Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 11, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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, f. t V
flfofe CENf DAILY I
85 eta. a taoatk by MaM
Prepaid la Advauae.
No Papers Seat WImh
Time la Oat.
Associated Press Daily News1
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
ev Vl w weLLLmsstei'TA
-1- - ' i
Served Exclusively to the
21,477212 People admitted to
the World's Fair Grounds,
NO. 29U.
Ufliversallv accented as the
Leading Fine coffee of the World,
Senator Hoar Scoring
the President.
Charging Gross Violation of the
Date Changed for the NowTurift
to Take Eftect.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and KctnU
Dealer in Fresh, halt and
SmokedMeats!of n IKiiids
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
K. Meeker & Co.,
OFFICE. Qberheira Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETOF, Gen'l J gent
If you want your house pro
perly heated at small expense call on
us at
DIIDDMIGHS 103 State Street.
Tariff Date Chanted.
Washington. Dee. 11. The Ways
and Means committee has changed tbe
time when the tariff bill will go into ef
fect from March lat to June 1st, 1893.
Is experienced wta. you &rfQM3.
tvr nONTPTS as he uses the Hale method, troia or iw
M2SS3 All kinds of plated dene: Bndge
work and fine gold fillings a specialty.
Dental Jtaklorb,
Over Gray Bros,
eod -
Holiday Goods
- - -a
Tb? Neu)?st, Most Attractive
wsr-FS A.lE'rBS'xr
-o qtabLES
"WILLAlvl-J L X hftlird,d by day or week
hi reuBuuBuiu i""r . .Bn been tbe uneai ow"- RYAN "'
meet a demauds. Also Beep i nr nostofllce. 1W" .
Barn and residence z moc -"
' Cwbltr.
Boom 12. Lush Ban block.
Steamer RHona
n4 Fridays 7: a. jn., "'"
tt SA.LEM.
principal eltle or " ""yj, MABTll,
K-. ":"?? .V J. T.7
Roasting Cleveland.
Washington, Dec. 11. Hoar intro
duced a resolution calllug upon the
president for further information sb to
his action on Hawaiian affairs. Tbe
resolution by Imputation attacks the
president's appointment of a commis
sioner without the consent or advice of
the senate. Hoar, In course of hls;re
marks on the resolution saidjif It were
true that the preiident, (tbe senate he
lm? in session.! authorized an officer to
exercise paramount authority in anoth
er country, with which tho United
States waBat peace, he was standing
on slippery ground and had better step
onto terra firma rapidly and at once.
"The oatrloh puts his head In tbe
sand so," Bald Hoar, "and thinks be
will not be seen. Tho rhinoceros hides
in hismudpuddleand breathes through
his nose and tblnkB he will not bo seen
but neither of these are fit and Bultable
precedents for the president of the Uni
ted States. The people will know tbe
truth of the matter." Senator Urav
said he believed the policy of Cleveland
. not onlv that of Justice and mag-
namity but one of non-interference.
hoah replies:
wnr wld that it the allegation, that,
the" president on March 7, (the senate
being in session) comm'ssioueua poBU"
as paramount representative In tbe
Hawaiian Islands, were true, it seemed
to him as gross a violation of the consti
tution of tbe United States as ever was
charged upon or Imputed to any public
official. The resolution was laid over
until tomorrow.
Washinoton, Dec. Il.-The Presi
dent bas nominated Henry W. Mellen
of Indiana, Commissioner for Alaska,
h Andrew F. Snelllng Register of
land office at North YaKina, yyuu.
Lumber Failure.
Madison, Wis., Dee. ll.-A receiver
l9 appointed for tbe W'scousm i""
and Lumber Co., and Minnesota and
Wiscousln Railroad Co. Aggregate In
debtedness, $135,000.
Train Held Up.
. m - tw. 11. The Canon
AUSTIN, i"i - .
tullltraln on the Texas Pacific was rob-
bed by six men at Don " -
Tue Express sale was iw-- r
Bengers were relieved of money and
Anftiir Receiver.
