more or leas, but orsJWT, TOBACCO, X.OOO lbs. Bledf Hammer. . r ii -- -- -- - - - -- ARE YOU It is the small annoyances, like a lost collar, button, that fret and worry. Sour milk over night; no milkman in the morning; no crcarn for the coffee; no milk for the baby. The M BORDEN AGLE BRAND Condensed,,Milk is always ready-fon use. Use it for tea, coffee and chocolate; for-ica cream, sura mer drinks: and general cooking purposes. Your Grocer and Druggist This Country Is full of fat, healthy, W ' a. a. mm ' a, a,. ! a HEATH. 000 lbs. per day, snore or less, of beefr as required In equal parls of lore and bind quar tern. 310 lbs. of mutton per week as required, FISU. Fish as required, glvlaz price per pound tor furnishing the different kinds perfectly fresh and sound. LEATHER. THE BEST DOMESTIC STOCK. is dozen oil grain calf, 40 lbs. to the doxen. 1 dozen call skins, 40 lbs. to the dozen. I dozen imitation grain goat, suitable for quarters, for shoes 13 to 34. 3 dozen sheep skins for lining, sha ed. 6 buckskins for lining, shared. ti grained kip skins, average 6 lbs. each. 1 doz. kip skins, average S lbs. each. 3 sides skirting 15 to 18 lbs. each. 'COO lbs. Santa Cruz sole leather, extra heavy No. 1, average weight 25 lbs, to the "Side. 1 doz. balls English shoe web. 12 yards English shoe core 5 in. wide. 1 oz. Russian bristles, 1 doz Silk twist D. " 6 spools linen thread. No. 25. 6 spools llrien thread No. 35. 2,lbs. Barbours .shoe thread No. 12. 6 bottles leather cement (Cub brand.) 6 bottles rubber cement (Brazilian.) 3 doz. pieces shoemaker's wax. 6 lbs. 1 oz. shoe tacks. 3 lbj. 4 oz shoe tucks d Ibi. brass nalln, Improved. 12 lbs. 6-8 brass nails. 12 lbs. 4-8 brass nails. 12 lbs. brass nails. 12 lbs. 8-8 Iron heel nails. 12 lbs. Iron heel nails. 12 lb3. 6-8 Iron heel Malls. 12 lbs. Iron heel neHls. 2 doz. Bradbury machine needles (wedge point) No 4. 2 sq. feet rubber cloth for patching. 20 yards heavy ticking for lining. TINWARE. 5 doz. pressed pans, 8 inch. 10 doz. pint cups. 24 doz. table spoons. GRANITE IRON WARE.- 1 doz. wash basins. 6 doz. knives and forks. 2 doz. ladles. In two Bites. GALVANIZED IRON WARE. 1 doz. slop pails with covars. MISCELLANEOUS. Vi dozen wash tubs, small sizes. 10 lbs. bees wax, yellow. 2 doz. dust brushes. 8 dozen scrub brushes, with handles. 3 dozen shoe brushes. 2dozen hair brushes. 1 dozen whitewash brushes. M dozen kalsomlning brushes. 2 dozen shaving brushes. 0 dozen boxes sniie blacking T. M. 3-dozen boxes hair pins. 3 dozen combs. 3 dozen papers needles Nos. 2. 3 dozen papers needles Nos. 3. 3 dozen papers needles Nos. 4. 6 dozen papers needles Nos. (. 6 dozen papers needles Nos. 6. 4 gross safety pins. 6 dozen mop handles. 12 dozen mop rags. 50 packs playing cards double ihoadod. 1 gross shaker pipes. OILS. 200 gallons kerosene, more or less, deliv ered In tanks as required. 