Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 09, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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f( -) - HJ M . ,
Associated Press Dally News1
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast,
$3.00 a Year.
SScts. & month by Matt
Prepaid la Advaace
No Papon Seat Wkasi
Ttao is Oat.
VOL. 6.
j"r laX
The New York Racket
Has just Keceived a new Stock of
Holiday Goods
Dolls of all sizes, picture books, toys, albums, dressing
cases, toilet sets, shaving sets, work boxes, games, perfumery,
odor sets, travelling sets, mirrors, manicure sets, fancy towels,
tidies, stamped linens, doylies, and a large line of
Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers,
fancy notions of all kinds for presents in endless variety.
Our extremely low prices apply to holiday goods as well as to
all other lines. Buy of us and save 50 per cent on your
presents for Christmus.
State Insurance Block, .333 Com'USt.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale and retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
SmokedMeatslof a iKimls
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
t. Meeker & uo
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON, Gcn'l J gent.
If vou want your house pro
perly heated at small expense call on
State Street.
Is experience? .when you g yourteeth -t-tcd r fiUy
SSofoa SrUindfrewiaon, Bridge
work and fine gold fillings a specialty.
Dental Parlor,
Over Gray Bros.
Will Fajer Non-interference at
Djianiito Bomb Exploded
French Parliament.
Cleveland's Policy.
London, Dee. 0. A representative
of the Assooiated Press showed Am
bassador Bayard Us Hawaiian advices
from Auckland. After reading it ha
said: "President Clereland will deal
with the weak Hawaiian! in a moit
magnanimoui nianuor and will not
force on tbem a government whloh
they bad not a'full chance to dltcnsi."
Regarding a dispatch published here
today, indicating that Cleveland had
snt instrucrions to Hawaii reveralag
his polioy there, Bayard said there can
be no reversal of a potior based simply
onlustlco and magnanimity. Clare-
laud's polioy is one of non-interference;
he had no intention of entering the is
lands and deposing tha government."
Holiday Goods
Tb? Neu)?si, Most Attractive
Explosion In Paris.
Paris, Dec 9 A dynamite bomb
exploded In the chamber of deputies
this afternoon. Deputies liemyrecie,
Wilars and one of the socialist deputies
and an attendant are killed. Later re-
Dorts say one or moro additional depu
ties are killed or injured.
The police allow no details to reaoh
the public. Notwithstanding it Is in
sisted that two deputies are dead and
many wounded. But the probabilities
are the police statement is correct,
though doubtless a number of deputies
are wounded. Amonir. them are men
tioned Dumas, deputy from Alller. It
Is said the bomb was tilled witn slugs
which were thrown in all directions,
some going Into the galleries. Fortu
nately there were but lew people in me
galleries. The polled have arrested a
number of persona in the galleries at
the time. One is said to be the man
who threw the bomb.
Pakis, Dec. 9. -LitesU When quiet
wtsHomawbat restored It" was discover
ed that nobody had been killed and
busine s was resumed. The deputy
seriously wounded is not Lemeyer de
Vllieis, but a soolallst deputy, Abbe
At lenst a score are wouaded. Ills
now belitveci the man who threw the
bomb escaped, and that ho is wouuded.
Situation in Brazil.
nntruaa aviikh. Dee. 9. Advices
from Rio Janerlo are that the Brazilian
government has captured the lasurgeni
general's depot at Armacao. Political
arrests continue all day. All except
two papers are suppressed.
The Queen to bo Restored by Moral
SuaBlon if Possible.
WASiiiNaTON, Dec. 0. Associated
Press: The transmission of Hawaiian
instructions to congress is probably sev
eral days away yet. There is
ground for the assertion that It
will strongly urge upon congress
the importance or continuing tha
policy ho has pursued In Hawaii, of
endeavoring to bring about a restora
tion of the Queen by moral Buasion.
It Is not believed that holntprwis to unit
for authority to uso armed forco or to
make war except so lar as his policy
lowara a inenuiy power oan do inter
preted as making war.
Bad Train Wrecs.
San Francisco, Cat., Dee. . A
private dispatch from Lisbon, New
Mexico, states that last evening the
west bound train was derailed at that
place, and four passenger cars over
turned and flfioen or sixteen passengers
injured. None fatally. Theeauseof
the accident was a loose rail, whloh
wa thought to bo too work of tramps.