. r,i twi. 11 Judge Hal-
jXaf-nooa appointed Frank
T .rnbull receiver for the Union Pacl-
', Ttenverand Gulf Rroad.
n.ttinr a Jury
tii. tpo 11. Tbe work
-mnino. Ills., ueciJ.
t nin the Jury resumed this moru
of uettiDB tUN"?" ln prenderKat.
jpgin the tr a. qi --- . ,. trltti
Taking eviaencs iu -
was also begun.
Work of French Anarchists.
Pakis, Dec. 10. The names of depu
ties who had been Wounded were given
out very slowly, consequently many re
ports got abroad and score of friends
and relatives of depujles crowded to the
Palais Bourbon to make inquiries. At
6 o'clock this ltBt Was ebtained:
Professor Lemlre, a Catholic socialist,
elected to represent the first district of
Hazebruck; Count Paul Honry Lanjul
nals, a union conservative, who has
been a member of tbe chambers since
1889; M. Leffet, a Republican, an ex
lieutenant of tho navy and sits tor Cbl
non; Comte de MouUlembert, Catnollo
conservative for tho iNord, severe cuts,
uuutj Buriuusj auurjuouuuuci, xkpuuu-
can for the Vosgeo, and captain ln tho
last war, slightly buteed; Baron Qerad,
conservative for Calvados, many bruises
Geonres Ouhery, Rspublloan for the
Loire and chevalier of the Legion of
Honor, severely cut and bruised; M, Lq
Foullon; M. de Casenove do t'rauine.
Baron Rene Charles Rellle; Jean Plicht
on and Alexandre Dumas, a lawyer,
slightly Injured. M. Dupuy was' out
ln the cheek by a flying scrap of Iron,
but be stopped tbe sligbt flow of blood
with his handkerchief and declined
medical aid, M. Mourler, tbe restaurant
keeper of the chamber, suffered a pain
ful wound ln the arm, and his friend,
M. Duflos, was Injured berlously in
both arms and legs. Geueral Jean Bap
tlste Billot, sonator, ex-minister of war
and grand officer of the legion of honor,
was watching tbe proceedings in tho
chamber whou the bo"mb was thrown.
Rnvnmi nr num of Iron struck him. In
flicting painful but not dangerous flesh
wounds. Aelthol GrovlUe, parliament;
nrv reDorter and editorial writer on the
stall of the Echo deParls, was wound,-
ed severely but not dangerously, ln tho
bead. A Roumaulan nobleman, who
Is passing his furlough from the army
in raris, was in mo iruui. mn wiuo
gallery when the bomb exploded. Ho
was hit In the head by a ragged piece
of metal and fell uuconsclousand bleed
lug ta the floor, He was carried to one
of the committee rooms for treatment.
Physicians there pronounced his Injur
ies serious, although probably not fatal.
Altogether over 80 persona were wound-
o-- ' -
Latest Olfonso of Intolerant En
glish Lords.
Extt of the Injuries From the
Anarchist Bomb.
Highest of all in.Lcavcnlng Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Federation of Labor.
CmoAao, Dee, ll.-The thirteenth
annual convention of American federa
tion of labor opened here today. About
one hundred delegates from all parts of
the country were present when Presi
dent Gompers Cilled the body to order.
The western delegates want a Western
man for President to succeed Gompers.
