Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 09, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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am ciEixiL joebxil isi3rsrjss5:
r&BJS&BXD DUUI.T, snr&rr scsdat.
Cagfe! JKn2l PBfefc&sg C3f2ST
PnofisBsdc. GasEXas-eafcl SffeeS.
. .
- - - &Ssn- -
t.t?5-2?J? zie
t&at R Is diEeatt lo ewefiBe- iTes
ia GE teala ef tfcecrtt al ka ekwe.
Tfezredted sod was barfed is Ihe bam
bfarwalkacf Bfea woman wbefessSer
a r.r tn ilti3ffaibi for ber
pairMircn. OZcr&ne, bw retatoa J
t cccp3Wse feaiu waswe " -
tab&bid amccj;
-Kau&T.t pc!p-rTear. gaarers Ihtv eaetesJed IbeoawTe
ti ss r miir.. zas"'
lacRC iw -""iTEhriteffea inthtrrof i4paweaa
that it was arxjall;f csmaaea ese
KltnL. Hrr ftqact weatbai ber grave be
jsrrccnd'd with Teleraa soUkra when
she ahoaM t borfe. It " c f
with, aod the Grasd Army post turcei
oci an escort of tie men who were
figblic? the eoonlry's bstlfcsis rnii
fonss while b we fi?btscg ib-m to
the home, la the o-gbtarfKd aed up
held the enlitDcnfs of i.yalty aba
the firesides that wre tbezraod fcaV
wxik of moral rtrenth that opbeVl
the armies at two- 3Ir. D. C How
rd, Ute wife of Caps. Howam, wi
IrftatlKKce on tt north bank f the J
Ohio river when the war broke oa
with alargefami'y of small cbi wren.
There was fighting fwatimem that
border eoantry on both sM- of her and
at times the women themselves took
part- It fa impawible to know the
heroins ach women dlplayed at tbi
distant day. That i3hitory that can
never be written. The sacrifices, the
anxieties, the saffertngB of loyal moth
ers who sent their men to the front will
wnr be recorded. Yet itlsoceoftb
most predoas memories of the Ameri-
mk nwmliL There never was a more
cocapidoas example of this berolnn
than the noble woman wbshas jest
paaied away.
It is still a fact that In basins, in
war, in achievements generally, man
is the giory-bearer. Woman is the bar-disn-bearer
nearly eo ranch as she Is for
the aborigine, dragging bis tents and
lagging his papoose across the plains
while he in feathers and warpaint
itrnts by himself her lord and master.
We nave progressed in sentiment and
appearances, bat ia reality society 13
still on the borderland of savagery eo
far as jastlce to woman is concerned.
Oar dty is having its religious eensns
taken. The astonishing fact to the
ministers who are condaetiflg it is the
ttct that eo few people are church com
manicanU. Probably the grtat major
Ity of non-catholic population are not
church members. This does not prove
that religion Is not a good tbiog or a
desirable thing, or is not practiced, or
W neonle do not beltere in it. But it
docs reveal the fact that if, as we all
believe, the spiritual condition of the
Individual Is tbe all Important one to
him and to eodety, the recognition of
that great fact Is very lamely come at.
What is the underlying dtfec? It
cannot be the Scripture, nor tbe prtnd
pies of tbe churches whleh are founded
Upon the Scripture. What Is It? Is it
sot am esMntial of tbe present system
of education? Does the present man
ner of educating children recogniza
their divine origin as taught in tbe
Bible? Do not tbree-foarths of oar
youth grow up Ignorant and devoid of
religious training? The eenu wu
reveal the result of this system. It Is
not a remedy for it. Dor a means to
wards reforming it. The moat predous
part, Indeed the only life of the child Is
Ignored by the present public education.
A grat,educator, perhaps tbe great
est of tbe century defloes education as
the process of bringing tbe individual
into harmony with the divine.
VTfce- death flfJULchanl,lIcDee involves
primarily question of professional
eti!e. Is alcohol a potsou? Most doc
tors say it is not; they prescribe It as a
tone, stimulant, a food, an utbullder.
A fiw leading professional men say it
U a polsopi au aueathUc.a poison tbst
is atouce. taken Into the. blood and car
ried in. tbi. brain. It woaVJ be Inter
esUagiahcor the wtous msdlcal opin
iooftpaateobvl. Jl U fV taay
tbatjifee yflUJO1 McGee drank was pol
ao4adxf alcohol J Jtself a poiwn, and
thffiara eminent alhorit-Jes who hold
It U, f ad "whole, ch.ooU of metildne
who:,wiU not prescribe it. But so long
M profeIopal mqn rvacfibe Hand
srtopje bdlleve in Its potency to give
tbf Jrapgtb It Is Mlu to denounce a
wJoorykeeper fr selling U A h'CVPKU'M r.
InhalntIotiueotofGoo B Mirklp,
of y fly(pu JfaliPiial bauk or Port
$, IV pilitcUu3 of Tortland art
4tf JttP ifi)jldrs be public odium
Weaver Irregularity, discrepancy
MihkUoaeaty tlisro h8 been la pust
Portland and Multnomau couuty
auo ibat a(lre commuolty and Ita
. . .1 ..!
