Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 06, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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".- C.
ffllBaSBpttiiirSWPWJi! '-i ' JKi-" " ---' i - . . i r5-Bsss-sWMi-Wie-PI-lMJjMiMB
Capital Journal Publishing Company
t'lmtotnca Blook. CommerclM Btreot
Dally, by ca rlor, per month,
Daily. bf mult, per year,
weokly, 8 pages, per year,
.-0 60
The JOURNAL has contended since
y'eare foI-Pplfuilcity of the records and
pnJce'edlfagof the'couuty cotuuilsslon
eWcourl. There Is a law ou the stat
ute bookB'requirlng such publicity but
lfrla not cotnnlled with. The law Is
vlotated,Wh!le the peoplo are taxtd in
olrkfees to' prepare the records for
To test tbe'-inuesUoto v whether the
county commissioners'' cort Can thus
defraud tbe people aud withhold Infor
mation that It ii lujde their duty by
law to make public, the Journal pub
lished the proceedings lust mouth aud
presented Us bill according to law aud
will prosecute the matter to the highest
ciurt of appeal to determine whoihet
the county court of this couuty can
keep lis reords secret any longer or
The law requires every claim pre
sented against the couuty court to te
published, also the amotiut allowed, or
If reduced, or rejected, or continued,
This law is violated aud defied by the
county court. It is required to be
published in two newspapers having
the largest circulation, and wou d cost
$300 a year. Judge Hubbard objects to
this law, while ho allows lawyers who
Ti ve a pull on blm to present a bill ol
$1000 for filing a simple demurrer in the
big steal bridge caso aud allows it with
out a murmur.
Tbe records of the court are not kept
bo ao .o show-what bills are allowed.
Oj page 158 couuty eonanilssiouera'
docket will be found a long list ol
claims in criminal prosecutions, where
merely tbe name of tbe case is entered
but njt the amount allowed. No one
can know, not even by examining tul
county record bow much was allowed.
There are no sums stated. The fees in
criminal cases run -from $5.00 to $100 in
' each case.
It Is plainly1 evident that the presid
ing genius of the county commissioners'
court Is not only Ignorant of his duties,
but Is conducting his office In vio a
tion of law and public interest, but will
ing to favor those who staud In. The
Allowance ot $48, and $50 to papers that
favor Judge Hubbard,for service hereto
fore rendered for $12, and $1000 for legal
services rendered several years ago, and
other manifestations of favoritism and
incapaoity should convince tlio public
of the necessity of reformation iu the
management of our couuty utiuirs.
Tub Republican members of the
county commissioners' court owe It to
the p oplo of this county to conduct
publlo business according to law and
'as Republicans should. If they allow
themselves to be dominated m tlioj
have plainly beon to their great detri
ment, and to tho publlo detriment,
they are not fit to hold public office.
If they have any mlud of their owu
and ore oapablo of transacting public
business, the sooner they sit down ou
suoh methods as havo been pursued
the better for tho people of this county.
Iu tho cane against H. P. WI1N, for
oruolty to animals, tried before Justice
Wood yesterday afternoon, the jury re
turned a verdict of guilty and ho was
finol$60. A. N. Wills, chargod with
tho same offause, was found tiot guilty.
Both parties woro arrested on com
plaint of Dr. I, E. Colin, who charged
tint they allowed hti horse Which was
'In? their ouatoly, to BUrye nearly to
death.- Tho oAsowlllbe appealed to
Huuiano" Ollljdr Hutohlus, who ar
rested Wllltf saya that there -are a great
t vvinauyJU thet'ouutyrniU'reatlng horses
vsittadlBme-tn'iUtjfi- M uiyowioM of
horses, who havo no usoor tho animals
In -winter; Bend them out to past urea
"Jn Ofdar to save tho oxpensu of keeplug
'ttlom In olty eta (a: Most of thesj pis
tdWa ttr 'ovot'stboked, and tho "custo
dlauaV take no care whatevor of tho
librae-. Tits evil lias beau brought bo-
ford tub" liuarinrBoalety, an 1 it has
ten'5'u- ''matter In- luiml and
''nstriiotod OlUoer Hutahlus to arrest
VtU'gullty of th. Dtleniu.'-Ore.onlan.
' 't . -' . . r i.
Say; MiBterl
It' 'Itr possible you aro Htiflrrlng from
catarrh nnti have not used Dr. Hage's
CatnrrlrRenmlj? All the terrilile eon
eeuuehce of catarrh Iu the head may
btfaverted If you will hut make the ef
fort! You know, to well, its distress
ing -smyptotusl You possible know, If
neglcoted, It Invarlblo goes from bad
'fafworse, and is likely to run Into con-f-futl-ri
aud aud iu the grave. I Hero
ts-n' way of eaoape. Xt tiitkors aro
willing to Uko all thu rUk. and m ike a
-tsUdlricntrdrofSW for any lnotiralda
MU'r tfeirt loathsome and dangerous
i -4teewise.- You can ot $5W), or better, a
' euro,
- -- -
;TrY',HXy,'-Tlio beat carload '
'- veftbrouulit'ioBalem, at the lowt-t
p'rkrkoowb,' Brdwator & While,
12 4 8fc
Wo need more factories.
