jLaaesrr- """SZ.-errmi $a& . -m wraimty Bvftm'k& capita!) jomij&b, thuiisday, December 7, is. nnDunimiuii' s&Vwn ni rifiiu. J UK1 THEi CAPITAL JOMAL. S3BM sua g 1 TM . PUBLISHED DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, Br TUB Capital 'Journal Publishing Company l'osto:flce Mock. Commercial Street, IIOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. pally, by carrier, per mouth, JO 61 Dolly, by moll, per year, 3 00 Weekly, 8 pages, per year, 1.0c OUR OHIO AGO LETTER. Wondrous Boauty of Soon-to-Disap pearAWMte City; CHICAGO AFTER THK FAIR. Chicago, Dec; 2-rJpeoial correspond once. Since over-ayear uyo the words, Chlcag6tand world's1 fair became ay nonyiuouaj-und-iu inuat iustauces ex pressed the sauio meaniug. Cbicugi waatnu Mecca, and1 -the world's fait was tbesanctined eli riue towards wbloi the face of every true American, wa turned. No creediuli preferment hov ered oyer the holy nhrine. The Jew and' the MuhoinmeUin, the Brubuili from Aula, the Buddhist from f udn audalliho other shreds ufdeuomiua tlonal associations came together t oiganlze tbegraudedtoliuruh the world over conceived, the brotherhood ol man. Although this greatest object was no' fully accomplished, great strides have been taken to alleviate the udost stub born obstacle which barred the road to general tolera luu. While the Inside of the world's fail buildings are presenting a chaotical uh peot, the best of the graud exposition 8i.Hl stands untouched. The bulldiugi aro there yet, and with Charles Dudley Warner we call it, "an ideal of beaut never before created in one square mile of this earth." H Madam Blank detcribed it as an "il lusion akin to a mirage," Mr. Noah Brooks said', "the casket excited more admiraMon than the gem It was built to hold." . Mr. H. O. Bunner said: "The archi tects of the White city were better than moatof the llviuz or dead architects of the old world." John Burroughs spoke of the fair buildings as tho "Architects Dream." Mrs. Custer calls the White City a Boone of enchantment, "an Arabian night In the nineteenth century." Kate Fiold said, "it Is the shrine at whioh I worshipped for six mouths." Octave Thanet puts it as "the poetry of architecture." D. 0. Glllman Xvaa most impressed by tho buildings and their environments. Washington Qlad den looked on tho whole as a dream of beauty. Harriet Monroe dwelt on the boauty of the ( o irt of Honor, Agnes Reppeller saw in the fair a true laud of enohautmout. W. J. Rolfe was most impressed by the grandeur of tho main buildings. Thousands of others were awed into silent admiration, and would not ex press au opinion Indeed this was tbo first world's fair in whioh the buildings represented the finest part thereof. Now the question is, shall these building be preserved ? or oven can they bo preserved ? Wo say yes thoy could bo preserved by great expense and endless presever ance. The hundred of acres of ourved roof, exposed to the mighty storms, that sweep oyer tho lake might suo cumb sooner than we anticipate. It Will bo a costly exporimeut for Chicago or even for a private company to try to retain the Whlto City. Lot her go, she has ssrvod well, for the purpose she was orectod,' but do not let her sink into the category of being an olephaut on baud, A. F. Hokkk, Bit. TIIK DIFFICULTIES UP .TAX 11F0RM IN OREGON An overwhelming majority of tho peoplo Qf.this stato aroIu favor of lion ct)tfoy))r4iuent aud lftfulljf Informed and aroused aro uualtorbiy opposed to auy-uml-jall sohomes) to divert public funds in au unnecessary,, unlawful or Improper manner. If any of these tax reform-tt.rtlclea.have bvou prejudicial to auy.prvseuM publlo olllcinl ur any as plraut' topubllo oMcOj It Is the cold fuots?ua to the- condition of our state that make them' so. It is certaluly not Individuals 'Knit Jouunaii is after. Yt,.Unvroan any reform ho se"iired in our Btato adalra, how cui reduutloua bu brought about, extravagance curbed, or reforms promoted without lopping oft eouie drib's profits, or Interfering with Nome orio'd ppiltloal schemes. Tbe'icoudltlOiiB In this state aro not favorobo' tq nuaktair oil any of the great'ttlx burden. Iteturiis from nearly every'OOunty'In the state ore lu aud BhowMhftt uudor the now assesiiuout law Uneaok. county millions of per gountaproperty havo escaped taxation this VeUr. that formerly were taxed, Thkwns!frpra twenty to thirty per ewltfaara.f.tJxeittr a be transferred te,HHilAtate,jTUo-ttin,'imt of real ea