,T&eleeaeaeC Mr. .narxj "
taafcerc tfeere wbo fear- IsaadSed
pafe&c df ii aa watraje easily ex-
pisieedbytfee iatt tkat " !
eTMesrtry tare
Btret iBeBaaema-i
iT. Tfer is
tfcl dlSereacK Mr.
j.vt - fefarf Ms hisd t-crrcrr seed
lewtenxi'efiK- lfre derelceBi trf Use i
citrasd ites cmsttr. WbHe iber
wtth 4ee42 mere tfeitiDS ebet
Mr. MarfcSe proewsctd ewerjoiaes Ust
Tjik JochicauL a eoosisteat B.pob
euj pafr. It always labors In th
trae nteres flbe people- Itrorfc
harl all the yfar aroasd to eecare jt
awj eooMeal rrBnit. It week
iitftbigjaoij - .eogHty.ststeasdaaawo
lm.- It doe ixrt tefiere in any ber
ort. It D no bTe that Eepabli
eia always right, jot aod periVet,
.v.t tiw T-strfr i. It does oeivs
Tresbiteas3 will come as near doin; I
tae rigbt tbing a any da of me&Jtioa u be held in Albany January 5tb
zriyo can bs pat in office, as o:or
thisgs beisgtqaal, battne priocipW
of Kpobtoinem are to oar rain d the
ooly rigbt prioapJes Bpoa which oar
coautry can be safrly coDdocted lor
ny ienrth of tim.
Bnt tbss d-3 not reftsve aa, or any
tMiinrfeil HcebHoiD. from his aaty
,rdDz fraad aod dsaoaadap
rtMrTer be finds iL even In
wrooe wnreTer oe uutia n, e
his owe party. Hnce we believe tbe
RpoblKaas at Portland, or any wbeiv,
who have oot dVa their daty, or who
bare ste?en or msaed pabKc mosey,
-b W be paaished. PohtKal corrnpt-
itta is all the more besioas an oSense
when committed by BepabHeoes wbo!
ihoaW know better and do better. If
man cannot fill an office honestly he
should be paaished. If his pay is not
lsrgeeaoagh wnbJt stealing he should
eo to shovelling. The wbote party
and an his friends should not be dw
graced becaoje he is weak. That is the
only kind of republicanism worth be
lieving in.
SL Lcais Kepablic: High
Is said. Trill drive the Goald family oot
of Sew York City as a place of resi
dence. Tbe removal has been deter
mined upon, if reports are to be be-
Itevtd, and hereafter tbe family home
will be at Iryington-oa-the-Hadsoo, cr
tome point oatside the dty and coanty
of New York.
This removal is doubtless a result t f
the new tax laws adopted by tbe New
York legislature on tbe recommecda
tion of the special revenue commission
appointed to revise tbe revenuecode of
tbe state- The death of tbe bead of the
family bs left the fstate in such a po
sition that its valae can be readily
ascertained aod asserted, and tbe io
beriUoos tax beiag a part of tbe new
law tbe Guld heirs have doubtless felt
tbe law to be an oppr-rion upon them.
Their determination to leave the dy
does not, however, constitute an
ment against the law. Tbe fact that
the GoaM estates are a?e5d moie
now than they were before the adop
tion of tbe prwent law is not evidence
that thev are now belug asr-essed too
mueh. 2Jor is the fact that tbe heirs
feel it ntcte-ary to escape from the In
creased at6srant any indication that
it is more than their great properties
can or should bear. Tbe present New
York law wa drawn with a view to
enable asMrs to reach great estates
invested Iarzely if not wholly In per
sonal properties. It Is apparently serv
ing its purpose. And those who with
out pn-judioe against any class insist
that penonal property can and shoo Id
be reached by a-seore will be encour
aged to resist tbe dangerous and lately
growing demand that all forms of per
sonal wealth sbal be exempt from tax
at ion.
Switzerland is deporting a great
miny refog wbo.for years past.bave
found at Geneva and other places in
the little Republic a refuge from op
pression. This change of policy is undoubtedly
forced by tbe demand from all parts of
Europe far tbe punishment of anarch
ists. Tills demand is eaipnaMzed ai.d
and mtde Irresistible by such fiendish
acts as that at Barcelona, where more
than thirty innocent Uvea were sacri
ficed In an anarehlst effort loassaaiutte
General Campos.
Tbe Swiss eoveromnt is blanirls.
It has taken tbe only open course t
maintain the republic, whleh cou'd
uotsunrlve the united hoeiility of the
of tbe great Powers of Europe. In ti
general duportatiooa men who b4ve
bn guilty of uo more twrlwu tflrnae
than an f flurt to lift up their oppressed
Ml..w-mi uiil uuflVr. That is ha
worst festure of tbe oas. And U Is Uo
worst rtault of tbe teachings of he
advocates of dynamite and murtler that
they are In this way made to turve the
ends of tyranny aud to oppress throe
whoaretuiltyof nocrluie. Pyiiatulte,
a a po-iu-n' iiwhuiuoumhiij, v.v
postpoDe the day of great reforms.
