!3. CHEAPEST Associated Press Dally Netos-. paper Published on the Pacific Coast, $3.00 a Year. ONE CENT DAILY! SBcts. month by Mall Prepaid in Advance. No Paper Sent Whoa TImo la Out. JOURNAL. VOL. 6. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OT?EGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, ib93. DAILY EDITION. NO. 289. CAPITAL The New York Racket Has just Received a new Stock of Holiday Goods Dolls of all sizes, picture books, toys, albums, dressing cases, toilet sets, shaving sets, work boxes, games, perfumery, odor sets, travelling sets, mirrors, manicure sets, fancy towels, tidies, stamped linens, doylies, and a large line of Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers, fancy notions of all kinds for presents in endless variety. Our extremely low prices apply to holiday goods as well as to all other lines. Buy of us and save 50 per cent on your presents for Christmas. E. T. BARNES. i State Insurance Block, 333 Com'hSt. Ed. C. Cross, lice ft State Wiiolcsnle and KctaU Dealer in Fresh, Salt and SmokedlMcatsJof a ,K . ds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. EX Meeker & Co., Hop Exporters OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem. 'wrA.TEMPLEXOIT, Gcn'l J gent. USUI RESISTING HFEKE NIK The Provisional Govern ment in Hawaii CONTROLS THE SITUATION. Will Not Allow Supporters of the Queen TO SET FOOT INSIDE TOE PALACE. Bankruptcy Bill Defeated in Con- gross. favorably bills recommending admis sion of Utah, Mexico and Arizona as states. The Democrats, open' tbe light for Utah as the most popular and de serving candidate for admission. Tbe fljrht over the bill wilt be prolonged and bitter. The Day's Cablegrams Around the World. A1 1 , 1 n n 1 1 1 I I "I If you want your house pro- t H U K 0 H I L L perly heated at small expense call on J&E Vusat l- 4- Q-rccvr BURROUGHS) MS State WW U experienced when you mSoSaT work and fine gold fillings a specialty. Dental Parlors, Over Gray Bros, eod - NOW HERB Morb CoMING. Holiday Goods Th? Heufcsl. Most flflracroe AND TcariFS j8. fc" 33 S'J-" Thurston's Plan. Washington. Dee. 8. Minister Thurston, before leaving for Honolulu, told some friends of the provisional government that a plan of action had been agreed upon by the government, and would be carried out. TUe provis ional government ha 1100 men under arms, ready to espoud to the signal of Bell. This force will not be permitted to Are on the United States marines if landed, neither will the provisional government lay down its arms and leave the government building, upon r quest of Minister Willis, eTen alter the marines are landed. Tke provisional governor nt will re main until its members are arrested and taken out. It will resist any in nrfarenre bv any other than armed f.rranf the United States. It will not allow supporters of the queen to onter the palace or disturb the peace. Bankruptcy Bill Killed. Washington, Dec. 8. In the houso the morning hour expired without ao lion on bill for admission of Utan. ine house went Into committee of tbe wlioie on the B nkruptoy bl.-. Bland moved to strike out the enacting clause anu after an exciting debate the motion prevailed. The vote by which tho bankruptcy bill was killed stood 131 yeas, 111 nays. Adjourned until Mouday. THE TIN TABIFF. The Democratic members of the ways and means committee of the house have changed the tin plate schedule of the tarifl bill from ad ..i.om a ntvclflo duty, fixing the ... f nnp.fl fib cents ner pound or one cent lower than the present tarifl. THECOMUITTEK DIVIDED. nr .,a DavoiitAAn members of the conmlttee.the six Republicans. Hprlng eruf Illinois and Sperry oi wi cut, will vote against reporting the bill. Johnson of Ohio, who was supposed to be doubtful, says he Is against the