The river la niplrlly fulling.
Make Saleoi a homo market.
Now place our city oa tt cash basis.
The streets should bo systematically
kept clean,
The railroad commission was in town
but, of course, had nothing to do. '
i ii i -ii in i
What fluukej Ism 1 Tbe state board
of Equallzttinu must have a page.
One Rep'ublicau slate Is Bloger Her
maunfor governor, T T. Qeer for con
gress. Nervous Dyspepsia.
Renator James F. Pierce, of New
York, writes:
"For the pust two years" Thavesuf
fered very much from au aggravated
form of nervous dyspepsia. I have re
ported to various remedial ageuts, de
riving but little benefit. A few months
since a friend of mine suggested the
trial of Allcock's Porous Plasters. Fol
lowing the Runyerttloti, I have been
using the same with the hnpplestcf
fects. To those similarly afflicted let
me suggest the maimer of their use, I
place one over my stomach, one over
the hepatic region, aud one on my
mck. The eflect Is excellent. Froi
he day I commenced their use have
been slowlj but surely Improving, and
am quite confident that by continuing
I shall airidn be restored to my accus
tomed health."
Local Correspondence from
in tho Valley.
Miss Bertha Jones spent' Sunday at
Grandpa Jones and daughter Emtus
returned from Portland Saturday even
ing. Rev. Royal and wife returned from
Salem Tuesday.
Geo. Savage and family visited hit
brother, E. M., Sunday.
E. K. Shaw removed the shed from
lot 8, one day last week,
There was a little pugilistic skill dis
played on ourBtreetsThursday evening.
L. M. Honsel accompanied Charles
White to Gervais; Saturday
Rev. Bhuls-', of Salem, filled tbt-.
pulnit both morning aud eveuihg, at
this place, Sunday.
The y ung people of this vicinity
met, and gave Ellton Shaw a surprises
last Friday evening, celebraliUg hib
nineteenth birthday. Those present,
were; Bruce Jones, Guy Looneyi Le
roy Sturgis.W. C.Miller, Cbas. Hoover,
Elam Shaw, Willie Jones, Ellton
Hlmw.J. W. Shaffer and Clyde Per
kins. Mrs.GracIe Shaffer, Missed Edmt
Perkins, Ottio McClard, Argle Jones,
Myrtle Clark, lone McClard, Bessie
Cbapmau, Clara Emert, Julia Hart, Rtuklns. .
The time was spentybjSSJSyiug games
until a late hour. Ati"oyster isupper
was served by Mrs. Shaw. 'Come
Mrs. Heneel was o passenger to Sa
lem Thursday.
Miss Ottle McClard came down to
atteud tho party Friday evening.
Miss Clara Emert visited with the
Misses Chapman, last week.
Dr. Htott, of Gervals, was called to
seo Geo. Howes, of this place, who s
very lew.
Little Elsie Jones has been quite sick
the past few days.
Tho oyster supper at tho M. E.
church Thanksgiving, was quite a suc
cess, the net proceods amounting to
from mauion'
R. T.Ray has bought' Alfred Cook's,
six acres of land for $80 per aore. Mr.
Cook resorved the house and all other
Improvements except tho fence.
Rev. B. F. Hlushaw preached the
Thauksglviug sermon at tho Friends
church, last Thursday, at 11 o'clock.
Tnoro was a Thanksgiving dinner
free for all at tho school house,
Tho school gave an entertainment
lust Friday nlirht, which was well at
tended and appreciated by those iu at
tendance, and reflected much credit
upon the teacher, Miss Kelley, and hor
Mrs. Kelley, of ChemawO, was In
Marlou last week, visiting her daugh
ter. Miss Llllle Farnham, of Salem, ate
turkey at her father's house, hero on
Thanksgiving d iy.
P?rry Campbell h-is returned from
Ills trip to Iowa. Ills brother, who
hat been quite III, died aud was hurled
tho same day that Perry arrived there
Allle Hlushaw expects to attond the
Polytechnic Institute, at Salem, again,
this winter.
Owen Uowen Is putting up an ad l.
tlou to his house here, to bo used as a
l.l,..l....m .....I ... ..I I...... T . .. . W..-
nmim'H nun ,uti limine. UIIUH -lUUll
dlcy now occupies the house, He has
rented Mr. I)owu'a farm here for live
Tho high water iu the Smtlam took
otl tho ferry boat at tho Dayls ferry, on
tho moruuunf th 8;). h f November
The feny belongel to Dr, Goldeu, of
B - Iem, uud was beliiR run by A. E,
- MlssBruraley. 'of Eugene, aud Mies
Clow,' of Junction, entered the Senior
class this weok; This makes 27 stu
dents In. the graduating class in '01.
Dr. EUrber delivered tbe Sunday
afternoon lecture on the subject: "Pro.
rentable Diseases, and how to prevent
them." The subject was one of vital
Interest, not only to teachers,-' but to
the public in general. Mr. B truer Is a
graduateof Edinburgh Medical School.
Mies'Bond ofRdt&burg, entered tho
business course Monday.
Mr. T. Y. Dean of Grant's Pass, Is
vlsltiusr his brother F. A. Dean, who
has been quite ill.