Tbe eeffli-4sa rfcetexieals, yartScsfa
ted ia by all ssodaai blw tfce ttard
year acaj&eiiiy, occamd eo Friday
jv j-a. fPrtUad, addressed tbe
j, . M T,orwiT tanrsiBZ
i., .- thrbifiiJsiiB-
Sl c (a(MA - 3
The UaUertity t4ad id!;9e
eeergUe practkisg aJ exftl la the
Btsr fstsre to ertnaia the nwoe v-
isg pabfe wrth wins Try eredliaWe
Threagh the aid ef the fint entcr
tai&meDtof thenx, to be given daring
the wister, ten new tiasdard maza
xids wjU be added to the earreat vaA
is? matter of the Kbrary, besianiog
wtth the JaBoary namhera.
With the coed weather football i ilw Attention oftbtrvj. It
was fcfgested threash oae f the local
paper, that the W. U. aad the C B.C
boys were to play on Tanfc?iviBg
bat both Thaafcjgirings are p-w-etd aod
Willamette baa beard tKtbis? j( it.
Word was received this weS in re-
nrA t- the xlee l. M. C A eanven-
to 7:h. Tnese are times ior toe oipj
of the eoBeze spirit of tbe 2rtsiw
and should be well attended. Lasi
year twenty-thrc delegates atteedrf
the conveBtkw held at Uorraiiia irom
Prof. Ctochran has man a factored dar
Ingthepait week an aether saturator
by which a compoand is formed lo take
tbe pises of hydrogen in bis sterenpU
can profictions. It is a tube fillrd
cotton saturated with galphuric aether
thruoh which gasoline is forced, and
this vapor so formed is borntd wish
ozgeo at tbe jet.
Prof. Yerek lectures at tbe Y.M. C.
A- ball on Friday evening of next week
oa the subject of "PoHtieal Economy."
Thenrofeseor ha? made an exhaustive
stady of this sabjr-et and will no doabt
interest his audi-co. This
be given as one under th University
extention jlan and will be free.
Teai and Wesbls"
A friend of mine had aa odd way of
mixing her words. Perfectly uncon
ksoos of it, she voatd ofien make foltr
Laugh, tine wonW speak of feeling
"feak and weeble," Pr weak and feeble
and "caitor ill pods'' for caster oil pilK
But she was weak and feeble, anul sht
txwk that powerfnl lnvjgorating tonic,
"Fovonte Preinption' which o won
derfnlly imparts strenztn to tne wnote
system, and to tbe womb and its ap
pendages in parueuiar. xtw u ex ui -Hi
vomn run-down women, and
f-eble wtraiea gneraly, Dr. Pieree
Favonte Prrsription is unequaled. It
is Invaluable in allaying and subduine
nervous exdtabiiity, imubility, ex
baastation, prostration, bystena,
spasms aod other distressing, nervoo
ymptons. commonly attenrtaot npou
fnnctional and organic disease. It in
daces refr-sbing sleep and relieve;
mentalanxietyand desoondency.
Econocdre in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of
103, not cut, lor sale at this effice at
fifteen cents a handle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents
a pound. Next door to tbe pcfctoffice.
Eisltj. Qakilj.
Ptr&UMilfj Rtjtirti.
aid latixtnixct rrSU
tn a tartj trrsn r lxur
txenaiLtu mciu at
ortrvMC. ilctiitii,
worn etc rxfltttcsrife,
dt &?est tad uu
pru ef ti ttlr.
FJi?t ett?l gtfawM.
H99. ritaTetapcSbic.
ZA nttnacn. &-.
irir:vn aad frxtt
. wmuU U ta bratl wk fajl rr
tltlK. TaMl nMRlz.vtaa (& mytttBM
cUUBUallnnlu Cr TTi ttti . tnjw
Jn Mr a4 taar X OwaTrrtnn btr lka
xl. Ti,r Mt wuidlr. uittT trip car
MtMUMtotffitiii 1 amm rr ct -ttr
n Bull HntlM tm,oc fsB bo, aa. SniA
rrtrjrXtt. r-T, KkLCa, TTiTi1il?iii. .
Pold by Rxskett it Van Slype,
Scheaectady, K.Yf
S. 0. V. MARKET,
365 Samnier Sueet.
The lst meats of all kinds sold at
I hi lowest prices. Reliable goods aud
quick delivery
uV 7m y
Clifford Blttdssian.
A Boston Boy's Eyesight Saved
Perhaps his uio
By Hood's SarsapariTIa Blood Fc J
sooed by Canker.
Eiai fiae IsS3tSrs a zaietzl saSxn
-5tr frr." tcxiai Sost Ttrtz -ie
yea c&i sad Cleft ttTirywtal: aai'Si
v XMMakr4 with caskcr. His era
tlecie, aid ise wr iiteij ie
Cculd Hot Open His Eyes
I teo Hs t4 &rif Sal tss to tie Ets
I- tr IiraiT as. Carit trtti, tct
tieir rte5es &Srf toi tiads UZzieiZ
iLitrrcepxA, I tace&. Srt ia
Hijifs &Bajaiffia td tl in ew 5i.
