Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 07, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    ' ' -J-i----,-.l,t li J im.m ii HiHI."MftglHWIWMmi
"""-' Jst
Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
One fi&rf 5AILVI
25 ct. a mouth by MaH
Prepaid In Advance
No Papora Sont When
Timo la Oat.
im 'SSgwwffirYjjB 'r V-
VOL. 6.
m SHOES m ID IfM !
A good assortment from cheap to best
(or CASH -and sell for CASH, and
From 15 to 25 percqnt. on all your
The New York Racket
when you want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Eubber
Hat-, wool and lur hats, hosiery and notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
Ed. C.
K. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETOF, Gen'l J gent.
8s lOS
Is experienced when you get your teeth extr act or "lied by
DR CONTBIS, as he uses the Hale method, bold or for
celain cown inserted. All kinds of plate work done. Bridge
work and fine gold fillings specialty.
Dental Parlors,
, - Over Gray Bros,
Now Here
Holiday Goods
9 r
The NeuXjsf,
J3L .s
wnn I,, f -II rf .an mirelv MtVO 0U
--- --
. ' . - -rvT ftTABLES
WI LLA JVl & i " --. b day or Week
Completed and ready to wait on customers Horn." d Express to
at reaBonable nrlcca. We beep a "5", LVin thta county. fr vlee.
meet all demands., AtateWWK- RYAN u,
uarn ana .residence 2 uiuu o"
On itrpr ived Real EUt. In amounts and
Urns to salt. Ho delay In coaUderlng loan.
Boom I2j. nib Bank block.
Steamer Rlfona
wnn unnTMND.
Leave Boise1 dock Mondays. Wdnedayii
JM Friday. 7:88 a, V, arriving In Portland, at
1:80 p. m.
. HETURN1NQ, leaves Portland Two day,
1 bursdaya and taturdoy. at. 6 a. jn.
, Kat timo for paaMsnger servlea; no way
Undlnj freight bandied.
. KOUND TllIP (nnllmlied) HOC One way,
For freijbt rates and lie ts apply "lr JL
1L Wright 04 JioUnao Mode. XH-lm
grades. We buy
Wholesale and Kctuil
Dealer in Fresh, fealt and
Smoked Meats.of a lHinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
State Street
More Coming.
Most nnrarjive,
s ry" ""h' " " "" "
money. rn-nUBV
-RpnnKS & SAbioux.
j. u. ---r,-
Dt. " 1
National Bank,
tt SA.LEM.
on tbfl
I v '.j
r.. . nnnrr.
! I'HIllRSni
w- Wa m'""''
- . Vr:-.iV
J. U.Ai-BtKT.
Legal MmhPWUer8'
TransarU a gtnerai Elections.
Promotattenil np ' d Mid
made. K'cln. rid.
.nM MllCa W - - .. UAlLTIIf.
riuvii1" --- .s 3i.
t nttTM.
If the Queen of Hawaii Cannot
be Restored.
President Cleveland May Ask
Congress to Act.
Eestoration Theories.
Washington, Dec. 7. There have
been theories advanced that after bear
ing-again from Minister Willis and
learning positively that queen cannot
be restored in Hawaii except by uso of
United States troops, that Preaideut
Cleveland will then present to congress
the case of the queen as a wronged
monarch, whose government was over
thrown by this government, and assert
It is now the duty of the United States
to restore the former condition, even
by using force. This Is the idea ad-
vanced by friends of the administration.
Thurston Returns.
Washington, Dec 7. Hawaiian
Minister Thurston left, here today, for
Honolulu. Before leaving he called on
Gresham. He was not sent out of the
country, and d es not go at the sugges
tion of the secretary of state, but goes
of his own accord, to advise and con
sult wltn those he represents.
The Information Ready.