Several of the students have been
suffering from-la -grippe aud the at
tendance has been somewhat decreased
on that account.
At the last-regular meeting of tho W.
L. Society tho following program was
rendered: Reading, Miss Drurey, read-1
ing, F. A. JOeau, "Society Sparks,'"
Merle Rogers, and the debate, "Re
solved that we are Influeuced more by
our companious than by our reading."
Prices Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, December 0, 4 p. m. Office
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
tions for day and up to hour of going to
press were as follews:
Apples 30c to 60c. a bushel.
Veals dressed 4J cts.
Hogs dressed 6 to 7.
Live cattle 1 to 2.
Sheep alive $1.60 to $2.00.
Spring lambs $1.50 to $2.00.
' Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour
In wholesale lots $3.00. Retail $3.40.
Bran $15 bulk, $16 sacked.
r-.. 1
uorui fit
$18. Chop feed $17 aud $18
45 cents per bushel.
Oats old, 38 to 40c, new 25 to 30o.
Hay Baled, new $S to $12; old $10 to
$14. Wild in bulk, $0 to $8.
Barley Brewiug, at Salem, No. 1.
95 to $1.00 per owt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cts,
Wool Best, 10c.
Hops Sniall sale, 17 to 18c.
Eu'gs Ca8b,i25 cents.
Butter Best dairy,. 20; fancy
creamery, 25.
Uheese 12 tri 15 cts.
v'Farm' smoked- meats Bacon
hams,' 18; shoulders, 10.
Potatoes 30o. to 40c.
Onions 1 to 1 ceuts.
Beeswax 34c. Caraway seed.
-auise seea, oc. uiuseng, $1.40.
Chickens 5 to 8 cts; ducks, 80; tur
keys,tdow sale, choice, 10c; geesd 6 to 7c.
Grain, Feed, etc.
Flour Standard, $2.00; Walla Walla,
$3.15; graham, $2.50; superfine, $2.25
pur barrel,
Oats New whIte,35operbu ;grey,34c;
rolled, In bags, $0.56.50: barrels,
$0.767.00; cases, $3 75.
Hay Best, $1012 per ton.
WooI-,valley, price nominal.
Mlllstufjy Brau, $15.00; aborts, $15;
ground bar'ey, $18; chop feed, $16
ler ton; whole feed, barley, 70 ctB. per
ceutal; middling, $238 per ten: brew
ing barley, 0005o percental! chicken
wheat. 80.UO per cental,
Hops-Old, 10 to 10c, new 10 to 0.
Hides green, salted, 60 lbs. 3Jo, uu
der60 lbs., 23c; sheep pelts, 10G0o.
Butter Oregon faucy creamery, SO
32c; fancy dairy, 2527jo; fair to good,
2022cj common, 16 to 17o per lb.
t.'neesO Oregon, 1012; Young
American, 15o per pound; California
14c; Swiss Imp., 3032; Dom., 1820.
jggs ureKon, auo er anzen.
Poultry Nominal; chickens, mixed,
$2"003 60 per dozen; duoks,$3 604.50
geese, $9.00; turkeys, live, 12c;
dressed, 15o.
Beef Top steers, 21o per pound; fair
to good steers, 2c; No 1 cows, 2c; fair
cows, 1 Jo; dressed beef, $3 605 00 ner
100 pouuda
Mutton Best sheep,' $2; choice mut
ton. $1 762 00; lambs, $2 0(l2 25.
Hogs Choice, heavy, $5 005 60;
medium, $4 605 00; llBht uud feeders,
$4 605 00; dressed, $0 60.
veat s uu()s 00
Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10
12c; do inferior, 89o; do valloy, 12
Hops 10 to lOo.
Potatoes Erly Rose, 2o35.
banks, .540o.
VIGuii of
Eullf, Quickly,
Pttmsntntly Rc$tored.
ml .11 ih train of etlli
rruuii-iLy crruitorlsur
ticrwJt tetults of
oeroik, tlvkuoti,
worri.tiuf Fuiuireiigih:
dtvlcpiueul anil lou
riven lusverytrtan and
r-ition of tl boir.
Btmpl natnralmctluHla.
sn-o, yllurluipuMllla,
Vn lyfrrrnM. jftJok,
expUnAlloa and prtxifa
Balled Odalcd) tnt.
of Denver, ha opened Dreea-maklne
Parlors In tho Eldridirt Hook, In the
rooms formerly occunled bv Mrs. Itake
and guarantees
iJMParfect Fit or No Pay I
Mrs. Ondcn Snyder
Albany, N.Y.
" 1 Owe My Life to Hood's
"Words aro powerless to express tho grati
tude I feci toward Hood's Sarsaparilla, for
under God, I feel and know that to tills mcdl
clno I owe my life. Twelve years ago I
began to bloat, followed by nausea at the
stomach, and later with swelling of the
limb, and severe pain. This gradually
grew worse until 3 years ago. Physicians
told no tho trouble was
Causod by a Tumor
For several months I had been unable to re
tain any solid food. I was greatly emaciated,
had frequent lieinorrhnce. and was sat
isfied the doctors wero right In saying my
life -mi nearly over. Ono day a friend
suggested that I try Hood's Sarsaparilla; I
did so, and for 3 or 4 days I was sicker than
over, luit I kept on and gradually began to
ioel better.