London. Dee. 11 Tho house of lords
virtually rejected the employers' liabil
ity bill last evening by inserting a clause
which would allow worktngmen to ex
empt themselves by contract from the
provisions of tbe measure. From tbe
first tbe contest concerning the bill has
centered upou this so-called "contraOt
)pg out" clause. Tbe government will
not be able to accept tbe measure with
the ameudmont. whlon Is calculated to
render tbe whole law futile. Tbe labor
members of 'parliament and the loaders
of trade unions liavo bound tho cabinet
by both publlo and private pledges to
withdraw the bill In case the lords
should Insert liny provisions for con
tracting out, and now tho ministerial
promises must bo fulfilled. Tho mul
tllatlon .of this essentially popular
measure adds to tbe reactionary record
against tho lords and means that a bit
be r reckoning will be.taade with them
at the coming election. As seldom bo
fore In recentyears, tho peers have been
following, without deviation, tho lines
of tor? lulolerauce. All bills sont up
from the commous, even those of petty
Importance have been treated In this
spirit. Thoflrst.ou tho list Is, ofcoureo,
tho home'rule bill. The rcjeotlon of It
seemed to give tbe peers courage to as
sert themselves, and' aver since they
bave extinguished In rapid succession
the smaller measures, such aa the
chapels enfranchisement bill, providing
for the purchase of sites on fair terms
for chapel buildings, aa well as the bet
terment nroDOsals of the London coun
ty council, aiming-to obtain from land
lords a fair share of profits arising from
Improvements. Tho peere seem to
think this record of legislation-wrecking
will not recoil upon them and to have
few fears that the people will tako re
venge for this misuse or power lor ino
benefit of claes interests. The radicals
aud labor members say that the upper
bouse Is steering the conservatives
straight to defeat. One of tho loudest
cries In the next election campaign will
be, "Away with the house of lords."
Tho Mai Who Threw the Dyia
mite Borab
His Room Found to Uo An Arsenal
of Explosives.
European Gererneits tt
Rid f 'the Refc. .
TwcBtj-tkroo Lives in l)geriK
a Storm. ,
Paris, Dec- 11. Bunday morning
the prefect of police was in poasesafon
of several police reports which mule It
clear that the man lu tbe lintel JJleu
with his nose almost blown oQ
was a- dangerous anarchist named Vall
lant, who was born at Mezleres. Vail
lant Is about 35 years of ago. Ho has
passed several years in Buenos Ayres.
In 1887 ho returned to Franco and
married and now has two children.
Valllant, however, soon deserted bis
wife. Since 1884 ho has been Identified
with tho extremist branch of tho social-
lata and with tho regular anarohlet
crnum. He made himself nromlnent
by the Incendiary nature of his speeches
and eventually became a member or
tbe committee of the revolutionary so
cialistic group of tbe eighteenth arron
dimmest or Paris. Early n tb day
M. Leplne, prefect of pollee, the publlo.
nreMoutor and examining tuaglatwte
visited the Hotel Dleu and bad a long
Interview" with Valllant, rho at flrst
nrotested his Innocence, and was quilo
Indignant at tho questions put lo him.
Finally the jiuhUo prosecutor saiu:
'Your name Is Valllant aud not Mar-
ohal, as you claimed when you came to
the hospital."
Valllant said the bomb ho usod was a
little IroM saucepan, which he bought
at a bazaar near the Hotel do Vllle,
The saucepan, when loaded, contained,
he said, a number of nails, which were
found nn the floor of the chamber. In-
Paths, Dee. 11. The excltemenjt re
suiting from throwing a beab 1b the
chamber of deputies Saturday has soma-
what subsided and peoulu are now
looking to tho chamber to enact bmmm-
urea to stamp out the reds. It la be
lieved tho aet will result ln Joint aetton
bv France. England. Bnaln. Italy, and
Austria for extradition and severe pun
ishment of all proved to Have egageo
In anarchistic conspiracies.
Steamer in Peril.
Wiiavaukeb, Dee. 11. The steamer
F, and P. M. of the Fllnf kaml Pera
Marquette Hue went ashore la a ter
rible casternly gaio and snow storm six
miles north of here Jbla morning . Tpe
sea are so high that , the surf beat
could not be towed to the scene and
Ufa uliir nnnaratua Ik halnir taki'll
oVerland, The steamer Is In a pwlloua
position. There are eighteen paeseqge
and a crew of fifteen on board,.
Late thle After noon the passenaen on
the steamer were urouput asuore.
