Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 07, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    133" EJBnJ 1
FOREIGN AND Linen TableelotriP.
with too many
dealers. But
not with us,
though. We
KNOW whnt
we buy, and
wo tell the
exact truth in
the selling.
ported or of
homo make,
the goods on
our counters
are tno Dest to
be had at the
price. You can
always rely on
- IK -
Yon aro golngto build or make;any Hud of
lm irovemo it, oall on Jtuo under Igned lor
material. We hi ve alMmpletelstockond are
ready tj;supply any Vepared contract, sewer
work, trradlns, eta.
Salem -Improvement Co.
Local Dates.
Dee. 7. Madeline Merll drama.
Dec. 11 to 25. King's Daughter's
Japanese Bazaar.
Dae. 13. Congregational corn soclnl.
Dee. 14. Free Y. M. C. A. gymna
slum exhibition.
Dec. 9. Salem Keeley League enter
tainment Dee. 0. First Presbyterian church
Dee. 22, 23. Prof. Chapman lectures
on English literature, free, Y. M. C. A.
Jan. 1. Y. M. C. A. reception.
Jan. 20, By Perkins comedy.
Reed's Tonight. Madeline Merll
will be seen at the opera bouse tonight
in a new play entitled "The Story of a
Kiss." It 1- an adaptation from the
French or Emtio Zola, and will aflord
Miss Merll an opportunity for really
groat aoting. It is a bit of real life
vividly portrayed, the aim being not to
produce stage effect, but to'produce life,
nature and truth, Miss Merli was al.
most afraid to o rry out her ideas lust
season, regarding realism, thinking
that only in the largest cities of Amerl
ca were they educated to tbut'point,but
she claims that she has met with as
much intelligence in tbo smaller cities
among the better classes as In the larger
ones, and that they are just as quick to
recognize truth and nature when por
trayed iu publio as in some of the
greatest cities.
Basey's Hearse.NoUco is hereby
given, that I huvo bought the hearse
of Oliuger & Klgdou, known as the
Mlnto hearse, uud kept at Jap Miuto's
stables, and have moved the sumo to
Rudubaueh's stables, corner State and
Frout streets, nud all orders left at the
undertakers, Oliuuer & Rigdon's or A.
M. Qiough'e, or at the stables, will re-
oeivi the beat of utteutiou. Ttioukiug
my many friends for their past favors,
I hope by fair dealing a continuance of
tbo bame, and will strive to heed the
motto, "Live and Lot Live." A. J.
Sons of Veterans. At tho annual
election of Bumpier camp Fred Row.
ley was elected captain; Howard Titus,
first lleuteuant; Frank Gard, second
Heutenaut; camp council, Phil. V.
Thomas, E, L. Burris, E O. Woriok.
Five applications were rocelved for now
membership. It was deoidod to make
It a cavalry camp, secure uniforms and
arms. Tho camp Is In u flourishing
Card of Thanks.
Halem, Or., Dee. 7.
Tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho St.
Paul's A. M. E. church cloared $25.55
on their Thanksgiving dinner.
To the generous publio, we, tho
members of tho Ladles' Aid Society ex
tend our heartfelt tuauki for their gen
erous appreciation toward ua Iu our
atuggle, Respectfully
Mrs. F. Smith, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs.
M. Buyles, Mrs. A. Stanley, committee.
1 ' - - -
Red mountains or Alaska
by W. D.
Knockabout Club in tho Wood?.
My Days and Nights on the Battle
II n
.Melds, by Chas. Curletou Colli u.
Three Vassar Girls In South America
Chatterbox tor 1803.
Little Ones' Annual.
' Days of Chivalry.
r J?wy Book.
Brownie' New Book
Hemstiched plain centers.
Hemstiched brocaded centers
He stiched brocaded fringed.
All with napkins to match.
Lunch clothes, Doyles to "
Table linens by the yard
i.: i i. t.
"upiuiis to iimtcii.
,. P ,.
Our line of 35c linen
kerchiefs, now 25c.
Program of the Free Entertainment
of the Keeley League,
Dec. 9ch.
The Oregon Keeley Lsague No. 2, ol
Salem, will give its free inaugural en
tertainment at the Reed on next Satur
day evening. Dec. 0th. The program is
an excellent one and is here given. The
Openiug number will be at 7:30 o'clock.
Overture Elite orchestra.
Prayer Rev. A. L. Hutchinson.