I Eogan to Fool Hungry
Could, after a time, retain solid food, In
creased in weight, the saffron hue left my
skin, tho bloating subsided, and I felt better
all over, l'or 2 years my health has been
qulto good, and I have been able all tho time
to do the housework for my family, After
What it has done for me I never hesitate to
recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla." JMits.Oo
DEK Snvdeh, 10 Judson St., Albany, N. Y.
HOOD'Q PlLL8 euro liver ills, constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, and sic- headache.
PnlDltatlon of tho'heart. nervosneps. tremb
lings, norvonn headache, cold hands and f e
pain in tue DacK, ana ouier mrras 01 weai urn
re relieved bv Carte r'n Iron Pilts, nude Fpeo
tally for the blood, nerves and complexion
All cases of weafc orlmn back, oa kiohe,
rbeumatl-im. wl I Und rellet by wearing one 01
1 arter's Smart Weed and Helladona Backuche
Plasters. Price 2o cents. Try them.
If you are nervous or dvspoptlc try fnrterV
Lilttlo Nerve Fills uyspepMa mae you
1 nervoiH. and nervons'iess makes you nyt-D-p
tic; either one renders you mlsnraule, and
tneao utile puis cure Dom.
6. Waem.Uifeon.
E.W.HADLEY, Receiver.
Leaves Han Francisco, Nov. 6th, Utb and ISrd
Leaves Yaqulna, Nov. 9th JOth, and 28th.
For freight and passenger rates apply to any
agent or purser 01 mix mmpauv.
It. E VULi'AMY.Gea'lSupt,
C. T. WAR11I AW T V. & f A.
G. M POWERS Agent, BalemDoeir,
The Oregon Land Co.,
AtHalem, is engaged In selllne fruit lands
In th viclultv of alem.Oreen. wue.o more
fruit Is now growing than in any prt lof the
uuun. a Mini tiuitrt,
10-lM m
Manuiaeture Standard Pressed Hrlofe,
Molded Brick in all Patterns for Fronts
and supply the brloli for the Hew Salem City
Halt and nearly all the fine buildings erected
tn the Capital City.
1 ards near Penitentiary. Salem, Or. 1 8-3 dw
SALEM, ... Oragon
Private work a speolalty.
C. 13. CLEMENT. Manager.
The drug and medicine firm hereto
fore doing business under tbe style of
Smith & Btelner, have this day dls-
Hiuveti partneranip oy mutual consent,
Dr. J C. Smith retiriuir. The business
will te continued by Lee Steluer, at
the old red corner stand, where all
blll and accounts are to 6e settled,
Baleru, Dec. 1st, 1803.
J, O, fMiTir, M. D.
If you want work that 1 pleasant and profitable,
atndui ynuraddrr Immediately. We teach men
and women how to earn from 85.00 per day to
J ,000 per year without having !u previous
experience, aud furniih tbe eijiplovmeut nl which
they can make that amount. Hotulncdimcull to
learn or that reijulrei much time. The work U
cosy, healthy, aud honorable, and can bedoua dxr.
Ing daytime or evenings, right Iu your own local,
ily, wherever ou lite. Hie result of n few
hour work of en equals A week's wages.
e have taught thousands of both sexes aud all
ages, aud many have laid foundations that will
surely bring them riches. Some of the smartest
men in this couutry owe their success Id life to
the start given them while In our employ years
go. You, reader, mar do as well; try it. You
cannot fall. No capital neces-try. Wefltjouout
with somelhlug tliut Is new, solid, and aare. A
took brimful of advice Is free to all. Help your.
self by writing (or It to-day not to (sorrow.
Delays are costly.
E. C. ALLEN & CO.,
Box 420,
Plain ladies' cloth of exquisite texture
Is reckoned among tho fabrics suitable
for tho most stylish and elegant visiting
and dinner gowns of the season.
Yellow brocade will be a very popular
ballroom fabric tins whiter. It is an
eminently rich looking material in any
of the various shades in which brocade is
Black continues to be held in great
favor both hero and abroad. A some
what eccentric taste for black cloth and
black -crepon dresses is manifested by a
certain man milliner over tho sea.
Shot moire is as beautiful as it is nov
el. Shot satins aro exhibited with small
flowers scattered over the surface, the
flowers in natural colors, the changeable
xarouuda f aintlx reflectinir their tones.
Bids for Asylum Supplies.
Oregon state insane' asylum invite sealed
proposals for furnishing "at the asylum
near Salem, Oregcn. the following sup-
Slies for tho six 'months ending June
), 1894.
A. . U.W. 1 and 2 inch
. JH, IU. 1. and, 2 Inch
and inch Keystone
1, li and 2 inch flange
A. M. 1," 1 street ells. -'
i and A inch sockets.
1 doz. each 4. and 1 Inch plugs.
2 doz. each and Inch compression
bibs, finished.
2 Uoz. each and inch compression
hose bibs, finished.
100 feet each of 4, 94, . , 1, and 1
Inch black pipe.
100 feet each of Vi, und 1 inch galv.
i doz. each Yt. and Jenkln's valves
removable disks.