UtttiiiisKlastfif.Ordgau.laistnall and the gr$itft6ftartiU. tax will be shunted tiftMlMfarniintf lantli A9J we have bowu, not over one-twentieth tho area of Oregon Is Improved agricultural laud and this will bear the greater share of the Increased taxes. What will tho farmers of tho state do to relieve the strain that must come upon them for a number of years unless there Is a change? What can tho taxpayers of tho sever al counties of the state do to make ef fective the necessity for reducing the expenses of government In Oregon at tho next election? They will have to elect a new legislature, a new board of state officers and with them a new gov ernment of all state Institutions. By a curious fiction the control of state instl tutlons is not kept with the legislature, uor uuder olllcials appointed by it but is devolved upon tho state officers elected by tho people. The governor, treasurer and secretary of state, and stato superintendent of schools, an of fice not created by the constitution, a re in charge directly of all the statd Insti tutions except the soldiers' home'now bjildiug. As such they are responsible to themselyes only. Among other tasks of the next legislature will be the election of an United States senator and providing for the state census which must be taken in 1805. Under this system executive control it lust and the ordinary 'checks aud balances necessary to secure economical government are wanting in Oregon. The governor cannot hold a check upon any department of state because lie is on so many boards with the heads if other departments that they could and often do retaliate. Those boards ire ho numerous and powerful that they control the state legislation and in a large measure shape the legislature and seujre the appropriations for the difler ent institutions, us they appoint their heads and control their patronage. The state government as a result is top heavy aud almost beyond control of the people who have so unwisely created iti By vicious legislation the state oficeSi aside from governor, have become ex ecutive ofllces. Thoy control more patrounge, dispense more power and public funds than the governor. State superintendent of schools s more an 'xecutlve oillue, a greater department, has more machinery, more offices to give out, than governor in Oregou it virtually controls through tho BtatitA b tard of educatiou Half a dozen state institutions. The governor's office has been magnified by legislation into mem bershipof half a dozen boards. Instead of being an executive olllcer to exercise supervision, he is himself on these boards that dispense patronage, man age politics, and virtually audit their own accounts. This is the greatest ob stacle In the way of lessening the bur dens of taxation in Oregou. There, are no adequate influences to hold down tho tendency to increase expenditures and appropriations because state offici als aro virtually compelled to exert themselves to Increase them by a per nicious system as above shown. By the state olllcials being on these b)irds, aud responsible directly to no o le bat themselves, tho independence of overy state olllcer Is distroyed. If t io people wore to elect never so fear le s and Independent a man to a state olll se, under this system, ho would bo tied hand and foot. His efficiency aud political future would depend on his standing in, There can be no doubt ttiat this system is extremely profitable to those whoaroconueeted with it, and that, perhaps, honestly too. Another stato institution was recently put uuder the management of one of these boards that had hitherto bcdi managed by a highly honorable board of private cit izens, Immediately a bill passes to purchase a large tract of laud for a new site, and erect a now institution. Three stato officers each got a liberal allowance added to their salaries, where private citizens had served free gratis. Is it auy wonder that a gentleman holding one of these positions says he cannot atlord to tana the otflce of gov ernor, "since the stato pays bo small a Bulury." The governor only gets from $3500 to $3800 a year In Oregou for working three days in tho week. The rest of the time ho oau oouduot a largo private manufacturing business. If one of our pilltlclaus oauuot afford to bo governor at that price, It simply II lustrates tlieoiiorui'His prollts now so cured uuder tho present system. There is no doubt but that the "system" should be abollshod. Nervous Dyspepsia. Senator James F. l'ierco, of New vorK, writes: "For the past two years I have suf fered very iiiueh from au aggravated form of nervous dyspepsia. 