I irre ETcr ieciztd iai B Ted hit
sif&x, erea K nS hi vctt tie. Tea
y J34 ftii terr-wal is aT wy Tea
ei3e. 1 1 altars mj uxtl &a
Hood's Sarsaparilla
beacie c te raixts& pod it CM rrr
t.-ye." Abste T. BtxcxitJLy, 2S? Wub
tzffaa fct. EeglocXati. GttEOOP
HOCrS PftiS r iaii 4. tii mi
0lir6T Pxc5 B- 2. Ct, Ul
DaijTbrsega Trafci.
ji noaoaDtitcpsipsB it-na i &aj ts
lecture win I -SziilSS ""
7ji4j?filihr-s i i5h.r
XZeXeittoHl aad hvr?ce eiieed throeir
U) il rotn'i la tieCci-istiia10iipvI
CSM eooneitAoa cauie la Cbieajo wtta al
inlcs pxxz Ea-t 21 BOli.
Kortal latorsaaioa ?Jr,t? Jcr caj
HiArt srSt or .J AS. C.rosD,
oe.Paw.adTw.jLrtCrhiaLta. r
of Denver, has opened Dress-makiDF
PosJora in theEMnde block, in tb
rooms formerly occupd by Mrs. Baker
and euarantees
APprfect Fit or No Pay!
frraTe Vmes for Sale.
I have propogVd several thousand
good strong two-year old grape vine
for setting ut, a-orted vanties, suit
able for culture in Oregon. 25 cts each
$2X0 per dr-zea. E- Hofer, Salem. Or.,
Jocbxax. office. d w
The CHEAPESt. Have ihe Daily
Jockxai. left at vourpffl or resi
dence. On y 50 ct3 a montb. aj mail
25 cts a month.
E. W. HADLEY, Receiver.
Lam xa FracUeo, jv.5C1i. lh ad 3rtJ
axt Yfcqcln. Sot. Stk. Uth. and 2slh.
Forlrrtht nd ntfttsj"' rt apptytotaiy
intorpoTerof tnltcpaipaay.
G. M POWERS. Afent, SJm Deck.
The drug and medidne firm bereto
farpriaintr business under the style of
-mith 4 Sterner, bave this day dis-
iolved psnnersbip by mutual consent.
Dr. J C Smith rctirinc. The business
will be continued by Lee Steiner, at
Ihe old red corner stand, where all
bills and accounts are to be settled,
Salem, Dec 1st, 1S83.
J. C. Smith, M. D.
Lek Steiner.
Ii na vsat work tku U alcasaat an) pras ttbte,
caiotTixuaddieMiaeudiaulT. Weuachiatn
a&4 sews bow 14 ram frect 83.00 per dirto
S3AMO per yarwu&ost hsTisg had prciioot
tsumtKt. atd (sraUh Ibe eloaetti at wkidt
they can state ttoxt SAooza. Not&tBclUBceHt
leans or fcat rtns oeh time. TW k is
eaty. khfcy aad boaonble, sad caa b Joc car,
lsg dstttaw or teller , rirht la jro kcsl.
Mt mitrr'tt yo In. Tl result of a few
boors' wotk oi.en equals a wrks wages.
We hare uaxbt (booiaadi of both ttxtt and all
sres. sad aom bsi laid feaiwiatiuas that wiO
arelTbtuglhemricbes. &osm of the nasnort
ne la Ihu ceatxzy on their facets U Ufe to
the start ghrea them while la oar emtisy trsr
ago. t M, mdrr.-Biar do as weSry it Toa
caaaotfail Xo cxpiui aeceuarr VTettyoaost
wUhsoawthiag that Is st, olid, aad sara. A
boochrualslotadikeUfteetoaa. UtJpjosr
self by wrUUc fer.U i-dy tot toaortew.
E. C. ALLEN & CO.,
Box 420,
Cs& Tata rf Ma.
The list eeas oQraaJa or sense
other isialhUe aaonry kzre had a
man's ceastisws: latjrcdienbs tvgh
cA &Tf&zmti aad fiid s'war as a
periaaasit staadai of tfce valne in !
the arebrre o? the Kariocal mesenm I
aiWzstasgtaa modi as tbeSanth
scszs&zi inasioos or other grave aa
tbotitees preserve the standard yard
Kaci or the sasdard quart.
It y sGsewh&t of a reitef tires to
find tae valce of aa everyday 154
poand i"!' roan placed by the gar
ment as high sa $15,3Ga We had no.
deemed they took to exalted a vieTV
of hxnnan nature at Washington.
Bids for Asyk Supplies.