1 doz. each and 1 inch Jenkin's valves
removable disks.
21 sq. feet 3 ply rubber packing.
10 lbs. each Vz and sq. liax packing.
1 Jackson's Hue scraper, 3 inch.
20 bushels charcoal.
100 lbs. solder, and .
2 each extra jaws and nuts for 12, 18
and 24 lnch'Stlllsons "wrenches.
10 lbs. Asbestes candle wick.
144 sq. feet sheet lead 4 lb.
2 doz. Sampson's battery cells.
2 doz. and glass gage washers,
2,500 yards cotton flannel, Nashau XXX.
1,200 yds. pcquot A unbleached 45 inch.
1,000 yards Mariners stripe.
bW yards Lonsdale bleached.
1,600 yards pequot A sheeting, 36 Inch.
500 yds. Continental check flannel.
6uu yds. glaas crasn towelling, 18 inch.
200 yds. bleached linen French towell
ing. uu0 yds. blue denim.
100 yds. bleached sheeting pequot 9-4.
100 yds. Marsellis check, York Mfg.
6 boxes white stay btndlnir inch.
12 dozen
60 dozen
12 dozen
15 dozen
12 dozen
12 dozen
50 yards
12 dozen
Turkey red handkerchiefs, 24
Coat's thread, white No. 36.
Coat's thread, black No. 16.
Coat's thread, black No. 36.
Coat's thread, black No. 16.
black linen thread, No. 25.
table oilcloth, white,
papers Dins.
50 uoz. prs,
men's socks tnair nose.)
1 uoz. prs
men's gloves. Nos. 8 andi
10, extra heavy,
15 dozen pairs suspenders.
100 yards nllesla, 40 inch, drab.
1 great gross men's pants buttons.
1 great gross pants buckles.
6 great gross men's shirt buttons, me
dium size.
12 great gross men's pearl buttons,
2 dozen corsets (assorted sizes, 20 to 30.
t dozen thimbles, Nos. 9 and 10 closed
6 pairs Jean pants, 2929.
6 pairs Jeans pants, 3030.
12 pairs Jean pants, 3131.
12 pairs Jean pants. 3333.
12 pairs Jean pants, 3332.
6 pairs jean pants, 3331.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3234.
12 pair Jean pants, 3533.
12 pairs Jean pants, 36--32.
C pairs jean pants, 3733.
6 pairs Jean pants, 37 Jt.
6 pairs jean pants, 3832.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3833.
6 pairs jean pants, 3933.
6 pairs jean Jackets, 3932.
200 lbs. heavy white wool yarn.
150 lbs. cheapest grade wool yarn, as
sorted colors.
200 lbs. Crown mills carpet warp.
15000n9 granulated sugar, extra flne.Cry.
12.OU0 lbs G O sugar.
O.cwi B rolled oats.
5,000 lbs cracked wheat.
fi.flu' B rorn meal.
600 lbs hominy, small crao-ed.
1,600 Bs, hominy,
6.00U lbs. rlM.
Hi Dh. bluing.)
300 g tllons-vlnegsr.
2i0Hllons N. O. molasses,
1,0(0 lb. corn stach, Oswego.
10.000 lb-. Liverpool halt.
40 tt. Oirb. soda, A and H.
Ml ilb. cream tuner. Folgers,
SO gross saf-tty nia chua (Vulcan).
1 bale broom corn,
8 dozens wh sk brooms.
85 dozen o ters, cans (A. Field's Cove),
15 dozen ana co n (Kaw Vulie )
800 lbs. soda crackers. XXX. lurnlahed as re
i imj gallons Byrup it-remiumj.
40 lbs cnudlea iBUirli wax),
2 dozen Worcestershire, s&uoe, In qts., Lee
and l'crrlnal
2 0.1b . geimea.
lUOIbi. sago
60ttn t hlua starch.
0.11 tb. bxl fOda.
'2S doz-sn brooms.
200 lbs pexrl turley.
100 lbs. starch, glosn.
20 bines macaroni.
8 boxes vermicelli.
600 Ox, cheese, i.'ranslon's or as good, fur
nished as require!.
7.5 lbs mustard.
4iO lbs. black pepper.
SOibn. el nirer
33 lbs. allspice,
IK doz in teacups.
IS doron tea siueert.
13 dozen quirt soup bowls,
3 d is B 1 gal on p t 'hers
a Uos -n sou 11 plates,
1 ui zeu bowls 11 d pitchers.
1 itor.fu cunmber pots.
1 d Z4ii bed pans. I
1 dozen pint si rup pitchers. . ,
lid. sen Unlet n -Kl')i'en '
3 dozeu pint cream pllchers.
S dozen 9 Inch dliiue' p.ates. '
2 dux n 7 inch pre plauw.
8 dozen 12 Inch vrnmble rtlnhM
4 (I x u 10 Inch vejfota le dtrhes.
1 dozeu t-uar bowls.
5 itox n 12 Inch p alters,
adtxeu U Inob platters.
650 btrreli, more or les bast roller process requrt4,
b bHtrels graham, more or,Ieu, delivered as
2tfO lb, exit pale m von,
lOUUlm, tvoty
SO lbs. sbavitur, ra cakes' J,
11. Williams t
0lh Knelt h break nut; -rem.
l.UWlbs. ubcu.'oredUp-r b'ack.