1 have re sorted to various remedial agents, de riving but little benefit. A few mouths sluee a friend of mine suggested the trial of Allcook's Porous Plasters. Fol lowing the RUggeHtiou, I havo been using the same with the haiipiot ef feets. To those similarly ufllleted let mo suggest the manner of their ue, I place one over my stomach, ono over the hepatic recion, and one on mv back. The elleol Is excolleut, From the day I commenced their use have been slowly but suroiy Improving, and am quite ooutldeut that by continuing I shall again bo restored to my accut tomed health." Economize in Paper, Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of 100, t cut, lor salo at this ollloo at llfteen cents a buudlo. A heavy straw wrapping jniper, large aheets, two cents a vounil. Next door to the postotllce. NoNU Birri'Kii The Utlliuau coal rVemtnt Co. 'a yards, is the best fuel in Salvm. REDUCE CITY EXPENSES. The old city council has virtually closed Its labors. At the next meeting there will be a formal transfer to the uew city council. The Journal renews its demands' of last year for reductiou of city ex penses and placing the city upou a cash basis. Salaries are still out of all pro uortion to the inconiej and , should be reduced. When a laborer gets a small warrant it should commmd ready cash. If the city has fuuds lying in any bank for sixty days or more, that bank should pay for the use of them. The city marshal now gets a salary of $1500 per year and fees in various ways of nearly as much more nut of justice court business. There is not a profes sional man in the city makes as much clean cash. Other departments must be cut to fit the c'.o'ti. The council should lay aside personal friendships aud deal with the conditions as It finds thorn from tbe standpoint of a cold busiUes8pro position. Life Is Misery to many people who have the taint of serofula in their blood. The agonies caused by tha dreadful running sores and other manifestations of this disease are beyond description. There Is no other remedy equal to Hood's rjareap arilla for scrofula, salt rhaum and every form of blood disease. It is reasonably sure to benifit all who give it afair trial, Hood'd Pills cure all liver ills. TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Salem, December 7, 4 p. m. Office Daily Capital Journal. Quota tions for day aud up to hour of going to press were as follews: HALEM PRODUCE MARKET. FUUIT. Apples 30c to 60c. a bushel. BUTCHER STOCK. Veals dressed 4 eta. Hogs dressed 6 to 7. Live call Its H t 2. Sheep alive $1.60 to $2.00. Spring lambs $1.50 to $2.00. MILE PRICES. Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour in wholesale lots $3.00. Retail $3.40. Bran $16 bulk, $10 sacked. Shorts $17 $18. Chop feed $17 aud $18. WHEAT. 45 cents per bushel. HAY AND GRAIN. Oats old, 38 to 40c, new 25 to 30o. Hay Baled, new $8 to $12: old $10 to $14. Wild in bulk, $6 to $8. Barley Brewing, at Salem, No. 1. 05 to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to 85 ctii, FARM PRODUCTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hops Small sale, 17 to 18Jo. Kirgs Cash, 25 cents. Butter Best dairy, 20: fancv creamery, 25. Cheese 12 to 16 ots. Farm smoked meats Bacon 12; hams, 13; shoulders, 10. Potatoes 30o. to40o. Oulous 1 to 1 cents. Beeswax 34o. Caraway seed, 18c. Atilbe seed, 2Go. Ginseng, $1.40. LIVE POULTRY. Chickens 5 to 8 ots; ducks, 8o; tur koya, slow sale, choice, 10c; geese 6 to 7c. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Feed, etc Flour Standard, $2.00; Walla Walla, $..16; graham, $2.50; superfine, $2.25 per barrel. Oata New whlte,35cperbu.;grey,34c; rolled, lu bags, $8 250.60; barrels, $0.767.00; cases, $3 76. Hay Best, $10 12 per ton. Wool valley, price nomlual. Mlllstuffs Bran, $16.00; shorts, $15; ground barley, $18; chop feed, $15 per ton; wholo feed, barley, 70 cib. per cental; middling, $2328 perton; brew ing baric, 0005b per cental: cnlckeu wheat. 8().U0 per cental. HopsOld, 10 to 16c, new 10 t 0. Hides green, salted, GO lbs. 3o, un der 60 lbs., 23; sheep pelts, 1000c. DAIRY PRODUCE. Buttor Oregon fanoy creamery. 