20 gallons Albany spindle. 10 gallons Albany cylinder. 100 gallons turpentine. v 20 lbs. Albany compound No. 8. 2 dozen bottles sewing machine. 200 lbs. parrafllnt In 1 lb cakes. 1 case axle grease, II and L. BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, ETC, Mens shoes. 20 pairs No. 1 20 pairs No. 7. 20 pairs No. 8. 20 pairs. No. 8. Men's boots. 20 pairs No. 7. 1 aoz. pr. rubber boots, sizes ' from 8 to 10. 20 pairs No. 3. 10 pairs No, 10. 10 pairs No. 11. , Men's leather slippers. 20 pairs No. . , 30 pairs No. 7. 30 pairs No. 8. 30 pairs No. 6. 30 pairs No. It. 20 pairs No. 11. 10 pairs No. 12. Ladles shoes. 20 pairs No, t. . 20 pairs No, 4. 30 pairs No. I. 30 pairs No. 6. ' 10 pairs No. 7. Ladles carpet sllpptrs. 20 pairs No. 6. 20 pairs No. 6. 20 pairs No. 7. 15 pairs No. 8. 10 pairs No. 9. 10 gross shoe laces. STATIONERY. 3 gross pens, London Incandescent No. 4 2 gross pens, London Incandescent No. e. 2 gross pens, London Incandescjnt Ne. 7 i gross pens, Gtllotts No. 404. 1 dozen pen holdars. 1 dozen lead pencils. 10 reams Wedgwood letter paper, hair B iegross indelible Ink In bottles, Fayaon'a 2 doz. bottles mucilage, Sanforda uni versal. DRIED FRUIT. In barrels or boxes. 2,500 lbs. apples. 2.000 lbs. peaches. 1.500 Tbs. prunes. 100 Tbs. raisins. HARDWARE. 1 dozen feather duster, ostrich. 1 doz. wash boards, best quality. 2 packages each 2, 3 and 4 lb tinned rivets. ... 1 pair 5 lb soldering Irons. 40J feet each U and H round Norway Iron. . ... ... 100 feet each 7-16 and hi round Norway , "T'feflt each lxL IUxK. l"Ax fiat Norway Iron. 75 feet each xU. xU. lxtt. VJ&A flat "Norway Iron. iu reel eacn , a. . octagon iooi sicci. 10 feet each round tool steel. M, kecr each No. 3. 4. 5 front horse snoes iisuraen s ugni. H keg each No. 3. 4, 6 hind horse shoes (Burden's light. 10 lbs. each No. 7 and 8 Putnam's horse shoe nails. 5 Ids. each No. 6 Putnam's horse shoe nails. 25 lbs. each No. 3 and 4 Sweet's Amer can toe calks. 10 tbs. each No. 2 Sweet's Ameri can toe calks. 2 horse rasps, 14 Inch. Hitler's. 1 iron saw handle for key-hole saw with fl saws, g to )3 ln-h OlsMn'a. 2 each Morse twist drills U to 7-lf by . -r ;. . a..:. MCth with H Inch shank. SO Tba. each of hi. 1, IU. IVi. IK t Inch round head rivets 41 incl icn. 3 each ( inch and 11 Inch monkey wrenches. Onoe'a. hi dozen each 44. . i and 1 Inch of Nos. 7, 8. 9. copper belt rivets. 2 belt punches. No. 7 and 8. 1 revolving punch -with four'tiunches. 100 each !V4iJ-l. XHxS-lS. UVL lxhi. txU. ZttxK and Ca inch carriage bolts. 100 each 1V4x5- and 4x5-11 saechlna bolts. X lbs. each H wid Iroa washer. - t r- -- -T T-, i at -- -, - i riaies) MARRIED? babies raised on the Eagle brand. w a--w Myyya ,. ' aaaam 10 Tbs. each H and blank nuts. 400 feet men mam i in. rope. 400 feet 200 feet Inch manllla rope. men nianuia rope. 2 gross screws each, 1 Inch No. 7 and U. 2 Inch No. 14. VA inch No. 8 and No. II. K Inch No 7 and Mo. 8. t lbs. brads each, H, K and Inch. 1 set Jennlug's brace bits, first quality. 