Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 06, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    OH32 APES'?
Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
. --? ,-
uocu. A montu uy mi
Prepaid la Advance.
No Papon Seat Whea
Tlmo is Out.
VOL. 6.
NO. 287.
A good assortment from cheap to best grades. We buv
for CASH and soil fdr CASH, and
. From 15 to 25 per cent, on all your purchases.
Indicted By the Grand Jury at
The New York Racket
when you want Oil Clothing, Gossamers, Macintoshes, Rubber
Hat, wool, and iur hats, hosiery and notions.
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'liSt.
Ed. C. Cross,
Wholesale anil detail
Dealer In Fresh, feult and
SmokcdJMcats.'of a lliinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets. ,
Other Important Persons Are Involved.
EX Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON, Gcn'l Agent.
SB 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Ur.V ," AI1H3. rfiht. work done. Bridge
ceiain .crown luociiou. --- i
work and Hue gold fillings a specialty.
Dental Parlors,
Over Gray Bros.
More Smugglers.
Portland, Dee. 6. The Federal
Grand Jury tbia afternoon returned 27
indictments against persons iu this city
for smuggling Chinese into this port
from British Columbia. Following
named parties are indicted:
Wm. Dunbar, Nathan Blum, James
Lotau, C. J. Mulkey, C. B. Cardinal),
W. B. Jackling, AIpx Robs, P. J. Bac
non, Glen O. Holmau, Thomas Jordan,
Ex-Customs Inspector. There are 17
Chinese merchants, among whom It
Seid Beck, one of the most prominent
Chinese merchants in the Northwest.
Holman and Bannon are notaries pub
lic and it Is alleged they made out cer
tificates. Defendants were arraigned
In a body and pleaded not guilty.
Later: John Wilson of Viotorla and
E. P. Thompson aud J. E. Marks are
also Indicted.
Other persons of social and political
prominence are involved.
Shield's Statue Unveiled.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 6 Shields
was a meteorlo figure in American
history, claiming citizenship at difler-
ant Hmea in ha fa dozen slates ana
everywhere honored. He was hero
of two wars, represented three states,
Illinois, Minnesota abd Missouri in the
United States s nate.
He was a governor of Oregon and
had begun a career cut short by war iu
California. His last public act was to
preside over a political convention in
still another state, Wisconsin.
During early days in Illinois he
challenged Abraham Lincoln to a duel,
the cause of which always has been
something of a mystery. Lincoln ac
cepted the cha enge, named broao
swords, ns weapons, but through lutei
yeutioH of friends, the duel never came
Now Hefle
.nd More Coming.
Holiday Goods
Th? Neu)?stMost Attractive
worth, as we can please
. . L- n knv h Denny's '
fto nnr Mnmmnth HtOCK Deioio jr ---'
you beat of all, and cau surely eaveyou mo,.,. SALISBURY.
The Lehigh Road Takes Bacs its
Men Without Prejudice.
Betheleiiem, Pa., Dec. 0 As a re
sult of conference between the officers
of the Lehieh Valley Railroad, the
hnrinf arbitration of the 8tateof
New York and New Jersey and chiefs
of the local and national labor organlza
tlons, which participated in the great
strike on that road, the striKe is uecmr
edofl early this morning. The road
rpP(.tn re-emDloy strikers without
-"' -- - - . . . .
prejudice and without regard to tneir
membership to labor organizations, so
far as places can be found for them; to
listen tocomplaluts from the grievance
committees aud to give old employes
urefereucelu hiring additional men.
Unless Agreement is Reached-One
Thousand Men Out.
. n.-....i
Des Moines, D c. o. -u ie iun.H.'
miners, employed In eleven coal mine..
of this district
i,i fnooni.u w keen a iuii "" ... , t,ia vnntv. for service
meVt all dern.X" Also keep' the , fln-t J-" '"" RAN & CO
Rum n,l .l.lpnra 2 b OCk BOUtll Of pOBlUUW -
.. . m ... -OT-j-. a n amntints
Ume jo salt. Ho delay In coafderln lw""'
Boom' 12, 1 nU Bank bloo.
.r 1T.CKT.
W.A.Ccsicx. '' cahier.