80(3i 32c; fancy dairy, 2527jo; fair to good, 2022o; common, 16 to 17o per lb. I'lieese uregou, iu(a)i2j; Young American, 15o per pound; California 14c; Swiss Imp., 8032; Dom-., 1820. Eggs Oregon, SOo per dozen. Poultry Nemlual: chickens, mixed. $2 003.60 per dozen; ducks,$3 6004.50 geese, $0.00; turkeys, live, 12c; dressed, 15c Beof'-Top steers, 2Jo per pound; fair to good steers, 2o; Nol cowe. 2o; fair cows, lie; dressed beef. $3 60M5 00 ner 100 pounds Mutton Best sheep. $2: choice mut ton. $1 752 00; lambs, $2 002 25. Hogs Choice, heavy, $5 005 50; medium, $4 5(l5 00; liuttt aud feeders, $4 505 0(1; dressed, 10 50. Veal $3 005 00 SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. Wool; Oregon Eastern choice, 10 l2o; do Inferior, 80o; do valley, 12 15c. Hops 10 to lOo. Potatoes En rly Rose, 25S5. Bur bunks, .2540c. Ottt8-Mtilliig,$l.lfi1.20. 0RfM Easily. Quickly, Pcrmantnll; Rutered. WEAKNESS, NERVOUUNF.SS, DEBILITY, n J all lho train of t1I troiu early t-rrori or later eiMUM, Ue rcaulia ut oierwoik, tlckueis, ror.lo rulltriitb. uev hpmit ami iyn given u ry organ auj pnillon of Iba body, Etmpl.naluralinUtola, IinnKxIlatttlntprutcrorut rcn. PxlluralmpoulUa. J.IOI rcreiencra. Book, explanation and proUta BaUc4(ioalrU)frM. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N.Y. VG QmimwtoiS Sir. and Mrs. IT. O. Jltchanioon of Slloam, N. Y. Husband and Wife Both Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla Catarrh, Kidney Complaint, Heart Fulluro, Liver Troubles. . "I think It my duty to voluntarily toll 'what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for my self and wlfo. Last spring my wife wav in a very bad way with kidney complaint; felt Miserable All the Time and could hardly get around the house. She began to tako Hood's Sarsaparilla, and in one' week showas Improving, when she had taken but three bottles of Hood's Sarsa parilla slio was cured of that dreadful dis ease. As for me, I was troubled with Ca tarrh, Heart Falluro and Liver Complaint. Suffered so Intensely that I Could Not Sleep at night, nor get nny rest through tho day. As soon as I lay down, my heart would beat so hard that I would have to get up. I had very severe palm in the amnll of my back and noises in my head like a flock of black birds all singing at once. So you see I was hard up. I also experienced bene fit from Hood's Sarsaparilla within, a week after I began taking it. I have im proved rapidly and can now sleep hotter than I havo for a year, can eat and not bloat as I used to. Wo praise Hood's Sarsaparilla for wo think there is no medicine Hko It." Henry C. and Mary: U. IUciiauusok, Slloam, Madison County, N. Y. HOOD'8 PlLLS are purely vegotal)le,care fully prepared from the best Ingredients. GUNN'b IMPROVED UVEft PILLS A MILD PHYSIO- .(& ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. a movement or the bowels each day, U ntoesiary .or health. These pills supply what the system Iso'ti to make It recular. Cure Headache, brighten the Eyes and clear the Complexion better than sosmeUcs. They act mildly, neither srlpe nor token as other pills do. To oonvlnse you of their nerlts we mMl samples free, or full box 2&o. 8cld iverywhere. Bosanko MedLCo., Phlladelphls. Pa. Hold hy Rtixken A VhiiKI.vim. MADAM McALPN, of Denver, has opened Dress-making Parlors in theEldridpe block, in the rooms formerly occupied by Mrs. Baker aud guarantees A Pttrfect Fit or No Pay! ll-22-lm J Orape Vines for Salo. I have prorogated several thousand good strong two-year old grape viuep forspttlngout, assorted varitles, suit able for culture in Oregon. 25 cts each $2 (K) per dozen. E. Hofer, Halem, Or., Journal office. d w The Cheapest. Have the Daily JnuKNAL left at vour office or resi dence. Only 50 cts a mouth. By mall 25 cts a month. SMITH BROS. CONTEACTOR3 & PLASTERERS. Leave orders atCottle-Parkhurstblock.room 6, Halem, Oregon. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD CO E. W. HADLEY, Receiver. SHORT LING to CALIFORNIA OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. b. b. Willamette valley.. LeavcB Han Francisco, Nov, 5th, Mil) and 23rd Leaves Yaqulna, Nov, 0th, 19th, and 28th. HATEd ALWAYS 8ATJ8FACT0BY. For freight and passenger rates apply to any ageut or purser of this noinpany. It. E V UH ' A ti Y, Gen'l Supt. O.T. WARUl AW T F.A H A. G. M l'O YVEUS, Agent, Balem Dock. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The drui; and medicine firm hereto fore doing business 'under the style of Smith & Kleiner, have this day dis solved pnrtuershlp by mutual consent, Dr. J C. Smith retinue The business will bo continued by Leo Stelner, at tbe old red corner stand, where all uiii and accounts are to be settled, Salem, Dee. 1st, 1803. J. O, Smith, M. D. IiEh STEINEIt, f3.Qil0a A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If you want work that li pleasant and profitable, send us your addrcu immediately. We teach men and womeu liuw to cum from SS.OO per day to S3.000 pur year without having hud previous experience, aud furulsh the eniploymvut at which they can make that atnouut. Nothing dilheult to learu or lliat requires much time. The work U cosy, healthy, aud houoruble, and can be done dur iufuaiiiuv or ct ennig, Ntlil lu ) our own local. Ily, wherever ou lite, llio result of m. few noura' work often equuls a wwk'a urarea. e hare taught thousands of both sexes aud all Jits, and many hate laid foundations that will surely bring tlieiu tidies. Some of the smartest men In this country owe their euecess in life to the start gireu them while la our employ years go. Vou, reader, may do as well: try It You cannot fall. No capital neceaaary We fit you out With something that la now, solid, and eum. A book brimful of advice la free to U. Help your, elf by writing for it to-day not to-morrow. Delays cos Uy. E. C. ALLEN & CO., Box 42p AUGUSTA, MAINE. AfcmeS&Dfi GLr c"t 00 A Until rle, Alphonso, king of Arngon, attend ed by several of his -courtiers, colled at a jeweler's to inspect eomo of his wares. No sooner hnd ho loft tho shop thnn tho proprietor camo run ning after hint and complained that ho had been robbed of a diamond of great value. Tho king returned to tho shop and ordered n largo vessel filled with bran to bo brought and placed on tho counter. Ho then com manded each of his courtiers to in sert his hand closed and then with draw it open. Ho was the first to begin, and after all had had their turn ho asked the jeweler to empty tho vossol on tho counter. By this means tho diamond was recovered and nobods.waa disgraced. Lecture. Us for Asylum Supplies. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE Oregon state insane asylum Invite sealed proposals for furnishing' at the asylum near Salem, Oregon( the following hud; Slles for the six months ending June ), 1891. PLUMBING. 1 doz. each Yt. . H. X. 1V4 and 2 Inch tees. 1 doz. each li, , 14, 1. and 2 Inch ells. 1 doz. each and Inch Keystone unions. 1 doz each 1, l'fe and 2 inch flange unions. 1 doz. each , , 1, IVi street ells. 1 doz. each and inch Buckets. 1 doz. each '4, and 1 Inch plugs. 2 doz. each and Inch compression bibs, finished. 2 doz. each and Inch compression hose bibs, finished. 100 feet each of , , , , 1, and IVi inch black pipe. 100 feet each of , and 1 inch galv. pipe. V4 doz. each Yn H and Yt Jenkln's valves removable disks. 1 doz. each and 1 inch Jenkln's valves removable disks. 21 sq. -feet 3 ply rubber packing. 10 lbs. each Yi and sq. llnx packing. 1 Jackson's llue scraper, 3 inch. 20 bushels charcoal. 100 Ihs. solder, Yz and Yi- 2 each extra jaws and nuts for 12, 18 and 24 Inch Stlllsons wrenches. 10 Ihs. Asbestes candle wick. 144 sq. feet sheet lead 4 rb. 2 doz. Sampson's battery cells. 2 doz. jtnd glass gage washers," square. DRY GOODS. 2,500 yards cotton flannel, Nashau XXX. 1,200 yds. pequot A unbleached 45 Inch. 1,000 yards Mariners stripe. tuu yards Lonsdale bleached. 1,500 yards pequot A sheeting, 36 Inch. 500 yds. Continental check flannel. 500 yds. glass crasn towelling, 18 Inch. 200 yds. bleached linen French towell ing. u0 yds. blue denim. 100 yds. bleached sheeting pequot 9-4. 100 yds. Marsellis check, York Mfg. 6 boxes white stay binding inch. 12 dozen Turkey red handkerchiefs, 24 inch. 50 dozen Coat's thread, white No. 36. 12 dozen Coat's thread, black No. 16. 15 dozen Coat's thread, black No. 36. 12 dozen Coat's thread, black No. 16. 12 dozen black linen thread. No. 25. 50 yards table oilcloth, white. 12 dozen papers pins. 50 doz. prs. men's socks (half hose.) 1 doz. prs. men's gloves, Nos. 8 and 10, extra heavy. 15 dozen pairs suspenders. 100 yards silesla. 40 Inch. drab. 1 great gross men's pants buttons. 1 great gross pants buckles. 6 great gross men's shirt buttons, me dium size. 12 great gross men's pearl buttons, white. 2 dozen corsets (assorted sizes; 20 to 30. 1 dozen thimbles, Nos. 9 and 10 closed ends. CLOTHING. 6 pairs Jean pants, 2929. 6 pairs Jeans pants, 30 30. 12 pairs Jean pants, 3131. 12 pairs Jean pants. 3333. 12 pairs Jean pants, 3332. 6 pairs Jean pants, 3331. 6 pairs jean pants, 3234. 12 pair Jean pants, 3533. 12 pairs Jean pants, 36 32. 6 pairs Jean pants, 3733. 6 pairs Jean pants, 37 it. 6 pairs Jean pants, 3832. 