Washington, Dee. 7. It is not cer
tain yet, what course the Executive
will take, in response to the resolution
of the senate, calling for information
on the Hnwalian episode. The infor
mation will be given, but whether It
will be a formal response to the Senate
resolution, or In a special message from
the president, which takes no note of
the resolution, has not yet been deter
mined. The information Is prepared,
and can be sent in at any time. It is
intimated from a responsible source
that the ex queen declines to go back
ou the throne unless by consent of the
Provisional Uovernment leaders, or a
guarantee of protection by the United
More Offices.
WASiirNQTON. Dec. 7. In the House
Representative Djlittle of Washington
Introduced a bill to enlarge tue powera
aud duties of the bureau of labor and
create au executive department, to be
known as the department or JLaoor,
with same officers aud salaries af other
Pension Legislation.
Washington. Dec. 7. Voorbees
opened his pension campaign lu the
eepate this morning ny lutroauciug i"
bills-one declaring a pension a vested
Hht. reuulatiue the suspension of pen
sions and granting nppeals tathesu-
preme court of the District or uoiumo.a
and the other defining sundry claims
against the United States In the admin
istration of the pension laws.
Oostine the City of New Orleans
...,... -... . Q rtAn. 7. The Jury In
the case of the suit for the damages or
thirty thousand dollars against the
city, for the death of one Abagnatto
lynched during the Italian Mafia troub
' . i .. rMM tlila morn-
les here, reiurueu u ;.".. --
idc assessing damages at five thousand
d, liars in the United States circuit
court. Six more similar cases are to be
tried. All are to be tried by the same
Jur? doubtless with similar results.
Politically Dead.
. . r . Thn Kansas farm-
TOl'EKA, UCM !. --- ...
ers'allHUcelsnowpoIUiwIydeid. A
ere i o. ,td today but
bng secret se'" "- - 7, ... '.,.,
enoUKU Is known to positive .-.
,!, nt all kinds of feed kept
at Brewster & White's, Court street
i ii rCD5
l y, !
I . . .. ...inrfromlupar
A fffH "U bTt fictW
rj en v
The Pnsky Repesantativa of a New
York Oarpet House.
New York. Dec. 7.-Willlan McOon
nell, of Spokane Falls, Wash., was ar
rested here last night ouarged with
Erand larceny. He has been held furpx.
amluatlon. He was the Ban FrnnnUm
representative of W. J. 8loane and f!n..
New York carpet doalers, some years
ago, and while in that position Is said
to have sold $25,000 worth of the fliW
goods and mado way wllh proceeds.
tie denies the charge.
Private Pension.
Washington, Dc. 7.-The senate
bill grantlug a pension of f 100 a month
to Frances Corae, widow of General
John M. Corse, passed and the senate
then went Into executive session. At
is close it adjourned until Monday.
Colorado's Governor.
Samda, Col., Dec. 7. Governor
Walte called the miners' convention to
order yesterday afternoon. There were
twenty delegates present, a majority of
whom It Is said, aro opposed to calling
an extra cession of the legislature to
legislate on the silver question.
Governor Waite in his address
claimed that every state has a right to
make Its own legal tender, and recom
mended that Colorada enact a law mak
ing every silver dollar full legal tender,
no matter where such dollar was coined
provided It contain .3711 grains of sil
By a yote of ten to eight the conven
tion decided in favor of an extra session.
The governor announced that he would
call the session early lu January.
Will Obey Lowelling.
Foht Scott,, Kan., Dee. 7. The po
lice authorities here express their in
tention of following tbe instructions of
Governor Lewelllug in regard to cer
tain classes of tramps. This morning
the Populist police Justice ordered the
release of three Kansas City tramps
who had been arrested In a boxcar.
Prof. Tyndal Polsojied.
London, Did. 7. The Inquest on
the remains of Prof. Tyndal resulted
In a verdict of death from an overdose
of chloral administered by his wife in
mistake of sulphate of m iguedi.
Eastern Oregon Oattle Theivos.
Union, Dec. 7. Zeeny Denny
iind Ben Merche, two young men,
were brought here from Pine Valley
last night aud placed In tbe county Jail
to await the action of the grand Jury.
Each is charged with stealing cattlp.
They were unable to glv ball which
was fixed at 1250 each.