Wreck on Great Northern.
Bpokone, Wash. Dec. 9. The news
from Belton is that the east bound pas
senger tralu on the Great Northern
struck a land slldf. Engine, express,
and baggage cars went over a 20 foot
embankment. It Is reported several
are hurt and perhaps killed,
Burying Reputations Under tho
Indict moat Found Against
Hanker J. L. Cowan.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. 'Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Mm& iwmtvl
M we can pieaM
Bee our Mammoth Stock be ore J - -
you best of all, and can sure., o,- & SALlIS13UUX.
Waite of Colorado Riding in up
to the Bridle.
nr.NVKR. Dee. O.-The Evening Dea-j
ver News nays if Governor Walte calls
an extra session of the legislature, to
forward his silver seheme. he will bo
impetcbed for his action in tha penl
,n.irv matter. Governor Walte Is the
.i.. .n iiMiared at a miners
convention that before the west would
allow an antl-sllver man w "";"
president, they wouiu nue uW w ,-.
bridles In blooo.
. - -mnnTP STABLES
WI LLAMC -' - or week
Completed and ready to wait on customs, H nd Express to
at reasonable prices. p he noest Stallions in tnis w-flflflj C0.
raeC ,? " d5B ft-SK JS south of postofllce.
New Explosive.
Paris, Dec. 0 . Pictet, a Bwlss en
gineer, has Invented an explosive called
lurgurlte, which he claims possesses a
power equal to dynamite, and u greater
nower when used as gunpowder. It Is
smokeless, and, according to the lu-
ventor, perfectly safe In handling. Its
Qualities are not Impaired by weather
or water, aud it is cheaper than dyna
More Investigations.
Boise, Ida., Dee. 9. As one of the
results of the recently inaugurated in
vestigation of county aflalrs here It Is
said au information will be mod tn me
district court louay-nottiijjj iu ".""-
sal of all the county commissioners
fmm nfii. Thev are charged with
collfctlug illegal fees.
Manchester Bhip Canal.
Manohkstek, Dee. 8 The directors
of tho Manchester ship canal formally
opened the canul yesterday. The pub-
nnni...iMir will take nlaca ou New
Ywtrsday, with a procession of vessels.
Dalton Gang Again.
DALLAB.Texas, Dec. O.-The Piano
National Bank, 12 miles north of hero
was robbed by burglars last night.
The robbers areupposed to be the Dal
ton gang. Tbey secured six to eight
thousand dollars.
WorJt of Tramps.
v, Pakv Tex..Deo 9. It is supposed
the wreck ou the Bouthern Paclflo, near
Lordsburg, N. M., is the work of 185
tramps collected there, and who threat
ened to wreck the passenger tiaius, un
less tbey were allowed to ride on the
freight trains.
Ban Fbancisco, Dec. 9. Wheat,
Dec. $1.0SJ.
Chicago, Dec. D.-Caah,62l; May
Poktland, Dec 9. -Wheat valley
J.02J; Walla Wulla$.82j.
Whit Boise Indictod.
Portland, Dec 9. Among the in
dictments returned by tho United
States grand jary last hlght and not
made publlo till this morning was one
against Whltuoy L. Botso, chairman of
the Republican state central commltteo
on charge of conspiring to unlawfully
land Chinese.
No warrant has yet been issued for
BjIsb's arrest. It Is understood that be
is to be allowed to go on his own recog
nizance. Tho Indictment associates
him with ex-collector of customs Lotan
and others already indicted under a
similar charge. It Is claimed by Boise's
friends that tho Indictment la brought
for political purposes and that thero is
no evidence Implicating blm.
Portland, 8 p. m. Upon authority
ofU B. Dlst. Attorney Murphy wo
have the statement that no indictment
has yet been returned.
A true bill also been returned against
Hod. J. L Cowaa, a Domocratlo polit
ical boss of Linn county, and president
of the Linn county Natloual bank of
Albany, Ore., which suspended last
June. Cowan Is charged wlh viola
tion of national baukluglaws.
Bank OaBhler Sentenced.