Notice Now York Rakoot ad, On first
pane. 12 8J21AW
A BALEMiTE.-Through tho Ottawa,
Kan., Journal It Is learned that Riv,
H. H. Brown, formerly or Unity
church, this city, that he Is In that
state taking an actlvo hand in the free
silver agitation going on there. He Is
alto making Bpceohos for tho Populist
party, and aotlve aa ever.
Oowan Gives Bail.
Poutland, Dec. 11. -J. L. Cowan,
president of the defunct Linu County
xruiinnoi hunk: who was Indicted by
tim r-dpral erand Jury, has furnished a
thnnp.nrf dollar bail bond. The In
Hinfmpntfiharires Cowan with wlirtlliy
and unlawfully abstracting and misap
plying a large amount of money, creaiw
nd funds of the bank between dates of
June first and seventh, 1693.
Oreat Machinery Failure.
Cmnton, O , Dec U.-O. Auttman
& Co., manufacturers of threshers and
other farming Implements, have gone
into tbe bauds of a receiver. Assets
estimated at two million, liabilities one
1 -Director.
Young Mothers
BOOK AND M rwniBiw
t rfc puollslier8
Wf.2.2 Sitetrto
wumi. --l-Ti- .,. IJilili.
" Mother's Friend'
Ptla. Horror nd -Af
ur n.lnc one boMlf .M i5iifl-
wejknMgj,,, Uosll, Mo.
Got Away With Gold. .niT.i'iiiA. Penn.. Dec 11. H.
Cochran, a former wo'gber at the mint,
convicted c f robbing tbe government
of gold bullion to the amount of $139,
300, was today sentenced lu tho United
States district court to seven years and
alx months at hard labor In tne peni
tentlary.and to pay a fine of $1000.
Bank Resumes.
Helena, Mont,, Dec. ll.-The Mon
Una National bank, which closed last
July, re opened this morning.
Rev II. V. Rorolnger has resigned
the pwiorate of tne Hassolo street Con
gregatltnal church at Portland.
Gladstone bos recovered and yester-
day drove out for nia ueaiui.
Deputy United Btate. wars,...
Hogue, of AMiiauu, Brfc. .
Thompson, of the Anacouda mine, on
Williams creek, 20 mile from this city.
V ...TA.,nUi.lnv fraudu erit certlfl'
cnargo o. ""--.. m. th
. - Mii0Viinir iiiiuuiou mw .---
CU.WI.-.-.D"-.- ..llr
tti. Rifles, aiso -
opium. .
n i.nH Williamson and Rich
ardson of tho asylum !! of pbyri
"an. Urted yesterday a Hero-en tor
Kaswrn Oregon wr hi. r- , -
German Affairs.
Bermn, Dec 10. The week's debate
in tbe relchstag has added almost noth
ing new to the arguments for oragamst
HerrMlquel's financial measures. In
Mm rmnnral debate Mtouel bad made a
bard stand, Inasmuch as only a decade
ago, as burgomaster of Frankfort, he
headed a position against taxation oi
business on exchonge. There Is a grow
ing agltatlou against tho proposed to
bacco dutlos, and this Imperils tbe tax
atlon program scarcoly loss than tho
unpopularity of the proposed wine
duties. It Is safo to say tho only tax
that will be adopted tniaci is wie
bouree tax, yielding 87,000.000 marks
yearly, Tbe sum of 60,00O,ow maras is
absolutely required to meet the army
i.iii nihnr ntiwiiBM will nave vo oo
mado up by a modified Increase in tho
duties on tobacco and higher priced
wines, The coming week will be occu.
pledbyBecond and third readings of
the commercial treaties, and then Ger
man and Russian delegates will resume
negotiations with much Improved pros
peels of success since it Is seen the
relclutag Is likely to adopt the proposed
commercial treaty with Russia. Ills
now expected tbe end of January may
see the treaty arranged.
mi. ommtrnr haa congratulated Cath
olic Prince Fuerstenburg upon his vote
against tbe repeal of the Jesuit law, and
a distinct movement w "K''us
manifest Itself In evangell04l circles
against repeal. The conservative party
bas received an earnest request from
Breslau appealing to them to protect
i. f tha ProtestanU upon
the occasion of Ihe third reading of the
bill In the xr IcbsUg and owening u,
the dangers the cburcb anu iaiu.nuu
might be Involved ln by thoreadmls-
slon of tbe Jesuus.