bll., u... in rnrrt t favoraoiy iroui mv committee to get It before the house Hi thlnkB with a muter oi im i.uF. laaoe, In which so many members re interesied, the qaertlon should be .. k. h.rr the home for omsldera- Uon, but will reserve the right to vote acalnst the bill on the noor ox u Several members who were for repeal before the message have "Pressed t!emselve3Blnceaslndiaerent,orbe. Chilian Claims. Washington, Dee. 8. The Chilian government has filed with the Chilian olaims commission claim for dama en In the welt known Itata case. The South American Steamship company onlcer in Valpaiiso is tue claimant una wauts $227,000 damages. This Is the only claim presented by the Chilian government. ,11.11 i in i England Amine. London, Dec. 8. -In the house of commons the secretary to admirality, replying to further questions regard log the strongth of the British navy compared with the uavlea of other nations, and steps being taken to Increase it, announced two battle shins, four cruisers, two sloops of war, and a number of torpedo destroyers, in addition to several other ships of war now building to be 'pushed forward with tbe utmost possible dlspat-h. IN FOREIGN NEWS FIELDS. STAVES OP BRAZILIAN REVOLUTION. Tho Great Manchester Ship Canal Formally Opened. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Rpy&l Baking iWVfUvl ABSOLUTELY PURE A DANIEL ON THE BENCH. Judgo Bellinger Spreads Consterna tion Among the Smugglers, Portland, Or., Dec. 8. On the oneulncr of the United Btates district court yesterday Judge Bellinger an nounced that he was convinced tuat ne had erred In the ruling he made In the Dunbar case, to the eflect that a con viction could not be had on the evl dence of accomplices without corrobor ative ttlmmy. In explaining tue matter the court said: "In that owe I ruled that there could bo no conviction without the testimony of other than accomplices. I did this without Investigation. I have since investigated It, and I find tbe testl mony of an accomplice Is aufllclent evidence for the jury convict If they belleye the testim nyUs true. I en ike rM, atatnment now so:ihat counsel will not be tkk-u by wailse. x a'n 8atl9' lledlmadoa mistake lu that ruling, and I hasten to correct It at the earliest polble m iment." The ruling nude by Judge Balllnger, which he has decided was In error, was that on whloh the Instructions in his charge to the jury were baaed, to the ellect that ciuvlctlon couia noi oo u on eight of the 14 couuts in tho consol idated indictments against uuuoar, uD caus there was no testimony corrobo rative of that of the occompllces.Blum, n.-tiinrnp. Jackllms and Berg and It unimv."- . was only on tbe remaining six couuw that Dunbar was found guilty. Several of the attorneys retained by parties now under ludictroent for con spiracy to smuggle Chinese or opium were present, anu oeo.u """ surprised at the statement made by t.. i.... nuinr. Mr. James Gleason bad to be assured that his oars bad not deceived him, and Mr. Henry McGinn wanted to be certain luai imru .. been ho lapsus llngum on me prt tbe court. Messrs. w. ";'" Rilelgh Btott and wuunoy o..i -not appear overjoyed with tbe new rul ing, but Messrs. Murphy, Geann. Dur and and Sohnabel souied parfectly atuned with It. Latcat From Bio. London, Dec. 8. The TlmeB today prints the following from Bio Janerir under date of Dec. 7th: Several at- temnts have beeu made by tho Insur gents to land at Arm ico but wero re pulsed with considerable loss. On Mon day riflemen on the Bboro, in front of Sinla Luzia, fired upon the gun ners at Viliegagnon and wounded one. Vlllegagnon replied with machine guus and rifle , killing and wounding twen ty. Wednesday, a new torpedo buat, the Aurora, purchased by Pelxoto In England, was delivered at Peruambuco. me government has renamad her the Gustavo San D.io. The Insurgeut ves sel Acquldban, weighed anchor on Thursday at midnight and proceeded slowly down the harbor, the Esperanca UK) yards In advance. The forts at La Ge, Santa Cruz aud Sao Joao opened tire on tho two vessels.