LA L' T I ZT fW "ml !s"l r'-rLS OF THH
O-eisa state lme ajylcra taTlte scaled
vcKosalx Zar tzzrittAr.g at tii ai1o
c&tltrs. Oreetc tie letlarVis k-
rs for ti six raootts adict J
1 dex. eaiib H. i. l'i ! 2
1 dsi each H. IK. IS.
tsA 1 fcici
1 es. taci S ad Vi
faei Keriioae
11 eacii J. 1H ad 2 telx icx
-a m. a, 4 X In-! fr3rreKsf3X
a . Wa - - -
IWbv IfciUted. .
I r dss. eacb ?- iici S3?resslc3
I 3s feet eaci r! S. !k. L " tV
tc blici Fje- . . .
Ktl feet eaci ol t& i. aci i. x sit.
x, dtx. each . H ad ri Je3i's valres
I dot each ad 1 fcsci Jela s TsiTes
rerzMe drrT,
M ?. feet J ?T rS6r pacVtoy.
5 a, each H z& 5- a1 riricteg.
1 Jidcjoa's ae scraper, I tc
21 beshete cixrccal.
KO Sus- 3;er, H ad, S- .....
1 each extra a.v aad nets for 12, 1
i-j treh Saiisoss -wrenches.
tt Bw. .Vatestea candle iriei.
1 5. fet eet lead 4 2-
2 dot. Saiapaoc s tatterr ceil.
2 dz- H a4 ffc sliss Else washers,
JfO yard eaBM t
iiO yards cotton SanneL Kaahaa . .
LSO Tis. &rqco.t. A cntleached 5tsch-
LOCO yards llartners stride.
JJ yards Lonsdale bleached.
!5 yards jjoot A sieettnc 35 inch.
&' yds. Cantlntiitil chtcc Tlsr.nri.
& yds. rJC craa toweilSng. IS fcica.
art yds. Meachel linen Frsaeh torefl-
u rds. btc-e dl.
KO yds. tieached sheetinir !it J-t.
yds. Marsefiis cieci. Tori ills-
i toxes -shite stay ttrir.g h Seh-
12 doxen Tcrsey red handSterchiels. 2-t
ii dozes Coat's thread, -xlte Ko. 2S.
Uia n "ir-t al-N . I.
IS dozen Coaf s thread, btsck 3S.
H deoen Ccafs thread, Uaci Now 1S-
12 dozes tiacJc Hnen thread. No. i-
5 yards taMe oBcioth, white.
II dczies papers Z&zs.
: dox. prs. shea's socks (half base.)
1 dor. prs. raea'a fikjTea, Mos. S and
J extra heaTy-
IS doaen ilrs saspeaders.
K yards saesfca. Inch. drah.
1 rreat etoss men's pants battens.
1 great gross pants booties.
e w-? -rm rr-m'm shirt battens, zne-
tt. ... -
dten size.
H gr sasokd r "rf tm'toa.
2 dozen corsets (assorted sizes. 23 to 33.
1 dozen thfcnMes. Kes. and closed
pairs Jean pants. 23 29.
i pairs Jeans pants. 3J 31.
12 pairs Jean pants. E JL
12 pairs Jean pants. 3333
12 pairs Jean pants. 332.
pairs' ean pants. U 3L.
pairs ean pants. 22 M.
12 pair Jean pants. 2532.
12 pairs jean pants. 25 12.
C pairs Jean pmT. ST 33.
i pairs Jean pasts. IT s.
i pairs jean pants. IS 32.
i pairs Jean pants. 2S-C3.
5 pairs Jean pants. 2J-32.
f pairs Jeans pauU. 3 J.
rrt tn iMrr white od yarn.
110 lbs. cheapest grade wool yam.
sorted colors.
205 tta. Crown inflls carpet warp.
zs a nana oa or33.
IS CC0 rrsnatastd scgar, extra Cce. dry.
UjDrC 14 G C rcrar.
Oi Ji n-Cedoau.
SJXO cracxed wheat.
scns rorarseaL
SCO i hominy, small eracxed.
liOOZM bntoisy.
&00. Tie.
i1m. dcing.
3D gUlnns-rtDegV.
1 0 nllocs N O. zooUses-
ljtro a enrn t-eh. owego.
WXcax4.UTerpool salt.
)zx irixMxlJL,A ndH.
a . eeni taner FoIcr.
SO grota oW; era eh tVolcan).
1 bat bnrm com.
S cor-Tit h k bronnis.
K zea oysters, caaa ' V. Field's Oore).
15 dozen am co-n (Kw Vslle )
MOtvi. toda eraeler. XXX, tarnished as re
obIpM. 5 on gallons syrop PttandvS).
3 coalea 'SUri- wax).
3dan Worceirtenhlre snce. In qt,lL
ajd PerrlnsJ
STOirt. gerzoea.
Mix rbtea rarch.
(Tf ZV. Ml OdS-
25 dizn b-ootn
iin lbs perl turly.
KM lbs. starch. gV.
sabnes zaacarool.
S bniea Trrmleewl.
:X Ex. bee. rrazutOD's cr aa good, far
nUbed as rciolrel.
Tiltn mustard.
0 lbs. bteck pepper.
is daza t eeps-
)5 Stzen tea spacer.
15 dmD quart fcfwp bowl.
2 dos 1 exl'oa p uhers.