Address Mayor Claud Gatcb.
Response Rev. A. L. Hutchinson.
Selections Elite orchestra.
Recitation Miss Merle Davey.
Vocal Duet Kundret and Wenger.
Address C. B, Montague.
Cornet solo W. E. McElroy.
Recitation Miss Marie Vaudersol.
Address League Work; John M
Claronet solo Herr Karl Poppa.
Reeltutlon Miss Jennie Booth.
Address Keelykm, Frank Davey.
Vocal solo Dr. H. C. Fpley.
March Sulute to Salem, Elite Or
chest ra.
Manager H. A. Cottle, of tbo State
Insurance Company, is at Albany on
Dr. Jay Guy Lewis and wife, of the
world's fair couimisaion,are in the city.
Mrs. Joseph Stlsh, who has been the
guest of Mrs. Browne and Mrs. Thomas
Simsof this c'ty, took tho last night's
trulu for her home at Mill City.
Uapt. J. W. Crawford returned to
Pendleton today. Ho expects to be
settled buok in Salem by tho first of
the year.
Ex-Qov. Chadwick and Judge Bon
ham were among the distinguished pas
sengers for Portland this afternoon.
Christmas Presents. The glass
ornamental ware that is given away
with Beo Hive baking powder at Clark
& Employ's is lit for a present to your
best friend.
Business Ciianoh. Ashley White
Is uow sole proprietor of tho State street
feed store, Mr. CaUerllu having with-
drawn frctu the firm. All bills to be
settled by him. 12.7-St
Fresh shrimp at Davison's Market.
CAUaitTiNTHE Foa. It was not n
Loukwood messenger for nothing will
stop those Ileqt and nctfvo young mon
when on duty. Ring up a blue box
and save a long walk. Open all ulght.
Fresh shrimp at Davison's Market.
Japauese goods at the Blue Front.
Gamblkk Insane. Deputy Sheriff
Haley, of Umatilla, today brought
down to the asylum an old man named
Masculine. Ho has been a gambler in
Idaho and Eastern Oregon for years.
Call at tho'New York Ricketwhen
you waut to save money on underwear.
2d lv
Requisition. Hhoilft Smith, of As-
toria, wus In the city toduv.und secured
a requisition for M. Febo, who is under
urrestat North Yakima for securing
mouoy under false pretenses.
Hard Times Social.
A hard times soolal under the aus
pices of I he Ei worth Leuuue of Month
Halem will be held Friday evening at
the residence of Mrs. J. H. B Ruvnl n
South High street. Alt are to wear
their old clothes or be fined 6 ot. Ad-nil-slon
10 eta. A good program and
hard times supper. All come.
Fresh shrimp at Davison's Market.
8trpugly entrenched In a fortlflcatlou
,whlch etiublea us to resist every attatik
and defy every assault we wage success
ful commercial war upou our competi
tors. Not war with tho ror of cannon,
but we storm the enemy with a tire of
figures and splendid values. Call
be convinced.
lw P. O. Grocery store.
The Halem Steam
Laundry is doing
the coast. It em-
fiuoit work ou
ploys only white labor, and IU price
tho lowest, ' in
fa. J. J. I
Proceedings of tho Regular Decern
ber Term.
Judge W. C. Hubbard, Commission
era J. M. Watson and J. Anderson,
were present.
At the November term of tho court
Wm. England, J. C. and J. I. Thomp
son, tbo commissioners of the Lake La
bish Drainage district were ordered to
assess the amount of the estimated
cost, for deepening the lower end of the
lake ditch, against the lands' In the
drainage district proportionate to the
whole expense and benefit to result
from such work, Yesterday they sub
mitted tbeir report whioh is as follews:
A. Brumbaugh, 241.45 acres, benefit
ted to tho extent of $7.74.
M. D. Jones, 277.75 acres, $20.60.
A. Bush, 309.58 acres, $73.85.
W. B. Stephens, 100 acres, $0.45.
J. H. Albert, 180 acres, $53.70.
U. S. training school, 188 acres,
F. J. Beatty, 10 acres, $9.46.
T. H. Bruce, 60 acres, $5.10.
W. Mumper, 150 acres, $2.15.
Robt. Savage, 160 acres, $52,46.
R. P. Boise, 120 acres, $10 32.
Heirs of Lewis Johnson, 292 acres,
M. L. Jones, 535 aureB, $22 36.
Tilmon Ford, 160 acres, $30.21.