VOOO lbs. Costa men.
40.) I'm Java
awibt ftlora.
8u0Ib4 chicory,
S26 lbs. ft wotk, more or lou, best crexxaory,
1 doz. each .
1 doz. each
1 doz. each
1 doz each
1 doz. each
1 doz. each
To use
Use It In the nursery
2.000 lbs. Otedte Hammer.
GOO lbs, per day, xaore or less, of beef and
mutton as required in equal parts ot fore
aud hind quarters.
Fish a required, givine price per pound for
furnishing the different kinds perfectly. fresh
und sound.
n dozen oil Eraln calf, 40 lbs. totha dozen.
1 dozen call skins, 40 lb, to the dozen.
1 dozen Imitation grain goat, lul table' for
quarters, for shoes 12 to 24.
3 dozen sheep skins for lining, sha ed.
5 buckskins for lining, sha.ed.
Uoilgtained kip skins, averagn6lbs.eaeh
1 doz. kip skins, average E lbs. each.
3 sides skirting 15 tot 18 lbs! each.
600 lbs. Santa Cruz sole leather, extra
heavy No. 1, average weight 25 lbs. to
the "bide.
1 doz. balls English shoe web.
12 yards English shoo core 5 In. -wide.
1 oz. Russian bristles.
1 doz silk twist D.
6 spools linen thread. No. 25.
6 spools linen thread No. 35.
2 lbs. Harbours shoe thread No. 12.
6 bottles leather cement (Cub brand.)
6 bottles rubber cement (Brazilian.)
3 doz. pieces shoemaker's wax.
6 lbs. 1 oz. shoe tacks.
6 lbs. brass nails.
12 lbs. 6-8 brass nails.
12 lbs. 4-8 brass nails.
12 lbs. brass nails.
12 lbs. 8-8 iron heel nails.
12 lbs. iron heel -nails.
J2 lb . 6-1 iron tieul nails.
12 lbs. iron heel nails.
2 doz. Bradbury machine needles
(wedge point) No 4.
2 sq. feet rubber cloth for patching.
20 yards heavy ticking for lining.
5 doz. pressed pans, 8 Inch.
10 doz. pint cups.
24 doz. table spoons.
1 doz. wash basins.
6 doz. knives and forks.
2 doz. ladles, In two., sizes.
1 doz. slop pails with covera.
Vi dozen wash tubs, small sizes.
10 lbs. bees wax, yellow.
2 doz. dust brushes.
8 dozen scrub brushes, with handles.
3 dozen shoe brushes.
2dozen hair brushes.
1 dozen whitewash brushes.
j Vs dozen kalsomlning brushes. r
2 dozen- shaving brushes.
6-dozen boxes shoe- blacking! (F. M.)
3 dozen boxes hair pins.
3 dozen combs.
3 dozen papers needles Nos. 2. ,
3 dozen papers needles Nos. 3.
3 dozen papers needles Nos. 4.
6 dozen papers needles Nos. 6.
6 dozen papers needles Nos. 6.
4 gross safety pins.
6 dozen moD handles.
12 dozen mop rags.
50 packs playing cards double headed.
1 gross shaker pipes.
200 gallons kerosene, more or less, deliv
ered in tanks as required.
20 gallons Albany spindle.
10 gallons Albany cylinder,
100 gallons turpentine.
20 lbs. Albany compound No. 3.
z aozen bottles sewing machine.
200 lbs. parrafllne In 1 rb cakes.
1 case axle grease, H and L.
Mens shoes.
20 pairs No. 6.
20 pairs No. 7.
20 pairs No. 8.
20 pairs. No. 0.
Men's boots.
20 pairs No. 7.
1 uoz. pr. rubber boots, 'sizes from. 8
to 10.
20 pairs No. 8.
10 pairs No. 10.
10 pairs No. 11.
Men's leather slippers.
20 pairs No. 6.
30 pairs No. 7.
30 pairs No. 8.
30 pairs No. 9.
30 pairs No. It.
20 pairs No. 11.
10 pairs No. 12.
Ladles shoes.
20 pairs 'No. 3.
20 pairs No. 4. ,
30 pairs No. 6. ' I
3ft pairs No, 6.
10 pairs No. 7.
.Ladies carpet slippers. J r
20r pairs No. 5.
20 pairs No. 6.
20 pairs No. 7.
15 pairs No, 8.
10 pairs No. 9. t
10 gross shoe laces.
3 gross pens, London Incandescent No. 4
2 gross pens, London Incandescent No,. 6.
2 gross pens, London lncandesont No. V
i gross pens, QUIotta No. 401.
1 dozen pen holders.
S dozen lead pencils.
10 reams Wedgwood letter-paper half
' 1 gross indelible Ink In bottles. .Payson's
2 doz. bottles mucilage, Sanfords Uni
versal. .
In barrels or boxes.
2,500 lbs. apples. '
2.000 lbs. peaches.
1,500 lbs. prunes, '
100 lbs. raisins,
1 dozen feather dusters.
1 doz. wash boardB, best quality.