S doz-n (AOD pUt-.
1 notto ll rd pllhrs.
1 rtox'-a chamber poa
1 drxen ted pans.
1 dozen plot srmo prtehers.
1 (fc's-n Untero tVo1
S coin plot erram pitchers. ,
1 doseo 9 Ineh dloe- patrs.
5 dos-n 7 r4 piatM.
i dozes II lorn T-t sb-' duhea.
Id sea M laah TeseU Udifbea.
1 dnzen orar bowls
Sozal2neb o iters.
3 dozen 11 lr eh putters.
CS0birre,xo-eor less, best roller procn.
deMtfred s reqHirl,
brrei,gTn.m, mere or lets, dellTered as
STO lb, etra pale, satos.
311b.thaTtng.ln.cakes (I. B. Williams A
KOlha gU-h breakeurt. blaek,
XjKOlbs. nnco!ortd Jpan.rrea,
MM lbs. Oasta Rica.
!T0'b. ajnea.
IO01U thtcory.
3 lh.a wfck, naaranr less, best croaiiitqr.
TOB0 X).
oS?fe Ct S L U M I V iSfc
! --will be
ma i '
X..V.2Krtt!. 9
(2TeasWJsJlcbaiyiotoxaprsswietocoeof Tx&c ccodeued Zk.
8T0 lbs. per day, aaore cr lem. of beJi as
rt qciredla eqcal parts cC tors and hlad qoax-
ae Das. or nation per weex as required.
Fish as rwatred. giTinr prte pesrpoend Jor
fsrnUh a the ciYreat alads perffesry fresh
and socad.
3czaoagriIaerthdciea. .
loozeacaUsclcs.9a.u tf4asn. J
Idazea tottsta grala gaas. ssiubts fw?
qaaner. lor shoes Uv3t
XduteahfPxlnsfotr;ntT-g.h ed.
oUgTa.'aed zip sx es. areragc S Qm. eseh. j
1 des. kip Tgirs. arerage S lbs. each.
2 sides BJdrtine- H to U Ca. each.
tOi Tii. Santa Crax -eole leather, extra
heary No. 1. average weight 25 tt. to
1 doct balls EsgQsh shoe web.
12 yards Engllis shoe jeere S m. wide.
1 oa. Rcssian bristles.
1 daz sfli twist. T.
i xyjAi ha en thread. No. 2S.
i spoois linen thread No. 2a.
I T, Rirtjotrr ahe tnreod No. 12.
C bottks leathr cezaent (Cab brand)
C bottfes raiSer cezaent (BrazaianJ
3 dox. pieces s-ezaacer's
S 3d. 1 ex. ahoe
I lb. 4 ca h . uui
t hx. 5j bcu-4 su: . lmrrared.
12 Hi. -5 tnus nsHs.
12 TV, t-i brass nans.
12 Sss. S trass nails.
12 lbs. -i iron heel nana.
12 Ha. Iron heel Traits
i2 ib-. 6i ir ja heel aaiis.
12 Sjs. H iron heel naSs.
2 doz. Bradbary xaachlae
eedles (
twedg rotat; o t.
2 kj. feet rabber doth for patching.
24 yards heavy ticking for lialag.
S doz. pressed pans, I Inch.
H dxz. pint caps.
24 doz. table rpoens.
1 doz. wash basias.
doz. knives and forks.
2 dcz. ladles, in two sizes.
1 doz. slap pails with covers.
H dcxen wash tabs, srrin sizedL
1 lbs. bee wax. yellow.
2 dor. dast brashes.
S dozen scrub brashes, with handles.
3 aa shoe brashes.
2dozcn hair brashes.
1 dozn whitewash brashes.
dozen kaisonnhing brashes.
2 dozen shavins; hrcshes.
S doz-fk b" e- toxr b acx fg T. H.
3 dszen boxes hair pins.
3 dozen combs.
3 dozen papers ne-dles Nos. 2.
3 dozen capers needles Nos. 3.
3 dozen papers needles Nos. .
S dozen papers needles Nos. i.
dozen papers needles Nos. C
i gross saf err ptns.
i dozen mop handles.
12 dozen raop rags.
S sacks playisg cards doable hsadi!.
1 gross shaker ptpes.
2C0 gallons kerosene, more to- less, deliv
ered in tanks as reqeired.
2u gaBons Albany spindle.
M gallons Albany cylinder.
KO gallons terpentine.
2t lb. Albany copocn4 No. 3.
2 dozen bottles sewing machine.
h rbs. parmfflne In 1 O mkes.
1 case axle grease. H and L.
Mens shoes.
29 pairs No. L
23 pairs No. 7.
20 pairs No. S.
23 pairs. No. I.
ilen's booU.
pairs No. I-
1 cox. pr. rabber boots, sixes front I
te 23L
23 pairs No- L
M pairs No. IS.
-A pairs No. 11.
Men's leather slippers.
29 pairs No. t
39 pairs No. 7.
24 -pairs No. E.
pairs No. t.
3) pairs No. is.
29 pairs No. 11.
pairs No. 13.
Ladles shoes.