1 set gtmblet brace bits. V4 doz. compass saw blades, from t Inch to 12 in-h. Ulston's, 1 diamond for cuttng, glass, Nor 1. 1 set bench planes, woeden (Stanley's best, 1 claw hammer Mo. 7. 1 set Firmer Bocket-chUete, (Barton's best.) DRUGS. 6 Tbs. acid carbolic cryst pure. 10 lbs. acid muriatic- commercial. 1 lb nitric add C. P. 1 lb acid sallcllic powdered. 1 tbracld tannic 10 lbs. aqua ammonia concentrated in 4 Id bottles; 10 Tbs. ammonia muriate powdered. 2 Tbs. ammonia carbonate. STbs. 'ammonia :bromlde. 2 lbs. ontlfabrin (Kalle and Co.) 2 Xtj. blue ointment. 31bs. bismuth Hub Ml (Squibb. 2 Tbs. chalk prep. 20 Tbs. cotton absorbant hospital. 1 Tb calomel. 2 Tbs. chloranodyne. 6 tbs. chloroform (Squlbbs.) 10 Tbs. chloral hydrate (Merck.) 12 Tbs. ether In "A lb cans (Squlbbs.) 50 Tbs. epsom salts. 12 lbs elixir lorto-bromide of calcium cornp. (Tildcn and Co.) 5 Tbs. glycyrrhlza comp. powdered. 1 Tb golden seal powdered. 5 lb hematic syrup hypophosphates (P. D. and Co.) Vi Tb Jalap powdered, 5. Tbs.' mustard ground. 1 Tb opium powdered. 2 gallons oil castor (Baker's A. A.) 5 gallons oil malaga. H Tb oil cloves pure. 1 Tb oil orange pure. H Tb oil peppermint pure. hi Tb oil lavender pure. H lb oil bargamont pure. 2 Tbs. pepsin sacch. (Falrchllds.) 1 ,Tb pepsin (Boudaults.) 4 Tbs. phenacetln (Bayer.) 5 Tbs. potash bromide bulk. 2 lbs, Potash airi. nnwd. 2 lbs. potash chlorate powdered. 6 Tbs. potash Iodide gran. (Malllnch krodts.) 3 Tbs, potash citrate gran. (Malllnc krodts.) 5 Tbs. pyrophosphate of iron (Squlbbs.) Vi Tb 'tartarate of Iron and potash. 2 'lbs. soda boras, powdered. 3 Tbs. soda bromide. 1 Tb soda hypophosphate gran. 2 Tbs. soda phosphate gran. 2 Tbs. solution chloride of Ironi (Malllnc krodts. 6 Tbs. syrup hypophosphate compound (Fellows.) 1 Tb vanilla bean (Mexican.) 5 Tbs, sulfonal (Bayer.) hi Tb antlpyrlne (Dr. Knorrs.) 30 gallons alcohol, DC per cent, i Vrallons glycerine pure. 20 Tba. vaseline XXX ref. 50 oz. quinine sulphate (K. and M.) 2 oz. lunar caustic Dure. 1 oz. morphine "sulphate (P. and W.) ox. Birycnnm ouipnaie. crysu oz. red Iodide mercurv. oz. yellow oxide mercurv. i os. nienuioi. hi oz. cocaine muriate. 1 Tb sponges surgeons No. L 1 Tb sponges; carriage No. 1. 1 Tb solution subsulphate of Iron (Squlbbs.) 1 gross phials 1 oz. 2 gross phials 4 oz. 1 gross phials 6 oz. 2 gross phials 8 oz. 2 gross corks each No. 4. 6 and 8(taper.) 3 cross Dill boxes assorted sizes No. 29. 30 and 31. ' 2,500 empty, capsules No 1 (P. D. and Co. 2,500 empty capsules No. 2 (P. D. and Co. Soluble hypodermic tablets. 