2 "Packages each 2, 3 and 4 lb tinned
1 pair 5 lb soldering; Irons.
v 1
feet each U and 4 round Norway
100 feet p'drh 7-1 fi nnrl tt. rmtnil Nnranv
c75 feot each lxtf. lUxft.. ,lx fiat
Norway iron.
75 feet each Hx, xH. UU. lKxtf flat
Norway Iron.
10 feet each i. , octagon tool steel.
10 feet each H round tool steel.
H kee each No. S, 4, 6 front horse
Bnoes luuraen a llg-nt.
,H ke each No, J. 4, 6 hind horse
shoes (Burden's light.
10 lbs. each No. 7 and & Putnam's horse
shoe nails.
5 lbs. each No. 6 Putnam's horse shoe
nails. - f
is lbs. each No.'J and 4 Sweet's mtr
can toe calks.
10 lbs. each No. 2 Sweet's Ameri
can toe caiKs.
hOrae rasps, 14 inch, .Hlller's.
iron saw handle for key-hole saw I
With 6 saws, assort piV
2 each Morse twist drills H to 74 by
X-18 with H Inch shank.
30 lbs. each of K. 1. TU. IU. IU S Inch
round head rivets Vi inch.
2 each 6 Inch and Z Inch monkey
wrenches. . H dozen each H. . 4 and I Inch -of
Nos. 7. 8, 9. copper belt rivets.
2 -belt punches. No. T and 8.
1 revolving punch with four punches.
100 each lttxS-16. 2HrJ-l. IxU. 2x?4.
IxU. 2HxS and CxH inch carrlake bolts.
100 each 1V4x5-1 and 4x6-16 machine
X rbi. ach H -nd ft Iroa washer.
4& !9SB3fisE3E
a condensed milk that) I- rriadetfr6m the
and Richest Milk -to be: hadi The old
'Condensed Millc is made from the milk of the
finest breed of cows. The New York Condensed
Milk Co. owns factories In only the best dairy
regions of the-United -States. Its Inspectors visit
, all farms and look most carefully .after .the con
idltlon of the stock. All milk about which then,'
Is a shadow of a doubt Is at once rejected.
Your Grocer and Druggist soli it.
and In the tick room.
'WW Up wi
10 lbs. each XA nnd H blank nuts.
400 feet Vl Inch manllla rope.
' 400" feet H Inch manllla rope.
200 feet Vt inch manllla rope.
2-gross screws-.each, 1 inch No. 7 and
11, 2 Inch No. 14, IU. inch No. 9 and No.
11. inch No. 7 and No. 5.
2 lbs, brads each, , and Inch.
1 Bct Jenning' brace bits.
1 set gimblet brace bits.
i doz. compass saw blades, from I
inch to 12 inch.
1 diamond for cuttng glass, No. 1.
1 set bench planes, wooden.
1 hammer No. 7.
1 set Firmer chisels (Barton's.)
5 Ibs.V acid carbolic tcryst. pure.
10 lbs; acid murlatlo commercial
1 lb tnltrio acid' C. P.
1 tb add salicillc powdered.
1 lb acid tannic.
10 lbs.i aqua ammonia concentrated in
4-lb bottles.
10 lbs. ammonia muriate bowdered.
'B lbs. '-ammonia carbonate.
5 lbs. ammonia bromide.
.2 lbs. antlfebrln (Kalle and Co.)
1 2 Its. blue ointment.
,3 lbs. bismuth Sub. Nit (Malllnchrodt.)
2 lbs. chalk prep.
20 lbs. cotton absorbant hospital.
1 lb calomel.
2 lbs. chloranodyne.
5 lbs. chloroform (Squlbbs.)
10 lbs. chloral hydrate (Merck.)
Vi lbs. ether in tb cans (Squlbbs.)
50 lbs. epsom salts.
8 lbs. elixir lodo-bromlde of calcium
comp. CTilden nnd Co.)
5 lbs. glycyrrhlza comp. powdered.
1 lb' oldeni seal powdered.
5 lb' hematic syrup- hypophosphates (P.
D. and Co.)
lb Jalap powdered.
5 lbs,-- mustard around.
1 lb opium ' powdered.
2 gallons -oil castor (Baker's A. A.)
5 gallons nil malaga.
l n oil cloves pure.
1 lb oil orange pure.
Vi lb oil peppermint pure.
i& lb oil lavender pure.
H 'lb oil .bargamont pure.
2 lbs. pepsin- sacch. (Fairchllds.)
1 lb pepBin-(BoudaultB.)
4 lbs. jjhenacetln (Bayer.)
25 lbs. potash bromide, bulk.
2 lbs. potash .chlorate- .powdered.
5 lbs. potash iodide gran. (Mai 1 Inch -krodts.)
3 Its. potash citrate, gran. (Malllns
krodts.) S lbs. pyrophosphate of Iron (Squlbbs.)
'i .tb tartarate of iron and potash.
. 2 lbs., soda boras, powdered.
3 lbs. soda .bromide.
1' lb soda hypophoBphate gran.
1 2 lbs. soda- phosphate gran.
2 lbs. solution chloride of iron (Malllnc
krodts. 5 lbs. syrup hypophosphate compound
1 lb vanilla bean' (Mexican.)