23 pairs No. 3.
23 pairs No. 4.
3? pairs No. t.
23 pairs No. t
pairs No. 7
Ladles carpet sMpper
pairs No. I.
pairs No. .
23 pairs No. T.
15 pairs No. S.
14 nairs No. -
19 gross shoe laces.
3 gross pens. London Incandescent No.
2 gross pens. London Incandescent. No. f.
2 grosa peas. London lncandeact2o.l
I ET041 -pens. GBlotts No. fc4-
1 dozen pen hoMrs.
t dozen lead p-ncfls. . v,,f
19 reams W edgwood letter paper, half
lgrsss Indelible Ink In boUlea. payson'
2 dex. bottles madiage. Sanfords Ufl
rersaL Dried FRUIT.
In barrels or boxes.
2J0O rts. apples.
2.CT0 lbs. peaches.
1.500 lbs. prunes.
1W lb, raisins.
1 ir mithrrdn4tr.otrieb.
1 doz. wash boarda, best qaallty.
2 packages each 2. 3 and t Xb tinned
Impair 5 R soldering Irona.
J feet each H and round Norwaj
V0 feet each 7-1S and M round Norway
ff"fet each IxH. IHxS. lVjxS flat
'nTert ch hx. MH. UV. IHxUflat
Korway iron.
feet each S. S, S. dagon tool steeL
M feet each S round tool steeL
U kee- each No. 3. 4. S front horse
shoes tBarden's ugnt.
H ker each Na. 3. . 5 hind horse
shoes (Burden's light.
V) njsTeach No. 7 and t Putnam's horse
shoe fia- .
S lbs. each No. Putnam's horse aho
rl ms. each No. 3 and. 4 Sweet's Ataer
S ms.'ei'ch No. 3 Sweet's axoeri-
horse rasps. It inch. Hulera.
1 Iron saw handle for key-hole
2 each Morse twist anils H to 7-lf by
' laandlt tachtaonker
S dozen each i. . ; and 1 Inch of
Ns. 7, . . eoppet fc.btlTe,ta-
belt punches. No. 7 and a,
1 rweavtag peach with four, punches.
txU. 2Hx and xi Inch carriags hoIU,
W0 Uch lHxS-M and 4x5-Uachlnjt
bs, tea H as H lroa wasaars.
a.great blessing. All children
perfectly nigged and healthy
if raised on the
Condensed Milk, for it is the most
nourishing, rich and natural food
for infants that can be found. Re
member the Eagle brand.
Grocer and Druggist sell iL
If ZM. each 1 -aaa H blank sat.
feet tads ttmHIi rc?K.
rn feet S lch r-isnBTs rope.
230 feet inch riiffii rope.
3 gross acrcwa each, 1 tarn No. T aal
IL 3 inch No. It. Vi. lach No. 1 and No.
lLJilncaNo 7aada.S.
t a, brads each. S. and Inch.
1 s-t Jeootr s'-b'au bits, im qatUty.
1 set gtashlet brace bits.
i doz. eotapasai caw bUdea, frca t
' --h toll la b. ibbV
i rfi(S far gutlar rlasa. Na 1
taainterSo. 7. -
. - j c-som- ems. trare.
It lbs. acid zaariaOc conzzaercial.
I n nitric add C P.
I 1 s add saci"f powacreo.
1 lb acid tannic
19 lbs. aqsa amnvsrJa coaceatrated ia
1 Tt bottle.
- 1 Tbs. azamcaia zaariat powdered.
' 2 tba. t carbonate.
t 1,0. aT-rrTr,"t bromide.
I 2 lbs. anUfebrin tKalle and Ca)
, 2 a. Wee ointment.
Slbs. btnjtb mio jmpfcalobs.)
I lbs. chalk prep.
23 Es. cotton abaorbant hcsplul.
1 lb catonvrt.
I ths. ehloranodyne.
S rta. chloroform (STBttCiS.)
U m. chloral hydrate UlerckJ
It Ha. ether la ; Jb cans iqalbbz.)
M lbs. epsom salts.
13 Its - ixtr kxioromids of rsVigai
eemp. CTBdea and Co.)
S tbs. ilycyrrhlza. coma, powdered.
1 a golden seal powdered.
S lb hematic syrcp hypophosphates CP.
D and Co.)
H C Jalap powecrea.
1 Tbs. zasxtard ground.
1 E cplsaa powdered.
3 gallcns ctl castor CBakers A. A.)
S gallons cil inalaga.
H C oil dares .sere.
1 & ctl orange" jgr.
ij n oa peppermint pare.
H n oil lavender pare.
H cil tanaissent jre.
2 Tbs. pes2a aacch. tJalrchaii.)
1 lb pepssa CEocdaalts.)
-t raa. phenaceta CBayerJ
26 ma. poiasS. brosid calk.
2b rib r w-v
2 Jte. potash, chlorate PcwfH4;..-
S S. potash iodide gran. tSIaUiaea-
1 Ca. potash citrate gran. (Maiaae-
S a pyrophosphate cf Iron (Sqaibbs.)
sw .. aw s1 Tvif2l
n tartarate of Iron ana potaaa.