The total amount of the assessments
is $430.
W. L. Simeral, stock inspector of this
couuty, bad bis report before the com
missioners. It is dated Aug. 8, 1893,
and is as follews:
"I send you a report as far as I can
possibly make it, us tno of my deputies
have not sent in their reports. I have
found several bands of sheep affected
with scab. Tbey have been treated ac
cording tolawaudall have been dis
charged but about five bands. Tin
dtock is in better condition this yeai
than year, Tbero are ten sheep for
sale to one last year. There is less dis
ease among horses this year, but little
more among catt.e. H gs ate in veo
fair condition."
The sum of $8 was ordered paid out
of the county treasury to Jo. Cavi
naugh of St. Louis, he being siok and
in a destitute condition.
Mild weather continues. Madeline
Merll will play a farce "The New Pro
feasor," after the drama this eveuing.
CI i fiord Bellinger, a boy who resides in
Capital Park, tore off the little fiugei
of his left hand by leaping from a bam
loft and catching his hand in a ciucU
of the boards. Yesterday Governoi
Penuoyer appointed W. B. Welsh, ol
Portland, a member of the state phar
macy boardfln place of L. M, Moody,
whose term bad expired. One drunk
was sentenced in Recorder Edes's court
today. Make Salem a home m irket
.-..Parish meeting at St. Paul's church
tonight. See Merli. In probate
court yesterday the petition of Helen
A. Storaasli for letters of administra
tion on the estate of her husband, wh
died Intestate, were granted, a bond ol
$4000 being required Geo. T. Lup
ton took out his first papers today. He
was heretofore a Canadian. Mr.
Frank Gregsby,elx miles east of Salem,
"Who bud bis arm broken is Improving
nicely under Dr. Browne's treatment.
-'Tho livery firm of Radabaugu &
White is dissolved, Mr. White retiring.
Werner Breymau is In Portland.
..Rev. Bowersox Is borne from De
troit,. ., Miss Lulu McHttflln, arrived
home yesterday from Sprague, Wash.
Say, MIsterl
la it possible you are suffering from
catarrh and have not UBed Dr. Sage's
Cutarrh Remedy? All the terrible con
sequence ofcatarrh In the head into
bo averted If you will but make the ef
fort! You know, to well, Its distress
ing smyptoms! You possible kuow, if
uegieciea, - invanoie goes rrom bud
to worse, and Is likely to run into con
sumption and eud in the grave.! Hen
is a way of escape. Its makers nr
willing to take all tho risk, aud mako u
standing offer of $500 for auy incurable
tviso of thin loathsome and danger"!).
d M'naso. You can get $500, or better, a
o ire.
Fresh clams at Davisou'n Market
Japauese goods at the Bluo Front,
Fresh shrimp at Davlsou'a Market.
Jupanese goods at the Bluo Front.
Fresh clams at Davlson'a Market.
Japanese goods at the Bluo Front.
Mayor Gatoh will mike up a new
city hall committee,
City Marshal Mlnto gets 5 percent
commission ou all street assesmenta he
collects, besides his salary aud consta
ble fees, which amounts to between
three and four thousaud dollars a year
ttieso hard times,
Fresh shrimp at Davison's Market.'
Economize in Paper.
Clean uewsnantrs. tied In bundles of
iuu, not out, lor sale at this otfioo at
AA . ." . ... '7
nneen cent a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, largo sheets, two cents
a pound. Next door to the poetofilce.
None Dkttkk. The Gillmsn rvuxl
Attlllnr at CQ iia. tn a il.A U..t..... r
nrovement CoJ. vkVa u t w f, ;
HlVef NeWs",
Due rlVer hod gone dotfn Very rabid
lj the last tVo at three days and the
boats are running on schedule time
Tliesteamer Hoag arrived down from
Eugene last night wlthu heavy load of
merchandise freight including 45 tons
of San Francisco merohandiso for Sa
lem and 60 tons 'Frisco freight for Port
laud., TheElwood came up from Ltucoln
last night with a load of wheut for tho
Willamette Valley Flouring Mills. She
left here this morning for Portland on
her regular run and will be up tomor
row night.
The Altona aud Modoo leave Port
land at 6 n. m. today aud will arrive up
this evening. It is expected both boats
will be heavily loaded with Salem men
chandiso which the high water has de
tained In Portland,
The Salem Improvement Co. 'a large
Band and grayel scow, which has been
tied up opposite the Salem flmrtnlll
dook, settled on a pile when tho water
went down punching a bole through
one end of It, causing it to sink to Its
deck, She will be got off today.