- When abreast of Fort Sauta Cruz tho Esperanca opened a heavy flre on the fort and then the Acquldban, when 700 yards from tbe fort gwe It a full broad3ldo. The Are of the ships continued with mrohlno and quick firing guns until tbey were abreast ot Fort Sao Joao, whon both opened with Btarboard broadside. Melloand h's offlcers and crew are cheerful and oonfldeul of ulti mate success. Tho Acquldban has gone to Join the Republic and bring troops north. After clearing tho forts tho Ac- search light upon EXPORTING MORE GOLD. The Movement Sets in Fcr Europe. Again STATB BANK TAX RBPEAL. A Bill That Una tho Snnction of tho President. THE CHINESE CASES. Red, White and Yellow Iadicted Together. SHERIFF "POM" KELLY INDICTED For Hiding Public Funds Away in n Iliiuk. Tho Gold Movemont. NKv York, Dee. 8. (Special.) The movement of gold to Europe Iiub set lu again quite strongly. For bohio time ulnnn thn reneal of tho Sherman law tho outflow of gqld has stopped, aud It was thought after tho repeal of sliver coIiibko It would not begin again. To day a half-million dollars of gold has been engaged for export to Germany, and a quarter of a million or mora Is ordered for shipment tomorrow. State Bank Tax. Washington. D. C. Dee. 8.The administration Is ovldeutly determined to carry out the pledge of tho natloual ni.ninnrntlo nlatform. to repeal the tax on stato bank circulation nnd reestab lish a stato bank currency system, which has beeu out of vogue In our country einco beforo tho war of tho rebellion. The sub-committee of the banking committee, nuldban threw her ... .n I.... anltnn nrhlnh flhn Iinm tun uiuiuaijr o..vwt if m.w i bardedfor half an uour, uomg "nnd currency committee, on repeal of "" " " " ..L:";r"., 717: damage to the buildings. TUe govern- - - f fc fc dr. anu tioroert Auau., - The Ohlnoao Oaass. PoiiTiiAM), Or., Dec. 8. In tha United States District Court today 22 of tho 21 persons arrested Wednesday on ohargo of smuggling Chlnuso Into this country wero arraigned, ana twen ty of them entered n plea or not guilty. Blum and Jaukllng pleaded not guilty, rbe trial of till tho defendants, except Dunbar, was set for Dee. 12, Dunbar having beon convicted of smuggling opium will have a separate trial. JudcruStott. in behalf of James Lotan, asked that tho whites and Chinese have separate trials, ahd RufuB Mallory, rep resentlud the Chinese was equally anx ious to have his clients tried at a differ ent time. Judgo Bellinger, however, thought as all had boon ludlotod to gether, they should bo tried at tho same time. Tho grand Jury today returned au nthflr Indictment acalnst Thomas Jor dan, ex-captaln of customs Inspectors, 1 r.. u nnv'B worth, as we can please r nr Mammoth Stock before you "--- you best of all, and can eurely save y-g & gBUBl, TI1K NEW . WILLAMETTE oSTdL.fr . at reaBonable prices. Xo been the finest Stallhjps in iu.o -yaN & CO. meet all demands, Also Keep " , - lofllce, i" Barn and residence a uiuu ! MONEY TO.LOAN FEAR & FORD, J.H.ALM"T. measure now. THE NATIONAL BANK BILL. The sub-committee of the house hanking and currency has agreed to re Poavowbly the bill .lluwlog nrtton P0" . . ...... nirmilatlmr notes to al banics io ib'uo " . . fie fall amount ol tbe bond deposited to secure circulation. REPUBLICANS FILIBUSTERING Against Admission of tho Mormon Territory. .. n ' Dec.8.-Intbe Wiling' 'ulIvoof Kllgore bouse today WW admit Boom 12. wix Bank blook. 61MW Steamer flltona FOR PORTLAND. , BoLe'. Cook Monday". $$$! Jays 7;8 a. m., arrTln- m t? SALEM .r.i banklnir.t)UlnM. ?