And Why Not ?
New Yoiik, Dec. 7. The Bun this
morning aunounces that friends of Rev
Mr. McQIvnn have put him forward as
a candidate for the ambassadorship at
Rome, the post recently declined oy j.
J. Van Alen. Dr. McGlynn, tbe Bun
says, has written to President Cleve
land, stating that while not an appli
cant for the plice he would not refuse
Thefburlng and sw mills near Elk
ton, Douglas county.were washed away
hv the recent bleb waters. The value
of the property wa at least $16,000.
vrtllnw fir. such as grows In profusion
In Oregon, U being tried lu Paris for
street paying.
T...n Tbor. a voung man well known
lu Eugene, met wjth a severe accident
on Thanksgiving, wuiih cumoing a
tree for mistletoe.
A new schedule has been ordered to
sro Into effect at ouco in the matter of
the arrival and departure of the malls
between G isheu and Dexter.
The McKenzIe river while on a om
last week, washed away tlfty acres of
land, near tbe Cogpswell place.
The prosecuting attorney bas ap
pointed J. Fred Yates deputy prosecut
ing attorney for Benton county.
M O. Wllklns was appoint"1 c0"'1
stenographer of Benton county, by
Judge Kullerton, at tho receut terra of
The total exme to Hsnton county,
of the lata term f the circuit court,
was f 1,140.00
RAI.KM. Dec. 7, '93.
Retoe Corbstt. respondent vs. B.
E Wrenn, HM .PI '
Multnomah county. Argud and sub
mitted Milton W. Smith attorney for
Discussing Dolph'8 Hawaiian
President Has DocidoJ that tlio
Queen Cannot bo Restored
Without Force.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 7.
Hill said ho did not propose to cross
the Hawaiian bridgo until he should
reach it, nor did he intend to discus
tho wlBdbm ot the original proceedure,
or of what had been done recently by
the president's administration. This
was a simple resolution asking for in
formation from a department of govern
ment in reference to a most important
matter; information which be thought
the American people wanted to know
from the president's message, and were
disappointed when it was not given
them. It bad been said, continued
Hill',' that instructions bad beon given,
(he did no say so, however, and he
hoped It was not true,) from which it
was inferred force might be used to re
store the previously existing status.
that brought up tho question as to
whether I ho administration had power,
without the consent of congress, to use
the army or navy to restore a previous
ly existing condition of affairs, even
conceding that such government had
been planted by fraud or even by force.
There were tbreo departmonts of this
goyernmout and tbe executive depart
ment was but oue of them. There were
reasons why this information should be
given; now, perhaps at this moment,
possibly at this very hour, tho navy of
tbe United States, co-operating with
tho United States minister, was seeking
to destroy tho provisional government
by force aud and that was a question
the propriety of which should bo deter
mined by congress.
The Administration's Plan.
San Fkancisoo, Djc. 7. The ex
aminer's Washington correspondent
telegraphs that he has succeded lu Be
curing some inside Information In tofer
ence to the administration's plans In
dealing with the Hawaiian question,
rtio purpose of President Cleveland
aud Secretary Gresham now Is not to
attempt to restore- Queen Llllluokalanl
hy force, but to lay tho entire question
before congress aud secure the sanction
of the legislative branch to any new
move on tbe Islands. Ddflnlto Instruc
tions have been sent to Minister Willis
not to take any decided action until
further instructions are sent liliu. It
seems certain that uow instructions
bavr been sent him to this edoci'by the
Cor win. It is believed now that the
president and secretary of state, from
Information reclved from Willis, have
decided that the queon cannot be re
stored without force and that this
course cannot be followed without the
sanctlou ofcongreaa.
Qrover and His Documents.
Ban Fkancisco, Dso. 7. In 1U ed
Itorlal comment on the Hawaiian situ
ation, the Crouiole says: "All that we
can see and Judge is that Mr. Willis has
found that he canuot carry out his or-
dura, and that lie Is awaiting- further
instructions. But It was Mr. Uleve
land's duty to have told congress as
much, to have communicated the na
ture if not the text of his Instructions,
aud for his negleot lu this reird he
should be called to account."