5 lbs. sulfonal (Bayer.)
Vt lb antipyrlne (Dr. Knorrs.)
30 gallons alcohol, 95 per cent.
6 gallons glycerine pure.
20 lbs. vaseline 'XXX ref.
50 oz. quinine sulphate (K. and M.)
2 oz. lunar caustic Dure.
1 oz. morphine sulphate (P. and W.)
ox. strychnia sulphate cryst.
oz. red .iodide mercury.
ll I
oz. vellowr oxide mercury.
:i oz. menmoi.
'Yt oz. "cocaine muriate,
1 lb sponges surgaons No. 1.
1 lb sponges carriage No. 1.
1 tb solution subsulphate of iron
1 gross phials' 1 oz.
2 gross' phlalsi4 os.
1 gross. phials 6 oz.
2 gross) phials 8 oz.
2 gross corks each No. 4, 6 and 8(taper.)
3 gross pill boxes assorted sizes No.
29. 30 and 31.
2,500 empty capsules No 1 (P. D. and
AGOO empty capsules No. 2 (P. D. and
Soluble hypodermic tablets.
1,000 hypo, tablets No. 9 in cases It)
bottles each (J, Wyeth Bios.)
.2,000 hypo tablets No. 45 .In cases 10
bottles each (J. Wyeth Bros.)
200 hypo, tablets lio, 61 (J. Wyeth Bros.)
l aoz. coa liver-oil mm. it nnups; iare.
1 doz. Davidson's svrlnce No. 1.
2 doz. Davidson's 'syringe No. 2.
5 doz. camels hair pencils assorted,
4 doz. plasters Allcock's poms.
4 doz. plasters Wells strengthening.
2 boxes plasters Meads adhesive (S.
and J.)
2 boxes Plasters silk Isinglass sur
geon's pink (8. and J.)
boxcs Plant era silk. Isinglass sur
geon's black i(S.i and J.)
3-boxes 1'lasters capsicum a. and J.)
3 lbs. pills c. c Imp' gelatin coated (P
D. and Co.)
200- pills aloln 1-5 grain (P. D. and Co.)
S00 pills alolne U grain (P. D. and Co.)
500 pills aloln comp. (P. D. and Co.)
200 pills C. C. gran, pink gr. (P.
D. and Co.)
o 100 spills nux vomica ptnlc gran. 1-50
gr. (P. D. anil Co.)
iw puis nux
vomica &
grain (P. D.
and Co.)
200 pills
assafoettda 1
(P. V. and
dw vii(b 'uasjiiueuua i gr. u . u. -'"-o.)
600 pills emmereagogue gelatine coatea
(McK. and R.)
300 pills aloes et Ferri.
1.1b fluid extract nconltft root (P. V.
and Co.)
z ids. nuid ext. buchu (J D. and ro.)
2 lbs. fluid extract helladnnna (V. V.
5 lbs. fid. ext- rflRCnrn. nm-rfLda fP.
anu -o.;
1 lb fluid ext capsicum (P.
ana uo.i
1 lb fluid ext. conlutn seed (P.
and Co.)
2 lbs. fluid ext cinchona comp. (P.
ina uo.j
1 lb fid. ext. djgitallls (P. D. andCp)
2 lbs. fid. ext. ginger (P. D. and C6.)
1 lb fid. ext. gentian (P. D. and Co.)
2 lbs. fid. ext. henbane (P. D. and Co.)
5 lbs fid. ext. Ipecacauanhea (P. D and
6 lbs. fid. ext Jalap (P. D. and Co.)
S lbs. fid. ext. licorice (P. D. and Co.)
1 lb fid. ext nux vomica (P. D. and Co.)
1 lb fid. ext orange peel (P. D. and Co.)
2 lbs. fld. ext rhubarb (P. D. and Co.)
1 lb fid. ext. seneka (P. D. and Co.)
5 lbs. fid. ext senna (P. D. and Co.)
1 tb fid. ext squills (P. J, and Co.)
1 lb fld. ext Squills comp. P. D. and
5 lbs. fld. ext sarsaparilla comp. for
syrup (P. D. and Co.) . ,
6 lbs. fid. ext. wild cherry (P. V. and
Co-) . ..
200 filter papers, round gray, No. H
Dla. 13 Inches.
2 lbs. soda et potas. tart , ,
Samples may be seen at the office oi
the, board. Goods must be In accordance
therewith, and be in original packages
when, possible; The right tc. reject any
or all bids is reserved. Delivery of sup
plies will be reaulred within ten days'
(notice of acceptance ot bid. A copy i
the advertisement must accompany each
bid- and tbe name of the class of sup-
piles must be on the envelope. Kc
va--M- -- W - BJ- ii(S Vl V - ".
ma must include all tne iiema anu ;
tals In full of the respective claa, with
exceptions of, flour, meat and fish. Au
diting1 ofllcers are prohibited from con
firming; accounts, of -Mirchases when tne
advertisement does .not contain a fuu
and complete description of tbe articles
to be purchased. Bfds will be openedai
2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday. January Jl,
at $hr om.'e.rfif the board, Balem. Oregon.
Board of Trustte
Win. A. UVHVT, ark 9( Pm
A . ,