..Ml National m,
weaves uoise'o oock aieuauj: "p,ind ttt
pl Friday 7:80 a. m.,rrtTln In Jru-nau
imu p. i, .
itRriiRNiNn imvci PortUnd Tue.dayi,
thurday and baturday at a, m.
Fat tlmo for pauenxer service; no way
Itndln. freight handled.
ROUND TRIP (unlimited) IZOO. One 7i
1 1 2.
tSmnlatttnll n pa 0 oolleclion
I. VauDuth, r A ci-gicK.
K M. f018AWi , ji AI.BKUT.
& W. MABTIH. J n A -Director!
mat at nOOn. XI, rfpnlded to order a general
strike, unless operators revoke the de
cl Ion to withhold two weeks' pay, In-
stead of one, aud demanuiug vj
two weeks instead of once a inon. ..
.,, ....i rt-iuaining closed for an
an ir "-- -
ludeflulte period.
PonulUts Not m It
TacoMa, Dec. 0.-In the city elec
Uonsjield throughout this -W
1 T 'A .. i,, were overwhelm-
Zs Zh5l RepubllcAo. c NJ
2? tickets won everywhere. Demo
crats won in ww p -
Washington, Dec 0. The state de
partment ha evidently already been
informed of the uews received In the
Associated Press dispatch from Hono
lulu via Port Townsend so fur as It con
veyed the lnteutlon of Minister Willis
to takeuofurtherstepstowaidcarrylng
out his instructions until ho Bhou d
hear further from the department.
But so far as it conveyed the publlo ut
terance in Honolulu by the minister of
his Intentions it was news to the dn
partment, the president and the cabin
et. There were Indications to show
that It was not agreeable news and the
impression was conveyed that the ad
ministration was rather disappointed at
the manner In which Minister Willis
has thus far conducted the mission.
It Is evident the state department re
ceived by the last steamer (Alameda)
news that Minister Willis had deter
mined to defer carrying out his instruct
ions until ho heard further from the
government. It is a presumption that
the Cor win carried to him furtner in
structions for which the paragraph in
the president's message referring to
Hawaii was written after additional in
structions to Aiiutster Willis had been
dispatched. This paragraph may be
taken to reflect thesplrit of the instruct
ions. Whatever doubts Minister Willis
may have expressed of the accuracy of
Blount's report the president has not
lost any absolute faith iu the ascuraoy
of Blount's Investigation and the just
ico of his conclusions. It is highly
probable, therefore, that the new in
structions are a repetition of the old.
The Associated Press representative
received today from a reliable source In
timation of the policy intended to pur
sue la Hawaii. The extent of active
influence Intended to be employed In
oehalf of reseating Lllioukalanl on the
throne has probably been exaggerated.
The purpose of the administration Is
believed to bo to act as arbitrator be
tween the two parties In disputo and
endeavor to prevail on them to agree
between themselves. This was contin
gent upon the confluence and belief
based on the explicit association con
talued iu the last letter to Blount, that
the provisional government would fall
to pieces when notified that annexation
wub Impracticable. In that letter
which i-a-i not been publUhe 1, dated
Honolulu, July 21, Bleuutsald: "The
act! in of the Uuited States is awaited
by all as a matter of necessity. TIjIh
coidition, itcau be asauraid, will re
main uulil the proposition to aunex in
accepted or rejected, Iu the latter con
tingency no sudden movement is likely
to occur. The present government oau
only rest ou the use of military force a
it possessed mont of the arm on the Is?
auds with a small white population to
draw from to strengthen it. Ultimate
ly it will fall without fall. It my pre
erve Us existence for a year or tvj.but
not longer."
Enough Is known of Minister Willis '
Impression gained since his arrival at
Honolulu to mike oertalu that ho does
not agree with Blount in thin.
The Associated Press telegram bring
ing late uews from Hawaii was read to
the cabinet meeting from an office copy
in ortuance of nubllcatlon. It was the
subject for cjusultatlon In theoibluet,
but probably caused no change In the
plan decide! on after heirlun from
Minister Willis by the Alameda.
The Hawaiian minister, Thurston,
was not at home, but a little group of
Hawillans at the Btnu hotel were glad
to heir the new by way of Port
T twusend and t-xp'esed their opinion
hat it gave cuibj for encouragement
t the friends of the prov.siooal government.