side the saucepan was a tubo with a
compressed center. Iu Iho tube were
plcrlo acid Bnd prusslato of soda, these
being separated at the point where tho
tubo was compressed by a small balloon
saturated with sulphurlo acid, which
at a given moment would bo consumed
by the sulphurlo acid, thus allowing
the plcrlo and prusslato to mix and
cause an explosion. Tue anarciuit
then described a variety of objects
whlnh he said would be found In his
lodgings at tho Hotel del Union, where
he lived under the name of Marchal,
He added:
"I wished to deal a thoroughly dra
matic blow at the Instltutltloaaoflhe
country and wished to cause a great
sensation. I endeavored to aim the
bomb at M. Dupuy. I glory in the act,
and I only regret my hand swerved
and that tho bomb did not explode near
Us mark."
After a moment's hesitation tho a
pect admitted his Identity and con
fessed he had thrown the bomb. When
munitioned as to the reasons for at
tempting to take the lives of so many
people, Valllaut replied defiantly:
"But If you are going to search my
room, you had better be careful
In disturbing things unless you
want to be blown to pljes. I ad
vise you esspeclally to be careful In
handling a box which is run or explo
NnNit TCetteii. Tho Glllman coal
selling t$8perton atthoBalem Im
provement Co. 'a yards, Is the beet fuel
In Balem.
Catarrh Oo'nnot be Cured
with Local Applications, aa tliey can
not reach the aeat of the disease. Cat
arrh is a blood or constitutional disease,
aud lu order to cure It you must take
internal rcmldles. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken Internally, aud acta directly oa
the blood and mocous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine,
t ami MMMnriiiAii hv uno of tbe best
iliysicansin mis country jur jevi, "uu
ion. xv is ixhiii
fa n VAoillap nruanrlnt r
.I nt iL hmii tnnir known, combined
vu w. ..w . - "V .- ' IT Jl
with the best blood puriners, ruudk oi
rectly on tbe mooous surfaces, 'llw
perfect comblhatlon of tho two tngredl
enta Is what produces such wonderful
results In curlug Catarrh. Bend for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prope,
Toledo, O. Bold by druggists. Prlee7t.
"An old 0
novor oxceU
od. "Triod
and proven"
is tho verdict
of millions.
Liver Rcbo
" T 14.
-w lator ia tho
JLJOtlGf and Kidnoy
You can save 40 to 60 per cent on
Ijollday goods by buying at the ew
York Racket
Tult's Pllls'cause no nausea or griping.
Economize in Pper,
. . Ilul In titllldlM Of
100, not Ml. I?r & ;hU Mm at
ininirInto the healtliruinesiuiit"' flfieencenwaouiiuif. "-,' "",, I
... Pttia Oregon asylum. pouiiu.
oSi ovory year, tho value of riilpa
S?SrS litaB ronghly AVorael
at nhout $100.000,000.
atr,.niw i.ntnehed In a fortification
which enables us to resist every attack
and defy every assault we wage tuocese-
ful commercial war upon our compeu
,. Mnt wr with the roarof cannon.
but we storm Ihe enemy wiui a nre o
low figure and splendid value. Cull
and be convinced.
P. O. QnqeTy store.
modicina to
wliicU yoit, '
can pta ypar
faitU for
ours. t A
mild laxa
tivo, a d
purely vg"
otablo, ftot
ing directly
on tb Liver
and Kid
novs. Trrii.
Bold by ail
Druggiata in Liquid, or is Powder
to bo taken dry or made into ft tt
TTfceKl tit"
mm, Twoau, WJtoa.
MtkXtMH IsMwwiW
'' 1
" li. A7t.-
iiif.i..ii-., -XiWJuaM.
ui JtAsrfi'5-
JX---"H """"""