The Call tis this to say: "Suggestion
was made soma days ago that Minister
Willis ueeds reeling. He spreads over
t much space. When he assumes
that Grover Cleveland holds the fate of
the Islands In his tuud, ho forgeU that
Urover Cleveland voluutarlly relin
quished the right of control over the Is
Uiida whloh was offered the govern
ment of the United States. Uodoubt-
.n ihn minister may order tbe ma-
rlnei to be lauded to protect tbe lives
and property of American residents, but
If this force Is so airectea as w pun
down one government and set up an
other, somebody will have to answer.
New Yoiik, Do 7.-In (headdress of
General Master Workman Severance to
ih triiiahta of Labor ho says: "iciect
all lefflslatlve. excutive and Judiciary
officers of the general government ; take
awav the veto power of tbe presiueui
and destroy the avocation of corrupt
lobbies by establishing tUe lultiative
nd referendum, and Ihus we will give
to the world our Industrial system,
menaced by uo tramp at oue eud, no
jjilnoely-dude at tbe other.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
X .asas
The McKinley and Alfior Com
Father McQIynn proposed
Minister to Romp.
McKinley and Alger.
Cleveland, O., Dec. 7. Tho colncl
dence of Governor MoKiuloy aud Gen
eral Russell A. Algor being hero to
gethor during a good part of Thanks
giving week and dining aud "chum
ming" together muoh of the timo has
set afloat a rumor that the very inter
esting toplu under discussion was the
presidential nomination of 1800, and
that the govornor and Alger wero con
eldering the advisability of pooling
their strength.
Populists and the Tariff.
Washington, Dec. 7. Inquiry as to
the position of tho Populists on tho
tariff bill leads to the conclusion that
they are Ukoly to support It lu a body
In both houses. They would like one
oven more radical, but, being uuabe to
get It, will tako tbe next best thing.
Their position in tho senate Is one of
considerable Interest. Borne Democrats
aro inclined to oppose tue measure tin
less materially modified'.
Tariff Changes.
Washington, D. C, Dee. 7. Tho
ways and means committee has been
listening, as sub committee, In groups
of twos and throes, and individually, to
the complaints or those who want tbe
tarlfr changed In different particulars,
which will affect their interests.
Among the delegations was one repre
senting tbe large playing card manu
facturing concerns of New York, Cin
cinnati and Indianapolis, who claimed
that less tax would yield greater revo
nuo and enable manufacturers to con
tinue lu business. A Democratic mem
ber of the committee said that ho ex
pected these protests would bo made.
Ho was not disturbed by them, and
not Inclined to make any changes un
less It appoar that some unintentional
error has been made. Efforts aro being
made by those Democrats, dissatisfied
with the bill to have a caucus held.
Many members of the committee do
not want a caucus, and will probably
use tbolr best endeavors to prevent one.
Friends of the administration aro also
counted upon to prevent a oauous. The
tarlft bill will be taken up by the full
committee, and some Democrats think
that In three or four days It can bo re
ported to tbe house. Tbe Republicans
want morn time, but Democrats will
Insist on reporting the bill and having
several set speeches in the house before
the holiday recess
A High Mason.
London, Dec. 7. Prince of Wales was
nominated grand master of tbe En
glish Free Mason by the grand lodge
A r;
, ..' t '
U'tTd eo-
J) 'Till M
' , . ! . l.v.iya li
Ails '.i s.!. ,,V7h.i i
, . I i juiiatt fc vi
we i. ; i
:-um.- e: i:i lou ,-i..Mr
.. i
for 8, rr ix sipi". wr iuviUMl'U,f
tlny'.o nU i-u '-i Ui-ir oppertttw
lon;r ufU-rwani. To dinuir ii)l'i
our other Ktuu r.r UwUitlly i.uiHOttd.
and yet there seems no r wwly."