Big Salaries Refused to the New
German Bondholders Preparing to
0. R. & N. Co , Report.
Berlin, Dee. 6. The meeting of
Gorman bondholders of tbo Oregon
Railway and Navigation Co., or which
It Is claimed, the largest number of
shares are held in Germany, convened
this moruiiig. It Is called on account
of non-paymoai of December coupous
according to report received iu Berlin
of Union Pacific Railways.
The meeting was convened by tho
Deusche bank aud there Is considerable
feeling among German bond holders
who claim their interests seriously
threatened by tho attitudo of receivers.
Siomans, of the Deusche bank and Dr.
Bsirth read long report on the situation,
which said the faot, that December
coupons would nut bo paid, was noth
ing to frighten boud holders. The Ore
gon railway and navigation company,
the report continued is commercially
in a happy position as it was the Union
Pacific's only outlet to tho coast. The
character of the country forbids n par
ellel line and that the traffic of the
company can never be taken away
from it.
It was added it may bo poaslblo, in
interest of Uuion Pacific, to make
the Oregon Hallway and Navigation
independent company and in position
to make arrangements with Northern
and Central Pacific, whichever is most
advisable. The meeting recoived the
report, elected a committee to represent
their interests, with full pow.r to aci.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
A x js&
David B. Uill Challengi? Tho
la Ordor to Restore tho Monarchy
iu Hawaii.
Hill's Challenge.
Washington, D, C, Dee. 0. In the
sonato this afternoon when Hoar's
Hawaiian resolution was taken up,
Hill created a sensation by making
perhaps the strongest speech of bis
sensational career. Ho challenged tho
right of tho president to use military
forco to restoro tho Hawaiian queen.
"There aro three cordlnate bran olios
of this Government," said ho ''and this
authority Is not vested In the President
alone." Tbo contemplated action of
tho President be deolared would bo the
usurpation of tho rights of Congress.
Sherman also challenged tho correct
ness of tho Proeldonts position.
Tho late Francis Parkman, tho his
torian, was a man who had always about
him an air of distinction that made tho
passerby turn to look at him. Ho was
tall, stately and courtly, with old school
dignity of manuor.
Tho Chineso brother is becoming no
climated. Young Knai, a Chinaman,
and a Yale graduate, who tooknn activo
part in tho recent parliament of relig
ions, is engaged to marry Miss Mary
Burnham, a protty girl of Springfield,
T.ittla footstools in delf havo been
Dresden china trays nre in uso for tho
toilet, tho bathroom, tho library and the
Vienna clocks aro dainty panels of en
amel set in tenfples of brass. Wattcau
scenes aro choson.
A suggestive bit of furniture is a
standard of brass with a wreathed oval
tied with a lowknot, from which a bird
cage is suspended.
Fin do siecle heads of women in tcrrn
cotta lifo sire aro colored pink and
blno in solid tints. It is a queer taste,
but it appeals to some women.
For a long time collectors of bric-a-brao
were in doubt as what to do with
sedan chairs. They aro now used as
cabinets for smaller objects of art and
for newspapers and music.
Parisian knlckknacks are covered with
old brocade. Hearth brushes are swathed
in gimp and brocado with gold fringe
at the bottom as long as the bristles.
Boxes of every size and shape, letter
racks and blotters and screens have old
brocade. Jowelers' Circular.
ta &3iSJr i shS
b,is5'p'"'KirDi BbSff
recogniied value
Bid Wreck.
HioiiLANt) Licmr, Mi., D.-o. 6.
During the night ih ship Jason, which
-.. hore off here, br.k In two
.mMhin TbeiTuw numbered 27, of
whom 21 were drowned.
Dee. 0. Wheat,
L-,fen,XV d I Child.
untary teitimoniaU. .,,. (.reipt
swtt'yr.1.e.'1T-r "r . ."r." .
Ban Fbancisco,
Dec. tl.Wl.
Chicago, Dec O.-C-sh, 631.
Ported. c 0. -Wheat valley
1.021: Walla Walla t-S2j.
pwi OfliiKOSH.-J. Dee, pe''
-.i Mend of Col. A. I. Wagner
Hotel Willsmeife. was appointed as
sistant teorelary of war.