Nabuville. Tenn.. Dee. 9. In the
United Btates circuit court Judgo
Sage overruled tho motion of a new
trial in the caso of Frank Porterfleld,
convicted of violating national banking
not while cashier of tho defunct Com
mercial National bank of this city. The
Judge seutenoed. Porterfleld to 10 year1
i nprlsonment In Kings county prison,
New York.
Pootn 12. lush Bank block. 61MW
FroptaMfi BSiStaiid ioW on tha
Steamer flttona
Leave. Bol flock MfHIIJVSll S?dS
no 4 KrWays 79 a. -i arrtvlos in sm- and wrdaysat ,..
rf: ... u.BTiir
The Arawa all Rijbt.
VICTORIA, Dec. 9.-The report from
Seattle that the Wowio.a.---steamer
Arawa was lying off Iclor U
in & for Is unfouudeu. me "-
yet. ...--"--
say they do noi p -- -- --
dv certainly noieio .- -
Knter J center. " th.arr v.lo
Vi Arawa. as HIS expound -
brintne0ftb9 restoration of Queen
SSalanl totbewaUnJbro
" 1I.t1. rirl'l 1 fl
Mio hervpd i.riim..u.
A certain Now York clubman became
desperately enamored of a charmlnff
country widow. She was not unmind
ful of his passion und Invited him down
to dino at her place. Ho was something
f . rmnrmfit. and ns sho was richly en'
dowed with the accumulations of her
first husband's trade in sorao patent
medicines, the suitor, anticipated a deli
cious llttlo dinner which should make
him appear at his very best when it
came to putting the momentous ques
tion. But whon they wero at the table,
and she serve'd him only cold ham, jelly,
tea and leinonado, his heart fell. He had
i ever made lovo after a dinner liko that,
and ho could not rekindle tho flame It
was no ko, and ho gave It up. As he was
.r,.Mn,f Ma uiliim tlio widow asked with
scuuliiB simplicity, "My dear Mr, W-.
how does one (ft lnu Nev York socio-
ty?" Ills opiKiitumiy "au vumn. n
a mean advantage, but he took It as ho
roplied, "By not Rerving leinonado at
dinuerl" And ho hurried to tho station
New York Recordor.
It is understood papers aro again
being prepared iu a suit to restrain the
boards in charge or me eoiuieni ""
and Eastern Oregon Insane sy'um
from going ahead with their work.
ui, Mm unrAina court deolded that
an Individual taxpayer louhl not be
made plalntltt, but that tho suit to en
lolumustbe brought In tho name or
the state, an effort la being made to
have Prosecuting Attorney McCain of
this dlstilct bring the suit.
Just before gem-ral election It looks
, m.i.h Ilka a nol t cal movement v
Steamers Elwood and Iloag arrived
up from.Portlaud at 6 o'clock last night.
Thellosg loaded a few tons of Ban
Francis frelghthere -no reCe.:!u ;u. '---;-. HB,ein certain
E.WO.K1 WMW-rta :' ho ; murctln tho con
iv.on irt ror inuc reiiu "
III take on a load or Hour anu iccu i
ronal Mm Publishers.
Bail Francisciico. Bbe will return in
first of next week wim ran r.u..
freight for Hs'em merchants.
The Elwood laid here last night and
left for Portland at 0 o'clock this morn
log. BbebadqulU. a number f pas
."nwrsaud a small load of flour for
The Altona will bo up tonight about
6 o'clock from Portland on Her regular
oouuv . . .i ..ill ruinrn
nmto Indepeuoem. uu .....
rvemUegllf.itoPortland tomurow, leaving here
SSSStSS TiPfferiri1,S?3 nlghTfrom Monroe landing with a load
very palniuL After tningv con'u" . floor roi.. Bbe will
'DVBR?iSot. MKtar. I" i It0t .''' "
siruotlon of two so rouoli needed Insti
tutions. Tho legislature provmea iu
tbem and the nootlons that secured
tbosa Institutions are oniuiaa w nj.
the work no longer delayed. NoBa
lem pol'clD, nostato ofilclal.or board
to locate will receive any endorsement
from the people of tbo capital city o
any polioy of obitruotlon through the
0rt"' . . ..... .. Hl,.r.
uoBed suit. Crtain'y i y..