-S JSftSa the wo.10. 1. Vaw DUTIJ. J M. MAKTIW, W. A CC8IC. J.H.i..?.. iMtM and l'rlday JOp. m. ..i.ii Tne-dy, Fwt tlmo for P"?' erv,ee' n " UndtDE tnitht bandJl. y RUWDTIUP (unlimited) rww. "" a . o ok OBNT8. W.TOdent. -"-; h0UW today repreeeui. m-. - commmee uu "'-: . Mothers Friend" btr third D""m',Ju"fi o( ". pot b. without It tor "",f0CK WLLS. V U I-EOIDAP VJ VJ. MABTII. . H.-V. MATTMwt E.M.WAITEPMNTIN0C0. BOOK AND JOB nuBiMw -ASD leGal JHankPH"" v-.xnreu on mriPt Li? JRflffl BWl V' Jwal "TO MOW "L Tinnhlsd the Ouard. DOUUN.DC. 8 -The authorities of Maryboroutsb, In anti Ipatlnn of an at lempt to release the In vlnclbles confined In the convict prison there, havo doubled the guard. Italian Cabinet. t.. n fl..ioardell aba d ud '"-l "v . ..,-. .h..a.n. the formation or a uiu, - . ferencewlth the king. Fr ul, pre.!. . ... .., .i..ni. afterwards had an .udlence with the king and wllprobv bly t a new premier. "" Introduced. London, D,c. 8-Mr. OA.tbU .fiernoon t the foreign offloe, Intro dLdtoL.,rdRherryJ Jm : t the new flrM wcreiary u. m. embassy. . Rrvices Eewarded. T ondoh. Dc. 8 -The Ofllclal Ga KIS "" "-1 HlrCharle-Ru. S. Sir R.cbd Wtaler have " i vni-hii of the Grand brn 0T!n,,r of 8t. Michael and crow ... --:. .hnmM Hauler40a Ht.Ueorge.au..-- -;, . n ,. of knieht ormmianufr ui B"th for .hir rvlee. In connection SIS the Behrhu e negotlatluni. nnflnned Inebriate. n.. Uri.l.rV LmUtwoull..lr1-.2Uror the OBiupuw' ry """ -,.. mnnt fears that Admiral Uoucalves, with tho warships Tlradentes and Ba hla now at Montevideo, will prooaoiy join tho Insurgonts. Admiral Cama has assumed command or tne lnsurgenv vessels hero. An Insurgeut mauuesto says: Victory of tho Insurgents Is cer tain and calls upon the Brazilian na tion to remedy by force of war, tho mis takes made la a moment's temporary m.lnfi on Nov. 15: 1889. Gen. Pego, a strong monarchist, commanding tbe government troops south of 8ao Panlo Is reported as being In sympathy with the Insurgents. Tho government Is un able to find crews for the new warships the now Btato of elee been prolonged until Dee. 25. Rumor Denied. London, Dec. 8. A correspondent of n, ji,.n.inr(i nt Nice denies there Is any truth in tho rumors originating In Italy that Frencu troops are "" massed upon tbo French-Alpine fron tier. He eays the movement of troops .i.ii. -nv Hon to the report was mere- i..u nninn with ra.Hiniz tnoue- iy iu wui'vwii"" pleted reglmenU totuo normal euuun.o force. Row In the Reichstag, n ...,.. nrt fl Durluir the discus- slon of the Boers' taxation proposal lu i. .Aini...a HHrr Llebermauu von IIIO IMUUomi. - .. i.... .nti.HMm ta. vio entiy Of OOIIUCudik, -.. -.-.--, - '.., MJ,,i that tbe Hoers' lax uu with separately for a receipt tax. He attacked Herr Singer and tho socialists generally for Identifying themselves with the Boers, omger .c . shouting, "You bad bettor take up your j i...,h i.l.L." Herr L'ebermaun Vn Bonnoburg retort d, "You are an associate usurer," aui m - - overy where In 'be h.use. President yon Levetzow finally succeeuou storing quiet, t culatlou, will report a bill repealing the tnr m thn full committee this morning. Tho bill as framed by tho BUb-commlt tee does not repeal the tax uncondition ally, but provides that Issues of cur reuoy shall be under direction of the comptroller of the curronoy and shall bo limited In amount. It Is under stood tho bill has the approval of tho president. Bank of France. Pahib, Dec. 8. Tbo statement of tho Bank of France bIiows an luorease In specie of 6,823,000 francs In gold nnd. 1,157,000 franca In allvtr. The Premier III. tendon. Dee. 8. Win, E. Glad stone suffered from abdominal pnlna today Dr. Bend said there was nottiing alarming. Steamer Blnkt t Sea With All on Board. London, Dee. 8.