6 pairs Jean pants, 38 C3. 6 pairs Jean pants, 3933. 6 pairs Jeans pbnU, oS a. YARNS. ?00 rbs. heavy .white wool yarn. 150 lbs. cheapest grade wool yarn, as sorted colors, 200 rbs. Crown mills carpet warp. GUOCKHIEri. IN BAURKL3 OR BOXES, IS 000 Iks granulaied augar, sxtra fine, dry. 12,010 lbs O O augur. 6.101B), rolled oats. 5.000 Bs cracked wheat. S lv 6 corn meal. 500 tbs hominy, small cracked. 1,600 Bh. hominy. 6.00U fbd. rlcrt. )S4. bluing;) 300 g tllons vlnegsr. ziOuHllona N. O. molnsses. 1.0IO lb. corn staich, Onwego. 10,000 flu. Liverpool mlt. 40 tbs. Curb, eodu, A and II. Sim tt, cream tuner. Fulgent. SO gross safety ma.chtM (Vulcan). 1 bale broom corn, 3 dozens wu ak brooms. 85 dfzen ojMers, cans (A. Field's Cove). iuuiuqu uiium'u ivhw vuue j 800 &-. soda crackers, XXX, furnished as re quired. a 000 gallons syrup (Premium). 40 Sim candle iSturl) wax), 2 dozen Worcestershire nauce, In qts., Lee aud PerrlnsJ l 2 0 tt4. gennea. . 100 Bm. ango fiOttn Chlnn starch, Oklttn. Hal .oda, "5 dozen brooms. 'M) Iba po irl barley, 100 lbs. starch, glnas, 20 bo tea macaroni, 8 bnxes vermicelli. 60U Bm. cheese, crahston's or as good, fur nivhedas rcqulieJ. Bl'IOKS. 75lb mustard. 40 lba. black pepper. SO lb, ginger 3J lbs. ulUptce. CROCKERY. 1R dnz'n tea cum. 16 dozen tea axueers. 15 dozen quirt anup bowla, 2 d ii a 1 gul on p fhera. 3 duz n sou,, plate. 1 uozen bowla -i d pitchers, 1 iozn chamber pots. 1 d Z4ii bed pana, 1 dozen pint syrup pitchers. UUiidu lantern glnne , 8 dozen pint creum pitchers. Sdozeuulucbdlnne pates. 2 doz n 7 nob pie platm. 8 dozen 11 loch vegetable dishes iiliuiu luoh vegeta ile dltbej. 1 dozeu t-ugar bowls. 3rioxn 12 Inch patters. Idoztu 11 luch-'platteru.- FLOUR, 650 barrels, more or lea, bwt roller process. delivered hs required, f bJnel Kf',ai more or lesa, dellveredi as BOA. " - 8,600 lbs. extia palt) aavon. I.OOUIjs, Ivory aiibs-ahavine. tncAkts.n. D. Wllltanu A TEA.. 500 th Knglbh breakrMtj.rwn,' 1,000 lbt. uupoTored Jhpan, black. OOFHEa' UJb Sloca. SCO lbi. chicory HOTTER, KS lbi . a week, more or leas, beat creamery, .fci m, m, ON THE BREAKFAST'TABLE if- ii jJ$V You can use it for general, household purpose.. TOBACCO. 2,000 lbs. 8 edeHammnr. MATd. COI'lhq per day, more or lesa, of beef and mutton a required In eqnal parts ol fore and hind quartan. FI8H.I Fish a requlrod, glvlue price por pound for furnlBblng the different kinds perfectly fresh, and sound. LEATHER. THE SKSr DOJIK8TI0 8TOOX. R dozen oil grain calf, 40 lba. to the dozen. 1 dozen call skins, 40 lbn. io the dozen I dozen Imitation grain goat, suitable for quarters, for shoes 13 to 24. II dozen sheep aklnH for llntngaha ed. ' 6 buckskins for lining, sha.cd, tiollgialned kip Bkins, average 6 lbs. each 1 doz. kip skins, average 5 lbs. each. 3 sides skirting 15 to 18 lbs. each. COO lbs. Santa Cruz sole leather.l extra, heavy No. 1, average weight 25 rbs. to the "side. 1 doz. balls English shoe web. 12 yards .English shoe core 5 in. wide1. 1 oz. Russian bristles. 1 doz silk twist D. 6 spools linen thread, No. 25. 6 spools linen thread No. 35. 2 lbs. Harbours shoe thread. No. 12. 6 bottles leather cement' (Cub -brand.) 6 bottles rubber cement (Brazilian.) 3 doz. pieces shoemaker's- wax. 6 lbs. 1 oz. shoe tacks. 6 lbs. brass nails. 12 lbs. 6-8 brass nails. 12 lbs. 4-8 brass nails. 12 lbs. brass nails. -12 lbs. 8-8 Iron heel nallB. 12 lbs. Iron heel nails. 12 lb 0-t iron heel nulls. 12 lbs. Iron heel nails. 2 doz. Bradbury machine needles (wedge point) No 4. 2 sq. feet rubber cloth for patching. 20 yards heavy ticking for lining, TINWARE. 5 doz. pressed pans, 8 inch. 10 doz. pint cups. 24 doz. table spoons. GRANITE- IRON WARE, t doz. wash basins. 6 doz. knives and folks. 2 doz. ladles. In two sizes. GALVANIZED IRON WARE. 1 doz. slop palls with covers. MISCELLANEOUS. Yi dozen wash tubs, small sizes. 10 rbs. beeB wax, yellow. 2 doz. dust brushes. . 8 dozen scrub brushes, with handles. 0 uuzen snoe DruBnes. 2dozen hair brushes. 1 dozen whitewash brushes. Yi dozen kalsomlnlng brushes. 2 dozen shaving brushes. , ttoz9ii rrnxe- sii b ackmg T, Ml 3- uuzen boxes hair pins.- 3 dozen combs. 3 uozen papers needles Nos. 2. 3 dozen papers needles Nos.i 3. 3 dozen papers needles Nos. 4. 6 dozen papers needles Nos. 5. 6 dozen papers needles Nos. 0.- 4 gross safety pins. 6 dozen mop handles. 12 dozen mop rags. 60 packs playing cards-doublrf headetU 1 gross shaker piped. OILS. 200 gallons kerosene, more., or less, deliv ered in tanks as required. , 20 gallons Albany spindle. 