Army has not. Atareoent gaiuenon
called by Dep4rtmenl Commander J
O.CJooperat Dallas It was vuiou ..-.
the soldiers homo at JVburg should
U prooeoded with at once. In every
...1.1. ....uamnnt Las a !UPlClOU
aparance and should not be promoted
Insoino parts of Oregon unprluclpled
nartlea hava been nasalniz oil Confeder
ate bills for Uulted States money, and
bavo succeeded In victimizing some
people. As tho Conrederato bills are
geuulne, there Is no law that will reach
tho party who 1b guilty of paBslug them.
J. M. Key ton who was charged with
holding up tbo county Judge of Doug
las county at the point of a Viucbe8iur
and compelling him to sign a docu
ment aareeinir to release Keyton,
ohlldrou and not prosecuto Keyton for
forcing him to sign the document, was
sentenced to one year in tho county
The pulp and paper mills which had
to shut down tho last of tho week on
account of the high water wero ablo to
startup again Thursday morning.
Oregon City Enterprise.
Tho Eugene Guard describes a potty
fraud who with an euvelope In his
hand enters a business bouse request
ing a two ceut stamp. Supposing that
he will pay for it, as he la fairly well
dressed, tho chap Is usually accommo
dated. Turning on his heel he leavts
the place, to call next door. He Is tald
to bo In this way accumulating rrom $2
to $3 per day.
Last Monday tho motions for new
trials In tho cases of O. P. Mason and
Ben P. Watson, convicted of publish
ing and circulating libelous and obscene
literature, wero overruled by Judge
Muulv aud tho men wero sentenced to
oue year each lu tho county Jail.- Ore
gon City Enterprise.
Waltsburg has a number of well de
fined cases of scarlet fever.
I W. Miller, of Bummervlllo, whoso
daughter, Mils Gladys Miller, disap
peared a yoaraico last September, was
in La Grande ou tho 1 t, in. king ar
rangements to go to Onlo, where a
child resembling his long-lost daughnr
has been detained by tho authorities
pending Mr. Millers arrival. The
child Is In possession of a band or gyp
sies who cangl(V0-no satlsfactlory ex
planation of her presence with thorn.
Arlington Record.
Tho carpet recently taken up In tho
mint at Ban Francisco cleaned up 55,
600 in gold-dust
Hundreds of aores of now orchards
and hop fields will bo planted in Doug
las county this season.
Tho town of Kiddle otTora i?reat In
ducements for a porkpaoklug house.
An Important ruling was made In
the circuit court at Tho Djlles by
Judge Bradshaw, whloh will effect tho
validity of every Judgment rendered by
Hninnit in lustlce courts all over the
state, unless It should be reversed by
Hib Hunreine court of Oregon. It seems
Mint the summons, as now used, Is not
In statuary form, ami where there Is
not a personal appoaraiice or mo de
fendant, Ihe court does not acquire u
rtsdlcllon under this defective Instru
ment. The defendant must be oltwl to
appear in a legal maimer, or there can
bo uo prices by whloh his goods mid
chatties can be disposed of to satisfy
Tlioso In charga of the work of tho
stato agricultural colllege have deter
minii in institute a short course of
lectures for the aarloulturlsts and tiortl-
oulturlstsof Oregon. Il Is not Intended
, . tim niaca of collece work, out
V I '" ---
Is Intended to meet tho wauu oi uiowj
who aro engagsd In sutb puwulls.
Ph. will ba thorounhly nract!ol.
This Is Ut to all who feel dlpoed lo
attend themj and they should no listen
ed to by all who can spare tho time,
rrt.. rtruimn itita reform school at
Baleiti contains tdxty-alx boys, tru
bowes, eloveu cows, forty hogs aud 200
ohlckeus, Only the boys are there
Tito reii oi ina ani
mals are all riant.
a nhiiil of Itav Prim was drowned a
few days ago In the Luckiamuto river
while Mrs. Prlco was aueeiu irom
It Is estimated that 400 bales of imps
remaiu uusold lu Lane county, and 300
,f these are In tun warehouse at Eu-
I hurt: fishermen exneot to do a big busi
ness this year In shipping the fish. Th
(lib commissioner last year stopped km
shipping to tho Willamette valley
points, claiming It violated thlw
during the closed season on the Colum
bia and opeued tho door to fraud. The
-upromo court has decided that th
Umpqua fishermon may catch 'em aud
ship 'em to any plaoo they choose to
consign thorn.