Bov.-To Mr. and Mr. K. F.Toevs,
this mo iilntf, t the home in Houtb
Salem, a o"
HBAW tox f all Kinds of frwl kept
at Uww-tar & While's, Court street.
Bouvenlr plwss of
MftoM.liun nd tlia I'rlue.
On ono occasion Marshal MacMahon,
when president of France, suddenly In
terrupted a rather prosy discussion
around the council table with the re
mark! "Ah, gentlemon, I have Jut re
ceived a letter from the prince, imperial.
Ho is a fine young wan. I am yety fond
of Wm, and his letter is charming. I
must read it to you.M
1., trained. With one voice
they beggod respectfully to remind M.le
President that France was now a repub
licthat tho very existence of a so called
prince imperial was something of which
ii- wv yntit avoid taking official
cognizance, and that it would be inosl
compromising to allow such a Utter to
of i thread and the imis iwtuiwu
the nilnntes. as It must ., ..
"Oh, very welV responded M. Mac
Mahon good naturedly. folding tho let
Ur and replacing it w "J- '"
the proprieties forbid my reading it to
von in your official capacity, I can at
least read it later to each of ypn person-Jjjy.-
And he dld.-Kte Field's Wash
ington. From tub Uiohukvim. That nreiroo Ill-h'-id honey. JuU
. I' : . . . , .i i.rv b.
flhlua Just In at reetlvea, rr-.u irom m- ,..., -.
J Brooks, by J, A. Van Etn,
Omaha, Dee. 0. In United Btates
District court, today, Judgo Dundy
denied application of receivers of Union
Paciflo to fix their salaries at $18,000
each per annum, Court also ordered
receivers to des posit funds only in
United States Depositories. They were
Instructed to turn ovor to treasurer of
road sufficient funds to opernto.
Thk Kkelkv lloYd. Tbero is no
nobler enterprise afoot these daye thun
reclaiming men from tho appetite for
liquor. The Kceley league announce a
program elsewhere and all should at
tondjffijitsldeut Roaoh says: "Wo
invlt ibT clergy, tho teinperanco or
gatilzttlonn and benevolont associations
to bo tbero, and Join with us In our
work. Wo will try to thoroughly ex
plain tbo methods and benefltfl derived
from tho Keeley treatment.
PirAitMAoy Board. The stato
pharmacy board met at tho capltol
Tuesday ofternoon. M. M. Davis, of
Yaqulna; John Lane, of Portland and
D. J. Fry, of Balem, wero present.
Doctors L. Foley, of Lebanon, and L
H. Hall, of Portland, pawed satlsfaot
ory examinations aud were granted
certificates. Tho board will meet tho
first Monday in Maroh In Portland.
Buhinksh NoTiCB--Tbe undersigned
wish to state that wo havo had no part
nership or business relations with J. H.
Allen, who recently conducted a meat
business in North Balem. and we are
not responslnlo fir any of his acoouuts.
O. N, Prather and A. H. Lewis, pro
prletors Bummer Bt. market. Id lw
Bquabhkd. That Is what happened
to Clark & Kppley I ho other day They
proved to be of the Hubbard variety,
and the housekeepers In the city are
going wild over them, for they are the
best mealy Hubbard squash ever In Ba
FkkBills. Tho county court pub
lishing law should bo honestly en
forced. Tho list of claims allowed at
the November term of the county court
aro now for the first time mado public.
They wero furnished to The JouhHAI.
yesterday by the county clerk under
ttialaw requiring tho claims allowed
oaoU month to bo publislio I In o tiowt-
I paper of the largest circulation. Tbo
county court allows tho ulerk fees for
making out this list, but it ia not furn
ishod until a mouth after. These bills
for fees aro not entered into the oounty
court docket and tbero Is no way In
which tho publlo cau know what their
money Is paid out for. The law Is nul
lified so faf as tho county oourt can
nullify it by preventing publicity ac
cording to law, and that only increases
publio suspicions.
That Date. Tho Presbyterian en
tertainment occurs this evening, aud
you cannot afford to miss It.
Shrivor's Orchestra.