The high water has done very little
damage along the river front.
Corvallis News, Dec. 6 : The steam
er Hoag came down the river from
above this morning, having on board
230 tons of wheat, which was unloaded
here. Captain Young sayB there was
plenty of water for navigation, but
some difficulty was experienced in
keeping the bjat out of the treo tops
along the banks. The destination of
the Hoag was Eugene, but the captain
informs us. that it was impossible to
reach there on account of the channel
being filled up about three miles this
side of that, place. However, he is of
the impression that there will be a good
channel at this point when the water
recedes and flows in its natural course
again, It was necessary for the bpat
tocome back to Harrisburg, where she
unloaded 70 tons of freight for Eugene,
The Hoag will start for Portland to
morrow with a largo cargo of freight
from San .Francisco for down river
Uorse Itcckonlnc-
A Russian doctor has been experi
menting to find how far some of our
domestic animals can count The in
telligence of tho horse, as this is
shown in mathematics, seems to sur
pass that of the cat or tho dog. The
instances given by hiin are interest
ing, but before they are accepted as
authentic they should be verified by
the observations of naturalists whose
skill and care aro unquestioned.
He found a horse which was able
to count themiloposts along the way.
It had been trained by its master to
stop for feed whenever they had cov
ered 25 versts.
One day they tried the horse over
a road where three false milo posts
had been put in between the real
ones, and sure enough, tho horse, de
ceived by this trick, stopped for his
oats at the end of 22 versts instead of
going the usual 23. --
Tho same horso was accustomed to
being fed overy day at the stroko of
noon. Tho doctor observed that
whenever the clock struck the horse
would stop and prick up his ears as if
counting. If he heard 12 strokes, ho
would trot off contentedly to bo fed,
but if there wero fewer than 12 ho
would resignedly go on working.
Tho experiment was made of strik
ing 12 strokes at tho wrong timo,
whereupon tho horso started for his
oats, in spite of tho fact that -"ho had
been fed only an hour before.
Youth's Companion.
Tho "Southern Cross" Pearl.
Tho most extraordinary pearl in
tho world is tho "Southern Cross." It
occupies n unique position in tho his
tory of pearls. It consists of a group
of nine- pearls naturally grown to
gether in so regular a manner as to
form an almost perfect Latin cross.
Seven of them compose n shaft, which
measures 1J inches in length, while
tho two arms of the cross aro formed
by ono pearl on each sido. All tho
pearls are of fino lustre.
This remnrkablo pearl waa discov
ered by n man hamod Clark while
pearl fishing in western Australia.
Ho regarded it ns a miracle, and en
tertaining n superstitious dread of it
ho buried it. In 1874 it was duer up.
and sipco thon it has changed hands
manv times. Ira vnliifi in ftsn.nnn
'How tho pearls 'wero grouped to
gether in such a manner no one has
ns yet been able satisfactorily to ox
plain. It has been suggested that a
fragment of serrated Beaweed may
havo got into tho Bhell of the oyster,
and that tho succession of teeth along
tho margin of the front may have
caused tho deposition of nacre nt
regular intervals so as to form a
jnuorof Dearlsin-a straicht line.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The only Pure Creant of Tartar Ppwder.-No Ammonia; No Alma.
Used in Millions of Homea40 Years the StjwdadU
iAi.. ,.iJrtisIWjlMhii
School opened Monday ahet a few
days vacation with Beveral more now
Mr. Clark Barstee of Turner was a
visitor at the Institute Monday.
A social dance was given last Friday
night at tho residence of Mr. James
Curl about 4 miles northeast of Jeffer
son. A pleasant timo wus reported.
Hope Conscrand Barton Wltberite
went to the Capitol city on business
The basket social given at tho M. E.
church Thursday evening was well at
tended. Prof. Barzee organized a German
class at the Institute Thursday even
ing. W. W. Looney, who Is attending the
Stato Agricultural College at Corvallis,
camo home Friday on a short visit re
turning Monday.
The result of the city electlou is as
Mayor, T. M. Witten ; record er, N.
G. Holt; marshal, W. J. Jones; treas
urer, A. Weddle; councllmen, N. H.
Doty, M. G. Hoover, H. B. Burrows,
Harry Roland, Ed. Lynes, aud L. H.