Tho two mills operating In tbo Bohe
mia district have each produced $25,0C0
worth of gold bullion tho past year.
Apples can now bo shipped from Ore
gon as far oast as Chicago for ono dollar
per hundred pounds in oar load lots,
Oregon and Washington last yearlm
ported about 14,000,000 worth of dairy
and poultry products.
The Roseburgds Coos Bay ralhocd
has been damaged to the extent of sev
eral thousands of dollars by high, water.
It Is Bald that a saw-mill company to
being organized to put In a large mill
up the Broltenbush on the North Ban
Ham, and to build u timber railway to
tho timber region up that stream.
Tho following Item has been going
tho round. of the press whloh Is a mis
take: ''Tho taxpayers who owe state,
corporation aud school taxes should
bear In mind that tnoy cannot pay uau
their taxes with county script this year.
Tho corporation, state and school taxes
must be paid lu coin and only half the
amount due for ctunty taxes can ba
nald In sorlnt." Tho law provides that
all of tho tax levy for county purpose
can bo paid lu county warrants..
Sheriff Ma&sle, of Columbia county,
Oregon, Is missing. An expert who
examined his books report that he to
(3160 short In his accounts. It Is t up
posed ho has loft tho, country to escape
Tho commissioners cf BpoUnnc coun
ty, who recently appro) r ate 1 12000 lo
dofray tho oxpcsnM of sending ib iX
hlbitto the Mldwlutor fair, have re
scinded their acllon,
Nonk Bkttkh. The Qlllman eoal
soiling ft $8 per ton at the Salem Im
provement uo.'a yarus, is tut uv, inn
In Salem.
Catarrh Cannot ns Cured,
with Local Applications, as they can-
...1 n.iili IIk mult nf thil (IIWMMA.- C&t'
arrh la a blood or constitutional dleeaae.
and lu order to euro It you must take
luternal remlules. Hairs uaiarrn uur
Is taken Internally, and acta directly oa
the blood and mooous surfaces. Hairs
Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medlolne.
. II U.- tnM t fltn luLQf.
It Was prosonoou uy uuo u mw ""
pbyslcansln this country for veers, and
Is a regular prescription. It Is cosidos
ed of tho best tonics known, comblnea.
with tho best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on tho mooous surfacea. T
perfect combination of the two ingredi
enta Is what produces such wonderful
results In curing Catarrh. Bend lor
testimonials, freo.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., rrops,
Toledo, O. Bold by druggists. Price 76o.
. .. i.i.l.. ( ....
...ilillA StTTlfllKIH- AS. UnilH.
Iftorf Z f. Kl r o mo one at " The r.rr, lUMpg huh far taloion lu
Galena bk e,e in So .Ute at large the Umpqua begin. Dee. 16, and Rose-1
noay to the it vlrtaM .SE2
;"VL .n,i rwril it tha si
". -: ;-t.t"-" u -,a .
rr"-r ...-v.i.t.-
Wf MiU!.., H. - "-.-
wllft m oeoa-WM ?"trr2
Tou Know
that yju con socuro al
moet immodiato rolleC
from Indigestion, and
that uncomfortablo full
neaa af tor meals, by aim- J
ply taking a doso of Sun
mona Liver Kogulator? '
Bomo pooplo think that
bocauso it ia called Liver
Regulator it haa nothing
to do with Indigestion
and tho like. It ia tha '
inaction of tho LiTer that
causoa Indigestion, an
that fullness; olao Oon
atipation, and thoea 3M
iouallcadachca. Miihotva
havo been made to under-
.lrA 1.!a nnrl ll&VQ beOA
curod from theao troublen
byBimmona Liver Begtt
lator a medicine uaftil
ing and purely vegatabw.
Jt aSbnM a piaasara w q?j?2ZZ
Ittava ha4isjiiHiaaa
rU it m thaaraiJeSj!
Fail tlma for p""" "' '
bnatnerrelifUt bandied. oway.
ROUND TRIP (unUmlted) tiOO. Oaa way,
Vor freUht raU. i sd UeMj: .PP to HW