The remedy, u Jaiiim l'ayn poliiii
out, is of the iuip!tt uud yut moat fft
caclous kind, Never wait. If tho fail
nre in the arrival of these belated guwt
Is duo to accident, they will of course be
pleased that you did not put back tho
dinner for an indefinite period. Bo far
from being rude, you ar giving tbeui
credit for the politest feelings, if they
Intended to be late which is the only
way some people have of impressing
others with a sense of their Importance
they will, on the other very
possibly offended at having been de
prived of the opportunity of potting
their fellow oTaturs to IncouvenUmtw,
and the reU is still umr satUfaaUiry
far they will never come agalu, Ban
Franelsao Argonaut.
NO. 28.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Madollno Merll. who plays "Tho
Btory of a Kiss" tonight at Reed's, Is
an Italian born and educated, and com
mands universal Interest on account of
her daring to Interpret Zila on tho
American stago. Zila is much mis
understood In America. He Is a realist,
but teaches the self-destruotivenesH of
evil, and In tho play tonight M'llo.
Merll portrays tho character of an Arab
woman, who was forced to marry an
invalid cousin, but falls in, love with nU
artist, who Is a villain. Together they
commit a murder. It Is a blending of
passion, romnucc, retribution and re
morse. Merll Is nn Interesting bruuetto of
twenty-six years, with strong clear
ollvo features, a face and figure that
makes up well. Bbo plays a small but
strong compauy, Her theory of art,
that the old school of stage-sbrlckors
aud barn-stormors In out of dato, Is
correct. Bhb has pot dogs, Is a personal
friend of the novelist ""Ouldu," has
published a book of poems, Is an honor
ary mom bo r of the Now York Humane
Society, aud in all one of tho brightest
young women on tho American stage.
This writer Beldom volunteers a notice
of travelling players, but is glad to
makouu exception lu her rate.
Timothy Hay, Tho best carload
over brought to Salem, at the lowest
price kuown. Brewster & White,
12 4 St
Tlio.NowArorkBacUeUlB selling all
wool mackintoshes nt very low prices.
Fkom thm Highlands. That
famous Oregon Highland honey, Just
received, fresh from the apiary of E, 8.
Brooks, by J. A. Van Etouv
San Fbanoibco, Dee. 7. Wheat,
Dee. $1.09; May $1.21 J.
CmoAao, Dec. 7. Cash, 01; May
Portland, Dee. 7. Wheat valley
f.02l; Walla Walla $.82.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with Local Applications, as they can
not reach tho seat of the dlseaao. Cat
arrh Is a blood or constitutional dleoaso,
and In order to cure It you must tako
Internal remldles. Hall's Catarrb euro
la taken Internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mocous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine.
It was prescribed uy oue or tne nose
physlcansln this country for y eon, and
Is a regular prescription. It Is compos
ed of tho best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purines, acting di
rectly on the mocous surfaces. The
ocrfect combination of tho two ingredi
ents is what produces such wonderful
results in curing uatarrii. bodu mr
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY& CO., Props,
Toledo, O. Hold by druirglsts. Price 7fio.
Ton Know
that you can socuro al
most immediate roliof
from Indigestion, and
that uncomfortablo full
nesa'aftor meals, by sim
ply taking a doso of Sim
mons Livor Regulator?
Bomo pooplo think that
bocauBo it is callod Liver
Regulator it has nothing
to do with Indigestion
and tho like. It ia tho
inaction of tho Liver that
causos Indigestion, and
that fullness; also Con
stipation, and thoso Bil
ious Headaches. Millions
havo boon mado to under
stand this and havo been
cured from those troubles
by Simmons Liver Regu
lator a medicine unmil
ing and purely vegetable
" II afford! m pleasure to add my teeth
mony to ttie srea
Jviriuwi Oi MUUBIMM
liavo ha aaptrUaea
layer KCfuiawr.
with It, a occailon dmaoal, lur many
yean, and rrJ It as UireAUtu4k
eta or U limes. Bo (ood a, luUU
;ood i
drvv4 unlvartal coiumtudatloa.
Ik -a
i i