Headquarters for all dully papers, at
J. L. Bennett's post office block news
stand, tf
Immense bargains
New York Racket.
shoes at the
A Success. One of tho successful
new business enterprises of Salem is the
Fair, recently established by O. P. Dab
ney ou Court Btreet. He is a courteous
busiuess gentleman.
From the latest San Francisco
Butchers and Stock R Users Review:
Busiuess among our local wool com
mission houses remains in the same un
satisfactory state. Very little doing,
und that at figures that wont bear day
light. Shading is necessary to move
auy extensive lines. Not such aTiwivy
supply, however, is to be found In the
local warehouses, full wool being rather
scarce that Is, the finer grades. Prices
are nominal but steady. Free mount
ulu, free Oregon and other superior fall,
bring top prices, 10c; defective, 5 to
7c; Southern not in demand at all, and
begging from 3 to"6c; some changing
hands down to 3o. Spring stationary
at quotations, Northern running for the
best up to 14c; Sati Joaquin aud other
Inferior clips do not bring over.9 to 10c.
We quote as follews:
Northern, choice 14 to 15
" medium 11 to 13
Southern, choice 9 to 10
dan Joaquin, heavy, seedy 8 to 9
choice ... 9 to 11
Sound heavy steers stand from 3 to
5c, occasion ly 5o is paid for an extra
superior hide. Medium weights run
from 4 to 4Ju up to 56 lbs. Lights and
cows over 50 lbs. bring from 3 to 3Jo.
Stags a shade higher up to 3c. Kips
unchanged. Veal selling well from 4
to So. Calfskins active up to 6Jc.
Dry bides steady at last week's quo-
lotions 6 to" 6o, Dry kip, veal and
calf unchanged.
Sheepskins show no change and con
tinue moving irregularly at quotations.
Deerskins the sam '.
The. supply if hides Is not by any
mean-, excessive, aud but for the large
number held by Judge and Living
stone, James &Uo. aud other wholesale
butcbei'B atButchertown, should short
ly show some little improvement.
When the.y move prices may nioye
We quote as follows;
salted hides.
Sound, heavy steers, 50 lbs, and
over 4J to 6
Sound, medium steers, 48 to 56.4 to 4J
Sound, light do, and cowa under
50 lbs 3 to 3J
Sound, heavy cows, 50 lbs aud
over 3 to 8
Heavy slugs aud bulls 2J to 3
Sound kip 31 to4J
oounu veui skios, a to u Jos. .4 to o
do calfsklus 6
Culls one-third less.
Sound, Mint-dried hides 6
Culls, one-third less,
Sound,flint-dried kips, veal and
Culls one-third less.
to 0i
to 6
Long wool sheep bklua .50 to $0
Medium do 40 to
Short do 25 to
Shearlings do 10 to
Choice summer
Fall 15 to
Wiuier 10 to
The hogs recently shipped from
Douglas couuly creamery to San Frau
Cisco brought OJo, Hye weight. Wll-
t m nutria I -it, mflii f it-Ma
laugbfered af Cost !
The Largest assortment ever brought to Salem.
They Must Go
in the- next 30 days!
NQ0Wl fllWiU ST0WE.
Ham Danberg, who went down with
them, tells us that Nevada bogs brings
50o per hundred more in San Francisco
than California bogs. Nevada beef is
also given the preference, and apples
aud potatoes raised in this state com
mand the top price. In fact, Nevada
products of every description peem to
be more than ever in demand in Cali
fornia, wbero their superiority has long
been recognized.
Tnose Mocha and Java c )ffeea now at
Clark & Eppley's are fresh and of the
most superior quality.
Dolls, Dolls, Dolls. A large as
sortment just arrived at the New York
Raoket which will be sold at prices
never before heard of In Salem. If you
want a good doll cheap, call and see
them. 2d lw
Father Harty Insane.
Physicians examined- J. N. Harty of
South Salem today and reported him of
unsound mind and unfit to be at large.
Ho will be committed to the asylum.
He has lived ou Bohth High street for
ten years alone with his wife who has
cared for him. Hi was wandering
about a'great deal of late and frighten
ed the women of that neighborhood
not a little. There is little or no hope
for his recovory.
Looking Better
feeling better
better in every
way. There's
more consolation
in that than well
people stop to
ponder. To get,
back flesh and
spirits is every
thing. coil's Emulsion
of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo
phosphites is prescribed by lead
ing physicians everywhere for ail
ments that are causing rapid loss
of flesh arid vital strength.