1,000 hypo, tablets No. 9 in cases 10 bottles, each (J. Wyeth Bros.) 2,000 hypo tablets No. 45 in cases IS bottles each (J. Wyeth Bros.) 200 hypo, tablets No. a (J. Wyeth Bros.) 4 doz. cod liver oil Em. (Phillips) large. 1 doz. Davidson's syringe No. 1. 2 doz. Davidson's syringe No. 2. 6 dox. camels hair pencils assorted. 4 doe. plasters Allcock's porus. 4 doz. plasters Wells strengthening. 8 boxes plasters Meads adhesive (S. and J.) 2 boxes Plasters silk Isinglass sur geon's pink (S. and J.) 8 boxes 'Plasters silk isinglass sur geon's black (S. and J.) 21 boxes Plasters capsicum S. and J.) 3 Tbs. pills c. c Imp. gelatin coated (P D. and Co.) 200 puis aloln 1-6 gram fcf. D. and'Co.) .500 Dills alolne hi. grain (P. D. and Co. '. txw piusvaiom comp. (f. u. and uo.) 200 pills C. C. gran, pink 14 gr. (P. D. and Co.) 200 pills assafoetlda 1 gr. (P. D. and CoJ 200 pills assafoetlda 2 gr. (P. D. and Co.) COO pil's etrimeneagngue gelatine coated (MeK. nnd R.) 300 pills aloes et Ferrl. 1Tb fluid extract aconite root (P. D. and Co.) 2 Tbs. fluid ext bucnu (P. D. and Co.) 2 Tbs. fluid extract belladonna, (P. D. and Co.) 5 Tbs. fid. ext. cascara sagrada (P. D. and Co.) 1 . Tb fluid ext capsicum (P. D. and Co.) 1 Tb nuld ext. rnnlum nfrA CP. D. and Co.) 2 lbs. fluid ext. cinchona comp. (P. D. nu vu. 1 Tb nd. ext. dlgltallls (P. D. and Co.) 2 Tbs. fid. ext. gtrger (P. D. and, Co.) 1 tb fld. ext, gentian (P. D. and Co.) 2 Tbs, fid. exc henbane (P. D. and Co.) 5 Tbs fid, ext: Ipecacauanhea (P. D and CO.) 0 ids. Tia. ext. Jalap (P. u. and co.i 5 lbs. fld. ext. licorice (P. D. and Co.) 1 Tb fld. ext. nux vomica (P. D. and Co.) 1 Tb fld. ext orange peel (P. D. and Co.) 2 Tbs. fld. ext, rhubarb (P. D. and Co.) 1 Tb fld. ext. seneka (P. D. and Co. 5 lbs. fld. ext senna (P. D. and Co.) 1 Tb fld. ext. squills (P. D. and Co. 5 1 Tb fld. ext Squills comp. P, D. and Co.) 5 lbs. fld, ext sarsaparllla comp, for syrup (P. D. and Co.) 5 lbs. fld. ext wild cherry (P. D. and Co.) 200 filter papers, round gray, No. 83 Dla, 13 Inches. 2 Tbs. soda et potas, tart Samples may be seen at the office of the board. Goods must be tn accordance therewith, and be In original Dacteages When possible. The right to reject any or ail bids Is .reserved: Delivery of sup plies will be required 'within ten days' notice of acceptance of bid. A copy of thfi advertisement must irNimninv each bid., and the name of the class of sup plies must be oa the ervelope. Each bid must Include all the Items and to tals In -full of the respective class, with exceptions ot nour, meat ana mo. Au diting officers are prohibited from con firming accounts ot purchases when the advertisement does not contain a full and complete description of the articles to be purchased. sHds will be opened at I o'clock p. m.. ,Tueeday. January X 1864, at the offl.-e of the board. Salem. Oregon. SYLVSfTlGK F8NNOYKR, GEO. W. McBitlDB. rHL. MamsajlAN, Beasw U Tinwtee. Ww. A. MUNLY, CUrtc X BeswNL