Iba. soda' bora, powdered.
3 lbs. soda bromide.
1 Ihaoda hypophtcphate gran.
2 tbs. soda phosphate gran.
2 rbs. aalatlcn chloride of Iron tViIKao
Ikrodta. ,
qi. syrap ojTXfv-B .
1 lb rannia bean PlfTtrar..)
S-tbs. snlfcnal (Bayer.)
H K aatipyriae CDr. KnorrsJ
23 gallons alcohol. SS per cent.
S gallcns glycerine pcre.
23 Ess. vaseline XXX ref.
S3 ox. qcinme snlphate CK. and si.)
2 ex. lanar caustic pare-
1 oz. zacrphiac, salphstr (P. and WJ
H ox. ftrychnia jsclahate xnjst.
H ca. .red. iodiie fcacrcarr.
1 ox. yeilow oxide mxcary.
2 oz. menthol.
z, ox. cocaine raarjate.
1 tb sponges aarteoas No. L
1. lb specarea carriage No. L
1 lb sotatloa sabsalphata of Iroa
CSqolbba.) "
1 gross phials 1 ex.
2 gross phials t oz.
1 gross pMili i oz.
2 gross r.f'1 3 ox
2 gross corks each No. 4. C and KUper.)
3 gross pCl boxes assorted sizes &
23. a) XL
i5W empty capsnles No 1 (P. D. and
Co. .
2J0S empty capsales No. 2 (P. D. and
Bolnble hypodermic tablet.
LOOT hypo, tablets rto. in csso "
bottles each tJ. Wyeth Bre.)
2.) hypo tablets "No. S fa cases
ti a. Wreth RrcK
ju nypo. xaotcts ro. w. "7cfcur""r
cox. cod liver cil Em. rPhUllP) arge,
1 dex. DaWison's syringe No. J.
1 dox. Davidson's syringe No. 2.
5 doz. -t-' hair pencils assorted.
4 dox. plasters Allcock's porua.
4 dox. plasters Weils strengthening.
2 boxes piasters Meads adhesive S
..4 T k
2 boxes Plasters Ok Isinglass
geon's pink CS. and J.)
1 boxes Plasters sQk tsiagla&a
geon's .Hack iS. and J.) ..
2 boxes Plasters capxiccm a and J )
3 tba. pills c c Imp. gelatin coated (P
D. and Co.) .
233 pau aloln 1-5 grata (P. D. and Co.)
300 puis alojne Ii grain (P. P- andCo.)
KO .pills aloln eosnp. IP. p. ,and CaA
203 piUs C. C sran. pink. i gT. lr.
D. and Co.) .... ..
239 pills assafoetfcia. 1 ar. u- - -Co.)
a pais assatoetUa S jgr. CP. D- and
cx " ,.
a ptls etameceagngns gelatlce cose
OdeK. and R.)
sas pills aloes et Fexri. n
1 lb flaid extract, aconite root lr. v.
snd Co.) - y.
3 Iba, Culd ext. bacha (Pi IX. and Co.)
2 lbs. Cold extract peilitfl'Vina ' "'
and Co.) , ro
5 tbs fld. t. cascara sagrada tr.
Co.) m
1 Tb fluid ext. capsicum v.
and Co.)
1 O fluid
ext. conlcm seed
z lbs. Sail ext. rlnrh" coop, tr.
irb'nl ext. digttallls P. . D. and Co.)
2 Tb. ttd. ext. girger (P. D. and Co.)
1 n na. exx. genuan ir- "-r,,(vL
rt Alnt. henbane fP. D. and l
c ti nA rt in-srAizanhes. (P. i
S tbs. fid. ext. Jalap (P. X. and Co.)
5 lb, fid. ext. Heorlce CP- and gJ
, & oraerSeTlP ' and Ca?
1 lb fid. ext orange pee l rv - " .
3 Tbs. fld-ext. rhabart m(P- D. fi
Th ftd. ext. aenexs. If. z. ? XT
s rfa fti. ext. aenna. tt'. w. ? XTi
1 th (U xt aoniUa fP. IX and
D. aa
1 lb fid. ext. Squills comp. sr.
Srbx. fid. ext. sarsaparilla comp. tor
rVrbs.ti Lirtld eherrr CP.
.Ctl m-r No.
Dta. Inches.
3 tta. soda et potxs. tart.
Samples may be seen at the osier j
Jr B3-a2tiwg S?
11. win k Mntitnd within ten w;,
I rtl--V .'-2...i: f bid. X copy
w the- advertuesnent must fWJ? jS
plies must be on the L-dto-
i bid mast indud. all tbo , an o
tals in fall of the respective 7
.?ftrchielrti tw
advertbesaest doe aot " rtlcl
rul mmnlrt desCliPtioa Of . tfc arM"
r . run
to be porchased. jaids will p P?Ttfi.
"ockfrTeaday, JSOrecS:
at the of the boor?. SSOXvVR
Wa. A- MCKXT, Cat ?.
ISI ""liuJ