Scott's Emulsion will do more than
to stop a lingeringCough-it fortifies
the system AOADIST coughs and colds.
Prepared by Scott t Bowne. N. Y. All drurclstt.
Persons wlshlnir to engage muslo for the
holidays or any other occasion wlU do well to
see us. Can furnish one or more violins or as
mamy piece as eslred. First house south
or I.lncoln School nous, or Salem Post-oRloe
Geo mibivkk, manager. lie lm.
S. 0. V. MARKET,
365 Summer Street.
The best meats of all kinds sold'at
tho lowest prices. Reliable goods and
quick delivery.
Ml Tmirmrm
mi n k ;akth
Infant, Connecting and Primary classes
ovei.v weeK uay irom v a, m. to
12 m. except Saturday.
MISS 0. BALLOU, - - Principal.
for teacbeis' dally praotlce work from
0 a.m. to 12 m. iu Kindergarten.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday
from 2 to 4 p. m. Classes meet for
jiudy of Froebel system. Mrs. P. S.
Knight, Principal.
Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with
training class, conducted by Mrs.
Knight and Miss Ballou. For terms or
information apply at Kindergarten
rooms, corner Court and Liberty streets.
Where you can find under nn
' U-fcL
B00T3 SUPJ28 and BUBBER GOODS, ;.'?'m
Is at - '" " "..
OPERAHOUBB CORNER, - . . . Bliiaf ,' oSgON.
Vn0nfea,r9f Ikipjjij TayfiJeakgivtroifawJ,
Thuraday, December 7, 1893.
Amerlran tour ol the dlitlnKUlshed Italian
In a masterly English production of her Euro
pean Bucceai,
From th Frsnoh of Zola
'It is not what we do, bat what we re
sist, that is a test of morality."
Your attention even fur n. mnmimt mav'
De bard to do with an ordinary advertise
ment but bre la something thai oueht to
,u.u ii vto uuvc ownoa up our
Counter. Leather Goods, Gold fern. Art
Books, Oxidized Noveltfe. Callendars,
uicsuu aiubb uras, juvenile uqom uw
Incrto the dull tiroes yon will find oar
prices creauv reaucoa. rail and o-rnminn
our une. w a win oe pleated to see you.
- .- ...- ..; . -. -
Patton Bros.,
AgenU for -Old Nick." 98 State street
TirANED. GlrlTo do general homework
tt inuuniijroriwo; 111 Trade street.
W L.
I?0 SALE. Two fresh cows, CaU AtShoup
- z WRKinmiTa i vf
A Westacott's livery,
Kinds on sale at 826 Uberty street.
of an
filMl'LOYMENT WANTEU-by yeun:
111 ried man of good habits. Has had rlc
rled man of good habits.
years experience In swner
g-neral merchandise
tore, willing to work. Ijre wages not ex-
I'Yi'SV. urei x. u. ij., JOURNAL omce.
11-28 6t
rrr ANTED situation by mlddlfraged Ger
';, mn lady to do general housework. Is
willing and ahle to carry on the largest bonne
hold. No.K3HUtenreet. HWlwd
AGBNTH mike M.OO a day. Grratent kitchen
utensil ever inrented. Retails WcU. a to
sold In every house f ample postage raid,
11 27 1 '" 0KanltK MMCauc, ClnolnnaU.O.
31UI8 PAPER Is kepton die at E. O. Pake's
. Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants
xchange.SanFrunclsro, California, where
contracts far-advertising can be made for it.
HOUSE Painting, Decorating,
il Hard Wood Finishing,
Can give good references. Estimates (furnish
ed. Address, Geo. i-chstrnth. Halem. Htsl
dence on halem Motor Hallway, North 8alem.
Leave orders at Stelner A Mcwm. 1 i-6d
TpAUM FOH BALK. A desirable farm or 100
J? acres for sale on long time Town property
S'JJ, b tn part payment. Appl7 to Leo
Willis, In Opera House Block. 13-3 lm
Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick,
Molded Brick In all Patterns for Fronts
apJ.,op5,'lnebriok forth Now Balem City
Uall and nearly all the fine building erected
In the Capital city,
yards near Penitentiary, Salem, Or. M dw
SALBM, . . Oregon
Private work a specialty.
a K.OLKMENT. Manager.
r. Mmntnf - . l 'A ViM'
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