Persona wishing to engage music for
the holidays or any other occasion will
do well to eeo us. Can furnish one or
more violins or as many plecoa aa de
sired. First bouse south of Lincoln
Bohool bouse, or Balem Post-office.
Geo. Biirivgr, manager. 12-0-lm
Tho Barbara Ffolflo Estate.
Anna Barbara Pfelfle, who died at
Portland ou July 28, 1803, left real prop
erty In this county valued nt about
$2,600 and personal property aggregat
ing $1,000.
Iu bor will Mrs, Pfelfle named as
legatees Chrlatlno Kirn, of Portland,
and Matilda Kirn aged 21 yoars, Eu-
gonla aed 20, Lenora aged 18, Belinda
aged 14, being tier grandchildren,
Roelno Pfelfle aged fifteen years, daugh
ter of Audrow Pfellla now deceased,
and Rosluo W. his wife residing In
Bho appointed Krederlok Kirn aa
executor of tbo will and yesterday ho
petitioned tho county court to admit
tbo will to probate and nauin him aa
tho executor. This was dono end W.
R, Taylor, Matthias Goulot and B. A.
Nathulan, wore appointed appraisers.
Catarrh Cannot bo Cured
with Local Applications, as thoy can
not reach tbo seat of tho disease Cat
arrh is a blood or constitutional disease,
and In order to cure it you must take
Internal reinldlcs. Hall's Catarrh Curo
Is taken internally, and oottf directly on
the blood and mocoua surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not n quaok medloino.
It was prescribed by ouo of the beat
physlcansln this country for y cere, and
is a rogular prescription. It Is compos
ed of tho best tonics known, combined
with tbo best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on tho mocoua surfaces. The
perfect combination of tho two in.rodl
euts Is what produced such wonderful
results In curing Catarrh. Bend (or
testimonials, free.
F. J. CIIENKY& CO., Prorw,
Toledo, O Hold hv ilriiire-Ut, I'rl-o 7Ai.
Lfe Is Mlseiy
to Tiany people who have the taint of
mrnrni.1 iii their blood. The agonies
caused by the dreadful running soreal
and oilier roaiiurwBuunB ui n u.--- -are
beyond description. 'I here Is no
other remedy equal tnJ!od'a rlari.ap.
arllla for scrofula, salt rhaum and every
form of blood rlUeane. It Is reaiooably
sure lo beulflt nil who give it afalr trial.
Hood's Plllf cure all liver Ills.
Course of Hleh Grade Entertain
ments at the Balem First M
E. Church
tt rr niiH.llward IioVe.Tiiyir
street church I'orll-iiU, "Kvery iiitiun
T.t T H.
V. Oraud ouueert by FaUiu artM,
December 20th.
Course ticket Is f 8.00. Bln.le admis
sion Is 60 cent. Tickets for !
Dearborn, bookstore aud Allk'
grocery store, Bute street. 11 otr.
m '
Odd. Tli W pieces of genuine Im
ported china waro Just In at tho Blue
Tou Know
that you can eocuro al
mout immodittto relief
from Indigestion, and
that unoomfortablo full
ness after rneala, by sim
ply taking a doao of Sim
mons Liver Regulator?
Somo people- think that
becauso it ia called Liver
Regulator it has nothing
to do with Indigestion
and tho like. It ia tho
inaction of tho Liver that
causes Indigestion, and
that fullnoaa; also Con
stipation, and thoao Bil
ious Hoadachea. Millions
havo been mado to under
stand this and have beon
curod from thoea troublaa
by Simmons Liver Regu
lator a, medioino unfail
ing and purely vegetable.
It affords tns plaainr to add my tutJ.
meur to tbs rwl vlrtu o( HlwwM
Urtr IUuUtr. I havs haa xM(iM
wltUit, m owauloo dmBdid,ftrwiy
Tr, and luwil It as ! sneaUU m!1
Uom It lbs ItmM. Wo .oid a. utdMni
dMtvs unlrcrwl eewiuMdaUB.
.SrmfiouUIM CWAW. Hh J tbo UIU -
For freight life nd U ' t awMr 0jfv5Z
elLWrlivAt.o.rUUfflablock. JUM-
, fS. ...