-The Bteamor Man .,.nrrnnrtathat off Ushatit she saw an unknown Bteamor lu distress and atarted to ber assistance, but beroroBiie oould reach her bIio sank with all on board. A LEGAL LYWCHINa. Readers oi Piasty Literature Oeme to Qtltt. DANVILLK, III.., Dee. 8.-Vy Pate aud Frank Htlrw wereBUCcefully executed her- at 1 o'clock this after- .... i ... rm tuiMflii iiinv i;miu noon, ine cniuo iu wu.v.. . .. . the penally was committed August 25tu last. They, wltu isuas -.. and Charles Bmoot, ail youug , ranging from seventeen to tweuty-one ...t . were read.ra of fUshy ,..- "---- ... .,..,. two literature, ana r-i I--- - years among the cow boys of T-xas. They wayUld Henry Houmlek, a wea iby f.rm.r and wlf- on a o -uutry ro-U. When oideml tosu-P. ""wir.J ,uol b r'r with a whlu, and 1 .! " " asvi -& a-sts pffiTwflwSSi""' '""'"J 111 Fated Orew. London. Dec. 8, The body of one of the crew of the steamer Nyatca was washed ashore on the Cornish coast, adding to the probability of the sup posed foundering of that veoI and tl e Iohs of her crew of 18 In a recent gah . An Attack Denied. ir.uuui nn.fl KruindenliUtt- de v in itm .. nles the statement of the ParU Figaro that Italv onteroiilated an attack up on France In Heptember lt aud was only preveuted by energetio iiungnr. Ian Intervention. Brazllllan Torpedo Boat. Nbw Yokic, Dm. 8 -The H4ntu:t with the Brazllllan torpedo lat In tow ,imiifif Handv Hook. No flags . . ..a il.n -.- -anti atvlr.-i were shown except m- -i" - "t from the walnniast of the BantulU O. R. & N. News. Boston, Dee. 8 -In rexpotise to a call the shareholders or tuu uregon Railway and Navlatlon wropany io gathering here for the purpote of de- mandlng oetter repro-uiv ... . nirairs of the Union Pacific Editor Challenged. Pakjb, Dc a-Drumont, rdltor of the Jew-baltlng paPri L,or,, l1Jro10' . . i .(..iimimI to a duel by a of the BteamQC .Wilmington, for emug- gling opium. Major John Wilson, of Victoria, was ulso inuioteu on ton au- ditlonal couuts. Tho grand Jury ulso Indicted "No Shirt," chief of tho Walla Walla In dians, on tho ohargo of criminal assault upononoAdlo.awoalthy Indian widow of Umatilla reservation. "No Bhlrt" claims it Ib & conspiracy to qompol hint to marry tho woman. MOKR INDICTMKNTS. Tho grand Jury today Indicted George B. Markle, president of tho Oregon National bank; D. F. Bhorman, cash i.r .ni PAimmbra Kollv. sheriff of the county, for failure to pay Into tho couu ty treasury about $H,uw oi couuiy funds. Kolly had tho money on de posit In the Oregon National when U failed last July. The bank only re mained closed ono mouth but tbe sher iff oould not draw out tho money Im mediately for fear of closing tne Dans again. The "Committee or 100" iok tho matter In hand anu tno inaiciniom are the result of their work. The opln lou Isfeoly expressed by many that tbe committee has taken tho wrong course to get the money the quickest way. nephew of l'ieoilor Oulmlr Perl", on account of an artlola In nls paper M etln that If the premier was "--)he had a remedy In a challenge to the editor. Don't' Ton Know that you can nocur al most immediate) roliei from Indigestion, and ; that uncomfortable full noaa after raeala, by Bin ply taking a doao of Bim- rnona Liver Regulator? Bomo people think that because it ia called Liver Regulator it has nothing ' to do -with Indigestion . and tho like. It ia tha inaction of tho Liver that causes Indigestion, and that fullneaa; also Con stipation, and those Ed- , Joua xieauacuco. u. havo been made to under stand this and have been , cured from these troubles by Simmons Liver Regu latora medicine unfail ing and purely vegetable. Hi n C flia1 iDebruw v-. For frelxht U. and lM&ff& ,0jSlm r. i nzrstswffij fjtotttUKKtiNf&M