10 gallons Albany cylinder. 100 gallons turpentine. 20 lbs. Albany compound No.- 3. 2 dozen bottles sewing machine. 200 lbs. parrafflne in 1 lb cakes. 1 case axle grease, H and L. BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, ETC. Mens shoes. 20 pairs No. 6. 20 pairs No. 7. ' i 20 pairs No. 8, , 20 pairs. No. 9. . Men's boots. 20 jpairs N,o. 7. ' 1 doz. pr. rubber boots, sizes from 8 to 10. 20 pairs No. 8. 10 pairs No. 10. 10 pairs No. 11. Men's leather slippers. zu pairs no. o. 30 pairs No. 7. 30 pairs No. 8. 30 pairs No. 9. 30 pairs No, II. 20 pairs No. 11. .,, 10 pairs No. 12. - Ladles shoes. 20 pairs No. 3. 20 pairs No. 4. 30 pairs No. 5. I 30 pairs No. 6. - 10 pairs No. 7. Ladles carpet slippers. 20 pairs No, 6. , 20 pairs No. 6. 20 pairs No, 7. 15 pairs No. 8. 10 pairs No. 9. 10 gross shoe laces. STATIONERY. ' 3 gross pens, London Incandescent No, 4 2 gross pens, London Incandescent Noi (. 2 gross pens, London Incandescent No, 7 1 gross pens, Gtllotts No. 404, 1 dozen pen holders. S dozen lead pencils. 10 reams Wedgwood letter paper, half sheet. 1 gross indelible Ink In bottles, Payson's 2 doz. bottles mucilage,- Santc-rds Uni versal. DRIED FRUIT. In barrels or boxes. 2,500 lbs. apples. 2,000 lbs. peaches, 1.500 lbs. prunes. 100 lbs. raisins. HARDWARE. 1 dozen feather dusters. 1 doz. wash boards, best quality. 2 packages each 2, 3 and 4 lb tinned rivets. 1 pair 6 lb soldering Irons. 4W feet each and round Norway Iron. 10Q feet each 7-16 and H round Norway Iron. 75 feflt each x. lx. lVi flat Norway Iron. 75 feet each 4xU. x. lxtf, lVitf fiat Norway Iron, 10 feet each . . 1 octagon tool tecl. 10 feet each H round tool steel. U ker each No. 3. 4, 5 front horse shoes (Burden's light. 4 kee each No, 3. 4, S hind horse shoes (Burden's light. 10 lbs. each No. 7 and 8 Putnam's horse shoe nails. 5 lbs. each No. 6 Putnam's horse shoe nans. 25 tbs. each No. 3 and 4 Sweet's Ameri can toe calks. 10 tbs. each No. 2 Sweet's Ameri can toe calks. 1 horse rasps, 14 Inch, Hitler's. 1 Iron saw handle for key-holo saw with 6 saws, assorted. 2 each Morse twist drills H to 7-16 by 1-16 with S Inch shank. 30 tbs. each of , 1. IVi. 1. Hit z Inch rounu neau. rivets k jnen 2 each 6 Inch and U lnch'monkey wrenches. V4 dozen each H. V4. K and 1 inch of Nos. 7. 8. 9. coDner be belt rivets. 2 belt punches. No. 7 and 8. l revolving punch wltn joui iuu eacn ihxi-is. Zftxa 3xU. Z,xK and 6xV4 Inch 100 each lVtxft-lC audi axS-lt, maj-htnit . lb, each V4 and K Iron washers. 10 lbs. each H and H WanU nuts, In coffee, tea, 'chocolate andv In many delicious beverages, Richness is added by the use of the GAIL BORDEN EAGLE Condensed Milk. For Moro than Thirty Years the Eagle brand has stood the test, has given perfect sat lsfaction to the American people, and ha had'an enormonst Export Trade". It It -the 'Best; if goesitHe farthest and Is economical.' Your Grocer & Druggist sell it p '. '.yf Vy n I' i '' mv w .i 400 feet 400 feet Inch manllla rope, inch manllla rope. 200 feet I ...v.. ........ u. .VIV. jcrews each, V inch No. 7 and No. 14. IVi Inch No. 9 and n i No. 7 and No. 6. l incn manma rope. 2 cross 11. 2UncM 11. 74 Inch i ids. Draas eacn, , ana Inch. 1 set Jennlng's brace bits. 1 set gtmblet brace bits. V4 doz. compass saw blades, from I Inch to 12 Inch. 1 diamond for cuttng glass, No. 1. 1 set bench planes, wooden. 1 hammer No. 7. 1 set Firmer chisels (Barton's.) DRUGS. 5 lbs. ' acld carbolic cryst pure. 10 !bs acid t muriatic commercial. . 1 lb nitric acid CS P. ' 1 Tb acldfc'Ballcllier powdered.. 1 lb acid tannic. ' 10 lbs. aqua ammonia concentrated In 4 lb bottles. 10 lbs. ammoniamuriate powdered. 2 lbs. ammonia carbonate. 6 tbs. amntonUut bromide 2 lbs. antlfebrln (Kalle and Co.) 2 Its. blue ointment. 3 lbs. bismuth Sub. Nit.(Malllnchrodt.) 2 lbs. chalk prep. 0 lbs. cotton absorbant hospital. 1 tb calomel. 2 lbs. chloranodyne. 5 lbs. chloroform (Squibbs.) 10 tbs. i chloral hydrate (Merck.) Vi lbs. ether In. Vi tb cans - (Squtbba.) 50 lbs. cpsom salts. 8 lbs.- elixir lodo-bromide of calcium, comp. (Tlldcn and Co.) 5 lbs. glycyrrhlza comp. powdered. 1 lb golden seal powdered. 5 lb hematic syrup hypophosphates (P. D. and Co.) . V4 lb -Jalap powdered. 5 lbs. mustard ground. 1 tb opium- powdered. 2 gallons oil. castor (Baker's A. A.) 5 gallons- oil malaga, H tb oil cloves, pure. 1 lb oil orange pure. lA lb oil--pppermlnt pure, lb oil lavender pure. ',4 lb oil bargamont pure). 2 lba. peristn sacch. (Falrchllds.) 1 tb pepsin (Boudaults.) 4 lbs. phenacetln (Bayer.) 25 lbs. potash- bromide bulk. 2 lb Potell 'ir p wl 2 lbs. i potash- chloratol- powdered.." 6 lbs. potash, iodide gran. (Malllnch krodts.) 3 Tbs.- potash citrate gran. (Malliae krodts.) 5 tbs, pyrophosphate of iron (Squibbs.) Yt lb tartarata of iron and potash. 2 lba., soda- .boras, powdered 3 lbs. soda bromide. 1 lb soda hypophosphate gran. 2 lbs. soda phosphate gran. 2 lbs. solution chloride of Iron (Malllnc krodts. 6 lbs. syrup hypophosphate compound (FellowF.) h 1 lb vanilla bean (Mexican.) f lbs. sulfonate (Bayers) Vi tb antipyrlne (Dr. Knorrs.) 30 gallons alcohol, SO per cent. 6 gallons glycerine pure. 20 lbs. vaseline XXX ref. EQ oz. quinine sulphate (K. and M. 2 oz. Junar caustic Dure. 1 oz. morphine sulphate (P. and W. 1 VI 1 e: oz. sirycnnia suipnaie cryst. oz. red Iodide mercury. oz. yellow oxide mercury. i oz.) meninoi. Yt on. cocaine- muriate, t 1 lb ' sponges surgeons No. 1, 1 lb sponges carrluge-No. 1. 1 lb solution 8ubsulphate of Iron (Squibbs.) 1 gross phials 1 oz. 2 gross phials 4 oz. 1 gross phials 0 oz. 2 cross Dhlals -8 oz. 2 gross corks each No. 4, 6 and 8(taper.) 3 gross pill boxes assorted sizes No. 29. 30 and- 31. 2,500 empty capsules No 1 (P. D. and Co. 2,600( empty capsules No. 2 (P. D. and Co. Soluble hypodermic tablets. 1,000 hypo, tablets No. 9 In cases 10 bottles each (J.rWyeth Bios.) 2.000 hypo tablets No., 46- In cases 110 bottles each (J. Wyeth Bros.) 200 hypo tablcts-Nd. !61i (J. WyethJBros)' 4 doz. cod liver oil Em. (Phillips) large. 1 doz. Davidson's syringe No. 1. 2 doz. Davidson's Byrlnge No. 2. 6 doz. camels hair pencils assorted. 4 doz, plasters Allcock's poms. 4 doz. plasters Wells strengthening. 2 w boxes plasters Meads adhesive (S. and J.) 2 boxes Plasters silk Isinglass sur geon's pink (S. and J.) 3 boxes -Plasters silk- Isinglass- sur geon's black. (S. and. J.) . ... 2 boxes Plasters .capsicum 0. and J.) 3 lbs. pills c. c. Imp. gelatlh coated (P D. and Co.) 200 pills aloln 1-5 grain (P. D. and Co.) SOO pills alolne V4 grain (P. D. and Co.) 600 pills aloln comp. (P. D. nnd Co.) 200 pills C. C. gran, pink ST. (P. D. and Co.) 100 pills t nux vomica pink, gran. 1-50 gr. (!, DJ and Co.) SCO pills nux vomica Vi grain (P. v. and Co.) . 200 pills.-ossafoctlda 1 gr. (P. D. and Co.) . 200. pills aasafoetlda 2 -gr. (P. D. and Co- . A SOOjptlls emmereagogue gelatine coated iaicii. ana it.) 300. pills aloes et Ferrl.' l.tb fluid extract aconite root (P. D. and Co.) 2 lbs. fluid ext.- buchu (P. D. and Co.) (P. v. 2 lbs. .fluid extract belladonna ana wo.) 5 lbs. fid. and Co.) ext. cascara sagrada (P. D. 1 lb fluid ext. capsicum (P. V. 1 lb fluid ext. conlum seed (P. V. and Co.) m 2 lbs. fluid ext cinchona comp. (P. oniL'Co.) i id na. ext. aigltallis ". u. ana u 2 lbs. fid. ext, ginger (P. D. and Co.) 1 lb fid. ext. icentian (P. D. and Co.) . 2 lbs. nd. ext. henbane- (P. D. and Co.) 6 lbs fid. ext. inecacauanhea. (P. D an 6 lbs. fid. ext. Jalap (P. D. and Co.) 6 lbs. fid. exu licorice (P. D. and Co.) 1 lb fid. ext. nux vomica (P. D. and Co.) 1 lb fid. ext orange peel (P. D, and Co.) 2 lbs. fid. ext. rhubarb (P. D. and Co.) 1 tb fid. ext. seneka (P. D. and Co.) 5 lbs. fid. ext. senna (P. D. and Co.) 1 tb fid. .ext, squills (P. D. andCo.) 1 lb fid. ext. Squills, comp, P. D. and 6 lbs. fid. ext. sarsaparilla comp. for syrup (P. D. na Co.) . 6 lbs. fid. ext.' wild cherry (P. D. and C- .. 200 filter papers, round gray, No. Dla. 13 Inches. 2 lbs. soda et potas, tart. , Samples may be seen at the office oc the board. , Goods must be In accordsnee therewith. and be In original packages When (possible) The; right ito .reject any 6r all hl,! l uniNl . nl I v.rv TDf sup plies will be required wlthtn ten days notice of acceptance of bid. A copy the advertisement must accompany each bid., and the name of tha class of sup- P , b: iiiea must bo on the envelope. -; M mu.t In.lnit. 1t .ha llftmi nnd to tals in run or the respective ciars, wu exceptions of flour, meat and fish. Au- .dlttng officers are prohibited from con- I nrmlnjr accounts of purchases when tar , advertisement does not contain , ,u" and complete; description of the rtJlf io ue purenssea. uias -win do opci.c" ;-,- foun punthes. 'J o'clock p. m.. Tuesday. January t ! IS, IxVi? txvtj at4h,prn4l f thiJrd.r.Sailera. Oregon carriage bolts. BVX,VESTkflENNOYEl. nud -ur M.nnmH Board of Trusties, Wra, A. MVJW.T, qerij of U9fr W TB